is XRP in Trouble? | SEC & Sentiment Analysis Update

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[Music] all right so welcome back to our live show today we are going to jump into the topic that we have kind of been holding off on really to see if there was going to be some movement in the xrp slash xec ripple case and how that might result closer towards the year end my name is paul barron welcome back to techpath we're going to dive in a little deeper on xrp before we get started there's a lot happening in the market that could be affecting this so we'll kind of roll in on that we'll jump into a chart today if you have some questions that you want to get answered in the live chat make sure and drop them in there right now we'll try to get the to those as we can before we get started i want to thank our sponsor today that of course is i trust capital they're one of the partners here on the show guess what you're going to get a hundred dollars of bitcoin when you launch your itrust capital ira crypto ira account when you think about where the market is right now especially in the buying spree that's about to happen i think on bitcoin that is the time in which you want to do something like this because there's two things that are occurring toward the end of the year one is you need to position for an ira so you can take those tax benefits and of course get those dollars fiat dollars into crypto before you have to pay taxes on them again good tax strategies toward the end of the year get in on itrust capital ira there's 24 7 investing now here of course are the big projects that you can go into absolutely no monthly cost or monthly fees to you you're only paying on your actual trades and that's a one percent transaction fee you can buy bitcoin ethereum polka dot chain link cardano and even physical gold if you want to get into that it's pretty easy to jump in on this if you jump to our link in the description it's going to drop you into our page all you have to do is fill out your email address you don't even have to sign up yet what happens is is that they will start giving you information on what's going to work best for you in starting your itrust ira so that's the easy way to do it make sure and jump in it helps the channel out all right let's jump into what's happening today and that of course is uh is xrp in trouble and when i say in trouble you know some people think hey paul your butt your bait clicking us click baiting us and the reality is is that there are some things happening within xrp that have been a little bit slow going but also when you look at the overall ecosystem of crypto a lot has really happened this week and i don't know that everybody is really understanding what this might mean before we get started on those i want to jump over to xrp just the current market cap holding at two point let me zoom in on that so you guys can kind of see what's happening right there we'll go up there 2.2 trillion on the market cap volume at 100 billion dominance on bitcoin at 40.7 and eighth at 21.4 and when you look at where xrp has been trading obviously a lot of bloody today i'm going to go to the seven day so you can kind of see where it nipped up just above uh where it was trading previously of the you know the thanksgiving crash that we saw back here on the 12th of our excuse me fourth of uh november or excuse me in december and kind of this movement sideways we're going to analyze some of this and take a look at where sentiment is holding and how it compares because it's not necessarily holding well in the overall top altcoins of course it is dropped to number eight on the overall market cap so that's another factor involved there's a lot of people that are looking at and saying well what's affecting all of this movement in the space right now in terms of crypto i think the first thing we have to look at is of course this topic right here and this is u.s inflation jumping to a 39-year high of 6.8 percent in november this is a big deal and there are some reasons here for this as we continue to see the over printing of money the effect that what we've done over the past really 24 months is most likely going to come and knock on the door here i think soon in terms of what we'll see both in inflation and monetary spending and how that is going to affect pretty much slowing down the economy and when you look at what chairman fou or should call it chairman foul chairman powell is doing the fed chair uh the idea is is how do you taper this how do you taper an over heated economy an overheated stock market and even the stock market did a full 160 650 point correction this last monday so those are the kind of things that are happening we've seen real estate at all-time highs interest rates at all-time lows all of this factors into the major asset classes the major asset classes are the typical you know you've got stocks bonds real estate then you go into things such as precious metals etc gold and so on the flow down of this moves right into the asset class we're talking about today and that is cryptocurrency and how does that all affect it so some people look many people look to high inflation as a potential hedge for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies meaning inflation's going up cash and value is going to start to restructure in terms of the dollar value and hedging out in crypto might be the angle there are a lot of people that argue that on macroeconomics of whether or not crypto is the perfect hedge for what's happening right now if you look at what's happening here on this chart right here you can kind of see the grow or i should say the percentage of growth in inflation that we've seen right here november 6.8 percent and it's a real number in terms of growing i think now when we have the fed really starting to address this it really does start to get very dire in terms of tapering the economy u.s labor department consumer price index this is the cpi no kin to the crypto power index our cpi closely tracked by bitcoin traders due to the cryptocurrencies used by some investors as a hedge against inflation has risen to its highest now again this goes back to the argument that i was talking about is that some people will look at bitcoin as a hedge the concern will be whether or not the stock market the new york stock exchange and the dow in general has an adjustment factor that starts to play into this if the if it does then it could have a negative ramification onto bitcoin now if you watch some of our early videos this week evan aldo and i one of our technical analysts uh sat down and looked at bitcoin we had actually forecasted what we're seeing today and that was a little bit of a fall in bitcoin could it drop below the 47 mark our data the cpi data was pointing in that direction toward the end of the week that's where we are right now so that is playing into this now you've got that going on and then you have other scenarios happening in the space with solano validators and their engineers are grappling with a blockchain slowdown and this was another big issue for solana and i think one thing that when i look at solana and solana if you remember last month was one of our top three altcoins in our all coin sentiment in november they had somewhat recovered from their mishap data mishap over the summer and also just reeling off of their conference in lisbon so solano was tracking well doing excellent and then of course uh this week they had a small um pretty much a small hiccup in terms of the actual blockchain moving to essentially a snail space and in the story here solana's super fast blocks slowed to a relative claw this was our crawl this was on thursday morning due to a mysterious congestion event that spurred debates about centralization communication and transparency at the ecosystems critical stakeholder solana labs the tensions were on display of course with validators they were peeved about this this was a problem in the system and it's one of those things that i think as solana continues remember solana is still a beta project they have got to get moving here's i think the other thing is is that scale is really starting to happen remember the number of projects that are jumping onto salon scale is going to start really affecting this in a big way and if you don't scale as your ecosystem scales these are the kind of things that could happen this mysterious congestion event is something that i'm i'm a little concerned with in blockchain in general but it's also why i feel like we have projects like xrp that have a lot of that solution worked out and are functioning at full capacity so when you look at one side being salata not necessarily that it's a you know apple to apple comparison but the idea is is that it's a payment gateway a payment architecture that's really designed to move big money being xrp ripple and the ability for it to scale and its level and ability to scale that's the thing that i think people are missing here with xrp and why this is still a hidden gem it feels like it's a hidden gem of the industry in terms of where people's valuation is on this particular token and also just on the overall utility case of what ripple is trying to bring to market the other thing after that i kind of compare this to is right here with polygon polygon i feel like is one of those projects that has a lot of that xrp juice except for the sec is not going head to head with it but you've got polygons 400 million dollar acquisition aiming to speed up ethereum uh crypto fans offer predictions for 2022. basically let me kind of boil this down to one statement here by samd sandeep newall who compared his startups relationship with uh ethereums to a bank connection to venmo and ethereum is your bank account and polygon is your venmo mir was the company that they acquired for 400 million that in itself to me points back to the whole idea of fast transactions absolute security and the ability to scale who does that sound like who does that sound like right now xrp so the point is is that with all of this action in the space the only thing that is really still continuing to hold back xrp is this whole issue as they clarify the legislative issue with government in terms of the sec when you look at that and then i want to point one more thing out because this is the future of where blockchain is going and why xrp continues to be a potential opportunity here kickstarter's blockchain's plans risk challenge from dao's and then of course congress this is a big one because kickstarter is talking about trying to move into a blockchain based platform next year this would essentially start to roll into the whole idea of crowdfunding again remember this is how xrp got in trouble in terms of crowdfunding early on and now you've got companies and projects like kickstarter a massive kickstarter campaign i should say company and how they've been able to really align very well with one of the biggest groups politically and that's the democrats unfortunately that's true and dows operate according to rules enforced through smart contracts this is what they're trying to become which automate the transactions using block technology and it's basically a a headless organization so to speak a decentralized autonomous organization we've seen action on this recent attempt to do a bid on the constitution which they kind of got punked on that one won't go into a lot of detail on that on trying to bid on the us constitution or version of it and lost out mainly because the dow now the cool thing is is that dallas i think do work because it does create a lot of opportunity for projects that are out there the more decentralized the better that's the one question i think that a lot of people will kill still continue to argue around xrp is is it fully decentralized and does it have this kind of unification of that decentralization that so many people are trying to look for in crypto and if you look at this point dallas can take a form of exclusive expensive social clubs you know like friends with benefits or the gaming collectives such as yield games we talked about this on our yield games i should say our guild games video uh just the other day and we actually talked about why these dows are starting to move in this space because there is a lot of opportunity here and how this grows all this pertains and applies to what's happening in the space around xrp and with xrp you've got a couple of things happening this was just a little bit of a an interesting move this was 100 million in xrp transfer by major crypto exchanges most people are looking at this because it was going from wallet to wallet most people are looking at this mostly for liquidity that it was being utilized for liquidity aspects within an exchange itself so i would say that is most likely the case but i'm always interested when we start to see big buckets of xrp moving around the other thing that is really kind of hit this week that was good news for xrp and that is the uh the hearings and of course it was congress's first attempt to really set down with a lot of blockchain badasses and basically deal with real data real information and not speculative accusations and that is i think the difference that uh happened in dc this week is we had blockchain very very uh capable blockchain technologists on capitol hill that were able to really kind of answer a lot of questions and give hope to what was happening in the space but the one thing that they mentioned and i just you know ask you guys to go out and check this video out is when they started talking about the us's position the united states position in blockchain in general is that uh i believe it was the ex-ceo of binance yeah i'm pretty sure it was but um brian brooks and what he was saying was this you've got two things happening here one blockchain evolution is occurring and innovation in technology all unifying in one particular time in space the internet was mostly just technology that was occurring first and e-commerce was many years later what's happening with blockchain it's a unification of both critical things within how technology moves forward the only difference is this time around it's right square in the middle of finance and finance affects the us dollar when you affect the u.s dollar dollar congress gets involved the u.s government gets involved the sec gets involved that's why all of this matters and what he said here was basically brian brooks among the crypto ceos heading to washington where he talked about this but he says listen if you if you are going to go ahead and regulate things like xrp or ripple you might as well just give this a certification and put it out as a security and listed on the stock exchange that i think is you know a little passive aggressive in the sense but the point is is very dead on is that xrp if it is in fact a security and if they could just get it out of the way and determine if it is a security and we do get an opportunity to list it the question would be is how are they going to handle the existing shareholders being token holders of the xrp token and what that might mean in the very near future so the real question right now is we're going to continue to see this movement i think around what's happening with xrp you've got raul powell here saying wait a minute i see this phenomenal risk reward opportunity right here and he's in the same really the same bank i am when it comes to holding xrp because if you look at the pent-up demand of what has happened around xrp over this past year and what that means on just if and when the sec does release xrp from this lawsuit or we get a settlement or we get of some sort of certification on regulatory positions all of this is either going to one move xrp to an absolute all-time high or at least we're going to have a slow burn on this project as it starts to get maybe regulatory guidance throughout its life over the next few years whatever that might be because it could be a structured step-by-step approach on how that might go but if you look at what he was talking about real vision chief executive raul paul explained why he's a holder and basically i seized the asset risk reward ratio the former gold or sack says hey listen i'm thinking of crypto really more in xrp because of the pricing position that we got it got heavily discounted in the price then i looked at it and thought well that's great fall 100 from here to zero unlikely if it gets solved it goes up 10x and that is the risk reward ratio that he's playing in and that's exactly why i'm in xrp full disclosure is i believe that when this does take off this is a 10x run for where xrp and that could be on the light side of what's happening with this now we're going to get into it's not all roses for xrp you've got guys like kevin o'leary that's simply saying listen i have zero interest in investing in any kind of projects that have securities and exchange commission you know uh entanglements and it's just a bad idea he's very against this i think this is one of the guys that is has become very vocal in crypto in a good way i think kevin is good for the um the industry but i also think he's a good investor it's not that i think he's pushing against xrp i think he's pushing against the position that he's trying to pick assets out there that don't have this kind of exposure which listen i do that too i don't want those kind of exposure just so happen that i'm in xrp because i feel like this is a project that's going to change the world of finance and i'm willing to take that light risk in an investment that could go 10x so again back to where we're going there i think for the future of where xrp is going the thing that concerns me the most and i want to jump over to a couple of altcoin sentiment data points that we have working here this was on um on xrp this is our cpi scorecard that we pull once a month and we look at historical analysis on tokens and what we did in our last top 20 um all coin video is we rank those xrp i think held the number two slot unfortunately it's dropped to number 20 in december so it did make the list but it was in a very uh precarious situation because of its slide in terms you can kind of see it right here on the index sliding from a sentiment score of 7903 in november to a 7261 and an amp barely registering there at 7006 which is still somewhat okay but because it's so much softer than the 7659 the 30 days before that shows xrp in really kind of a unique position now is it a buy if you're not in xrp it's probably going to start to see a little bit more correction here so you may have an opportunity for an entry position depending on where you jumped in as to whether or not you would jump in on this remember these are market movers the idea behind these is we pull this data together for you we don't we don't give you financial advice the idea is we're giving you news information and insights and then we mix it in with our own data and research to hopefully pull you in the right direction not financial advice but the point being on xrp my cpi buy rating is still 6.9 and 6.9 is right below the very active and buy and monitor meaning it's time to buy we're one tenth of a point away in my buy rating from it's time to buy and then of course once you see a 9.0 or greater now you're getting into this is a long-term hold project so this is a good thing in the sense that we could see the correction affecting at the right time of the market and also of what's happening with xrp overall in the sec scenario meaning timing think about this you've got timing of the market cooling down potentially cooling down due to inflation you've got inflation hedges probably slowing some of the dow and traditional bonds yields as well as what we're going to see in traditional finance you've got this inflation also most likely tempering what we're going to see in terms of the economy and the only question is if the dollar starts to ascend that would be the one factor that i would watch very closely is the dollar comparison if we see the dollar stabilize and or decline slightly bitcoin and crypto in other words are going to see the advantages of where that super hedge is coming from the other aspect is you've got timing of the year the cycle all of this is coming to a head at a very interesting time in which xrp could p could be a very undervalued even more so asset than it has in the past now is it going to zero hey listen of course all assets out there in the crypto space maybe with exception of bitcoin and ethereum could go to zero look at the problems that solana is have look at what happened look at the issues that we're dealing with polka dot which has absolutely should be on fly right now but it's it's suffering look at all of the game projects that we've reported on here on the show up down in out these are volatile times and it's it's one of those times where you have to be very convicted on what you believe in and what you want to invest in long-term if you are a short-term trader there's two ways to play this you can play xrp on a short right now come in on this and maybe it continues to drop or play this on a long which i think is the route that's the route i would take is playing xrp all along i think there's some opportunity here for an upside for xrp let's get over to the charts and see where we're holding on the live here on trading view just to give you guys a quick review of where xrp has been in the in the past all right so our one of our bullets that we pulled was back here in october early october we had a 72 holding out amp at 7286 uh which was more of a kind of right there seeing a little bit of a climb and sideways action then we saw this movement right here on our last amp score that we pulled in october 20 what is that 27th 75 16 and a 76 also had nice little movement right there what was that climb from that period of time to right there to where it hit the dollar 34 was right up 36 percent uh and then that really is where we've seen the movement downward into this position and just to show you if you were in the market and on xrp we won't give it that super dip there there was the negative 48 percent that we're talking about right now it is has actually started to recover from this period and this is november 10th almost all of november and remember in november xrp was still holding as the number two sentiment coin but it was dealing with because we were doing uh in arrears data so it was doing a lot of performance over what you had seen over this period of time right here this kind of movement which was up right there almost 51 so that's where it was coming from when we scored that in the past which is why it continued to hold on nicely and then this slide right here is where we are today we pulled our sentiment right here on the date you guys recognize everybody recognizes december 4th that was when we saw the big flash crash sentiment is 7206 and a big drop in amplification this is what is a little bit worrisome right here on amplification let me kind of zoom in on this a little bit and let you guys kind of take a little bit closer look at the action that's happening right here so the cpi is pretty much giving some predictive uh analytics here that is hanging with where the token is holding however we do have a little bit of a trouble spot right here which i think is the one that i'm a little concerned which is around the 11th or the 12th we could see this kind of low right here which is 74 cents we have not seen that in a while other than the flash crash which was trying to catch a falling knife so there may be an opportunity right here before we see this track right here coming in and on the end of december it looks like xrp could come in to another um another low high which would be around 90 cents and then of course right here we're on a dollar nine in the correction so i know it's not you know massive 2x news for you but the point is is that this could see a little bit of a positioning as we get near the end of the year and moving into the first quarter which a lot of people are talking about an elongated uh opportunity here so if you guys have some questions make sure and drop them in the chat right now we're going to try to get to those because that is uh really what we're going to do in making sure if you have some ideas on on topics that you want us to continue to cover hit us in the chat if you're watching this afterwards and we'll do that and we'll try to get to i know there's a lot of questions here so we're going to try to get to uh the super chats first sam ross uh five dollars from samurai okay so xrp adoption is way ahead of eath and btc and it's way better tech uh changed my mind i'm not going to change your mind at all i'm with you on that one sam uh technology wise what ripple has been able to do is absolutely unbelievable i'm a technologist by by not only training but by 25 years of experience in tech and i know when i can see a top tech project in xrp ripple is really one of those anytime you can go out in the world financial system and essentially better the ecosystem from a swift aspect meaning swift the financial unit that basically transitions trillions of dollars in some cases weekly that in itself is you're breaking stuff and it's like what happened in silicon valley in the 90s and the early 2000s is move fast break that's really how how it works and i think that's what's happening with ripple they're breaking so a lot of people are saying wait wait wait wait a minute you know let's just don't move so fast you're transplanting the entire uh system out there so i would agree with you there my man all right crypto md xrp will flip e that's a that's a bold statement i'm not so sure we'll see a flip on eth i'm very pro eth in the sense of it's one of the biggest bags i hold out there and i believe in what eath can do and the idea of what eath 2.0 is it's big it it has remember ethan is the first mover they're the first movers so they're the microsoft and don't how you know don't count them out in terms of how layer one is going to scale and what that means to not only d5 gaming and nfts and the future of cryptocurrency in general i don't know that that xrp will flip it but that's a good you know it's a good sentiment there all right jerome let's talk eath uh moved to one thousand you pay 200 a fee i understand that xrp is almost zero all set absolutely you're dead on with that i wish that xrp would move in that direction they they kind of hinted an nft platform here recent but the thing that concerns me about with that is they haven't executed on it much and i understand that you want to kind of reserve your news because of your engagement with the xrp or excuse me with the sec but at the same time i feel like if you've got those kinds of things that you're going to drop into the ecosystem you kind of kind of start backing up with road map achievements and that's the only the only thing i would say to brad garlinghouse the ceo of ripple is if you are making strides man you got to let the community know because i think the community out there is really looking for that all right we've got some more stuff coming in what will drive us out of this dip coming from agile games with james all right so driving out us out of this dip there's two factors i think that are very important here ironically it's going to be inflation inflation i feel like is going to have a it's it's like a poseidon or is that the triton the trident in poseidon is it's a triton it has three tongs both of two of the tongs can hurt us and that is inflation goes we see massive impact economically which will have roll-up effects on how crypto gets priced and also less effect on the short term more effect on the short term less effect on the long term what that simply means is if inflation continues to climb i don't think it can be because the fed knows what's happening now it's not transitory anymore they know they have to temper this and once they start doing that listen a half point move in the interest rate for real estate that will do it that'll cool the real estate market a bit you go to a point move now you're talking real real estate impact and once you start affecting major asset classes guess who you're affecting you're affecting the rich you're affecting the people who hold these big bags and that's when it gets serious because that's either going to be a point of taking a hedge and moving into crypto which will drive the market crazy that's the two the two prongs on the trident that i'm talking about the one that can hurt us is if they slow the market and we see massive corrections in consumer spending and also consumer confidence if that happens then we see a cool off on bitcoin and we could not see an all-time high in the first quarter that would be a problem all right so i know we got a lot here uh last xrp pump was about a year ago agree with you on that on dc uh i've never okay here's xr punk never been more bullish i would agree with that i think this is a good time why put money in a project that's already passed yes definitely going there uh i like this one i know there's a lot of people in here hating on xrp today but there's also a lot of people loving on xrp all right any more questions in here it's a goodbye david chavez uh stay with it um i like this one hunter xrp will eventually get there i would rather uh put my money in blocktopia met a hero so that's a good one right there i think because you don't want to blindly invest and you definitely don't want to say hey listen i'm just going to continue to move into coins or tokens that maybe are going to flatline for a while or not see massive action that is a real argument that i think a lot of the crypto space is faced with right now because many people you guys know this people want those quick gains they want those 5x they want those 10x juicy you know ding dong gains and these are not necessarily the tokens that have been able to do that so and like many of the altcoins they're really kind of moving in that space so i think it's going to be interesting to see how that goes well we'll see all right xrp the only crypto that has legal clarity uh that will be huge i would kind of agree with that if they get legal clarity from the sec and and i've said this often is that xrp is kind of carrying the cross for the entire crypto community because if this goes either way it affects the crypto community in its entirety it's going to affect legislation both ways win lose draw and it potentially sets the tone win-lose draw on future litigation and or future regulations so it's a big one in terms of where that can kind of go uh is there you know i'm going to check on that for you is there an equivalent to i trust capital for those in the uk let me find out on that because there might be uh some partners out there that we could bring in for you guys uh to get into europe um a couple other things here's a good one on keep hearing that these guys are okay so let's address this joe so i don't want to bring this up because i think this is something that a lot of people are are concerned about and when you listen and look at what's happening in the sec lawsuit a lot of people kind of point to the two major executives is that they got these guys did some shady deals i can't necessarily see in all the research that i've done and i am not yes i hold xrp we are not beholding to xrp one way or the other i just like what they're doing from a technology standpoint now did they do some things that were a little different in the beginning when they were doing crowdfunding or raising capital or selling their token that's still yet to be determined but i would argue that maybe 50 60 70 of the token projects that you're invested in right now had similar tracks to going out in terms of their icos idos and how they went about raising capital and also how they brought those tokens to market and whether or not they were even decentralized there's a lot of gray area happening we are reinventing finance right now we are reinventing gaming we are reinventing the structure of what web 3-0 is going to be there's going to be some early weird stuff happening we've seen it before we saw it in the early ages of the internet we're going to see it in the next era of the metaverse all of this is just transitory technology that's moving to the next level and a lot of people are scared of those things when they don't understand it so don't just dump jump to the conclusions always do your research dive into these things get deep because if you don't there's no reason why you should be invested in anything in crypto if you're not willing to do the work if you're not willing to make the homework and bring it home and actually do it if you're cheating in class guess what you're going to lose you're going to lose but if you're not if you're doing the work and you're paying attention there is money to be made and that is what this channel is all about and that's making you guys money in crypto all right so let's leave it up here we've got a couple other things i love your last name of the xrp never in trouble wouldn't xrp's sec will be be priced in at this point i don't think so jason i don't think so because i think so many people are scared of jumping into xrp if i bring the word xrp up in our in my circle i would say five to eight out of those ten people would be i'm not end it until the sec thing gets over if that's the case then it's not priced in if it was two people saying i don't care i'm in it you know i'm not in it till the you know the sec case so now it's priced in so i think you have to look at that and when you kind of compare that going down could this be another cardano where we see a lot of promises and no movement all crypto could be that solana's running to into these kind of scenarios right now there's real projects out there that are having real trouble and then there's projects out there are that are absolutely kicking butt so you have to really like i said jump in do the work and get in there i know there's another super coming in here and there it is all right uh off subject a little bit but possible can do an nft learning uh do a nft learning show so we've we've been doing cov we covered the nft space a ton in terms of news one thing we probably should do is start to show a lot more how to by the way you've got to get in the diamond circle because we do have a lot of guides over there on things like uh how to swap tokens on pancake swap uh how your tutorials on how to do metamask in term of aging and grabbing tokens out there probably need to do something on nfts because there's a lot of nft platforms out there that are moving that so thanks for the mention there we'll definitely go there this is coming from mr payne tech a lawsuit won't resolve before q2 i'm with you on this one i think we are still another quarter away before we see any kind of movement which is way behind where a lot of people on youtube were pointing remember though we were kind of still saying hey maybe this happens end of year providing that some key things happened in the regulatory which did not occur and it has pushed i think a lot towards the next thing all right listen lots going on xrp super cheap but you can make much more money in the in the metaverse yes the metaverse is moving and there's a lot of hot topics happening in the metaverse and i do think that these tokens and a lot of these tokens will continue to be long-term investments think of many of the altcoins as your savings accounts long-term investments or your iras elements that can potentially really accelerate for you in the long term so just be thinking about it that way short term willing to risk it all angel investments things like that startup businesses that's where the metaverse is right now and how those tokens are coming we cover the metaverse like crazy here on this channel we do a lot on crypto gaming we're diving into a lot of nfts and collectibles because that is really kind of another major arm of crypto and the whole sector and where the growth is going we'll continue to see all that good stuff listen it's been great seeing you guys on the live stream today as i said join the diamond circle we drop a lot of rta on there we'll drop a lot of new game projects on there it's where we do all sorts of you know hey watch this type of stuff as well as you get in line for the ability to do and be part of our giveaways which we're doing one this month right before christmas coming up soon is another big giveaway of some digital assets we might do some nfts for you all kinds of things we got in the brew we've even got some cool stuff coming in from some new games that you guys might be uh liking and we'll make you part of that if you are in the diamond circle easy to join and free to you guys if you want to reach me it's just at paul barron on twitter we'll catch you next time right here on techpath
Channel: Paul Barron Network
Views: 70,966
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xrp news, xrp price prediction, xrp ripple, xrp price prediction 2021, xrp news today, ripple xrp, xrp price, xrp prediction, xrp lawsuit, ripple news, xrp coin, crypto news, xrp cryptocurrency, xrp sec, xrp live, xrp today, xrp ripple news, xrp analysis, xrp crypto, ripple xrp news, ripple price prediction, ripple vs sec, ripple xrp lawsuit, xrp technical analysis, ripple xrp sec, ripple xrp price, xrp crashing
Id: jsPWwwnW5CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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