Linking & Deriving Parts | Autodesk Virtual Academy

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today adam's going to go over linking and deriving parts um an inventor specifically i know that this is a topic that gets frequently asked of our support team of which adam is a crucial part of so uh figure let's just go ahead and do it in an ava and uh you know maybe you don't have to call us and you just uh you learn from this ava so yeah save everybody a little bit of time there maybe learn something new uh adam do you have anything to add before we jump straight into this yeah i'm feeling good yeah i'm hoping this should be a good one yes this one in particular comes from the heart so i hope you guys enjoy this presentation absolutely if you have any questions anytime go ahead and drop them into the questions panel uh whether it's related to linking and deriving parts or something else entirely we'll uh we'll try our best to answer them i know adam is also a uh an expert at many other things so if you have any matcha brewing ideas adam's your guy so uh with that adam go ahead and take it away all right let's get into it boys and girls my name is adam evangelista thanks for the warm welcome nigel as always happy to be here today is december 10th 2020 we are coming up on christmas time so i thought i'd give you guys a little treat present in the form of this ava about linking parts and deriving parts in particular let's get into it see what we got going on here today that's a bit about myself i'm not sure if i still need to do these introductions after being here for so long but i am application engineer here at katie technologies essentially means i work with a lot of the different software solutions that we provide as a company right we're talking about the lifeline support of course if you guys are ever called in if you needed anything for inventor autocad your install needs and the like i do a lot of inventor i do a lot of vault nowadays some stuff in autocad as well but it feels like less than than usual this year i don't know um but as nigel said if you had any questions about you know how this kind of stuff connects to anything it's kind of a good place to start because we have all that information great everything works well together before this i used to work at a makerspace over in los alamitos in southern california where we worked with a bunch of fancy fabrication machines like laser cutters and cnc's and 3d printers and the like and i just got a 3d printer recently myself which has partly informed this presentation over here but i'm happy to be here thanks for having me let me know if you have any questions um i wanted to start this presentation with a few questions specifically right i know we typically focus on a particular functionality and kind of derive a presentation off of that but i really want to kind of frame this particular presentation with a problem that we want to solve in particular a few questions right you might be working on a particular project i mean you know maybe you're making molds maybe you're making two interfacing parts or something like that and at some point you're in the software and you're like how the heck am i going to transfer information from one part to another right this is something as simple as just interfacing a hole for a screw for example making sure that the screw is the right size for the hole or making sure that the spacing's the same making sure the molds are going to be the right clearance or something like that parts don't exist in a vacuum and they often have established relationships to other parts that need to be identified and qualified as well okay and so that's the big question right is why and to kind of expand on that the real question is like why do you want to transfer information from parts to from one part to another right and the overall answer to that is going to be largely based around efficiency for the most part right we're talking about reducing human error we're talking about getting the computer to do all of this kind of calculation and tedious relationship tracking ourselves in some of my personal projects right i end up having just like a little notepad where i write down dimensions or something like that and i have to look back and forth with the screenshots to make sure that i'm putting in the right dimensions it'd be great if we could get this all kind of associative which is another common term in adventure you guys might be familiar with already using like assemblies and creating parts in the assembly environment and that's part of the workflows that i want to discuss here today is how to you know utilize that associativity to your advantage because we're going to try to reduce error and increase efficiency okay and getting more technical another level down right the next question we want to ask is what information are we going to try to transfer from one part to another that will help us increase our efficiency and the two main things to keep in mind are going to be dimensions slash parameters right and so this is going to be like largely numeric linear dimensions or something like that right just this is x wide and y tall or something and we want to store that as some kind of parameter going from you know here to there and similarly geometric references as well it is a small nuance between those two but there's a difference between just having pure geometric references versus just pure numeric references um in your part and so we're going to explore kind of both the sides of that coin in particular um does that make sense yeah is that something you encounter a lot yourself nigel kind of working with larger assemblies and trying to develop parts you know oh no worries all right so that's the main question and that's kind of what i wanted to frame everything was essentially and to help kind of direct that conversation i'm going to go ahead and present another slide here and the main reason this whole conversation came up and the idea for this presentation came up is because i had a i had a customer recently we did a training for them and they were going through they were looking for a very specific workflow for the product that they were developing right this particular company i won't name them here but they designed concrete molds specifically right and they didn't do the castings specifically right they designed the molds for the castings and so as a company like people would come to them they would ask them to hey like can you make a mold for this type of you know concrete casting or something like that and they would provide the dimensions via drawing or other some kind of intermediary file type or something like that this could be something simple as like concrete tubes or some like concrete art installations and stuff like that the main idea was that again these guys are the ones that make the molds for these interesting casts for concrete right and now the company itself was interesting they had a good mix of stuff right and even though they did some more like artistic moldings and stuff like that they did do a lot of standardized models that had very specific parameters varying from project to project right so in the case of these concrete tubes and shells right you're talking about some standard thicknesses standard length standards you know inner and outer diameter and schedules and stuff like that um it was an interesting one and so you know obviously if it's if there's some kind of space to be standardized you want to be able to automate that as well as possible and with an inventor there's a lot of pathways for that of course and we're going to be discussing some of the solutions that we presented to them as a company right you know they also had some interesting stuff where certain features and components were dependent on initial parameters as well so you know if the pipe was you know x amount of feet long they would have you know 10 or 11 or whatever number of latches to seal it all together it was a really interesting one and again they had a very standard workflow that they wanted to be able to automate and be able to work a bit quicker getting these casting models from their customers so that they could develop these molds a bit more effectively right and so you know how are they currently doing this uh kind of relationship between the casting and the molds well as you can imagine um it was very meticulous tracking of the parameters at pretty much all levels right they would get these files and then they would like start tracking they would try to develop the model the casting inside of inventor assign some parameters and then they would start tracking those parameters and copying them into the next drawing and try to do that um you guys might be aware of some ways to do it already which we'll get into but the main thing was that these changes were any kind of changes to the moldings or any kind of adjustments had to take this kind of overall change across the whole workflow where they would have to change multiple models at the same time and it was very kind of time consuming very meticulous and very complicated and they're like are we doing this right um and honestly they weren't doing it wrong by any means but there are some ways that we could improve that particular workflow and so in the case of being able to transfer information from one part to another in the case of like a casting tool molds there's a few different options for us right we could of course do the linking parameter stuff which i'm going to start with myself linking parameters allows you to specifically just take parameters from one part and put it into another part to be used like your regular parameters i'm assuming you guys are all familiar with parameters as well at this point but let me know if you guys need a refresher on that as well and the meat of this conversation i want to talk about is the derive part command as well which not only allows you to transfer parameters into another model but it also allows you to link the solid geometry into the model as well okay um and that overall just it's good because it has everything that linking parameters could do for you plus all of these extra controls as well and it enables a lot more kind of advanced workflows and stuff like that um and then when i was writing up this presentation too i was thinking that you know you could probably do a lot of the stuff with like i logic too but that's probably a more tangential conversation but a good seed to be aware of regardless okay does that make sense so far for everyone at this point i want to do a quick example for linking parameters and then i have another example for derived parts command to kind of demonstrate how this kind of mold making process could go using the derived part command yeah so i'll pause there just in case i've lost anyone or if anyone's you know anyone's super excited and they want to tell me how much they how excited they are all right it looks like we're good on that front so no worries there everybody and so uh oh we got a question here um what kind of 3d print oh thank you thanks for the question dude i have a mars elegu 3d resin printer right now it's been fantastic and i will pull up some links for you guys later um yeah so the resin printers are really cool because um i've been holding off on it i mean i think fdm is pretty cool but there isn't one the resolution is just kind of outstanding regardless let's start with this linking parameters real basic stuff right i have an extra project file right here nothing fancy in this project file i just it's just a new project file and so just to get the conversation started right the most basic kind of workflow you could do when you're trying to link one part to another is going to be just straight up linking parameters from one part to another part right this is going to be a really simple example here but let's say we want to kind of have two interfacing parts one with holes and ones with rods too so that they can connect together using the same spacing information that we're interested in right really basic we do something like this we give this like a 12 inch width over here give this like a six inch width over here uh and then we'll go ahead and define these parameters it's going to be pretty blunt with this width is 12 length is going to be six and we'll go ahead and line this up as well make it pretty like so beautiful okay and then we're going to place some kind of work points here that will allow us to um allow us to kind of center these along the center over here i'm going to do a little cross beam over here make it a construction line and some points one two three four okay and we're just gonna make this a spacing let's see so that's gonna be three inches to make it even i believe so we'll call this spacing is equal to three inches you might hear that a car outside those are my neighbors they're very lovely people i'm sure working from home is cool because uh have all the sounds of the neighborhood come in during my presentations and i'm just going to use this um the spacing parameter kind of just inform this right this is all very like direct and not terribly interesting i'll admit but um essentially oh actually you know what i want to make this um that's fine we'll make it three i'll just do three inches for now so we'll do three right here and so i do want this to be the spacing parameter all right i don't have to make this particularly interesting here but the spacing here between all these points is going to be three inches and if i check my parameters over here you have these name parameters with length spacing 12 6 and 3 and those are all going to be you know usable parameters once we start linking this in there you can technically use like the export button over here i was never really sure how important that was because when you do the link anyways to a model without these export parameters it'll set it to export anyways um which i guess we could do really quick just to just in case you get that error message so i'm going to finish this sketch for example and you know we'll extrude it like 0.25 inches sure and we'll do like the whole command over here after we share the sketch just so that we have you know proper reference or something like that right so go ahead and click okay and again if i wanted to i could come back over here and um you know we could make spacing something a bit more interesting maybe like four and we would expect the spacing to update after we hit the update button make it four inches instead right could i've chosen a better orientation for these holes absolutely but i think the concept stands here export parameter exports to an eye property for reference i believe that you need the export property beautiful thanks guys appreciate the info um yeah so just for just for heads up right the export parameters one now this is especially useful for using eye logic in particular so once you click the export button over here it pushes it to be used and visible in the i i properties ilogic environment specifically so just a heads up i'm going to save this part right here and i'll just call this linking parameters a and if we wanted to we could go ahead and make a new part right here standard and the first thing i'm going to do right here i'll throw save really quickly thinking parameters e and we're going to go ahead and just link in the other document that we have over here right so this is the part that we just made right looking parameters a you get this dialog box and this is going to show you the link parameters dialog you might these you might already be familiar with this this kind of interface shows up a lot during certain commands inside of inventor but essentially you have like these tennis balls that are going to be toggles to either include or exclude these particular numbers and parameters from this file in this case right i mean i do only want the name variables here but you could easily click the whole folder too this is the error message i talked about earlier but you could easily click that on it'll automatically bring everything in there for you and you'll notice this kind of half icon as well if there's like a mix of enabled and disabled icons over here nothing to be worried about but in this case i just want the name parameters like so right and at this point these two parts are linked together and i'm kind of rushing through this just because it's a pretty simple thing right it has a direct file path to another part and you can essentially choose which parameters are going to be usable in here right and so now i can even like use these parameters inside of my own new numeric ones over here so you know i could call it like a and a is equal to you know width minus one or something and so we expect that normal value to be 11. right and so now we're kind of using the original part to inform the secondary parts with all this extra information that's how linking parameters works at the most basic level and you know from here i'd probably just draw a simple square and you know you could go ahead come in here call this out and you could start calling in list parameters we're going to do with right here all right same thing over here and i'm pretty much just using this like i was in the previous part except i'm in a brand new part using the same exact information so this just keeps everyone kind of accountable it keeps everything kind of in line and again for the example from the customer right they were specifically doing this so that's they could base everything off of a singular mold right a singular casting which i thought was interesting because yeah ultimately what ended up happening with them is that they had a singular molds that they would end up putting and linking it to all of their resultant parts to give them information and use those parameters for everything else right i think they even ended up developing a template for what they needed so that the template would always have those parameters in them right so that might be an option too i think that's really i think that's a really interesting kind of system because now the template is baked in with even more information than just you know some application options or drawing options or something like that right um and then from here you know you could go ahead and i'll probably just extrude this at this point right um extrude this and make it 0.25 and maybe start a new sketch draw a few circles over here and then maybe we could go through and i'll make this horizontal for y'all don't worry okay and then now we can go ahead and pull in like the spacing information right yeah it's like conceptually i think you know i think this makes a lot of sense and the only kind of catch to this that does require a bit of like foresight when you're designing these um kind of original parts for yourself right because you need to know what can and can't be used down the line for everything else so it does take a bit of setup in that regard but i think you'll find that it pays off it pays for itself pretty quickly instead of again keeping a sticky note on your screen or something like that that'll let you know what the spacing needs to be for this particular stuff right and so now i wanted to i could go ahead and extrude these lengths over here call that one inch and click ok come back to the original part change the space into something more you know palatable like three inches done throw an update over here and i could throw an update here as well and that should update the spacing accordingly with these two right at this point now i could go into an assembly and i have a lot of confidence that these two parts are going to be able to interface pretty well so far right again this is like a pretty basic level how do you link parameters here specifically and this is kind of the first step for that customer in terms of setting up these relationships between the casting and the molds that they were making do you guys follow me so far in terms of uh uh in terms of i guess the linking parameters so far this is kind of like you know this is probably the first thing you'll come across if you look at the traditional learning material for inventor linking parameters you just link the parameter just like that pretty simple okay so nothing too crazy over there um but i would like oh yeah unless there's any other questions let me know nothing too crazy there i don't think but at this point i do want to get a bit crazier and i do want to talk about this particular command up here this derive component command there are like derive and simplify workflows at the assembly level that some people might be familiar with where you end up like you know deriving a new part or like shrink wrapping a new part or something like that and i think some of the language does kind of overlap there but some of the purposes also overlap here too which is kind of interesting but let's talk about what this derived component does specifically if i click drive components it'll ask me to choose another component to essentially bring into my current assembly and so let's choose let's switch to a more concrete example for example i've been talking about molds and everything like that i've also been into mechanical keyboards this year as well and so that's part of the reason i got that resin printer specifically is that i wanted to print and mold my own keycaps and so when i talked to this company about their concrete molds i was like dude i could totally use this um and so to start i i do have a custom content center set up for myself already what i'm going to do i'm going to pull in a reference that we're going to use all right so i'm going to use this zero one unit width piece right here so the regular key cap nothing too crazy over here and you'll notice that this is a standard unit right here but um what am i saying yeah this this goes in the serial of your keyboard um it has a few unit modifications so there's different widths available i'm going to start with the single unit width but that'll be relevant for later i'm also going to place this as custom so i could break it off from my custom content center and then we could edit it as we need to here but that's not necessary by any means okay i'm going to place this as custom right now and i'm going to call this key casting cap casting right here cherry mx oh claudio's a casual dude can't believe he's into cherry mx keycaps i have some uh glorious panda ones right now but um call that glorious casting right there these are actually based on a rama keycap from a keycap seller that i like a lot right now um but you know i'll show you some links later if you guys are really interested but this piece right here this is a piece that i'm looking for and again this is based on a custom content center so i already have some um name parameters and stuff like that here so i'm going to right click and open this particular piece right here and since this is a as custom i have i could go in and i could start editing all the stuff if i wanted to the big thing here right this has like a base width and it has a face length and stuff like that all these properties come together to define this particular casting which i molded from scratch i sculpted from scratch and the big modifier you might be interested in is this width modifier right which we could change down the line to make it thicker or bigger so 1.25 should update this accordingly to make it a bit thicker right and so um i'm going to save this really quickly and now you might be wondering it's like adam okay you made this um you could one just send this to the 3d printer by exporting an stl if you really wanted to but two we could also develop molds out of this particular solid model as well at this point can you also develop molds off of the actual printed cast itself yeah but you know that would make for a good presentation so let's make a new part right here so i'm going to make a new part and we're going to save this as um cap molds i'll say keycap mold bottom we'll say we'll just call it a keycap mold a for now um and this is going to constitute the bottom of this right so now we're in a position where it's like okay great you know you did all this great work with this particular ipt it is like all these great curves and stuff like that how the heck are you going to get that information in here your first instinct is of course you could link it right just get a reference to that direct cap and you could get the parameters and just reconstruct it and do what you need to do right that's fine but you'll find that with the apparent complexity that's present there you're going to end up with a lot of um it's going to be a lot of extra work and you can easily recreate the kind of negative volume over there if you want absolutely absolutely so i'm going to well yeah claudio can you use a similar process to develop a mold as a means to derive the internal volume yeah that's actually really interesting yeah absolutely um and yeah again i've actually come across some tangential workflows for that specifically but let's see what this looks like so the first step to making the bottom of the mold right i need to click derive first of all and it's going to ask me to select a reference to open right in this case i'm going to go ahead and open my keycap casting right here right this one that i've made and it's going to give me the similar dialog box right you'll notice this looks pretty familiar right the only difference to the link parameters dialog that we have so far is that this particular workflow it also includes the solid bodies and some of the other work features over here so we have the parameters folder at the bottom over here which yes i want all of these parameters is there a name parameter here user you know i'll just have to select them that's fine and so you know i just i want all the parameters just give me all the parameters let's say um and we also have the selection for the solid bodies this is actually two solids here this is one that's invisible but i only want the bottom one here in this case and you also have the option to choose you know do you want this body to come in as a work surface or do you want it to come in as a solid reference right for our purposes i'm going to be choosing a work surface specifically to give it a bit more um give us access to some of these surfacing commands which will allow us to develop some more interesting shapes okay and some another topic that came out is tangential but you could also do a scale factor over here as well i think that might be the only way i could get in like an actual tolerance gap or something to account for shrinking but regardless i'm going to input this i enable the parameters over here enable the solid that i wanted it and this is also going to come in as a work surface right here all right um and why is this coming in with the first molding already that's the wrong size that i wanted there oh it's because i have the unit mod here still so i'm going to call this down to 1 really quick all right i'm going to ask this to is that updated please unit mod thank you ask this to update as well there we go so notice already right that same linking parameter where you have the kind of true definition right here that's also still going to be associative to your derived part component even though it's just the command feature line over here and at this point we could start doing some interesting stuff right claudio dimensioned getting the internal volume thankfully for getting internal volume that's really easy to do when you start working with surfaces in particular so i'm really interested in this internal volume to make up the bottom of my mold in particular so why don't we go through over here i'm going to run a patch off of this bottom loop right now it's going to automatically fill in a patch and using those two surfaces i could define an internal volume right so i could use the sculpt command here where if you choose one surface and second surface over here you could then define an internal volume right the sculpt command is a bit finicky but you can see i've chosen the two surfaces and i'm going to choose like the orientation of these surfaces how it's going to start defining its stuff right it's a bit finicky but i'm pointing it both inwards because those are both kind of the internal directions quote-unquote you might have to play with that a little bit but you're going to see that this will develop a solid inside for you as you would want it to right and at this point you might be able to just you know go check on your eye properties and you could check out your mass and stuff like that for the volume and everything right so that could be an easy way to get internal volume calculations especially if you're doing like cfd and stuff like that that's really common to use the patch and sculpt workflows right there all right at this point you know maybe i want to do another extrusion because i'm making a mold and you know i'll just probably make an extra square right here and i'll just offset this very slightly from the edges call it like 0.1 all right call this point one as well i'll project all these edges first i'm sorry oops not what i wanted project these edges over here am i talking fast today i feel like i'm talking fast today tensions please why can't i get this dimension please am i crazy not sure why i can't get that dimension um am i crazy i'm going to redo this hang on so i have this i have a molds and my surface body is still visible if you do want to see it turned on again but all i'm really doing i'm just going to come down here and i just want to start a sketch on the bottom and i should be able to project this now project the surface and i should be able to make a square off of this as well to mention this guy maybe i'm projecting the wrong surface or something and this is going to be d where can i project that am i crazy okay i'm going to project off the surface instead that's fine by me one and the only main kind of takeaway here is that i'm setting up these references in relation to um in relation to the existing model right so any kind of challenge any kind of upstream changes that i make like we saw originally like the width that should update with this particular bottom here as well so i'm just going to grab this and we do want that inside too and i'm just making like a small little base for ourselves right something like that and if you're in the mold making process you'd also probably go through and just um actually just make this as you get some registration marks or something but regardless um and at this point right we have kind of a uh the bottom of our cast over here and again it's still fully driven off of our first definition which is again the main takeaway so i'm going to throw a few saves over here really quickly uh go ahead and click ok go ahead and click ok save over here i'm just going to bump this up to like a different thickness so like 1.5 for i don't know my enter key or something like that right it should update that go and click done and if we did our job right you know this should update as well accordingly so now this particular molding this negative molding for the bottom is going to update with the particular model definition that we have and that's a really powerful tool in itself right because you normally only see this type of associativity when you're in the assembly environment trying to do your thing where you like make a part referencing the rest of the assembly what i'm offering here right now is that you could do that same type of associativity without the extra kind of information on your model browser and within the specific part environment which i would argue is maybe a bit more intuitive for kind of more complex designs that would get even more complex than this but um i'm sorry probably be more simple to approach the sort of stuff like that right and i think we're doing okay on time so i'm gonna i'm gonna do the other half of this particular mold here as well which you could start doing it with this again because you could actually do another derive off of the same part if you wanted to it just counts as another feature line but i'm going to break it off into another part just for simplicity's sake here and i'm going to save as keycap mold be [Music] and i'm going to do another derive right and this time in particular i'm just going to go ahead and go ahead and do the casting one more time should be again the same size you could choose the solid bodies if you want to you have a choice between how to make the solid body now i think i'm going to go ahead and just make it a single body at this point and then i'm going to fill up the bottom with our information over there so so now i have the key cap once again it is a derived casting which is good and from here i want to make the kind of the other end right where it's going to surround the top of it instead so very similar game i'm going to go ahead and do a patch along the bottom all right something like that and then you could go ahead and do the sculpt and now it's a solid body since this is only the top half of the mold i don't care about the inside but again i'm still using that casting to drive my definitions over here and from here i would go ahead and you know probably do something like this and i would go ahead and project geometry something like this and i'll draw another square something like this and this should be the same definition over here so 0.1 and again there's a lot of other opportunities for additional kind of associativity and the spacing that i'm choosing right here specific because i know it's going to work because that's what i was doing in the last one but maybe something you'd want to standardize as well while you were doing this and so i'm going to do that and make a mold other direction please okay and it's going to go that way i do want this to be a negative i want this to be a new body at this point so i click new body click ok now i'm going to use the combine command which will allow me to use some boolean operators on my guys over here and i could essentially use that keycap mold to cut out the bottom over here and that makes sense you guys with me so far and again right essentially looking at it like this where if we again drive this initial definition over here so now i want this to be like a two length one pretty sure two lengths should still work for us here click done it's going to update my subsequent parts accordingly so now i have a mold shows up like this and i also have the top half over here that i would update like this right and so at this point you know um at this point now we're talking more about mold making than we are about anything else but you'd probably want some registration marks over here you would probably put this into an assembly or something like that but these are both solid bodies that you could then either just send to a 3d printer for example to start developing your molds i don't think you'd want to you could possibly i'm not sure if that's a legitimate workflow you probably want to do like silicone or something else that releases a bit easier but um yeah you could use these as mold castings or something like that pretty easily and the main takeaway again is that you could use any type of model like this right here that eventually informs how you develop the rest of these related solids for the actual molds and castings right so i think this is especially relevant for mold making in particular where you need these exact references not even necessarily the parameters like you would maybe expect just going through a regular link parameter workflow but in this case the geometric references is really what helps us drive this which are all enabled thanks to the derived command over here and again that's to say nothing of these surfacing command workflows that we use along with the boolean combined uh commands over here as well are you guys with me so far again i hope i'm not talking too fast i hope that was uh i hope that was at least informative um it would be nice if we could set like a i wish i had like a glass setting or something like that i forgot which one of these are transparent blue yeah something like that right and maybe we'll do that over here yeah we'll do like clear blue over here too and we'll make an assembly really quick just to finish this off but are you guys with me so far you guys like following me um i'm gonna save this go and click okay i'm gonna save this go and click okay make a new assembly really quick um yes let me know if you guys have any questions or anything yeah i hope uh i hope i'm not losing anybody here place grounded at origin right over there and we're going to also place in the top half over here which would be part b and now we have our molds look at that look how nice that looks she was okay all right and then you know you would probably just come in over here start constraining this stuff so it matches up or if you had registration marks you know you wouldn't need to do this but you know say lavi right and then you would just clamp it down and you'd expect the resultant volume to be exactly what we need over there pretty neat right um what do we got here we got some questions mario silvavaro doing great easy to follow thanks man appreciate that um chat what do we got here yes fine speed love it jerry mx okay um so yeah i don't know i think i think that's i think that's all i really have to say about this are you still there nigel do you have anything to kind of add to this uh really quick otherwise i might just tighten this up really quick yeah you're doing good on time adam uh we can wrap up in the next couple minutes here cool man yeah and so uh yeah i think this i think this workflow super interesting like um again it only kind of came to my attention when i was working with that customer that was making mold specifically um uh it's from jesse over here it seems like our experience uh derived parts carry significant computational overhead what cautions can you give us for using them in large assemblies um i'm not sure i could say honestly let's see experience to write i mean when you're looking at it in the sense that it is adding computational overhead that's correct right because essentially it's referencing two items instead of investing in itself exactly so um what i do suggest is not doing derives within derives and derives um it's the same thing of like don't do eye parts within i parts within iparts yeah kind of like xrefs and um and autocad as well exactly yeah so don't go super deep don't like try to play inception with your derived parts um absolutely yeah i would uh it might be interesting you're just opening so many more instances yeah absolutely because you could also do like once you have these parts right you could also just start deriving these and like shrink wrapping them or simplifying them as well at that point and that should break the the link back to the original part i believe right at least some of the shrink wrap commands i believe yeah you can break it yeah that might be an extra step in itself which would i feel like also cause issues and a bit of other type of overhead for sure um but that's an interesting point for sure yeah i use derive a lot with parts that are made from existing parts absolutely yeah and so yeah like i mentioned this this came up originally because i was working with a mold making company that was you know having particular concerns about how they set up their stuff and i was like okay well we could do x y and z we could do this for sure um and i think it gives kind of a nice light to why these tools exist in the first place right like the drive command in particular i feel like is a bit you know non-descript at this point but again being able to link information from one part to another part is an extreme utility in itself linking parameters is great but i think it's kind of only scratching the surface when derive does pretty much everything link does it is everything that link parameters does plus you get all this extra solid geometry which allows us to inform some more interesting design processes like mold making for example i think if you take one thing away from everything is um please define your models using parameters why inventor's called a parametric modeler i mean yeah sure it generates d0 d1 d2 and stuff right when you're you know working an inventor just name those um it makes your life so much easier in the future especially when you do things like what adam's doing where you're linking parts together right you don't want to link d0 to something else makes it so much harder yeah it's interesting you mentioned that because again i've been into like the keycap scene recently and like on the 3d printing scene in particular and there's a stark the dichotomy between the parametric modelers and then the 3d sculptors in the in the community where like you know sculptors are like oh how do i get this to be like x dimension long and they're like you probably want to do a parametric modeler if you want to do that stuff right so yeah i mean that's that's this is playing to the strengths of inventor essentially and if you let it work for you you can do a lot of extra stuff like this pretty easily right there's another question here from nelson is it possible to store parameters into a single file that could then be referenced by parts yes absolutely that's similar to the conclusion that the company i was talking about came to as well where they were essentially um you know they had these castings that kind of served as the main definition that drove all of their resultant parts and then they used that and they referenced it and pretty much everything else so that they needed so that they could keep working and informing their other designs okay and then from claudio as well name them think about how to define the entire model with as few model parameters as possible absolutely yeah if you guys are curious just a peek behind the curtain i do have this uh i do have some um you can check out my uh content center over here there's a custom content center i made as well and you can take a closer look at the family table over here to see the parameters that i use for this the only real ones i need to define it are essentially going to be the row and the unit mod but everything else follows a pretty strict definition over there as well so this also ties into standardizing for content center and stuff pretty quick pretty nicely right um okay any other questions we have we have at least one more slide that we want to cover over here but any other talking points or anything else you guys want to see here really quick not a question making machine parts from castings with derived parts okay um yeah real quick into the presentation real quick adam i want to go over that one slide absolutely um i'll give you a presentation here oh you can just leave it here you don't have to open the slide or anything yeah so um that works too that's fine so as part of the end of the year here at kativ um if you haven't heard already we're doing a zero percent financing for 12 months um there's a bunch of details in there there's a bunch of details to be had as well uh if you have a renewal or looking at new seats or even services coming up um let us know or at least let your sales representative know or the marketing team and we can point you to the right direction um for that so uh definitely keep that in mind if you do have like a renewal coming up here in the next little bit so that's all i wanted to go over adam we can jump back into questions yeah so absolutely um i think i do have a comment here from thomas gray not a question making machine parts from castings with derived parts that would derive part absolutely yeah so i was going to say yeah and the other end of things though i mentioned that rama company which is really cool they started doing like machine key caps and machine keyboard parts in particular it's rama rama if you're curious but now they're finally pivoting into like injection molding parts which is kind of cool but their first initial market thrust was like premium cnc metal parts which is kind of nice but you can imagine like all this information from molding and stuff like that ties in pretty well with any kind of like any sort of kind of mold making or machining workflows that you could think of at this point um any questions or anything else you guys want to talk about again i've been really curious about keycaps myself and so that's kind of helped me inform this information over here but um yeah any anything what else what else you guys got man what's i up that's just about everything i'll give another everyone another 30 seconds to ask any more questions that you do have um i'll check the excuse me the youtube feed as well and just make sure there are no questions lingering over there adam absolutely one moment i'm gonna go look at my cool molds again there you go that's everything we have four questions but i have one for you adam absolutely uh you've been talking about keycaps all day right but you've you've ignored the uh the more important component which is the switch um so so which switches are we using adam oh do you want to know dude i can pull it up right now is that a lot is that free advertising i'm using the glorious cameras right now there you go the glorious holy pandas yeah absolutely i'm not a huge fan of this website but um these are very nice keycaps if you guys are curious we could take a look at the specs really quick as well like 67 grams you're good i actually have those keycaps um and i do enjoy them so uh so uh yeah just this total aside from this webinar this is um oh and i think i did get a quick question here too from claudio um yeah we could definitely talk about that um as far as internal volume goes um yeah it'll depend on how complex the model is right and depending on like over here for this model for example i i can take this back to about here and i can take a look at that internal volume right here i could take a mall i could take a volume off of this specifically if i wanted to but you can imagine for more complex parts might require some more sculpting and patching specifically but exactly yeah so it really depends like i think that that would be the way to do it right is to generate the solid of the inside by using the surfacing tools and then using the eye properties to find the volume of it it gets infinitely more complex if you have a bunch of items on the inside of your object um so keep that in mind it's just the same process in which you have to use some of the sculpting commands or the patching commands as well but um yeah if you've got like say for example you have a tank and you've got a bunch of like pipe inside of it and you want to calculate the internal volume it's a little more difficult because there's a ton more surfaces you have to dodge or um things like that so keep that information we got another question here from paul bannister let me send you the link dude i'm using the mars elegu right now it's like super cheap right now because they just released like a new line of these printers as well um i think i'm using this guy right here this isn't an advertisement but it's pretty good man i like this a lot um can i spend one more moment to show them my keyboard nigel is that all right sure adam go for it nice that's what i like to do so i got this resin printer it's a pretty good entry level one if you're into that sort of thing um and let me bring up my photos really quick these are the keycaps that i've been making recently i've developed this uh from scratch um yeah i'm modeling this off with something else right now but um yeah my next step here since you know you could use a 3d printer to essentially um let's look at that you can use a 3d printer to make you know the actual castings essentially and the next goal from here would probably be to make molds like i was saying in the way or so this particular presentation was particularly well timed but anyways um i think that's all i got man yeah you're good to go adam um thanks everybody for joining us today i know that uh you know this is something for adam that was really important to put together um strictly because he has like personal projects that he wanted to share some of the process with um for you guys and those are like my favorite webinars that adam puts together i really enjoyed some of the thermal ones as well so definitely if you're looking for more learning content go ahead and take a look at our youtube channel that's forward slash continued technologies we've been doing these things for like five years now and you can imagine every week for five years we're over 250 of these webinars so um definitely take a look there there's a ton of content especially if you're a new viewer and you want to go back and look at what we've done in the past or maybe you need a refresher just a reminder they're all available on our youtube channel as well if you have any questions on how to find anything or you're having difficulty finding any particular session go ahead and email any of us here and we're more than happy to help you track that down um again adam thanks for joining us today i know that uh you are a very busy man and uh we'll uh we'll talk later today yeah thanks for having me guys take care cool thanks everybody we'll talk to you soon take it easy and have a great rest of your week bye
Channel: KETIV Technologies
Views: 1,702
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Keywords: autodesk, akn_include, autodesk inventor, ketiv technologies, autodesk virtual academy, ketiv ava, autodesk inventor 2020, computer aided manufacturing, autodesk inventor tutorial, inventor ilogic, autodesk inventor tutorial for beginners, autodesk inventor 2021, autodesk inventor 101, autodesk inventor simulation, computer aided design and drafting, computer aided design jobs, computer aided design technology, Ketiv, ketiv, ketiv youtube, ketiv autodesk virtual academy
Id: FXzJ8qKrOwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 11sec (2951 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 21 2020
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