Inventor Drawings & Documentation | Autodesk Virtual Academy

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good morning everyone and welcome Todd of the spiritual Academy I'm an agile and buyer application engineer here at Cortese welcome to our weekly learning program all about Autodesk software for the manufacturing and engineering space so as you can read here on the screen today we're going to be going over inventor drawings and documentation so I figured you know let's go ahead and jump back into the basics because you know having a strong foundation in your modeling is you know the way that we can all you don't get better at what we're doing and make sure that we're delivering the right content to our to the consumers so we've got rich Sanchez here who's our TV inventor instructor I'm sure those of you here on the webcast who might have taken our inventor class might recognize him for either taking his class or on some previous abs here so thanks again for being back rich and we're it's very good one that's right so uh for those of you who haven't been here welcome this is your first time and those who have been here multiple times I welcome back so if you do have any questions at any time feel free to type them into the GoToWebinar chat panel and we'll be able to answer those at any time during the webcast or at the end during our dedicated Q&A session also if you do have anything else in regards to questions that might not be related to this webcast you can always email questions at khateeb comm and we'll make sure that we get the right people addressing that for you I'm so expect to be here for the next 30 to 40 minutes or so and with that I think we'll go ahead and pass to rich any uh anything I've said there no I think you covered it all we're going to get back to basics cover maybe some features that people don't know about or just don't know how they work and I'm sure everyone's happy to have you back from you're here a few Weeke absolutes here that's true I have been away for a while but it is glad to be back here on a VA so uh go ahead jump to it's good to it okay so as a Nigel mentioned I'm rich Sanchez I'm one of the certified inventor instructors here at khateeb and what we're going to go over today is really heavy on inventor drawings so inventor drawings that's a documentation stage of our design process our models are great our 3d models parts and assemblies you know they they are very valuable to us um a really help in not only they manufacture but the concept and design but you know that's that's when we get to the end of the process the documentation is our deliverable right and it's really about communication so getting everything into a good solid drawing allows us to communicate with the fabrication department how these things are made allows us to communicate with the sales department and consequently our customers uh this is what you can expect your product your part to look like many times this is how it's going to be assembled as we can see in the example up on the screen I mean the documentation is key so everything from dimensions of the product to parts list of build materials for the assembly all the way up to in the top right corner of that image that you can see actually how this assembly gum comes together so for the most part I found not only through training but also in support here equity that everyone has more or less the same standard workflow right everyone will open a drawing and whether you're working in an inventor IDW or an inventor DWG it's generally going to be the same thing but you'll place a base view maybe some projected views add some dimensions here and there where needed some basic ballooning a parts list and then manually clean out your title block so there's nothing wrong with that as you can see here we have a perfectly valuable drawing that has all of the information that some customer some fab team might need to build this or understand how it works but maybe we're missing out on some features maybe there's some other tools in the drawn environment that you've either seen and don't know how they work or don't even realize that they're there so that's what we're going to look at today so let's go through kind of the topics that we're going to cover and then then we'll go ahead and actually do it so to start with we're going to look at some of our expanded joint features you know slicing it's not just for bread we're going to go ahead and slicer and interviews so you're drawing views on the page we'll look how how slicing those can give you kind of a different perspective crops views crop you can certainly be useful so if you have a view on a page whether there's just too much in it or you want to focus in on specific components you can certainly use the crop tool to do that breakout view if you're trying to see the internals inside of and assembly or inside of a part a breakout view is very useful for that it lets you just kind of cut away a layer or a certain depth of your component so you can see what's going on behind that okay and then just continuing down the list whole detail so this may not necessarily be so much a drawing feature certainly whole details and drawing as a feature but what I want to cover here is the differences in holes and how holes are created so you'll see our example there two holes very similar however the notation on them is very different so we're going to discuss how that happens and perhaps the best practice for placing your holes on your parts and therefore in your drawings afterwards custom balloons so balloons can be a very powerful tool if you know how to use them I know when I was in industry all I really did was use the balloons to number my components and those numbers related to the items on the parts list it was great it certainly served its purpose but with a little bit of work we can customize those balloons and get a lot more useful information so in our example here we can see that we're using the balloon tool to not only call out the part number of the component right in our drawing view but also the quantity of that component that's included in the assembly so look and and customize our balloons a bit and then getting down down to the end of the list but certainly not the least important features we're going to look at editing your parts list so a parts list of course is our bill of materials it has all of the information in it for the assembly how many components the number of each component our description part numbers great information we're going to take a look and see how we can add information to this and also maybe filter this out to get specific information that we might want so I know this is definitely a tool that's overlooked quite a bit and then of course we're going to wrap up with properties and title blocks so I know that when I was using adventure in industry I filled out my title blocks manually for the most part but there's no reason to do that so we're going to look at how we can link the fields in our title block and really any field in a drawing to an IP so that way it will be automatically populated as you are creating your drawing so I know we've covered you know a pretty decent list here we're going to jump right into inventor now and hopefully try to chip away at that I know that where we're trying to keep you close to the half hour forty minutes here so if I move a little quickly I'll go ahead and speak up let me know and we can slow it down a bit otherwise we're just going to try to cruise through all of the different features you want to cover so if they're with me a second while I switch over to adventure okay so we're going to start by working our way down that list and we're going to go into our slice queue so I have this pre-configured drawing here that as a page for every different feature we're going to look at so we can see on our drawing I have a nice side view of this particular component happens to be part of a turbo well the slice view is up here on our on our ribbon and it's a tool that honestly I never really thought about using you know to try to create that zero depth section of my product but when you really think about it that could be very useful if you're trying to take a look at internals or how internals might interact or connect and actually get that on a drawing it's easy enough to see when we're in our model environment because we could use our interference tools and see what looks like so a slice view actually requires two views and a sketch we're going to work with this work for this right now so I have my base sketch here this is initially where we're going to work off of to prepare for the slice view first I need to to create a sketch on my base view here so to do that I'm going to first select the view start a new sketch and then I'm going to place a line vertically and it could be really in any direction but to make this simple I'm just going to place a vertical line here on front of that that turbo snail there and if you wanted to you could even dimension this right from the component so if you had a certain distance you wanted your line to be now if I only wanted one slice or one of these zero depth sections I believe that but I can also place multiple let's say I just I just create a quick pattern from that one line maybe I want four at a space let's say attention quarter perfect okay great so now I have two of the things I need to create our slice view I have my base view and I have my sketch on that now I need to create a secondary view to go ahead and implement the slice so first I'm going to finish the sketch get out of sketch mode and now I'm going to project off of that base view so activate the projected tool up on the ribbon select your base view there and I'm just going to drag this off to the site to get a nice side view here right click and create great so now I have my side view so now I'll go ahead and start to slice command and it's going to walk me through this it's going to tell me select the view that I want to slice so that's going to be the new view that we just created and now I'm going to select the sketch that I want to use to create the slice great okay and you can see it's sliced right through that so if I only want to be one zero depth section this would be great but perhaps I wanted to see more or a little bit of how internals interact so now I can expand on this by projecting off of our sliced view so let's say I project that up into the side of there right click create and let me just drag this down great so you can see now I have my four lines so I have my four slices so you may find a use for this in your current workflow you may not but hopefully now you have a better understanding of how it works great so let's jump up to the next topic crop of you so this is a very nice isometric view here perhaps I only wanted you have to focus on one component in this or maybe there's just other things in this view that I don't really want to you to see so could I replace the view and maybe find a new part or perhaps I'd only wanted to see a specific portion of one of my parts krub view works great for that so I'm going to focus on this lower section of the body here I'll start the crop command the first thing I need to do is select the view that I want to crop so I'll select only view on the page right now and I'll simply zoom in and let's say I go from this bolt hole here I'm going to click and actually draw the rectangle that I want my crop to buta to be there we go so let's say that's really just what I want to focus on in my view I'll click there we go so now I created this nice cropped view and perhaps I wanted to blow that up to see some detail I can certainly do that so I can simply change the scale just as I would any other view great so now we'll see that I can much easier view the text that's involved on the the front face of that that casing there [Music] alright moving on let's take a look at a breakout view so you'll see this is the same the same part that we use for our slice view example the sail from that turbot what if I wanted to see inside this right well let's go ahead and I'm actually going to project a view off to the side here and I could I could work on this view here but I think it might work a little better I would a projected side view create okay so now I'm going to focus primarily on this top right section of this part I'm going to create a sketch there that's going to define the area that I want to cut away so just remember to create a breakout you need a view and a sketch I'm going to click on the view that I want to sketch on and then click the start sketch option on the rhythm and I'm just going to use a standard rectangle it doesn't need to be any specific shape could be rectangle circle you can draw lines if you wanted to there we go so there's just my rectangle I could define that if I wanted to as well but I'm just going to leave that kind of there for now right now that I have a view and a sketch on top of that view I'm going to go ahead and start the breakout command so the first thing I need to do is select a view now select the profile you'll see it's actually already selected my sketch so now I need to give it some input it's asking me okay from where and how deep do you want me to cut into this part so I'm going to have my depth selector selected make sure it's depressed there and you'll see I can pick any edge or any point that I'm looking at so I'm just going to start from this flange out here I'll pick an edge on that flange and I'm going to say from there I want you to cut two and a half inches okay great and now let's cut away right inside of that part if I wanted to I could also project off of this part there we go and I'm stacking my views on top of each other here but I just want you to see how even in this isometric projection now the breakout still exists like you can see right inside of that part see what's going on internally then so especially if you're building assemblies that have internals breakout view can be very handy to see what's going on on the inside all right let's keep going we're going to take a look at the whole detail now all right so this is preset up here I'm going to zoom in on this very simple part and I'm going to switch it over to the annotation tab on our ribbon in our adventure drawing deal and you'll see I have my regular dimension tool so I can certainly dimension that hole with my regular dimension tool you see I get a dimension that tells me you know the diameter of this this hole here is point four two inch the diameter of this hole here is half of an inch that's awesome but what if I wanted more than that well that's why inventor includes the hole into a detail tool so I'm going to click on the hole and thread on notes tool there and this time when I click on the coal on the left side you're going to see it's much more thorough right it's telling me that this is a half-inch 13 UNC a to be threaded hole all the way through our to a depth of 1 inch rim now when I click on the hole on the right side one notice that I can select either the hole or the thread but if I select just the whole portion it's only telling me passage through so the reason that's happening is because of the way this was created I'm going to switch into my model view really quick and we're going to take a look at the actual part we're working on here so our top view here now it's in the same orientation as it is in our drawing ID hole on the left here was created using the hole tool so I had my plane block and I created a sketch I just placed a point that I positioned and then I used the whole tool wrong option there I used the whole tool there to go ahead and place that hole and make it a threaded hole versus the hole on the right side that I actually just sketched a circle on top of our block and then I extrude cut it out and then I came back at a secondary operation later and threaded dull so generally what I found is when you do that when you extrude cut a hole that you're not going to get all of the same options or features from the feature and thread note tool as you will if you actually use the hole tool to place your holes so that just could be more of a best practice type of thing I always recommend using the hole tool to place your holes because when we get to this documentation stage you will have a lot more options here as far as the hole modes great okay moving on down the list I think we're making that decent tie here let's take a look at our custom ballooning so I just preset this view this is the same view that was in the sample in our PowerPoint now let me go ahead and balloon this normal way and it's going to bring up a note here wanting the parts list no either I've already placed the parts list so I can place the balloons there we go and we'll see I'm getting my standard balloons so these are all numbered and they all correspond to the item number for this assembly in the parts list and that's great but what if I wanted to get more information so let's take a look at how we might do that the first thing I'm going to do is switch to the manage tab up in my ribbon then I'll open the Styles editor and in our Styles editor dialog I'm going to look for the the balloon option there so we'll see I have my standard a balloon and C set up in here too I could either change this which I don't recommend I always recommend just adding another style so which is what I'm going to do here with that selected I'll click on new it's going to ask me well what do you want to name this new style for now I can just call this custom balloon great so we can look at our options here so all of these things we can configure your leader style text style offset the balloon shape so I'm actually going to choose an option that doesn't have a circle on it it's one of our options down at the bottom and then we'll see the property to display so by default it shows item and that's why it maps to the item number and we get that nice little number in the bubble well if I click on the property chooser you'll see that I have access to basically any property of that part or component that I can bring through in a balloon so let me scroll down and look at the part number I'll select that click on add to bring it over to the right side there and then I'm going to click on the item option and remove it the last thing I want to do is reorganize Li so I want my part number first I'll select part number then click on move up and now this is the information that my balloon tool is going to return it's going to give me first the part number and then the quantity click on OK save that really click Save and close one more time and now I'll go ahead and place some more balloons this time I'll place our new balloons along the top side here and don't worry I know they're still showing up as a little round circles with numbers in them we're going to fix that in just a minute great so now I've placed these new of these new balloons let me go ahead and select them I'm just holding down control on my keyboard and clicking on each of the balloons and ensure that you're on your annotate tab on your inventor ribbon and get all the way down to the far right side you're going to see the format options because I've selected balloons it's already giving me balloon options I'm going to click on the lower drop down and we'll see I have by standard so the standard that we're using in our drawing calls for the balloon NZ style but we'll also see the new custom balloon style that we just created so if I click on that it will apply to the balloons I had selected and you can see that that's now bringing through that information the part number and the quantity of that part in our assembly so see this insert there's six of them so even though I've only ballooned one it's going to give me a six there so I've definitely seen a lot of use for this with with my customers I either in cases like this where they just want to call out the part number and maybe the quantity I've also seen it be very useful for customers that have parts that have a cut length where they can denote that right on the drawing right in the view as well and pretty much any any property you can pull from that list pretty much you can even add stuff that list if you wanted to correct if you had custom properties that existed in your I properties for your parts or your assemblies you can bring those through and attach them to your balloons as well so imagine something like a stock number for example you could bring that through a new balloons okay let's take a look at our parts lists great so here is a assembly this is kind of the rest of that whole assembly right so we'll see our turbo in here on the exhaust the intake let me go ahead and place the parts list for this so on the annotate tab I will select parts list off of the ribbon select the view and click OK now I'll simply place it I'm going to place it just at the top of our screen here and then I'll zoom in on it so we can see what's going on great so I'm going to notice I'm going to point out a couple of things I notice right off of the bat our item numbers here aren't consecutive right they're out of order and maybe there's some more information that I want other than part number or description so to interact with this parts list all I have to do is move my mouse over until it glows red and then I can double click let me drag this over there we go so simple thing first is the item number if your item numbers are out of order like this if they don't make sense it's as simple as select the item column click it with the downward arrow and in our buttons up at the top of our dialog box we're going to look for this button here it's got a 1 a 3 and a downward arrow on it that's the renumber items button so if you click on that you'll see it Rhian remembers all of your items consecutively so that's just more of an aesthetic thing I think it makes more sense if the item numbers on your parts list are consecutive like that as opposed to kind of all over the place [Music] we'll also take a look at this really quick not something I recommend you do on a regular basis but many people don't realize that you can override the values in this dialog so let's say this part number here maybe for this one customer for this one job we need to add and with some other identifiers at the end of that part number I could simply add that in here or maybe even a vendor and see not sometimes 2 today but definitely you know sometimes you want to add that in parenthesis or something at the end of your part number or vendor but you can override that right here in your parts list it's very important I want to make sure every understand everybody understands whatever you put here does not report back to the part or assembly file it will not update the I properties but if you're just trying to get some different information on your drawing really clip you can simply do that here so them let me also point out that this field that we've edited is now showing up in bold and blue as opposed to the standard black text of everything else that's going to indicate to me that somebody has modified this so if you're coming into a drawing that somebody else has created and you look in the parts list you see these bold blue fields you know someone came in here and manually over rid the default values to get back to default you can simply right-click on that value and go down to static value at the bottom of the menu and you'll see it brings back the the default static value and while we're on this bridge can you force a return on that field if you wanted it to show up this two lines say for example you wanted a part number to show up as as two lines can you force your attorney well I can certainly expand the size of the box so that way will take up to two months so you can resize all of your rows or columns here right I need to check if it is it's one of the questions that came through which is why I'm mentioning it I need a check for sure whether or not you can force a return to have that show up is to line say for example your part numbers super long and you just wanted it to format in two lines I need to look at that for sure I've actually tried that yeah I'd have to double check to see if you can force it but I know that work around there simple work record I would be we could manually make all of our rows at consistent size that would that would appear to force a return right all right so let's say we wanted more information than our what this is giving us I'm going to find the column choose your button in our dialog so that's up on the top far left and you'll see just like with our balloons we have all of these properties available to us so these tie back to the individual parts or assemblies wherever they may be and let's say for example I needed to know item quantity well that's already in there elemental material I'm going to add material to our list here and I'll simply click OK how many resizes to dialog box and we can see that for the items that the material exists in the part it's now automatically populating in our dialog box so this isn't limited to just material I make this recommendation to all of my students you can bring stuff in like material or what's more important you can bring in things like cost or weight weight is a very big one because then you can use that weight right on your drawings to estimate shipping weight which then helps to estimate our shipping cost for your assemblies or your product but it and just to go back on what we were just talking about in regards to the return I was talking about return using I properties and not like forcing the return by like manually editing the part number field so yes you can hit like enter control enter I think in the part number field or in any field to make it two lines but yeah someone I was asking how to do that via the I properties if you were to pull that field from somewhere else without having to jump in here and manually edit that um I'll look into that pretty sure and I would definitely say it's possible but we'll come up with the best workflow for that yes there's this probably a way to do it just have to manipulate a couple of things great so as you can see so far the parts risk dialog there's lots of options it's very flexible let's look at one last thing before we move on from our parts list and I'm just going to do this really quick because this always bugs me I like the quantity down at the end there we go but just to illustrate that you can move these columns around in whichever order you want and note for for those of you who are using things like frame generator that quantity field is going to be cut length but if you want to change that to like actual quantity of that part there are ways to do that you can remap the properties and sometimes you will use item quantity actually naturally bring up a great point I have a lot of customers that use frame generator to develop parts and what they're after is how many ten-foot pieces of steel do I need by default apart so this doesn't tell you that there's a very simple very easy workload as that so if that's something that anyone on today's session is interested in we can put together a short five-minute video that shows you how to reconfigure your parts list to give you quantity and cut links yeah I know that's a big deal for a lot of our frame generator customers for sure right so the last thing we want to look at as far as a parts list here is the filter settings so let's say for example this isn't a very big one this disassembly only has 13 or so components here but what if I had hundreds and I was only really worried about the hardware that I needed to purchase to make sure let's say for example somebody packaging this assembly pulled the right numbers of nuts and bolts very common request let's see how we can very quickly very easily get that information and only that information in the top the dialogue here for the parts twist I'm going to look for the filter settings button it looks kind of like a funnel on top of an excel page and we get our filter dialog so once you open it it turns itself on you can turn that off of course or you can turn it on and then you can define the filter that you want so there's a there's a few predefined zin here I'm going to go with the purchased items and you'll see once I select purchased items I can say our purchased items only or no purchased items so purchase items only for example it's going to give us just the nuts bolts washers all of the fastening hardware that are noted as purchased equipment in our assembly all right and just so some people understand how this works how do i t'me come quote-unquote purchased in inventor and what's what is the setting for that rich huh that's a great question let me actually show you how to do that as part of our next example I'll make sure to bring that up [Music] so to come back into the filter I could always remove that filter and it brings back my entire parts list you could also stack these filters so you can have multiple filters running but you see the options that you have here definitely I recommend experimenting with that plain with that keep in mind I will show you in just a minute here how an item becomes identified as purchased I'm going to click OK okay great and to move into our next topic which is populating your title block and doing that more automatically I'm going to open up a new drawing great so I have my nice new empty drawing here as we can see my title block is very empty now let's take a look at a part I'm going to use this part into a place review in my title block and illustrate how we can populate it automatically what's key here is ensuring that the I properties for your parts are completed so on our our browser here in our part I'm just going to scroll up to the very top right to click on that and bring up the I properties and really any of these fields any of the properties in this dialog you can bring through into your title block or really anywhere on your drawing sheet even if you have custom fields custom properties so just the holdover from our last example is how do how does an item become identified as purchased we can set that up here in our properties so what's that set as a purchased item here then it will come through and actually there's also a setting in the Bill of Materials for that so if I were to right click on this and define our Bill of Materials behavior alright logging bring that up in a minute but there is a Bill of Materials behavior setting for that actually I can I can cruise there really quick right so for example let me find one of the sub components of this assembly and we'll see that it's default BOM structure is set as purchased so that is also controllable at the part level and the Assembly level I'm going to bring up our Bill of Materials dialogue really clicking this assembly and we can see that from right here in the inventor assembly environment is showing me which items are showing as purchased and which are shown as odd normal okay great so now to get back into our last example which is populating this title block with information from our properties field let's take a look at some of the AI properties in this part so we have something in our title here there is an author entry as well as part number let's include a stock number coop so we can also bring that through as well great so everything else is completed let's go ahead now and jump back into the drawing and we'll bring some of this information into our title block so if you are using the default inventor title box which I have here this is what comes you know out of the box when you first install the software they're actually pre-configured to bring in some of this information but I know a lot of customers do start over a lot of users you know build their own title blocks from scratch and you just manually populate that data so to take a look at what's going to come through in this we just need to look at the properties of it so on our browser here on the left side I'm going to find our ANSI title block there right click on that and bring up the definition option and you'll see here that this has the title block pre sketch it also has a lot of fields that are either empty like this QA c okay there's nothing in there or fields that have some some value in these brackets so when you see this field it has this value in the bracket that's an indicator to you that that's tied to some property inside the part or assembly so let's say for example I wanted to include the stock number here somewhere I'm simply going to find in a nice area for that so let's say this QA section I want to modify that to be my stock number section so first pulse which are our label they're from QA to stock number great and now I'll add some text here so I'm going to click on the text tool up on my ribbon draw a text box in the area where I want this to go and now in my text dialog instead of simply typing some information there I'm going to link this to a property so on the lower half of the settings for this you'll see I have this type option so it can tie this to the properties of the model and you'll see you have a lot of options here so this is going to be tied to properties of the drawing you can set up for a prompted entry all sorts of stuff so right now I'm going to set this to be properties of the model choose the property that I want it to be which is our stock number and what's really important that we're get to do this once you have those items selected at the right side you're going to have this button here this ad text parameter button it's an X with a downward arrow click on that and that will bring it in okay and there it is so that's just a quick simple change we're going to make I'm going to go ahead and now finish this sketch everything else has already been set up for me the way I want it and it's going to now ask me if I want to save these edits so if you wanted to modify this you could if you wanted to save this as something custom you could do that as well so let's say for example you had a title block that went that was different for internal release as your title block for external release you can have multiple title blocks existing in your same drawing template so I can just simply call this my Khatib title save great so now you'll see in our browser on the left side under title blocks I have a Nancy a and an C large any khateeb title so to make sure that I have the right title block here I'm going to first under my sheet settings delete that title block and now under my drawing resources title blocks find like a t title right click on that and simply insert it now it's still empty right we haven't brought a model into this drawing yet so that's why it's still empty let me go ahead now and place a base view for our part it doesn't really matter what V were in right and we can see that it's brought in that stock number that we populated so if we wanted to make sure that any of these other fields got populated we could simply make sure that they're filled out in the I properties of that part so for example let's switch back to that part let me click and take a look at the I properties so we'll see here that company is empty so I could fill that in with a petite there and let's say I have my number my description okay save back in our drawing I can edit the definition on that title block again find that company entry there so you'll see that this is now tied to the properties of our drawing I want this type of the properties of our model simply make that change there we go okay the title here likewise tied to the properties that we're drawing again if I want that tight to the property of my part or assembly I can update that here great I'll finish my sketch it's going to ask me if I want to save I'll say yes to confirm and now we'll see that's coming through but definitely it's worth taking the time to get that set up I would recommend getting that set up at your template level and then go ahead and save that so it automatically pushes out to all of your users so I know we're a little bit over here we've covered quite a few topics I see actually quite a few questions in the queue so Nigel and I will definitely stick around as long as it takes to chip away at those but there's any that we can't get to now we'll certainly get get back to you offline and make sure we get your questions answered in any issues resolved certainly yeah there's a there's many dozens of questions in here so well we'll try to cover the ones that multiple people have asked it looks like there are a few that are pretty consistent among a couple of viewers and anything that it's a little more lengthy and regard to the answer maybe requires a phone call or eight like a team chairs or a screen share or something with the user we've more than happy to do that after the fact so let's go ahead and jump to that Sanchez I just want to jump to the QA slide real quick yes all right and I'll turn the camera on so you can see our our beautifulness which is only applicable to Sanchez it's kind of the room here um yeah so we do have you know somewhere like 40 questions right now it's a lot of stuff so we'll cover a couple of these and we'll see how much we can chip away this as it says on the screen there you can always email questions at Katie's comm or call the number below that it comes to our office here and kind of request for a help or answer any of these questions from the a VA today you can always ask for my self module I'm rich she'll be here today as well so if you have anything further and you think of something later I'm definitely jot down this email and this phone number and we're more happy to answer anything you have interest to clarify its more than to see what i answering everyone's questions we do have a full life line support team but it's true there are many of us yes alright so let's go ahead and enjoy this so one of the first questions that came through is when we were doing the crop and the question is like can I do anything besides the quad so a square or a rectangle in regards to the crop and I can answer this you can do things that aren't quads if you really wanted to there is I believe it's the sketch um that gets made on that cropped view on that you can edit to change you know what your shape is so you can always add arcs you can make circles you can do whatever you want to your crop view if you want to rectangle like - a little bit at the top you could always do that so the workflow for that is you would place the crop you would have the default rectangle at first but you have to go back into that sketch after X to modify the shape of it correct yeah and you can edit the sketch as you wish you have full blown like sketch tools to do pretty much whatever you want if you really wanted to look really interesting or specific to what your need your wanted jagged edges like an explosion shape you could do that yeah you could or you can put a smiley face in there if you really want to right now maybe that's what I would do and then this question actually came up twice if you want to answer this real quick rich what's cool orange and why is it near and better I have the cool orange thread modeler tool added in my inventor what that does is if you've used threads in adventure you may have noticed that it doesn't actually physically cut the threads into your part what it does is it applies an image that appears to be threaded and then of course when you get to the documentation stage and you are you had your thread notes it has all that information but it's still kind of a you know a cylinder that doesn't have any threats cut into it the cool orange thread tool is a really neat little adding it's free it takes that thread note information and actually physically modifies your part so it cuts those threads into the the hole or the bolt or whatever it might be and that just makes your model heavier say your file size is going to be big um and it might take longer to load so definitely don't don't model your threads if you don't need absolutely need to because it is very cumbersome on systems especially if you got multiple fasteners in there that's true if you if you think about the actual physics and the geometry of a thread the helical cut and all of the phases it creates it does make your your model heavier and then when you get into a to rendering it makes an amazing render but again it makes that process take longer because now as most rendering tools work in uh in Polly's right now you have more Polly's than asked to process yep all right so we got a quick question here how can I have a quarter cup view like I have in my model should I extrude cut to have the quarter or a cut quarter view so I could take care of in a breakout correct so if I'm understanding correctly when we're in our model environment you have the quarter section view option similar to what I accomplished with the breakout so you could use the breakout tool to do that you can draw a sketch of where you want your breakout to to be basically I would draw the sketch so that it's creating away everything you want gone and then set the depth to go through the entire art so that way as it cuts then you're left with just that quarter section view yep and that's probably as we do you just sketch it to whatever you want gone do it through all and you should be good to go in that regard yeah there's a method will work for what I could think of using the section view tool but we didn't cover that today so we can cover that in another session yeah for sure and for all of these these other things we do have a large library of videos and blog posts and such and tech tips on our art YouTube channel and on our website so more than that are more than welcome to just google Katti and you'll be able to find our YouTube channel there's a lot of videos from there as well as our tech tips on our blog and a lot of these things get addressed in there too so if you have any questions at any time you can always start with a Google search type-c okay Eve I need this and more than more than likely you'll find something there familiar yeah we were like 80 plus a v8 now so uh more than likely if it's a common thing you'll be able to find in a VA on it all right so there's a lot of questions in regards to um when you're doing custom balloons and doing things like setting up custom let's see custom views changing things like symbols on balloons so can you add symbols to balloons terms of a things like degrees I have to look into a little bit more about how they want to use it but you can add prefixes and suffixes to what's showing yeah so I would say yes you should definitely be able to add something like a symbol like a degree or something like that you know it really depends on the flexibility of the Styles manager that's pretty much what's driving all of this so if it's possible with the sales manager you can have it populate pretty much anything in the drawing because everything in the drawing is getting driven by the sales manager so if you want to add the custom field if it's not the style manager there's probably some back-end ways to add stuff to that and manipulate the style um to do all this stuff um another note is all of these changes that rich was doing things like on the parts list and the title blocks only apply to that one drawing if you wanted to apply to all of your drawings you're going to want to make drawing templates that's another topic in itself so if you want to see you know some best practices for templates um please let us know we can push that forward actually pretty pretty soon here if if that's something that everyone wants to see templates are a huge thing for drawing and in parts and assembly this question comes from Greg does inventor have capabilities run the FDA or simulate gas or liquid properties after you finish your design or I guess during the design process even as well um so yes and no correct yes and no it depends on the version of inventor you're running if you're an inventor professional which most users are now with the the change in how our this is distributing the software I believe most users have access to pro there is some FBA built into it if you want to go more in depth and have much more control over the analysis you're running there's an add-in for inventor called Nash Tran in kit that gives you a lot more flexibility with the type of simulation you can run the built in an inventor Pro is is more static but in natural in CAD you can run a lot more dynamic dynamic simulation right and then in regards to things like fluids so gases and liquids that's completely different than software that it's considered CFD and there is an audit of CFD software in which you can do things like that to do your flow analyses and all of that fun stuff see little trails part of the trails direct and just to clarify an asteroid MCAT does run right inside inventor with a CFD that is a secondary program it's an external program but it integrates very well with adventured you can bring your models right into it right yeah so if anyone has any questions on that and how all of that works it is sometimes a little complicated on regards to what's included with what let us know we can kind of clarify those things for you let's see um when editing this general this is a general question two showed up like six or seven times in different shapes or forms when you're editing your parts list why are you doing it in the parts list instead of the bomb list in some cases you want to do it in the parts list because it just applies to that one drawing and doesn't make a change really at the Assembly level so like I mentioned with the modifying of the overriding the values if I just needed to get some special value in that one instance of that parts list I could print that drawing and get it to a customer or a sales person or somebody it's a very quick way to do it if it's a long-term change something that you want to be documented for sure in the assembly then definitely I would say let's do that at the Assembly level or the bomb interface there but as well as you know different things like we were able to filter our parts list and bring out just the nuts and bolts that's something that you're going to want to do at the drawing level in the particle style on there if it looks like there's about half a dozen people who want to do that friend generator video um in regards to mapping I guess the item quantity if you guys want it we'll build it yeah and I think it's already built we just have to send it to you so I'll make sure actually I know exactly where it is so I'm expecting that like probably in the afternoon sometime I just have to locate it and then edit the video a little bit and cut it to the section that you need but essentially what it is and if anyone else wants it please speak up ah you're right I think I do good week there yeah it's how to edit your properties and where their maps to so instead of that quantity field is going to pull from somewhere else instead of a cuddling for those frame members will cover one or two more here um and we'll take care of the rest later differently um can I watch this again I've been wanting to do some of this stuff and I missed a couple of a couple minutes of this webcast so yes Sanchez you know where they're located yes all of our videos all of our khateeb Aviation's are located on our YouTube channel this video will be a either later this afternoon or tomorrow morning yeah so you can definitely do it as many times as you want there and then while you're there take a look at some of our past sessions and see if there's something there that might apply to your workflow make your job a little bit easier yep and then uh looks like cover two more questions here this one came up twice can I do a crop and a break in the same view ooh that you can't do yeah I covered up a lot and supporter too so just to reiterate you cannot apply a crop and a break or I guess a slice and a crop any of those functions that rich did on those views um I think I've tried them all to see if I could do two at once and you can't so you need to have a good roken inventor trying to do that I probably have but if that's something that really a lot of you are interested in my recommendation and we can even you know get the ball started the indenter idea space is where we put our post those ideas and out of this reads that regularly so if that's something that enough people are interested in they will put that in a future release of adventure if that's something that'll definitely work on in the last question before I wrap up today how do I make a drawing which contains only the Bill of Materials well there's a pretty easy workaround for that you can place a view off of the page and then just simply have your bill of materials on the viewable page yep so you can like throw your assembly view in space somewhere and then yeah on the actual sheet of paper that you've got and your drawing put your mom and work that way that's the easiest way to do it then when you plot or whatever it'll only have the page section yep so I think that's it but we'll see you all next week hopefully if you are willing to join us we're here in Xtreme so next week it's one of two things there are things getting scheduled right now I believe next week is custom materials yes it's custom materials and appearances in inventor so if you do have a custom material that you want to put in or there's something that's not an inventor that you need to pull in things like one of the many alloys of steel um I get that a lot and it's got very specific material properties will show you how to import those into inventor or not import those create that material and inventor apply your own appearance to it I think the example we're using is we're doing adamantium which for those of you who watch your Marvel movies you'll kind of understand what that is there might be a Hugh Jackman reference or two in there so with that I think I think we'll wrap up and for those of you whose questions I did not answer um be prepared for an email there's there's a lot too sweet so uh be on the lookout for that in your inbox if you don't get anything I'm definitely email us email us or give us a call at the number or email at your screen so again fan chefs thank you for being here today extra and for everyone on the webcast though we'll see you next week so we work CD news no not him nobody in the office but you'll see me next week copy back remembers our episode definitely four templates I'm sure so with that I'll see you later I you you
Channel: KETIV Technologies
Views: 25,962
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Keywords: akn_include, Inventor, Autodesk Inventor (Software), Autodesk Inventor, Inventor 2016, Inventor Professional 2016, Autodesk Inventor Pro 2016, Inventor Pro 2016, Inventor Pro, KETIV, KETIV AVA, KETIV Technologies Inc, Autodesk Virtual Academy, Software (Industry), Technology (Industry), AVA, Inventor Drawings & Documentation | Autodesk Virtual Academy, Inventor 2018, Inventor 2017, Autodesk Inventor 2018, Autodesk Inventor 2017, Inventor Drawings, Autodesk drawing
Id: ijH-N7Oy4h8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 3sec (3543 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2017
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