Creating an Assembly, Exploded View, and Parts list in Autodesk Inventor 2018

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hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey guys what's going on we're making a great video today we're gonna be kind of finishing up the final projects here this is hopefully the last video that you will really need in order to make you know to make everything for Autodesk for those requirements and what will be able to buckle in here what I did was I made sort of a I don't want to say bad but kind of a you know a very quick version of a candy dispenser so this is which I actually named box right here so I have my box dispenser you can see there's a hole right there the candy could fall in you rotate it the candy falls out right I have a box rod right here I have box sides I have other sides which are slightly different dimensions I have a box top and I started myself an assembly file so we're gonna go through three things today we're gonna talk about how to assemble something how to make how to explode your assembly very exciting and how to make a drawing from that exploded view including a parts list let's jump in here first of all you can see I made kind of a lot of different parts right now you have some leeway like if you want to make one box that has all four sides in it and you want to just call that one part you can that's okay I would tend towards thinking about how you actually make it in real life like everything every distinct part in real life maybe you want to go the route of having a distinct part in autodesk for it but you know if you think something else makes sense or you just it's too much work to make every single individual part you want to combine some of them that's okay that can be done so let's jump into the actual skills that you're gonna need here this is a new assembly file let's go ahead and click place and grab some of the things so now I name them all the same thing right here right so box probably should've gone with something like candy dispenser but naming all of your parts the same thing is extremely helpful while creating it and of course making sure they're all saved in your folder in the proper place it's gonna allow you to find them later so let's just go ahead and start placing them let's open it up and we'll see if this thing works here okay there we go so we'll place our dispenser there we go perfect let's hit escape now so we don't place another one now let's place another part here let's place the rod open that up and there we go it escaped so we don't place another one place here now let's place the sides let's go I'm gonna zoom out a little bit I'm gonna place one and I'm gonna place two of these okay perfect and now let's click place and box sides - okay let's place one two of those and our is there anything else want to out the top yes of course better do that on the box top and we'll place our box top right there perfect so you can see we have all five parts sort of laid out ready to go we have a couple versions of each now I want to show you guys a couple of things if you don't know them already probably do but this is the zoom wheel on your mouse is sort of a it's sort of a magical thing here that can allow you to really move quickly you can zoom in or out by rolling it if you click it you can then move and pan around the screen and if you hold shift and click it then you can rotate everything and you can get you can get super lost it's great here we go oh boy now we got to find our way back home let's see let's do one of those okay pan all right there we go so that looks good so using those three shortcuts can enable you to move around a lot quicker and can help you okay so when we start assembling the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to designate one piece as my base now if you notice everything in here so far it can move and if you choose free rotate you can freely rotate it as well but we want to pick one thing that was just going to be our base and it's not gonna move it's not gonna rotate nothing like that so before I do anything to this one I'm gonna right-click on it and I'm gonna choose grounded so that's going to ground it now if you notice I can't click on it I can't do anything to it right a little pin thing pops up when I select it to show me like hey you can't move it at all so there you go that is now grounded now what I'm going to do is with my ungrounded components I'm gonna use the kind of the views here and I'm gonna try to shift them into approximately their proper locations here okay so there we go that's close enough this one needs to come over here and we need to rotate it a little bit so let's rotate it now this does not have to be perfect or even close to perfect as you can see I'm just doing a very loose job here let's see let's rotate this one and I'm gonna try to go a little bit faster my practice video ended up running a little bit long so we'll see how this goes okay there we go now let's pull the top over there and we'll leave sort of the rod and the dispenser off to the side and there we go we have things kind of it's pretty ugly but it they're approximately in the right position so let's start adding some constraints here now we're gonna be using two constraints the mate constraint which has two possible solutions one's called a mate when you make two things you stick them together like that when you flush two options you bring them to an equal level like that so we're gonna be using both of those we're also going to use the insert now the insert could sort of go and but that's what we're gonna use obviously to like insert the rod into the hole in the dispenser or into the hole in the side of the box that you can see right there so those are what we're gonna be using let's actually get it started right here right now with the mate and we're gonna just do a plain mate and we're going to make this edge of the box right here to this edge of the box and let's apply that and you can see it's pops into place right so now I done the mate let's apply a flush and let's flush that side of the box to that side let's apply it there you go it pops into place and you hear a nice little sound I'm actually gonna hit escape and show you guys something so now I can move it up and down right because I've but I can't move it in or out so I've removed all of its rotational degrees of freedom and I've removed two out of the three lateral degrees of freedom but I can still move it upside down which is actually not what I want I want it all locked into place let's do one more flush and there we go we'll apply that and now it will have no more degrees of freedom right can't move the other one's grounded so it can't go anywhere okay so here we go let's keep on assembling I might slow down my narration a little bit but probably not I'll just keep on talking so we're gonna do a mate here apply that and now we are going to do flushes so I'm kind of falling into this pattern where I do one mate and two flushes to each of the sides there we go now let's go back into mate and we will mate that edge to that surface right there apply that and we will flush that one to that one apply that and then we will flush the top to the top apply that there you go now I have my box sort of constructed here now I need to do some stuff with the top let's see so let's do a mate this one I believe will be three mates we'll make that surface to this surface right here apply that now kind of got smashed down in there so it got kind of hard to see so I'm gonna hit escape to get rid of my joint and we'll pull it out so we can still see it now I know that this surface is mated to that surface so I'm going to now try to constrain and I will mate that one to that one and apply okay now things are starting to look a little bit better it can move up and down again right so one more mate ought to do it and let's choose this one let's constrain one more once again mate oops I think I'm gonna click the wrong thing constrain right there okay oops I click escape of course alright there we go made that one to that surface right there apply and it snaps into place everything looks good alright now we got to do the tricky part which is to put our dispenser and our rod together and then put them inside the box so we're gonna switch over to using the insert constraint now when you use the insert constraint you can see a little subtle gray arrow is gonna pop up there right so I want to insert that into this hole right now you can see I've got my two subtle grey arrows now it's asking me do I want those to point opposite directions and kind of leave the rod outside or do I want them to face the same direction and put the rod inside I want them to be aligned which means they're both pointing the same direction so I'm gonna click that there and I'm gonna click apply now it goes in now of course when I designed this I wanted the rod to be sort of centered and then to go through both of the holes in the box so I'm gonna change it a little bit here so if we go over to our browser you can see if I choose my rod and I choose my dispenser that same insert shows up on both of them so if I right click and I go to edit I can edit that that constraint right there same as I can do with all of my box sides and box stops should I need to go deletes a bad constraint or edit one or make a change in any way I can I can get to it through there you can see your offset right here so let's see the Radha is five inches long the dispenser is three inches long so I'm going to subtract those come up with two inches I'm gonna do an offset of half of that right because I want that two inches of extra tail to be split up evenly on both sides I'm gonna do a one inch offset let's see what happened what did I do I'll put two decimal points in all right there we go and it kind of went the wrong direction actually it offset like it pulled it out a little bit instead of pushing it further through so let's change that let's double click on it and I think I can edit that offset dimension right here I'm just gonna change it to negative one and there we go that's that's what I wanted to see perfect okay so we've inserted the rod now let's put the dispenser and rod into the box and we will use another insert now I think I'm actually going to choose this surface right here which kind of matching up the two holes so there we go I will choose that one and I will choose the inside surface of my box here now this is getting a little bit tricky but that just means we're having fun I think we'll make this one aligned and see what happens and we'll click fly that was wrong we actually wanted the others the opposed insert so let's see here let's close our constraints and look at our browser you could see insert two right there in between the box and dispenser because remember we went from the hole not from the actual rod and from box sides - I think that one's got it real right there so I can grab that and no I need to change it so let's edit that and then we can choose it so it's opposed and we'll click OK there you go now you can see it's in there everything's working now of course this is not really a great candy dispenser it still needs a base it still needs something to keep all the candy from coming out when they're not being properly dispensed and on and on and on but I figured you know we'll just go with this not let the video get too long okay so let's grab a look at our view here okay so that view that looks pretty good everything's good so let's go ahead and save this and probably should have done that sooner kind of forgot about that whole saving thing let's call this as box assembled something like that and we will save it alright now let's go over here and we're going to explode our box so let's create a new let's see this is actually a presentation so we're going to create a new presentation and we're gonna pull out the box assembled and input that into our presentation so here we go now we're going to create a new snapshot view now we can create storyboards you can create like videos of it exploding and stuff which is really cool we actually do that in past that got cut out of the curriculum but it's all good this will still be a little bit of fun here so we're gonna click on that and name it and we're going to name it the exploded view or something similar something like that okay so it exploded view now we'll click on that so we're editing double click on it so we're editing make sure you're editing your view and not just editing your overall thing here because things will happen alright so there we go there's our exploded snapshot view let's click on this tweak and components button and this will allow us to start pulling things apart so first thing I'm gonna grab is the lid now you can see I have three arrows I can move in and also three directions which I can rotate those six degrees of freedom right now I'm getting them back so I'm dragging it up and then you can change the number as well if you want I'm just gonna actually I'm happy with the drag that looks good let's do it now you notice that this one's more of like we're pulling it backwards I don't actually know how that's different there we go we'll pull that one apart grab this one now this one we're actually gonna push it backwards so even though the arrows not pointing that direction I still click on the arrow I want and I can push it backwards there we go and now let's pull this all the way out there and this one let's rotate this one actually so that B is a little bit hard to see here I think this is the way we want to rotate it yeah so that the dispenser part the hole in the dispenser is kind of facing up and we'll open I messed it up okay I forgot to click Save okay rotate it and rotate that and we'll click we'll hit enter all right there we go now actually the view I want I think is that one I think that's probably my best looking view right there so let's click make sure everything's centered and we'll click finish Edit view right there now if I click on my exploded view it brings it back we'll have to see you oh you know what I think it'll be okay all right so finish out of you all right now let's go here and you'll say create drawing view so this will allow us to pull our exploded view I know it doesn't look exploded right now in so let's oh yeah we got a safe of course let's save this one as box sploded and we'll save it here okay now will scree ate a standard IDW drawing file open it up and you can see our exploded view is right there but of course we're gonna have to do some things to make sure that the view we want is actually represented let's see 1 2 4 scale that's this looks a little smallest try just one I actually think that's gonna work out pretty good we'll drag it into the location that we want which is kind of the lower left corner here we do want to show trails that box is clicked they're not showing up yet but I think they will let's make sure we want the shading and we don't I don't think I want hidden lines on this one alright let's click OK and there it is now you can see the trails pop up oh and I you know what I forgot to do was test some other views so let's click that view cube spin it around that looks pretty good I think it will go with that one I think that was a view I wanted okay so there we go there is my assembled view I'm also going to put in there a non exploded view so I'm just gonna go back to my assemble diversion and grab that and we can put that kind of somewhere maybe I'll put that right there oops let's make sure the views align so you can kind of see what it looks like when it's assembled and then of course I forgot to do that okay oops here we go okay assembled that I am mm-hmm mm-hmm okay make sure the settings are all good and okay there we go all right so we have our two views and now the last thing we need to do is the parts list now some interesting developments here I've been exploring a little bit and hopefully coming closer to figuring out how to change text size more easily let's go over to the manage tab here and we'll choose the Styles editor okay and it's telling me the library is read-only okay all right so let's go to table because we're gonna be making a materials table let's open it up and double click on the table and let's see how did I do this so I think textiles right here if I click Edit and I change my text height to 0.32 which is usually what I go with and we'll save the edits now if I click on another one it's also point three two if I go back and I click on another one it's also point three two and I click back and if I go to just something random like leader or mmm you know I don't know dimension that's the one we've been struggling with I'm still like this is just these menus are like so intense display you know extension I'm not sure I don't even know where to find like all of this anyways alright so we'll I don't want to get too bogged down if you change the text on one thing it seems to have some carryover effect on other things especially with this table things are a lot more illegible now you can actually see the let's click Save and close you can see that the text now surrounding the grid on the outside is actually bigger and more legible than it was before so that is great so let's do this let's go over to annotate and we're going to make ourselves a parts list so we're gonna select our view here let's choose box know dispenser box exploded because we want to make the parts list from the exploded view so we'll click that to open it and okay all these yes teeth will sure will enable the bomb view and here we go there is our parts list you can see it's all legible which is great it's got the item the quantity the part number the description all of that is in there if you want to make changes you can double click on it and let's say for instance if we want to get rid of the description tab because we don't have anything filled out for the description you can click right here on column chooser you can choose description and you can remove it now if you want other things like you know your any anything really anything at all on here you can go ahead and put that in there I don't know what we would need beside this lets click apply and ok and there's our parts list right there now one last thing to do which is to label the parts from the parts list right like you can see okay okay we need two box sides and we need two box sides too but we're not sure like okay what is the box side what's the box side to what's you know the dispenser right hmm so we're gonna grab the balloons here and you gonna click and click twice and then right click to go to continue click on the part click again right click continue and right click and - oh I don't didn't turn out the way I want it okay let's go back let's try that one again balloon that click once click twice right click continue okay well so now if I want to do like it a little tweak in there I can click twice and then go to continue there's one and I have one too I'm missing three which one is three no this one oh then the main base here so let's see let's keep ballooning continue and I might as well just do all the parts you know what actually no that's good one two three four five okay we've got all the balloons on there we have our exploded view we have a normal view we got a parts list on the video good luck
Channel: Mr. Stem
Views: 38,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iTZo-ve6uJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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