20 Inventor Tips in 20 Minutes | Autodesk Virtual Academy

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good morning everybody and welcome to Autodesk virtual academy brought to you by qatif Technologies I'm Nigel Mike your host for today and all days of ABA and today I'm joined by Eric Paul how's it going Eric come on your mom going good whoo so today we're gonna be going over something really awesome we have this idea of doing a multi-part inventor tip series things that are like super fast super quick making sure that you can you know reduce the amount of clicks become more efficient you know and get things done slightly faster right if you get things done a little bit faster a dozen times over the course of a day you know it all compounds over the course of your entire work week and year so just want to make sure everyone gets more efficient and that's why we're doing this topic today so it's gonna be very very fast fast paced we're gonna be going over it in about 20 minutes we'll see how fast Eric can go if anyone has any questions please type them into the chat at any time looks like we've got a full house today so I'm really excited and with that I'll go ahead ass it off to Eric and off to the races we go all right 20 tips and 20 minutes let's just get started the first one that I'm gonna show you today is this idea of a clean screen most of the time when you're working in inventor you want lots of toolbars options you want everything at your fingertips sometimes you just want to show something off maybe you know you're not presentation you want to show off the model real quick and the way you do that is by hitting either under let's see here view and clean screen or if you notice right next to it it says control 0 so once you click it and you say hey how do I get this back control 0 is an easy way to make it happen so again back and forth it's great under the neck view cube indicators so I apologize for this pixelated mess here but really wanted to blow it up so you could see the difference over on the left hand side you can see that the viewcube has this dashed line defining the edges and on the right hand side you can see it's a solid line defining the edges and what that is doing is denoting when you're on an official view so you can see here in the upper right hand corner it's on a dashed line and that's just because I'm you know they're on this around if I click on this which is a defined view you can see that that gets solid or similarly you know if I use one of these views out let's say one there we go you can see that it is solid if I move off a little bit it is now dashed all right next one there we go okay so there's two main ways you can be looking at your models either as a perspective mode and this would be similar to how you'd expect it if you know you had a real camera looking at this model and the other is known as orthographic and that's going to take away some of that perspective so everything has you know this straight line and let me show you whether you can change that so up here again under the View tab this very first one under it you'll see that right now it's on orthographic and you can kind of see an example here when I hover over that all the lines stay parallel to each other as it goes across and when I switch this over to perspective you can see the it's a significantly different look you know everything's the same all the values are the same for this it's just kind of the way it's rendered how the camera would would look at this and that's if you're going to do renderings and stuff put it in perspective it looks a little bit better if you're gonna go ahead and render this out or take screenshots stuff like that yes people you know expect it to look like it would and in real life in those examples alright now I'm going to go over some sketching ones the first one is how to turn off those inferred constraints or the snapping as you're sketching so let me go ahead and start a sketch over here and I'm gonna go ahead and create a circle and go ahead and start making a line so if I start making a line here and I get close to the edge you can see it snaps on to the circle and if I don't want that to happen I can hold the ctrl button down and as I get close you can see it's not snapping anymore so if you need to get real close to something and you've got you know precise measurements you don't want to turn off the snapping is just temporary just hold that ctrl key down and then you won't have that anymore all right next one so when you're trying to make a tangent line off of the circle there is a real easy way to do that you don't have to you know set your line and then click the tangent constraint after what you can do is start on the circle and if you drag your line instead of clicking once and clicking again if you drag your line you'll get an automatic tangent holding the left mouse button ok holding the left mouse button and be careful to not start it on an axis because then it'll assume you're trying to place it there so yeah all right next one ah this one's kind of interesting so a lot of the times if you're dealing with trim you might also be trying to deal with extend at the same time and by holding the shift key it actually changes what the tool will do so if I go back in here let's get rid of this and go ahead and create a quick box and for the line down the center so let's say I want to trim off this piece up here I can do that using the trim command of course and if I want it to extend let's say it's already had this and I want it to extend this out using the same trim tool you can still still on trim you hold the shift key and when you place it over it'll do the extend instead of trim and it works the same way if you have the extend started if you hold the shift key down it'll go for trim instead all right related there is such a thing as inferred trim so if you have two sketches near each other with some solid geometry it'll infer that you want to trim at a specific point and sometimes that's helpful sometimes it's not and the way we get around that we create a new one here just a couple of boxes and want to go ahead and select this trim you can see that it's inferring that at this point here it should you know trim to there if you don't want that hold the control key down you know similar to our first step there and that will stop the inference it'll just trim the whole thing all right another quick sketching tip if you're trying to make say a slot or a shape that includes lines and arcs there is a shortcut you can use by just having the line tool let me go ahead stop the commands there so if I start with the line here and before I click again what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click and hold the left mouse button down so here we go and as I start dragging you can see that it's automatically creating that arc and again I can bring it out to here and I click and hold and when I drag you know depending on how I start it so in that time I started it over here so it went this way you can see it creates that arc for me all right next one the restart line command so sometimes you will always want to close your line as as you're going through and it can be a pain you know if you're making a this happening a lot usually what you would do is you know you start your line and you go around and then you have to hit escape and if you want to create you next one select line again that's inefficient we don't want that so what you can do is you can go up and you select and you right-click and you hit this restart and it'll keep the line command active it's just not attached to here anymore so you can go ahead and you know start your next command again restart next one alright um close sketch this is kind of you know similar similar idea here but instead of you know getting away from it we're short cutting to close it on its own so maybe you've got complex piece of geometry or you know it's just faster maybe the other point that you started with is way off screen what you can do here is right-click and go ahead and click this close button and it'll go to the first point in that line so if I start that again you know let's say I make this shape like this on the very last one go ahead and right click say close and it'll put the last point to the first point [Music] okay next one show and hide sketch constraints okay so a lot of the times when you're making a complex piece sometimes you might just miss one or two constraints you're trying to figure out how how does this supposed to go together what do I already have and one of the things you can do here is down at the very bottom when you're in sketch mode there's this hide and show all constraints button and as I click that on and off you can see that on the screen that that's changing there you can see you know this horizontal Convertible constraint sorry you can see that the tangents here and so you can turn that on and off similarly if let's say you have something locked and you're not sure if it's locked at some point you can turn this on and off too to find something like that you can also look at the color of the lines and see yeah if they can women up yes which brings us to the next one I am [Music] showing and hiding degrees of freedom on the sketch so sometimes again you're on that it's the lines just aren't all turning blue it's not fully constrained and you're trying to figure out why is this not working like I thought you just delete these real quick and you know let's say I've got a box here and that's locked that you're saying okay how come how come this is the way it is you can go down here and click on this little light bulb with arrows and you can see all the degrees of freedom that this has to move so you can see that this line can move left and right this corner can move left and right and up and down as you can see all the way the degrees of freedom we're working a lot of the times what will happen is you know you've just got this one line you can see oh it's moving like this I just need to constrain this so it can't get larger something like that this can be really helpful when you're getting the end of the sketch and just trying to finish off the last bits to get it right okay next one creating an offset work plane with the sketch tool yes with the sketch tool so really what this is going to do is help short cut the time it takes if you're trying to create a sketch based off of the face you know you don't have to create the work plane separately you can kind of do it all in one command so I'm gonna go ahead and extrude this guy so I have a 3d part and what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna select the sketch tool select the face that I want to create the work plane off of and what I'm going to do is I'm going to click and hold the left mouse button and then I'm gonna drag out and that will create that offset work plane and you I can let it go at this point and then I can set you know this is actually supposed to be you know 1.5 inches off and a go ahead hit enter and there is my offset work plane and I'm right in the sketch mode so that one can help a lot all right next one select other so this is especially true when you've got a complex part maybe one side has a hole and you're trying to get at it maybe you're looking through an object and you want to select you know both of the edges of a hole the inside and the outside and it's you know you know having a tough time moving your model around to select what you want what you can do in those cases is what's known as select other and there's two ways we can get at this and you might have found this on your own just by letting mouse stay on a particular area there will be this pop-up that comes and if you hit the down arrow you can look at everything that that mouse was over so you know imagine that the mouse was sending a laser through this every face and feature that it was touching it'll give you an option about so similarly if I hold it here now I have the option of that edge that face in this face and you can get to it a little bit quicker maybe you disabled those hover tooltips you can right click and go to select other and it's that same little option there alright so on that note our next tip involves hover and tooltip timings so as you noticed it took you know a few seconds for this to pop up and maybe that's taking too long similarly maybe you never care about this and you only want to right click to get to select other and it's really annoying that you know when you leave your mouse over somewhere and all of a sudden oh you got the selection to go through we can change that if you go to tools and application options we're gonna go to the general tab here and you can select the delay for select other right here so that was the one we were just hovering over and similarly the tooltips that you get say for instance when you're hovering over the tools at the top there's two levels to the tooltips and right now they're at one second delay and we'll give you a quick example so if I hover over let's say a extrude so one 1000 is that and then another second you know there's that second level tooltip we can change the timing on that by let's say you know we want this to be a three-second delay here go ahead and close that so if I hover over the first one pops up quickly but then now it's waiting three seconds that's second to go through change it back no bright all right another one still on the sketching area we have the option to auto project part origin on sketch create and really what this is going to mean is that when you start your sketch should there be something in the very origin that you can attach to I believe some of the older versions of invented this wasn't on by default and I believe it is now I'll show you how to turn it on and off regardless so let's go ahead and go up to the application options we're gonna go all the way over to the sketch tab and you can see this auto project part origin on sketch create so to start I'm going to turn it off applying close they're gonna make another sketch real quick let's just say here and you can see there's no point keep up okay so I've got an auto part let me just delete the part let's get rid of this yeah yeah go away so if I create a brand new sketch here you can see there's nothing in the center to attach to but if I change that to say Auto project part origin on sketch create and we make a new sketch you can see now there's this point in the center and you know we can start drawing off of that beautiful alright so our next tip we're gonna go into a little bit more of some of the options for setting up the way inventor behaves you can change the way the zoom works when you're using your scroll wheel you know depending on your background some people have preferences on you know how you want to zoom in it's the most normal people Nigel when you scroll up with your mouse wheel you would expect it to go towards the model you know maybe you've got a background with you know I don't know Photoshop or anything else really you know the scroll up brings it towards you and get the scroll backwards that that will take it away you can change that by going over to display and reverse direction so inventors weird and if you don't have the reverse direction when you scroll up it takes you away and when you scroll down it gets you closer that's weird to me I don't like it I switch it first thing every time I work in a better similarly right next to it here's this option for zoom to cursor depending on what you're up to you may not want the zoom to be going towards your cursor maybe you always want it to go towards the center of the screen and that's something you can check off right there and so you can see as I'm zooming in and out it doesn't matter where my cursor is it's always going to the very center all right next we have filtering in the model tree when your model starts getting pretty large you have you know lots of features and you're trying to find this one feature and oh man where did it go where is it buried under you can use this filter up here you've got a search button you can click and if you start typing in it'll filter out everything else and just take you to the feature that you are looking for so this case hole or I can switch to fill it and you can see those are the ones that are showing here [Music] next up save reminder so it's already happened I think a couple times on this presentation already you know you get a little alert up here that says hey you haven't saved in a while you should save you can change the timing on that or even turn it on and off in the first place here in application options and save you know maybe you want this to remind you every two minutes you know you just went off of a huge project that you lost hours and hours of time on because you're dumb and forgot to save that would never happen to me ever ever and so now you're saying you know what I need to be reminded constantly two minutes you can set that here or you know sometimes it's a pain let's say you're working in you know some of the I'll odjick or VBA stuff it can actually pull focus away maybe you don't want it to come so you can just turn it off altogether we have those options there [Music] and our last one changing the background and some of the theme options so as you can see here I have what's basically the default theme most of your inventors probably look the same you can change this you know depending on what part you're working on maybe you're working on a part that does have specific colors and you know maybe you have a gray part that's really similar to the background you can actually change what the background looks like as well as set up a full-on color scheme for the different lines and all that just to give a quick example now you can switch to a gradient a single color set it back there you can change also the reflection environment so if you've got a chrome piece or something that's really shiny and you want something else to be reflected in the background you can set that here all right I do Nigel littlelow 23 minutes oh we were close we actually have a couple of bonus tips for you as well shout out to Eric Couric at Tiger flow he sent this one in this morning and it is really cool the idea is let me go ahead and get rid of these sketches and start fresh so let's say the example he gave was a bunch of circles you know that you all want to be on the same plane and some of them should be the same size what you can do here is first of all let's say you want these all to be on the same horizontal axis you can select the points the center of the circle and go ahead and click this horizontal constraint with them all selected and there they go similarly if you're worried about you know setting the size for all of these you don't have to do anymore you can select them all you hit the equals and they'll all be the same as the very first one so if this changes set the rest and again this works for vertical as well so if I select the center's here and click the vertical constraint you can see if they go and maybe they should all be that size there they are that's actually a pretty cool quick tip there another one we've got here is from in-house from Nicole she recommends if you are on let's say a laptop with a small screen maybe you're on a 4k monitor or you just need glasses and things are a little bit hard to see you can actually change the size of some of these points and some of the annotations here so if I go to let's see here applications and general there's this annotation scale and let me give you a quick before-and-after here so you know get rid of this sketch and we're gonna go start a new one and we're gonna do a quick square here and we're gonna dimension it at the top beautiful okay so depending on your monitor you know maybe this is a little bit hard to read or where is at this point it's just so small you want to make that bigger you can go application options and let's just get crazy we're gonna set this to scale to five so again this would be five hundred percent when I click OK you can see in the background it did some stuff here now you can really see this point seven five when I hover over the corner that dot is huge and this is giant as well you know just wanted to show it off maybe you want something more reasonable like one point three just so it's a little bit bigger than normal you can do that here alright that's all I got Nigel we got any questions oh yeah there's some questions and there's some other stuff that I'll go over to that are super super fast based on those questions so let me continue with the questions and um color schemes I want to change colors all my stuff how do I do that color schemes all right so it's like jumped on here they're real good alright so under colors here we see here so we've got all the different options here for customizing your scheme there are lots of options now you can change just about everything right if you change the color scheme period in general you can change what like right now his unconstrained lines are green if you change it to like one of the other ones I think like winter night or winter day or something it turns purple yeah I would really recommend not editing these color schemes here make your own copy one yeah there's like literally tons of options in here if you like first absolutely hilarious reason hate the color green you can make nothing green in here if you or if you're a specific type of colorblind and it makes things pop easier it is true shout out to gray stand down event name is gray and is colorblind it's the most hilarious thing ever so boom here's another question did I start a war with the zoom yeah you totally did good yeah you totally started like this this comment in here there people like that I'm not a big fan of this backward zoomin thing unfortunately Eric is he lives on the dark side of backward zoom that's true and so every time he goes to use someone else's computer he like curses at it yeah it's great so um yeah if you want to zoom backwards in Inventor watch this over again and there is that section where Eric shows you guys go backwards let's go ahead and see what else is going on here where was the color scheme editor so if you go into application options color application options and then we're looking for the color tab yeah and then you can change the color scheme I personally I'm a big fan of using sky really I I'm weird I know I like I like the purple so I use that one you can also change like the background image for it if you wanted to say have a gradient which is how I have mine set up or you want like the picture of Nick Cage in the back for some reason you can totally do that I would understand yeah so that's where that is that's really useful we might actually do a full thing going over all the stuff in there because it is super useful in the application frame that's another one too Eric and I are both we both live in the school of as dark as possible as as best as possible so if you look at application frame there on the bottom right you can change it to light and dark and it'll change all the frames if you know if yeah if you if you look at Eric yeah it's good for you yeah supposedly there if they make a dark theme for inventor and all of these tabs are like dark grey it's gonna be the greatest thing ever so Lauren Welch if you're listening or anyone on the inventor team please make dark theme for entire inventor it'd be great let's see what else we got yeah there's still people talking about the zoom he's like you started a war Eric congratulations a lot of it is about the color so yeah you can change the color in here that's like one of the biggest ones another thing too is just a quick tip for those who if you want to go back to like your regular part file and look at the browser or I mean you're already there if you're in assembly and you're looking at the browser and say for example your part name in the browser there is not consistent with the name of your actual part it's because the name that displays there is the browser name so that's what's referred to as the browser name which is my part that I PT you can actually change that and it can become exactly exactly so that's not the part name that's just the browser name if you wanted to make it consistent you could change a couple of things and change that browser name for those of you who run into that issue it's something that comes up and support every once in a while yeah that's a thing I do know it's showing here and at the top of the screen but on the tab it's showing the actual that's the actual name of the file so BAM again if you also have more tips please send them in maybe answer the survey and put those in there we can add your tip to the next webinar maybe we'll give you a shout out yeah if you if you want to again thank you everybody for attending a VA everyone have a great holiday I know it's it's coming sooner than later which is a good thing so we'll see you in two weeks with Alex Alvarez who's gonna be going over some inventor performance hacks so Justin up more quick tips on getting your inventor to run smoother if you keep crashing for example you've got things that are happening slowly we're running into issues with big assemblies maybe please stay tuned in two weeks Alex Alvarez is gonna go over a bunch of that stuff for us again Eric thank you for being here everyone in the audience thank you for joining us again week after week we will see you soon
Channel: KETIV Technologies
Views: 26,929
Rating: 4.9542856 out of 5
Keywords: autodesk, akn_include, inventor, inventor autodesk, inventor 2019, inventor 2018, inventor tips, help with inventor, autodesk inventor, ketiv technologies, ketiv, autodesk inventor drawing, autodesk presentation, autodesk tips, how-to, autodesk how to, ketiv ava, ketiv academy, ketiv autodesk academy, autodesk academy, ava academy, autocad, Autodesk Software, Manufacturing, CAD, CAM, Engineering
Id: S8KYq0SrfFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 58sec (1978 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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