Inventor 2020 Advanced 3D Constructive Tools

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in this video we're going to create a blow-dryer assembly and use a bunch of different tools to do so so we'll use all shell mother advanced 3d features make sure that we can make complicated designs that have flowing patterns and things like that this is meant to be as an example to show off some of the get used to them and using those features together it gets started we're gonna pop over to the origin we're gonna show the XY plane we're gonna do a lot of our drawing around the origin so we're these three planes intersect is going to be our main focus for a lot of this design I'll click visibility so we can see that plane this will help us draw our part it's started let's create a 2d sketch I'm going to choose that xy-plane I'll start with a circle in the center of any diameter create my rough shape from here I'm going to build this out of this circle so I'm just going to snap a line and make sure that it I'll come down to the origin and snap that to the edge circle tren the rest of this side here so you can get a trim tool or press X and I'm going to trim that outside shape here so that I'm left with the circle arc and the portion of the rectangle that I kept now I'm going to dimension this this arc here is actually 2 inches I should make our drawing a lot larger this height is 1.5 make sure that this line is horizontal that should fully constrain this crying finish up I'm gonna like fill it and I'm going to make this a quarter-inch radius once I'm done I'll finish the sketch and I'll move over to the revolve tool file is going to be our sketch that we select up and for the axis we're just going to select at y-axis yeah or we can select this line when I turn this to three dimensions we should get a upside-down bull shape that's okay and I should give us a revolt feature now we're going to create a loft with the handle of the blow dryer and to do that we're gonna use this XY plane and create a few offset planes from that oh I'll go to plane and I'll click offset plane it's asking me for the face I would like to offset from and then the distance so XY is our reference plane and then the offset plane this case will be my five I'm going to create another offset plane from that and that will be 3.5 now I'll do this one more time we'll be 4.25 should have three planes outside of the original X&Y plane start a 2d sketch on this work plane and this is probably a good time to change your view to a different view I'm gonna change mine to wireframe and that way I can kind of see my work a little better if you want you can actually hide some of these work planes if that makes it easier we don't really need the X&Y but I'm gonna leave them there for now so that you can see all of them as we can do let's start a 2d sketch on the X&Y plane and I'm going to create a rectangle on the origin that is 0.5 in height five in length I'm going to fill it the two corners so that they are quarter-inch Phillips here here I'll finish this sketch I'm going to start a new sketch and I'll select the next plane I'm going to use this point here to start my next sketch we're going to project this geometry and I just need to project the one corner in order to do that we'll say project geometry and what I really want is this line here I'll join my rectangle from this point make sure that it aligns with this part and my dimensions will change slightly this will be one point four and this will be point five I'm going to fill it those a similar radius finish my sketch and then move on to my next boat you that should give you all of the sketches and double-check to make sure that everything is properly aligned you can see that sketch 3 doesn't have what isn't fully constrained here if you notice they didn't go through that point there and there I can move this sketch over now coincident those place double check to make sure all of your sketches are fully constrained and that you have these dimensions on the screen you we're going to loft through this entire part here and we're just gonna select all of the sketches and we can do that in the graphics window or we can do that in the model browser and we'll leave this as the rails and select one three or don't you get bizarre shape that we're looking for in this particular design that's it okay I'm going to switch out of wireframe to bid with edges and I'm going to hide those work planes now you can see our assembly is coming together quite nice we're going to create an extrusion for the top part of the blood drive and we're going to use the by Z plane in order to do that so we'll create a new sketch that Y Z plane and then we're just going to create a semicircle somebody is that line tool and I want to make sure it's al and there going to use the Centrepointe arc highlight this line sure I get my edges did give me the ark I'm looking for I'm drawing in the middle of my part so it would be nice to go back to wireframe it's my drawing I'll dimension this out this is going to have a recent point seven-five this intersection point from the origin over to this Center is going to be one point one two five we're going to extrude this a full of 5.5 inches make sure that you change the direction so it's going in the right direction we do want this to be a joint hit okay back to shaded with edges and we can see our assembly is coming together quite nicely we're gonna hide the disability at this work clean just so you can see the park a little better we're going to create a 3d Filat and we'll use the 3d Filip tool and we'll use a radius of 0.15 but to fill it where it says zero selected we're going to change this to 0.15 and then we're gonna select couple edges we want this edge this edge and that edge we'll hit apply and this allows you to add more we have a fill it in our feature and that's what we want to keep so we'll leave it just like that our next step is to create a shell from the housing so we're going to flip our part over and we're gonna shout through this portion with the value of 0.125 and this is a 3d feature go find your shell command we're gonna select this face and then you're gonna select this face for the thickness we're going to put 0.125 this is going to be a cut we'll hit okay and that should give us a pretty clean inside so we could fit our electronics and wiring and heating coil and things like that we're gonna set this at a home view and we're going to draw a leader for a pattern to create vents for this side right here so to get started we're just gonna draw right on this face right here great 2d sketch right on this face and we're just gonna dimension out a two-point rectangle in space over here and we'll use our dimension tool and we'll reference this top right corner here so the distance from here to here is going to be one point four five the distance room here to here is going to be 1.17 and this is a half inch by 1/8 all right so that's I've and that should be fully constrained now we're just gonna create a simple extrusion from this and you want this to be a cut operation and we want this to go 0.13 into our part this new man notice how it's actually just nicking this corner that's okay because we want this whole feature to be patterned across so we get something that looks pretty nice this is just going to be the start of our pattern I'll hit okay and you can see I have that little nick in the side and our goal now is to create a rectangular pattern so select rectangular pattern or features you can go over to your model browser and select that extrusion then we have two places where we need to select a direction and it doesn't matter the order but make sure you know which ones which but for this direction I'll select this line here and then for the other direction we can select either an axis or the back edge of the part I'll select this line for that so we want five in this direction and the spacing is going to be like six and we need 10 in this this direction at a spacing of 0.25 it through a morning because one inch was specified already and we'll zoom out a little bit and we can see some of our a darkness coming through here but it should sit within the part we'll hit okay and we can see that it created a really nice looking grill on the top of this design here there's our original pattern leader here and we've finished it across this part our last step is to create a sweep feature that follows the design without us having to define any dimensions we're gonna flip the part over and we're gonna draw what we would like to be swept across the model indenter likes having a actual sketch to follow for the sleep so to do that we're just going to draw a 2d sketch on this face here and we're going to project we'll select all of these parts here and we just want that outside edge there make sure you work your way around you and I've selected everything on the outside that's all projected onto this sketch now so I have a edge to select later when I want to sweep through I'm gonna finish that sketch and I'm going to start a new 2d sketch and I'm going to start it on this face here I rotate my part just to make it a little easier and I'm going to throw a two-point rectangle over in space I will dimension this to be 0.06 to 5 I one eighth I want this point to be a coincident right up top here I'm going to make sure that the dimension from here to here is zero and I'll say that the dimension here to that top point is also zero I'll finish my sketch and now I'm going to take this profile and place it through that so let's select the sweep feature selected my profile I'm going to select the curve and we can see that it's going around the entirety of the part it's in a cut operation and I'm going to hit okay you don't want to see your original sketch just turned visibility off and that should complete the half of the blow-dryer housing that required that makes a really nice sleep around that whole art from that rectangular sketch don't forget to save your part
Channel: Eric Bredder
Views: 1,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sweep, inventor, loft, revolve, cad, 2020, pvcc, ebredder
Id: P8A9numvnEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 23 2020
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