Intro to ZBrush 023 - Clip Circle, Rect and BRadius Modifier Settings!!

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hold down control shift and we've talked about the curve brushes so we talked about trim curve slice curve and clip curve let's talk about some of these other ones now you may have already guessed because we've already talked about this functionality before if we go over here to clip circle it went and changed that stroke instead of clip curve which is the curve stroke again if you go into stroke here here's rectangle circle and lasso and of course if you go in here you're going to see we have clip rectangle circle we don't have a clip lasso but you can switch that stroke out if you'd like same thing for slice circle rectangle trim circle rectangle and trim does actually have a lasso brush in here but if you want quick access hold down ctrl shift we'll go ahead and clip circle and if you hold down ctrl shift and you want to clip through an object you've guessed it it's going to clip your object into a circle now there is a little bit more functionality here we need to talk about and you may have noticed when you drag this out there's a little plus sign in there so if you hold down control shift and you clip it's going to basically clip everything to that border of the circle and it works as intended and that happens no matter where that circle is however if you hold down alt you're going to see it turns black and then if you let go it's going to clip out a circle shape however if you hold down ctrl shift and then alt and that plus sign goes inside of your mesh now it's going to take your mesh and go out to that circle shape that you had now there's not a whole lot of geometry here to support that if you want again we can go down here to dynamesh turn down blur give ourselves a little bit more geo so now when you hold down control shift and then alt with the plus sign over into the mesh now it'll clip out and you'll get a little circle shape so this is really useful you control drag again you can get like a little inset screw port in here you can go into your clay brush and hold down alt and let's go ahead and turn off sculptures pro here so you can go through here and kind of put in a quick little screw port let me smooth this off so that's one way you could use that let's go ahead and scroll back until we're just to our sphere again if we have x symmetry turned on let's go around back around to the front again we hold down ctrl shift and alt you're going to see again the clip brushes do go across x symmetry the slice and trim don't but clip brushes should work across symmetry now you can also use clipping to clean up areas too it won't put a hole in the mesh though but if you have a hole in your mesh you'll clean it up like if i want to go like i want to cut a circle through here you can't really do that you can go through here and you can say okay let's slice a circle through my object ctrl shift tap this go down here to geometry modify topology delete hidden but if you run a close holes you're going to see it's just going to cap those two points which makes sense you know any any machine looking at this is going to go that's probably what they want is to cap these not bridge these two holes now there are dynamesh booleans there are boolean meshes we can use to put holes in measures there's a lot of different ways to accomplish this one easy way i'm going to do it though is i'm going to come up here just for demonstration purposes not to get too far ahead we're going to grab a cylinder 3d and before we turn it to a polymesh go down here to initialize we're going to take this and we're going to put in a little bit of an inner radius so we're going to put an inner radius in this mesh right here so we have a hole through it and then we're going all the way back up here at the top make it a poly mesh 30 then you know what let's go ahead and come down here to dynamesh turn off blur and then just make this a dynamesh mesh so like we were doing before if you hold down ctrl shift and we use clip circle we can go through here and we can clip a little chunk out as long as we're have the plus sign outside of the mesh we can hold down alt and we can have x symmetry on or even underneath transform we can turn on x and y symmetry or in this case if we orient ourselves in space correctly we're going to see the cylinder is actually facing upwards so what we need to do in this case is say x and z symmetry and now when we're looking this way we can go through here and we can take a chunk out of all these or you can turn on radial symmetry if you want and of course if you hold down ctrl shift and alt you can pull shapes out and you can control drag to re-dynamesh and for this middle circle in here we hold down ctrl shift and drag out a circle we can actually clean up this hole or you can make it bigger we can go through here and be like you know i don't want the hole to be that big however if you just clip it and you don't hold down alt it's going to take all that geometry and push it towards that and if that's what you're looking for then that's totally fine however because we can now make a circle and hold down alt and the cross isn't over any geometry it will go ahead and just clip a nice clean circle through there of course like we talked about earlier we can go to clip circle center make sure square and center is on so we can go right down the middle make a perfect circle here and just remember to hold down alt and there you go let's go ahead and turn off our floor here and let's go up here to control shift so we've talked about the clip and slice and trim curve options we've talked about the rectangular and circular clipping you can also do the exact same thing with slice and trim so if we go over here to like slice circle we can hold down ctrl shift and we can slice a circle here and remember even though i have axis symmetry on in two directions now it's only going to do it in one area so if you want to have this propagate out you need to do a mirror and weld in the x and z and you may have to go down here to mirror and the x first and then mirror and weld in the x and z and that will copy that slice for you now another cool functionality we talked about this earlier let's go ahead and tap x to go out of x symmetry or to go out of symmetry all together activating symmetry let's go uh ctrl shift and we'll pull out another circle here and we'll just drop a circle right here now if you remember when we were talking about the stroke menu up here underneath modifiers there is a replay last relative so we know we can hit shift 1 and that will go ahead and just re-run that clip functionality right where our brush is all right there's a little bit of extra functionality with these clip curves as well as some pitfalls so we've already kind of talked about but we'll go ahead and talk about some workarounds that you can have depending on what you're trying to achieve so i'm gonna go out of edit mode say always switch hit control n and again we'll just grab a sphere 3d out of our canvas or out of our palette here drag it out on our canvas go into edit mode make polymesh 3d now if i hold down ctrl shift and we choose clip curve and we hold down ctrl shift and then drag a line over our mesh that's again going to pull these points straight back to that gradient however if i hold down ctrl shift and then hold down spacebar you're going to see i have extra options in here b radius polygroup and unclip if you want to see these if you go down here to brush click brush modifiers that's where that menu is but a quick way to access that again is ctrl shift and then hold down the spacebar and you'll see this so if we undo that last stroke and hold down control shift spacebar and do b radius that's brush radius and you see if we do this it's going to clip but there's going to be a radius around this edge so if you see that inside circle essentially our focal shift is going to dictate that radius that we clip through so if you want to get kind of a nice layered effect with the clip brush b radius is how you would do that you can also tap s drop that draw size down or draw make your draw size smaller up here and then again hold down ctrl shift and that will give you that brush radius effect let's go ahead and undo that we hold down ctrl shift let's turn off b radius and we'll turn on polygroup you can do both at once but we'll just use polygroup for now and now if i do this and i hold down control shift and clip you're going to see it leaves a polygroup behind so polygroups are super useful when you want to go through here and we'll skip ahead a little bit geometry edge loop say panel loops and stuff i'll go ahead and crank that thickness up so you can see you can use polygroups to dictate different panel lines and stuff like that do ctrl shift a you can see you can start splitting things off like that using polygroups however you're going to notice this polygroup isn't that clean it's it's actually kind of alias and it's all dependent on the underlying geometry because again the clip brush isn't slicing it doesn't give you a clean cut it's just pushing that geometry back and then giving you a polygroup essentially where that line was if you want a cleaner version hold down ctrl shift and again go over here to trim curve that will give you a nice clean slice as well as a fill hole operation so this will give you a much cleaner result if we go over here to panel loops now you're going to see that result is much cleaner ctrl shift tap that poly group here and then you do ctrl shift a for visibility grow all and you'll see you get a much cleaner result and then again with the trim curve brush if you go down here and you hold down ctrl shift and spacebar if you have polygroup turned on it already makes a polygroup so it's probably not doing anything out of the ordinary here however if we undo that hold down ctrl shift let's turn on b radius and then turn off polygroup you're going to see when you use the trim with b radius it's actually going to trim based on that again that inner focal shift width so you're going to see it trims both the front and the back side that's a really easy way to kind of go through here and just get a slice all the way through your object if we hold down ctrl shift and go over here to slice curve and again we have b radius still turned on you can go through here and now you're going to get a thickness of your slice through here so you can continue to go through here and hold down ctrl shift and just slice through here so this is useful if you want to make strips of geometry the exact same width because otherwise if you didn't have a b radius what you'd have to do is hold down ctrl shift and you would have to kind of eyeball it so it's like okay i wanted to be a slice this thick and then i want to do another slice that's that thick here and it could take you a while and it won't be the exact same however control z if you have b radius on it's very easy to go through here and slice through now you can also use visibility so if i hold down ctrl shift and isolate this polygroup and then go back this way you're gonna see and then hold down ctrl shift to bring everything back it stops right where that visibility is so this is a useful way for you to go through and hide specific pieces in here and then you can hold down ctrl shift go back to select rectangle and you can control shift tap ctrl shift drag to invert that and then you can get rid of all these pieces in the middle here and now you have like a scaffolding effect here control shift tab to bring everything else back now you're gonna see when i have select rectangle selected and i can control shift tap here it's a lot easier to kind of go through and select polygroups another thing too is if you hold down ctrl shift and say you have slice or trim or clip selected and you're going through here and you're clipping and we still have brush radius turned on for the clip brush we can turn that off so we're going through here and we're clipping and then if i hold down ctrl shift and start dragging out a line and i'm like oh you know what i want to switch to visibility really quick let go of your keyboard and then tap control once and that'll switch back to visibility even though we have clip curve still selected it'll switch temporarily to a clip or a visibility drag and in fact you can now hold down alt and you can get rid of polygons here so that's just a really easy way to kind of switch from whatever your modifier brush is be it clip trim or slice you can temporarily tap control to go back to visibility and you can tap control again to go back to clipping so we'll ctrl shift tap out here in our document to go back and if we go back here let's go back to say slice circle and then hold down ctrl shift hold down your spacebar go to brush radius this still works even if you're using like slice circle it'll still do a brush radius around your circle so let's take that history undo slider all the way back so you can see if you hold down control shift and then do a slice circle you'll get a brush radius around that so we can make our brush radius smaller we can use slice and then remember you can do shift one to repeat underneath our stroke menu modifiers replay last relative so you can very quickly go through here and just do a brush radius slice
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 3,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, ZBrush New Features, ZBrush New, ZBrush Whats New, ZBrush Update, ZBrush 2020, zbrush clip, zbrush slice, zbrush clip circle, zbrush clip rect, zbrush clip rectangle, zbrush clip plus sign, zbrush clip circle out, zbrush clean hole, zbrush replay last, zbrush replay last relative, zbrush bradius, zbrush clip bradius, zbrush slice bradius
Id: SUepegBaRug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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