Intro to ZBrush 003 - Primitives! Spheres, Arrows, Boxes, Initialize Settings, and Profile Curves!!

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but now to go back to our original intent of let's sculpt a face or let's sculpt a head we can do is we can go back in here the arrow it's going to be a little bit difficult to sculpt the head out of this shape we can do it but i think we have better alternatives so instead of that arrow i'm going to go back in here to this palette and i'm going to select the sphere now we don't lose the arrow the arrow is actually still over here you're going to see there's an arrow 3d and an arrow 3d one basically it just made a copy of your original arrow primitive and put it over here that you can select so if you want to go back to your arrow just click it if you want to go to that sphere you can click that and again because we chose these it's going to put it over here for quick access so if we went in here and did a star or a helix or a spiral it's just going to keep spitting them over here and again these are all primitives minus this one you're going to see this one's called polymesh3d we'll get to that in a second but all of these are primitives so what does that mean well if for instance i grab this helix 3d and again you can go in here to your palette you can check the helix 3d then it goes ahead and puts it on our canvas if for some reason you went out of edit mode accidentally and this is a good thing to bring up you can hit always switch and that'll go ahead and say hey i'm going to switch out of edit mode and that goes ahead and drops it on your canvas so now again if you keep dragging this on your canvas it's just going to keep dragging copies of your helix hit ctrl n to clear your canvas drag that helix out go back into edit mode or hit t on your keyboard for the hotkey and now you have a helix primitive again now we know how to navigate around our scene so we can go ahead and rotate snap to different views all that good stuff however because it's a primitive if i take the tool menu which i already have docked and i go down here to the very bottom there's an initialize menu if i click that it's going to open up and there's going to be some options in here now i'm just going to interject in here really quickly to talk about menu navigation we have a menu over here and if i just click and drag in this gray area i can zoom around this menu i can hold down shift and i can open up multiple menus in here so i can open up subtool and open up submenus as well so here's merge and project and extract etc so this could end up getting pretty long depending on how many of these you open and again i'm holding down shift to open multiple menus and then holding down shift to close these but the big takeaway here is i'm clicking in this gray area anywhere in here really where there's a gray area just click and drag and that'll allow you to navigate up and down those menus so basically every primitive in zbrush has an initialized state that means i can come in here and i can i can basically play around with some of these settings so right here we have coverage so as i do this i can click this this is basically a slider so to change a numeric value i can tap on the slider and then type in a number like 10 hit enter and then i'll go ahead and put that in there while it's still highlighted i can say 20 hit enter or maybe put this down to 5 hit enter or like i said before i can just click and drag the slider now you're going to see if i tap on the slider once you may see a little dim slider here at the top that's actually a secondary slider that will give you more control so this one down here this main slider will give you very coarse control this one up here will give you a fine control now that's not there for every slider but for a lot of sliders that's the case let's go ahead and tap the slider here and again we'll type in five you're going to see right here we have some profile options and this is going to be a graph so whenever you see things that look like this like a little curve in here or maybe a full curve if you just tap on that that's going to open up a graph now right now you're going to see we have basically a full graph so i take this one here and there's two dots so if i take this right dot and drag it it's going to manipulate our object take this left dot and drag it it's going to change if i just click on our graph and pull it's going to add a new dot and it's going to change our graph shape now around this dot we just created is a fall off so you can make that a sharper or a softer fall off and in fact if we take this dot and we drag off and then drag back on without letting go it'll turn it into a linear interpolation if we do it again just drag off and drag back on without letting go or without letting up on our tablet you're going to see it'll go back to more of a bezier type curve if we want to delete this altogether like if you went through here and you just tapped and made a bunch of dots you don't like just take that dot and drag it off and you'll be able to get rid of all of these if you want to reset your curve to just a regular line just hit this reset button and if you remember the original profile curve was this dot right here all the way up if we click down here on thickness you're going to see the profile collapses and then the thickness opens same thing for radius if we tap this one you're going to see radius opens if you want to close this you can actually click this little close arrow and that will go ahead and close that up for us and then of course we can just tap back on radius this one's a little bit easier to see what's going on so if i hold down shift and snap to the side you're going to see instead of going straight down in a corkscrew or a dna strand it actually kind of bulges out in the middle that's being controlled by this profile right here if i take this dot and move it down it's going to decrease that profile and if i keep dragging down it's going to go from thick to thin to thick which you can see here thick to thin to thick if i want to get rid of this entirely remember you can just take this dot and drag it off and now it goes straight down because this line is straight across if i want to go from thick to thin i can take this one and move it up i can move this one down or i can move this one up and move this one down i can click reset and now it's going from very thin to very thick and if i want i can just move this up and i can move this one down to match you see there's a lot more options in here for instance if you want to copy this curve to another area you want to save it if you want to flip horizontal and vertically if i hit reset and then flip horizontal and vertical you're going to see it's just going to flip that curve you can undo back to where you were when you started and some of these up here come in handy when we do like material settings but we're not going to get into those right now if we want to control the amount of geometry on our object and you see let's go ahead and zoom in here a little bit i'm going to go down here to where it says poly frame you can hit shift f or you can click this button here you can see it's going to draw lines on our object so if i go over here and change this s divide just click and drag and you see that's going to change the divides vertically here and then down the path of the helix if i go over here to the l divides and crank that up it's going to give me more resolution if i go to the right and of course less resolution if i go to the left so you can kind of fine tune your primitives using these initialize options so if we go back to the sphere and just click on it it'll go ahead and replace our other object if you want to practice going out of edit mode and clearing your canvas you just go up here go out of edit mode or hit t on your keyboard ctrl n to clear your canvas grab another primitive drag it out if you don't want to use this one once you're in edit mode and just like you know what i don't want to play with this one anymore you can again go out of edit mode ctrl n to clear canvas grab the sphere or grab the helix drag it out go into edit mode and you can actually swap between tools so instead of clearing my canvas and going out of edit mode which is perfectly fine you can also just click on this sphere or this helix and that'll actually swap between selected tools that you have now these are primitive tools they're not sculptable just yet but they're different options available to us so if you ever accidentally like go out of edit mode you hit t on your keyboard and then you're back in this state and you're like oh no and you hit control n you're like where did everything go nothing's been deleted nothing's changed all you have to do is go back over here find what you were working on drag it out on your canvas go back into edit mode and you're right back where you started everything you've done to your object will be saved over here you don't lose anything it's always available for you to grab again now if we go over here so we have a sphere selected it's on our canvas we're in edit mode and we go down here to initialize we can change this h divide over here let's go ahead and type in 12. then i'm going to hit the tab key and i'm going to type in 12 again hit enter and now we have a 12 by 12 sphere and that's good enough i suppose to start sculpting ahead however like i said before if you just start tapping on the object like you want to sculpt on it it's going to tell you before you can start sculpting you're going to need to convert this primitive to a make polymesh3d button and the reason it's telling you that is because it still thinks it's a primitive state if you want to make any changes like if you want to go down here and make a little pac-man head or change the x y or z size to kind of dial in exactly what you want you can still do that however you're going to see if i go back up here with this primitive selected and i say make poly mesh 3d this is going to convert it to sculptable polygons and i'm going to lose this ability to initialize so it's just warning you make sure this is initialized how you want before you hit this button now the good news is if i do hit make polymesh 3d now it's real polygons we saw a poly frame turned on so we can turn that on or off if we want to and now if we go down here to initialize you're going to see the initialize state has changed these are now polygon initialize options which we'll get to in a bit but like i said before the good news is if you if you were like oh you know what i wish i had put in more divisions here you can always go back to that here's a sphere 3d here's the pm 3d that's the polymesh 3d so make polymesh3d made this tool out here here's your original primitive you didn't really lose anything it's still sitting there in its primitive state so if you wanted to be like you know what i wanted like 256 by 256 so again just hit tab and hit enter and just type in 256 for both of those now i can go up here i can hit make polymesh3d now i have two polymesh fear 3ds i have this one which is 12 by 12 and i have this one which is 256 by 256 since we're going to be sculpting i'm going to go ahead and keep this 256 by 256 sphere and we'll go ahead and start using this to start sculpting
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 9,964
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, ZBrush Intro, ZBrush tutorial, zbrush for beginners, zbrush basics, zbrush help, zbrush primitives, zbrush 3D Meshes, ZBrush polymesh, ZBrush edit mode, zbrush edit, zbrush helix, zbrush star, zbrush cube, zbrush initialize, zbrush primitive initialize, zbrush profile curves, zbrush fine slider control, zbrush adding curve points, zbrush sharp curve points, zbrush deleting curve points, zbrush make polymesh3d, zbrush polymesh3D
Id: 9ECZqVHo_8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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