ZBrush 2022 - Knife Rectangle, Knife Circle, and a few hole techniques!

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all right knife updates so let's go in here uh we'll just grab a cube 3d drag it out our canvas go into edit mode make it a polymesh 3d if i turn on my polyframe to see it better i'm going to go to skin shader 4 and if i you know want to get rid of this polarized cap or if i want to even the geometry out if i make a change to the overall size through scaling just hit w and then scale it on down you can go in here to geometry zero measure i'm going to say half adapt the size down to zero for nice even quads detect edges hit zero mesh that'll give me nice even geometry it'll even crease my edges for me so i can hit q to go back in draw mode hit ctrl d a couple times or just hit divide delete lower and you have a nice cool piece of geometry to use as our canvas for our knife brushes so if i hold down control shift i can switch to a knife curve which is what you know just a refresher knife curve basically if you hold down control shift and drag out this is a curve stroke anything to the right of that gradient where the gradient's heading will be sliced out of course you can hold down ctrl shift and then when you drag out a line you can let go of ctrl shift hold down space bar and move this or move your line around you can alt tap once to do a bendy curve or a bezier curve i'll tap twice to do a sharp curve and of course you can mix and match these however you'd like when you let go it'll slice through your object but if you wanted to go through here and hold down ctrl shift and then try to do a rectangle uh you could try to do it but it may not be perfect that's where if you hold down control shift going into knife rect comes into place if you select this one what it's doing is it's swapping out your curved stroke with a rectangle stroke so now that we have the rectangle stroke selected with this brush we can go through here and just slice through rectangle strokes if we switch this over to say knife circle you're going to see the circle stroke is on there and now we can go through there and use a circle stroke to knife through now you can see neither of these are constrained so they're a one-to-one ratio they're you know you can make an elongated rectangle or a circle what you can do is you can go in here to square and that will snap it to or constrain it to a perfect circle and you could even say circle center or square center i'm sorry so you can go through here and again you can move move this around hold down ctrl shift drag it out like uh hold down space bar and then knife through again drawn out from the circle now another really cool thing if i undo all that if we hold down ctrl shift and we'll head on back over to the knife curve if we slice through here and then we hold down alt instead of going from the line to the gradient and slicing and cutting it'll do the opposite it'll just cut out the other side however if you hold down ctrl shift and then spacebar you can turn on b radius which is your brush radius so now when i go through here and slice through it's going to leave behind a piece of geometry here that is the same size as that focal shift of my brush that little inner circle so that is going to dictate if i tap s on my keyboard and make that bigger and then slice through it's going to leave behind a larger cut of course if i make this smaller it'll leave behind a smaller cut another cool thing is if you go through here and you slice through and you hold down alt before you let go it won't leave behind that geometry it'll actually remove that geometry and if you do this and you stop in the middle it'll respect that gap so it won't cut all the way through it'll stop there so really easy way to go through and slice your meshes of course you can do the same thing with these other knife brushes for example knife circle you can go through here and again we still have b radius so hold down control shift and hold down spacebar brush radius is still selected so again if you hold down control shift and then hold down alt it'll leave that gap behind if you hold down ctrl shift and don't hold down alt it'll cut through this geometry respect those gaps and leave this geometry behind so definitely use brush radius to your advantage as needed now you may be thinking and hold down ctrl shift spacebar turn off brush radius can i go through and slice a circle through well just like when we were using clip circle if you don't know what clip circle is you can use this as a clip brush if you hold down ctrl shift and then hold down alt it'll push that geometry back to the border of the circle it's not slicing or removing any geometry it's just literally pushing that back to the edge of the circle shape you can't you know make a you can hold down control shift and push all that geometry to a circle but you can't hold down ctrl shift and alt and then cut a hole through here there's other ways to do that a couple ways off the top of my head here is we can open up dynamesh and here's another feature that's new you can drag off the resolution or the picker button and then you can select this and it'll dial in your dynames resolution so when you turn that on it'll maintain that same resolution and go in here to b i brush insert imm primitives uh hit m as in michael on your keyboard go to insert cylinder i'm going to hold down alt when i drag this and if i drag down without letting go it'll make it a thinner shape i'll hit w i'll push this on through control drag control drag again and now we have a hole and now if i use clip circle right here and you know what let's do this ctrl shift circle we're going to do square center so i can just go from the middle here if i hold down alt here it'll push that geometry out and now that i say that you can actually go up here there is a clip circle center with those uh those settings already dialed in but again go through here and you know make that size you know whatever you want if i undo all of that so we just have this geometry uh we can't go in here to be again bi brush insert i am in primitives we'll grab whatever shape you want again i'm going to pull a cylinder on here push it through hit w to move this on through i'm going to go in here to sub tool split unmask points so i'm going to select the cylinder which is now a different sub tool below this i'm going to set it to subtractive go up here to live boolean we'll turn off polyframe and you'll see it's a live boolean so we can go through here and we can scale this up or down to make whatever size hole we want if we like this we can go down here to boolean make boolean mesh and then there we go there's our u mesh there's a hole through our mesh if we go back here let's go back here to where we just and again we'll turn off live boolean we'll go ahead and delete this cylinder i've ever seen there we go so we just have plain old geometry on here so what we can do is we can go in our z model brush bzm you can hold down alt and you can mark geometry if we go over here and mark well we can actually push this through so we can say qmesh polygroup all and just push this through and now you have a hole or you can just do it with one piece of geo if you'd like if you want you can also say spherize polygroup ball and you can turn this into a circle and then you can go to the other side here see if i can remember where this goes spherize and then you can say again qmesh polygroup all you can push this through we'll undo that you can also go in here and you can say split point so you can split and we'll start here so we'll just split point here and here and here and we'll flip over the other side and we'll go back down and then with these you can say qmesh polygroup ball and just push those on through and you can just model a hole through your object like that so a couple different ways boolean z modeler dynamesh depending on what your model is but just a few ways to punch a hole through an object there
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 5,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, ZBrush New Features, ZBrush New, ZBrush Whats New, ZBrush Update, ZBrush 2020
Id: -alEyAJ9ZFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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