14 Useful TIPS and TRICKS in ZBRUSH

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[Music] right so today i'm going to be showing you guys my top 14 tips in zbrush so the first one is how to effectively extract your mask so for this one in her face i got a metal piece that i want to pierce into this cheek what i want to do is i'm gonna turn off smoothen and turn everything off do the thickness of 0.001 and turn on double and then do a strap and then i'm going to accept that just going to clear the mask isolate this delete hidden because i don't need the back face now all i need to do is i'm just gonna fix this one real quick actually i'm gonna turn on double you can find double in display property here okay so now what you want to do is you want to create a smooth transition i'm sorry smooth edges for the zero mesher to effectively work with now you want to mask every single vertex of the turning uh corner of your mesh like that just one single vertex is good okay it doesn't have to be precise but you just need to have the information for the brush to work with it we changed anyways because we're gonna zero mesh it anyways so now that you got them all you go to defamation polish by features turn this button off and do a few times when you feel that the the edge is smooth enough you clear the mask and then uh do the uh zero measure for one for now i test it okay now what you want to do next is do the same thing because the edge is not very straight you want to be as straight as possible [Music] polish uh my features again okay i think it's good just need to move this corner up a bit right do a zero mesher right so just fixing this one up a bit again this is a very quick way of doing this it's not going to be precise as a handy topology but it will throw out a quick and dirty result but for most case i use this mesh and then do a panel loop with it and then i freeze it do a freezer body grip and then a normal crease if this one is not creased do it manually i subdivide it and then polish it a little yeah i work with it right so the next tip is uh when you need to do a massive you need to have a massive change in your mesh say you want to pair a hole in this mesh and then you essentially zero mesh to have a clean uh topology and then you go in and get all the high quality details back but since the mesh is very small when even you do the high resolution dynamesh it's not going to be enough resolution so uh i'm just going to pierce and i'm just going to clone this one out to work it with a single sub tool and then insert a cylinder 3d okay here's it i'm just going to do a really rough one for demonstration right okay uh bullying chip strap life balloon on like that okay and then i'm gonna turn on uh dsfd and then make within mesh okay now i'm gonna do a dynamesh this is the the size is very small the dynamesh will not be enough uh resolution so what i'm gonna do is pull this one in here so this is the project that you're working on um what you want to do is you want to clone it out so that it throw out a single sub tool now you want to uh activate the gizmo 3d okay so you want to hold alt and click this one it will be relocating the gizmo into the center of mass and then you all click this one as well so it will be turning your gizmo orientation back to this original you don't add your camera far away from the object and then do a 10 time scale just do it and then you uh ctrl shift d you want to basically back this one up you don't want to touch it for example if you mess up you can always delete this one and go back to the original okay now you can do a dynamesh should be enough and then do a polish group edges okay now you do a ctrl shift d again now you want to do the zero mesh i'm just going to do a really quick dirty zero mesher okay much better now i'm gonna what i'm gonna do is i turn this is your law pulley this is your high pulley you're gonna do a reaction um what is it sorry um project reject uh all so this is your locally you want to essentially get the high bullet detail back into your lobby so you're gonna project isolate it hit project all and then ctrl d so sorry control d to subdivide it and then project it until it get to the point where you don't see the topology okay now since the hypoli is the dynamesh result you want to do a more polish so that it get rid of the jagged edges this is essentially your um your mesh now what you want to do is say because we duplicate it from this mesh down under we haven't changed the gizmo yet so if you go back to locally you scale down to 0.1 and then you want to go back to your project and then insert it back in right delete all the unnecessary stuff [Music] now you're left with this one if you usually uh you work in symmetry sometimes you need to scale your object up and down but at this stage when you scale it it's not going to scale in the center of your gear smile so what you want to do is just turn on local symmetry and then scale it simple no-brainer okay so this tip is um i don't know what to call it there's actually a lot of stuff packed together to accomplish one task essentially i got this mesh that i blocked out in maya i import it into a zbrush and to do the hyperlink but my the method of doing hyperlink zbrush is required dynamesh but the mesh is very small just as my last step pointed out the mesh is quite small so you can't do the damage what you want to do is um you clone this out okay to work uh with it alone clone okay now um reset the transpose the gizmo crease it do decreasing and then uh subdivide it right a few times okay now i want to duplicate it keep the gizmo in the center duplicate it by ctrl shift d isolate this one now you jump a bit far from the camera and then do a 10 time turn time scale and then duplicate this so you're going to do dynamesh okay now you wanna polish it [Music] right so you wanna get this ctrl shift d just wanna back up this one so this one is your lower poly you wanna go to these the level two subdivision you want uh and then project and then and then up a level project up the level project this is your level five if it's not enough resolution you can always divide it a little more reject okay it's i think it is okay for now right you can get rid of crazy information can always can because it can sometimes fight against your smoothness right so you scale it down bring it back to here insert yeah you got high bully but keep the topology that you got when it comes in it comes in from my maybe your art director wants to have the hole bigger it's not very easy to accomplish in zbrush especially when you have the object not in the center of the the world to get the symmetry function to work now what you want to do is you have this object you go to something division one you export it out and go back to maya import it in now you can do your modeling in here [Music] scale it up right let's pull it back out and then import it in keep it as the lowest subdivision imported in import in the one that you already tweaked now when you hit d to subdivide up you go up your subdivision it's not going to change you happily in this one i'm going to talk about my shortcut um to open this pop-up menu you first need to create your pop-up your menu this one is my menu and then i assign a shortcut for it so first i'm gonna go to config preferences config and then enable customize go down to uh custom ui and then create new menu i'm gonna name it tutorial and then the tutorial tab will be thrown at the bottom you drag it out here i'm just gonna drag out some random buttons like uh transforms attribute symmetry control alt and drag drop to there and then maybe lazy mouse you will have to rearrange it when it's dropped into your menu because it's not very smart okay so you say this is the menu that i want to save all you need to do is go to config turn off enable customize i go into the the tab that i just created hit ctrl alt and then single click into the the menu name it will ask me if i want to assign any hotkey you can see the line here if i don't want any hotkey just simply move the mouse out of the area in this case i want to create a shortcut which is uh maybe old l so now i'm going to go in and store config and then store hotkey click this to store your menu and then click um hotkey store hotkey in order for zbrush to remember what you just did the next time you open zbrush okay so now i'm going to hit ol this is the pop-up menu that i got okay so the next tip is going to be alter your move brush in order to make pointy tips like say for example you want to have an elfie ear for this guy i'm going to move it [Music] up like that but when you um say i want to have very pointy ears like maybe horns and stuff uh that is very sharp at the tip i make sure you have your move brush activated you go to brush curve and then turn on aku curve accurate curve in order to have a very sharp pointy tip you can always go in and smooth it back but this is the result you got okay so the next tip is going to be multiple objects that's duplicated okay i got um a single cylinder here what you want to do is hit control and then drag out where you want the second mesh to be and then release control and then essentially drag it out infinitely [Music] okay right now you can do um complete a mask and then do maybe auto grip okay now you can do a band curve in order to achieve special effects like horns and stuff this is axis of the band it's actually incorrect so i'm gonna change it here move it so that the first and the second is pointing to the right direction now crank up the segments you can scale it in to make a horn like that very quick and don't say so maybe you have some uh fine details that you want to amplify there's a simple trick that you can do is that you can go to layer create your layer and then essentially smooth them out do a very strong smooth right then you turn off record and you essentially go back negative value in order to have it strengthen your most niche this is called reverse layer technique [Music] this might be a no-brainer for most of you guys but i'm just going to throw it out anyways when you're working sometimes you want to compare the old result with a new one you're gonna have a um essentially a snapshot of your model in the corner so to compare maybe i'm gonna leave the mesh a and then shift s you got a snapshot over there you can do it multiple times and then ctrl n to clear it sometimes you guys will find that the possible symmetry maybe i'm gonna turn off after the symmetry make some uh adjustment with the arm here okay and now i turn on symmetry is not working when i turn on possible symmetry it's not gonna work as well so posable symmetry is only working when it has the middle point of an object these two arms are separated it's not a single mesh but if you have one single piece symmetrical object like this face this hand i'm going to tweak the head a bit and then turn on symmetry activate possible symmetry you can see it's working now okay sometimes you find that it's very hard for you to smooth the edges the border edges of the mesh say i got um thickness on this model i want to smooth the edges to make the transition smoother but i can't with this since the uh the the border edges will get smoothed and it's not what i want so you can go to activate smooth uh you you actually have to hold shift in order to to do this function with shift holding you go to brush go to smooth brush modifier the description saying that number six is grip's border you want to turn to six and then smooth it so it's doing it's doing its best to keep the border while smoothing the other area so i'm gonna lower subdivision here and then smooth it okay for this one i want to show you how i use the transpose tool to create the freezing folds in between two picks up the object so i i go to mask i'm asking the area that i want to decrease mask it invoke the mask and then i activate gizmo 3d hit y to um turn to transpose tool and then drag from one end to another and you go you actually have to go to a scale and you drag then you hold the button the middle point drag it towards the left and then play the mask there you move it inflate do whatever you want [Music] like that and you can do another one the small one here you're going to find yourself using smoothing a lot but smoothing is actually knocking off a lot of detail that you got in the mesh take for example for this folding here if i use smooth if you use smooth brush um by default it's gonna not get a lot of detail i lose a lot of information here but what you want to do most of the time when you do you're dealing with um folding is that you want to relax instead of smooth what you can activate relaxed brush is by holding shift touch your uh pen tablet down and then release shift and then drag start dragging this is very different than smoothing most people don't notice that when i do high quality i almost always use relax instead of smooth because it retains my details better when you're sculpting you want to sometimes get back the old details that you got that will be the most target you go to your highest subdivision activate mouth target which is down here moth target you start a mouse target and what is essentially doing is that it will store its light layer but it's just one layer you can switch back and forth between layers and you can use some off-target brush to get back the detail from the previous um moth okay so i got the mop store i draw in this is the second mod when you switch back to the original one this is what happens okay so the effect that it does when you use the brush this mask target brush is that let me show you let's go to b m and then o from sorry b m o from off target you turn down the z intensity a bit lower and then you brush it in so that it it's trying to blend the two masks together this is very useful when you go do folding right you can always switch back to the original or you can essentially get rid of it or you can delete the moth target entirely okay this is the the most that i don't want i want to reverse back to the mop and then delete it and switch back to the original and delete the mouse over here like nothing ever happened
Channel: vinnimate
Views: 4,160
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tips and tricks, zbrush, workflow, tips, tricks, sculpting, zremesh, dynamesh, useful
Id: qnI9GsGjXh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 22sec (1282 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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