Intro to ZBrush 029 - Unlock the power of the Transpose Line! Move, Scale, Rotate, Mask, and more!

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one way where it's really easy to see that is if you hit the y key now we're in transpose and basically if you hit y you're going to see it's going to toggle off this right here and if you hover over it you're going to see the hotkey that is y and it's going to go gizmo 3d to transpose essentially so hit y and now we're in transpose mode so transpose is the original way you used to have to move things in z brush the functionality is pretty basic and this is where move scale and rotate comes into play if you remember if you hit y and go back into gizmo it doesn't matter which one he has selected you can rotate move and scale all the same time even though we have rotate selected however if we hit y and then we have rotate selected and you grab the inside so you have three orange balls on the outside and on the inside there's a red white and another red one here so if you grab this inside red one and drag you're going to see it's only going to rotate if you hit e or go to scale up here and you grab this one you're going to see it's going to scale and you go into move and grab this red one it's actually going to look like it scales but actually that's just part of the move component if you grab this middle one here the middle white ball in the middle that'll that'll move so you can see move scale and rotate plays a big role in how transpose works now similar to gizmo functionality you can just tap on your object and it'll go ahead and inherit that surface normal so if i tap on this right here it's going to shoot straight out from that normal direction if i tap on the top here it's going to shoot straight up you know it's it's inheriting that direction now if i hold down shift and snap it to the side you'll see this is a little the skew like if i if i choose like oh i want to go down the x axis of the z axis it's kind of off a little bit how you can reset that is literally just to go and click and drag with your transpose line and just snap between these two points you know these are a planar direction so now i hold down shift z is going to go straight up x is going to go straight to the side of that direction and you're good to go so if i go here and i tap z now it's going to flip that direction here and now i can move along this axis here so let's talk about the basics of transpose line so again you can click and drag and snap between two points and essentially what you're doing is when you click and then drag out this first point is going to be your anchor point and then you can either snap to a a component here in this case a vert or you can drag off and it'll just drag straight off so one easy way is if you want to make a straight line across here you can go through here and you can snap or you can just drag keep dragging off and hold down shift and that'll snap this to a straight line you can see it's going to snap in increments so if you just tap on an object and hold down shift and drag off you can just drag a straight line right off of that object same thing on the side here it'll try and snap to all these points or you can just hold down shift and drag straight off and that'll give you a straight line so again just really quickly you can use this and hold down shift and drag a straight line off and then how you move your pivot here so this is the anchor pivot and again if we move and we grab this middle inside ball it'll move from there or more obviously let's choose rotate and we grab this outside ball it'll rotate right where that pivot point is so again if we tap here and set our anchor pivot point hold down shift and just drag straight off and then rotate it'll just rotate around that pivot that's a really easy way if you want to rotate from this point just click and drag straight off and now you can rotate in this direction or hold down shift and snap your camera and then rotate in this direction but let's work our way down the line so let's go back to move here so again if we just tap on our object if we grab this outer orange ring that's going to move your transpose line itself so this outer orange ring will still be anchored here so we can just go ahead and move this anchor again if you hold down shift it'll snap to increments you can hold down shift and snap it straight up if you want this outside middle one will allow you to move the entire transpose line or again if you hold down shift it'll try to snap to increments but it's probably not going to do you much good if you grab this outside bottom one this is your anchor point so now you can reset this anchor to wherever you'd like if you set it down here that's where it'll rotate from for example now i'll admit move is a little bit weird so if we go through here and we tap on this object and we have an orange line straight out and again this is our anchor point here and we hit w if i grab this outside one here it's actually going to do a non-uniform scale now technically what it's doing is anchoring this geometry and moving the rest of the geometry away from that point so it is a move operation it just behaves like a non-uniform scale if i want to constrain it to an axis right now if i just grab this one and move it it's going to not be constrained to an axis so it's hard to get it to like you know non-uniformly scale along this pivot this transpose line you can hold down shift and now you can non-uniformly scale it down the axis and then you can go over here to the z hold down shift and you can scale it non-uniformly this way or x and non-uniformly scale it this way so let's go ahead and just tap on the top here and that's grabbing this inside out line here if we grab this middle one with move selected that's going to move the entire object and again you can move it on any axis you can switch over here to the x-axis and hold down shift and it'll move it right along that axis or the z-axis hold down shift move along the z-axis or if you don't want to be constrained to an axis just grab this middle one and just move it wherever you'd like and then you can tap to re-center your pivot if we grab this bottom one with move that's going to run a clip operation so kind of like when we hit y and we use the gizmo and then hold down control to do a clip operation hit y again and if you use this this is doing the same thing so generally speaking what i'll do if i'm using the transpose line as i hit w i'll do a non-uniform scale and hold down shift from that anchor point or i'll move my entire object or i'll hold down control and drag along the topology of my object and then i can move this pivot point here this anchor pivot hold down shift snap this here now if i switch over here to or if i use move now i can move to the rest of these points where they need to go scale's another weird one rotates probably the most straightforward if we use scale let's go ahead and control drag to unmask we'll go ahead and tap here to reset if i grab this outer orange one that's going to go ahead and do a uniform scale which is probably what i'll use i'll use this for a uniform scale and then i'll hit w and use this for a non-uniform scale if i go back into e which is scale mode and i grab this middle one this is going to scale kind of along those two axes and if i grab this anchor point here that's going to scale from that top pivot so again generally speaking what i'll do is i'll use this scale for a uniform scale and then i'll hit w for a non-uniform scale or to move along an axis rotate pretty self-explanatory you go ahead and again just tap on the top of here and then this is going to be our anchor point so if i rotate now it's going to rotate from that anchor point using this as my axis again that's this inside outer circle if i grab this middle one it's going to rotate along the long axis here so i can kind of rotate around the middle so again this rotates on the outside and just like anything else if you hold down shift that'll snap to increment so 90 degrees 90 degrees 90 degrees and then here is going to rotate around the long axis and again if we go move our camera you're going to see that there's the rotation there and then this bottom one here will rotate around this is the anchor again maybe not so useful but it's there if you need it now if we hit w to go back into move mode and in fact let's go back to that demo soldier or if you don't have it hit the comma key go to your tool menu double click on this demo soldier and that'll pull it up in your inner interface and just like we're doing with the gizmo if you hit w and we have transpose in fact you can hit x to go across x symmetry and you can control drag down your object that'll go ahead and mask all the way down to the elbow here now if i'm going to use transpose to pose i can click on the elbow and then click on the wrist and that'll be two pivot points here and in fact i can grab this outer orange circle and move the whole thing in so i can treat this these outer orange circles like bones i can kind of reposition these things where the bones might be and now i have a hit r to rotate i can i know this is my pivot point my anchor i can grab this outside one and i can usually use this like a bone system just kind of go through here and rotate in like so now again i can hold down control and mask or sometimes if it's easier just control unmask go in here to control mask lasso and then you can literally just mask where you need to mask or in our case control drag down mask ctrl alt to unmask just the hands let's go back in here and i can just tap on here now and if i do rotate i know that's my anchor point so now i can use this rotation to go through here and rotate and i can also set this pivot point to be a little further in so now when i rotate it'll rotate from wherever this anchor point axis is and again going through here and holding down the outer orange circle moves the pivot and then the inside circles are going to rotate around that pivot now if we choose a cylinder 3d make polymesh3d and let's go back down here to our polygroups and let's do group by normals so now if i hit w and we still have transpose i can control tap this and it's going to select that polygroup same thing as if we hit y and we're in gizmo mode if i control tap any polygroup it'll go ahead and unmask that polygroup it's also kind of blurring my mask so just ctrl drag out here and then control tap this polygroup to um doesn't seem to want to be selecting small group if that's the case ctrl shift tap this polygroup control tap to mask it ctrl shift tap to bring everything else back and now ctrl tab to invert that mask and this should just mask this polygroup here but anyway if we control tap this top polygroup here and i hold down control and move along here it's going to make a new edge loop and then ctrl drag again i can let go of everything and then control drag again or ctrl drag out and let go of control and just continue to drag out more edge loops you can do the exact same thing with transpose if i hit y we got a transpose line i control tap this polygroup here i can hold down control with move and i can drag out more poly loops and hold down control shift to go ahead and just drag out or edge loops now there's something cool that transpose can do that gizmo can't and that's using scale to inset edge rings so again if i'm tapped off over here i control tap this polygroup here that will unmask just as polygroup and now i have to hit e for scale and hold down control and drag this inside one in it'll go ahead and bring in an edge ring so you can hold down control and bring this in and then w to move this out control let's go ahead and reset here so i'll just tap here and then hold down go back into scale mode then hold down control and drag this in control drag in another edge ring hit w and move this in now you're going to have this functionality when we get to z modeler so don't feel like you have to use transpose to do that this is just something interesting that transpose can do another interesting thing if we hold down control and drag we'll just go ahead and mask this out and then we'll control drag a line along our object here if we're in move mode and we hold down alt along these you can actually bend along here same thing with this middle one you can actually bend in here and then of course if you hold down alt here it's going to want to clip this object down where it's unmasked but usually i'll use these to kind of maybe bend a little bit and this is using a move by the way so hold down alt and you can bend the geo as needed that can come in handy sometimes of course if you hit r to go to rotate and then you just drag this around now you can use this to bend around that pivot point however in rotate if you hold down alt you can actually bend from this pivot point and of course we have this mask down here so it's not going to change anything and it'll kind of do a twist on your object here so if we go through here and we say tap here for your transpose line and then move this transpose line down and then alt drag you can actually use this to twist again you can also just hit y to go back into gizmo mode go to unmash mesh center reset orient axis orientation and twist in here where you can control mask which you don't want so again you can still go through here and twist as needed but that's also extra functionality when you have gizmo is holding down alt with rotate it'll rotate just right around this point or if you don't hold down alt it'll go ahead and rotate down the z axis as well so holding down alt with rotate kind of resets where you're rotating from and it'll provide a little bit more of a fall off as opposed to just rotating from these points will provide no fall off now generally speaking i use gizmo for almost everything the only exception for that really is if i go through here and i choose a geometry just turn on dynamesh and then i you know if you hold down control and you go in here to mask rectangle and you put in an alpha and you can drag out a star here and you can kind of position the star you can also do something with kit b t s that's transpose smart mask so now when i use my transpose line and i hold down control number one it'll actually mask along your surface here so it'll actually stop along the edges so that's one use of the transpose smart mask if you don't want to use your depth masking another use is if you go through here and you put in an alpha you can hold down control and it'll start masking and you can actually use this to go through and move scale and rotate your mask around so it's a little bit more flexible than say going in here to mask rectangle let's hit q to go back into draw mode go back in here to mask rectangle with this so you can't rotate it you can move it and you can make the scale larger or smaller but you can't rotate whereas in if we hit w to go back into sman transpose smart mask you can mask and rotate and scale so that's useful for for you that's another reason why you might want to use transpose but again that's bt transpose smart mask so let's go ahead and control drag and in fact let's go to bt just go back here to regular transfer print transpose btr so again you have transpose which you can use to do all sorts of cool things and then you can hit y to switch back to gizmo and you're back in gizmo mode now you're going to see when i did that if i hit y you're going to see oh my transpose line set that gizmo let's drag this back to where we just had a regular cylinder here and we can use this to our advantage too if you ever need a very precise gizmo axis orientation if we hit y right now you're going to see it'll inherit where you set your pivot point so again y you can tap set your transpose line and you can actually again with your transpose you can click this point and then click this point and then if you hit y to switch to gizmo it'll go in and inherit that axis so that could be another really useful thing if you want something precisely snap between two points again just hit y use your transpose line to snap your anchor and your end point to that line and then when you hit y again your gizmo will be right along that axis in fact if you hit y you're going to see you have this white dot out here if you hover over this you're going to see click to reposition and shift to align you can also control tap that so if you want to rotate your camera to a very specific point just hold down control and tap and that will rotate your actual object it's a little bit difficult to see in this example but if we choose this demo soldier here it's like i want to put this arm straight in my camera and it's like well i can kind of move this arm around and kind of straighten it out a little bit but if i grab my transpose line and this is the straight line you know shoulder to elbow and i want to make this straight on my camera view hold down control and tap that white dot and you see it's going to move my camera so now this line is straight in my camera it didn't rotate the actual object it just rotated the camera to that position speaking of rotating a camera if i hit w and y so we're back to our gizmo here you're going to see we're automatically moving in x y and z you can go over here and choose y and just rotate in the y direction or z to rotate in the z direction or you can say x y z hold down shift and start rotating and then let go of shift and that'll also rotate in your z direction so again hold down shift start rotating let go of shift and that will rotate your object let's go to unmash mesh center here you're also going to see when we go to unmash mesh center it goes across our axis so if we go out of solo mode here and we alt tap our wrist bands and we go to unmash mesh center and we have x symmetry turned on you're going to see this object over here has a center mass and this object over here has a center mass if we want to choose the area between these two objects turn off x symmetry by tapping x and again transform activate symmetry is off now when i go to unmash my center it'll go to the middle of these objects and then tap x to turn x symmetry back on so this will allow me x symmetry center or i can go to unmash mesh center and grab these and rotate them along their own local axis speaking of local axis there's your lsim local symmetry right here if i go out of solo mode here and i start scaling this if i go to uniform scale you can see it's going to scale away from the world axis and towards the world axis to avoid doing that go over here and turn on lsim and now it's going to use that local axis over here so i can scale uniformly again along that object's local axis
Channel: Michael Pavlovich
Views: 6,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ZBrush, ZBrush Intro, ZBrush tutorial, zbrush for beginners, zbrush basics, zbrush transpose, zbrush transpose pivot, zbrush transpose line, zbrush transpose axis, zbrush transpose snap, zbrush transpose functionality, zbrush transpose masking, zbrush transpose mask, zbrush transpose posing, zbrush transpose extrude, zbrush transpose modeling, zbrush smart transpose
Id: 9qLbeAapUH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 19 2021
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