Intro to VFX with Blender And Adobe After effects

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okay so starting with after effect file and import your footage drag and drop it into the composition now we need to add a curve effect into your video so just drag and drop it and do whatever I do with the Curve just add three points uh grab them like I have grabbed to make it a little bit sharper and increase the contrast like these so actually it will be a uh good to track it uh when it have a high contrast uh areas so now it's time to track it before tracking it precompose it and hit okay now come to tracker track camera and now come to Advanced and check detailed analysis so now wait for these to track so now it's tracked and now we can select a frame where there are so many uh little trackers it will be perfect so I'm just going to select this one uh not that one I think I just need to select another one from here and something like this and now right click and create solid and camera and now the solid is created and it means we can now export the data into blender uh so I'm using a script for these I will put the link in the description to the script uh so you will be able to export the data in Json file which is which is able to be imported into blender so now select everything and Export composition data into Json uh brow the location where you wherever you want to save uh I'm going for this one and yeah I'm selecting a perfect location for these okay so now name it whatever name you want to give and now hit save and Export so now it's exported open up your blender file and hit a and uh X and delete everything in the default scene file import and import after effect composition data which is Json I will put the link to the Aron also to import Json data and now we have that scene it's time to delete the front PL because we don't need it and now uh we didn't need to delete it come to camera view and then expand that window if you play it uh so now hit a select everything and grab those key frame into the first frame because uh off effect video start from zero and blender video start from one that is why we have to grab those frame and also set the ending frame to something like 163 and now we have a perfect short now come to Output setting and change the frame rate to whatever frame rate your video is my mine one is 23.98 um just set it so you will have a perfect result uh yeah select the camera and camera view background image and now add an image it's a movie clip select the movie clip that we added in the off the effect so I'm just going ahead to the directory and now click it and also increase the opacity of this video so if we play it you can see uh it's going on and yeah loved it because it's perfect uh now we need to save the file before we mess up something because saving a file is perfect now select the location wherever you want to save it name your blender file and say blender file so this is the model that I'm using I will put the link in the description download it from sketch web and you can also check it out so now what we need to do select these empty hit shift a cursor to select it and then what we need to do we need to uh actually select the object before there are so many objects select all of them and select another another object as well and then hit contrl J to com combine it into one object and now hit uh shift a selection to cursor and then what we need to do we need to scale it up this is the second uh the second uh sorry okay so now align it perfectly to the plan if you if it's not aligned perfectly to the plan it's not going to work perfectly because it will feel like it's in ear and it will feel like it's not track well so make sure to align it with the plan because uh as you can see it feels like it's in ear because the leg of the robot not touching the solid so make sure that the leg of the robot touching the plan object or the solid object just grab it on z-axis and now rotate it on Y axis okay so now if we just scale this slightly change the orientation to local so we will be able to move it on perfect XIs that we want now move move it backward don't move it on z-axis if you if you move it on z-axis we will mess up things so just we need to move it on X and Y axis that's it now if we just play it we will have a perfect track as you can see in our video okay so it's going well and I think now it's time to set up some uh Shadows now grab this plan on that axis and also scale listing up rotate it uh rotate it on y AIS make sure that you have changed the orientation to local uh because we will be able to rotate it on any axis we want so scale this thing up accordingly now if you play it we will have a perfect track you can add any kind of object it's totally up to you whatever you want to add and now what we need to do to do we need to save the file come to rendering engine make it cycle GPU compute turn on the noising for the viewport select the plan come to its uh object data under visibility uh sorry under visibility turn on Shadow catcher now if we go to render view we can see it's casting shallow but what we need to do first come to render film and make it transparent and now as you can see we have some Shadows du to the plan so now let's add an hdri I will put the link in the description ion if you want to check the same hdri that I'm using in this video so this is the hdri so it's a little bit brighter we need to decrease the the strength of the hdri make it something like 0 point uh five or something and yeah just turn off uh uh some of the overlays visibility so we will be able to see what's going on in the viewboard and now as you can see it's perfectly matched with the background and uh you can also turn on camera uh uh Focus which is depth of field of the camera which will make it realistic and also the motion blur in rendering settings anyways so now uh if we play it as you can see it's perfectly dragged and I think now it's time to set uh some compos composition setting compositing settings now make uh some render settings like uh making these to FFM video encoding to M 4 and now save it render an image so it's rendered now come to compositing use node and add a movie clip movie clip node which is an input okay so now select the video now add an alpha over node by shift a and Alpha or connect it connect the movie to the top socket and uh SE into the second socket now add an output which is a Vier node connect the image into the image so now they are Blended together which is perfectly done and uh yeah I think we need to just change some color settings like uh the uh maybe the contrast or maybe the brightness so we're just adding a color balance node in between the scene and the S Alpha node so I will add it to the top one and now we can just uh play around with the value and blender uh default compositor is really powerful because you can tweak anything separately which I really liked and now we can just tweak all of those and uh do whatever I do because uh they're not the exactly the same values and uh I just uh yeah okay just slightly change those value and uh don't be crazy with them because it it will not look realistic I just made it a little bit darker with some blue tone into it because see it is always looks blue kindy yeah thanks for watching
Channel: Kamran Waziir
Views: 10,018
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vfx, after effects, visual effects, ntro to VFX with Blender And Adobe After effects, cgi, blender vfx, adobe after effects vfx, blender 3d, blender beginner, blender basic, adobe after effects tutrorial, adobe after effects basic, after effects beginner, blender visual effects, robot 3d model, vfx basic, intro to vfx, blender modelling, blender 3d modelling, vfx in blender, blender tutorial, blender 3d vfx, blender cgi, computer generated imagenary, ae to blender
Id: d45_vpuyRJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 12 2024
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