Pushing VFX into the NEXT Level using BLENDER 3D - Making of SCI-FI city!

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so hey guys in this video we're going to look on how I did this you will learn all the VFX step in blender so let's begin it with the VFX tab I'm going to open it up okay so here we go we're going to click open and we're going to go to the video I'll put the link to the same video in the description down below let's open up the video and see what we can do with it okay so first of everything we're going to set some rendering setting so go to render color management and change ax to standard so it it will gain the colors again I'm going to change the frame rate to 30 frame per second and I'm going to make uh I'm going to just I'm just going to go for prefetch because it will just load the footage into the RAM and it will play fluently okay so I'm going to set the motion model to perspective and I'm going to click detect features but I'm going to click normalize first because if the lighting shift occurred it will not affect the tracker so I'm going to click detect feature and I'm going to make the three shold to something like 0. 7 maybe 0.07 which is perfect I'm going to track forward and I'm going to track it like that okay so here we go we have done our tracking now it's time again to click on the detect feature to add more trackers into the shot and let's track backward to track it backward so we have more information for the camera moment in the shot okay so now it's time for solving it I'm going to go to solve tab I'm going to uh just going to check for the perspective change which is in between 80 and 180 I'm going to make key from a to 80 and I'm going to make the key from B to 180 and then we are going to click focal land optical center and because we don't know them okay I'm going to click solve camera motion and it will solve the motion right away so it's 1.8 and it have an error so let's fix it fix it by cleaning up I'm I'm going to click uh filter tracks and I'm going to uh just increase the track three shold to seven and as you can see we have 16 problematic track I'm going to delete them I'm going to reclick the sof camera motion and now I think we will be fixing the problem so it's 0.46 which is perfect and now scroll down click set as background and we're going to set uh is as a set up a tracking scene like that so now it's time to orient the plan so in order to do that I'm going to select one of the tracker and it's the origin so click set origin and now select three of The Trackers to set the floor I'm going to click these three and I think this is not a perfect one because it's not aligning with the shot so I'm just going to select other tractors that can do this job perfectly I'm going to select this one and then that one and this one I'm going to click floor and as you can see it's perfectly oriented with the shot and this is what we want so now it's time to set up our 3D set scene I'm going to go go to layout and I'm going to go to camera view and if we just delete the cube and try to play it uh now we will be able to see how it is I'm going to move to the first frame and see is it okay or not I'm going to play it and see yeah I think it's perfect and it's sticking into the ground and this is what we want so now what we can do we can turn on motion tracking for the overlay because we want to see where are our trackers so we will be able to add any other CG objects into the scene which will be perfectly sticky into the position wherever we want in the shot so let's just play it and I think it's perfect now I'm going to go to this drop down I'm going to click motion tracking I'm going to increase the size so we will be able to see these motion tractors on the scene so we can add CG objects into it as you can see it's perfectly making the shape of the shot and this is what we wanted I'm going to go to camera view and I'm going to go to the first trim maybe and I'm going to click this tracker as you can see it's over there and I'm going to go I'm going to click shift a cursor to selected and I'm going to click shift a and I will add a cube maybe shift a MH and a cube okay so I'm just going to place it right there to just match the perspective or to match the CG objects in the shot I'm going to just scale it uh up I'm going to go to face selection mode and I'm going to move this down like that try to match it with the background stuff so we'll have an accurate track I'm going to move it down and I'm going to scale it like that okay so I think it's okay if I play it we have something perfect and now it's time to add other CG CG objects I'm actually adding Shadow catchers to there so if we add any other CG object it will catch Shadow or there and we will have an overall idea where are the objects in a 3D scene so I'm going to add a plan here and I'm going to scale it on Y axis like that and and I'm just going to make these uh tube like structure out there whereever people moves around and go into this station I'm going to rotate it on y axis and I'm just going to move it like that and okay so now we're going to place it on the right spot by moving it into an x-axis I'm going to go to camera view and I'm going to move it down like maybe okay I'm going to go to edit mode I'm going to go to Vex selection and I think I'm going to move it into y X is like that and I'm also going to go to Edge selection maybe uh or maybe I can select face and extruded upward so we will have U an overall idea of how the background stuff looks like I'm going to move it slightly into x-axis so it's not intersecting with the other layers I'm going to delete that face and also that one and maybe the background face or there uh backside face I'm going to delete it okay so I'm going to go to camera view and I'm going to I'm going to play it and see how does it turns out I'm going to move it into y AIS like that and maybe I can scale it down on y- AIS and if you play it as you can see it's perfectly sticking into there and this is what we wanted so I'm just going to move and I'm going to click it maybe I can uh a little bit align it to the background shot I'm going to select I'm going to box select them and I think I have messed up something okay I'm going to box select all of them so they all of them moves the same I'm going to move it to here like that and I'm going to select these three and I'm going to move it downward like that and I'm also going to go for these three of them here I'm going to move them into y AIS like that and I think it's perfect now so now it's time to add other CG objects into the scene and we have to make it even better okay I think I have uh messed up something out here and I think I'm going to fix it so you can just follow the same rules here and you can just add objects like that and it is something very you know handy because we can we can add any kind of object into our scene by The Trackers we have added in this in the tracking scene and I think I'm going to rotate it on y- axis to match the background and I'm going to move it to there and let's see from a y- AIS so I'm going to move it into x-axis like that and I think it's okay so I'm just going to scale it up on maybe I can change it to local and I'm going to scale it on x-axis like that and I'm going to move it into x-axis and I'm going to move it into Y axis like this and okay so this is what we wanted I'm going to scale it up okay I think it's fine and maybe I can slightly rotate it to match the perspective with it and we are going to to make it I'm going to go to y- axis I'm going to click shift d duplicate it and then I'm going to rotate it on z-axis on 180° or maybe I can just rotate it on Y axis like that I'm going to move it into here okay so I'm just making an oral shape of the background scene because if it's uh perfectly aligned to it you can add any CG objects in or maybe you can just turn this out into a e object and add texture into it and that's it this is very handy and easy because blender is super cool if I did it with After Effects uh maybe I was not having that much uh freedom to work on this sort of project because uh after effect don't give that much features you know so I'm going to add a l kit here maybe I'm going to I'm just going to try to match it with it but I think I'm going to read add a Cube object into here to actually replicate it so I'm just going to delete maybe okay I'm going to delete it I'm going to hit control Z and I'm going to add a a cube I'm going to scale it on z-axis I'm going to rotate it on y- axis I'm going to move it to here I'm going to scale it in on y AIS I'm going to scale okay let's just move it to here okay I think it's perfect and I'm going to save our file because if you don't save your work you're going to miss it okay so just going to move it slightly down like that okay so let's play it okay so I think I need some objects over here I'm going to select it and add a cube here like that to just replicate uh the background pillar a smaller pillar out there and I'm going to scale it on Z axis like that okay so I think it's totally fine I'm going to duplicate it and maybe I can move it into xaxis like that and I'm just making Shadow catchers it's actually shadow catcher to actually catch the shadow of all the CG objects in the scene and you can also take it as a mosque because you you're also going to MK things to add things behind the object okay so I'm just going to add an object into here and I'm going to scale it on Z exis like that and I'm going to just uh go to edit mode and I think I'm going to delete the background Faces by hitting X and deleting them I'm going to go to camera view and I'm going to go for just moving those ages up and down and maybe I can move it into XX like that and this is very handy I think which pretty easy to replicate those objects and we're going to move it into xais like that and I maybe we can move it up slightly and I'm going to go for this one maybe slightly up like that and I'm going to oh where is it going oh I think we have to set up the ending uh clipping of the camera so I'm going to select the camera go to camera setting and make the ending clipping something like a very high number and now we will be able to see things very far away so I'm just going to scale it on z-axis and maybe we can move it away like that and I'm going to click e exod it and move it like that okay so I think it's perfect I'm going to select this one and maybe I can exode it into backward okay I'm going to move it okay so it's totally fine and this is what we want it to do and I'm going to select the top edges and I'm going to hit e to extrude them and then move it them into y axis and then again extrude it on z-axis and move it on yxes like that and now it's time to just align it with the background I'm going to add a l cut here maybe and just grab it to here and I'm going to select those two edges and I'm going to I'm I'm going to open a new window so I will be able to see it so I'm just going to extrude them like that and see these and the other window to actually match with it so I think I'm going to select this ede and I'm going to move it to that one to align with the background and now it's time to select those faces maybe uh I can rotate I'm going to duplicate them and shift d and rotate them into other side and now I'm going to go for a cube here I'm going to add a cube into the ending point of these object and I'm going to move this up like that and I'm going to align it with the background so I'm actually making the top of the station so I'm just going to extruding it on Y axis I'm maybe moving it and I'm going to go to wireframe I'm going to select the do drop one bottom one and I'm going to move it downward I'm going to select this one and move it into y- axis like that okay so I'm just going to select this age and maybe I can move it into x-axis or maybe I can select both of them and move them into x-axis like that okay so I'm just going to select that age um face and move it towards okay so so I'm going to select this age and I'm going to move it down to align it with the background it's pretty handy and easy to do uh it's it's a job of beginners so it's not very hard to SP every single step just look at these what I'm doing and just copy it maybe if you can I'm going to move it and maybe I can move it downward I'm just copying the footprint of the other object and I'm just going to move it towards that AIS okay so I'm going to select the top age and I'm going to I'm going to apply the scale and hit e and then scale it up scale it on y- axis to make it perfect and again we're going to click e then again e scale it down and scale it down on Y axis to actually make it rectangular and I'm going to move I'm going to extra it up like that like like that I'm going to move it down slightly okay so I think I missed something up so I'm going to go to Y AIS and I'm going to box select the other side and I think if I just move it into I'm going to select this one and I think we have not aligned it so I'm going to move it into Y axis to align it with the top of the station and I'm going to select the top face and I'm going to move it up so maybe we can just extrude it on z-axis and scale it up like that and I'm going to scale it on Y axis maybe and I'm going to hit e to extrude it and I'm going to hit e and scale it down and and again scale it on y- axxis and again e maybe we have very scaled it down so I'm just going to contrl Z scale it slightly down like that and we're going to click e to EXT it up okay so I think it's perfect now just move it slightly to MCH it with the background layer and we are set I'm going to add a lop Cuts there by control R I'm going to add seven Lop Cuts I'm going to select the middle one and turn on propotional editing with the spare and I'm going to move the middle one upward so we have this curved you know face I'm just going to align it with the background and I'm going to select all of the top faces again hit e scale them on Y axis like that and we're going to click e to extrude it upward like that and I'm going to go to side view and select that small tiny fa face and I'm going to move it into the other side I'm going to extrude it like that to actually fit it in so I think I'm going to select one of these and I'm going to move these up to actually align it with the background so as you can see we have set up all those small asset that will actually replicate the shadows and they will actually caste Shadows on itself and they will not be shown in the final render well uh for the sake of this tutorial uh I'm going to add uh I'm going to show show you how to add uh those cylindrical shaps or you can also call it how to add lights into the scener how to mask out lights and add objects be behind them so I'm going to add a a cylinder objects into it and I'm just going to align it with it so actually it's also going to be a shadow catcher which will actually mask out all of those stuff and we will be able to add objects Behind These light so I'm just going to go to edit mode and I'm going to select vertices and maybe I can EXT to them like that I'm going to hit e maybe and I'm going to scale it down U by clicking shift Z to only scale it down on x and y axis and I'm going to scale it slightly up it's toally up to you if if if you have if you're in different situation and different uh light system they might Ry in different lights so you can just play around with the values uh to make them perfect according to the background I'm going to select this and maybe I can scale it down on X and Y axis by clicking shift Z I'm also going to scale it down and um what I'm going to do I'm going to click e and extol it upward and I'm going to move up like that and maybe we can move EXT it up and uh that's what we can do I'm going to EXT it up like that and maybe I can move it around and hit a to exod it and scale it down like that okay so I'm going to move it and I'm going to extruding it well it's totally up to you if you are facing the different situation you can just rep replicate or you can just copy out the object to mask it out so I'm just doing it according to my situation and by the way I'm going to put the link to the same footage so you will be able to follow along the tutorial and it will be easier for you okay so I'm just going to exod it upward and I'm going to move it like that and I'm going to scale it down like that maybe I can extrude it upward maybe I can scale it up like that and I'm just going to move it around I'm going to extrude it okay something like this oh oh go sorry I I clicked Space by mistake okay so I'm just going to the same position and as you can see it's already sticking into it and this is what we wanted and it's actually M will mask this object and we will be able to add any objects behind this object so it will feel realistic and this is a wild trick trick used by different YouTubers like in Hubbert which is a great VFX artist I really like his work I follow him on every side because he makes some cool tutorial and some cool arts so okay I'm going to turn on all of the objects and as you can see we have replicated all of the things into a CGI object and it's actually shadow cater so I'm going to select all of them and make them only one object so we will not have we will not have to deal with so many objects in the scene I'm going to select all of those objects and we'll make them a shadow catcher or maybe I can add a hold out material to them so actually they will be masked out and they we will be able to add objects in front of them and behind of them so it will feel realistic select all of them and hit contrl J to join them and they will become one mesh okay so now it's time to set up some ground I'm going to delete the default plan and I'm just going to delete it I'm going to shift a I'm going to had another plan and maybe I can scale it up like that and we're going to scale it like that very big because if you want to add so many object around you have to have the same amount of your your Shadow catcher out there and maybe you can slightly rotate it on Y axis to fit it with the background like that and yeah it's actually fitting in and this is what we wanted and now you can add literally add any kind of objects but well for the sake of this tutorial I have found a collection on sketch FB you can also download model from there I will put the link to the same uh model okay so I'm just going to select the plan I'm going to go to its visibility maybe I can change the rendering to cycles and I'm going to make it a GPU computer I'm going to turn on the noise and then go to object setting of this object and I'm going to make it a shadow catcher so it will just cast shadows I'm going to select the other object and I'm going to make it a shadow catcher also so it will also just cast shadows and not be shown in the render and we can just go for for adding different other models to the scene so I'm going to save the file maybe maybe I can show you okay so here is the collection I will put the link it the all of the models are totally free and this is a Sci-Fi collection which contain all of the Sci-Fi assets that you will need for this project and as you can see you have endless amount of objects to add into scene and to make it very high detailed and complex you literally have any kind of object and you have access to a high quality model for free and I'll put the link to the same collection uh you will be able to use it so this is something I really liked about sketch FB okay so now it's time to import this model I have downloaded some of them I'm going to go to import I'm going to move to a glb because I have downloaded them in a glb format I'm going to select one of the one of the model I think not that one I'm going to import another one by going to import GB and I'm going to select the destroyer and have we go maybe this one not that one oh that one okay so I'm just going to scale it up like that and I'm going to move it to a side so actually I can eliminate other objects I'm going to select one of the object bying shift and then hit contrl J so it will just eliminate the meshes from the from the empties so as you can see and we have empties here select them and delete them okay so this is the actually the objects I'm going to scale it up like that and maybe I can go to top view I'm going to rotate it like that something like that and I'm going to move it towards that one and I'm going to go to camera view and I'm going to scale it up okay so I think I'm going to rotate it on y AIS to actually fit it in I'm going to go to edit mode of this object I'm going to go to wireframe I'm going to select this one I'm going to delete it by selecting it and I'm going to move it up slightly I maybe I can rotate it as you can see we have added a CG object into a scene I'm going to move it into xaxis and a y AIS and as you can see it's already sticking into there I'm going to go to material View and it's already having so many high detailed material okay so how to set up a final thing before doing anything we need a light to light up the scene so I will put the link to an hdri if you're interested in the same hdri and I will use it right away so I'm going to add environment texture into world and I'm going to go to my hdri pick so I'm going to add an hdri that can do this job perfectly for us I'm going to select it I think this one and I'm going to go to render View and see how does it comes out so I'm just going to click render I'm going to save it first and then go to render view as you can see we don't have anything so go to render setting under film make it transparent and as you can see okay I'm going to select the camera go to camera settings under background you can just increase the opacity of your footage okay so as you can see we have added a cgu object successfully and it's already sticking into there and this is what if we wanted so there's the problem I'm going to select all Shadow catcher go to edit mode I'm going to go for for Edge selection maybe okay so I'm going to select the age here maybe this one and I'm going to move it down slightly as you can see it's fixed now and as you can see it's already sticking into there and this is what we wanted so you can just follow the same Rule and you are good to go so I'm going to save it so I think we can add more objects into our scene like I'm going to add a shop object into here I'm not an fbx I have downloaded all of the objects in glb so I'm just going to select one of the glb format and I'm going to go for that one maybe not that one and I'm just selecting one of the objects that can work for us I have selected this big big monsters building you can just move it into x-axis and maybe you can scale it down select one of these contrl J and select the Mish and hit alt P to just uh clear the parent I'm going to select all of the empties and delete them so I'm going to select the mes move it into x-axis and scale it down like that so I'm going to move it towards y- axis and I'm going to go for just snapping into there if I go to camera view and I'm going to move it into Y axis maybe or maybe into x-axis like that I'm going to go to camera view I'm going to move it up like that and if we just play or maybe we can move it towards that direction and now if you play it as you can see it's already already been there and it's already looking very good you can add an endless amount of object into scene to make it more complex you can also add animation into the object in in the scene to actually fill it inside there to make it organic I'm going to save it and maybe I can import other models like the like the shop model maybe I'm going to go for this uh I'm just selecting one of the model that I have downloaded from scatch VB I'll put the link to all of the model in the description down below if you interested in so I'm just going to go for this food and I'm going to scale it up like that I think I'm going to move it to the side and I'm going to select one of the object hit contrl J alt P eliminate it and I'm going to move it towards x-axis scale it up and shift a snap it into uh the cursor and just scale it down maybe I'm going to move it into zaxis maybe I can rotate it and move it towards here and I think this is going to be our final object because I don't want to make it very longer because you can it's totally up to you what object you want to add and I have just showed you the whole process and how things Works in blender so I'm just going to move this around and see how does it comes out I'm going to move it down like that and I'm going to just going to I'm going to play it and as you can see it's already sticking out there and this is what we wanted I'm going to save the file maybe I can go to this other layer background and delete the background layer and just set it to foreground and uh okay so hit contrl s now it's time to render out so first of all we're going to make the sample to 50 for the render and I'm just go to go and now I'm going to render an image to actually show you how to composite an image in blender so let's see what we can do with it okay so it's actually rendering let's fit for this okay so it's actually rendered out now go to compositing there are so many notes going on so we need to delete some of them because they're actually slowing down on rendering process so I'm just going to select this three and I'm going to delete them I'm going to move this towards here I'm going to delete this one also so we just have two noes remaining one is the movie clip and one is just the render layer I'm going to connect the image with the top socket and I'm going to connect the render layer with the bottom socket so as you can see we're good to go and we have added our CG object into our live footage successfully and I'm going to go and save the file I'm going to show you my previous project I have added so many objects downloaded from the same collection and you can also download all of them and just use them and as you can see they're so very detailed and you can also use them so guys thanks for watching if you want to get some content just hit the Subscribe button like this video share it with your friend and maybe you can do comment if you have any question thanks for watching w
Channel: Kamran Waziir
Views: 31,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to create an ocean with after effects, blender tutorial, blender beginner tutorial, how to create a scifi scene with blender 3d, Pushing VFX into the NEXT Level using BLENDER 3D - Making of SCI-FI city!, blender, blender vfx, blender sci fi city, sci fi city with vfx, blender cgi, cgi and vfx, vfx into the next level, next level cgi, sci fi city blender, live footage vfx, vfx tutorial, blender basic tutorial, motion tracking in blender, how to vfx, blender beginner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 10sec (1750 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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