Intro to Infographics in Motion: Point to Point | After Effects Tutorial

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hello everybody and welcome back to tip 2 today we're taking a look at how to create this step-by-step kind of infographic okay it's a path that weaves its way around three pillars each pillar represents a step each pillar gets taller just because I think that looks better and it can be different colors and things if you want by this point in this series you should be pretty well-versed with how this works but I thought I'd take you through it anyway because there's some quite cool techniques in here so let's take a look at recreating this the first thing you're gonna need to do is make sure you have your path now I built this in Illustrator purely because I find this a little bit easier to get these curved paths by just making circles joining them together and cropping out the sections you don't need otherwise in After Effects is difficult to get them sort of perfect so I made these shapes in Illustrator we're going to bring them into After Effects of course if you want to you can just build them directly and after-effects from the start so it will create a new composition make sure it's 1920 1080 5 seconds will do and 30 frames per second is fine and we'll just call this steps here we go so in that composition we will need a new solid oops composition lay a new solid red background is fine okay and in there I'm just gonna drop my shapes illustrator layer on top of it just gonna lock that background as well now we want to work with these shapes individually so within my After Effects with in way Lestrade's file sorry I've created each shape on a different layer so that when we right click and convert to layered comp inside that composition there is a layer per object okay we'll just cut those go back to our steps composition and paste them we can then delete the shapes composition so we don't need any more each individual layer nice and simple right click them and choose create shapes and vector layer and then you can remove the original and this is basically as if you've now created this shape within after-effects from straightaway it's just I find this a bit easier sometimes to work with in Illustrator because the tools for creating shapes are a bit smoother there so we have a path layer we have the third and second circles and we have our first circle there see okay that's great now we're gonna start animating all of this in 2d and then simply extrude it to 3d when we need to just to save on rendering times and stuff like that so we want to add a trim path to this one first of all let's drop that down hit add go to trim paths and then we can start and finish that however we like now we'll so before I get too much deeper that this is part of a series are the intro to motion graphics or infographics in motion series sorry so if you haven't checked out the others it's probably best to start with one of them this is the fourth episode in this series so I'm gonna go through things here that I'm not gonna cover from scratch I'm just sort of gonna work through them so I recommend checking out the 3d pie chart video first and then from there you can sort of go to any one that you want okay so we have our trim path I'm just gonna bring that end state down to zero I'm gonna create sort of maybe two seconds in I'm gonna bring that keyframe back up to 100% okay then I'm gonna right-click these go to keyframe assistant and add an easy ease to them and what that does is makes it start a little bit slowly and finish a little bit slowly but it's probably not gonna be the exact curvature I want so I'm gonna go to my graph editor select both of those and drag that along so it goes from very fast and slows down so where you watch that again you can see a soft drifts out which is quite nice next all we need to do is create the scaled animations on each of these plinths however you want to look at them but we probably want to create the text on top of these first as well because you can see in this one here we have the numbers one two and three after each plinth best to make all of your assets in 2d first of all so we will do that number one and I'll just duplicate those that would be number two and I'll duplicate that and there'll be number three okay number two number three it's escape I forgot cancels any edits that you do to text so make sure that you click out of them otherwise it won't be saved and then selecting all three of these I'm just gonna resend to their anchor points to the bottom middle okay then I'm gonna take each of these here and just drag them roughly over the center of each circle like so that doesn't matter if they're not terribly accurate because the cameras gonna moving anyway okay perfect we now need to make all of these layers 3d so that we can extrude them nice and simple to do that select all of your layers and just choose 3d okay let's finish animating these before we extrude them though just for simplicity shape simplicity sake so we'll select all three of our pillars not prints we'll press s to bring up our scale keyframes and we'll maybe with one second for each of those two grotus full height okay - it's sorry choice for width leave it a hundred percent on the second keyframe drop down to zero percent on that first keyframe again I'm moving quite quickly here because this is part of a series so if you're struggling to keep up I do recommend you go and check out the first video in this series and we should be in the recommendations to the sidebar so easy ease those grab those keyframes and just click and drag those along okay then they should just grow quite simply like that now you can see already it's having a bit of trouble rendering that because I'm also recording and stuff at the same time as well so drop that resolution down temporarily to a quarter and you'll see how things start to grow okay so the moment they all come in at the same time that's not great and also these numbers don't scale up either so we'll just do the same thing we'll take our scale keyframes push it along to one second drop back call them all off to zero and then we'll just ease those as well just for the sake of it perfect it's now everything we have is animated but it's all coming in at the same time that's easy to fix what we want to do is each of these blends to appear as the point in time that the path reaches it so we'll find maybe when that path reaches the center of this first circle and then we'll take layers one and the number one and with both of them selected we'll just press the open square parentheses button and that'll push the star of those layers to where our time line cursor is okay and then do the same thing move a long wait until it's roughly in the middle of the second one and do that with layer two and number two and then the same thing for the third one about there perfect now if we watch this back they start to come in in a bit more relevant time okay don't worry about the speckling on these letters that's just because they're in 3d space but they're all at the same level at the moment because we haven't changed that so let's fix that now first thing you're gonna need to do is make sure that each of these has an extrusion depth we went through that in the previous tutorials but I'll just take you through it again all you need to do is drop down your layer and you'll get an option called geometry and you just take your extrusion depth and you push out to wherever you want in this case let's try 50 we can then take that and apply it to every other shape on our canvas okay probably gonna find that that text is a bit deeper 50 so what we might do is take all of those get our geometry options maybe push that extrusion depth down to 25 and we'll just copy that value across to all of them 25 make sure that one's been done as well 25 perfect okay so would collapse all of those that's a bit easier to work with and now if we add in a camera we can see what that's actually done okay so we'll just go to somewhere later in the timeline add in a camera like so and then press C to bring up the unified camera tool tap through that and till you get to rotate and then just holding shift and dragging up you can see now that our shapes have a 3d depth which is perfect a bit difficult to tell at the moment because there's no shading so what do we do we add shading to it again we went through this and the previous tutorials but I'll just do it quite quickly here to our path we'd like the side colors to be different to the top color to help differentiate it so all you need to do is go down make sure you're on your path layer not on that layer itself but on the shape of itself click Add click side click color and that will add a color to the side of that shape it's very important you have to be selected on the actual shape itself okay then all you need to do I'm just gonna pick up my color palette on the other screen here take your side color and create something that looks a little bit nicer okay now we'll do the same thing for the rest of these shapes would do it to number one number two and number three now we could go through you click through all of them take that color take the material option and add the side but what we'll do is we'll just copy that from this one and paste it on all the others here then we should see ah actually that hasn't worked for that exact reason I said you have to paste it on our path here okay now would that be Group one or group two see group two is the one that I just asked any face of two so we'll just undo that there we go so you have to go down to your path here and paste it there and that creates that shading shape probably don't want it to be yellow though because that looks a little bit weird so what we'll do is we'll grab sort of a darkish gray and we'll shade it that instead now what we can do is copy this side color tap down the geometry so you tap down the contents for each one and paste it on those paths like so you can't paste custom data why not okay no problem we'll just add it manually click Add click side click color and we'll paste that in do the same for this shape here contents group half add side color and paste perfect ok right the last thing then is to add a side color and these three layers here and to rotate them so they're standing up because currently they're sitting flat on top of these sort of plinths here okay so we'll just collapse all these down so again we've got a bit of easier room to work with like so we'll take our first text layer will bring up the rotation tool in fact we'll do that for all of them we've got plenty for them to work with okay and we will start to rotate these on their x-axis like so probably all the way up to 90 so they're standing perfectly upright and we'll do that for all of them there we go cool the last thing we need to do to these then I'll just bump up the quality a bit so it's easy to see is we need to adjust the color of their sides nice and simple we've been through this before drop down onto your layer select your text select side select color select RGB now this one we want a nice dark blue like so and if you zoom in you can see that the sides of that shape of darker really easy to do so let's just do that now on the rest of these to select your text select sides that color paste the color code you want select your text select side select color paste that kind of thing you are nice and simple okey-dokey so all our preparation work is pretty much done now we've got our animation we've got the things scaling up the last thing we want is some of these pillars or plants to be higher than the rest and that's easy to do essentially we want to increase their extrusion depth and then just push them up in Zed space so that they look like they're sitting on the same level which is fine so we were once again collapse all of these so we've got a bit of room to work with and we will take our second pillar and we're gonna edit two things we're going to enter the position with P and we're gonna push this up by let's say 50 pixels now that makes it 50 pixels higher in the air but doesn't actually make it 50 pixels taller to do that we need to bring up the extrusion depth and bring that out to 100 now you'll notice that made it 50 pixels taller and fifty pixels higher up we also now need to just adjust the position of this letter to so push that up by 50 pixels as well so that is still sitting flush with the top of that shape that's pretty much all there is to it all we need to do is with 50 pixels more do that on the third shape and the third letter as well so on the third shape we'll push up I say 100 pixels and we'll push the extrusion depth up by 100 pixels to 150 and we'll push the shape of the position sorry of the third letter one number up by 100 pixels perfect and now you can see that we've got our animated shape so let's just pre render that and see what we've come up with collapse all our layers give ourselves a bit for EM more render in half because that's good enough to see so our shapes of moves in the other shapes grow around it hopefully we'll get there I'm making my computer work quite hard by recording this and rendering it at the same time I have a look there you go so shapes grow in and they grow up as well if we wanted to we could add the animation of the shape sort of growing sort of sliding upwards as they came in that's quite easy to do all you'd have to do is go to the position of each of these shapes here and keyframe them as they came in so we could keyframe here and then keyframe and go back to that first one and just push it up in z space a bit say a hundred pixels and then we can ease that out in fact let's do that to all of them display position keyframe on the second one so this one is fifty pixels because that is a hundred difference between fifty and negative fifty we'll ease those as well and we'll push the speed over and we'll do the same thing for the last one position keyframe move along push that one to T right there okay I'll make them look like this sort of growing and pushing themselves through the world like so let's have a look at that there you go so you can see the sort of shaped grow a little bit from the bottom which is exactly what we're after so let's look at that in real time and if we're happy with it without a camera movement and we'll call it a day there let's have a look yeah I'd say I'm pretty happy with that the camera movement is really what's gonna make it look its best so let's find a finishing point maybe three seconds in and choose how we want this to finish of course we're gonna need our position keyframe with P and we're going to need our point of interest keyframe with a I'm gonna select both of those and choose a finishing point so just rotating with see through the camera control tools I'm gonna choose how I want this to end so maybe I'd like it here gonna have to pan it over just a little bit to visually censor it I'm sure it's mathematically Center at the moment and then we'll have it be a bit more of a steeper angle like so perfect that's how we wanted to end up how do we want it to begin well we probably would like it to be top-down and we'd like it to be a bit further out now if I were to create that keyframe here it'd be a lot of guesswork because I can't see any of the shapes so I can do is move one keyframe before and adjust everything here like so so I make it roughly top-down and pull that back a little bit and that looks pretty sensor to me visually maybe just a touch over so happy with that position now when we drag it all the way back here we know that that's gonna be the same and we know it's gonna look good so let's just add a bit of easing to that maybe we'll add a faster slow transition speed as well and let's take a look at what we come up with let's watch it in full as well so we'll just save that and we'd be back when it's finished rendering okay perhaps a bit fast but you get the general gist of it in fact the camera moves too slowly for the content then it does fall off screen for a second but we can tweak that we can fix it you get the general idea that's pretty much it for this time around so I hope you enjoyed it hope you learnt something this one I tried to go a little bit faster because it is slightly deeper into the series so like I said if you had a bit of trouble following don't worry that's fine just go back a few episodes in the series and watch one of the starter ones instead and you'll be able to follow along much much easier so that is it for this time around thank you very much for watching everybody and I'll see you all next time for more tips tricks and tutorials thanks for watching
Channel: TipTut
Views: 154,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiptut, tip, tut, adobe, creative, cloud, graphic, design, designers, tutorials, lessons, tiptalks, tipwalks, helpful, info, to, intro, infographics, in, motion, after, effects, point, paths, 3d, trim
Id: aoXxFT588k8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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