Particle Based Motion Graphics | After Effects Tutorial

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hello there just so you know this video contains a paid promotion don't worry I'll never promote something that I don't think is worthwhile and I'll never mislead you about the quality of a product or service enjoy [Music] hello everybody and welcome back to tipped uh today we're taking a look at particle based motion graphics this is really cool you saw in the intro there 99% of that was made with a particle engine which is kind of crazy it's a engine called Stardust and it's basically a new node based particle system that allows you to create motion graphics 2d 3d particles it basically does whatever you want but the real thing that I want to focus on is the motion graphics side of it because that's what we do here we do 2d stuff and it's really cool I don't really know of another particle engine that can do this so I'm just gonna dive right in this is I'm gonna say now a little bit more of an advanced tutorial I'm not gonna be covering the basics of After Effects here if you do want that head on over to my intro to motion graphics or intro to infographics in motion series and start there then come back and watch this because it's really cool and you'll be impressed hopefully you'll be impressed with the engine maybe not with my motion graphics who knows let's do it I'm gonna create a new composition here and it's gonna be 1280 by 720 at 25 frames per second just gonna do that because I'm also rendering and recording my screen and everything whilst I try and do this I'm not sure my computer could handle it so I'm just going to create a new solid as a background layer and I'm just gonna call this background now the way Stardust works is like I said it's a node-based particle system so you actually get a really cool node interface to work with and those nodes represent the controls on the particles so each iteration of Stardust can have as many particle engines as you want within reason obviously and each of those can sit on one solid layer or on an individual solid layers up to you so I'm gonna create a new solid and call this Stardust okay and we're gonna take a look at creating the kind of hex background that we've got here to start with at least so I'm going to apply Stardust to our solid in the same way that we apply a normal particle engine to a solid like so when you first boot up a copy of Stardust you'll have this basic particle based animation here which is it's a bog-standard entry level essentially and you can see that we have two panels now which are worthy of note there is one which is the Stardust panel which has different nodes that represent the different parts of the animation and we have our effects controls open which is where we actually control what the emitter does what the particles look like etc okay now let's click on our admit er and you can see the M automatically switches to the emitter within the effects controls and if you click on a particle it does the same thing now this is really basic but what you can do is just iterate and iterate and increase on this by adding all sorts of different effects you can see we've got things like force you can add wind and gravity and things like that turbulence so you can add a field of movement to your particles you can add a field which is quite cool imagine you have a mitr emitting some particles you can push a force field like object through it so a sphere or a rectangle or an object that you've mapped through your particles and they will respond and sort of retreat away from that object which is quite cold and loosing that at the end of this tutorial you can replica which basically creates duplications of your particles to the point where it could form say a series of dot particles into a long line or string to make them look like they're a rope or something like that which works really well for motion graphics and you can add additional controls additional motion and all sorts of shading of things so if you're not really good a touch upon because we do 2d stuff here that is what we like so first thing I'm gonna do is create a hex background which actually starts off as a preset now usually I'm not a big fan of presets but these ones are really great starting points because it's so easy to iterate on a preset and create your own work from Stardust these are really good places to start so I think it's under HUD and then high fat is what we need so you have two options here replace or add we want to choose a place because we want to get rid of this original particle system that we have here that we don't need anymore if we were to add it would add it on top of that particle system and we'd have a new series of nodes here that would represent this new hive animation so it's gonna hit replace to get rid of that one and you can see that's it we're done so thanks very much for watching everybody getting it is quite simple but it's not that simple you can see that we have our hives here but they didn't quite fill the screen there a bit clustered together but that's fine if we would hit play voila I mean that's a particle based animation right there you'll notice this also dropped an additional composition called hexa into our main comp and I'll just explain what this does basically the particles that are used in this system come from this composition and come from the different frames of this composition okay so he uses this comp as the particle for the main system which is really cool so that could be changed edited however you want you could turn it into a pentagram you could change the colors etc etc what we're going to do is just adjust some of the simple settings like the positioning and the radius of the emitter so that we can get it to fill the screen properly okay now that is the one we need so I'll just rename comp so we know we're not getting confused to main Tut for the tutorial and let's start editing our first particles which is really exciting so you can see that we have our emitter here if I click it in the node window it brings up here which gets really useful when it gets complicated later on you can see that we've got all sorts of intimidating controls here particles per second origin X Y speed size angle orient will go into pretty much all of these over the course of tutorial but just to get started I'm just gonna show you how to sort of change a few things so we're gonna increase the size X now this isn't the particle remember this is the emitter if we wanted to increase the size of the particles we'd go down to the particle node and edit that one okay so on the emitter we just want to increase this until it feels our screen lovely okay I'm going to increase the wire little bit as well so they're not so clustered and I think we'll leave it at that that's perfect for me that's all that I want for now but there's a bit bland and boring at the moment because we haven't really got anything for it to animate to so we're gonna drop some music in okay just gonna hit you to collapse that and bring in this file here and hit L twice to bring up our waveform okay so you can see that about three and a half seconds in we've got a really cool kick that drops in and in the original one you can notice that we've got the word tipped up that just grows a little bit over time and shakes more and more now I will say at this moment obviously you don't have to copy me doing this I always recommend that you do your own thing I am gonna recreate what you saw in the beginning because that's what you saw in the beginning and but these techniques can be applied to any and all motion graphics that you want is completely up to you do try and follow along a little bit if you want to because you might learn some cool tricks but if you don't want to if you want to just use this as a starting point go ahead that's what we're here for cool so we're happy with this of little animations very basic start to our particle systems so I'm just going to quickly do the other bit of animation which isn't particle based and I'll just breeze through that so we're gonna need the word tips up okay we're gonna need it above our solids and I'm just going to quickly use motion v2 to Center this Anchor Point and I'm gonna align it to the center of the screen okay we now want to add a little bit of a wiggle to it we want the wiggle to grow over time so unfortunately just typing wiggle 150 like we usually do isn't gonna work we need to tie it to some sliders so I'm gonna do that now we can go to our fix window expression controls and choose slider control and I'm just going to duplicate that I'm gonna call one of them freak for frequency and one of them int for intensity and then I'm just gonna do a little quick bit of coding down here okay so we're going to define two variables one variable is going to be called frequency and we're going to set frequency to be the value of slider and close off that line with a semicolon okay we're then going to create a new variable called int and set that value to be the value of the int slider and close that off with a semicolon then the last thing we need to do is go down to our wiggle values and set wiggle values to be frequency and intensity and what this will do is it means it allows us to control the values of what usually would be just numbers in here by the values of this slider so what I can do is set them to start at zero zero and then as soon as the kick comes in we can be it may be 50 50 50 50 and you can see that over time the wiggle increases then soon as the kick comes in I want this to drop out of existence now like I said you can put multiple editions of a star dust particle on the same solid but because I know I'm done with this one forever I'm just gonna close it off and start with a new solid just cause it's a bit neater however you can have as many iterations of a star dust emitter node whatever you want to call it on the same solid within reason whatever your computer can handle I'm just gonna drop this little comp down here so because I know I don't need that as well and I'm gonna close off that so we've got a bit of room to work with okay let's take a look what we've done a masterpiece already okay let's have a look at what's coming up next so Wow okay a lot going on that first second already you can see that we've got some lines that dash across the screen we've got a circular based particle system in the background we've got a little animation of a circle in the middle and then we've got some lines that dash and jump and spin across in the middle of the screen as well now every single thing you see in this part of the animation except for the little blue circle is particles even those lines even those spins dashing across the screen there it's all done via particle engine which to me is pretty damn cool so I'm gonna basically explain to you now how to do all of that this is gonna get a little bit involved so grab a cup of tea settle in for the long haul okay so let's tackle the circular elements in the background first I'm gonna create a new solid I'm gonna call it circles and I'm gonna position it to start at our keyframe when the kick come in on the music like say okay let's apply Stardust to it and this time we're going to start with a preset under replica called circular like so and hit replace okay so now when we scrub along you'll see that we've got a pretty crazy set of will look like lines by are actively particles which is pretty cool so all of these sort of motion graphic key lines you'd usually do with you know line trimming and start and end points and etc etc it's all done via particle engine I don't know if it's just me but that seems really cool so let's make it look a bit more like it's something of ours rather than a preset and you can also notice now I've got a little bit of a more complicated but not really a particle system over here we've now got an emitter that pushes a particles out we've got a particle node that defines what they look like and we've got a replica node which basically if we turned off you'd see that what we've actually got is some particles thus bloosh out a little bit but when you turn this replica on it duplicates all of them into a circle so since we've got 41 replicants like in Blade Runner of our particles which are then offset on one of those II axes so that they spin around if I were to increase this for example you'd see exactly what's going on okay so let's just decrease that down to 4.6 and what it basically means is each one of these is offset so that it creates this kind of line of particles which is really cool so let's make it look something that looks like it should be in the scene a bit more okay I'm gonna close off replicas and I'm gonna go to particles and I'm gonna change the color first of all so underneath the particle properties I'm gonna scroll on down until I find color which is here particle color you can see it's set to random from gradients now if I twelve down color gradient you'll see that we have a gradient what this does is each particle randomly selects a color from this gradient and applies it to that particle so far to remove some of these you would notice that they're now all yellow okay but we can just choose solid color instead or we can choose color over life and if we go through the presets here like say for example this one that's quite bold you'll notice that when the particle is born it's dark purple when it dies it's white which means that it's dark purple as they will start and then move to white as they die out which is really cool so have a play with that what I'm gonna choose is random from gradient and what I'm gonna do is just ditch some of these by dragging them off the edges of the box and I'm gonna create my own one so on this left here I'm gonna want my sunflower yellow from my tip top color palette and on the right hand side over here I'm gonna want my carrot color from the tip top color palette and what this means is it's gonna go through and select from this gradient all the different colors so it could be yellow or orange or any of the iterations in between and you can see there now that it suits the frame a little bit more within our branding which is really cool we can increase the life of the particles which will make these lines a little bit longer I think like so basically means they live for a touch longer which is what I want and if we wanted to we could decrease the life random so they all last exactly three seconds but I kind of like the fact that it's a little bit sporadic and different so we're gonna leave it there with particle is going to twelve that down but what we do want is this to increase in size a little bit so we need to go over to the emitter so let's grab our emitter node here and we can increase the origin Z to bring it closer to the camera or to our lens is not really a camera there let's see that looks about right and if we increase the speed you'll notice that that scatters the particles a little bit more so maybe that origins Ed's a bit high let's push that down a little bit more that looks good and let's see what it starts off like okay I'm feeling like these need to scatter a bit as they go through and the way you do that is by using things like the particle speed and inertia and things like that I'll always notice that the mission point is off-center so I can put that wherever I like but I'm gonna put it bang in the middle of the frame roughly it doesn't really matter let's do it six 42 what are we three 20 but you can also see that it's set to wiggler a little bit or whatever by these red controls meaning their expression so I'm actually gonna 12 down origin XY and see what's going on yep it's got a wiggle on it I don't want that wiggle I'm gonna get rid of it I want it to be staying in the center of the frame okay so you can see that already we've created something completely different to what the original one was just by adjusting a few controls okay so I'm actually gonna do is over time I'm gonna get these to scatter and to get them to scatter I'm gonna play with two controls down in replicas okay so I'm just gonna close off emitter and open up replicas and we're gonna choose the amount of replicants that there are I keep saying replicants like it's later on and the density of those replicants so that we can adjust how far they scatter how solid those lines are essentially so when it first starts I want it to be pretty solid we'll start off there then after a little while let's see what a nice kick is okay so maybe on that from there from the music we want them to start dissipating okay so I'm gonna create a keyframe there for replicates and a keyframe for density and then maybe a bit further on maybe when that comes in there that little guitar that's what we want them to be pretty much gone I'm gonna say so what we're gonna do here I'm just gonna play with these to show you what they do if I increase the replicants okay that basically increases the amount of copies that there are on the screen which is fine that's what we want but then I'm gonna decrease the density of them and what that does is decreases sort of twelve the density increases the gaps in between the particles yeah they're less dense so if I were to drag this all the way down you'll notice that it's very much looking like a particle engine now okay so we'll do that and we'll leave those keyframes there what we'll also do is we go back to the first keyframe like so and we'll go back up to our mitr we'll take our particles per second from 40 let's go past these keyframes by a second or two and put that down to zero now that's stopping them emitting from this point there's still some on the screen because they're the leftovers of what's going on okay but no more are being emitted so they'll start to dissipate maybe we will push that back just a little bit so they're more in line with these particles these keyframes here and see what that looks like okay not too bad maybe I'll make it just a bit quicker and a bit earlier so that the force feels like it's actually on the moment a bit more there we go that looks quite nice cool so you can see that we've created a completely different effect there than we had from the first bit of the preset with not too much work let's close those down again I'm gonna cap this off if I wanted to I could build another one on top but I kind of like using different solids it really does work the way you want it to work it's as simple as that so I'll close off those key frames I know I'm happy with them and I'll close off those key frames and now I'm happy with them and let's see what that looks like I've got the shakes got the hexes alright wicked happy with that to start with now next thing I'm gonna do is just quickly drop in my little circle which isn't particle-based unfortunately it's just a little circle that I've got here pop that in the middle of the screen start it there and I'm just gonna quickly add in a scale and rotation keyframe like so pop the scale down to zero on the first one put the spin up to two full rotations on the second keyframe and then let's assist those with some easy easing so it spits out okay nice and then let's have it disappear again now like I said I'm sort of skipping through these bits a little bit because I kind of understand that you guys know how to keyframe things I'm not gonna insult your intelligence at this point so we're just gonna spin that back down to zero and zero and ease those out like so okay cool let's add in the rest of the fun particle stuff then so first we need on the beat is these lines that dash across the screen like this okay and this is actually really easy once again let's create a new solid and we'll call this - oops sure to rename that when I made it - like I say and pop it there and create a new copy of Stardust on that okay let's go to our presets go over to graphic elements this time and you can see that we've got under swoosh and splash we've got all sorts of different dashing shape effects which are all built using particles even these cool ones here all right I'm gonna need line grab those and hit replace and you'll notice that we've got lines at - across the screen okay now I'm gonna drop down that and hit control shift alt Y to create a null and I'm going to apply the - solid to that null and then just quickly adjust the effects using this null object okay I'm gonna scale it down a little bit increase the rotation maybe 30 degrees oops sorry negative 30 degrees and see what that looks like [Music] not bad not bad at all maybe let's push it over a little bit more okay maybe we can just shimmy it across the screen and let's see what we can do to make these particles look a little bit longer shall we let's go to us whoosh and see what's going on here okay so we have a type sphere they're submitting once a hundred particles a second if we were to increase that we have more lines that looks quite cool let's add in a few more lines we have size exercise Y that's going to increase the distance between the particles I want them to be quite close together like so okay I'm happy with those let's see what they like nice they dash across perfect exactly what we need let's move on to the cool swish that goes across the screen like that okay just gonna create a new solid here control Y and we're gonna call this swooshes and we're gonna have it start and it's gonna start I said we start on the blank wall of the guitar okay start the lair there with open square bracket and add a copy of Stardust okay let's go back into our graphical elements and into what our swoosh and splashes and let's take that's how the swirl is that swirl cube let's have a tube down the bottom and let's see what that looks like yeah that looks good to me perfect okay not exactly where or when we want it though it's created at the beginning of the scene so let's go over to where we want it and I'm just gonna pre compose this just that we don't have to worry about rendering all the other stuff while I'm trying to render this one a little bit and I'm gonna call this tube that's what it was called it's pop inside tube let's make it start where we want it to start let's see what we're working with all right perfect that looks pretty okay actually but let's make it a little bit more interesting you can see it's quite simple we've got a swoosh and we've got a particle let's change some of the particle settings to make it a little bit more personal to us it looks a bit chubby for my liking and so let's drop that down a couple of pixels and then let's change it from a circle to a square or a rectangle that fins out even more let's make it a bit fatter let's have it be 30 that looks alright and let's have the size Y be 20 and there we go okay so we're happy with that we're happy with our shape we change it to a rectangle that looks a bit better than a circle to me okay so what else do we want to do let's change the swoosh let's increase the speed a little bit so that as they come in these paths was gonna form themselves a touch I think so let's go down to maybe 30 like so and as they form let's take the speed from 30 down to about nil and what this does is it'll create them as if they're looking like they're forming into the tubers it comes down there we go like so happy with that I think actually let's have it finish when it finishes so that it actually collects itself a lot sooner yeah there we go now that's quite good I'm happy with that let's see what that looks like in our scene oh no that's quite good but what I also want is them to be still still in the background when they're disappeared here so you can see that it comes in from the right and then sort of disappears and then goes across again and disappears goes across again so what I'm gonna do is duplicate this I'm gonna drop the opacity down to 50 on one below and then oops I'm going to flip it horizontally like so and that way we get a little ghost version of the one before and if I just push that along a little bit coming out actually no you know no I like that I like the fact that I play catch-up with each other yeah let's leave it like that okay so they sat in the little triangle quickly okay and let's have the little triangle come in when the man says pop that on the top like so and I'm just going to copy these keyframes paste them again and let's go to our and pop it there cool maybe have to start up a little bit earlier now what's happened here is the center needs to be adjusted so this actually in the center of the triangle rather than the composition okay let's pop its position back in the middle 320 that's right 340 and should look a little bit better yeah there we go it still needs to be a touch earlier though I feel yeah happy that okay let's pop it down there we go and let's see what else see what we've made so far [Music] okay I think that circle hangs around for a little bit too long so let's shift those over [Music] for Dourdan okay cool happy or that what happens in X and I original we've missed out that second group of lines there so what I'm actually gonna do is just go through find that first pack which is here under - I'm just gonna duplicate that and find it again over here just as a circle begins to disappear and I'm gonna push that along and then what I'll do is duplicate this null as well and make the second - applied to this null here and we're going to rotate it the other way so that when those come through they come in like that BAM like so hello look [Music] let's have them come in on the brooms seven come in just a little bit later go happy with that what's next then next up and next up we've got this cool little kind of Smosh animation here you can see they've got this really nice liquid blob with a trail of particles behind it so let's add one of those in okay go back to our main tutorial here when does that come in roughly just after the ad okay let's go like so and let's close off everything we've done so far and because this is after that little vocal thing I'm gonna choose all of this as red to imply this before it and our new one I'm gonna make yellow so that I know it's after it let's push it to start there and add a Stardust layer okay let's go to graphical elements and let's choose Suroosh and splash again you can tell I love this folder and we're gonna go for splash for splash 5 or splash 6 let's try splash 6 and hit replace okay yeah I quite like this that's quite cool got a little trail of particles there as they come in I sped up to full suik and see a bit better trail of particles as those soar bubble out from the shape that's nice let's pre-compose this making sure that we move all of our attributes to the new composition and we'll call it bubbly let's pop it where we want it just after the there we go nice one and let's have a little bit of play see what we can do these you can see that they're circles let's have the squares like we did last time that's quite cool let's pop down to particle here rectangle seal that looks like gonna have to increase the y-value again to make him a bit bigger let's push them a bit further 41 41 there we go that's quite cool let's also increase the capacity random a little bit so that they've got a bit of differentiation that looks quite cool and let's see what that looks like I like more perfect yeah looks much better with squares I like it with squares a lot I also like the fact that because we increase it past a little bit the trail kind of fades away a touch which is quite nice where it's got the more solid shape because all the particles overlap each other it still looks solid because they still add up to a hundred but the trail looks quite nice we'd like that okay great okay so on that and as well we also want our particles to come in like so okay they creep in from the edge of the screen and then they sort of move around and cut holes in our composition now this is where it gets really heavy I'm gonna push it to my computer's limits and see if it can handle it but this is also where we create some particles from scratch so everything that we've made so far has been part of the preset but what we're gonna do this time is actually create something from scratch and everything that it looks like is gonna be something that we've built so let's dive right into that after I have a quick cup of tea hello everybody welcome back I've had my cup of tea I'm feeling energized I feel good let's dive right back in let's see we've done so far [Music] all right not too shabby let's create the cutout effect that you saw in the original video then let's just go over to our first keyframe where we wanted to stop and create a new solid we'll call this one cuts out I'm gonna make it start the beginning of the layer here and I'm gonna apply Stardust to it okay now we have our standard emitter that we've created if I just drag along a little bit you'll see we actually have some particles which is good to know I'm just gonna cut it off there go back to our keyframe and start our layer so that we start with some particles okay now what Matt's gonna do is build this up from scratch and show you how the node system here actually works okay so if i first of all try and cover this page with particles okay let's go that so we're going to need to change the type from point to box and what this does is gives us a square if I turn the speed down to zero you can see that we have a box shape of particles and we're gonna increase the size X to cover our screen and the size Y to cover our screen oops that is it and that size why there we go fairly happy I'm gonna increase the particles per second or something crazy let's try a hundred thousand Wow that completely fills the screen so let's reduce it so it fills the screen but with the minimum amount of particles needed try seventy thousand that still does it thirty thousand like so perfect absolutely perfect okay so we can see now that as soon as this layer pops in we just have a solid white which isn't what we want but it is where we're gonna start okay and what we're gonna do now is create a field that basically pushes those particles out of the way and then dances around the screen so that they also pop back and zing back into shape okay so the first thing we need to do now is actually add a node to our system so if I go down here to the field node and just drag this onto our UI you'll notice that immediately there's some kind of force acting against these particles okay now the way the nodes are some works is because this has no strings attached it will affect absolutely everything in here if we had five six seven for node fields in there okay then it would affect all of them if we were to hover over it you see we got these two circles and we drag one of those to another node it directly affects that node and only the string of nodes that is connected to now of course this is the anything we've got so it's still doing the same thing but if we add more than that is good to know okay so first thing we need to do then is increase the size of this field and the feathering so that we don't get any particles at all inside of it so let's go to fill properties and increase the size let's try 500 both ways that should fill the screen okay and what we can do now is adjust the feather and you'll notice as soon as you do this the particles start to get pushed away from the inside of that area okay so if we were then to degrease this so it fits on the screen again to say 300 300 okay what we can do then is increase the effective properties of this field okay by increasing the position and what this does is just push all those particles outside of that area so let's try something like a thousand nearly there try to okay a thousand as high as it will go and that seems okay let's just try adjusting a few other things pop the size down to zero there and you can see that we've got a fairly solid sized circle in the middle with no particles inside this cutout effect okay so now we're going to need to decide which things we want to keyframe so I'm just going to 12 down this layer make sure that we start at the keyframe that we want now we're probably going to want to adjust the size of the field so let's keyframe size and size why we're going to want to probably adjust the position and size of the effective properties and we're probably going to want to also adjust the the origin XY of the field as well so now we can hit you and bring up all of our possible keyframes that we might want to edit so let's start with this off screen then ooh actually the first thing I'll do is make these particles a yellow by going to particle color and pasting in my yellow sorry that was on the size of the effective properties they're not on the particle itself so let's go over to the particles and change the color there like so there we go perfect and now let's start editing so that these are off-screen okay so let's start by trying to increase the size of the field let's go for maybe 600 nearly let's do 800 or 700 let's try almost there let's do 750 you basically don't want to go too far outside of the frame because if it starts over here whatever easing you apply to your animation will obviously start out way outside the fray and probably not be the result that you expect okay so let's move on maybe 2 seconds let's see where the next beat in the music is let's have it match the disappearance of that triangle I think that's good so let's go into here and decrease the size X&Y to say 250 let's go even further let's go 150 perfect alright that seems good to me these are looking a little bit chunky but you know I think I might like it yeah let's leave them as a little bit chunky so now we have an animation that goes from off-screen all the particles started creep in you can see because their life is still only 2 seconds they do saw a pop and bubble at the edge of the screen which is quite cool alright perfect let's ease those like so this comes in a bit faster and leaves a bit slows down as it comes in so let's just wait for that to render and have a look now we are rendering on full that is probably why it's going a bit slow let's see okay great let's have this spin over to here as this guitar starts the boom let's have that push over to the top left of the screen and reveal something over there okay so we're going to need to edit the origin X Y and possibly the position and size depending on if any pop in inside the circle as we move over but let's see so let's have it start off with maybe going it over to there and let's push that origin X Y across the page okay so let's go back up to our particle field here and then just pop it maybe hey so that looks like maybe a touch further over there we go that's nice let's add some easing on to that is easy zzzzz zzzz there we go and let's have just as it starts to slow down let's have our little circle come back in so let's grab the circle would duplicate that I'll just shift it a bit higher up like so push it over to here and change its position so that it is a roughly center in that hole once it stops moving I think about there I'll be nice okay good so now it's sort of revealing this shape here as a guest to its largest like so and then on the beat we'll have it dash across the screen so let's see if we've done that right well that's not do it on full let's do it on quarter so renders quickly okay let's have a stop whipping across the screen right about now so origin XY and then let's have it go over to maybe one second and let's have it come over to here but when it gets over here let's have it grow so that it starts to move back to its center shape here okay so when it gets here let's have it be a size that there's maybe twice its size so let's make sure that our keyframes first of all are locked off to the point where it stops here and create a new size and size Y let's move over to the last one skipping here and let's increase this to maybe 300 okay good good let's adjust this so that it whips over it's already doing it and then let's in another second that brings it back to the middle of the page 640 by 320 no 340 no 360 there we go you can see I rarely work in 720p and let's leave it like that for now and then let's have it just jump out to nothingness so sighs why size is X and then 1 2 3 mmm yesterday three and let's increase this back up to its original values okay perfect let's see what that looks like I'll render it in half and jump back in when we're done okay let's have a look [Music] alright seems good to me let's make that a bit quicker at the end let's throw in a triangle as it grows here like so should duplicate that one shift that over pop it in roughly the center there like that so it grow a bit earlier [Music] all right sounds good to me I think what's up next is just one last particle effect which is the growing spin of particles here as it gets back to the middle which is quite cool to do so let's just jump into that as it comes back let's line up with the music a little bit let's have it go with the doodly doodly doodly there on the music okay so let's close those off and create a new solid and we'll call this spin at the end there and let's go to Stardust and let's go into our replica here and we're gonna go back to our old familiar circular it replaced and bring that into the scene but the first thing we can do now is go down and change the shape of these to a rectangle and this makes them nice and beefy we're also going to increase the size a little bit less how the size pixels be maybe five so that looks like and the size widely 15 maybe make this 10 rather than 5 that looks quite good and we're gonna increase the speed a little bit if we can just so they're a bit larger move that much moved to 150 okay perfect once again we're gonna go down to a Mitter position and remove the expression for this dead center and this time we're gonna go down to our particle colors and choose gradient over life okay so that is down by particle properties color here rather than random from gradient when the news color over life when you go to our color gradient dear it's all of this nonsense here and turn these into our tip-top colors so that one's gonna be sunflower and this one is gonna be corrupt again like so okay maybe that would look better as random from gradient instead yeah I think so and let's increase the opacity random a little bit so that it's sometimes a bit see-through and let's pop it underneath our cutout layer okie dokie we want this to start at a certain time so we wanted to start around about here just as it starts to get pushed through so that's probably good like that and from about here we want the particles to stop emitting so we could actually do rather than reducing the speed as we could try changing the emitting from default or once okay and what that does is it just pulses the part of this one's doesn't it like that's gonna be quite enough with only our particles per second so let's just actually adjust those back down okay so wait until about there and let's per keyframe in for particles per second move over just a little bit energy set to zero maybe a touch earlier than that okay perfect and I'm just gonna drag my original footage here underneath gonna transform the audio way down to nothing and just start push that in behind like so and this is just my animated logo that you see at the beginning so I'm just gonna here increase that and let's see what we've got overall [Music] okay not too bad so as you can see it really is quite simple to create sorry just cutting off the composition there to create pretty complicated motion graphics with a particle of engine which I didn't honestly think was possible but it's got some pretty impressive results obviously the more you play around with something like this the easier it is to understand the better stuff you can produce from it I'm still relatively new to it myself but I do know for a fact that I'll be exploring this much much further so I mean let me know what you create with this if you do create anything with Stardust pop me a video send it over on the discord comment below with a link to it you know I'd love to see this because I've never really seen anything like it before and I'd like to see what you guys can do with it so thanks very much for watching everybody I will just say make sure you pop over to a scripts comm and pick up a copy of Stardust it's really cool and you'll have a lot of fun with it especially if you like doing motion graphics kind of things so thanks for much for watching everybody and I will see you all next time [Music] for more tips tricks and tutorials thanks for watching
Channel: TipTut
Views: 26,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiptut, tip, tut, adobe, creative, cloud, graphic, design, designers, tutorials, lessons, tiptalks, tipwalks, helpful, easy, motion, graphics, after, effects, tutorial, stardust, particle, based, 2d
Id: _4URD55SewM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 50sec (2930 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2017
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