Sunday Service with Pastor Benny Hinn!

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um lovely uh i call him a man corner right here i love it the lord is going to do some wonderful things so that i want you to invite your friends and share this online and tell everyone about this beautiful night it's going to be a healing service but i want to teach today on prophecy i'm going to give you some amazing information in this teaching that will prepare you for the coming of the lord i'm telling you saying just so we would know how close we are you know people are always asking you know how close are we what are we to look for well you wait till i tell you tonight what's going on in israel inside israel that's why i have the beautiful city of jerusalem behind me because i want to tell you about some things going on today that are incredible really incredible what god is doing through archaeology in israel today is it's a weapon really god is using archaeology as a weapon a few years ago when i was in the holy land thank you jim a few years ago when i was in the holy land and this has been a while now um one of my guides at that time yoshida said this is where the city of david is and i had no clue what he was talking about we're talking back oh dear lord in the 80s you know because i was being introduced to [Music] something new about israel that many people did not know way back then and they had a somebody had a little problem with a pipe because the city of silwan is right over the city of david the palace of king david a lot of what we read in the bible was covered by a town called silwan an arab town and somehow there was a little problem with a pipe and they were fixing it and they discovered something underneath that was years and years ago well now with all the excavations that have taken place there they have discovered things about scripture that will absolutely amaze you i am not talking about jerusalem this jerusalem i'm talking about this area right here that is not on this one right down this way right behind those trees is siluan and that is where the original jerusalem was it was hidden underneath a town because jerusalem had been destroyed as you know more than once and they built and they built and they built and dirt gathered over the centuries nobody knew it was there so now what they're discovering is so prophetic i don't know how else to say it it's truly remarkable the united nations unesco in the u.n declared just recently declared that there is no jewish history in jerusalem that's a shock that people today in the u.n are declaring that the jews have no right to jerusalem there's no such thing as a temple there's no such thing as jewish history when yazad arafat met with bill clinton years ago he told him he said well the temple is all uh basically an idea made up he said then are you telling me that jesus lied to us in the in the bible thank god clinton told them that but now what they're discovering is god is using it to prove to the world not only the accuracy of the bible but that jerusalem is a jewish city not any other city and so you say well what has this got to do with prophecy a lot way more than you realize you know when you look at jeremiah 38 verse 1 it talks about two high officials in the king's court that went to the king at the time zarqaya and said you need to stop jeremiah from prophesying he is discouraging the people and if you read it you'll find it in your bibles jeremiah 38 verse 1. the two people mention in fact it'll be wonderful if you can read it for us the two individuals mentioned in that verse they found their names on coins they found jim did you hear that they found the names you're about to read one on one calling one on another coin right in the palace of where king david lived which is that's where zedekiah also was would you read that forum verse 1 of jeremiah 38 then shephertia the son of matan and jedelia the son of pashur and jucal the son of shelimaya and pastor the son of malkaya heard the words that jeremiah had spoken unto the people saying thus saith the lord he that remaineth in the city shall die by the sword by the famine and by the pestilence but he that goeth forth to the chaldeans shall live for he shall have his life for a prey and shall live thus saith the lord this city shall surely be given into the hand of king of babylon's army which shall take it now later these men two of them went to the king it's in this same chapter you just read four names two of those names were found on coins recently recently the accuracy and they found them by reading the bible the bible now is the guide to the city of david so they say well it says such and such in the bible that let's find it so in the book of ezra for example it talks about steps that went from the pool of siloam up to temple mount i've been there i was there when they began to dig way many years ago and they they they find even now they're finding many coins by their thousands and their thousands of coins on the steps on the stairs now not only and by the way i got some myself i i was getting into the dirt myself when i was there and this is way back in the 90s when they would just begin to dig and here you read it in the word about the steps that nobody knew existed except that the bible said they're there and now not only did they find them i climbed on them myself and now they have gone all the way up to temple mount they've dug all the way under the town and what they have discovered i'm going to tell you more tonight it's it is like if i can say it god is speaking again through through that archaeology he's using it as a weapon to prove to the world that his word is right on i mean like accuracy beyond accuracy what a god we serve that god knew god knew that they would come they would deny jewish existence in the city and now he's using that to say you're wrong boys and girls come and see and you know you think how can they say such a thing when right next to temple mount they've done all the the the discoveries of so much already uh that we we've walked on they they found the very rocks that fell from the wall that the romans destroyed right there all of them today you can go see them all this you you can see the street you can see the shopping uh what was what looked like a market right and it's not even in the city of david it's right there by temple mount in fact you can't really see this on this picture but right about here right about here are steps that i've been on this is the hulda gate right here you're looking at it a prophetess named hulda in the bible that is called the hula gate and it's if you look at it it is sealed it's shut if you read the book of ezekiel in chapter 44 you'll discover it says that this will be shut and there it shut you can see it right in front of you it says it will be shut till the prince comes to walk through it it's amazing and now you know why it's and it says no man can come through because there's a cemetery right here a muslim cemetery nobody's allowed to go through i tried one time back in the 70s i did something you know i'm a little wild so i decided to go up and walk all over here i walked all around the city of jerusalem it's not a big you know that's not much you can do it in no time anyways i started at the j right there by the jaffa head and i began walking around and i came right here and to my shock i saw barbed wires right there i couldn't even cross they came screaming at me to get down so i wanted to walk through and keep and keep going but right here and right here are barbed wires and i did not know that the bible at that time i did not know the bible like i know today that says nobody can go through it or even near it and i was one of them that's amazing it's in the bible yeah so you talk about you know these days are these days in scripture oh i want to show you some stuff you won't even believe but let's just now thank the lord for his goodness just lift your hands and thank him will you lift your hands and love him right now lord we thank you come on people lift your voices and thank him in your homes here in the studio lord we thank you for your mercies we thank you for your grace we thank you for allowing us to be alive in this day and this hour to see and hear all you're doing and all you're saying to your church we give you the praise and lord tonight i pray you'll anoint me as i minister the word anoint your people to receive it to understand it clearly in the name of jesus i want to talk to you about the importance of giving to the lord's work especially in this hour thank you jam thank you you may go to your seats thank you dear lord the presence of the lord he has been rich when i began to sing holy holy it's like a cloud came in here you see how important it is to worship the lord but do you realize every time we give we worship because the bible declares in the psalms that giving is an act of worship and in this hour there's one thing you have got to understand you cannot guarantee your future financially without obeying the lord in this matter i know you love him i have no doubt that you love him and i know you love his word i have no doubt you'll have his word but now it's time to obey and obedience that's the tough part when it comes to giving it's easy to obey the lord in other things but when it comes to giving it's against our nature every time we give we crucify the flesh because the flesh doesn't want to do it now i'm here to tell you something if you think please hear me out if you think 2020 was a bad year for the world you wait what's coming is worse much worse but the church has a great future if we do the right thing if we obey the scriptures because the bible says i have not seen the righteous forsaken or receipt begging for bread or we believe it or we don't i've chosen to believe it and i know you have to so are you worried about your business give to the lord are you worried about your family stop stop worrying and give to the lord are you worrying about your business stop worrying and give to the lord because he promised he will not fail you i have not seen the righteous forsaken and the lord said to us in matthew if god has clothed nature if god takes care of the birds and the fathers of the air we do not take care of you and i of course he would i can stand here and tell you testimony after testimony that i've had happen in my life where i saw the power of sowing and reaping i did not know it when i was young nobody told me when i was young it was my father-in-law that faced me with it roy hardin and i saw scriptures i never seen before in the old testament such as in leviticus where god says if you don't give he will penalize you 20 i did not know that was in there and other scriptures that i'd read but never paid attention to it i will open the windows of heaven and pour upon you a blessing there'll not be room enough to receive it and i'll rebuke the devourer rebuke the devil himself the word devourer means seed eater and he will not touch it says the fruit meaning your money that's why people today walk around with holes in their pockets they're not givers they make money and lose it i knew a guy that gave his synagogue 40 million dollars in california and went bankrupt shortly after that and i was really stunned when i said to the lord when they said how can this man go bankrupt and lose it all so quickly and yet he gave the synagogue 40 million and the lord said he did not give it to me he didn't give it to me it's you know there's a lot of people who give money to organizations and good causes and then they go bankrupt but you can never go bankrupt if you give it to the lord himself so he what the lord said to me he did not give it to me there's people who give money to churches for building programs so they can get their name on a wall or they can get the front row to sit on the front row they didn't give it to the lord they gave it because they had a lot of money wanted to have some recognition all right people like that in occ who when they gave lord psalms demanded that i put their name on some door or some wall or give them a front row i said no you can't pay for that and some of them went bankrupt and it bothered me back then like how can someone go bankrupt when they give they did not give to the lord they gave to be recognized they gave her the wrong motive it happens all the time but when you give to jesus because you love jesus and you love the word of jesus well you'll never lose that seed people only lose their seed when they give to organizations or people whatever else they'll never lose it if they give it to the lord you say how do i do that well a minister that is presenting the lord serving the lord declaring the message of the word number one and number two your heart your heart if you're giving it to the the pastor or the church or the building well the lord knows your heart and so he said what where your heart is that's where the treasure is and god will reward you according to your heart and it's not the amount it's your faith it's your faith so now it's time to give to the lord not to benehand not to our ministry to the lord to the lord even though it will go into our ministry for the gospel to be preached and much more to happen but when you say lord this is for you not for bene here and this is for you then the lord knows your heart and he'll bless you for it and you cannot be forsaken you cannot lose when that happens so now i want to pray that the lord will bless you thank you jim and protect you and your family no no you cannot be healed when you give money people send money say well i want a healing no you can't do that healing is by faith and it's free the gospel is free there's no price on anything including prosperity but when you sow seed when you sow money into a ministry you reap financial blessings and all you're doing is releasing faith with it i've told people for years and years i said if you want a spiritual miracle you have to act spiritually like give your life to jesus pray and so on if you want a physical healing you do something physical like jesus said get up and walk that's why i have people lay their hands on their body or you know stretch their hands because it's an act of faith for healing but if you want god to bless you financially you act financially it's a financial act like a spiritual act physical act financial act quite simple when you do you will be blessed lift your hands father in jesus name bless them financially lord bless their future financially bless their children financially bless their business financially and lord if they ever lose anything make it up to them double if anything ever happens in their business and they lose money because of some thing they do that they shouldn't have done lord still bless them and bless them double that they'll not lose ever in jesus name lord don't let them lose even when they make mistakes don't let them lose in jesus name say amen i've known the lord come on you you can start sewing while i'm talking you and your homes i've known people who made mistakes and lost money and that money was made up to them double because they love the lord and the lord said okay even though you messed up i'm going to fix it still for you you know who is one of them me and and and others like me like kent marox kent maddox owed the irs 200 000. 200 000 to the irs and he heard me minister the word he said you know what he said i'm gonna i'm gonna sow seed and if this is right then i'm asking god to cancel my debt cancel my debt he said okay according to your faith be done unto you now when you owe the rs 200 000 they'll not cancel it but we had a man named jim gwyn cpa from dallas texas and jim went and met with the irs on behalf of kent melox and they cancelled the debt that actually happened to one of our pastors and then god began to bless him he has a church now of over 5000 in alabama i talk to him all the time he and his wife i'm thinking dear lord amazing and he did not know a thing about giving he just simply said okay if the bible says that i'll do it and god bless them apra the lord will do that for you and more let me hear a big amen well you can pass the whatever you got bucket or bag or something there's not a whole lot of people in the studio that's all right and you in your homes you give and watch what god will do with your seed i'm telling you you can't lose with god you can never lose with the lord ever ever it's impossible to lose because the seed works all the time hallelujah and i want you all to just tune in like in your heart tune in because i think that time has come we the church throughout the world i think we need to understand where we are prophetically where are we when it comes to god's plan god's agenda for the ages so we find some beautiful revelations in scripture i want to start with amos 3 and verse 6 and 7. shall a trumpet be blown in the city and the people not be afraid there be evil in the city and the lord hath not done it surely the lord god will do nothing but he revealeth his secret unto his servants he reveals secrets this is what god's going to do right now with us he reveals secrets unto his servants and what we're going to look at are secrets because the enemy himself doesn't know them you know satan doesn't really understand prophecy he knows what it says but he will not understand it because it says in daniel the wicked shall not understand had they known they would not have crucified the lord of glory the devil did not know he was fulfilling prophecy so in jeremiah 8 verse 7 it says yeah the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times and the turtle and the crane and this and the swallow observe the time of their coming but my people know not so even animals know what's coming and people don't how amazing that uh when the allies were about to attack france when thousands and thousands of ships had come across the english channel and just before the guns on those ships were fired animals on the coast fled they felt the danger coming animals began to run before the cannons before the firing began by the by the american forces and so the bible says you know it's quite remarkable that the bible says the stork in heaven knows her appointed times you see even the turtle and other animals know but my people don't know and because because you see humanity in ii peter chapter 3 we have a very interesting revelation about wicked people the way they they operate the way they think you know it says uh well let me just read this this is quite interesting this second epistle beloved i now write to you in both which i store up your pure minds by way of remembrance because we in the church do forget that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets and of the commandments of us the apostles of the lord and savior so now he says listen i want to remind you about things you already heard and frankly that's what i'm doing today too i want to just remind you so he says in verse 3 knowing this first there shall come in the last days scoffers walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation so we are we are living now in that in that in that time when people ah you know i heard that before it's not going to happen yet you know life will go on as is that's just the way they think but this they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of god the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished what he was saying is it happened suddenly nobody knew what was coming so they ignored the fact that god destroyed the earth with a flood when nobody knew what was coming whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished the day before they were marrying given in marriage and having parties and going to work and the next day they were all dead that's what he was saying to us that's what peter is saying to us we're living in the same time now when people say well i heard that before but not knowing tomorrow is over it could be over but the heavens and the earth which are now verse 7 by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men and then he says now beloved you sweet people of god don't be ignorant of this one thing that one day with the lord is like a thousand years and a thousand years like one day the lord is not slack concerning his promise as some man may count slagness but why is he waiting but it's long suffering toward us he's waiting for us to wake up and you know get with it basically long-suffering to us word not willing that any of us should perish but come to repentance so what is god waiting for his people to repent because it says us it didn't say them long suffering toward us the only reason jesus hasn't come yet is the church isn't ready so he's long suffering toward us not wanting us to perish with the world so it says that they should not perish it means with the world because they will perish but the day of the lord will come as a thief and that is the rapture whenever the bible talks about coming as a thief it's the rapture in the night now later it says in which the heavens shall pass away that is the second visible coming so this verse really is in two parts you have to understand that when the lord comes visibly by that time the world would almost be destroyed with war and a whole lot more prior to that think about cities disappearing with earthquakes and think about millions have died already with nuclear wars and other kind of things plagues and such and such the world will know by then something is going on now the rapture nobody would know it's coming but we the church who should know when it's coming some of us are asleep i shouldn't say us because i'm not some are asleep and i just want you all to wake up and realize what what hour is this how close are we and jesus gave us a warning that i have to repeat in the gospel of luke chapter 21 and i know you've read that but i think it's so important now to watch and read again see what god says again take heed to yourselves he's talking to us lest at any time verse 34 luke 21 lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with sur-fitting or with parties drunkenness and cares of this life and so that they come upon you unaware for as a snare shall it come on on all them that dwell on the face of the whole world of the whole earth so what are we to do watch ye therefore and pray always not just once a week watch and pray always that you may be accounted worthy to escape escape the judgment that's why we had earlier second but it says god is waiting for people to repent because of his long suffering towards the church that none of us would perish with the destruction coming on humanity and so the lord says it again in luke what peter had said the lord spoke earlier he said that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the son of man so what do i do well keep your eyes open and pray this is not the time to be lazy and to take a nap spiritually this is the time to stay awake now now here's what is coming the first thing that has to come and i believe is going to come before the rapture and that is in acts chapter 3. and i believe frankly i believe it has already begun in some places on earth maybe it hasn't yet come to america in the west but i can tell you it's already happening in many parts of the world and here it is acts 3 19 repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the lord and he shall send jesus christ which before was preached unto you now watch verse 21 whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution or restoration of all things which god hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets since the world began now this restoration began in 1967. when jerusalem was restored to the jewish people we saw a mighty move of god called the charismatic renewal and that brought about restoration to many believers all over the world that restoration has not stopped it may have stopped here and there somewhat maybe in some places people got cool maybe cold in some areas but the fire is still going on in a whole lot of places and frankly getting even hotter in of like africa do you know do you have any idea what's happening what's happening now inside iran the most amazing move of god is inside iran the fastest growing church today in the world is in iran even under the prosecution even under the hardships and i'm glad to say that my wonderful friend and brother pastor chris oyakilomi his network love world is now reaching iran in farsi i'm on in iran already through that but do you also know the move of god in china most remarkable in china do you know what's happening in myanmar a buddhist priest died a well-known priest known by thousands and thousands of his people he died he went to hell the angel or the demon whatever you want to call him of death came to meet him and said to him not yet but i want to show you something he said and he saw humanity burning he saw his own teacher burning and he said why are they burning he said now this is a testimony he has given himself he was told by this wicked being anyone who is not a christian is here and then he was taken to heaven and was told that he had to return for one reason to tell his people they are deceived and to preach the gospel to them they are carrying his casket this happened three to four days later they were carrying his casket to burn his body his body was prepared for burning and while they're carrying his casket he got up he sat up in the casket with thousands and thousands and thousands of his followers and said you're all deceived and began to preach the gospel now we did not even hear that or see it in the book of acts you know about restoration it's happening already in many many parts of the world muslims are coming to the lord by their thousands today all over the arab world you can look and see testimonies today on youtube they'll amaze you there's a move of god today in israel that is unbelievable one of the greatest one of the most amazing presentations of the gospel i've ever seen in my life was just done and completed by two israelis messianic who believe in jesus yeshua and they explained the gospel like none of us preachers could because they have the goods in them from the old testament like paul the apostle when he come when he came to the lord he used all that knowledge inside of him came alive and one day you know imagine paul was persecuting the believers with all their knowledge in him of the old covenant and when he met the lord on the road to damascus all that knowledge came alive and he began preaching immediately so you listen to these young men they're not old people young men standing on the streets of jerusalem declaring the gospel with such power it's like you are you remain speechless i just saw it churches today in israel are growing so rapidly you'd be amazed the lord said in matthew 10 23 to his disciples he said go preach the gospel and before you are done i'll be back and people don't understand what happened well quite simple 70 a.d happened and they could no longer preach the clock stopped then they were scattered for 2000 years then they came back in 1948 and nobody wanted to hear the gospel in 48 because of the nazis and the and the holocaust and hitler and all that now they're hearing it again jews preaching to jews not missionaries preaching to jews it's happening now and so a time of restitution has got to take place happening now you say well i don't see it here in america you will you will but first there's got to be a cleaning up of the mess a falling away is is already happening all around us but our remnant is being rescued and a restoration among that remnant is happening now and will continue to happen even under hardships that are coming to all of us in america this country is is moving towards a season of prosecution we've never known in america but that will be the best thing for us it'll clean us all up brighten us all up sharpen us all up so the bible says we have to look at and see this restoration what has been going on for many years we're really seeing now the end of it basically worldwide but an intensity is coming it's going to intensify in many many parts of the world and then globally so how long do we have this could all happen within a year or two not long at all god says i'll do a quick work he's doing it now now the the thing that begins and the thing that frankly began our restorations in history was the restoration first of israel to their land that was the beginning what actually triggered much of what we see today on earth in the church so we we really need to understand and this is what i want to talk to you about today we need to understand what's happening inside israel well first of all we all know that the bible clearly states that the jewish people had to come back to the land which no one believed back before 48 nobody expected it to happen the jewish people went through the holocaust six million of them were killed by the nazis and then there was a longing within them to go back to israel god used god used an evangelical pastor to birth the dream of zionism in the heart of herzl people don't know that theodore herzl the founder of zionism wanted to convert to christianity because of the persecution back then against the jews in europe very influential news reporter wanted to go talk to his family and his friends and people to go get baptized in churches so they would not persecute them any longer it was an evangelical man of god who befriended him and said no do not do that and began to give him the promises of scripture about israel being restored and god gave herzl the vision for the state of israel as that minister was talking to it all goes back to a man of god and israel you know when he wrote his book when herzl wrote his book nobody even believed it describing what kind of nation would be born and everything in that book has happened and so israel was restored according to the prophets when you look at the bible i mean to me you know i don't really understand why i don't understand why some people believe in replacement theology i think they're a little messed up in their head when you read the scriptures and you see so clearly god giving the jewish people his promise that they'd be restored and you look at isaiah 43 and and you look at verse 5 and on it says fear not i'm with thee i will bring thy seed from the east watch the words he uses i will bring meaning i'm going to go and take you by the hand and bring you from the east gather you from the west because in the west you're in many different places hiding and i'm going to find you i will say to the north give up why because they're keeping you back i'm going to command them to release you into the south africa in that part of the world keep not back bring my sons from afar do you know that that prophecy has been fulfilled in details he said i will bring your seat from the east ll airlines went to iraq and yemen and carried the jews back home to fulfill that word i will gather you from the west and the word gather means i will send people to find you and they did after the holocaust after the war were people not only from israel but other parts of the of the world weren't looking for jews that had escaped the holocaust or survived the holocaust and took him by the end and they walked walked to israel old women and young children climbing mountains in europe and reaching the holy land coming on ships when the british were blocking the sea lanes and then he said so amazingly i'll say to the north give him up and that's what happened when ronald reagan and gorbachev met in iceland and the cold war ended and the gates swung open and jews went to israel by the hundreds and hundreds of thousands well now one of every ten people is a doctor one in six or seven is a scientist because they came from russia with all the brilliance in their in their mind and israel today is changing the world technologically and otherwise because of those russians and others like them and then he said this and i will say to the south don't keep them back and that's what happened when they brought them from ethiopia and they're still coming and now there is an exodus of jews out of the united states that prophecy has not you know ended yet it's still going on and then you look at jeremiah 16 and you see something so incredible you can watch documentaries and see it happening and i have i think every christian needs to see the 50-year war it's a documentary that'll shake you it will show you what i'm just reading before your your eyes you you're going to see it and one of the best is pillars of fire done by israeli television oh it's too bad someone didn't say hey this is in the bible you see it but nobody told them it's in the bible and you read jeremiah 16 14 it says therefore behold the days come says the lord it shall no more be said the lord lives that brought up the children of israel out of the land of egypt but the lord liveth that brought up the children of israel from the land of the north from all the lands whether he had driven them and i will bring them again into their land and i that i give to their fathers but watch this i will send for many fishers it's getting hot in the studio so please cool me down i will send for many fishes says the lord they shall fish them one of them was ronald reagan when he went to moscow and met with jewish people in their apartments and told gorbachev to let them lose and before that after 1948 and before even 48 when the people from israel from the jewish agency went looking for jews who who who had lost almost their life they had no homes they had no food they had no clothing and found them in the camps or golda meir going to cyprus dealing with the british to bring them out and finally they allowed her to take the children only at first fulfilling this prophecy i will send many fishes they will fish them out and i will send many hunters and they will hunt them from every mountain and every hill and you can see that mountains and hills in documentaries fulfilling every word in jeremiah and then one of the most amazing miracles that people just ignore for some reason i don't even know why when a man by the name of ben yehuda resurrected the hebrew language oh i'm so glad he did do why because i'm studying it now and it's really really doing something to me nothing there's no way i can describe to you the joy of reading the bible in hebrew the english language has no punch there's no punch in it you read that amazing bible in hebrew and it hits you like a massive title wave that you've read in english and it didn't do a thing to you jeremiah 30 verse 10 says this fear thou not o my servant jacob says the lord neither be dismayed for lo i will save you from afar and your seat from the land of their captivity and jacob will return and shall be in rest and be quiet none will make him afraid then verse 11 for i am with thee says the lord to save you though i make a full end of all nations whether i have scattered you but i will not make a full end of thee but i'm gonna correct you in measure but not leave you unpunished and then you read this incredible thing i just mentioned about ben yehuda he probably did not even know that he was fulfilling prophecy in jeremiah 31 verse 23 and it says this listen to this as yet they shall use this language this speech in the land of judah and in the cities thereof when when i shall bring again their captivity hebrew was a an unspoken language almost lost for two thousand years and a man named ben yehuda sat in his home resurrected the hebrew language today that israel speaks it to fulfill verse 23. when have you known when have you known a language to come back to life now i'm talking to you some of you people your grandparents probably came from some country that spoke another tongue do you speak it no why one generation it's over it's over you your parents are italians do you speak italian no a few words but you don't speak does your son speak it no two generations gone actually in fact one jim two thousand years 2000 years your mom and dad came from italy just not long ago really when you look at the bibles you know i mean the difference two thousand years and the language comes back to life unheard of only god does such things and he did and today they are discovering through that beautiful book called the old testament in hebrew they are discovering the city of david with accuracy with details right south of temple mount under a town named silvan where the pool of shalom is through the bible they were able to find their way to the pool of shalom into the steps that lead up to temple mount and to where king david's palace was they discovered it they found it they found so much in the city of david and throughout israel that is absolutely mind-boggling why did god allow that now well because the world is fighting israel declaring that there was no jewish history in the land and god is using archaeology to fight them and show them the facts of of scripture now queen victoria you know somebody says you know what proof to me there is a god and they have all kinds of silly answers for it queen victoria said to her prime minister at that time named israeli she said give me one verse from the bible proves there's a god he said your majesty i'll just give you one word what is it the jew as long as there's a jew there's a god because if there's no god there'd be no jew alive because where are the moabites and the animites and the egyptians and the syrians and the babylonians gone those nations don't even exist why because god said i will make an end of all nations but not you the jews are still here and they're changing the world today technologically with agriculture and um all kinds of things you have have of your phone made in israel your telephone your cell phone you would not even have it without jews best doctors best scientists jewish people you want a good lawyer hire the jewish one that's what i've done all my life because they know how to get the job done they're affecting our lives where would the world be without the jewish people in the pre-damic age in the dark age the jew is still here because there's a god in glory who said i will not let them kill you i'll make an end of all nations but not you one day there will be no united states one day there will be no canada no mexico no japan no russia no china there will always be israel in fact the whole planet one day will be called israel think about that when god creates a new earth and a new heaven there'll only be one people on earth the church israel not only spiritual israel but natural israel somebody say hallelujah so the the the restoration of israel is the trigger what happened in 48 trigger for all prophecy to be fulfilled so to understand prophecy we have to understand israel's place in prophecy otherwise we just won't do it because israel according to deuteronomy 32 8 is the sign of prophecy that god says in that amazing verse that everything he does on earth will be according to what he does in in israel and and when uh winston churchill said something very powerful he said god deals with the nations as they deal with the jews deuteronomy 32 8 when the most high divided to the nations they're in inheritance when he separated the sons of adam he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of israel meaning that everything that that happens to the nations it happens according to what god is doing with the jews when you think about the russian revolution when lenin took over from the tsar why did the tsar lose his power because he was he he he was killing jews why did hitler burn because he was burning them fulfilling deuteronomy 28. literally what happened to hitler god destroyed nazism changed the whole world because of the way they treated the jews the bible says they've touched the apple of his eye you don't play games with with god like that anyone who persecutes the jews will be judged and destroyed i will bless them that bless you and i'll curse them i'll curse you it's in the bible and what does isaiah 8 18 says it says they are the sign to the nations he said you're my witnesses to the whole world that i'm god so we have to understand god's dealings with israel past present and future will show you what god is planning to do with the world now you know we we we have to to look at some things here real quickly on things that already have happened to really understand where we are today all right so the jewish people evolved between 1800 and 1500 bc and then when you look at abraham god called abraham around 900 bc and then and that's when genesis 12 happened and then we know something else we know that moses was called about 1200 bc and let israel out of egypt we know it was in 1000 bc that saul reigned till david became king around 980. we know in 900 bc the nation was divided the assyrians conquered in 722. the the babylonian they also conquered around 586 and about 50 years later the persians cyrus conquered and jews began to come back to the promised land in 332 alexander the great conquered and in 63 to 61 bc the romans marched into judea the land at that time was divided into different districts judea galilei korea and small transgender sections and at that time the lord comes on the scene when the romans were in power in about 29 a.d the lord made an amazing prophecy that i'd like to read to you and this is in luke 19 verse 41. let's just give you a quickie here about history it says in verse let me just begin reading at verse 41 and when he was come near he beheld the city and wept over it saying if thou had known even thou at least in this day the thing which belonged unto thy peace but now they are hit from your eyes for the day shall come upon thee that your enemies will cast the trench about it that was the romans and can pass the about and around and keep them on every side and shall lay thee even to the ground and thy children within thee and they shall not leave in the one stone upon another because thou know it's not the time of your visitation and it was it in in 81 35 that the jews were driven out of the land and the land's name was changed to palestina so today they call it palestine because it was changed at that time but then later [Music] about 300 in the 300s the byzantine empire took over later on and i'm just going to jump here a little bit in the 600s is when the muslims ruled and then something happened december 11 1917 when the british took over jerusalem that's in our generation and 73 years ago a few days ago israel was born again it's amazing that god almighty used 1948 to trigger our day because now we are we are looking at things that are happening worldwide and i'm not going to give you all the information right now but i want to just say a few things to you and then i'll i'll continue oh this is marvelous we are getting ready and the church everywhere is getting ready for that wonderful day called the great catching up of the church so now that i've given you all i've given you and i've not given you every detail because of time but i will of course later i'm talking to you watching me we are getting very very ready for this beautiful moment and i want every one of you i want every one of you now to pay close attention to what i want to give you here because the scriptures are clear that we are to look for that moment mentioned in first corinthians 15 beginning at verse 12. oh this is marvelous and and there's a lot here and i don't want to you know read the entire part but the bible declares oh lord i give you praise i give you praise we shall not all sleep and he that keepeth israel we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trump the trumpet shall sound the dead shall be raised incorrupted and we shall be changed for this corruptable must put on incorruption and this mortal must put on immortality and when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption and this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory or death what is thy sting or grave what is thy victory the sting of death is sin and the strength of sin is the law but thanks be to god which giveth us the victory through our lord jesus christ and so people ask you know when are we going to see that happen well keep listening i'm not done talking yet i'm almost done but a few things that i have got to show you and maybe explain it a little clearer to you we've all heard sermons on first the 1st thessalonians chapter four and we've all heard many different messages but one thing's always missed that i'd like to bring to you i would not have you to be ignorant brethren verse 13 concerning them which are asleep that ye sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that jesus died and rose again even to them even so them also which sleep in jesus will god bring with him for this we say unto you by the word of the lord not our word it's his word that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of the archangel with the trump of god and the dead in christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the lord and it says comfort one another with these words now if there was no escape the lord would not have mentioned it but one thing is going to happen when you and i see the lord we shall be changed into his image in the twinkling of an eye this body will be changed into a heavenly body more real than this body yes physical but heavenly at the same time just like the lord's body when he rose from the dead and we shall be like him even as he is this is our hope our great hope no i don't believe that the body of christ is going to go through the tribulation no it says very clearly in the word that we will not go through the tribulation because god will not judge the wicked and the righteous together abraham said to him in genesis 18 he said it's not like you will not the judge of all the earth do right it's not like you to judge the wicked and the righteous together now i know people say well you know it could happen midway no impossible because the angel said a lot i cannot destroy till you leave one of the most amazing portions is isaiah 26 well the bible declares my body will rise with the dead and the lord declares some amazing things here about not only the rapture listen to this please oh this is remarkable come my people enter into your chambers and shut thy doors about the hide thyself as it were for a little moment until the indignation be overpassed so here god's people are going into a place of hiding from what wrath for behold the lord comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity the earth also shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover her slain but right before that he said in verse 19 thy dead men will live together with my dead body shall they arise that happened in matthew 27. and sing you that dwell in dust for thy dose as the dew of herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead not only in matthew 27 but it's going to happen at the rapture that second portion and then come my people so here you see the dead arising which happened partially in matthew 27 when the saints of the old covenant rose from the dead went to heaven with the lord and now in the second part of that verse it says what it says awake and sing you that dwell in dust so there's two groups here thy dead man will live with my dead body that they will arise that happened already with the resurrection of the lord then you have the second section that says awake you who are still in the dust that's the second group it hasn't lived then thrives with the lord like the first group awake sing you who dwell in dust because your dues as the dew of herbs and the earth will cast at the dead rapture then my people who are alive come my people enter into your chambers shut your doors about thee what does it mean come with me enter into a place of protection chambers shut your doors about thee in heaven hide yourself as it were for a little moment until what indignation be overpassed what is the indignation the lord comes out of his place to punish who the inhabitants of the earth not the church for their iniquity the church will not go through the tribulation the earth also shall disclose or bloody shall no more cover her slain meaning there will not be enough graves to bury the dead so how long well quite simple the lord said in matthew 24 32 when you see the fig tree put on leaves it's at the door and the victory put on leaves in 48 the fig tree is israel throughout the old covenant we see that and god said to abraham that a generation is a hundred years in genesis 15 it says so quite clearly he said your descendants will be in egypt 400 years but in the last generation they'll come back meaning generation is 100 years 1948 2028. quite simple really i'm not predicting dates and times here so don't say that i'm giving you a season and i'm asking you to think quite clearly about this what has happened the last 50 years in this world think about it when i was born we had no television it was in the 60s that tv came into israel and it was in the 50s it came into this country nobody knew the word television truman was the first man to ever be on tv as president was in the 50s late 50s today you have siri you have robotic intelligence i ai and now they're talking about uh a mixture coming between robots and humanity you know there's a very interesting portion in the word of god that says that the antichrist will be wiser than daniel that is impossible today without robots how can a man like antichrist have more wisdom it says no secret will be hid from him no secret which means the antichrist may have some kind of robotics something inside of him pat robertson years ago back in the 70s said that the antichrist will be a computer and we we all thought now yes wait a minute but i think he's maybe partially right maybe maybe partially right they're already talking about putting some robotic parts in human beings this is today written talked about and it's about to be reality think about robots today are performing operations better than doctors who knows what's coming next it's too messy for even to talk about it all i know is this if just in the last 70 years we went from horse and buggy almost in most places in africa and europe and other parts of the world today look what we have look what we have today in one generation or less what what's going to happen the next 20 years 20 something years we don't know all we know it's going too fast knowledge today is doubling doubling already doubling every 12 hours everything people know doubles every 12 hours right now what does this say to us our time is short knowledge will increase when daniel wrote those words he did not understand the internet today you can do you you can travel the world with your phone you can see things you've never seen before yes we are the last generation and and i did an amazing study and i'm almost done with this i did an amazing study of revelation 2 and 3. you know those seven churches were not just local churches they were seven ages because i began recently about a year or so ago maybe a little longer i began to study church history in detail and now when i read revelation 2 and 3 on the seven churches ephesus was the apostolic age and if you look at every church it fits exactly with what happened in history even the pollution that came in when the lord spoke and said you have that woman jezebel teaching my servants to commit fornication that was the age after constantine when the mixture came into the church of paganism and you read the last church today he said you're neither hot or cold i'm going to spit you out of my mouth you think you are rich and you're poor and miserable it's today's age and when you read the seven churches and the revelations you you you begin to see i see now i'm in the last church the last age and the last age came right before what the rapture because the next thing you read come up here the next thing you see the lord is no longer standing on earth between the lamb stand he is in glory and the church no longer is seen on earth in glory you you don't see the church after revelation 4 on earth i mean it's in heaven so you put both both you've got to put both together see the lord showed us something powerful the book of revelation has three divisions division one the message to john division two the message to the churches or seven ages division three the world what will come upon the world ah i wish i wish i have the time to tell you what the lord has been showing me the last few days jim just play something for me that the lord will lead you something about the glory of god like stand still and say his glory do you know that when the lord took the book from the lord's hand that was sealed he was taking his office behold the land of judah has prevailed and there's a lamb who takes the book and what happens after he took the book there was a doxology there was a crescendo of praise when the beings and the elders fall on their face and begin worshiping god when all the angels begin to worship god an explosion of glory and praise begins in that book ah revelation 5 and then it says this now you listen to me the lord i wanna i wanna read this i wanna read this to you because i wrote it down and i and sometimes it's better if you just don't try to remember what you what you found but you wrote it down then jesus stands not in the glorious robe of glory but as a sacrifice for our sin when he was seen taking that book and a crescendo of praise arose he was taking his office of king of kings and lord of lords and they began crying out thou art worthy [Applause] for you were slain you redeemed us to god by your blood you've redeemed us out of every tongue and kindred and nation jesus stands not in the glorious robes of glory but as a sacrifice for our sin because it says the lamb mercy and forgiveness took control of the universe the mercy seat in heaven was seen mercy sat on the throne forgiveness sat on the throne when jesus took his throne he said the one who is mercy and grace and forgiveness sat on the throne called the mercy seat hallelujah do you know how much he loves you have any idea you know when they worshipped in the old covenant they remember their sin but when we worship we remember him what did he say in communion he didn't say remember you're saying he said remember me in the old covenant they remember their sin every time they saw that blood of that animal they remember their sin but when we see the blood we remember him we don't remember our sin because he doesn't remember lift your hands and thank him hallelujah [Music] [Music] the price he paid the price he paid on calvary only heaven will reveal it think about the agony in gethsemane when you read the old testament you see the amazing prophecies declared that were fulfilled in details isaiah 52 14 or isaiah 50 and isaiah 53 and so many others throughout the world how he suffered for us why though why would god suffer it's love what else it's his love for us which we do not comprehend fully right now but every time we have communion [Music] something happens we we cross into a new world we come into a new reality of the spirit so would you lift up the bread to him and say dear lord jesus just say allah dear lord jesus i thank you for your broken body broken for me oh lord i remember i remember when you stood in the house of caiaphas now remember as you were beaten and spit upon and i remember as you stood before pilate and they placed the crown of thorns upon your lovely head and they whipped you lord your body was broken for me and i remember wonderful lord golgotha as they nailed your hands and feet to the cross [Music] and pierced your side thank you lord for taking my place and now as i partake your broken body i thank you and i ask the lord to make my body whole make my broken life whole thank you lord i receive by faith broken body amen receive it now in jesus name thank you lord every drop of the blood precious it was his bloody shed his life he gave and now the bible says examine yourselves lest you be judged with the world so lift up the cup and thank him for the blood and say after me dear lord jesus i remember when your sweat became blood in gethsemane and i remember when the blood was shed from your lovely face in the house of caiaphas and i remember when the blood was shed from your head in the praetorium and i remember also when your blood was shed from your back as you were whipped from my disease and i also remember when the blood was shed from your hands and your feet as they nailed you to the cross and yes lord i do remember also when the blood was shed from your side now lord thank you for the blood wash me now cleanse me now make me whole lord god i pray cover me now and my family with your blood i give you praise partake by faith in jesus name saints [Music] thank you lord for your grace thank you lord for your love hallelujah lift your hands and thank him for his mercies we give you the praise ah amen and amen and god's people said praise the lord you
Channel: Benny Hinn Ministries
Views: 25,248
Rating: 4.9397163 out of 5
Id: T8qQCnWZAdw
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Length: 92min 31sec (5551 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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