"The Source of Faith" - Living In The Word, Pastor R. Kevin MAtthews

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take a leap of faith [Music] take a leap of faith [Music] there's no one else who [Music] can do what you do this seems like what you're called to do don't be blind i pray you open your eyes may your heart realize all takes [Music] [Music] [Music] i hope you'll start to see the greatness that's inside of your journeys [Music] [Music] take a leap of faith [Music] take a leap away [Music] [Music] i know you can do it but the good news is on the way [Music] is [Music] i know you might be afraid but you're gonna do it anyway [Music] you've got to take a leap [Music] this is [Music] [Music] of faith [Music] um [Music] oh [Music] hey everybody uh [Music] everyone here come on let's stand to our feet and bless the lord [Music] um [Music] will never slumber he that keepeth israel would neither sleep nor slumber oh come on let's bless him all over the house for being our keeper the earth is the lord's and the fullness thereof and we who dwelt therein glory glory be to his name god bless you god bless you i'm brother leo jacobs and on behalf of our pastor pastor r kevin matthews and first lady melissa matthews we want to welcome you to the shepherds house international christian church our sunday morning worship experience a place where you can come to serve the lord amen and just experience the fullness of god's presence we honor the lord for each and every one of you today those of you that are at home and just viewing from wherever you may be we're asking that you would share us across your social media platform across your youtube our website your facebook perhaps maybe you have a loved one who don't know the lord intimately that they can serve god faithfully we asking that you will allow them to tune in today that they can receive a word from the lord today is that all right come on let's bless god in this house amen without any further ado we want to go to the word of god if you have your bibles let's run away with me very quickly to the book of psalms 100 and it reads on this wise make a joyful noise unto the lord all ye lands serve the lord with gladness come before his presence with singing know ye that the lord he is god it is he that made us and not we ourselves we are his people and we are the sheep of his pasture enter into his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise be thankful unto him and bless his name for the lord is good i said for the lord is good i said for the lord is good and his mercies are everlasting and his truth endures to all generations come on and bless him father we thank you for this day that you have made we will rejoice and we're going to be glad in it we ask that you were coming to this house we can't have service without you holy spirit of god throw your weight around in this house show yourself mighty show yourself strong flex your muscles in our circumstances father we bless you today we come to give glory to your glory bless your god the word of god that shall be preached today let your word come forth like a jeremiah hammer to destroy every yoke that blind lift up every home down head speak peace to every troubled mind god strengthened those that are weak we pray god in the name of jesus that your word will go forth and be a point to our feet and a light until our path as we come before you in worship in praise we bless you o god for the earth is the lord and the fullness of thereof and all of those that dwell therein we come to lift you up we come to magnify your name move in this house like only you can in jesus holy name we pray come on let's give god a 47 division of psalms clap your hands all ye people shout unto him with the voice of triumph hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hey god we come to bless your name we come to give you praise jesus you've been good to us hallelujah hallelujah we thank you for a day that we've never seen before god so i'ma give you a praise that i've never given you before new mercy new grace [Music] [Music] hey hey [Applause] [Applause] i [Music] is [Applause] say [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey if it wasn't for you i wouldn't be [Music] if it wasn't for you i wouldn't have the activities of my life [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Music] we give you [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna give you this morning good to me sometimes hey [Music] somebody [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] whatever [Music] lord i owe you i owe you more than i can give jesus but with everything that i have [Music] because you're worthy you are so worthy god [Music] jesus you wake me up every day i don't know why but evidently you have something else left for me to do so today lord [Music] today lord today lord hallelujah i've settled into my mind and in my spirit [Music] hallelujah [Music] you're worthy of your word any worshipers in the building any worshipers online hey wherever you are you might be in the hospital you may be driving on the road to a destination but as you worship with us oh god anywhere you are he can be lifted anywhere you are he can be lifted no matter where you are he can be lifted if you're on the way to work he can be lifted if you're sitting at your desk doing your work he can be lifted if you're lying down and just let the worship ring and sound in your room he can be missing god we bless you we praise your name father we lift these hands [Music] you lord you are worthy [Music] for all the things that you've done [Music] for me [Music] so here's my worship here's my word lord everything that i have all of my words lord i hope this is an acceptable sacrifice receive at this point and receive it jesus hallelujah here's my worship [Music] lord [Music] say you lord there's no doubt in my mind [Music] i give you glory i give you praise for me [Music] oh receive all of my words everything [Music] [Music] and i will [Music] as long as i'm breathing i am god [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] is as long as i'm breathing stay right there [Music] as i'm [Music] is with me [Music] everything within us we praise you this morning lord we lift up a praise in this building god we send it from the front to the back lord we ask you to touch the youngest to the oldest from the babies in christ to the season in christ from the ushers to the south system god don't leave not one person out god lord let nobody come here leave here the way that they came lift every party lord list everybody lord you said in your word that your joy is my strength your joy is my strength so i enter into the joy of the lord so that i can receive strength [Music] this is so personal don't know what it takes for me to praise it you don't know what it takes for me to lift hands you don't know when it takes some time to walk across the stage but all gone i know what you do for me every day i know what you do in different times of the day i have to take it a moment at a time but lord as long as i have breath as long as i have strength in this body i'm gonna place you with it i'm gonna bless you with it i'm gonna join you with it i'm gonna magnify you with it i'm gonna glorify you with it you've been a good job you've [Applause] jesus jesus jesus jesus stop the music for a second keep on singing [Music] you're singing to the lord this is a love song to him just come on out come on out let it ring off let it ring off let it ring off i know some of you might be going through some serious stuff don't nobody know what you're going through and you might not even want to tell nobody but god knows and i'm here to tell you that he cares about every detail of your life oh jesus jesus he cares about every detail of your life sometimes you might feel god do you hear me do you hear me do you hear me how long how long do i have to keep praying this prayer you keep on you keep on you keep on praying you keep on reciting his word in your heart and your spirit off your lips even if you're walking down the steps in pain by his strength [Music] so with that as [Music] so here is my worship [Music] me and you cleansed me so my hands are clean my heart is clean so father receive it [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] the sign ministries mr vonder walker dick and leslie gilbert as they come to continue our worship oh [Music] hey [Music] said the wrong thing right cause when you have your way something has to break [Music] right now in your name something has to break [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i believe you lead me to it i believe you get me through it i believe that you will do it right now something has to break [Music] right [Music] [Music] right [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] oh you can break it right now [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] who can be against you is again [Music] it doesn't matter what it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] is i trust that you're fighting over [Music] [Music] [Music] freedom to your home [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and we stand on our feet and give god glory for his presence being in our midst [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah come on bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord bless the lord [Music] this truly is the day the lord has made we shall rejoice and be glad in it because we serve an awesome god who is worthy uh to receive the glory that honor the power and praise the latter part of revelation chapter 4 the seraphims begin to cry out holy holy holy is the lord god almighty the whole earth shall be filled with his glory when they start crying out holy the scripture goes on to tell us that the 24 elders begin to move into worship and as they worship god and they begin to again expound upon his greatness and goodness that they took off their crowns and they laid it at his feet and began to worship him and begin to glorify him when you jump over to revelation chapter 5 as they continue to worship the bible said that they were trying to find somebody in heaven that could take the scroll break the seals and to read the book and god begins to weep because there was no one found worthy and then all of a sudden one of the angels said listen there is someone that's found worthy who was the lion of the tribe of judah and then the bible said they broke out in worship again and they start worshiping and praising and giving glory and what is interesting [Music] about it is that the worship broke out not amongst the seraphins not amongst the 24 elders worship began to break out amongst the people that were in heaven because they recognized that he was their redeemer they recognized that he was their sanctifier and recognized that he was a justifier they recognized that he was the one that was glorifying on the inside of him and then the bible said that worship broke out on another level and everything in the earth everything in heaven everything under the earth everything in the sea beginning to shout with a loud voice he's [Applause] is yes he is because they worship it was because they worship it was because they worship we worship you we glorify your name god that when we come to revelation 6 [Music] something broke [Music] the first seal was broken yes sir there's something about worship come on lift your hands and glorify god [Music] hallelujah [Music] we bless your name oh god you're worthy to be praised [Music] you're worthy [Music] we bless your name oh god because you're worthy we worship you we glorify you [Music] something has to break [Music] [Music] for those of you that are watching us online we greet you today in the name of the lord we are so grateful that you have taken time to tune in to worship the lord jesus with us we have come in this place that we might lift up and exalt his name and to give him the glory which he is due if you're watching us and this is your first time please signify letting us know in the chat that this is your first time uh watching us uh and again we would love for you uh to like us and to follow us on all of our social media platforms but you're watching us from our website or from youtube or from facebook please hit that like button hit that share button i need everybody watching online now hit that share button we have a mandate uh to get the gospel of the lord jesus christ out and i will ask that you will be virtual evangelists to help us in this particular way here at the shepherd's house uh god has called us to care for people equip people for destiny prepare people for eternity we are a five generational church multi uh cultural multiracial we are expecting the hand of god to move in a very powerful way and multi-generational i don't know about you but i feel the winds of revival moving [Applause] in our midst something is breaking in our midst and i'm no incentive if you are in the building in person and you are here for the very first time can we not only just acknowledge you but greet you today if you're here for today for the first time so you can slip your hand up so we can greet you anyone is there one today praise the name oh one back there god bless you one over there god bless you thank you so much for coming and worshiping with us uh we are so delighted and thankful that you've taken time to come uh to bless the lord with us on today if you haven't already our first time visitors ministry have a little bag to put in your hand we have some small tokens of appreciation uh for you for coming and worship with us if this is your first time you're watching us online what i would like for you to do uh is text connect eight to seven nine seven nine seven nine connect eight to 797979 we have a wonderful digital brochure that we would love to put uh send over to you so that again that you'll be uh connected with the church and get more information about the church here at the shepherd's house if you haven't received that little small green bag slip your hand up that get that to you uh in the name of the lord with that being said listen to closest person beside you around you give him a quick fix fist bump we got a dear brother over here didn't get one it's coming to you bless somebody real good [Music] you can you can bring it back i just i need a positioning [Applause] you may be seated in the presence of the lord amen to our online family sister dr ward god bless you uh brother charlie and sister cheryl god bless you since the end god bless you all the families coming in praise the name of the lord our sister davis god bless you brother right god bless you we thank god for our online friend what's up anthony henry god bless you brother henry sister kelly god bless you god is good and he's worthy to be phrased uh to be praised praise the name of the lord hallelujah since the cop deacon commonly said something has to break all right listen this one i don't have one in my hands but um if we can i would ask the ushers if they can quickly uh pass out the uh thank you so much uh our small groups booklet this has been a project we've been working on for quite some time praise god has finally has come to completion um it's better late than never uh praise the name of the lord but we're just excited about what god uh is doing in all of our small groups i ask that the ushers would just make sure that everybody uh receives one uh and again i want you to know uh that in just a couple weeks master life is gonna start back up for those of you that have not taken master life whether you are online or whether you're in person i want to encourage you uh to be a part of one of our master life groups especially the men i want our brothers uh to get involved uh in master life this is a life-changing uh course that i know that will strengthen your walk relationship with god you'll be in the company of other brothers uh with again that will help strengthen you in this particular way and so please make sure that you sign up also um believe uh living free dr ward and also uh minister victoria stewart is going to be starting that up on the 23rd listen it is ten o'clock in the morning uh until noon it is a very powerful biblically based course uh and so this brochure uh it gives you all the details and for those of you that are watching at home don't worry about it uh it should be in your mailbox by tuesday amen all those that are watching online it should be in your mailbox by tuesday we mail these out on friday hopefully we praying for usps how many all know usps needs our prayers mel's is slow but this is all of the information for our small groups and then our bible school classes are starting up listen i want you to be a part of one of the bible school classes get within uh one of the classes of this upcoming semester i am so grateful to the lord uh minister marv ellis did such a fantastic job this past wednesday night breaking the word of god we had some awesome awesome bible school teachers and so i want you to be exposed to the level of teaching and anointing that god has placed amongst us and we are excited about what god is going to be doing and so please be aware of those and then i want to say as well our calm ministry is having another seminar this coming saturday uh it is a very powerful seminar i want you for those of you that are seeking uh excuse me employment on any level make sure that you are a part of uh this upcoming seminar this coming saturday uh at 10 o'clock i believe all the information has been posted in realm and i i deacon kathy price sent me an email i got to respond back to that so kathy you're watching uh we're going to have to get together so that we can talk about this unleash conference uh that's getting ready to come up what's up kizzy i see you on the line minister barbara god bless you uh pamela denise god bless you uh sister ernestine god bless you okay see the family is coming on in i believe that uh actually the workshop this coming saturday is going to be on job shirt search in the federal government um i've been here and there's a lot of jobs available uh people ain't they not applying what's wrong with folk okay y'all know somebody that need work they need to apply [Laughter] so uh if you got somebody that's looking for a job looking for a career path make sure they join the comm ministry this coming saturday uh and then the 21st our upcoming uh employment seminar uh is going to be absolutely awesome this is for business owners we want to help business owners and offer entrepreneurs uh to better understand that even successful businesses have a person behind the vision who is more a subject matter and deal with the whole element of having experience and so your aptitude is extremely important in this particular area and so we want to help you uh discover all of what god has placed uh on the inside of you and we had a little glitch so you can go to realm uh or see uh deacon bingo digging vinca stand up um for those of you that don't know him uh hear me uh minister joyce is on not here uh uh uh sister rochelle brown stand up i know uh where is uh sister joyce i know she's watching online that's sister rochelle uh and then crystal james uh and kathy price they lead up our christian business network we thank god for the work that they're doing uh and if you did not get uh come on let's praise god get in my round of applause what's up tanya uh if you did not get one of our business directories please make sure uh you you receive one all right it's time now to receive our tithes and offerings before the lord let's give god some praise can we give god some praise can we give god some praise god is truly worthy of our praise uh you we do not teach that we give or bring tithes and offerings out of duty habit ritual guilt but we bring it in faith knowing that god truly is the possessor of heaven and earth and we want to honor god uh in every way with our tithes and our offerings uh recognizing who he is uh in our lives and so listen i want you to always continue to be faithful uh in doing so because i know that when you are god is faithful to do that which he has declared in his word and opening the windows of heaven pouring out blessings that we will not have room uh enough to receive uh god is not a man that he shall i know the son of man uh that he needs to repent of anything and so as we are faithful uh to his word he makes he's made a declaration uh in genesis chapter 8 verse 22. he says as long as the earth remains there's going to be scene time and harvest we can have again uh tremendous expectancy within our heart and our spirit to know that when we give or sow uh into the kingdom of god that we are always going to reap a harvest so for those you're watching online whether you're giving on the first time around or you a consistent tithe or offering giving i want you to be faithful to do so there are multiple ways that you can give here at the shepherd's house for all of you that need offering envelopes are our wonderful ushers in the aisle right now and they can put an offering envelope in your hand if you didn't receive one as you came in but for those of you online i believe that they're going to pin it uh in the chats as well as it's going to be on the screen uh it should be on the screen behind me as well you can go to our website the shepherdshouseinternational.org and you can give right there go to the shepherd's house with the nest shepherd's house ass in the front answer them back houseinternational.org and you can give right there or uh if you a little bit more savory uh you can pull out your phone and you can uh text to give you could text uh the shepherd's house at 73256 the shepherd's house is 73256 or you can go to cash app which is the dollar sign and also the initials of the church which is t-s-h-i-c-c because we have members and people watching around the world we're going to be opening up a few other pathways for people to give we receive correspondence from different people in this particular way so soon for those of you that may have other electronic means of giving either through push prey or zell those are coming down the pike praise the lord so you have multiple ways to give uh unto the lord and so we want to be faithful in our bringing retirees and giving our office we want to hold up in prayer uh sister ronnie walker she lost her mother uh this past week completely totally unexpected she went in for a procedure and um uh the lord's so fit to take her home uh and so we want to hold uh sister ronnie up in prayer uh during this time and just ask god's peace and his grace uh to be upon her and put a word uh within her heart and spirit to bring comfort uh to her family uh at this particular time as well uh can we lift up our ties and offerings before the lord and ask god's blessing upon it praise the name of the lord hallelujah praise the name of the lord father we thank you that you are the possessor of heaven and earth and we ask oh god right now that you will bless the tides and that you will bless the offerings as we present our gifts to thee we asked o god right now that you would move by your power move by your spirit in the lives of your people we thank your god and we give you praise because you stand by your word you're faithful and we thank you oh god for your faithfulness now father i decree and declare according to your word that you would open the windows of heaven pour out blessings that your people will not have room enough to receive i asked no god right now that you would move through time and space and that god that you would cause all of heaven to move in the lies of your people we thank you for it right now in the name of the lord jesus christ and lord we just pray for sister ronnie that god that you would just give her that peace comfort her oh god and her brothers and sisters at this time in the entire family we give you praise o god because you are the prince of peace and we thank your god right now for your grace being poured out upon them we ask of god right now because you we know that you're faithful to meet the needs of your people as well father i pray that for those that are in this room and those are watching online you know what they stand in need of and i asked oh god right now in the name of the lord jesus christ that you will become the i am that i am and meet the needs according your riches and glory in christ jesus we say amen and amen and we bless your name god bless you as you give the worship team is going to come and continue our worship before the lord and then we'll come back and break the bread of life [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music] such a mom thing for someone [Music] so wretched yet my soul [Music] you have redeemed no one else could do it [Music] no one could care [Music] [Music] yet you thought my soul oh i thank you jesus was worth it so [Music] oh thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] you have been [Music] oh oh yes wow [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] what's up [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] me is [Music] that's what he did oh for me opportunity i give you glory lord [Music] let us stand for the reading of the word of god he's marvelous thank you so much [Music] thank you so much [Applause] for reminding us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] holidays [Music] so so [Music] [Music] tonight [Music] us yes [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] [Music] we worship you we lift you up [Music] [Music] presence of the lord is in our mission we thank god for the glory we thank god for the glory [Music] we thank god for the glory [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Applause] you bless your name oh god [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] if you don't if you don't mind if you don't mind putting your hand on the shoulder of the person next to you and i want you to take the next 120 seconds and i want you to pray for them come on i want you to take the next 120 seconds and pray for them your brother your sister needs need strength today father by the laying on of hands we impart strength if you're watching at home i want you to put your hand on your device [Music] brother holly put your hand on sister spring come on mr victoria put your hand [Music] on brother stewart come on come on angie stretch out sister getting guinness stretch out we impart the strength of god the grace of god christine we're praying for you right now in the name of jesus could jerry feel the prayers of the saints in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah sister d feel it now the lord is touching your body right now sister bullock come on sister wanda come on anthony come on let's lift up the life of jesus pray for your brother pray for your sister now yeah god we bless your name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that's it that's it [Music] now lift those hands towards heaven and begin to thank god that what you ask god to do in their life is done come on hallelujah [Music] we bless the name of the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah welcome everybody this morning in the name of the lord uh sister leathers brother brother maurice everybody whole house get your bibles let's go to mark chapter 11. as we go into the word of god sister linda i didn't get an opportunity last week uh to finish [Music] the holy ghost came in the building we thank god for his power and presence he's in here today we honor the spirit of christ [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if he's here he's where you are those you're watching at home he's where you are hallelujah [Music] praise the name of the lord this has this chapter as i have been meditating studying going through uh this passage of scripture uh it is quite interesting it has challenged some of the things i have come to know and have believed and as i said to you before many times people put the emphasis on verse 23 or even verse 24. verse 23 deals with the power of faith verse 24 deals with the prayer of faith and verse 25 and 26 deals with the pardon of faith but where i want us to rest is verse 22 which is the place of faith i am speaking to you prophetically today and i pray that you would have ears to hear what the spirit will say to the church so jesus answered and said to his disciples have faith in god father we ask now for your anointing that makes teaching and preaching easy we ask oh god that you will be glorified in all that is said and done in the name of the lord jesus christ we pray as we look to you god we thank you hallelujah we thank you we thank you in the name of jesus christ we pray amen and amen and a man and a man amen you may be seated in the presence of the lord we thank god brother kevin mccain had surgery this past week he came out uh very well and we give god praise for for that we know that him and his wife denial watching hallelujah most electronics have that are powered by batteries have an on and off switch if the batteries are included uh with the items that that you may have purchased uh then how many know that it is ready for use uh even though it may be ready for use it still must be activated by a switch and i want to say that as christians what activates our spiritual life is faith without faith we are unable to access the power that is available to us what is quite interesting about that statement is that faith has a source and in order for our faith to be activated it must be connected to the power source jesus points us to the source of faith and if i was to title this message i would probably title the source of faith i think that's what i told them um but i also would probably give it a subtitle and say we got to get plugged in turn your neighbor and say you got to get plugged in [Applause] what is quite interesting about this chapter is that jesus points into the source of faith and i want to be very clear uh because whenever you exegg the text and you get look at it not only you have to look at the details that have been inserted by the holy spirit but you also have to look at what the holy spirit did not put in the source of faith is not man it's not church institutions it's not money it's not religion it's not government it's not political parties it's not doctors or educational systems the source of faith is not in religious systems or human creeds or philosophical methods that we see that begin to float through the age but the source of faith is in god the source of faith is in god now if the source of your faith is in anything else other than god then your faith is fragile today the spiritual climate of our nation is very fragile i present present-day theology has become more and more liberal or modernistic in character which is causing spiritual blindness and suspicion towards godly faith that is leading this nation to unbelief the spiritual climate of our our nation is more divisive today than in any other time and our nation does not bear the christian stamp which is clearly seen and expressed in our culture now i want to be very clear because the spiritual powers that have been in control over decades in this country cannot be called christian whether they're democratic or republican [Applause] now what's sad is that saved folk christian folk believers born again believers blood wars tongue talkers it's sad that the church and people in the church and i pray that i'm not talking about any of you but i may be talking to some of you it is sad that the church does not have a biblical worldview which means that we see the world and all that's in it through the lens of scripture today we have either a religious or philosophical or political view or it's economic or racial and this is what has caused the culture to be so fragile the fragile spiritual condition of the present-day culture actually is represented in mark chapter 11. this is the climate of the text because of the ungodliness of the temple and the barrenness of the fig tree which are too narrative before our text which coincides with jesus statement or instruction rather to us because of the comment of peter so what jesus does is that he connects his disciples to the source of faith in verse number 22 by saying have faith in god period now i want you to look at your bible whether it's electronic or whether you have a paper bible whether you're watching at home and i want you to go and look at verse 22 because it's very clear that after god there is a period [Music] just say period touch your neighbor look at your neighbor just say pure you got your mask on you good now why is this important because we must have our faith in god alone we cannot have our faith it cannot be god plus man or god plus a political party oh god plus our education of god it must be god alone it cannot be god in anything else if the spiritual condition of our nation and the church at large is going to change we must connect back to the source of faith which is in god we cannot have one eye on god and one eye on man one eye on god and one eye on our circumstance one eye on god and one god one eye on what's happening in the world and making our decisions that way we have to keep our eyes looking to the heels from what's come if i help because i don't know about you but my help it cometh from the lord [Applause] so jesus says have faith in god can we all say that together can we say have faith in god i need your spirit man to hear you say that come on say it again have faith in god if you're watching online i need you to put that in the chat whether on youtube or facebook or from the website come on and say it with me again have faith in god come on look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor have faith in god because okay we're going somewhere you watch this because i want you to understand that these four words are packed with revelation knowledge and tremendous insight when you understand the attributes of god's character [Music] or otherwise you will read these four words and you will think that there is not much here because it doesn't seem that significant or profound this is the reason why the emphasis has always been on verse 23 and verse 24 is because what people miss is the attributes of god's character see you want to speak to the mountain and say mountain be thou removed and be cast in the sea but you don't have and see that deals with the power but if your faith is not in the right place [Applause] mountain ain't gonna hear you [Applause] and we're not talking about moving terrain we're talking about the circumstances jesus just uses it as a metaphor to let us know that you know what there are circumstances that invade our lives that come into our space that is like a mountain and how in the world can we get this out of the way and we have to say the right thing believe but if if our faith is not placed right now watch this because the setting of the text is very very key and this is where i had to really get down into this because the setting of the texas key the scene of the texas in jerusalem and the timing of the text is just a few days before jesus is going to down the cross now that is extremely important because this is taking place the week of his death this is somewhere around monday maybe tuesday of jesus getting ready to die on friday and when you consider the context of the verse and and this is what what with what i struggle with because i wish i had some i wish i had real time because you know i i've grown up in the church all my life and then you know there was a time where the preacher could he could talk for two hours see some of y'all ain't that sage i just came into the kingdom but i grew up with a preacher talking we we had four hour five hour services now i'm just going to say i thank god it's over we're going to do that but if i had some time [Applause] [Music] because when i look at verse 22 melissa what we cannot overlook is the cursing of the fig tree in verses 12 and 14 and jesus cleansing of the temple in verses 15 and 19 unless you don't want a full understanding of verse 22. now my question to you is how many want a full understanding of verse 22 of what it means to have faith in god now this is key because these two stories the parallel between the fig tree and the temple are both in fact an outward claim to be fruitful and productive but in fact is an inward inwardly both are barren and unproductive so the fig tree and the temple has this outward appearance that everything is okay but inwardly they're barren and they're unproductive now it is amazing to look at this because when you look at the two scenes one scene is outside the church the other scene is inside the church and the condition outside the church is the same as the condition inside the church both are barren and both are unproductive the fig tree and the temple are giving off a false sense watch this a false sense of peace with god peace with god so that the people don't know what it is to have true peace with god because what the people don't realize is that god left the building 430 years ago because we're picking the narrative up at a time where god did not speak for malachi remember i told you this last week to matthew for 430 years and so what we have is the appearance of a religious system without a relationship with god and what we're seeing take place in the culture today is we're seeing a lot of religious practices but we're not seeing authentic relationship with god [Applause] because if we had a real if people had relationship with god we won't as the prophet isaiah said we won't call good and all of what we've done is we've looked at bad and called it good and we looked at good and we've called it bad and the prophet says woe to those who do that so watch the scene because the fig tree has no figs and the temple was godless in other words there is no presence or power of god in attendance now this is what got me because what is most interesting is that when you search the scriptures the fig tree is a description of security peace and tranquility most of us only understand the fig tree from the lens of genesis chapter 3. but when we look through the landscape of scripture the fig tree is described as security peace and tranquility now first kings chapter 4 verse 25 says and judah and israel dwell safely each man under his vine and his fig tree and this took place all the days of solomon this truth is also echoed in similar fashion again in second kings chapter 4 verse 31 now when you understand jewish culture you'll grasp the fact that the jews love the fig tree beyond any other tree partially because of the sweetness of the fruit and the convenience of shade that the tree provided because it had very large branches that again offered shade in the hot dry land of jerusalem which also brings back the reference to genesis chapter 3 when the bible lets us know that adam took fig leaves and he tried to cover himself now this is what hit me because the bible says in micah 4 4 this is what the scripture says this is dealing with the promise of the coming kingdom micah is prophesying about what is getting ready to take place and micah says this he says but everyone shall sit under his vine and under his fig tree and no one shall make them afraid now this phrase sit under the vine and under the fig tree is as much a sign of public peace and tranquility but metaphorically it is a sign of inward and spiritual peace through the kingdom of god as it is expressed by it now watch this because when jesus cursed the fig tree for having no fruit one of the reasons i believe that he cursed it is because it was giving a false message that in the coming kingdom there is no inner peace there is no inner spiritual priest for the believer through christ jesus remember he's on his way to die for your sins and for mine so jesus cursed it because jesus was in jerusalem the doubt for our sins through his death we know that paul writes to us in romans chapter 5 verse 1 that we are justified by faith which grants us peace with god through the lord jesus christ so according to verse number 20 the bible makes it very clear that the very next day seeing the fig tree withered to its roots seeing it with it to its roots which again also speaks to the barrenness and the unproductive uh conditions of the people do watch this to having a form of godliness but denying its power see the fig tree was being an offense to jesus as it was an offense to adam and eve in the garden it is showing that people put their trust in a false system so jesus sees it you know what they put in their trust in the system that's in the world and they're putting their trust in the systems that's within the church and the systems are giving off a false sense of peace and security which is the same false sense of peace and security that adam and eve had when they was in the garden now watch this because what it breeds is unbelief and the tendency of unbelief is that it prevents the possibility of true peace jesus cursed the tree he cursed it now here's the thing the next day the bible says that peter commended or he commented on the punishment of the withered tree go back look at your bible verse 21 say and peter remember it said to him rabbi look the fig tree which you've cursed has withered away his comment is evident of a lack of faith see la i'm gonna let that sink in his comment is evidence of a lack of faith why because the disciples here's the thing that got me in verse 14 when jesus cursed the fig tree go back look at verse 14. in response jesus said to it let no one eat fruit from you ever again and then the holy spirit inserted and they and his disciples heard it how does faith come by hearing and hearing by the word of god so peter's comment in response is wait a second look jesus that fig tree man it withered away he's acting surprised at the withered tree he's acting shocked as if he doesn't know who spoke to the tree [Applause] this is what what gets me because when we look at the story here it it's just a few chapters earlier in chapter four that jesus is in the bowel of a boat and he sleep and he told his disciples let us go over to the other side and when he made the statement he fell asleep when he got on the boat now we know that the bible tells us that a great windstorm came it was furious and the winds were howling and the boat was rocking and the storm was coming and the disciples were all afraid now what they forgot what is what jesus said and that was let us go over to the other side so they woke him up out of his sleep [Music] and said jesus wait a second hold up hold up we're about to perish what did jesus say he looked at them and said man where in the world is you guys faith and so when jesus looks at what peter is saying he's trying to figure out peter really his comment was just a dagger from my perspective because he said you know what i'm trying to get you guys to understand because what you guys have looked at is the systems that's in the world and the systems in the church and you think the systems are the method and the means by which you now are going to make it he said it's not in the systems he says have faith in god touch your neighbor and say it's not in the systems you have to have faith in god now the problem is is that because of unbelief unbelief when it settles in one's heart it starts affecting with your sleep okay have you ever fallen asleep had a had a dream and you couldn't tell if the dream was real or not and in the dream you know you you've been confronted or you've gone through some tragedy or you in the midst of the fire you're in the midst of the flood the circumstances are starting to overwhelm you and in the dream you're trying to escape you're trying to run you're trying to get away and all of a sudden it just feels as if that the pressure of life is crashing down on you in the midst of your dream and then all of a sudden at a moment where it looks like you're about to die in a moment where it looks like you're not going to get away in a moment where it seems like everything is going to come to an end all of a sudden you wake up you you wake up from the dream and you're trying to like man and you're like man you're praising god because it was just a dream [Music] but we won't deal what we don't deal with is the fact that what produced a dream in the first place what produced the dream in the first place is a lack of faith because when we have faith in god then those type of dreams don't overwhelm us and we don't feel as if life is crashing down on us or the circumstances going to overwhelm us or circumstances is going to cause us to be drowned by it because we know that our faith is in god and just like jesus in the bowel of the boat in the midst of a terrible situation he fell asleep and when he got up from the sleep even though everybody around him was all nervous and all messed up he knew exactly what to do and spoke to the storm and the storm subsided the question is is that are we connected to god enough that we can speak to the circumstances of our lives and command the winds to cease and the waves to cease and the circumstances of our life to become at a place of peace because we're connected to god [Applause] so jesus response is in direct correspondence with their lack of faith and so he just cuts through the chase and he just says have faith in god now now please that's what i need you to notice i need to notice that this is an imperative command that the lord has given his disciples and by extension towards us who believe in christ jesus i need to be clear because jesus is saying that we are to put our faith in god we're not we don't need to put our faith in a religious system faith in god is not a religious option neither it is something that the believer has to choose [Music] [Applause] in order to be spiritual you have to have faith in god really faith in god is the obligation of every blood wash born again believer everyone who is made in the image of god please understand this is where this statement is so powerful because this is a moral and ethical command which as well is a spiritual duty for every believer in christ jesus because to not put your trust in god to not put your confidence in god to not put your faith in god is to impugn the integrity of his word his promises and his character now i have to ask you a question because what possible justification can you come up with being redeemed by the grace of an omnipotent god that you would not put your trust in the word of your redeemer and yet in the text peter's surprise are you surprised what god is doing in your life are you surprised by his sustaining power are you surprised at the fact that he has touched your life and turned you around are are you surprised because if you have relationship with him you shouldn't be surprised jesus casts this instruction in the form of command and he's telling every disciple to have faith in god jesus connects us because he wants our attention on the source of faith by teaching us watch this in a declining spiritual climate the climate of our culture is declining to have faith in god now it has to get darker that the church might get brighter you cannot tell the real beauty and luster of a diamond unless the canvas or the backdrop is black but what jesus is authenticating what he's trying to get his disciples to understand is where is your faith god is very interested in where you place your faith this is why the hebrew writing lets us know that without faith is impossible to please god and yet we live in a world that despises faith in god and honors disbelief evolution and the rejection of god in our educational system are examples of how we honor unbelief and we disrespect or despise faith in god now i need you to hear me on this because unbelief watch this no matter what yeah i need you to get this because this is what most people don't understand about unbelief unbelief however gets no honor from god whatsoever let me tell you something unbelief from a biblical perspective is cursed by god okay okay let me take you in your bible revelation chapter 21 verse 8 the bible makes it very clear that the unbelieving shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death what jesus and what god does not like he does not like individuals who will sit and straddle the fence or who sit back and question his integrity [Applause] i know i'm not going to get a whole bunch of amens today but i need you to understand something what god wants to know from us in as the people of god is where have we placed our faith is it in a political party is it in our money is it in our education is it in the cliques the clubs the france the people that we associate with where have you placed your faith because if it's not in god any other system is fragile and is getting ready to come down [Applause] now watch this because i am truly convinced that if you want the power of faith and the prayer of faith to operate in your life that jesus talks about here in this passage of scripture you have to understand these four words have faith in god this is the source of faith i know you want to come to verse 23 i know you want to say for surely i say to you whosoever speak to this mountain and be removed and cast in the sea and does not doubt in his heart but believe that these things he said shall come the past he shall have whatever he says i know you want the power of faith operating in your life but you can't have the power of faith operating a life if you're not plugged into the power look at the many as people as you can and say you got to get plugged in you got to get plugged in you got to get plugged in you got to get plugged in because today if you're not plugged in let me tell you something right now there is another wave there's another shift that's getting ready to happen and if you're not plugged into god with this next wave this next shift that's getting ready to see that we're getting ready to see to take place i can't tell you when but something is coming i can't tell you how but something is happening i sense it in the spirit realm that's why i told you i'm speaking to you prophetically that i need you to understand that as the church of the lord jesus christ that we have to get plugged in to god we can't be plugged into religious systems we can't be plugged into clicks we can't be plugged into political parties we can't be plugged into government we have to be plugged into god what can be shaken will be shaken please understand you have to get connected to god [Music] [Applause] the message in verse 22 the place of faith must be it must be in god it must be in god let let me be very helpful let me keep this in mind because here's here's one of the problems one of the problems have been is that whenever we approach this text of scripture we talk about faith in a general sense and but jesus is not talking about faith in a general sense jesus is talking about faith in god see i told you last week that the world has placed their faith in in in in having a sense of self-confidence and we equate now faith in my my my just from a subjective perspective my act to believe that i can be all that i can be you could be all you could be but let me tell you something right now i know that's a slogan that military have you be all you could be but yo you being all you could be has limitations [Applause] i i'm trying to connect you to someone that does not have any limitations you can get connected to men religious leaders from various religious sectors or philosophy but please understand they don't they have limitations as well so when jesus is addressing the text he's not dealing with generic faith he's dealing quite clearly that you and i must have our faith in god you want depression to leave you have faith in god you want oppression to leave you have faith in god you want to have the peace that's the past of all understanding have faith in god if you want to really know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper have faith in god if you want to know that my god shall supply have faith in god please understand where you place your faith [Applause] now i told you last week the faith has two connotations in the objective sin faith refers to the entire revelation of god for christ and subjectively faith refers to the act of believing and this is the thing that really got me and i said to you last week that most christians do not understand that faith is objective and it needs a subject to tell you what it's worth jesus gives us the subject he tells us our faith has to be in god so watch this because when we look at faith objectively what jesus is saying is to have faith is to believe in god to fully trust in god to be so confident in god that you base your thought life your movements and your actions or what you believe and know about god see true faith doesn't depend on what you think true faith doesn't depend on what other people think because other people will try to limit you to people will try to limit you concerning your past what they know about you and saying that there that is all there is to you but look at somebody and say the devil is a liar there's more to me than meets the eye please understand the devil is a liar why because the greater one lives on the inside of me this is why i told you that when you seek god diligently through his word and you begin to move into prayer and worship watch this now you as the seeker become joined with god when you become joy with god then you become one with god when you become one with god then god becomes your faith y'all remember me saying that now watch this now because what this means is that when god becomes your faith then whatever is going on on the outside when you begin to speak to it it has to obey because it's not you talking to it it's god talking to it and last time i checked everything in creation both in heaven and both in the earth were hearkens to the voice of the lord somebody need to give god a praise because your environment watch this your environment is getting ready to change the atmosphere of your life is getting ready to change whatever the spiritual climate has been you better get ready because when you place your faith in god i'm here today to tell you that there is nothing that is impossible to those that believe do i have any believers in the room [Music] just look at three people saying my faith is in god my faith my faith is in god my my faith has been god i i i trust in nothing less than the goodness of god i put my confidence in nothing less than who god is my faith is in god [Music] now watch this because i want you to write this down [Music] move very quickly [Applause] i move very quickly because to have faith is to be fully convinced of the trustworthiness and the reliability and the one in whom you believe and and the question becomes do you have that kind of faith and today that kind of faith will be would appear to be radical [Applause] and the declining culture that we're in to have this kind of faith will appear to be radical do i have anybody that has this type of radical faith [Applause] that you are fully persuaded [Music] that neither death nor life nor angels no principalities no powers no things present no things to come nor any other creature shall be able to separate you look at somebody and say i have radical faith now now let me explain to you why my faith today is radical my faith today is radical because when i read it when i read it minister diana i i said have faith in god and and then the holy spirit said read it again have faith in god and then holy spirit said read again for the last two weeks mr leo all i've been reading is have faith in god have faith in god have faith in god have faith in god and then all of a sudden it was the end of last week that it hit me what the holy spirit was trying to get me to say because i was looking at half faith in but i miss and it let me know that i was looking at systems you see suddenly what we don't realize is how much we put our faith in systems because we miss the very important one to have faith in because i should have saw it right away but he kept saying have faith in god have faith in god have faith in god see some of you got your faith in places where you need to go and get it [Applause] [Music] you need to go get it because you put your faith in people and because you place your faith in a person what has happened is is now that has the sum total of your life is based upon what that person says or does and how they feel about you but you need to go back and get your faith you need to go back and say no no no i'm severing this chord i am big i am disconnecting from you and i'm going to get connected with the source of all sources who has unlimited possibilities okay y'all just give me six minutes thank you sir thank you sir feel the holy ghost in this place we're about to take off i'm trying to tell you right now when i tell you that the winds of revival is going to move in this place i'm telling you right now the winds of revival is gonna move in this place and your sons and your daughters my god my god they should drop they're gonna prophesy you want to see the hand of god move in a very powerful way in your family like you have never seen before [Applause] [Applause] i don't know who i'm preaching to but somebody just went into the enemy's camp and you just stole everything that he stole from you because somebody got reconnected with god watch this watch this but the locusts and the cankerworm have eaten up god's getting ready to restore it watch this god is getting ready to move suddenly in your life it's gonna be immediately it's gonna be a transition that's gonna turn everything in your life around i don't know who i'm preaching to but i feel the inspiration of the holy ghost that something is about to happen in your life [Music] touch your neighbor and say he talking about me he talking about me he talking about me because he talk about me and talk about me he talking about me he talks about me he talk about me because i'm anticipating the inevitable the supernatural intervention of god [Music] how do i know this has happened because your praise is an indication that something is happening your worship is an indication that you're getting plugged into god when you and i become one with god this is the fulfillment of jesus prayer in john 17 that you and i might be one with him and he is one to the father because whatever he spoke to [Music] okay [Applause] real quickly write this down y'all got to write this down because there are six implied truths of what it means to have faith from god these quick i promise you because it's so important to know the character of god and if you miss the character of god then you miss why jesus told us to have faith from god in the first place you got to know god so number one watch this to have faith in god is to have faith in the heart of god to have faith in god is to have faith in the heart of god every believer must know god and you have to know his heart you got to know his heart because you have to know that god's heart towards you is not sometimes but always good okay just look at your neighbor and say it's always good okay you you you really got to know that because life will bring circumstances in your pathway that will cause you to question the integrity of god in the midst of your situation and so if you don't know the heart of god then you will miss the fact that what jeremiah 29 11 says for i know the thoughts i think towards you thoughts of peace not of evil to give you a future and to give you a hope you will miss the integrity of god that he will use what seems to be a bad situation turn it around and cause it to work out for your good [Music] no matter what happens to us or no matter what suffering that we go through no matter what issues that we encounter we must believe in the goodness of the lord we must believe in the goodness of the godheart of god and god has no intentions to punish you to injure you to hurt you or to cause you to lose or to cause you to suffer the fact that you are here in the earth realm is only an indication of his heart and his goodness towards you because your life beats so many other sperm cells that hit that egg so that you can come through the birth canal and fulfill the plan and the purpose of god for which he has anointed and graced you for it [Applause] now watch this because along with having faith in the heart of god you have to have faith in god's faithfulness you have to have faith in god's faithfulness here's the problem we may change but god doesn't change james chapter 1 verse 17 said there is no shadow of turning with him furthermore when you really understand who god is in his faithfulness then you have to realize something god cannot lie he can't lie he can't lie he can't lie he is always faithful to what he declares what he speaks to what he says god is faithful now here's the thing because if he's faithful then he's also able [Music] okay this number three because i need you to get this because not only do i have to have faith in the heart of god and the faithfulness of god but i have to have faith in god's ability i have that faith in his ability his his ability that he can do anything but fail when i look through the annals of scripture and i see the people of god so many times with their backs up against the wall caught between two opinions in the midst of two mountains can't go forward can't go backwards and yet god's ability always shows up when the people go into the land to possess the land god's ability always shows up this is why paul tells us in ephesians chapter 3 verse 20 that god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that work within us see when i understand the heart of god and i know the faithfulness of god and i know his ability then i have to come to know that i have faith in god because i have faith in his word i have faith in his word see what the church and what we have missed and what we don't understand and what we have allowed to fall through the cracks is the fact that god is bound to fulfill all that he has spoken today the word covenant is a foreign term in most christian circles and we don't understand the power of covenant and what the word covenant means we have taken it out of the marriage ceremony and so now we have missed the power of what it means to be in covenant relationship with god the more god speaks this is the thing you got to understand and this is why the devil fights us to get into the word because the more god speaks with meaning the more that the word of god jumps off the pages into our hearts the more responsible god is to fulfill his word over our lives y'all missed it y'all missed it y'all miss it y'all miss it because minister leo if the people of god got it you'll be in your book you'll be studying your word because the more that the word oh my goodness sister current jumps off the page of the book gets into your heart the more god is obligated to fulfill that what she says in your life see you and i have to understand that when god says something please understand he has to fulfill that what she has said when you can refine god of what he said do you not know that's how the children of israel got out of egyptian captivity in the first place because they reminded god that he was and they were in covenant relationship with him and they say wait a second god you are the god of abraham isaac and jacob and you made a promise to them and i know right now we're a little far off i know right now we've gotten off track but lord we're gonna put your remembrance of what you're saying and it was at that moment that god delivered them it was at that moment that god sent moses it was at that moment that god turned it around do you not know that you can remind god of what he said you can look at jesus and you can say listen my goodness i ain't never seen the righteous forsaken that's what you said noah's seed begging bread you can say we've been only indoors for a night but joy cometh in the morning you can say that you're going to supply all my needs according your riches and glory in christ now this is not what i said but this is what you say and i'm going to put you in remembrance of what you said because i know your heart is good i know you're faithful to your word i know you got the ability and now i'm reminding you of what you said and i know that you're going to cause not some things but all things to work together [Music] for my good when he penned it when he pended when he put it down you have a legal contract [Music] [Laughter] god can only do and he has to perform according to the contract see the enemy don't want you to know the terms of the contract because when you know the terms of the contract whatever you find in heaven is found here on the earth and whatever you loose in heaven is loosed out here on earth because i have a contract [Music] touch five people say it's guaranteed [Music] tell them it's guaranteed tell them i have a guaranteed contract it's guaranteed it's guaranteed i have a guaranteed contract i have a guaranteed contract through injury do you not know some players if they get injured on the field their money is still good they can be sitting on the bench and their money's still good they're still getting paid because i have a guaranteed contractor aren't you glad that your contract is guaranteed it was ratified in the blood of jesus christ he died on friday he got up with all he power on high went to the mercy seat took his blood sprinkled it on the house and he ratified he ratified the covenant lastly this is it we're done you have to have faith in god's sovereignty you got to know that god is in control he is always in control and this is why the contract is guaranteed because of his sovereignty because he has considered every mistake that you and i would ever commit just laying on your neighbor say he knew about it he he knew about it and he still counted you and i worthy he he knew about it and he still gave us the guarantee he knew about it and his promises are still yay and amen he knew about it my god he knew about it he knew about every unfaithfulness he knew about every mistake about every sin he knew about every transgression he knew about every lawless attitude he knew about it and yet he counted you and i blessed anyway is anybody in this room glad that the favor of god rests upon your life and yet god knew about it yeah god [Music] [Music] i closed i'm getting close but this is what i want you to understand because even though he knew about it it does not give us the right to deliberately make mistakes in sin when you and i are wrong when you and i mr mark we still have to repent and ask him for the forgiveness of sin he is faithful and he's just to forgive us and to cleanse us of all unrighteousness then we will repent we still must exercise faith in god's sovereignty why why do we need to exercise faith in god's sovereignty because we can't have no regrets you have to be like joseph joseph had no regrets even when he knew his brothers were trying to deceive them after jacob had died and they conjured up a lie and say you know what this will be his opportunity to get back at us so we gonna tell him a lie and say you know what dad they say you have to take care but say he deserved he knew exactly what they were doing and he he said you know what what you did for me what you did to me you meant it for evil but god he met jacob had no regrets he trusted the sovereignty of god that from the pit to being sold to being a slave to be lied on to be in prison to be forgotten to be ostracized he counted all as god's sovereign plan [Music] and he realized see that's why david could write surely goodness and mercy should follow me all the days of my life because he realized that when he looked over his shoulder all he saw is the goodness and the mercies of god can you look over your shoulder and see the goodness and the mercies of god [Music] that you are not at this junction [Music] outside of his sovereign hand [Music] step to your feet i declare to you i by the spirit of god i can't tell you minister khalida's but something something is coming and it's going to test the very fiber of the integrity of who we connected to and if we are connected deacon sandra if we're connected to systems if we're connected to vain philosophy if we're connected to humanism all of them are fragile [Music] and sooner or later it's going to break [Music] because anything that is too fragile if it you heat too much weight on it it'll shatter i want your faith to be so grounded and used to be so connected so plugged in that they're at any disconnection of power between you and god regardless of where you may find yourself i'm here today to tell you this satan [Music] satan will use the fiery darts to attack your mind and this whole plan is to take the fire redox that hit you with proposals [Music] proposals the whole element of proposal when you have a contract is trying to alter the contract don't don't allow satan to alter your agreement with god [Music] now watch this because i need i'm gonna give you his plan his strategy [Music] his attack comes at night and early in the morning is early in the morning when you're waking up then you are hit with these thoughts and forms of questions to get you away from the contract [Music] now watch this i need you to understand because this was his strategy from the beginning [Music] he attacked eve with question it was a proposal half god said [Music] jesus said have faith in god satan said half god said jesus ends with a period satan ends with a question mark [Music] and isn't it funny that a question mark looks like a snake [Music] whenever you are hit with a question about the integrity of god or his contract you i'm giving you a clue i'm telling you it is satan [Music] it is satan because jesus will always end it with a period lift your hands up all over this place at home lift your hands up whether you're at work lift your hands up father we pray now in the name of the lord jesus christ that you will shatter questions and doubts and that today that we will lift up the shield of faith against all the fiery darts of the wicked one satan will try his best to inject his thoughts into our minds but today we thank you that we have the sword of the spirit and the shield of faith so we put our confidence in thee and we thank you o god right now in the name of jesus christ your hands on your people and shout unto god with a voice of triumph [Music] come on shout unto god with the voice of trying [Music] if you're in person or you're watching online and you don't have a personal relationship with the lord jesus or you're in a backslidden state or you may have been attending coming and you you sensed by the spirit of god that this is where you need to be connected you need to be joined and you have not been extended the right hand of fellowship today is the day of salvation today is the day to reconnect back to god today is a day to get plugged in to this house so that all that god has for you you can walk in the fullness thereof with every hip about every eye closed in this place just one more moment if the lord has been dealing with you you know he he's been dealing with you before you came into this place that's why you showed up because you've been sensing the lord dealing with you if you know that the lord wants to reconnect your life back to him in a greater measure if you sense by the spirit of god that this is where you to be joined and connected to be a part of this family on the count of three the spirit of god has been ministering to your spirit your heart i don't want you to miss this opportunity today on the count of three i just want you to lift your hands one two three if you're in the building if you're in the building is there's one is this someone else is there another you need to rededicate your life you need to reconnect back to god if you're online i need you to do me a favor i need you to to take salvation eight to seven nine seven nine seven nine or membership eight to seven nine seven nine seven nine if the lord's talking to you up wherever you may be is there one today is there one today is there one today lord we thank you right now can you lift your hands while we're in the presence of god we're just going to be another moment [Music] if the spirit of the lord is speaking to your heart today praise the name of the lord praise the name of the lord if you're online i need you to do me a favor text salvation 8 or membership 8 to seven nine seven nine seven nine do it right now get your phone out and do it right now get your phone out and do it right now god we thank you right now y'all know the devil mad he mad he mad he mad anytime you get connected to god he man come on give god praise all over the building come on let's rejoice in the god of our salvation [Music] for those who are watching online if you have not liked us that connect us if you know someone that needs encouragement they share this with them in the name of the lord jesus church father we thank you right now for your grace your mercy living kindness and we thank your god for the greatness of your grace we ask father right now that as we stay connected to thee the god that we will put our faith in your heart we will put our faith and your faithfulness we will put our faith in your ability we will put our faith in your word we will put our faith in your sovereignty and we thank you for it right now in the name of jesus christ amen and amen god bless your family god bless your family for those of you online god bless you mr mitchell god bless you [Music] brother cap god bless you brother brown god bless you [Music] mr shirley him and god bless you sister douglas god bless you god bless you sister austin god bless you sister anderson god bless you if we can get some of the brothers help us break down the ernestine god cheers it [Music] vernon and felicia god bless you christine god bless you sister today god bless you if we get some of the brothers brother maurice god bless you minister jesse carey god bless you [Music] sister sheila god bless you [Music] ariel god bless you sister liz god bless you praise the name of the lord sister marshall god bless you [Music] digging right god bless you minister roberta god bless you praise the name of the lord [Music] praise the name of the lord [Music] james jackson god bless you [Music] since the bulldog god bless you god bless you guys [Music] praise the name of the lord [Music] hey god we bless your name [Music] brother robert god bless you sister marshall god bless you sister jackson god bless you what's up girl mrs jackson that's what i'm gonna call you [Music] sister pamela god bless you god bless you [Music]
Channel: The Shepherds House International
Views: 991
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: gs0QELyZzIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 52sec (9052 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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