Beginner Levels - Lesson 9: Where do you work?

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hello students today we're going to talk about workplaces first we're going to review the names of jobs that we did in the last lesson so here we go an artist an artist aa singer a singer aa writer a writer an engineer an engineer aa manager a manager a director a director a cameraman a cameraman a business woman a businesswoman a police officer a police officer a sales assistant a sales assistant a veterinarian a veterinarian and actor an actor a waitress a waitress a waiter a waiter a computer programmer a computer programmer and an accountant an accountant ok so again an artist a singer a writer an engineer a manager a director a cameraman a businesswoman a police officer a sales assistant a veterinarian an actor a waitress a waiter a computer programmer and an accountant ok now let's talk about where these people work now we're going to talk about work places first of all these small words usually talk about where the place is these are called prepositions and in English the preposition comes before the noun ok now here are some sentences my sister is a nurse my sister is a nurse she works in in a hospital my sister is a nurse she works in a hospital my brother is an architect my brother is an architect he works in an office he works in an office my brother is an architect he works in an office in an office my son is a web site designer my son is a website designer he works at a restaurant he works at a restaurant my son is a website designer he works at a restaurant I am a teacher I am a teacher I work at a school I am a teacher I work at a school so again my sister is a nurse she works in a hospital my brother is an architect he works in an office my son is a website designer he works at a restaurant I am a teacher I work at a school now here's some vocabulary of workplaces so these are names of places where people work so here we go first a bank a bank a bank a restaurant a restaurant a restaurant and office and office and office of school a school a school a hospital a hospital a hospital a store a store a store a hotel a hotel a hotel and a factory a factory a factory okay now I want to make some questions and then the answers will include these words so here's the question where does ah work where does a work for example where does ah teacher work where does a teacher work a teacher works at a school where does a teacher work a teacher works at a school okay now it's practice Ally where does an architect work an architect works an office yes good Lisa Lisa where does a waiter work a waiter works in our restaurants okay Isabel where does website designer work a website designer works in an office Lisa where does a sales assistant work a sales assistant works in a store mm-hmm Isabelle where does the taxi driver work a taxi driver works in a taxi yes Alli where does an artist work an artist works in the studio good Isabelle where does a singer work a singer works in a studio a singer works in a chapter or a bar yes Lisa where does a writer work a writer works in an office mm-hmm good only where does a businesswoman work mmm she works in an office yes Lisa where does a veterinarian work he or she works in an office or clinic yes that's right only tell me about a police officer a police officer protects people he works in an office maybe he works on a street yes good Lisa tell me about a cameraman a cameraman makes films or television programs he works in a studio okay Isabelle tell me about an accountant an accountant many just money he or she works in an office yes very good thank you very much workplaces prepositions of location now there are some special words that used at at home at work at school no I know the only at home at work at school now we can do these two ways where does she work where does she work she works at home she works at home where does she work she works at home or where is she where is she she is at home where is she she is at home all right now let's practice Olli where does a homemaker work a homemaker works at home is your mother a homemaker yes she's does she work at home yes she does is she at home now mmm yes she's Isabelle where does a student study a student study at school are you at school now yes I am where is Ollie no he is at school all right Lisa are you at work now no I'm not where are you I'm at school thank you very much very good now it's time to look and listen look and listen my mother works at home I work in an office a waiter works in a restaurant my teacher works at school we are at work read and repeat workplaces duck ok now we're going to talk about the the now before we saw a and and today we're going to talk about the now that is when there's only one or we know it from before ok so that is very specific it's specific so uh and and our general and that is specific all right now for example I see a teacher I see a teacher okay general the teacher the teacher is in the classroom okay I see a teacher general now this is the second time the teacher is in the classroom okay general specific here's another example I see the moon the moon I see the moon in our world there's only one moon I see the moon only one okay now here is a new question where is it okay where is it now let's practice Ollie where do you work oh you're in an office where is it the office is in a clinic and where is the clinic it is in Istanbul alright good thank you Lisa where do you work I work in a hospital and where is the hospital it's in Hamburg Isabelle where do you study I study in a classroom and where is the classroom the classroom is here all right very good now let's practice some more now these sentences I'm going to write on the board don't have aa or that so the assistants will put them in will do these one by one now remember that ah is general or N and the is specific okay now first my brother is okay only you do this sentence my brother is a waiter yes why is general yes thank you very much okay my brother is a waiter now he works in restaurant we saw this one is for you he works in a restaurant all right why is it ah it is general we don't know the restaurant that's right he works in a restaurant okay now the next one restaurant is in shopping mall okay so Belle this one is for you the restaurant is in a shopping mall all right and why is it the restaurant it's specific now okay and why is it shopping mall its general yes that's right okay that a restaurant and this is new a shopping mall the restaurant is in a shopping mall okay next shopping mall is on big Street okay Lisa the shopping mall is on a big Street yes okay now why is it the shopping mall it says specific yes now we've seen it again and why is it a big Street because we don't know the big Street yes that's good all right now streets name is Main Street okay Holly the streets name is Main Street and why is it that it is specific yes very good the streets name is Main Street okay let's look at these again my brother is a waiter he works in a restaurant the restaurant is in a shopping mall the shopping mall is on a big Street the streets name is Main Street okay all right very good frequency adverbs all right now we're going to talk about verbs and we're going to talk about time words now look at these 100% always always 90% usually usually 80% often often 50% sometimes sometimes 10% rarely rarely or seldom seldom and finally 0% never never okay now these are called frequency adverbs so these give information to a verb usually in a simple present okay so these words go with a verb now they go in two places in a sentence so let's talk about the first one now it's very important to see where they go in the first one with most verbs they go before the verb so for example before the verb I always speak English I always speak English here's the verb and here is the frequency adverb okay I always speak English he never goes to the cinema he never goes to the cinema here's the frequency adverb and here's the verb and another example we often work and an office we often work in an office here's the frequency adverb here's the verb so I always speak English he never goes to the cinema we often work in an office alright now this is one place the second one is with B verbs all right now sometimes and usually sometimes and usually are a little bit special they can go also at the beginning of a sentence sometimes I work in an office sometimes I work in an office okay so here it is and here is the verb also usually he works in a store usually he works in a store so sometimes sometimes and usually can go at the beginning here is the verb and here for these two is the frequency adverb okay now the second kind of word that we have the place that we put frequency adverbs is with the be verbs be verbs okay now look at this she is always beautiful she is always beautiful now here's is the be verb always alright she is always beautiful another example they are usually polite they are usually polite here is the verb and here is the adverb they are usually polite and another example you are never rude you are never rude so again be verb adverb okay now like the other verbs sometimes and usually can go at the beginning for example usually she is nice usually she is nice so again we have the adverb and here's the verb this is okay and sometimes she is funny again usually in sometimes sometimes she is funny here's the verb here's the adverb but just usually and sometimes generally be plus adverb now here are two new questions here's the first one how often how often do you how often do you I then it edit it okay so example how often do you work how often do you work I always work how often do you work I always work all right now this is one question with this kind of word now another one is how often are you shy how often are you shy I am usually shy how often are you shy I am usually shy all right so this is one kind of word and this is with the be verbs the same question how often so let's practice Lisa how often do you work I always work how often are you busy I'm usually busy Isabelle how often do you study English I often study English and how often are you here I'm usually here thank you oddly how often do you eat sushi I know where it's sushi Isabelle how often do you eat hamburgers I really eat hamburgers oh okay Lisa how often do you study English I always study English oh good student Olly how often do you go to football games I often go to football games and how often are you happy I'm usually happy all right now let me ask you some more questions Lisa does a police officer usually work in an office a police officer sometimes works in an office okay Isabelle does a manager always work in an office yes a manager always works in an office all right Ali does a nurse always work in a hospital yes sometimes a nurse works at home yes that's true Lisa does a writer always write books sometimes a writer writes poems yes that's right good Isabelle does an accountant always work in an office hmm sometimes and now an accountant works at home yes that's right Ali does an engineer always working in office sometimes an engineer doesn't work in an office yes that's right thank you very much very good simple present tense pronunciation now we're going to work a little bit more with verbs as you know simple present verbs you have to pay attention with he/she/it plus s verb plus s however sometimes it's a little special and there are two groups so now notice we have learned that he/she it has to have an S with it for example she works he sings now the first group has to have E s right for the sound here's the first one wash wash he washes he washes wash he washes alright another example teach teach she teaches she teaches teach she teaches another one dress dress she dresses she dresses dress she dresses and another one fix he fixes fix he fixes so all of these are F sounds so they have e s so wash he washes teach she teaches dress she dresses fix he fixes okay you can hear the extra letter here now the second group is a little bit more difficult this one we learned that why is sometimes vowel sometimes a vowel AEI oh you sometimes why now there are two kinds of sounds with the vowel why one sound is a package a why a oh why boy or you why usually I okay so for this there is no change in spelling now notice we learned that Y is sometimes a vowel there are two kinds of sounds with a vowel why one sound is a package a why oh why you why for the package sound of Y there is no change in spelling look play today he plays he plays okay no no change in spelling and joy enjoy she enjoys she enjoys enjoy she enjoys bye-bye he dies he dies bye he buys and stay stay she stays she stays stay she stays okay play he plays and joy she enjoys bye he buys stay she stays no change now one sound of the of this of the Y sound is e when is that the end of the verb after a consonant we have to change it to s so one sound is the e sound of Y when it as is at the end of the verb after a consonant we have to change it to add s look how we do it cry cry he cries ah cries cry he cries why becomes an AI and we had e here's another one try try she tries she tries try she tries alright next one study study she studies she studies study studies another one Kerry Kerry it carries it carries Kerry it carries and then a final one worry he worries so worried he worries take out the Y put in ie so notice that you have to take out the Y and change it to I then you have to add E and F Y becomes IES okay now we're going to practice so students assistants here we go one sentence at a time and you're going to make the correct verb so here's it's a story it's a lovely story Bobby is a little boy he a lot all right Lisa you start Bobby is a little boy he cries a lot okay he cries a lot all right now spell cries CR IES and why did it change why after a consonant why after a consonant yes good alright here's another sentence he to play games with big children alright it's a bell this is for you he tries to play games with big children he tries to play games with big children now spell it t are i.e s and why did it change why after a consonant why after a consonant yes good alright here comes the next one alright only this one is for you he plays a lot he plays a lot alright so Allie why didn't it change any why a why you have the package here alright now here comes another one his mother worried all right Isabel his mother worries all right his mother worries spell it w o r r AI e s and why did it change why after a constant Y after a consonant good okay here's another one she buy toys for him all right Lisa she buys toys for him yes she buys toys for him now spell it bu Y s okay and why is it spelled this way it's a package it's a package you why mm-hmm all right next one he carry them all right only this one is for you he carries them he carries them okay now you spell it see a are R i e s and why did it change why after a consonant why after a consonant thank you okay now she teach him there's two in this one and she all right okay now this one is for Isabelle she teaches him and she kisses him yes she teaches him and she kisses him all right spell teaches T e a chem-7 s sound yes that's right yes after an S sound okay and what is the S sound ch ch here's the s sound right there all right and kisses k-i-s-s-ec-sta-sy it's double s SS yes good all right okay now he enjoy it all right only this one is for you he enjoys it he enjoys it okay now what happens to this one why is it like this oh boy package sure why package yes all right okay and then the final sentence then he okay Lisa then he washes then he washes and why is it like this es after an S sound yes and what is the S sound Sh s H there's the S sound yes very good all of you alright now let's look at the story again Bobby is a little boy he cries a lot he tries to play games with big children he plays a lot his mother worries she buys toys for him he carries them she teaches him and she kisses him he enjoys it then he washes and then we can add one more sentence to make this story complete he is a funny boy he has a funny boy all right very good now let's do some more pronunciation this time we'll look at the sound of the letter old but off short oh oh oh here's some words that you know not father on John blond not father on John blond okay now the next is with short a ah ah alright now here's some words em at ANSWER Answer Man Man ask and actor taxi I am at Answer Man ask and actor taxi now the third group is with a a men pin send cell technical dentist okay man pin send cell technical dentist okay now we're going to do some other words only for pronunciation this is short ah Oh pot odd odd bond on dawn okay pot odd bond on dawn now here's the ass sound we have Pat add band and Dan Pat add band and Dan now with an ex owned pet Edie end in din pet Edie Bend in then okay now let's do it across and you can hear the difference in the sounds pot pat pit odd add ed bond and Bend on and in dawn Dan then now let's practice with a few more words and then move on alright here we go some more words same thing all sound solve log rock ox follow Saul log Rock ox follow now ah sound Sal leg rack ax fallow Sal leg rack ax fallow and finally a sell leg rec X and fellow sell leg rec X fellow now again let's do it across and you can hear the difference in sounds soul Sal sell log leg leg Rach Rach Rick ox x x follow follow fellow alright thank you very much now we are going to practice some review to listen and write listen and right number one restaurant number two office number three hospital number four school number five home now check your work number one restaurant number two office number three hospital number four school number five home now write these sentences I will say each sentence to x number one my mother works at home my mother works at home number two her aunt usually goes to work in a factory her aunt usually goes to work in a factory number three a waiter is usually polite a waiter is usually polite number four a teacher always teaches in a school a teacher always teaches in a school number five Tom's aunt never goes to a restaurant Tom's aunt never goes to a restaurant now check your work number one my mother works at home number two her aunt usually goes to work in a factory number three a waiter is usually polite number four a teacher always teaches in a school number five Tom's aunt never goes to a restaurant now read this story and answer the questions about it read an answer tom is an accountant he is a manager too he usually works in an office the office is on a big Street in a big city Tom is married his wife's name is Jane she is a teacher they have two children their son is 12 years old and their daughter is 10 Jane's mother lives in their house she usually takes care of the children she teaches them to she loves them a lot they love her they love their father and mother too this is a happy family now answer the questions the story I will read the questions two times number one what does Tom do what does Tom do number two where does he work where does he work number three is he divorced is he divorced number four what is his wife's name what is his wife's name number five what does she do what does she do number six how many children do they have how many children do they have number seven how old are they how old are they number eight who takes care of the children who takes care of the children number nine does she teach them does she teach them number ten do the children love their grandmother do the children love their grandmother now check your work number one what does Tom do he is an accountant he is a manager number two where does he work he works in an office on a big Street is he divorced no he isn't he's married number four what is his wife's name her name is Jane number five what does she do she is a teacher number six how many children do they have they have two children number seven how old are they they are 10 and 12 years old number 8 who takes care of the children their grandmother takes care of them number 9 does she teach them yes she does number 10 do the children love their grandmother yes they do good job and we'll see you next time practicing English Angie you look very tired today what's wrong my neighbor's baby doesn't usually cry but last night she was very loud I couldn't sleep all night long that's not very good Angie but look it's a beautiful day here so let's have fun you're right I am okay here we are at the park I love it here with all the trees it's very nice yeah I agree with you jack let's play a game okay what kind of game see all these people walking by yes let's see if we can guess their jobs that sounds very interesting Sam it's your game so why don't you start okay see that man over there with a small bag I bet he's a doctor and he works in a hospital Alexey now it's your turn what do you think that woman does well she dressed very nicely she's wearing a suit and very neat I think she's in manager and she works in an office Angie you try one what about that young guy over there in the jacket okay he looks like an architect he's carrying around two that he carries his designs in okay it's my turn I see an easy one look over there at that lady walking she's wearing a white uniform she is a nurse and works in a hospital too easy look over there what about those women they're walking with small children I think they are housewives and they work at home a good guess you're probably right jack Sammy's dad as a pilot where does he work well he works on an airplane but he also works in an airport where does my dad work do you remember of course your dad is a professor and he works at a university that's right what does my dad do I remember he is a police captain and he works in a police station yes you're right Sam your mom is a teacher too sometimes I think I would like to teach what does your mom say about teaching school well she says many things about teaching give us an example please well some students are very good always come to class do their homework go on and then she says there are some other students who usually do their homework they might miss class once in a while yes and then there are more students who often come to class but sometimes miss an assignment or two she says the hardest thing about teaching is that some students in her classes rarely do their homework and seldom come to class this is a serious problem at her school yes that's a difficult situation fortunately only a few students never come to class and never do their homework what does your mom do with those students of course she tries to teach them new things but they must also try to learn she teaches most students easily but some students have special problems with learning wow sounds like teaching is sometimes hard it is but usually my mum likes it very much she always tries to be very positive with them I know one thing about teaching when were you a teacher Jack I summer when I was a teacher at a camp for teenagers remember that's right I remember go ahead what did you learn as a teacher I learned that you must always know your subject okay that makes sense what else you must always be helpful and patient with your students anything else yes never yell at students and always try to have as much fun as possible I think this is good advice for other jobs too like doctors and salespeople we always know these important rules but sometimes we forget yes sometimes we forget important lessons I will try to remember what Sam's mom and Jack has said about teaching I rarely forget such important advice and I try to learn as much as I can from others you
Channel: English For You
Views: 959,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: English for you, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, دروس, تعليم, اللغة, الانكليزية, English, for, you, apprendre, learn english, free english, Education (Word), education, english lesson, learning english, free english learn, learn english free, english for you 80 cd, full english, ingilizce, ingilizce öğren, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, elementary, beginner, intermediate, learn english easy, easy english, kolay ingilizce, where do you work
Id: Bx9VeMgC5t4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 56sec (3836 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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