Intermediate Levels - Lesson 3: Space

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welcome today we're going to review the passive using the present and past tenses and after we'll study the passive using the present continuous we will review the present perfect tenses and then study the passive using the present perfect tenses but first let's have a look at some new vocabulary first up we have astronomy astronomy is the study of stars and planets a telescope a telescope is a tube shaped instrument which is used to make planets and stars seem closer a nova a nova is a star which explodes and becomes brighter for a short time a constellation a constellation is a group of stars that have a shape and a name a comet a comet is a bright ball with a long tail that it moves around the Sun next we have a meteor a meteor is like a comet but it's a piece of rock or metal which floats through the sky in space and it makes a bright line when you see it at night as it falls through the Earth's atmosphere a crater a crater is a round hole in the ground made by something that has fallen from the sky for example a meteor there are many craters on the moon and observatory an observatory is a special building from which scientists can look at the Stars and the moon and the planets there is a big telescope inside ok over here a you if Oh UFO is a strange object in the sky sometimes people think it's another spaceship from another planet we have verb now to orbit to orbit is to travel in a circle around a much larger object for example the moon orbits around the earth and the Earth orbits the Sun next a satellite satellite is a machine that has been sent into space and it goes around the earth it orbits around the earth we use them for radio television and other forms of communication it's review these words have astronomy a telescope a nova and a constellation a comet a meteor a crater an observatory a UFO the verb to orbit and finally a satellite let's review the passive using the simple present first let's look at these sentences and you can see these sentences on your TV screen 9 planets orbit the Sun moon's orbit some of the planets large craters cover the moon's surface the moon reflect sunlight now these sentences are in the active voice let's look at the same sentences in the passive voice the Sun is orbited by nine planets some of the planets are orbiting by moons the surface is covered by large craters and sunlight is reflected by the moon so we use the passive in spoken and written English and in the active voice the subject or the doer of the action is important in the passive sentence in the passive voice the object becomes the important thing let's look at this example nine planets orbit the Sun now in this sentence nine planets is the important part important thing for the sentence in the passive voice the Sun is orbited by nine planets so the Sun is the important thing in this sentence now to form the passive voice we use B plus past participle for the simple present we're going to use M is or R plus the past participle the subject determines if the verb is singular or plural by and a noun by plus noun is sometimes used but it's not always necessary now we need to use a transitive verb for these passive sentences a transitive verb is a verb that is followed by an object only transitive verbs can be used in the passive here are some examples transitive verbs okay we have to draw because we can draw a picture the picture is the object and we have to invent we have to make to discover okay an intransitive verb is a verb that is not followed by an object and intransitive verbs cannot be used in the passive here are some examples of a transitive verbs of intransitive verbs in transitive verbs right for example to come there is no object after the verb come to sleep to walk and to fall some verbs are often followed by certain prepositions and they are used in the passive for example to be made of his example the moon is not made of green cheese to be made of the moon is not made of green cheese some people used to think it was made of green cheese to be used for and here's an example telescopes are used for seeing planets in space to be used for telescopes are used for seen planets in space and of course we can make questions using the passive and these questions begin with is or R here's an example is Pluto orbited by three moons is Pluto orbited by three moons well let's practice these Roza you can go first what is moonlight moonlight is what you'll see when you look at the moon at night it moonlight is produced by the reflection of sunlight wonderful Louis what is a crater the crater is a hole on the moon it's caused by a meteor I think I think you're right Monica what does a telescope do a telescope makes things bigger the moon's surface is made bigger by a telescope excellent thank you everybody and now it's time to look and listen look and listen craters are sometimes made by volcanoes people on earth see the moon at night UFOs are used by people from other planets Jupiter is orbited by 16 moons read and repeat person simple past tense now let's review the simple past using the passive the comet wasn't seen by many people the Nova was seen by many people a simple telescope was invented by the Dutch was your friend related to a Martian he is very strange for the simple past we use was or were plus the past possible look / - sir pull here we go so let's practice these now let's review de passive with the simple past and Lois are there any observatories in Portugal yes there are a few they were built by scientists great Rosa do you know who discovered Pluto yes I remember from my science class Luthor was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 wow you have a good memory yeah my best friend from university had a brother named Clyde it's an easel name to remember okay I see Monika where is the Hubble Space Observatory I think it's in the United States planets pass butyl observed by scientists using that telescope you're right it is in the United States well done everybody and now it's time to look and listen look and listen it was thought that meteors were stars falling from the sky pictures of the moon were sent back to earth many spaceships were launched to land on the moon 24 people were sent to the moon between 1968 and 1970 to read and repeat passive present continuous tense now let's learn the passive using the present continuous tense look at these sentences on your TV screen spaceships are being sent into outer space a new rocket is being launched today voyages to planets are being prepared robots are being used to explore planets so we use the present continuous in the passive voice to express an activity that is in progress at the time of speaking it began in the recent past is continuing at the moment and will probably continue in the near recent future it'll end sometime in the future let's have a look for example spaceships are being sent to outer space the spaceships were sent to outer space in the past the ships are being sent to outer space now and the ships will be sent to outer space in the future to form the passive of the present continuous tense we use M is or R plus being plus the past participle past participle so to form the passive voice of the present continuous heads we use M is R plus being and the past participle to form the of of the present continuous tense we use M is R not plus being plus past possible support and to form questions using the passive voice and the present continuous we use M is R + subject + being and past participle past participle part - sir oh okay for example ah space ships being sent to outer space we can see we have the Amma's our our subject space ships being past possible sent our space ships being sent to outer space to form negative questions same idea we use isn't or aren't so isn't or aren't + subject + being + past possible for example and spaceships being sent to outer space aren't spaceships beings into outer space so the passive voice subject spaceships determines if the verb be is singular or plural here we have a plural subject so we have the verb are because it's plural well let's practice some of these now so Rosa is the space program important in your country no it's not Mexico is a poor country Rockets aren't being built no they're not are they good answer okay Monica has there ever been a Polish Esther astronaut I think there's one now he's being training more so Louis what about your country we have no interest in space plants are being prepared by the government so that we can grow crops more efficiently we don't have enough money for a space program thank you you were wonderful now let's look and listen look and listen space projects are being made by several countries communication satellites are being used by many countries space colonies are being planned by the USA the food is being loaded onto the spaceship read and repeat you present perfect tense okay now let's talk about perfect tenses and let's first review the present perfect tense so look at the sentences on your screen the rocket has already blasted off the spaceship hasn't landed yet have you ever watched a movie on UFOs and I've never been to the moon so the present perfect tense is used to describe an activity or situation that occurred or did not occur it didn't happen or did happen sometime in the past we don't know exactly when it could also be used to describe activities that happened several times in the past for example astronauts have landed on the moon a few times astronauts have landed on the moon a few times I've watched that documentary on the Sun four or five times I've watched that documentary on the Sun four or five times so the basic form of the present perfect is have or has or haven't or hasn't plus past participle the basic form of the present perfect is have or has or haven't or hasn't plus past possible now many past participles are regular most of them are regular you just add edy to the verb walk becomes walked land is landed live lived and work is worked these are the regular past participles walk walked land landed live lived and work worked however some verbs have irregular past participles let's look at them we have for example no known be bean eat eaten and fly flown these are irregular have no known be bean eat eaten fly flown you just have to remember these ones there's no rule have to learn the verb and think is a regular verb a regular verb or an irregular verb and learn the past participles so we use have with I and you we they or plural noun and we use heads with she heat it and a singular noun now if we have pronouns for example I then have becomes ve I've or if we have for example she then it becomes just yes she's already yet and just are frequently used with the present perfect well let's practice some of this now Louis how many times have you been to the moon I haven't ever been to the moon my brother would there be if I lived on the moon good Rosa do you know what a Nova is yes it's a kind of star I haven't seen a Noah really okay excellent Monica how many times have you seen the movie star wars a hell on the watched ones I don't like her offense or science fiction films thank you okay now we have practiced and so now it is time once again to look and listen look and listen have you heard the news they landed on mercury the astronauts have finished their work have you ever used a telescope the US has launched satellites hundreds of times read and repeat well now let's review another use of the present perfect so look at these sentences the astronauts have lived on the space station for six months my father has known the astronaut for many years we have been at the conservatory for three hours and the astronauts have been on the rocket ship since February so when we use since or for with the present perfect this shows us that a situation has begun in the past and it continues to the present for some time we use sense plus a time in the past a specific time in the past for example since February or since 1999 and we use four plus a quantity of time yester noughts have been on the moon for six months for six weeks a quantity of time example 1999 here example six months ok let's practice this Monica how long have astronauts been on the moon they've been there for since 1969 I don't think anyone has been there in a while very good Louis how long have you been interested in UFOs I've been interested in UFOs for many years my father thinks there are no UFOs I'm sure dinner I agree Rosa when did we learn that saturn has rings we have known that for many years I think they were first seen in the 17th century I think you are correct so once again thank you everybody and now it's time for look and listen look and listen Sheila has watched the stars through her telescope since she was a child people have used telescopes for several centuries we haven't put a man on the moon since the early 70s annie has known the astronaut for two years read and repeat passel present perfect tense okay now let's look at the present perfect in the passive voice spaceships have been launched by Russia space technology has been improved new comets have been discovered by astronomers and the rocket engines have been started to form the passive voice of the present perfect tense we use have or has plus been plus past participle so for example special clothing is our subject now that is has been designed for astronauts special clothing has been designed for astronauts heaven has been past participle ok to form the negative voice of the present perfect tense we use have or has not have has not plus been plus past participle so for example special clothing has not been designed for astronauts special clothing has not been designed for astronauts okay let's take this off the board and have a look at yes/no questions so yes/no question using the passive voice of the present perfect we use this formula has or have + subject + bean + past participle okay let's have a look at this heads special clothing special clothing is a subject being designed for astronauts has special clothing being designed for astronauts and to form a negative yes no question we just use has or have not so has or have not + subject + being + past participle ok hasn't subject special clothing hasn't special clothing been designed and for astronauts ok now again as usual the passive voice subject tells us tells us if we use the singular or the plural negative has for the singular special clothing is one uncountable noun so hasn't or if it was plural have not okay let's practice Louis what do you know about the u.s. space program satellites have been sent to Mars by the USA and space stations have been sent into space excellent Monica what do you know I think a spaceship has been built God Saturn I'm not sure I don't know about that either Rosa what do you know about UFOs I've never seen one well I've never seen one either but I think there are UFOs okay once again thanks everybody and you know what's coming next its look and listen look and listen twenty astronauts have been chosen by NASA ten astronomers have been hired for the new Observatory special food hasn't been developed for the astronauts yet has the space station been checked for safety read and repeat you review okay now let's do some exercises I'll give you a sentence in the active voice you put it into the passive and let's use only present simple Rosa you may go first okay here's your sentence the planets orbit the Sun that's so easy the Sun is orbited by the planets good the Sun is orbited by the planets the Sun is orbited by the planets okay Lewis you do this one meet your rights often create craters where on earth craters are often created by meteorites on earth good good answer craters are often created by meteorites on earth craters are often created by meteorites on earth be careful this is crater this is created created there's nothing they are completely different you remember crater and this is create it's like make to make okay Monica the last one let's see hopefully I could fit this one in the USA uses laser beams to measure distance in space that's simple distance is measured by laser beams in space by the USA ok this to that one distance is measured and just reached here distance is measured by laser beams and space by the US a distance is measured by laser beams in space by the USA very good thank you now let's do an exercise with the passive voice using the simple past so I'll write your sentence and I'll leave a blank and then I want you to write make for me the passive sentence I'll write you an active sentence the space of the gap and you give me the passive sentence Monica here's your one your harness Johannes Keplar something the first astronomical telescope in 1611 a long time ago now Johannes Kepler something the first astronomical telescope in 1611 now you have to change it to the passive okay that's not difficult the first astronomical telescope was invented by Johannes Kepler in 1611 good the first astronomical telescope was in vented by Johannes Kepler in 1611 first astronomical telescope was invented by your highness Kepler in 1611 who's next Rosa you do this one the soviet union something Sputnik in 1957 Sputnik was a satellite yeah Sputnik was launched by the Soviet Union in 1957 very good Sputnik was launched by Soviet Union in 1957 and Louis last one for you now Thomas Harriot something the first maps of the moon in 1609 Thomas Harriot something the first maps of the moon and 1609 the first maps of the moon were drawn by Thomas Harriot in 1609 excellent ok the first maps of the moon were drawn by Thomas Harriot in 1609 the first maps of the moon were drawn by Thomas Harriot in 1609 excellent job everybody's superb job let's do another exercise and we'll try something new this time this time I'll write a sentence and there'll be a mistake in the sentence and you have to find the mistake and then correct it and Rosa you can do the first one not all planets is orbited by moons not all planets is orbited by moons what's the mistake you should change the word not all planets are all waited by moons so the verb changes yes ok because planets is plural okay so that's the mistake ah not all planets are orbiting by moons good Louis you can do this one different means of spaceships developed by scientists different kinds of spaceships developed by scientists different kinds of spaceships were developed by scientists right because there's no verb here at all we only have we have the past participle but no verb to be so different kind of spaceships were developed by scientists Monica last one Galileo was invented the first telescope the first telescope was invented by a girl named first telescope was invented by Galileo okay or we could say active sentence Galileo invented the first telescope that one's active this one is passive right let's try an exercise now using the passive voice with present continuous I'll give you a sentence in the active voice and you change it to the passive and we'll use the present continuous and first sentence goes to Rosa scientists are always making new discoveries in space so that's the active sentence you change to the passive okay it's not hard need discoveries in space are always being made by scientists good new discoveries in space are always being made by scientists right Monica you try this one space scientists are improving computer technology computer technology is being improved by space scientists good computer technology is being improved by space scientists and Rosa will go back to you for the last one how about this one many countries are using communication satellites can I put this one here okay satellites ok communication satellites are being used by many countries ok hopefully I can do this one communication satellites are being used by many countries ok I want each of you to give me a sentence give me two sentences using the present perfect in the passive voice Monica you can give me sentences use about stars Luis how about you give me some sentences about astronomers and Rosa telescopes that's a good idea telescopes for years ok Monica what are your sentences new stars have been scored by an Austrian astronaut and Noah has been filmed ok excellent you stars discovered by an Austrian astronaut an Austrian astronomer as summer good sorry your sentences Louis the solar system has been photographed by astronomers many maps of the sky has have been drawn by astronomy - excellent sentences good and Rosa a new space ESCO has been made by kodak the astronauts telescope has been lost on the moon great job as usual everyone now let's listen and write listen and write now listen and write these sentences number one has a new comet being discovered number two has a new planet being seen number three the earth is orbited by one moon number four sunlight is reflected by a mirror number five Pluto was discovered many years ago number six the rocket engines are being started number seven many spaceships are being launched number eight two astronauts have been sent into space number nine satellites are being used for communication number ten lasers have been developed for use in space now check your work number one has a new comet being discovered number two has a new planet being seen number three the earth is orbited by one moon number four sunlight is reflected by a mirror number five Pluto was discovered many years ago number six the rocket engines are being started number seven many spaceships are being launched number eight two astronauts have been sent into space number nine satellites are being used for communication and number 10 lasers have been developed for use in space read the following letter and then answer the questions read and answer dear Colonel Connor we are almost ready to celebrate our first anniversary on the moon a lot of progress has been made since we arrived for example a dome has been built the living quarters are now finished a garden has been started the first vegetables were planted two weeks ago several scientific discoveries have been made all of these accomplishments are important but to tell you the truth something much more interesting has been happening the first extraterrestrial has been seen her name is Susie and she is about a foot long and weighs three kilos she looks very much like a human and it's a good thing you see she is human Susie was born two days ago her proud parents are two of our scientists regards Colonel Keisha now listen and answer the questions number one who wrote the letter number two what are they almost ready to celebrate number three what has been built number four what has now been finished number five when were the first vegetables planted number six what else has been made number seven how many extraterrestrials have been seen number eight what is her name number nine how much does Suzie Way and number ten is Suzie really an extraterrestrial now check your answers number one who wrote the letter colonel kizhe wrote the letter number two what are they almost ready to celebrate they are almost ready to celebrate their first anniversary on the moon number three what has been built a dome has been built number four what has now been finished the living quarters has now been finished number five when were the first vegetables planted the first vegetables were planted two weeks ago what else has been made number six several scientific discoveries have been made number seven how many extraterrestrials have been seen one extraterrestrial has been seen number eight what is her name her name is Suzie number nine how much does Suzie way Suzie weighs three kilos and number ten is Suzie really an extraterrestrial no she is a human see you next time practicing English hey you guys did you read this in the paper today read what cave there's this article on space a number of countries including the US Russia China and some countries in Europe are looking to launch spaceships to Mars yeah I heard that too new discoveries are being made every day about other planets in our galaxy I like reading about new things that are happening and exploring the universe in fact I've just thought of a trivia question about space does anyone remember who the first person on the moon was hmm that's easy the first person on the moon was an American astronaut Neil Armstrong that's right Monica okay good start does anyone remember the year that this happened hmm I know I wasn't born yet but my older brother was seven hmm I know the moon was first visited by humans in 1969 yes well done you're correct Dave what else does your tickle saying well as you know the Sun is orbited by nine planets different countries are sending ships into space to explore the unknown parts of our solar system I know this is an age-old question about space travel but it's so expensive a lot of people feel that the money that is being spent could be better used here on earth it sounds like you feel the same way am i right now when I read articles about the money that is being spent to send scientists into space and then I read about schools that have no books old people having no place to live it makes me wonder are we spending this money the right way well you know the other side of the argument is that the research that is being done may find amazing drugs that cure cancer AIDS or other terrible diseases yeah you could say that but you know there are a lot of problems here on earth and the money could be used to change people's lives now well the article I'm reading says that the concerns you have mentioned are very real it also says that the earliest people could visit Mars is in about 10 to 15 years hmm I've always wondered what it would be like to be in space for months at a time Oh Monica you raise a good point how long do you think it would take to travel to Mars hmm good question let me think does anybody else want to guess I'm thinking a month or two of traveling to Mars hmm guess again okay about six months you're both wrong would you believe that if we launched a ship to Mars today even at very fast speed it would take 13 months to get there you're joking that's unbelievable that long yes and it creates another problem as well it takes a lot of fuel and power to get a ship to Mars and once we get the ship there it takes an equal amount of power to get the ship back and the trip home we'll take another 13 months I'm really wondering how long a trip like this would be sounds like a person could be gone for three years or more that's a long time to be anywhere just think though what an honor it would be to enter history as the first person to set foot on the red planet Mars yeah it would be amazing to be like Neil Armstrong it would be a tremendous achievement all this talk about the planets and Mars and space travel has made me want to learn more about our solar system if Mars is the next planet man will visit what's the next planet after that Saturn Jupiter Dave your students might find this an entry staying topic to write about in class yeah that's a good idea I think I'll do a web search and see what I can find on Mars exploration then we could talk about it in class hmm okay Dave how are you going to get your students to talk or write about this topic well let's take Carey's idea is this a good way for humans to be spending their money maybe we can get them to debate the point what problems will arise what are the benefits of space exploration what will we gain and at what cost Dave reading this article really got us all thinking about this interesting topic Thanks let us know how it goes with your students okay of course you
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Id: -asVr8pZ1Zg
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Length: 59min 7sec (3547 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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