Intermediate Levels - Lesson 1: Horror Films

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welcome to the first lesson for for you level three my name is Chris if you saw levels 1 & 2 you might remember me as Sam well we have three new assistants for this level let's get them to introduce themselves hello my name is Monica I'm from Poland I'm 22 years old I love skinning and cooking Thank You Monica hi my name is Luis I'm 21 years old I'm from Portugal and I like football very much Thank You Louis okay I am Rosa I am from Mexico I'm 20 years old I love to dance and listen to music okay thank you our new assistants well first we must learn some new vocabulary today's subject is horror films these are films that make us scared or frighten us a ghost a ghost a ghost is a spirit of a dead person there are some people think they can see ghosts and they usually live in haunted houses a monster a monster is a large frightening creature it is usually imaginary Frankenstein is a monster a vampire a vampire is a bad kind of monster that drinks people's blood vampires don't like garlic the Sun or crosses and vampires can change into bats a witch now which is a woman who has magic powers and she uses them to do bad things to people she usually rides on a broom and she can make magic drinks which are called potions a where wolf a werewolf is a man who can turn into a wolf a seance a seance is a meeting where people try to talk to ghosts a symmetry as symmetry a symmetry is a place where dead people are buried so let's go over these once again we have a ghost a monster a vampire a witch a werewolf a seance and a cemetery well today we're going to review verb tenses we'll review the verb tenses we learned in levels 1 and 2 and these verb tenses are the simple present present continuous we'll go into simple past past continuous and present perfect let's start with the simple present I always go to horror films I always go to horror films a witch rides a broom a witch rides a broom john believes in ghosts john believes in ghosts so the present simple describes events which happen regularly so i always go to horror films the simple present makes statements of fact are which rides a broom or saturday comes after Friday and we can also use the present simple to express an opinion John believes in ghosts my favorite game is rugby the negative of the present simple is I don't always go to horror films I don't always go to horror films a witch doesn't ride a broom a witch doesn't ride a broom and John doesn't believe in ghosts John doesn't believe in ghosts and just notice that the third person John it's not believes it's John doesn't believe yes/no questions using that the simple presence can begin with do or does that's just clean bored do you always go to horror films do you always go to horror films does a witch ride a broom does a witch write a broom does John believe in ghosts does John believe in ghosts and again remember third person so he or John here is the s not believes no does John believe in ghosts well let's practice these broza do you believe in ghosts always silly there aren't any ghosts really okay Monica how often do you watch horror films how often watch horror films I like them very much they're exciting Thank You Louis does a vampire like the Sun no he doesn't he sleeps when Sonny is awake at night good job now it's time to look and listen look and listen Marie loves to wear a werewolf costume on Halloween ken thinks there is a ghost under his bed Raymond never goes to the cinema if there is a horror film playing Casper is a Friendly Ghost read and repeat now let's review the present continuous this is also called the present progressive here are some examples the which is riding the broom Dracula is playing at that theater next week the boys are walking in the cemetery the mad scientist is making a monster the witch is riding a broom Dracula is playing at that theater next week the boys are walking in the cemetery and the mad scientist is making a monster so the present continuous can describe actions that are taking place at the moment or right now for example the mad scientist is making a monster he's making the monster now they can also be used to describe activities in the future Dracula is playing at the theater next week next week is in the future so this tells us about the future the negative forms are the witch isn't riding a broom and the boys aren't walking in the cemetery but which isn't riding a broom the boys aren't walking in the cemetery now remember some verbs called non action or state of verbs are rarely used in the present continuous we don't usually use them some of these verbs are them over here to love so we don't usually say I am loving we just say I love to feel again we don't say I am feeling just I feel another example is to need so to need for example I need a drink of water okay let's practice some of these Louis can you look at this picture and tell me a sentence about it okay Frankie Stein is lying on a bed wonderful Rosa can you give me another sentence sure Frankenstein isn't running that's good Monica another sentence the people are looking at Frankenstein great thank you very much everyone now it's looking and listening time look and listen the monster is chasing the dog those people aren't going to the horror film tonight the witch is making a potion Lana is sitting in front of the theatre because she loves horror films read and repeat now let's review the future tense I will go to the horror film with you tomorrow Jim is going to draw a picture of a witch the vampire won't wake up during the day Dracula is going to change into a bat I will go to the horror film with you tomorrow Jim is going to draw a picture of a witch that should be a picture but I did it so quickly the vampire won't wake up during the day and Dracula is going to change into a bet there are two forms for the future tense the first one is to be and go into to be and go into so here we have Jim is going to and we use this to make plans or just in general conversation future plan or intention and we usually use this when we speak the negative form is not going to Jim isn't going to draw a picture of a witch the second form is will we use will for offers predictions promises and requests so here we have I will go so if it's she it's she will go not she will goes she will go I will go you will go she will go now often will and going to are interchangeable we can use going to or will the negative form of will is want the vampire won't wake up during the day it's practice Lois what are your plans for tonight I'm going to go to the new - it's the live area so Carrie really convinced me no thanks Lois I'll probably be busy Rosa what are your plans for this weekend well I'm going to help my brother make a costume he's going to be a werewolf at his school's costume party that sounds like fun yeah good and Monica what are you going to do tomorrow night I'm not sure and now I won't go to the new horror film I don't like it I know I don't think I'll go to that either okay thanks everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen the man will change into a werewolf at midnight Dracula won't wake up until nighttime Paul is going to rent a horror film video the witches are going to meet in the cemetery read and repeat and now let's talk about the simple past here's an interesting one Frankenstein ate the dog and Dracula drank the blood and the horror film started at 8 o'clock the witch didn't make a new poison Frankenstein ate the dog Dracula drank the blood the horror film started at 8:00 the witch didn't make a new poison so the simple past describes actions or situations that began and ended in the past we are didn't is used before the main verb to make a negative in a simple past and often a time expression like last year yesterday last week 2 days ago is used with the simple past Frankenstein ate the dog yesterday for example now many verbs end in EE D in the past form you can have for example over here walk simple present walked simple past jump simple present jumped simple past however there are many irregular forms here's one here what's the regular form of 8 Lewis it a that's right so we here eat simple present becomes eight simple past and we have another one for example hide what would the simple past be Monica hit hit corrects and another one is break so Rosa your turn what's the simple past what up broke excellent okay now these are only three irregular verbs and there are many irregular verbs so when you learn a new verb you have to remember to find out if it's regular or if it's irregular okay let's practice some of these now okay Rosa did you see Nightmare on Elm Street yes I saw it many years ago I liked it very much but my sister didn't like it good Monica did you like that film now I hated it I went with my boyfriend he thought it was wonderful it was too bloody yeah I agree Louis do you often go to horror films I went to one last year my father came with me my mother didn't want to come okay thank you and thank you everyone now it's time to look and listen look and listen the witches flew over my house last night the monster broke the man's arm the horror film finished at 11 o'clock the video store didn't rent the horror film to the little boy read and repeat we can now review the past continuous I was watching the horror film on TV the monster was screaming Julie was renting a horror film while mother was at home and Frankenstein was running from the angry people I was watching the horror film on TV the monster was screaming Julie was renting a horror film while her mother was at home Frankenstein was running from the angry people now the past continuous describes an action or an activity that was happening in the recent past it was in progress in the recent past at a specific time in the past or during a period of time in the past the former's was or were plus verb ing to I was but we were watching the negative form is wasn't or weren't let's put that on the board as well for example we could say I wasn't watching the horror film on TV and we weren't watching the horror film on TV ok let's practice this part Monica what were you doing last night at 10 o'clock I was sitting in my room because I was angry my brother was watching a horror film and I wanted to watch a comedy film I see Lois what were you doing I was reading the book Dracula by Bram Stoker it's very interesting I liked that book too Rosa what were you doing this morning at 8 o'clock this morning I was sleeping I had a nightmare last night it was about a ghost I didn't sleep very well I'm sorry to hear that Rosa I hate nightmares too thank you everybody now it's time to look and listen look and listen the ghosts were walking in the cemetery the monster was chasing the people the witch was mixing the love poison and the teenagers weren't watching the horror film read and repeat you the last tense we will review today is the present perfect the vampires have started to wake up the bets have lived in that castle for 10 years the ghost has just flown away I haven't been to the cemetery in 3 years the present perfect tense can describe actions that occurred at an unspecified time in the past we don't know when exactly it can also be used to describe repeated actions and the form is has or have plus the past participle sometimes also called verb 3 you have verb 1 start verb to started this is a regular verb so verb 3 is started the negative form the negative form is haven't or hasn't plus past possible for example haven't been or hesitant it's an N hasn't now there are some adverbs which we use frequently with the present perfect already just and recently refer to actions or situations that occurred to the at an unspecified time in the past here we have one a ghost has just flown away a short time in the past ever never still and yet refer to past actions or situations that also include the present have one there no we don't you well let's practice the present perfect tense Rosa what do you think about the film Frankenstein I have seen it many times I love it I like the part where Frankenstein meets the little girl near the lake that's a sad part Louis have you seen the film Frankenstein I haven't watched it in a long time Frankenstein is a very ugly man it looks like a friend of mine that's funny Monica I know you don't like horror films what kind of films do you like I haven't been to a film for a long time I think because the last thing I saw was Titanic I guess I like romantic films I liked that film - okay thank you everybody and now it's time to look and listen look and listen the vampire has just left the castle we haven't seen Halloween yet the ghost has already gone back to the haunted house Dracula hasn't opened his coffin yet read and repeat review let's do some exercises now okay this is easy fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of the present tense Lois you go first a witch a broom that's is it a witch writes a broom excellent which rides a brew excellent now you Rosa a vampire the son a vampire the cell vampire doesn't like the song excellent a vampire doesn't like the son good the last one is for you Monica Frankenstein always hmm slowly Frankenstein always slowly simple Frankenstein always walk slowly good job Frankenstein always walk slowly thank you now let's do some exercises using the present continuous Monica you tell us two sentences use the present continuous and your topic can be vampires Lois you do the same and you can use ghosts as your topic and Rosa can you give me two sentences using the present continuous your topic can be witches okay Monica you first what are your two sentences here you are Dracula is slipping in his coffin and the vampire is changing into a bat very good Lois let's hear yours Kasper is always smiling the bad cast is living in that house excellent Rosa how about your sentences the witches are flying on their brooms the which isn't fear in your hat okay great job everybody now let's do an exercise using will or going to so like these exercises you'll fill in the blanks with will or going to Rosa you do this one I mmm go to the horror film with my sister I promised her I go to the horror film with my sister I promised her I will go to the horror film with my sister I promise that good will Monica this one is for you Henry to go to the horror film tonight Henry to go to the horror film tonight Henry is going to go to the horror film tonight very good Henry is going to go to the horror film tonight Louis you do the last one something you come with me to the cemetery tonight let's see that's a request so will you come with me to the cemetery tonight excellent will you come me to the cemetery tonight interesting question great good job everybody now let's review the past and the past continuous in one exercise okay same idea let's just clean the board fill in the blanks with the simple past or the past continuous now answer the question Louis let's put these on the board for you what something the witch something two hours ago question what could be answer as Louis what was the witch doing two hours ago excellent what was - which doing two hours ago the witch was buying a new broom very funny okay Rosa you do this one a ghost I something a ghost I think you're crazy we're uh a ghost I didn't see a ghost I think you are crazy we're excellent a ghost I didn't see a ghost I think you're crazy we're okay very good Monica you can do the last one Frankenstein something a very scary film mmm something you afraid Frankenstein was a scary film were you afraid good I don't know I don't like horror films you afraid Franken Stefan it's a capital were you afraid excellent thank you everyone and now here's an exercise with the present perfect same idea again fill in the blanks with the correct form of the present perfect tense Monica you can do one first the ghosts something use the verb be the ghosts something in the haunted house for 10 minutes ghosts have been in the haunted house from 10 minutes excellent the ghosts have been in the haunted house for 10 minutes okay Louis your turn the vampires something I'm going to use the verb drink remember we're using the past participle the vampires something the blood vampire so drank the blood delicious hair right the blood okay here's your's Rosa the bats and we'll use the verb not leave so it's a negative sentence not leave the castle yet what do you think it is Rosa the bats haven't left the castle yet excellent job Rosa the dead bats haven't left the castle yet is this a regular verb or an original it's a regular good thank you everybody now let's do one more exercise for today this time same idea fill in the blanks this time use one of the tenses that we have reviewed today okay let's go first Rosa I got one for you Tibet's something over the castle and this word can help you yesterday the BET's something over the castle yesterday all right as there is yesterday we'll use simple past the best sorry bats flew over the castle yesterday excellent the bats flew over the castle yesterday okay you can also say the bats were flying over the castle yesterday okay Louis you can do this one something you something to the horror film with me tomorrow something used something to the horror film with me tomorrow will you go to the horror film it's meet tomorrow good will you go to the horror from wonderful job Louis Monika last one is for you something you something a new horror film yet another question have you seen the new horror film yet good have you seen the new horror film yet great job everybody thank you very much now it's time to listen and write listen and write listen and write these sentences number one witches are ugly people number two the monster doesn't have two arms number three we are going to see the new horror film tomorrow number four Ellen thinks it will be very scary number five look the vampire is waking up number six the mad scientist has created a new monster number seven Kevin wore a Dracula costume to the Halloween party number eight the werewolves were howling at the moon number nine we haven't seen that horror film yet number 10 the ghost wasn't very friendly now check your work number one witches are ugly people number two the monster doesn't have two arms number three we are going to see the new horror film tomorrow number four Ellen thinks it will be very scary number five look the vampire is waking up number six the mad scientist has created a new monster number seven Kevin wore a Dracula costume to the Halloween party number eight the werewolves were howling at the moon number nine we haven't seen that horror film yet and number 10 the ghost wasn't very friendly now read the story and answer the questions read and answer Lou is a doctor he has been a doctor for 10 years he still lives in the same house he has lived in that house since he was a boy he doesn't want to move there is a haunted house next door Lou's hobby is the study of ghosts when Lou was a child he didn't believe in ghosts one day he was playing baseball with his friends his brother threw a ball and it broke a window in the house next door when Lou went to get the ball he saw a ghost it was standing in the hallway Lou wasn't afraid it was a Friendly Ghost Lou went to the house again the next day soon Lou and the ghosts were friends Lu has gone back to that house hundreds of times since that first day he has met many other ghosts in that house they are all friendly he has bought many books about ghosts and next year he hopes he will go to Europe he is going to visit Transylvania now answer the questions about the reading number one how long has Lu been a doctor number two how long has Lu lived in the same house number three what is Lu's hobby number four did Lu believe in ghosts when he was a child number five what did Lou's brother throw through the window number six what did Lucy in the hallway number seven why wasn't Lu afraid number eight how many times has Lu gone back to the house number nine are all the ghosts in the house friendly number ten where is Lou going to go next year now check your work number one how long has Lou been a doctor he has been a doctor for ten years number two how long has Lou lived in the same house he has lived in the same house since he was a boy number three what is Lou's hobby studying ghosts is Lou's hobby number four did Lou believe in ghosts when he was a child no he didn't number five what did Lou's brother throw through the window he threw a ball through the window number six what did Lucy in the hallway loose or a ghost in the hallway number seven why wasn't Lou afraid it was a Friendly Ghost number eight how many times has Lou gone back to that house Lou has gone back to the house hundreds of times number nine are all the ghosts in the house friendly yes they are number ten where is Lou going to go next year he wants to go to Europe and visit Transylvania okay everybody we'll see you next time bye-bye practicing English you okay so my students are reading about this holiday that you have in North America called Halloween we don't celebrate that so I didn't know how to answer their questions they talked about wearing costumes monsters and stuff like that you guys help Turk do you mean you don't know anything about the best and most fun holiday ever no really I don't know about it at all well it's a really great holiday that involves a lot of fun and scary things for kids and adults too tell me more well on October 31st kids and young people dress up and scary or funny costumes and go from door to door in their neighborhoods and show their neighbors their costumes uh-huh what else happens well the kids say trick-or-treat and the neighbors give them chocolate or candy which the kids collect all night from all the houses they go to hmm so the kids dress up like monsters like Dracula werewolves mummies and ghosts stuff like that yeah and don't forget there's also pirates witches superheroes and fairy princesses David Monica you guys are from North America too did you do that as well when you were kids of course Halloween is great fun I love dressing up and collecting big piles of chocolate and candy for my neighbors what about you Monica sure Halloween is my favorite holiday I have a bunch of pictures of all these costumes I wore when I was a kid okay I'm getting it now Carrie you said adults like this holiday - what do they do well many adults have Patti's - and they enjoy the dressing up part of the holiday of course the costumes are different and the parties can be really fun as the adults can get really creative about what they wear hey this is October and this Halloween thing is coming up on the 31st right yeah well what will you do for this Halloween well I like to start Halloween off by watching a lot of scary movies you know really scary movies like The Exorcist The Sixth Sense Bram Stoker's Dracula and the Blair Witch Project David what do you do for an amine I like to watch horror films too but year-round not just on Halloween in fact I think there's a new horror film opening this weekend and I'll probably see it on Saturday night after I teach and for Halloween well since I have a lot of scary movies I've recorded it love the screams on a cassette tape and I played them at my front door all night it's really scary and it annoys the neighbors a lot I see well Monica what about you well back home in Boston we really enjoy Halloween both kids and adults before a little holiday I think about the most outrageous costume I could wear one year I went as a snowman and the next year I went as the mad scientist and the following year I went as Cruella De Vil you know from the Disney movie 101 Dalmatians okay this Halloween seems like it could be fun no matter what country you come from I think I'll rent some of these movies you guys have mentioned and think about what I can tell my class tomorrow about Halloween hey what do you think of this idea on October 31st we could all have a Halloween party in my class and we could all dress as characters and wear costumes and eat chocolate let's do it so do it yeah I want to be a table you
Channel: English For You
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Keywords: ingilizce öğren, free english, تعليم, اللغة, you, elementary, English, how are you, learn english free, english for you 80 cd, kolay ingilizce, beginner, intermediate, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, free english learn, ingilizce, ingilizce ogren, TOEIC, learning english, الانكليزية, english lesson, learn english, iTEP, learn english easy, دروس, ECPE, IELTS, for, ingilizce cd, English for you, TOEFL, Key English, education, PTE, easy english, apprendre, Education (Word), full english
Id: VHBma-tvR-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 51sec (3351 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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