Intermediate Levels - Lesson 4: On the farm

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hello today we're going to quickly review modal's and then we're going to learn past modal's after that we will review the present perfect tense and then we'll learn the past perfect tense but as usual first we have to learn some new vocabulary and today it's quite difficult so let's have a look at the first word a pediatrician a pediatrician a pediatrician is a doctor who looks after children and treats their illnesses a gynecologist well a gynecologist is a doctor who treats the medical conditions and illnesses only of women a geriatrician a geriatrician is a doctor who cares for older people another one now an orthopedist well an orthopedist is a doctor who provides treatment for problems affecting the bones and the muscles we have another one now a podiatrist interesting job this one a podiatrist as a doctor who looks after people's feet and treats foot diseases next an optometrist an optometrist is a person who tests people's eyes and orders glasses for them like an eye doctor a stethoscope a stethoscope it's an instrument used by doctors to listen to the sound of someone's heart and someone's lungs ultrasound ultrasound is a medical process using a type of sound that produces an image of something inside your body for example a baby an operation operation well an operation is the process of cutting into someone's body or removing a part that is damaged operations are performed in an operating room operations are performed by surgeons special doctors who do operations a patient a patient is a person in a hospital who receives medical care or who is waiting to receive medical care and an ambulance ambulance is a special vehicle used for taking people who are ill or injured to the hospital let's go over these words again we have a pediatrician a gynecologist this one is a geriatrician an orthopedist a podiatrist and optometrist and a stethoscope here we have ultrasound and operation a patient finally an ambulance modal auxiliaries now let's quickly review modal auxiliaries have a look at these sentences I would prefer to see that doctor dr. Barnes can't perform heart surgery anymore fritzsche can't watch the operation the nurse won't let him could I see the optometrist dr. Jacobs wasn't able to save the injured man and now let's look at another sentence should she see a gynecologist she might get ill dr. Thomas ought to be in by 10 o'clock he may be late though the nurse would like the patient to sit up I would rather not see that dr. Kevin had better visit the orthopedist Ellen must see his doctor this morning he mustn't be late Oliver has to have his blood pressure checked last year he had to have it checked every day okay so we have the modal auxiliaries of can could may might must ought to should and would put here there you are used with verbs to create special meanings now the simple form of a verb follows a modal auxiliary not appears after to create a negative for example we say can that would be can not that's the negative in a question the modal appears before the subject let's use can as an example question can subject you and then the simple verb can you come now with have to or the past tense head to the negative is going to be don't or doesn't have to and the past will be didn't have to didn't have to okay let's practice these forms now Louis what should a pediatrician do you must help children yes to take care of them very good Monica would you like to visit a dentist today no I hate them when I think of dentists I think of toothache neato Rosa I had to take my wife to the gynecologist today should I wait for her in the waiting room you had better wait there your wife could be ill you can read magazines good and thank you everybody now I think you should look and you had better listen look and listen Elvan could be a nurse if he studied harder may I look at your stethoscope she might need an ultrasound could the doctor help me please read and repeat past modal auxiliaries okay so now let's look at past modal's we'll learn for past perfect modal auxiliaries and these are would have should have could have and might have the first one we'll look at is would have have a look at these sentences I would have signed the papers for the operation but I was still dizzy Dave would have gone to medical school but he was broke would you have seen the doctor Betty wouldn't have taken the medicine but she was so sick okay past modal auxiliaries are used to describe past actions or situations that are not real or did not occur and we usually use them to talk about our wishes about these past events now past modal's follow this pattern we have the modal plus if it's negative not if it's not them have then plus the past participle would have unfulfilled past intention can I reach yes I can this means you didn't do something in the past okay so we form this remember the modal in the past modal plus not if it's negative have past participle so here we have would have for unfulfilled past and tension let's practice okay let's pretend your father is a doctor how would your childhood have been different Monica I would have been the richest kid in the neighborhood and I would have a sports car now great and you Rosa I would have been able to go to the optometrist for free my family spends a lot of time a lot of money getting my eyes fixed you're right lewis i would have gone to a better University dr. Savage well not all doctors are rich but thank you everyone and now you should look and listen look and listen Jack would have been a doctor but his university had no medical school Ken would have applied to medical school sooner but he was on holiday would Mike have gone to a better doctor would Alice have liked this hospital better read and repeat now let's look at another past model I should have applied to medical school earlier Paul should have had an x-ray should we have seen the podiatrist sooner and Lonnie shouldn't have waited to see her gynecologist now should have listened the board here should have is an action that was advisable but did not take place so we'll say past advisable action but it didn't happen right let's practice this past perfect auxilary okay my father has just had an operation and the operation was unsuccessful and now my father is even worse what do you think Monica maybe he shouldn't have had the operation you might still be okay I agree and Lewis the doctor should have given him better advice some doctors are greedy you're certainly right Rosa your thoughts he should have visited other doctors it is always good to get a second advice good I great thank you everyone and now yet again you should listen and you should look look and listen shouldn't Tom have had a check-up sooner should we have visited the patient last night shouldn't a doctor have been in his room should Michael have seen a younger optometrist read and repeat you well now let's look at another past modal auxiliary have a look at these sentences Ellen could have gone to any medical school she wanted I could have seen the doctor yesterday my grandfather couldn't have visited that doctor could I have waited another day for the operation okay could have refers to past possibilities or choices and in many cases the speaker is uncertain if the action occurred so we can have could have and it is a past possibility T or choice let's practice some of these past modal's I was very sick last week and I don't like doctors what could I have done Louis you could have asked your grandmother for a home remedy sometimes they are very good I should have Rosa what do you think you could have called someone for advice maybe you have a friend who is a nurse I do I do Monica how about you you could have gone to the pharmacy for medicine that usually helps I don't like pills but thank you everyone so now you must look and you must listen look and listen you could have gone to a different Hospital John could have taken the wrong medicine could we have bought different pills could the doctor have operated last week read and repeat well now let's look at the last past modal auxiliary the doctor might have operated sooner the podiatrist might have lost your chart the hospital might not have sent your x-rays yet Joan might have left the doctor's office might have refers to past possibilities put that here it's the same it can be the same as could have might have passed possibility but in many cases the speaker or the writer is unsure if an action took place so it can mean that maybe something happened in the past but the speaker or the writer is not sure okay so the general form is modal plus not or have not have or have modal plus not have plus past participle only for negatives okay would have unfulfilled past intention you wanted to do something but you didn't do it should have past advisable action didn't happen good advice you should have done something in the past could have a past possibility or a choice and might have past possibility maybe something happened you can also use maybe something happen for could have okay these are quite similar these two okay so now let's practice the last one might have seemed Monica what might you have done if you were rich I might have gone to nursing school nurses I need it and then a lot of money good and Louis what might you have done if you were born in the US I might have become a doctor I am smart yes you are Rosa what might you have done if you had 10 brothers and sisters I might have hired an obstetrician obstetrician yeah just for my family he would have been busy you are correct he would have been thank you everybody and now it's time to look and listen look and listen if I were rich I might have had a private room at the hospital if Edie weren't so poor he might have had an operation Molly might have gone to the podiatrist George might have seen a doctor sooner if he lived closer to the city read and repeat present perfect tense now let's move on to the perfect tenses first we will quickly review the present perfect tense take a look at these sentences please I have already been to the doctor he has just examined me the nurse hasn't given me the results yet I don't like doctors I have had better days now the present perfect tense can be used to describe actions or situations that occurred at an unspecified time in the past that means sometime in the past but when exactly it's not important it can also refer to repeated past actions time expressions that we use with the part are the present perfect include already ever just yet and still already ever just yet and still now to form the present perfect we use has or have plus the past participle here we go participle right now with specific times we only use the simple past let's have a look at two examples of that the perfect example oh excuse me he has already seen the doctor sometime in the past but exactly when we don't know have a look at the sentence he saw the doctor and when he saw the doctor this morning we have a specific time in this one no specific time he has already seen the doctor sometime in the past he saw the doctor this morning specific time simple past tense okay let's practice Monica do you go to the doctor often I have already gone twice this year I had a problem with my food oh I'm sorry Rosa how about you I haven't wasn't that a doctor recently I'm very healthy that's great and you Luis I have a problem with my leg I still haven't seen a doctor done maybe I will next week you should see an orthopedist now you have seen look and listen before and now you're going to see it again look and listen we have been to the hospital many times they haven't told us which medicine to buy he has written his doctor a letter the doctor hasn't replied yet read and repeat you well now let's look at one more use of the present perfect tense he has never been to that doctor Ken hasn't been a doctor for 10 years Mary has worked at that hospital for 11 years and Mary has enjoyed her job very much now these past perfect sentences show actions past actions or situations that include the present this means that these actions or situations began in the past and they continue now in the present situation let's practice these ones how long have you been a student Louis I've been a student for many years I want to be a dance dentist so I must learn English Thank You Louis Monica what is your father's job he's a technician at a hospital he has worked there for 14 years well it's a long time Rosa what's your mother's job she is a housewife she works very hard because my father is an optimist Rick he he has been at this office all the time with something he can't help at home good answers everybody and now we have come to another look and listen look and listen jerry has lived near the hospital for a long time Cindy hasn't ever worked for that doctor dr. Jones has already opened the office Fran has been a nurse at the hospital for many years read and repeat you you past perfect tense well now let's learn something new let's look at the past perfect tense the doctor had arrived at work long before 10 o'clock when had you last seen dr. Brown it was the first time the surgeon had performed an operation I had never visited a gynecologist before now the past perfect tense refers to an activity or situation completed before another action in the past this means two things happened in the past one thing happened before the past perfect is used to describe the earlier past action it's formed this way that we use head or hadn't plus past participle testable ok questions begin with had or hadn't yes/no questions begin with head or hadn't then we would have subject past participle okay now this emphasizes the duration of an activity that was in progress before the other activity we use time expressions often with this tense we use already just like the present perfect already just maybe rarely recently still and yet okay now connecting words are often used also connecting words such as after let's put gaps here after before by the time and until and when now the simple past is used for the second action or the later action that happened in the past let's look at two examples to show this okay until 1988 dr. Smith had worked at st. John's hospital until 1988 dr. Smith had worked at st. John's Hospital dr. Smith's work was the first activity in the past and it is completed it was completed before another time 1988 so we use the past perfect to show us that this was the earlier event the earlier action now let's use another example it had begun to rain when I left for the doctor's office it had begun to rain when I left for the doctor's office now in this sentence the first action is it had begun to rain this is the earlier action the past perfect tells us this is the earlier action I left for the doctor's office is the second action in the past it happened after so first it began to rain after I left for the doctor's office past perfect for the earlier action simple past for the later action okay let's practice Rosa can you give me a sentence using the past perfect sure the doctor had arrived before the operation started I hope so good Monica the pediatrician had worked at the hospital for 20 years before he left wonderful Luis what do you think the overlays had brought their children to the optometrist before 1999 right good to the optometrist now as usual a good job by everyone and as usual it's time for look and listen look and listen before they went to the hospital the children had cried for hours after the nurse had dropped her stethoscope she began to laugh before 2000 I had never visited a gynecologist the orthopedist had moved to San Diego before the earthquake read and repeat you review let's do some exercises now Monica you can give me three sentences about podiatrists using should Louis three sentences about nurses and you use must and Rosa you can use must two and three sentences about orthopedist s-- okay Monica here are my sentences a podiatrist should have a small nose because feet are smelly a podiatrist shouldn't take her people's feet a podiatrist should give her the cues you're a funny girl Louis how about yours here you go a nurse must mustn't be careless a nurse must help the doctors and nurse must be patient must be friendly to the patients good good and Rosa an optometrist must know a lot about the bones an orthopedist must go to university for many years and also fittest must read and write medical journals yes you must very good job everyone so now let's do another exercise let's do the same thing except we'll use would have should have and could have now let's begin with the sentence if I were a doctor and let's say Rosa could have Monica you can use might have and Luis should have who's going to go first Rosa if I were a doctor yeah if I were a doctor I could have married more and more handsome men if I were a doctor I would have you could have yeah I called hire more money it's not bad excellent ok good your sentences Monica if I were a doctor I might have opened a nice office if I were a doctor I might have stopped smoking really good okay Louis if I were a doctor I wouldn't have only a little money in the bank if I were a doctor I would have a beat yakked go a big yacht yeah I'm sorry yeah yacht okay very good thank you now it's time for an exercise using the present perfect okay we're going to fill in the blanks using an appropriate verb and the present perfect tense Monica you can begin Kelly something a nurse for ten years Kelly something a nurse for ten years that's easy Kelly has been a nurse for ten years okay excellent Kelly has been a nurse for ten years she still is a nurse now okay Lois your turn the doctor something already something the charts the doctor already the charts the doctor has already seen the charts okay the doctor has already seen the charts and rose the last ones for you the surgeons something just something the operating room the surgeons something just something the operating room the surgeons have just entered the operating room okay have just entered that works the surgeons have just entered the operating room great job everybody thank you okay let's do one last exercise let's practice the past perfect now I will give you the part of a sentence with the simple past and it and you complete the sentence with the past perfect okay Rosa you can go first the nurse something when the ambulance arrived how about this the nurse had just left one the ambulance arrives good head just lift so we have oops when I think that the nurse had just left when the ambience arrived ambulance arrived okay Luis you did this one the doctor something in medical school until 1988 what do you think doctor have been in medical school until 1988 good had been the doctor had been in medical school until 1988 Monica here's one for you I mm-hmm a doctor before last year what do you think Monica I had never visited a doctor before last year Wow I had never visited a doctor I had never visited a doctor before last year okay great everyone thank you very much now listen and write listen and right now listen and write these sentences number one June can be a nurse if she wants number two Janet should definitely visit her doctor number three we must leave for the hospital now number four Jeff didn't have to see his wife's gynecologist number five he should have visited his surgeon sooner number six the doctor would have operated but it was too dangerous number seven the podiatrist couldn't have done a better job number eight I might have bought more medicine number nine Helen has been a nurse practitioner since 1976 number 10 before the doctor saw the chart he had been very happy with the patient's progress now check your work number one June can be a nurse if she wants number two Janet should definitely visit her doctor number three we must leave for the hospital now number four Jeff didn't have to see his wife's gynecologist number five he should have visited his surgeon sooner number six the doctor would have operated but it was too dangerous number seven the podiatrist couldn't have done a better job number eight I might have bought more medicine number nine Helen has been a nurse practitioner since 1976 and number ten before the doctor saw the chart he had been very happy with the patient's progress well now it's time to read and answer the questions read and answer Larry is a plumber he has been a plumber for 23 years Larry is sometimes depressed he knows he could have been a doctor Larry's parents were very rich but they were misers they never spent their money if Larry had known this he might have gone to medical school he could have been a good doctor Larry has lived in Chicago for 15 years he has a good job and he should be happy he has a beautiful wife Margaret he has two wonderful children before he was married he had been a plumber's apprentice for three years now he has a good life yet Larry is often sad he thinks of what might have been if he had only gone to medical school now listen and answer these questions one what is Larry's job number two how long has Larry been a plumber number three why is Larry sometimes depressed number four what is a miser number five what might Larry had done if he knew his parents were rich number six how long has he lived in Chicago number seven what is his wife's name number eight how many children do they have number nine before he was married how long had he been a plumber's apprentice number ten what does Larry often think about now check your answers number one what is Larry's job Larry is a plumber number two how long has Larry been a plumber Larry has been a plumber for 23 years number 3 why is Larry sometimes depressed he knows he could have been a doctor what is a miser a miser is a person who doesn't spend money what might Larry had done if he knew his parents were rich he might have gone to medical school a number 6 how long has he lived in Chicago he has lived in Chicago for 15 years number 7 what is his wife's name his wife's name is Margaret number 8 how many children do they have they have two children number 9 before he was married how long had he been a plumber's apprentice he had been a plumber's apprentice for three years number 10 what does Larry often think about he thinks about what might have been if he had gone to medical school okay see you next time bye-bye practicing English Oh Tarek what's wrong you look terrible are you okay no not really one of my students was really ill in class yesterday and I think I might have picked up something from her oh no that's terrible you should go home and rest you know it's cold and flu season you ought to be careful that you don't pass the cold on to others oh I know feel really bad I think I have a fever my body aches everywhere that I'm starting to get a bad headache plus my eyes are watery my throat is sore at I'm coughing every five minutes what sounds like a bad cold to me I know me too hi Tarek Tarek you look even worse today what are you doing here you should be in bed I know I've been to the doctor's office this morning and she said the same thing she gave me some pills to take it's up stuff for my throat but I haven't taken them yet yeah but why don't you go home well I have these tests to score for my class and I have to get them done man look at you you look I know I've been told I look terrible yeah that's the word terrible thank you very much it looks like a bad cold have you been to the doctors yet yes I have I went to the doctor's this morning before I came to school what did she tell you to do well you know the usual she said that I should take these pills with plenty of fluids and rest for three days she also said that might have to come back in three days if I'm not better yep that's what they say everywhere okay so what are you doing here well I just gave my class a bit tube yesterday and I want to give the test scores back so I have to get these tests done yeah but your doctor said to get into bed and rest I know but look I know you must be feeling really awful why don't you give the test to me I will score them and then I will give them back to you in fact I'll take your class tonight so you can go home and rest you're kidding what would you do that for me of course maybe someday I will be sick and you can return the favor you know you shouldn't be around these people when you were ill as you might spread the germs to other people and make them sick yes I do well if if you could take the class and tests for B I could go home right now would you score these for me no problem what else do you need well if if you could take my class for me tonight we're doing a reading on Shakespeare and in grammar we're studying modal's you know can could will would might okay that's easy enough thank you so much this is great now I can go home and rest just show me your lesson plan and we'll be set thank you again for your help on this page oh okay Tarek hey how are you doing David you wouldn't believe it I just came back from the hospital the hospital what happened you won't believe this wait a minute why do you have that bandage on your head well the medication that the doctor gave me made me feel really tired this morning when I went to take a shower I fell and hit my head on in the tile I had to go to hospital to get my cut bandaged you're kidding no it's been a terrible three days first I get the worst cold of my life then I fall in the shower and I have to get my head sewn up it's one thing after another with me lately Wow that is a bad week you have had some really bad luck well I'm glad I'm better now again but I was sick on my days off from teaching now I still have five more days until halftime off again well the good news is that you are better your class made you a get-well card and we are all glad to see you again Thanks and thanks again for taking my class too and I am glad to be feeling well again you
Channel: English For You
Views: 144,356
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Keywords: education, you, elementary, iTEP, learn english free, free english learn, full english, دروس, IELTS, English, ECPE, ingilizce ogren, learn english, الانكليزية, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, ingilizce, for, PTE, english lesson, Key English, learning english, TOEIC, how are you, ingilizce öğren, learn english easy, free english, intermediate, kolay ingilizce, ingilizce cd, اللغة, English for you, تعليم, apprendre, Education (Word), easy english, english for you 80 cd, TOEFL, beginner
Id: zVVINd_9TpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 44sec (3164 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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