Intermediate Levels - Lesson 14: Fairy tales and legends

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hello today we're going to review adverbs and then we're going to study adverb clauses first let's look at some new vocabulary a legend a legend well legend is an old well-known story about brave people adventures or magical events for example Robin Hood Aladdin or Merlin the magician are examples of legends a fairy tale a fairy tale well a fairy tale is a children's story in which magical things happen Hansel and Gretel and Cinderella are examples of fairy tales a palace a palace Palace is a large grand house where a king or a queen or a king and a queen live it's similar to a castle a moat a moat a moat is a deep wide hole filled with water it's used for defense a draw bridge a drawbridge well a drawbridge is a bridge that can be pulled up to stop people from entering a castle a crossbow a crossbow a crossbow is a kind of weapon like a small bow and it's used for firing small arrows a fairy a fairy a fairy is a small imaginary creature with magical powers and it usually looks like a small person and a fairy god mother a fairy godmother fairy godmother is a woman who saves people from trouble she's a magical creature a dwarf a dwarf a dwarf is an imaginary creature that looks like a small man an elf and elf and elf is an imaginary creature that looks like a small man with pointed ears and a giant a giant a giant is a big tall man and he is often bad or cruel a witch a witch a witch is an old woman who is supposed to have magical powers especially to do bad things and a witch rides around on a broom a wizard a wizard a wizard is an old man with magical powers and wizard is similar to a magician a genie a genie is a magical spirit that lives in a lamp and finally a potion a potion a potion is a drink that has a magical or special effect on the person who drinks it witches often make potions ok let's go over these words now a legend a fairy tale a palace a moat a drawbridge a crossbow a fairy and a fairy godmother a dwarf an elf a giant a witch a wizard a genie and finally a potion adverbs well it's time to review adverbs first what is an adverb an adverb is a word that describes or modifies a verb an adjective or another adverb adverbs usually end in the letters ly and they usually answer the question how to have a look at these examples the which stirred the potion slowly the dwarves walked over the drawbridge carefully in the first sentence slowly as an adverb it describes the word to stir how did the witch stir the potion she stirred the potion slowly in the second sentence carefully is an adverb and it describes the verb to walk how did the dwarves walk they walked carefully now many adverbs end in ly some examples cautiously and slowly and quietly ly ly ly these adverbs usually come at the end of a sentence now some words can be both adverbs and adjectives as in these examples dwarves work hard dogs are hard workers and the first sentence hard is an adverb and it describes the word to work now in the second sentence hard is an adjective and it describes the noun workers another example of this word is fast have a look at these examples fairies can fly fast fairies are fast fliers now fast is an verb in the first sentence it's modifying the verb to fly and in the second sentence fast as an adjective it describes the noun Flyers well it's practice let's use some adverbs and your answers Monica what does a wizard do a wizard can make a person disappear quickly very good and Rosa where can you find a moat you can find a moat at the castle of Palace people walk all over them carefully good and Louis what does a witch do and which works hard to do bad things to people okay thank you everyone and now it's time for you to look and listen carefully look and listen the fairy godmother helped the boy who was sleeping soundly the giant stomped hard on the ground Paul Bunyan chopped down the trees quickly with his ex the witch flew fast through the night read and repeat adverbs are often used to express time have a look at these sentences the genie will grant Larry's wish tomorrow yesterday the witch found her old broom well tomorrow and yesterday are adverbs and they are used at the beginning or at the end of a sentence adverbs are also used to express frequency you've seen these before for example a giant usually hides in a cave a wizard always uses a staff let's practice let's use edge adverbs of frequency or of time in your answers Louis how often do you read fairy tales I rarely read fairy tales they're for children well not always Louis Rosa have you ever read a fairy tale of course I started one yesterday it is called Rumplestiltskin I've read that one and Monica what are fairies frightened of that's a difficult question I think they're frightened of giants they never go near them good thank you very much everyone and now as always you're going to look and listen very carefully look and listen the witch will fly over the graveyard tomorrow magicians always carry a wand yesterday the elves finished making the necklaces Harriet sometimes reads Robin Hood read and repeat well let's review comparative and superlative adverbs have a look a which will fire closer to a giant than a fairy will a giant walks faster than a dwarf does witches fly the fastest in the sky and dwarves work the hardest when they are outside comparative adverbs compared to actions in the first sentence closer is a comparative adverb it compares the actions of a witch and a fairy and the second sentence faster is a comparative adverb it compares the actions of a giant and a dwarf now superlative adverbs occur in comparisons of three or more things now in the third sentence fastest is a superlative adverb it compares witches to all the other things on earth and in the fourth sentence hardest is a superlative adverb it describes one situation dwarves working outside to all other situations now another type of adverb is called a mid sentence adverb have a look at these sentences the fairy probably won't go to the forest Merlin the magician already made the magic carpet appear in the first sentence probably is an adverb and in the second sentence already is an adverb there are also adverbs of sequence and we use these to describe a process they usually come at the beginning of a sentence and they're usually followed with a comma to have a look at these examples first the witch got on her broom then she shouted at the black cat next she screamed at the sky finally she flew away on her broom so in these sentences first next then and finally are adverbs of sequence well let's practice let's review the last of these adverbs rose up what would you do if you saw a witch first I would scream after that I would run finally I will die I hope you never see a witch Rosa and Luis what would you do if you met a wizard I met a visit you should know him but I live closer to this man than you do really I'm not sure if I believe you okay and Monica what would you do if you saw a genie I would ask him for three wishes I would bear it okay great everyone now first you're going to look and then you're going to listen look and listen a fairy flies more frequently than a witch the mote was just filled with water gonk the Giants walks the most carelessly of anyone the drawbridge was finally closed read and repeat adverb clauses well our review of adverbs is finished so let's begin our lesson on adverb clauses first it's important to remember what a clause is so we have a clause it's the part of a sentence and it has oops it has a subject and a verb now there may be several clauses in a sentence there may be the independent or the main clause and the main clause is a complete sentence a complete sentence or we may have the independent or the subordinate clause sub or Dannette clause this is the other part and this is an incomplete sentence incomplete sentence okay now for example let's have a look at these sentences the wizard knows where the giant lives so in the sentence the wizard knows the wizard knows is the main Clause it could be a sentence all by itself where the giant lives is our subordinate clause it's not a complete sentence this clause needs this clause but this clause could be a sentence without this clause so that's the main clause that's a subordinate clause an adverb clause is a kind of dependent clause it can come in front of a main clause or it can come after it it begins with certain words such as because or after we have our adverb clause uses words like because after and other words now if an adverb clause begins a sentence then it's followed with a comma let's look at some different clauses some different kinds of adverb clause let's start with adverb clauses of time have a look at these examples when the crow cord the giant woke up the fairies came out after the elves went home so adverb clauses of time begin with words such as when or after in the first sentence the adverb clause is when the crow cord so ever clause of time for example when the crow cord this is our adverb clause not a main clause adverb clause it begins with the word when it's a dependent clause that's not a complete sentence it needs the main clause and it begins the sentence so it's followed with a comma when the clerk when the crow cord the giant woke up again in the second sentence after the elves went home is the adverb clause after the elves went home after the elves went home this is our adverb clause it begins with the word after it's a dependent clause so it's not a complete sentence but this one comes after the main clause so there's no comma when the crow call odd comma the giant woke up and the second one is the fairies came out after the ultimate home so no comma let's practice let's use some sentences with adverb clauses of time and them Lewis windows of which wake up an itch wakes up before the Sun Goes Down she must be ready for tonight good Louis and what is the adverb clause before the Sun Goes Down is the adverb clause excellent Monica when does a dwarf leave his cave a dwarf loses cave when it's time for work okay and what's the adverb clause when it's time for work is it ever close excellent and Rosa when does a wizard pick up his staff before he sees an enemy he picks up his stuff okay thank you what's the adverb clause before he sees an enemy is it work clothes great I'm happy everyone understands now when you look and listen you can practice look and listen when the fairy godmother came the prince was asleep the drawbridge was closed after the soldiers left before the moat was filled the witches collected the dead frogs the giant ate the dwarf after pulling off his head read and repeat well now let's look at adverb clauses which express purpose please take a look the giant caught the dwarf family so that he could roast them for dinner the genie granted the wish so that he could go back to his lamp now in the first sentence the adverb clause is so that he could roast them for dinner so that expresses a purpose so that means a purpose or it answers the question what for the giant caught the dwarf family for a purpose the purpose was to eat them for dinner now in the second sentence so that he could go back to his lamp as an adverb clause so that expresses purpose and so that can also be used to express ability was well purpose or ability can is then used in the adverb clause let's have a look at this example the wizard is going to perform a trick so that he can get rid of the annoying elves so so that plus can is ability let's practice Lois would you marry a witch yes I would marry a witch so that I could get free brooms now I'm a dirty person always an interesting answer from you Lewis and Rosa would you live with a giant I would live with a giant so that I could sit on his hat and see everywhere he should be a nice though good answer and Monica would you like to be a fairy I would like to be a fairy so that I can say I would fly everywhere thank you very much everyone and now please look and listen so the you can improve your English look and listen the dwarf polished the ring so that he could give it to his wife Merlin the magician bought a new wand so that he could do more tricks the workers dug a wider moat around the castle so that the enemy couldn't get inside Bob bought the book Peter Pan so that she could read it to her daughter before bed read and repeat you now let's look at another kind of adverb clause and these are adverb clauses which show cause cause and these kind of adverb clauses usually use the words because or now that or since and they answer the question why have a look at these examples please because the princess was sleepy the Prince visited the fairy godmother alone now that the giant is dead the elves can go back to the forest since a witch is evil she can make potions to hurt people in the first sentence because the princess is sleepy because the princess was sleepy is the adverb clause the adverb clause says why the Prince went home alone why did he go alone he went alone because the princess was sleepy in the second sentence now that the giant is dead is the adverb clause now that means because now so now that the giant is dead now that the giant is dead means because the giant is dead because the giant is dead now that the giant is dead because the giant is dead is the same so we use now that for present and future situations in the third sentence since a witch is evil as an adverb clause a sense means because sense means because but it expresses a well-known fact we all know this we know that the witch is evil so we use cents cents can also be used in adverb clauses of time but it has a different meaning it has a time meaning have a look at this example since the princess was born the castle has been a better place to live the sentence means that from the time the princess was born the castle has been a better place to live well let's practice okay Rosa in Cinderella why did the prince look for the woman who had lost her shoe he looked for her so that he could give the shoe back to her then he could marry her you remember the story well yes and Monica in Robin Hood why did he steal from the rich people he stole my from the rich people because he wanted to help the poor good and Louis why did the genie give three wishes since he was a good Ginny he gave three wishes very good review now let's do some exercises I'd like you to fill in the blanks with the appropriate adverb ending in ly Louis you can go first the children ran from the witch something oh it's not slowly the children around from the rich quickly good the children ran from the witch quickly Monica this one's for you people must act something after they are given wishes by a genie people must act carefully after their giving wishes by a genie very good answer people must act carefully after they're given wishes by a genie and roses are the last ones for you you should speak something when talking with a wizard you should speak politely one talking to a visit good you should speak politely when talking with a wizard good job everybody and thank you now let's do another exercise using adverbs each person will give us to add two sentences using adverbs of frequency now let's see we can have Monica you're a princess Rosa you are a witch and Luis you're a giant now who's going to go first Monica what are your sentences here are my sentences I'm always looking for a handsome prince I never see outside the castle and I sometimes get to use my father's warped very good Rosa why am I always a witch I'm always evil I rarely fly during today I sometimes give my cat black sorry I sometimes give my black cat a test of potion that was great and Lois I usually test the people I never avoid which is I often sleep after a hunt okay good answer thank you all now let's do another exercise using adverbs I want you to use adverbs of sequence in your sentences Rosa you're a genie and I want you to tell me what you do in the morning Lois you're a prince and I want you to tell me how you find princesses and Monica you can be a fairy I want you to tell me what you do when you see a witch Rosa you can go first first I clean the inside of my lamp second I clean the smoky smell from my clothes after that I see what wishes I have left to grant finally I wait for someone to find and rub my lamp do you have a good imagination okay Lois first I put on my walking shoes then I lower the drawbridge and walk to the forest next i whistle as a walk finally princesses hema visiting and seated see I'm worried handsome and very modest too and what occur okay first I'll make sure my wings are always clean next when I see a rich I fly like quickly then I found a good place to hide finally I hope the rich isn't hungry good job everybody thank you very much so now let's do some exercises with adverb clauses and this time you can fill in the blanks with appropriate words to begin the adverb clauses Louis you can go first so something the giant lifts the elves were very happy after the giant left the elves were very happy excellent after the giant left the elves were very happy Roza here's one for you the dwarves have been very cautious something the witch was spotted in the tree the doors have been very cautious since the witch has spotted in the truth good the dwarves have been very cautious since the witch was spotted in the tree and Monica here's one for you the fairies flew away something the witch saw them the fairies flew away before the witch saw them very good the fairies flew away before the witch saw them good answers everyone okay well let's do another exercise with adverb clauses this time can you finish these sentences with the appropriate adverb clause Monica you can go first the prince built a new crossbow something the principal the new crossbow so that he could protect himself from the enemy wonderful the prince built a new crossbow so that he could protect himself from the enemy Rosa one for you the magician turned the man into a frog something magician turned the man into a frog because he had asked the princess to marry him very good the magician turned the man into a frog because he had asked the princess to marry and Lewis here's one for you the dwarves can go back to the cave something the worse can go back to the care now that the King casket the giant great the dwarves can go back to the cave now that the King has killed the giant good job everybody let's do one more exercise using adverb clauses this time let's put the adverb clause at the beginning of the sentence Roza one for you something the children would never grow older because they had sipped the witch's potion the children would never grow older good answer because they had sipped the witch's potion the children would never grow older Lois can you please do this one Edward Clause the people inside the castle would never fear the giant well that was a new drawbridge the people inside the castle would never fear the giant excellent now that there was a new drawbridge the people inside the castle would never fear the Giant and Monica last ones for you adverb clause the people in Sherwood Forest knew they would marry since Robin Hood Maid Marian dearly the people in Sherwood Forest knew they would marry wonderful since Robin Hood loved Maid Marian dearly the people in Sherwood Forest knew they would marry wonderful thank you very much everybody great job now it's time to listen and write listen and write listen and write these sentences number one the new moat will be dug tomorrow number two genies always sleep in lamps number three the witch cut up the rabbits liver slowly for her magic potion number four the ferry will probably fly all day number five generally witches are bad people number six because the giant was sleeping the dwarfs could walk through the forest number seven we can go into the castle now that the drawbridge is down number eight the elves stayed in the mine until midnight so that they could make more rings the next day number nine after the witch screamed all the forest animals ran to their dens number ten when Robin Hood came back to the forest Maid Marian was relieved now check your work number one the new moat will be dug tomorrow number two genies always sleep in lamps number three the witch cut up the rabbit sliver slowly for her magic potion number four the ferry will probably fly all day number five generally witches are bad people number six because the giant was sleeping the dwarves could walk through the forest number seven we can go into the castle now that the drawbridge is down number eight the elves stayed in the mine until midnight so that they could make more rings the next day number nine after the witch screamed all the forest animals ran to their dens and number ten when Robin Hood came back to the forest Maid Marian was relieved now read the story and answer the questions that follow it read and answer Dolores was a very evil witch when she was born her mother knew she was going to be a very bad witch Dolores had many warts on her hand her mother knew she would use these to make horrible potions someday the more what's there were the better the potions people always walked slowly and cautiously when they were near her Hut in the forest if she saw them they would run then they would try to find a place to hide Dolores mixed her potions slowly so that they would be stronger she never made love potions because she didn't believe in love when she was feeling very evil she would make a sneezing potion after a person drank this potion he would sneeze forever Dolores made many other potions but fortunately she never used them Dolores disappeared five years ago it seems she tried to make a potion for a wizard when he learned of this he zapped her with his staff now answer the questions number one how would you describe the lorises personality number two what did Dolores have on her hand number three why are warts good for witches and number four when did people always walk slowly and cautiously number five what would people do if Dolores saw them and number six what did Dolores do so her potions would be stronger number seven why did Dolores never make love potions number eight what would she make when she was feeling very evil number nine what happened to a person who drank a sneezing potion and number ten when did Dolores disappear now check your work number one how would you describe Dolores personality she was a very evil witch so she probably laughed when bad things happened number two what did Dolores have on her hand Dolores had warts on her hand number three why are warts good for witches the more warts they have the better potions they make number four when did people always walk slowly and cautiously they always walked slowly and cautiously when they were near her Hut number five what would people do if Dolores saw them they would run and number six what did Delores do so her potions would be stronger Dolores mixed her potions slowly so they would be stronger number seven why did Dolores never make love potions she never made love potions because she didn't believe in love number eight what would she make when she was feeling very evil she would make a sneezing potion number nine what happened to a person who drank the sneezing potion the person would sneeze for ever and number ten when did Dolores disappear she disappeared five years ago see you next time bye bye practicing English hey Dave what a huge book what are you reading I found this book in our library I can't put it down it probably hasn't been opened for 50 years it's really old and dusty it's a book of medieval tales and legends of Old England Wow look at these sillas trations they're great yeah I'm reading really slowly because of them the pictures are done so well that I'm having a hard time getting back to the text what's your favorite legend so far well I've read about three or four and I think the best one is the legend of Robin Hood what do you like that one so much well it's hard to explain but I like the idea that this man Robin Hood and his friends travel through the woods silently as they steal from the rich and give to the poor as the saying goes yeah there is a sense of writing the wrong there that and the fact that the Sheriff of Nottingham was so evil makes a story more interesting by the way have you seen the film version with Kevin Costner Alan Rickman plays the sheriff he's horribly evil in it yeah he was great in that movie and how about you do you have any favourite legends well to be honest I wasn't too knowledgeable about this topic until the other day student asked me about legends and stories I had to think for a moment the class really liked the example I gave though it was a legend a Bigfoot you know the big hairy beast that's said to live in the wilds of Pacific Northwest in the United States oh yeah Bigfoot the Native Americans are said to have called him sasquatch yeah one of the students did a report on Sasquatch or Bigfoot as I like to call him mmm hurt it whatever so the class all did reports on famous or infamous legends yes it was all quite interesting we learned about the Yeti or abominable snowman but also legends about places that may or may not have existed like atlantis the city under the sea we also read a whole bunch of famous Greek legends Hercules for example and others like Keeley's hmm it's really interesting too me so are you gonna finish this book it's huge but I really enjoy it so it could take a long time for me to finish it so what other kind of medieval legends are in this book well there's the tale of Lady Godiva the woman who rode naked through her village upon a great white horse hmm does that one come with pictures - I'm afraid so here she is yeah she's very famous but I'm thinking of another one probably even more famous than Lady Godiva or Robin Hood what would that be come on Dave you have to know uh who is bigger than Robin Hood in the world of legends well King Arthur in the knights of the round table of course uh how could I have forgotten of course King Arthur hi guys hi Kari hey Dave what's up that huge book we were just talking about it it's a book of the legends of medieval England interesting one of my classes recently wanted to know about criminals and the legends that had been told about them we started off with the Wild West in America you know the legend of Billy KITT Billy the Kid I own fight at the OK Corral and Jesse James and then we talked about Bonnie and Clyde Al Capone my Baca and John Dillinger it sounds like your class was really into those old stories of famous criminals yeah they had to research this subject write a report and then make short presentation to the class they loved finding out more and I have to say the rippers were really interesting I think that there's something I can do very quickly on this topic maybe I can take the book to class and tell them to look up an interesting story that could certainly work easily Dave you're gonna try that tonight yeah I might well isn't your class mostly boys yes what's your point Monica well I was just thinking you know the legend of Lady Godiva the naked woman riding the horse that's gonna go really popular with your students I hadn't thought of that that's really funny you
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Keywords: education, how are you, english lesson, apprendre, Key English, TOEIC, ingilizce öğren, ECPE, الانكليزية, اللغة, elementary, kolay ingilizce, learn english free, English, IELTS, full english, learn english easy, ingilizce ogren, ingilizce cd, english for you 80 cd, learning english, تعليم, سلسلة من 80 درسا لتعليم اللغة الانكليزية, Education (Word), free english learn, ingilizce, you, PTE, iTEP, intermediate, easy english, English for you, for, beginner, دروس, TOEFL, learn english, free english
Id: dST-cu2144k
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Length: 48min 9sec (2889 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2014
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