Intermediate English - Mobile Phones and Email

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hello everybody and welcome to another lesson today we're going to be talking about today we're going to be talking about mobile phones and email mobile phones and email so uh so i hope that this is a topic that everyone's interested in and i think that it's a good topic for us to learn about so as always let me tell you what we're doing here every monday and friday we have an intermediate english lesson that some of our best students join and we also show this lesson on youtube and on facebook on fridays at 8 00 a.m new york time we go live on youtube and on mondays at 8 a.m new york time we go live on facebook today's friday so here we are and it's youtube time and i see that we have more students coming on and joining so that's great so i want to say hi first to aisha gigi manny and colleen welcome to the lesson today great so we're talking about phones and email the most popular ways for people to communicate right so um today a lot of people use other ways of communicating also they might also they might use a text message right so let's we should talk about text message also and what are text messages text messages are sms it's the same thing and and in english we call it a text message now an email is a message and an email has text so is an email a text message no now if we say text message in english we always are talking about sms and we don't usually say the word message about emails we say email we say send me an email to send and email to send an email or we could say to send a text send me a text a text message send me a text message or we might even just say text me text me you know sometimes you talk to your friend and you want to you want to invite your friend to a new restaurant but your friend doesn't know where the restaurant is and you can tell your friend where the restaurant is but maybe your friend will forget so we can send a text message so i talked to my friend oh let's go to this new restaurant yeah let's go where is it i'll text you i'll text you the address i'll text you the address i'll text you the location oh chris can i invite my friend yeah just text your friend my number text your friend my number it means send my phone number to him in an sms in a text message right text your friend my number if we're talking about something on the internet oh chris i want to show my friend your website okay text your friend the link text your friend the link text your friend the website and anybody who's watching on youtube right now you can text your friend the link to this video and they can join and watch uh great so yeah when we're talking about text message we can use this as a verb to text this is the most popular way to talk about this to text someone and so what are the most popular ways to communicate today in today's world we have we have phone calls email uh what else we have we have these things called uh d m or p m or i m these are these are the same idea and this is a direct message or a private message or an instant message these are the same if we if we are on facebook and we send our friend a message on facebook or on instagram or on another social media platform then some people say send me a direct message or send me a dm some people will say send me a private message send me a pm and some people will say send me an instant message send me an i m but really all of these things are the same these are internet messages right these are the these are the fastest the fastest messages because they go through the internet but they're on one website um so if we use so here's a question for you if we use what's app if we use this program whatsapp then is this a direct message or is this a text message it's it's probably a direct message or or private message or instant message right it's not a text message because a text message goes through the phone company it goes to your phone number and yeah whatsapp is connected to your phone number but but you get it immediately you get it fast right it doesn't have to go through the the phone company it's through the internet yeah but yeah with whatsapp it's it's difficult right because it's maybe it's a maybe it's a direct message or maybe it's a text message okay how else so in the past we wrote letters right in the past we wrote letters and we we could send the letter in the mail right uh today we don't do this very often in in many places um so today writing a letter is more formal and it's important when we talk about communication and different ways that we communicate it's important to think about formal and informal language formal and informal language so before email before email we had different types of letters right we had a formal letter and an informal letter so if we write a letter to a business person then we use a formal letter and if we write a letter to our friends or family we write an informal letter and in in english textbooks they still speak about this but um today we don't use letters very often so sending a letter is a formal type of communication today so for our friends it's strange to get a letter from us it's it's unusual right because uh people usually just send an email or send a direct message or a text message or just a phone call so uh so this is so usually when we write a letter it's more formal and today now email is more formal than a direct message or private message or an instant message right so so sometimes young people will say oh you you sent me an email oh it's so strange it's so formal it's so official um because they they uh usually have messages that are on facebook or instagram or whatsapp or something like this uh great you know when email became popular people had a funny name for letters they called letters snail mail snail mail yeah a snail it's a it's a type of animal it's very it's very slow it has a shell a shell on the back and maybe i can try to draw it it probably won't be very good but something like this this animal uh so yes so this is a snail and and p when when email became popular they called they started calling letters snail mail it means slow mail right we had slow mail and then we had fast electronic mail email uh great so so it's important to think about formal and informal because sending a text message is less formal than sending an email and it's less formal than sending a letter in the mail right so we should think about that because the type of message that we send it usually tells us what what kind of communication we can expect if we can expect it to be formal or informal great but what about phone calls what about phone calls because there's uh okay first of all today most people do not use most people do not use a land line most people do not use a land line a landline is a a phone that's only in one place only one location like a phone in your house that's only for your house or a phone in your office that's only in your office it just stays in your office right so a person must be there to answer this call um most people don't use a landline most people use cell phones most people use cell phones and this is this is a what american people usually say many many british people will also say mobile phones so they're both correct cell phone or mobile phone in british english this word sounds like mobile mobile and in american english it sounds like mobile mobile so mobile phones or mobile phones it's the same and cell cell means cellular cellular phone cell phone cellular phone if you have studied biology then you know what a cell is and we can think about it like a like a b hive the place where a b lives the b the b builds this thing and it has different pieces right like uh so there's there's like a a cell ah this is eight sides this is like a stop sign i need a i need a hexagon not an octagon hexagon there we go okay so um for example we might have we might have one cell tower right for for our phones there's one place that sends the signal one cell tower one big piece of metal and one here and one here and one here and they all connect and then we have the and then we have the next one right and then this connects and then we have the next one and they all they all connect like this so we can send we can send this signal here here here here here here here and it and this and this message can go through this network right and this is one cell this is one cell this is one cell and a person can be if i if i'm here then my call goes to the next the next tower and this this call goes from from here to the next place to the next place from one cell to the next cell right this is why it's called a cell phone cellular phone yeah so we have land lines we have cell phones or mobile phones and there are there's some special words and language that we use when we talk about phones so let's talk about that now for example we might need to put someone on hold to put someone on hold what does this mean this means that we make somebody wait you make them wait excuse me can you wait we don't we don't usually say this on the phone we say can i put you on hold can i put you on hold for one minute or we might say can you hold can you hold for one minute can you wait can you wait can you hold can you hold for one minute or we might just say please hold or or maybe i am connecting you to the director please hold i'm connecting you to my manager please hold please wait right and sometimes we say this phrase hold on hold on and this means wait right so hold is similar to it is always similar to weight and um so okay i call i call someone i say i want to talk to the director of the company and the person says um please hold for one minute and then and then my wife says who are you talking to on the phone i say oh i called the director of this company and they put me on hold they put me on hold so right now i am on hold i am on hold every time you call the bank every time you call the bank they put you on hold and you wait and wait and wait and 20 minutes later your wife asks oh what are you doing who are you talking to on the phone the bank has me on hold i am on hold with the bank i am on hold with the bank i'm waiting on the phone with the bank great so this is this is important because sometimes we need more time and we need to ask a person to wait or somebody asks us to wait they ask us to hold another important phrase when we talk about phones is to dial another verb that's important to dial and to dial means to press the numbers to press the numbers on the phone right so if we open my phone and if we for example go here right and if i go right now i am dialing a number i am dialing a number and this thing that i was doing right now this is the this is the dial pad or the keypad it's the place that i can press buttons it's the place that i can press the numbers right so i opened i opened my keypad i opened my dial pad and i dialed a number to dial a number and when we today with cell phones usually we dial the number first and then we call but in the past with land lines right not cell phones land lines we had we needed to wait for a special sound right you pick up the phone and there's a special sound and then you dial and this special sound is called the dial tone the dial tone this is the sound when you pick up the phone and when you hear this sound you know that you can dial that you can make a call so when you have a problem with your phone you say there's there's no dial tone i don't hear the dial tone for example right but before the before the phone that i'm talking about we also had a different type of phone a phone in my life i never needed to use but we had the rotary phone the rotary phone this is the phone where you you choose one number and then you turn and another turn and another turn right maybe you remember this kind of phone maybe i'm just old um great great great great so this is also another kind of phone so sometimes we need to dial sometimes we text and okay what happens at sometimes we call a person and they don't answer right and when somebody when i'm waiting for somebody to answer i i say something i usually say i say pick up the phone come on pick up the phone pick up pick up pick up pick up the phone right or maybe in my house maybe the phone is ringing the phone is ringing the phone is ringing and i say john pick up the phone the phone is ringing pick up the phone and pick up the phone means to answer the phone right it means to answer the phone [Music] yeah so pick up means answer but when we want to end the call we can say to hang up the phone to hang up so pick up means to answer to start the call and hang up means to end the call to finish the call and we might say i called mike but mike didn't pick up i called him and he didn't pick up he didn't answer and then i see mike the next day i say hey i called you why didn't you pick up why didn't you answer or but this is this is okay you know sometimes people are busy but it's really bad when somebody hangs up on you when someone hangs up on you and somebody hangs up on you this means hi hey mike how are you today is this chris yeah it's chris mike hung up on me mike hung up on me i tried to talk to mike and every time i called mike he hangs up on me he stops the conversation in the middle he ends he finishes the call when when we are speaking yeah but maybe i call mike and and we talk and everything is good and at the end of the call i said okay bye mike and bye chris and then we both hang up at the end of the call mike hung up at the end of the call mike hung up yeah okay sometimes we call a person and we have a strange sound and nobody nobody picks up nobody answers and then you hear like this right and it means the person is busy right the person is talking the person is uh the person is already using the phone so you cannot make a connection and in this case we can say for example the line was busy or we might also say the line was engaged the line was busy i called mike but the line was busy or i might say i called mike but it was busy it is his phone line his connection his phone connection right the line was busy okay great um i have a question for you now what type of communication do you use most do you use cell phone do you use landline and do you use text message do you use email and do you use direct messages so we have five five types that we might talk about land line right a traditional phone that's in one physical location cell phone a phone that we can walk with a mobile phone text message a message on the phone uh email on the internet or direct message on the internet so which of these do you use and which ones do you think are the easiest or the best or or what's your opinion um manny why don't you start by telling us your opinion yes hi how are you great how are you yeah awesome thank you i use all of them use all of them yeah uh landline i use uh when i work at my office yes to contract or to keep contact with the my customer yes and we can contact with the my colleague from another department yes you use the landline yeah it's called the red line because we just uh maybe pass only phone number to contact with each other from uh this building to another buildings yeah and also use the email yeah to uh send a attract file yes and some uh document to my customer as well yeah and also i use the text message yes from my mobile phone yes and use some application yes to send a direct message to my friends to my colleagues yes for example okay so which one do you think is the best or the easiest for you uh the i think the dialect methods from some application yeah because right now at my office we create a group yes right the group of our department and we can center the message so all of other employee or other our member can see the message yes immediately and can see it together yes and we can uh connect it together in just only uh one one room of some application yes so it's very convenient yes which application do you use the most the popular application is a live application lie what is it right right yes uh okay i haven't heard of this one before my application line oh line yeah cool okay great uh let's see aisha what about you what do you uh what kind of communication do you use and which is the best for you hi chris how are you great how are you actually about the land the phone it is a long time ago i don't use i depend on only about cell phone and about the others application email i use email for formal messages to send my professor or my click to exchange our presentation or onboard information uh otherwise we uh use the whatsapp and uh messenger to communicate the two is i find that very easy because the it is dependent on my phone and i can receive and send the damage immediately right right right so so so you have formal and informal yes because because i am from the old generation [Laughter] yeah great and which uh which kind of communication is the easiest for you or do you think is the best uh what's the what's up i think what's happening yes because it's a short answer and it's very good you don't need to um for example when i need to send an email i need to connect my computer because there are some information in the computer and to get it and to send it but what's up it is easy uh in my phone uh the application my phone and i can receive the send in a message immediately great great great great okay uh let's talk to colleen so colin what do you think about this uh what kind of communication is easiest for you which kind do you use i also use all these kind of communications i have a landline at the office but i would say that the easiest way of communication is direct messages [Music] direct messages i use what's up yes i use uh what's up for uh for this okay and do you do you have a landline do you yes i said i have i have a landline at the office at the office only but not at home yes no no at home it's not necessary my parents have a red line at their house but they get it for free because it was together with internet and tv services yeah yeah yeah so so you want people to know when you are at the office but you don't want people to know when you're at home yes okay uh great and what do you think because you have you have children do your children use some kind of communication yes they use teams it's an application from a microsoft and they use it for their online school online school yes okay so so what kind of applications are used for online school is it like direct messaging or um it's it's kind of direct messaging yes [Music] they share a document they can share documents or pictures or they also can communicate like here in zoom [Music] great so there's a video platform also yes video platform yes great great great okay um so now let's there was a question from from youtube that i want to talk about uh so let me give some information about this someone was asking about the pronunciation the pronunciation of this word message message it's really important because sometimes people make a mistake with pronouncing this word right this is a message this is not a massage massage right massage is when someone touches you and it feels very good oh yes thank you right and maybe you pay money for this this is a massage a message is information that we send to a person right sometimes it's funny for me when uh when a person tells me chris thank you so much for your massage and i think uh what just happened i don't remember this massage or they say chris i want to get a massage from you and i think well sorry i'm an english teacher i i don't do that uh yeah so they shouldn't say this right they should say i want to get a message from you a message from you and uh thank you for your message message yeah good question from youtube okay um let's talk to gigi so gigi what do you think about different types of communication what do you use uh i normally use whatsapp and a lot of times as well what's message on what's up it's quite fast and sometimes if i have to test a lot of things and then i prefer to send a voice message um about email never i of course i get some of mayo from government especially um or some import important steps but yes for me just for checking and there's also some shopping online they all the time send you they may but yeah or check some offers and um it it's some very interesting when you was talking about landline because i remember like when i was like 10 years my mother lived in another city and just one one family had a phone landline at home and that's quite interesting because my mother sent a telegram first and said today at three o'clock you go your neighbors and after that i will call you and then three o'clock we went to the the neighbors house and waited for my mother called me and today it's fantastic because you don't need that kind taste something and it's perfect yeah yeah like a nostalgic memory right now yeah nostalgia yeah yeah yeah um that's great so so which kind of communication do you think is the best right now uh i think for me the best uh what's up because everyone use what's up uh doctors um some kind the officer from the government uh here as well they can test you on what's up uh for you get some information about appointment or something like that and uh i think um in my opinion what's up it could be the for me the best one right now because you can connect different sets yeah i think when you need something um i think what's up could be the the best right now great okay cool so uh this is another thing that a lot i hear a lot from people um a lot of my students they gigi said it says it correctly and everyone today said it correctly but sometimes i hear people make a mistake so uh this application is called what's app right like an app location app ah the sound in english that's not very beautiful ah when you when you go to the dentist the dentist says open your mouth and say ah like this right so you open your mouth very wide very big so um this is an app and this is the the program called what's app there's also a phrase in english sometimes we say what's up in english right what's up and this means what's happening what's new so sometimes people send me a message and they say chris how can i talk to you what's up and i and i think they just they're asking me how how i am or what's new or i don't understand that they are speaking about what's app right so there's what's up what's up this is a question and what's app is an app on our phone an application or on a computer yeah great okay um amira what kind of communication do you usually use do you use a cell phone do you use email [Music] hi i use all of them i use the whatsapp for [Music] for message to send it to my friends or my family and sometimes i use messenger messenger facebook messenger for send a message or calls and uh what do you like the most what's the easiest for you the best so this what's that is whatsapp is the best okay so it sounds like today everybody who uh spoke said that whatsapp is the best that's that's interesting but um but whatsapp doesn't have a good group video program right a group video platform i think most people use zoom or google meet or in the past skype right this was another kind of video call and of course people who have iphones or apple devices they can use facetime and so uh so when we communicate by video this is a different thing right so now today we have we have a phone call we also have an audio call and we have a video call and these are all different things that we can do different ways that we can communicate that's great okay so when we're talking about uh communicating with other people like we said usually in the united states we call this a this thing we call it a cell phone in the and many british people also call it a mobile phone what do you call this thing in your country what do you call it in your country i know that in germany they call it handy hanzi like hand and in some place i think in france they call it partable in italy i think it's called telefonino so what do you call this thing in your country gigi uh in my country we call cellular cellular cellular yeah or think no cellular in portuguese cellular it's connected i think cells sell because i think we get a lot of influence from united states and then i think it's the reason you call cellular but here they call cell phone as well and in portugal they call oh my god forgot right now um i forgot in portugal but not one okay it's something different yeah different okay colleen what about you you i see that you wrote in our chat that uh now people say smart phone yes in my country we say both mobile phone and cell phone okay the font okay great and what do you say do you say both or is there one that you say no you i say only fall phone okay yes because many people don't use a landline so uh only phone is enough you know that you have a mobile phone uh-huh yeah um you know the first time that somebody said this phrase to me smartphone i thought it was very funny they they say chris do you have a smartphone i and i looked at my phone i said no my i have a stupid phone and i didn't understand what they what they wanted to say but yeah now everybody has the has a smartphone and um and it's almost like a computer right soon people will not need computers they'll just have a smartphone like a computer and and uh most of the work can be done from the phone okay great um aisha what about in your country what word do people use to talk about cell phones yes i am from arab country in arabic we say halawi because for one person because it's a special for one person by the way but in general they say mobile mobile mobile it's not permanent arabic but they say mobile mobile or if you want to write or to use the arabic there you say okay interesting and manny what about in thailand uh in thailand here we have their specific word for thai yes call me too it's uh it can translate to english slider handhold uh-huh you can use your your head a hole hold it yeah yes uh we also have this word in english we can say hand-held phone yeah yeah phone yeah some guy like that yeah cool cool cool and that's good because we also have something now that people say people like to say hands-free and free right and they can say this about we have this other other technology we need to use like bluetooth yeah right and right now we have the airport here our airpods yeah airport yeah sorry airport yeah airpods yeah maybe earpod is is better i know this is from apple but but for example in the past we had ear phones headphones and then i think in general we can say ear pod this is yes this new the new thing that just goes in the ear like this right um so yeah we have earphones they're small and they go in our ear and they have a a wire right and they plug into the phone and then we have headphones and headphones are are big and they go over your head like this right and you listen yeah great okay do you think it's rude when a person speaks on their phone in public or speaks on their phone when they're meeting with you what do you think anybody can answer this yes i think so it's quite inconvenient to when we're at the on on subway or something like that and people started to talking a lot and because you participate that conversation and it's it's quite annoying sometimes i think it's not the uh about the root but it's inconvenient because you don't know about the problem or their compensation but you yeah you can avoid that participate yeah yeah i don't like when someone called me said okay one moment i call later because yeah i don't like that in portugal the name is it's uh telemobile telemodel telemobile okay this is the cell phone yeah okay yes other what else do you think other opinions about uh using phones in public i would say that the most annoying is when you are in the restaurant in the restaurant okay so you have you have had this situation happen before colin yes i met people were speaking in a very loud voice when they were in the restaurants but in the most of the cases people go out and speak on the phone they go out side outside yes uh maybe they don't speak or they don't speak okay we can also say to to step away like to to take some steps and talk and then come back right yes yes step away or step out of the room uh-huh because when we say go out or go away then this means that we leave right so we can say step out or step away and this means for a short period of time and come back great yeah and and we talked about this word the french word for a cell phone right pathable but in english we have the same word portable portable so there's four different ways that we can speak about this this phone right we can say handheld phone we can say portable phone we can say cell phone and we can say mobile phone and maybe we can say smartphone too okay um aisha what do you think about telephone manners people speaking in public yeah am about myself i don't like to do that and uh i don't like other people to do that because sometimes you you force you to uh find yourself you're forced to listen some speech don't useful for you and maybe you want to spend this time to read something but somebody who talk about something in their phone with another one and you you listen all the android conversations yes all the conversation and it's not uh it's useless it's not useful for you but it is annoy you yeah so i don't like to do that uh normally when i have any phone uh any phone call while i in publix transfer i send a message i answer you after a few minutes i just make small call i answer you later and normally i have a special way to disturb the others and not to disturb others yes and also when i uh uh in meeting i don't uh do that because it's uh i just make my phone silent and after that i can answer all the messages and phone calls yeah okay so you just focus on what you're doing and then save time later for phone calls yeah yeah great great great great okay manny what do you have to say about this uh yes uh episode uh in the cinema yes in the theater yes it's the dark area yes and they use the their mobile phone to take the message so it uh i can see the the light on that screen of their mobile phone yeah it's very made me annoyed yes the noise view yeah and sometimes when i uh use the public transportation especially for the bus on the bus yes some people some per their user their mobile phone they talk too loud really loud yes so i can know uh all of their stories yeah yes and and so when they finish the call and you can knock on their door you say congratulations yes yes yeah or or uh i made you this food because i thought you might be sad after that phone call or yeah yeah so sometimes people speak in public but you know for me it's it was always strange that the strangest thing for me is when you're in a lesson or or a conversation with someone and the person's their phone rings and they answer and they say hi i need to call you back sorry i'll call you back in one minute and then they and then they hang up yeah yeah and i always think why did you answer just to say that you just don't answer right like the person will know that you will call him back later if you don't answer now because i do that because someone uh when you don't answer you uh repeat the call and they continue to disturb you and i need to tell him i am busy now and i will answer you to make another call okay yeah i guess i understand usually if people call me three or four times in a row then i will block their number because uh i think it's two times two times is okay i think more than two i think is crazy okay great um do you have any other questions today about email and phones or any other questions about english yes uh chris uh about the first of all hang hang up and hang up on it is the same meaning hang up and hang up on here so hang up just means to end the call right talking and hang up but hang up on someone we need to say someone like uh [Music] mike always hangs up on me this means i'm talking so mike do you want to mike ended the call mike hung up on me so hang up on someone it means in the middle of talking in the middle of the conversation yeah like like to interrupt by ending the call and if you don't want to answer to a call ignore ignore or reject or you could reject the call ignore the call you can also send to voicemail so this is something that we we didn't talk about right so in the past like with a landline phone then somebody might have a special machine and so you call and call nobody picks up nobody answers and then it says hi i'm not here right now leave your message after the tone right and then you speak and you say your message and they listen to this later this is called an answering machine okay answer machine but today with cell phones and mobile phones we don't have a special machine it's just part of how the service works and we have voicemail and so sometimes when the person hits the red button they they want to ignore your call then it will send you to leave a message right and and so we can say i called mike and he sent me to voicemail or i called mike and it went to voicemail this means the line the the system pushed me over there the system sent me to the voicemail right yeah so yeah other questions all right well that's it for our lesson today thank you to amira aisha manny gigi and colleen for joining us today and on monday we will be live on facebook at 8 00 a.m new york time in the group called english with chris americos so anybody who's watching on youtube right now you can go over to facebook and you can join us on monday next friday yes the 27th of november next friday we will not have a lesson on youtube we will not have a lesson on friday so we will skip friday um so on monday we will and then after that the next lesson will be the next monday and this is because of connected to thanksgiving i'm going to celebrate this holiday with my family so so on friday we won't have a lesson but monday we will so i will see everybody on monday have a great day and a great weekend
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 11,707
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Id: tDarNeOh6r8
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Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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