Intermediate English - Food and Restaurants

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hello hello hello everybody it looks like we've got gigi with us and colleen with us colin is in the car yes all right great how are you today i'm doing well thank you where are you going uh i'm waiting for my daughters they have to come from school and i'm in the front of school so i'm wait for them you're waiting for them i'm waiting for them yes yes yeah cool so you are picking them up from school exactly i'm picking them up uh-huh picking them up from school cool great it's a you're a good dad i hope i am yeah so um where you live in your country in romania is there a public school bus system no at least in my city there isn't it's not a very big city and the schools are quite near from my home so it's not it's not necessary but i picked them up because of my youngest daughter she's only six and for her it it's difficult to maybe one kilometer and a half days from my home and uh until my house so it's far for her to walk yes i see great gigi how are you today hi i'm great and about to great great so what's new what are you doing today uh yes uh in the morning i i went to to the park as usual with my talk and uh yes hadley lunch and right now i am here for attending our class great great great great all right well uh today we're going to be talking more about food and restaurants but also we're going to talk about uh oh hi aisha how are you today [Music] hi hi chris how are you great i'm fine and so uh what is new with you today what are you doing today today is the weekend uh it's friday and then arabic and yes i attended the classes today maybe in about half an hour with the teacher alien and i listened some recorded listeners and chris americas with the teacher robbie and it's interesting and try to improve my english language to be more and more and i feel myself is better you feel better yeah yeah it's completely better because the in the bus i can't speak anymore i can understand but i can't speak but now i can uh you couldn't speak at all yes i i couldn't wait at all and now i can i can speak and if you understand me it's good for oh i understand you i think you speak very clearly thank you thank you thank you great great great great so um you said fridays are a weekend where you live yes yeah which which days are weekends and which days are work days work days from sunday until thursday okay and friday and saturday or the weekend yeah yeah yes great um okay cool so today we're talking about food and restaurants but we're also going to be talking about some other topics like some words that have that are difficult to pronounce and so we're going to talk a lot about pronunciation today so one thing that we should start with is two sounds that are different in english we have the sound uh and we have the sound so probably this sound is easy because many languages have the sound but this sound is kind of strange and difficult to say sometimes so we can think of two words here we can compare two different words we have the word pool like a swimming pool but then we also have the word pull pull like when you want to open a door sometimes you need to push the door and sometimes you need to pull the door to pull yeah and the words push and pull they both have this sound this sound push and pull so it's difficult to understand when we should say this sound and when we should say this sound because they use the same letters sometimes the letter u sounds like ooh and sometimes the letter u sounds like sometimes double o sounds like ooh and sometimes double o sounds like uh liking the word foot or the word good good yeah to say this sound we don't need to open our mouth good i don't open my mouth at all good foot push pull yeah so uh we don't even have to open our office this down in the throat kind of sound yeah so there are a lot of different words that have these two sounds and sometimes and we need to remember these words because there's not really a good rule about this or an easy rule so let's look at some other words that have these sounds like for example the word cook the word cook so when we talk about food we talk about cooking hey not not cooking but cooking and you know one of my favorite foods it's a sweet food it's a cookie a cookie yeah but maybe you know maybe you know a famous type of clock from germany called a cuckoo clock or maybe we use this word sometimes to say that somebody is crazy he's cuckoo so this is ooh right cuckoo yeah um okay another example here is the word for example fruit we have fruit over on this side uh with this sound or food right so you can see there's not a good rule because double o food but then over here we have double o foot right so it can be difficult to remember we also have spoon moose maybe you know what this is do you know what moose is yeah i don't know like a chocolate mousse it's um it's a little it looks like maybe pudding something similar to pudding [Music] um and then there's an animal called moose it's the same pronunciation right an animal like this not not the small animal that we see usually but a moose it lives in the in the north it's big it's much bigger yeah so um so these are some different examples another good one that we should remember is soup soup uh-huh many people make a mistake with this word and they say so that's a different word right soap is when you wash your hands when you wash your hands you use soap water and soap not soup soup is what we eat right with ooh this soup uh let's see another food word would be juice juice okay let's go back over here we have some other food words like sugar sugar sugar yeah sugar maybe in a tv show or in a film you hear somebody say give me some sugar it usually means give me a kiss [Laughter] i'm here baby give me some sugar something like this another one that we might use is butcher butcher a butcher is a person who kills animals for food [Music] before we cook the meat we need to cut the meat we need to butcher the animal and then cut the meat and then we can prepare and cook the meat right so the butcher usually a man who does this he usually has a special type of knife right a very big knife it's called a butcher's knife butcher's knife yeah and and it can be a verb too to butcher which means to kill but to kill like an animal so if we say this about if we say this about people then it's very uh it's stronger than than just kill for example um great next so uh now let's talk about some words that have some strange pronunciation because they have some letters that we don't say letters that we don't pronounce so these are silent letters silent letters and silent letters uh we don't say them and here are some examples of words with silent letters for example we have the word knife right we we do not say knife we say knife in general when we see k in we don't say this we don't say k in english right k is silent k is a silent letter in this word like in the words knowledge no um me part of the leg right me and many other words night not like day and night but like the king and his knights the the men who fight for the king right the knights uh [Music] great let's look at some other words so another one that i hear lots of people make a mistake with is this type of fish this is salmon salmon salmon it has a silent l silent l yeah salmon good gigi uh-huh yeah exactly sam and sometimes i hear native american english speakers say salman it makes me it makes me frustrated but i hear some people say this but if you look in the dictionary it's it should be salmon salmon uh okay another one is biscuits biscuit yeah a biscuit so uh sometimes in some countries in some english-speaking countries a biscuit is like a cookie but in american english a biscuit is a small piece of bread that you eat with your dinner for example or lunch just like a very small it can it can fit in your hand and uh you maybe you put some butter on it like this so yeah uh okay let's look at some other words that are pronounced in a strange way or words that people usually make mistakes with another word that many people make mistakes with is this word diet uh-huh so it's i and then it died and maybe you can hear i'm going to write it phonetically so we have oh hi robert welcome hello teacher hello everybody hello so uh usually in english if we have one so so you can see here we have two syllables two two syllables two sounds two two parts of this word right die it die it like my name is christa fur three syllables we have robert two syllables colleen two syllables i ye sha three syllables uh so usually in english if one syllable ends with a vowel sound you probably remember from our first intermediate english lesson vowel sounds and consonant sounds if it ends with a vowel sound here like i and it starts and the next syllable starts with a vowel sound die yet then english speakers will add another sound in the middle so it's not die at but it's die yet oh no so you can probably hear this when i say it to go on a diet a diet diet but usually english speakers we don't know that we do this we don't think about this it's just uh it we call it's blending we put these two sounds together and yeah great okay let's look at some other words that are sometimes difficult to pronounce we have for example the word yogurt yogurt yogurt yeah yogurt so we have a silent h here yeah yogurt uh here's another one it's not menu but it's men you menu menu okay here's another one menu lettuce lettuce usually this sound we use with the letter i right like it or end but here we have the letter u and we say this sound so it's a little strange lettuce and what when do we use lettuce when do we eat lettuce salad in a salad yeah you salad is probably the the best example can you think of other another example candies maybe a sandwich maybe yeah yeah maybe in a sandwich great all right so let's talk about different kinds of food you know um and i i when i lived in russia i found out i learned that in different countries sometimes people have different categories of things like when you go to school in school you you learn many categories you learn categories of animals types of animals you learn categories of food you learn uh categories of geography and right you you learn these things and we think that they should be the same everywhere in the world but sometimes in different places people have different ideas about this like for example if we talk about in geography right continents big areas of land how many continents are there maybe five maybe seven maybe five maybe seven yeah robert six i think i six okay so maybe five six seven yeah what do you think gigi uh five five colleen six six so so this is a this is a very simple question right but many people have a different answer seven seven seven yes okay so so we can all agree that there is there's africa africa there's australia and and maybe some area around australia too yeah right we have asia yeah europe europe europe and america north america south america yeah antarctica but some people say that north america and south america america just one yeah yeah yeah yeah and some people say that europe and asia this is one yes that's why i said might be five maybe seven could be five could be seven yes yeah so uh in the united states when i was at school as a young boy i all if someone asked how many continents everyone said seven but then then when i went to russia and someone asked this question i said seven and they say what you don't know that there's there's six and uh so it was funny and interesting and i'm telling you this story about continents because it's the same with other categories of things like categories of food so for example if we talk about the main categories of food i will tell you what i learned at school in the united states and maybe you learned something different so we had fruit vegetables let's see what else is there we had uh wheat and grains this is like to make bread right plant different plants to make bread to make rice this kind of food um what else we have meat what else is there is it uh we have uh meat sorry meat and protein so in this category we included nuts for example meat and protein um let's see i i know i'm forgetting something right dairy dairy this is milk milk cheese yogurt dairy what else is there there's my favorite category which is called junk food [Laughter] junk food like chocolate like chips and food that is not good for you right in english the word junk it means thing that we do not need a thing that we do not need so maybe you have a friend who has many things in their house that they do not need they have a lot of junk at home uh great but some people say that well chris you're forgetting some categories like when i lived in russia many times my students told me there's another category called berries berries like strawberries blueberries blackberries but in the united states we include this green fruit yeah yeah but when i was there many people told me no this is a different thing it's a different category or sometimes people tell me what about fish fish is not meat kind of meat i think it's meat yeah yeah uh because we eat the mussels of the animal right this is like the meat and seafood it's also like meat so but in some places or some people might think differently might have different categories yeah so um so these are the main categories that we usually talk about in english and so now i have a question for you can you give me an example you can write them in the chat or you can just speak uh can you give me an example of one red fruit one yellow fruit and one green fruit red apple um yellow banana and the grapes colleen said green avocado jesus says uh grapes it's strawberry okay and yellow is the lemon lemon and green kiwi kiwi that's a good one okay can we think of any others yellow beer yellow beer pear bear yeah for for green colin said avocado is this a fruit yeah yes it is wow i i eating salad in vegetable salad but it's it is considered the fruit avocado avocado yeah me too i eat avocado all the time but i didn't understand the fruit okay um what are two things that a strict vegetarian does not eat two things a strict vegetarian does not eat what me meat eggs eggs okay and dairy yeah okay uh let's see next what are three kinds of food that are made from milk cheese yogurt i think i've told you about this word before the strange american pronunciation right yeah so in in american pronunciation when we have t in the middle of the word it usually sounds like d so it's butter but this is just american english yeah uh great okay next what are four things that people have for breakfast bread okay maybe toast yeah serious cereal um yogurt milk milk yogurt eggs okay yeah great so cereal is a good example of something that we want to talk about today which is countable and uncountable nouns so countable means we can count it one two three four right so we can say for example one egg two eggs three eggs four eggs and uncountable this means well we cannot count it like when we talk about water we just say some water we don't say four waters usually right of course in some situations if we talk about a bottle of water then maybe we can say four waters like four bottles of water but usually we don't say this and so the word cereal is uncountable cereal so for example uh what do you want for breakfast i want some cereal i want cereal uh colleen do you eat cereal for breakfast fun times with milk with milk or yogurt okay i when i was younger i always ate uh like very sweet cereal with milk sugary very sugary cereal yeah muesli muesli muesli is good uh-huh and muesli is also uncountable so we don't say to mueslis we just say muesli or for example porridge porridge it's another food that people eat for breakfast right so uh porridge porridge it's like it's like cereal but uh i mean it's it's a typical breakfast food um it is you can eat it with with water or with milk or just dry it's made from like grain so like the same plants that you make bread or rice or cereal it's another kind of cereal let's say it's very similar to cereal it's another kind of breakfast food another one might be oat meal oatmeal another another plant that we make this kind of uh food from is called oats and oatmeal is another kind of breakfast food that maybe it's it's dry maybe it's with water or with milk and uh when many times this food doesn't taste very good i think but we add some sugar maybe maybe brown sugar maybe cinnamon maybe something else and to make it taste better right but i'm not a fan of this my wife loves this food uh so she makes it all the time but i i'm not a big fan but i think it's good for you right and it's very it's good for you and it's very cheap so it's cheap it's easy and it's and it's healthy yeah another one that people might talk about is cream of wheat cream of wheat these are all it's another it's very similar to oatmeal or porridge or cereal it's another type and and when i started going to different countries i learned that many different countries have different many different names for these things that if it's made from one type of plant then it might have a different special name and if you mix it with something then maybe it has a different name and uh so there's a lot of different words that people might use for this okay great next what are five things that people eat between meals right so we talked about meal meals or breakfast lunch dinner but between in the time between this thumbs up fruit and snack kind of snacks these are snacks yeah yeah peanuts peanuts yeah what else chocolate bar chocolate a biscuit biscuit okay yeah maybe ice cream ice cream yeah okay great uh what are six vegetables that you can put in a salad [Music] lettuce lettuce okay [Music] sorry cucumber cucumbers okay to me are tomatoes fruit or vegetables i think yeah any herb right yes i heard about the watermelon is the festival watermelon is a vegetable yes wow uh-huh yeah herbs again different pronunciation for american english and british english and in british english they pronounce h herbs okay but in american english h is silent herbs yeah um yeah and usually not not always but usually 99 of the time when the word has s at the end it's countable we can say one herb two herbs three herbs four herbs right usually it's countable so if if the word if you never see this word with s at the end then maybe it's uncountable maybe there's no s because people cannot count it right it's not 100 like this but usually usually if we see that it has s then this means we can count it right because it's more than one and when we talk about countable nouns we can say one is one herb is and we can say two herbs are right but when we talk about uncountable we always say is because we cannot have more than one because we cannot count it so we always say is and i'm going to show you an exception to the rule it's the word news news is uncountable and we always say is the news is very bad the news is negative this morning what about fruit fruit is uncountable fruit in general so and this is a good this is a good question colleen let's talk about fruit because it shows us something strange or interesting about uncountable nouns so usually usually we just say fruit fruit is healthy but sometimes we change uncountable nouns and we make them countable and when we do this usually we are talking about different types of this thing so when i wake up in the morning i eat cereal cereal is tasty i eat fruit fruit is healthy but in different countries they have many different kinds of fruit or they have many different fruits if i say fruits then i mean kinds of fruit types of fruit right if i say cereals then i'm talking about different types of cereal different kinds of cereal so usually we are not talking about this special thing and that's why usually these words are uncountable now also usually when we have usually when we have a liquid like water milk juice a liquid then it's uncountable gas liquid these things are usually uncountable like when we say air or oxygen or the word gas or water or milk then these words are uncountable right but if we change the word water then we could say waters and this means different types of water this drink was made from the waters of the himalayas many different water places right many different types of water places of water another another thing we might do is when we have a liquid or a gas if we put it into a container like a bottle or a box or something like this then we can count it and today many people you can say i want four bottles of water or you could say i want four waters and we understand that this is four containers four bottles of water right um or maybe we talk about uh when we talk about global warming we talk about greenhouse gases different types of gases that uh that add negative impact to our to our environment right so um but usually we just say gas in general okay so yeah this is about countable and uncountable nouns okay one more question for you what are seven things seven things that you usually find on a table in a restaurant on a table salt and black pepper salt and pepper glasses glasses [Music] vinegar oil and vinegar okay and maybe place and spoon tablecloths tablecloth spoons forks knives yeah great okay so let's let's talk a little more i i think today we have a really good group we have two women and two men and then me of course uh uh but so i have some questions about men and women about food all right so i'm interested to hear what you say my first question is uh do you agree or disagree and why first question or first sentence women worry more about their diet than men women worry about the food they eat more than men mm-hmm i think especially women women in in my country there are like one huge competition between women and all that i try to be fit and look for the board and try to eat healthy healthy food okay because the women focus on their ability appearance and need all time to have suitable dress and they don't need to gain weight and also they focus about their health okay so women are focused on their appearance and their health yeah i think more appearance than half [Laughter] i don't agree i don't care okay robert robert what do you think because i think robert is like uh you know robert thinks about his food more than than me i think [Laughter] yeah you might say that i am an accept exception so you think about what you eat more than most people i i think i have a [Music] program but unusual i uh i um i must do to gain weight you you need to gain weight i need to gain weight um i struggle to gain a bit why why do you need to do this because i i want to increase my my mascara yeah i want to i go to the gym recently so uh so is is eating good food about appearance about looks or is it about health for you um is both more i i'm thinking i'm thinking more as hell but also with appearance great great great great good discussion i like it when people have different ideas okay so let's talk about some words uh this word here we have silent c we don't say c muscle muscles yeah we don't we don't say this muscles and robert said a good phrase we have this uh verb be to be in shape like i think we can all see that robert is in shape and uh and when you look at me you can see that i am out of shape out of shape it means uh your your body does not have a healthy shape right um yeah so to be in shape and to be out of shape like if you if you try to run for a long time uh i think robert can probably run much longer than i can run do you run a lot robert no i i know wrong because i lose weight so you you lift weights yeah uh-huh i'll write this two to lift weights okay to lift weights you know sometimes people go to the gym to lift weights sometimes people go to the gym to do cardio right to run great uh and then there's people like me who just don't go to the gym that's why i'm out of shape okay the next question do you agree or disagree young people today eat less healthily than 10 years ago today people eat less healthfully than 10 years ago what do you think i think the same yeah you agree no i think it's the same 10 years ago and then because some kind the situation still uh just generation degeneration i think could be the same okay so you think it hasn't changed hasn't changed yeah thank you thank you i think it's depend on the countries the kind of countries and about 10 years ago yes the people in my country eat more health because they forced to eat in their home all the food they made by their mothers and their wife and now because a lot of restaurants yes and they spend a lot of time in their work and uh maybe uh so i uh they are a lot of food and they can take delivery food so they uh it's uh less healthy less healthily yeah okay colleen what do you think i would say that in general people have become more carefully with what they eat but young people i think are the same okay people have become more careful about what they eat what do they eat the young people are the same the same i agree so oh so you think that in general people eat more healthily now yes i will say that okay robert what do you think about this i think that they are more fast food shops i think yeah more fast food restaurants and is this good or bad [Laughter] he's less carefree less healthy yeah do you eat fast food not frequently not frequently yeah that's good what about aisha colleen gigi do you eat fast food you know always i met in my home and the first food sometime is good but the first junk food is not good but for the fast food if the health is good but you can't find the healthy fast food anymore i think for me yes sometimes i enjoy eating fast food because normally i have food i i make myself my food all the time and when i go eat fast food and don't have any like my guilt pleasure guilty pleasure yeah yeah i i love you one big mac oh my god delicious you guys yeah it's good as well i have tried yeah i had one yesterday uh great yeah and i think it's important what aisha said that some fast food can be healthy because many people don't understand what fast food means right fast food it's just food that you can get fast so many people when they think of fast food they only think of hamburgers and french fries and pizza and but today there are many fast food is just a a way to give you food fast right so you don't have to sit and wait and uh and order from a menu and wait for the waiter to come to your table um so yeah it's important that fast food is not only hamburgers and and french fries right yeah but do you know i work at the italian restaurant and when i have seen the the cook making carbonara i i said oh my god it's not possible with every every week because they put a lot of grassy and it's necessary for becoming delicious but i think it's not healthy delicious yes delicious but not healthy no have a have pay attention because yeah okay okay the next the next topic do you agree or disagree men cook as a hobby women cook because they have to yes yes agree robert i go because i have to yeah i live alone okay yeah i think yes when you talk about family i think yes but in general it's a considered best chef all the time man no yeah in general yeah why i why i don't know but you have that kind of stereotype that a good chef is only uh always men uh like my son my son chef yeah there is this pressure sorry robert say that again i think they resist more of uh pressure [Music] yeah because in the in the kitchen it's hot people are screaming and right yeah yeah and a lot of stress stress yeah a lot of stress um okay next do you agree or do you disagree country thinks that their cooking is the best yes exactly yeah it's like a food from other it's always the best [Laughter] so i also agree you do yes so colleen for you romanian food is the best food well i wouldn't say that romanian food is the best but i would say that food made by my mother is the best yeah yeah that's great cool so uh i don't think we talked about this last time so this will be the last thing we talk about today i just wanted to say again maybe you've heard me say this before about the verb to cook so many people make mistakes with this word because in english when we say to cook it means that we use heat or fire always so if you want to eat a salad prepare a salad with no meat just a salad with lettuce tomatoes carrots then usually you do not cook this salad you just make the salad we can cook meat we can cook a potato we can cook lots of things but if we do not use fire or heat right hot heat if we do not use heat then it's not cooking in english so we can say to cook but usually when we talk about food we can say to make and so to make is more general it's bigger than to cook to cook is one way to make food and then sometimes people say to prepare usually we use this word about something like meat where we add some spices and then we wait like maybe you know a popular method of food preparation called marination to marinate to marinate this is one way that you can prepare meat for example so it's it's what we do before we cook right before another process so this is to prepare so in general we make food and sometimes before we cook food we prepare food when we cook it's with fire or heat great okay now if you have any questions you can write them in the chat or click the raise hand button or just ask and to bake we use only when we make a bread or yeah so to bake is another special way to make food but it's it's a type of cooking right because when we bake we always use fire heat something like this uh but we could bake a cake we could bake a pie so usually we use the oven right i guess we didn't talk about this machine we have the the oven or the stove or the cooker the cooker uh so cooker is the is british english cooker and oven and stove um in american english we use oven or stove about this machine but um usually the oven is the thing that you can put inside and the stove is the top and on the stove you have maybe two or four or eight burners yeah burners [Music] and so you put one pan on one burner and you can cook there great any other questions all right well that's it for our lesson today um our next lesson will be on monday and we will be on facebook so thanks everybody on youtube who was watching today's lesson and thanks for everybody who joined us live colleen aisha gigi robert um so we will be back um of course anybody who wants to join our live lessons can go to and join our english everyday program next time on monday at 8 00 a.m new york time on facebook we will be talking about the past we'll talk about past simple past continuous past perfect and we'll be talking about uh telling stories in the past so it's going to be interesting uh lesson and we'll also be talking a little bit about sports so i will see everybody at the next lesson have a great day thank you thank you thank you bye bye
Channel: English With Kris Amerikos
Views: 14,642
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Id: y_aI1nxVoxo
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Length: 62min 56sec (3776 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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