Insurance Scammer vs Raging Hillbilly

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bring it on over bring it on over okay I'm over I'm coming in on your long roundup a viewer Aaron sent in a request to prank his parents Aaron was in the car when a driver hit his parents parked car in a supermarket parking lot and fled the scene he asked me to prank his parents to make them think that the hit-and-run driver was calling back to blame them for the accident and collect insurance money at first they take it pretty lightly but this is my specialty soon after they get very very roped in and pretty upset this is another prank gone very very wrong they were so mad that I had to digitally alter their voices to post this sorry Aaron I tried to cover for you and smooth things over but your parents were just not having it hello hey this is Billy I finally found you you know you're the one who drives the black equinox right you hit my car a wild man I never hit your car I have no idea what you're talking about in the Dollar General parking lot you hit my car no no they got cameras they can they can see that my car was here and the person drove off I don't know what you're talking about no you know I've been having neck pain ever since you know I've been in a neck race for two months coz of you and and I I've been struggling over hey Aaron I think your boy they can look on camera don't call me again okay yeah I found you you're on Third Street right there I want to get to the bottom of this you know I told you I'm in pain I want to just find some happy baby and you know maybe y'all can just give me a small check you know five hundred a thousand dollars and we can go our separate ways you were hitting on you should be charged you should be in jail okay I'm coming over a third let's just talk about it okay later I can show you my car I can show you my neck brace that we can talk man-to-man no you stay away from here or the police will be called but why would you call the police I've been a neck race what are you worried about I'm pretty much a mobile like I'm what do you think I'm gonna do headbutt you know insurance you've already taken care of everything so you solve it somehow you chicks I'll just break me off a piece of that kick gab are my friend I'll break y'all my foot up your ass if you come over here oh my god now you just talk to me okay I know my necks in a brace but I have two fists that are perfectly in working order what's your name listen I had the upper hand here okay mr. so you relax okay okay I'm coming over to and we're gonna talk about this face-to-face you got me pissed off now man you got me done diddly doo doll pissed off your stupid we have you on video you're a dumbass for driving off no you're you're the dumbass for in the first place like why'd you have to hit me that that's the real question yeah okay I'm gonna show you how full of I am once I played out over at there okay I'll be there I'll be there in 15 20 minutes let me talk about it I'll be waiting on you I'm coming on your loan but either you near me you'll see huh Philistine minutes come on took a laxative yeah Oh who the hell do you think you are oh my god dude this guy [ __ ] lost it yeah I can't believe you was feeding like that hello I really don't appreciate you how you disrespected me just now and started speaking down to me okay I would appreciate an apology we are we we call the insurance company and they said they've never heard of you the next orogenic listen I'm gonna extort this pain from my neck so okay so just relax I don't know what y'all hear their money from and you're you're doing it illegally now I just want to fashion a okay as a disabled man I just want to throw hands 1 verse 1 as a point of pride my wife is upset now by how you spoke to me get your wife on the phone look listen to her and listen don't disrespect my wife ok did I talk about your ear your tummy my wife you called her dumb ass and listen tweets making tracks and just and just you know blabbering you know your wife's a dummy as I'm sorry man like you just you got to come to grips with that okay she's stupid okay I'm sorry but like what can you do you're dumb you're stupid you're the one that ran away from her she left her kids in the car who then reversed into me yeah can't you [ __ ] listen man in this day and age you can't be using the R word that's very offensive okay I had one of my cousin's in water so you're saying I have a mental disability nope if you come over here I'll give you a mental disability listen amigo amigo mano a mano how about you and I we can just settle this one-on-one okay because now I can pissed off come on come on in my wife's honor I want to have a gentlemanly fight okay I have to defend her and we need bare knuckles and and you know hold on hello oh my god they hung up again the insurance company already said doctor no more look man I have a proposition for you okay there's no need for violence I have one proposition for you sure since I'm in pain here I'm wearing a neck brace I feel like the way we can get even is you know you sit into your ear your GMC car you get in there and you let me back up into you okay and now I want you to just experience my pain a little bit and then I we can go our separate ways well come on over and back up into me okay get in the car and just wait for me there come get you some okay do you - come on are you working tomorrow are you working tomorrow what time do you leave I want to go - what time do you leave I don't know anyway you know what they say right they say an eye for an eye and this can be a neck brace for a neck brace yeah look please know your place and get out of this conversation okay no you're playing a fake come on over listen okay you have your wife now you know but you're fighting your battles how about you just step outside of this I don't have to hear her murmuring and the ground okay I don't want to hear no lady member in the background place you better wear your seat is I'm bomb reverse and real fast I'm gonna be reversing a real real fast come on okay mister can you please just get in the car and wait for me outside I want to hear the car inside the ignition I want to hear that bling Sam felt like are you outside away even Marco so this is where things get crazy Aaron's dad was running outside in his neighborhood looking for Billy and on top of that he was armed with a weapon when his son texted me and told me about this I wanted to call the prank off but he begged me to continue to pray just a little bit longer 300-pound guy with a neck brace you see me young it's a big old white neck brace dude you can't miss it what what sighs yeah I'm right here I'm looking at your tiny little house man I don't know did I go to the wrong street or something like that let me check my GPS yeah I'm waiting on you say polo I don't see you say polo says just say it laughs for me hey why are you being a little pansy just help me and I ain't in a pants I'm waiting on your ass I can be say polo mother foresee that a yes come on man okay Marco oh you're not saying it down loud man like I'm literally my I'm like I'm the next street over I'm fine you have your wife go inside and make us a couple you know late night breakfast sandwich or something like that cuz I don't know why she keeps talking in the background male is it pissing me off hey hey hey don't you leave my wife out of it she has to go inside man she keeps following you around like you know like she's lonely or so like they just have her go sit down till you later you watching it thank you you're watching thank you hearing one is gonna happen [Music] listen okay you don't have the upper hand you know what what I don't care oh you're pretty come on out you're lucky we live by a cemetery because once I give you that one to Mayweather you're gonna be down for the camera yeah we yeah yeah come on then okay yeah yeah come on outside okay use your wife gonna stay indoors I don't know you don't worry about what she's got to do you better worry about yourself listen man come on out you gotta put that woman on a leash and get her under control man she's out of control man come on hey don't worry about what she's got to do you worry about well okay make us some fresh-squeezed lemonade okay I ever knew there for me cuz you know I'm gonna be parce after I with that anus come on what tonight okay cuz all I'm saying is by the third round you might need some electrolytes maybe she can grab you like a sugar free power rings I'm like that cuz I got diabetes I can't be taking this ain't gonna be no round it's gonna be you hitting the floor and that's it I don't know but listen man I know I got a neck brace but I'm nimble I'm light on my feet come on out you're on one of these houses how do you know how many more of these houses cuz you were watching me right now like a pervert I've heard your ass before I've heard that voice before he's watching us right now hey Dawg you because that's why you ain't gonna come out because I can beat your yeah come on teen mother you can't be using the effort that's inappropriate come on look man this is homosexual life your wife's titties because I'm a homosexual rad well hey have your wife pull out her floppy eggplants and what I got in my pocket oh you bringing weapons to the fight come on come over here so yeah bring weapons man that's not fair oh no [ __ ] come on out listen empty your pockets inside and come outside and put your hands in the air like you just don't care and then I'll come outside kids do you won't even step outside because you have weapons in any and you're not following the rules man I ain't a dumbass come on now come on man-to-man now come on out I need some stimulation apple on her flapjack titties for me for just 10 seconds okay let me just get a little bit lower for ya I'm gonna find your flat cities and I wanna beat the [ __ ] out of you honestly and queer I am 300 pounds so I do have some flapjacks myself honestly if I'm if I'm being honest I'll show you my flapjacks if she shows me hers he's one of these he's won a stupor welfare [ __ ] oh god that is extremely disrespectful man I'm gonna have to come over there and slap you around cuz of that I bet you you right there on the corner ain't you if you go inside and put your weapons away I'll come out oh my god he hung up dude we got so much hilarious audio holy [ __ ] you're calling okay I'm coming out of the house with my hands up okay honestly I feel bad now because you the digs up and you caught me this whole thing it's I need to tell y'all the truth because I feel bad the whole thing is just a small prank that was set up because somebody told me that you had your got into a hit-and-run and I'm very sorry for getting you guys worked up but the way you reacted was unreal and hilarious I'm looking it up right now hold once I'm pulling it up right now no you disrespected my wife he told her all kinds of [ __ ] and lift in the air sir you think this is funny online it ain't funny you found the wrong mother no sir I obviously I don't know if you recall it don't thank you one damn computer in the fourth underwear and jackoff the whole day long so unfortunately he didn't really like being clowned and roped into believing that Billy was real and living in his neighborhood we got him we done diddly dude no got him I'm tell you about it I tried calming him down for like 30 minutes and it didn't really work but if you want to hear more pranks gone wrong drop a like on this video and comment with your favorite parts I do have more calls like this and I'll post another one if you guys seem to dig it if you have somebody you want to prank and hopefully they take it better than this guy send them a request on my website now link is below and I'll see you subscribers again next week
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 829,343
Rating: 4.8614573 out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, comedy, phone pranks, prank calls, prank phone call, prank phone calls, ownage pranks prank call, funny prank call, ownage pranks youtube, insurance scammer, scammer, hit and run, billy
Id: ciKcftT05RA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 5sec (845 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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