insulating a garage door with shed insulation radiant barrier

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okay goodnight event from jet installation do I just want to show you guys a bit about how to insulate the rola doors as you can see I've got one done here a bit of a practice run and we're about to do this one this isn't really a how-to video this is more of a how I do it cheering slaves and the other way is all about you coming up with your own ways of doing things and if you come up with something that you think about drop us a line and let us know so let's get started keep it short basically you need to take major knife a pen maybe some tin snips but not necessarily so to start with what I do is I make your epidural two point three meters some concrete a flat area to avoid that again what do I do oh I'll take that so about 2.30 get more room to have a conveniently placed yet this happens to be a full roll you might get one that's a smaller role that's not quite as the same it does so then you go to stress you'll get them use 25 there that'll be enough to do one door using that 12 I saw it so this is a little trick that I've learnt just to make it easier I get my roll and I put a strap on the table face down and put the foil over the top get another strap based in try to get it Square to the roll a good guide is easily the lines the little lines are actually fairly square so if you if you see them square on the lines that's good it is not critical you can come back and readjust this at a later date so what I've done there is effectively stuck a strap to it so that's trap isn't going to fall off so what I do then is roll that up I've got a nice neat roll I'm going to all square it off on the ends I've got the strap all the way up to one end so then what I can do if you don't buy yourself this is a good trip if you hook up somebody else you might be able to get somebody to hold up the strap up then what I do is [Music] different sometimes you'll have things like this on there sometimes you won't they're really the same twice did I get that nice and lined up and I try to get it so it's nice and square so when I roll it I'm not quite square there that's okay I can adjust it pull this top one and or if it's too close I can move the whole lot away from the edge you don't want it too close to the edge but you want to stop as much heat as possible then you can just let that drop and then just think it's looking pretty good sometimes even these aren't squared or the door so depends you can be as fussy easy like alright now we got that man we don't need to hold it we don't need anybody to hold it so we can just get a single stress of a marked out where I'm where I want the straps to be put them in keep them nice and even if you've got it this part pulled up title in that part you're gonna have problems at the end so you want to do it nice and even but if you use if you do muck it up you take them off and do it again that's not it's not stuck on with Balu or anything and that's one of the big advantages of this system and we just slowly work yeah again I don't measure it out about every four runs is about right later on when I line them up I try to line them up so that they line up with the the closer as you can see on this other door here it's it's lined up to go in in there so that's something to take into consideration when you're doing yours this looks a bit nicer finished it I'm going to start the run beside it because in this door there's going to be a little bit of an overlap can't cut it off if you want but it's very difficult to make it a nice straight cut today I dish the second for us a beautiful world and all that so the same thing again a couple of straps Kepler hasn't disease I can have sharp edges so it's best to wear gloves and if you're working with other people I'd suggest wearing safety glasses as well because somebody gets one of them it's not pretty but other than that they're good so we here again try to get nice and square to those little ribs not critical just nice if you can get it my square roll over he's locked on and what we'll do when this is done will come we'll revisit these top ones and we'll take the one out of here so that we're not using too but just for the moment it just holds it up there so that we can now make it easier for deal with that course we've got an overlap here we'll come back and address that soon we're just worrying about getting that square and level further down you go the more your mistakes will be show up that was pretty good then got some straps ready here now I've got both hands to sort this up so what I tend to do is just reach in and hold me up maybe do a couple at a time again up to you there's no set way of doing this just how I do it when you put the magnets on always start from the top don't start putting your magnets in the middle because you need to pull the slack up from the top and you want to get this door worked up free perfectly that is only a tiny little overlap on the stress another one again you can see it's a little bit crinkly I'm stress where you can sort that out the end joint keep the tension about the scientist was nicer you know what it looks like cut the haul out for the handle the fairly easy to take off I didn't get hard on the video it's needed but they're pretty self-explanatory you get the mechanisms up so now near like the bottom I don't like working on the ground so I'm gonna roll the door up we'll have a bit of a test make sure it doesn't boil end up [Music] [Music] you know every day you sit down I can't end of it three or four [Applause] and right at the very bottom there's nearly always a lip like this over Lynch Oh YUM use that as a straightedge do you run my knife along and cut it off so I'll show you what a man will put that last strip their end comes off nice and neatly hopefully game of the game this is one of the advantages is it looks neat and that you had enough glue everywhere so we've got that bit of a flap there I just we're knife in there without cutting without cutting too much I'm not putting too much pressure in I'm just letting it ride in that little edge there and it cuts it awesome make you wanna shout I say if you want a neat job you will need a sharp knife if it means getting another blade get to the end switch the north around and come back the other way crinkle it that's trip yeah I don't get much neater than that next part cutting is where the end of this you can actually see little holes in this foil put a stop condensation build-up and you find where the holes are I don't know what through again shop now I use it as a bit of a cutting edge I'll pick up when we it off does it doesn't have to be neat if you're gonna do it anymore as well try and will be three three little holes hey dizzy guns in one another one be a little bit careful in the edge my said that'll be covered up and they'll need a little bit of cutting if the NDA where the run ups go through not all doors are exactly the same in this so you'll just have to this isn't a specific step-by-step how-to it's just you know this one's working out and they're all vaguely the same all right and we'll get out mechanism you might need a hand for this part because you got to put the other pot on the episode and you can't hold the other side you put your screws in so this is a steel line dollar it looks like it's got this piece on the outside I just need to get somebody to hold it boy sometimes I've when I think of it I've got a magnet magnetic strip that I put over there and I hold it so it doesn't fall off well I'm putting the screws on the cover in the inside little screws and they just go in nipple month nice and firm like so and just test it make sure you yep it's up to you whether you put a and a strip underneath it if you do there's gonna be a bit long so that's where your tin snips are gonna come in and just just cut a bit off the end and you can use the other bit as a fridge magnet we'll go and do that in a minute I'll show you finish this top part off I mentioned that we can reclaim those second magnets we put on basically let it drop definitely I'm gonna do that getting stretched back so use no name on this is what and then pull this one out of here then one that one zone to pull being up there somewhere else anymore laid them on the bottom ones kicking about there we go yeah final finish you can leave it like that it's not too bad but just because we're a little bit fussy we'll get the knife here and we'll use that strap now as a as an edge get it straight and we get that in Italy right and if you want to you can just push you strap up right up to the top of it and it covers any of that edge weight good when you can hide your mistakes cannot always but this one again ah and that's about it now we just go through and make sure it rolls up and down I might put a couple of strips underneath for the chopper getting off and then sliding alright give it a test up and down buzzer you guys we got the two doors done they're looking pretty Nate they roll up and roll down beautiful you stopping 95% of that rainy and hate coming through which is the last part of the problem because part of the problem but then if you can go around and eliminate some of these these have a little party or any condition that will just love you for it and so your comments off would be using the room for and that's it I'm going home I've had enough city the next one
Channel: Elaine Venn
Views: 17,817
Rating: 4.6638656 out of 5
Id: rCzD85SntCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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