Insulating a Garage Attic

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what's up youtube i want to bring you another video on this series of insulating your garage um i've been fighting with it being extremely hot or extremely cold so i finally decided just to beef this thing up and uh insulate uh everything around the garage as it should be i've i did the garage door with the foam board i'll put a link in the description you guys can check that one out um you can insert your garage door for less than 50 bucks we saved quite a bit on that one about 20 25 degrees so here in the in the attic i want to show you guys kind of what you got to do before i finish up this job so first you got your soffit vents down there in the very corner so here's the peak of your attic as it goes down you have some soft events out there so when you go outside your house now you'll see an overhang with some little slits in there you can kind of see some daylight going through that's off of it well the hot air the exchange in here comes up your roof comes up the top and goes out you most likely have a ridge vent or you have some roof vents that look like this or you may have both main thing is you don't want to block all the airflow from that soft event if you do that um you'll trap a lot of the air in here you increase more humidity it will defeat the purpose of everything plus you'll get mold and accumulate moisture in your insulation once the insulation gets moldy of course that's self-explanatory molds bad once it gets moist it packs in and then your insulation won't be near as effective if at all so first thing you want to do you go and grab these they're called right here they're called baffles insulation baffles you get about 10 pack for like no i think 12 bucks but i got them right now of course everything during cove is a little bit more expensive then what i've done decided to do a radium barrier so it's radiant barrier i used two 48 width sections and two 16 width sections and it made it a little easier to go around some of these areas when you're all done what you want to do is you're going to cover up those first set of ridge i mean sorry those insulation baffles you'll cover that up with the last layer of this radiant barrier goes all the way down i haven't put that last piece on because then you wouldn't be able to see it when you're all finished actually i'll show you too when you come up to these pc supports here you just want to cut a tee you cut it line straight down where it goes across then i t across left to right and it'll go wrap around each one of these posts as you go up when you're all done you want to do the front side here if you want to beef this up even more you can do a cable fan you add a gable fan right here that's going to pull out all the hot air and shove it outside the house i'm seeing a lot of difference already just out of what i've done with the radiant barrier and the insulation alone not sure if i'm going to need a ridge sorry a gable fan yet but we'll see so far on the left side of the house i've already dropped about 30 35 degrees depending on the temperature of the day in my garage so what you'll end up with is this over here so what we have first is one layer that goes right in between all these supports so your support runs straight down i have a bunch of two by sixes laid out so that way you don't go through the the ceiling of course um i use two by sixes right now you can use three quarter inch plywood with the way things are right now with lumber uh it was cheaper to buy two by six or two by twelves than it is to buy um plywood right now plywood is extremely expensive it's about over double right now anyways once you're all done you're gonna run these are already pre-cut you wanna buy one the first section is gonna buy faced so this is a faced insulation bat right here so you'll roll these out you want the the face the paper side this side here it's actually a vapor barrier um you wouldn't you think you know paper is absorbent why would it be a vapor berry but the way the exchanges are in the air if you put that down towards your living space so down you're going to stop the moisture from coming through this face and that way it won't get the insulation on the other side wet now when you lay your next section down so first you run them alongside each one of these supports and mine are 24 on center each one of my supports they're not 16 inches apart like most of your wall studs so make sure you measure those out by the square footage that you need you lose legos down they're pre-cut and what i would advise as you're laying these out you can of course crawl out there on your wood supports what i like to use what i found actually really useful i had an old extending or telescoping paint brush pull here i actually used that rolled them up as this roll is pushed them to the end turned it grabbed the roll and unrolled it back towards me got it right where i wanted now when you put that first roll in like on this side you're going to roll it all the way just where that opening is you're not going to cover up that actual soffit vent you want to leave that open or else that air exchange again is going to be blocked so you just push it right up into the edge right where your um insulation baffles are once it touches those baffles you stop you don't compress it you just push it right up against it and that's it don't don't smash those up into your into your roof or else you'll lose that air exchange now you see a bunch of pipes and wires and everything running around you just go underneath those wires and then over the top of them you just separate your insulation however you need to now if you live in an area where the temperature gets extremely cold you know negative 10 degrees for many weeks or days or more than that you can insulate these pipes as well these water pipes that go across we only see natives over here in idaho maybe a few days out of the year um it's never usually a problem i did have these pipes freeze only one time a couple of years ago we had we call it snowmageddon around here we actually people this first time we realized you have to had to plow your or snowshoe your roofs it was actually crazy for us around here anyways it's usually not a problem i'm not going to insulate hours um just because i with the installation i'm adding already whenever this used to be bare we're going to be good so once you get down your first layer of insulation here then you want to put your next layer and these are rolled bats so the first one actually is r15 rating the next layer you're going to run perpendicular so you have your first section running this way along with the supports then you're going to go opposite perpendicular to that one and again use your telescoping rod to push those out there if you don't want to squeeze out because if you're about doing this by yourself it's going to take a while my attic's kind of short so everything is on your knees so it takes a little bit anyways you want to run perpendicular you have to run perpendicular or else you're going to have if you run it the same exact direction one you're going to split across all these supports which is a pain the other thing is your cracks are going to line up and then the hotter cold air that you don't want it's going to go through when you're running them both ways you're blocking all that air extreme so they can't come up this one really important your first layer has one faced side so the bottom side that you can't see against the ceiling is down and then you can see the soft insulation up this next section that runs perpendicular is unface on both sides no paper on either side okay so you can see here if i lift this up there's no paper underneath there okay make sure as you move this stuff around you're not compressing it you lift it back up so we have an r15 we have an r30 the reading for this uh radiant barrier they say it's a brown and r15 as well but what it's actually doing uh like a lot of your heat transfers some of your uh like even motors and stuff like that have this kind of deal in there so these little air bubbles inside this stuff and so you have that air membrane where the where the hot air or the hot can't transfer through as much but this foil layer and it doesn't have to be pretty does not be perfect this has to be covering everything when the sun comes in through that asphalt um shingles it's really hot so it could be i've been clocking the temperatures if it's 72 75 outside it's 140 up here on the actual roof itself on the wood it's 115 125 something like that well now when i scan this stuff we're down to like 90 degrees and by the time we go through all this insulation everything i'm sitting down at a nice comfortable 70 degrees in the shop without an air conditioner on and reverse in the winter time it's going to keep all that nice warm air in that you want i'm going to install a mini split eventually i decided to do that i'll have an air conditioning and heating i'm going to use the mr cool one that seems like that seems to be like a nice one but as they mentioned it does no good if you don't have an insulated garage you can run that thing over and over and over all day and all night but as soon as you turn off you're going to lose whatever uh whatever you've been working on because you don't have any insulation or you don't have enough a lot of times you'll go up there if you don't have thick enough insulation you're only running like an r10 r15 i was running a zero but now i'll be running 45 to 60 depending on what this how much radiant this uh how much effectiveness i get out of the radiant barrier again if you have any questions let me know before you start your project there's a few things you're going to need for sure you're going to need yourself a nice stapler if you got a uh i wish i had a cordless battery operated stapler would have made this even better um that wasn't something i want to buy at the moment then you're gonna need definitely definitely definitely definitely gonna need a hard hat there is a lot of nails a lot of uh stuff sticking out and they're big i mean i've hit my head i don't know how many times already on this got stuck with some nails in the helmet it saved me a lot you know wants electrical with hey case says you're putting your boards down you want to watch those wires after a while you may rub a spot open i rubbed a spot open one wire so i had to cover that up you don't want something telescoping is going to help a lot if you have some kind of pull like that you're definitely going to want a fan i'm a huge milwaukee fan i love this thing i can run this thing for about four five six hours depending on what speed i put it on it keeps me really cool cause i said it gets extremely hot up here last thing is you wanna get yourself some gloves i love these kind of gloves because like five bucks at walmart i'm not sure it's a nitride or something on the other side the wood doesn't go through it this is rough sawn two by fours in here that's the last thing you need is you're trying to lay around and move around you get a nice big huge splinter somewhere in your hand not paying attention fall through the roof and hurt yourself so those are going to be some of the pieces of equipment you need last piece it only does so good if you have leaks in your in your ceiling so you want to come over any kind of electrical outlets get you some spray foam or caulking start and i'm going to clean that one up start sealing up any kind of air gaps that you have up here now you can use your attic for storage you can build some shelves and stuff like that in there i'm i was going to do that but i've decided against it i don't know that i need the room then i thought maybe i'll store some wood up here but it's so humid it just warps the wood so i'm not going to do that if you have some questions i re actually i can link a video of some good videos i saw that show how to build a shelf in here if you need that for extra storage in your attic uh yeah so we're almost finished i'm going to lay this down if you have any questions shoot me like the video thanks
Channel: Bourbon Dad DIY
Views: 10,834
Rating: 4.974359 out of 5
Keywords: insulating garage ceiling, insulating a garage ceiling, insulate garage ceiling, how to insulate a garage, garage attic insulation, how to insulate a garage ceiling, garage ceiling insulation, insulate garage, insulating garage, garage roof insulation, how to insulate a garage attic, insulating a garage attic, insulating attic, how to insulate garage ceiling, insulate garage attic, insulating a garage, how to insulate garage, garage insulation, attic insulation
Id: dYypkllWOUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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