INSTRUMENTS OF DELIVERANCE Apostle Joshua Selman Sermons

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[Music] father we trust you and that is why we are here we believe in your power to work wonders in the midst of your people we have come trusting we have come believing we have come to learn we have come to be transformed we have come to obtain testimonies that validate once again that in spite of all that has happened and is happening in our world you still remain lord of all and so i pray o god tonight that there will be the hearing of faith and even the workings of miracles move in our midst glorify jesus let our hearts be so edified in the name of jesus [Music] bless our hearts in jesus name i pray god bless you please be seated be seated again it's an honor to be here [Music] um i i really sense that the lord would have us pray a bit tonight i know that this is an apostolic ministry and um prayer is powerful praise the lord i also believe that somewhere in the course of this service this short session that i have that the lord will stretch his mighty hand to heal to deliver to transform in the name of jesus christ praise the name of the lord so just lay foundation to start off my um the sessions and i believe that it's been a wonderful time romans chapter 15 and verse 19. if you want to title my teaching tonight you can call it instruments of deliverance part one romans 15 and verse 19. if it's possible and you can see it let's read together in concert ready one to read through mighty signs and wonders by the power of the spirit of god so that from jerusalem and round about on to lyconium did i pronounce that well if i didn't just mention whatever you see i have fully preached the gospel of christ [Music] i have fully preached the gospel of christ that means that the gospel cannot be said to be fully preached until there is a dimension of it that captures and reveals signs and wonders paul is speaking and it's like a checklist and he's saying on the strength of this and that and that i can stand with confidence to say i have fully preached the gospel please keep that scripture there it then means it is possible for the gospel to be preached but not fully preached and i think that we live in a time where there is an increased need to capture other dimensions of the gospel that sadly are gradually fading our fathers handed to us a very complete gospel a gospel that captured the whole council of god are we together and now through the years and through the vicissitudes of life we began to edit the gospel and remove certain dimensions of the gospel that make it powerful and make it worth hearing and one of it is the miraculous and the supernatural for some reason we found a way to reduce the gospel from the realm of supernatural power to the realm that only relates to the intellect and now don't get me wrong there is a dimension of the gospel that relates to the intellect because a true gospel must transform society and we must draw values from the gospel the gospel is both a message and an ideology there are two dimensions to the gospel the gospel is first a message that saves then it is an ideology that seeks to enthrone christ and his purposes across every strata of human activities so these dimensions must be captured in our idea of what the bible calls the gospel but in a bid to preach and advance the frontier kingdom i would call it an attack on the body of christ gradually gradually certain dimensions of the gospel began to fade are we together now yes and there is an explanation for that but then it looked like we started experiencing what gideon experienced because when the angel of the lord came to gideon his contemplation and his discussion was where are the signs i know one time you said god moved and i'm not i'm not part of this now you don't come and tell me something that i'm i'm not convinced where are the signs listen if these dimensions of the gospel are not restored then it takes only one generation of neglect and many people will not be able to define god by all the attributes that truly make him god again a time will come when god will become a philosophy no longer a reality then we will reduce him and edit him based on the templates of our experiences [Music] through signs and wonders he said from jerusalem i have fully preached the gospel i came from a background where i didn't have the opportunity to see the miracle-working power of god very well-intentioned sincere evangelical background full of people with character morality but i knew something was missing in our understanding of god the sick went back sick the oppressed went back oppressed i used to sing hymns those days that said so many things we could not prove and the service would finish and people would go back as though we were playing as though we were acting as though we were lying they would sing songs about the might of god sing songs about his miracles how he parted the red sea who would admonish ourselves with psalms hymns and spiritual songs and it will end only in theory then the preacher would come most well-intentioned personality and you could see a desire if only i had the grace to reveal the wonder walking power of god you would even see people cry and the painful part of that service is when we have to share the grace without transformation without an evidence people would walk through that door hoping that god will notice come we are here for you [Music] come and do what you do we are here for you come and do what you do set our hearts on you so you will do one the first time i would watch a preacher capture a dimension of god my heart so desired some you see the thing about god is that he designed man to need the fullness of him no matter what dimension of god you have experienced while you get satisfied by being filled with one dimension that same encounter leaves you hungry for the other part of god it was a system designed by his intelligence to make sure man never gets exhausted seeking him so when you come to him his first assignment is to feel the current hunger then his it causes you to to want another dimension again that rhyme is called eternity he put it in man [Music] hallelujah so we have seen the god who saves we have seen the god who is kind but very few people have seen the dimension of god that we call the god of wonders [Music] hallelujah jesus in luke chapter 11 let me just introduce my discourse for tonight jesus in luke chapter 11 please you give us from verse one please be patient with the reading the bible says and it came to pass that as he was praying in a certain place when he ceased one of the disciples said unto him lord teach us to pray as john also taught his disciples now the disciples had walked with jesus for a while and they noticed the dimension of wonder and power he he seemed invincible it was as though there was nothing that was not within his reach as far as the purposes of the father was concerned remember this scripture please give it back to us this was not talking about prayerlessness they were already praying this was talking about prayer that did not produce results the disciples were frustrated there was something about their prayer life it wasn't producing results they were tired of going to the synagogue and here the the painter touch or the psalms you know they would read it and chant it and say a lot of things remember that one of the members in that parish was a woman who had been bound for 18 years i we still bible students i can imagine what was in the mind of that woman every time they read about the god who parted the red sea etc the woman would sit there and say god where are you is there anything too hard ah then comes jesus now i love jesus he does not just say he does the spirit of the lord is upon me he said for he has anointed me the bible says it was given to him the scroll of messiahs and when he took it he began to read the messianic prophecy and then he said this day not tomorrow let this be a prophecy for someone it will be this day no delay again this day in the name of jesus the christ of god he said this day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears and he saw a man with a withered hand no explanation no excuses mr man stretch your hands the gospel that captures power that captures dimensions of the supernatural back to luke chapter 11. so the disciples came to him verse 1 and they said teach us to pray that means reveal to us a formula that is hidden in your prayer life that has results to show for it something about the barriness in our prayer is frustrating our experience can you teach us and notice jesus didn't say oh dear i think you're just being humble he knew something was wrong with their prayer lives next verse please verse two and he said unto them when he pray something is wrong i love jesus now he's helping them this is deliverance happening and the first assignment is to reconstruct your understanding it says when you pray say our father that is the first revelation of prayer now i'm not really teaching on prayer this there's somewhere we're going but just as an introduction he says when you pray come to god with a consciousness that he is abba the word abba means he is source he is sustainer and defender that means something about your not understanding god is affecting the results that you get from him he says when you come to god you must come with this consciousness that he is abba and the principal quality of fathers is that they give if you being evil he said know how to give not just how to lead not just how to talk a true father is a giver automatically that takes away the doubt and fear will god do it will god heal will his outstretched hand come we are talking of abba father so he says when you pray come with this consciousness number one our father number two your interaction with god will require faith because he is in a realm that is not earthly which act in heaven so it informs you immediately that this interaction is between two realms that even though you are on earth and he's in heaven there is still a technology that can sponsor communication that means faith you must come in faith which art in heaven number three that you come with the spirit of reverence hallowed be your name that the consciousness of the benevolence of the father should not lead to carelessness that you must come with a sense of reverence next verse please keep it for us there it says thy kingdom come that means that your desire and your prayer more than your needs being met should be his kingdom coming that means that the root cause of your prayer request in the first place is because his kingdom is not there that if you focus on his kingdom coming you may not even need to pray other prayers again your kingdom come how it tells you how the kingdom comes on earth by your will being done that everywhere his will is done his kingdom comes and that it should come in earth notice it never said on earth in earth and the first earth is you so your kingdom come and your will be done in my life as this portion and piece of earth [Music] this is my we're getting close to my verse of emphasis now number three give us this day our daily bread wow he would have said give us this day food but he's saying according to the law of my benevolence there is an allocation that is daily i'm speaking to someone here not monthly not weekly not yearly you can it says give us our daily bread not our bread that means every 24 hour it recycles in the spirit god is able and willing to supply for the day give us day by day or this day our daily bread verse 4 it says and forgive us our sins as we forgive everyone that is indebted to us very powerful this is a revelation of mercy that once you obtain mercy from god you must know that you are dealing with the realm of men and that means your heart must be positioned to communicate out of the abundance of that which you have received here is my discourse tonight and lead us not into temptation this is a call for discernment that we are living in an environment where not everything is exactly as it looks therefore we will need discernment it's an advocacy lead us not into temptation there is something about your leadership but there are times when the evil will not come because of your carelessness there are times when the evil will come because of the territory where you reside it says when you find yourself in that situation it's no longer an issue of your carelessness that when you get to that time the prayer is deliver us from evil lead us not into temptation you have a personal responsibility to walk with the spirit of god discerning what to do where to go but there are times that the things that happen to you are things that are common to men it says at such time deliver us from evil please look up according to scripture the wonders of god among many functions the principal reason for the wonder of god is it's a demonstration of his love his might his providence and as a system of judgment are we together now over the kingdom of darkness is always an advocacy of the exodus of his people to the place of destiny the principal instrument of deliverance in scripture is the wonder walking power of god so when the god of wonders wants to show up there has to be an occasion where the threat the pride and and and the challenge of darkness is perfecting his people he does not just come as savior he comes with a god of wonders signs that don't found the minds of all and sundry is is like a signature it's like god stretching himself again and saying i'm still the monarch of the universe [Music] very very powerful deuteronomy chapter 26 and verse 8 please deuteronomy 26 and verse 8 and the lord brought us forth from out of egypt egypt is a land of wizardry a land of slavery and captivity he brought us forth out of egypt with a mighty hand and with an outstretched arm and with great terribleness and with signs and with wonders psalm 66 verse 3 says say unto god how terrible are thou in your ways it says through the greatness of thy power not just desire people of god it takes more than desire to experience the fullness of god in the wicked world that we live in he said through the greatness of your power shall thy enemies submit themselves unto thee an instrument of deliverance psalm 30 from verse 11 please just looking at a few scriptures psalm 30 verse 11 it says thou has turned for me i receive it for myself thou has turned for me my mourning into dancing it says now i've put up my sackcloth and guided me with gladness verse 12 it says to the end that my glory may sing praise unto thee and not be silent oh lord my god i will give thanks to you you have turned my morning to dancing something about your hand is it not in your bible that when the lord turn again the captivity of zion he said he did it in a spectacular way it was like a dream the recipients of that miracle could not even comprehend the dynamics of their own deliverance it says born again the captivity of zion like the streams of the negev [Music] deliver us from evil there is something about man john chapter 4 and verse 48 there is something about the fallen man that because of the nature of men outside of the influence of the spirit they would require a spectacular display a dimension of power a dimension of the might of god that generally the bible says where the carcasses are he says there the eagles will gather there's something about men and things that are usual they don't seem it looks like the lifespan of honor for men does not is very short the moment they see a thing and they can descend the dynamics around it when they conquer they no longer value it this is this is a weakness in men so when men see something that is spectacular their next assignment is through the instrument of science or divination to unravel the mystery behind that process if they successfully unravel the mystery behind that process they will no longer be afraid of it the dynamism of god's wonders is such that no man can articulate the extent the dynamics you cannot decipher the dynamics how god will come he will choose a method only left to his intelligence so you expect him to pass the red sea and he says you walk on water he has he has he has a variety of ways and the goal is to force the pride of man to admit the fact that there is a god in heaven you would read through scripture that almost there are few miracles that repeated themselves in the bible it's a technology to keep men humble [Music] because men dishonor what they are used to is a weakness in men please follow me carefully there is a principal weakness in men when they are used to people when they are used to processes when they are used to things the more familiar they become with people with places with things their honor also drops and so god invented a strategy to keep men in awe of him and the name given to that strategy is the signs and wonders manifestations of his power so sometimes you expect him to show up for you through an uncle that based on your parameter you have calculated it you have gauged the extent of benevolence and if only you were assisted the little and god who said not so if i do it that way you will be confused whether it was just his will or it was my contribution i will use someone did i not say strangers will feed your flock let me tell you this you know it is god when it is marvelous he said if it is the lord's doing the way we celebrate god on receiving our testimonies almost so that he you can almost say he did not have a hand in it that the way it happens so casual you read your bible there is nothing casual about god if it is god and he shows up he must leave a signature that will leave you in tears there are times that is your knees that will give the testimony not your mouth you you go down on your knees and you wonder [Music] an instrument of deliverance because you see pharaoh pharaoh is not a child pharaoh is not even a pure man pharaoh is a wizard pharaoh had been mentored through the art of wizardry and so when moses came to him and said pharaoh don't say the lord god of the hebrews let my people go i can imagine ramesses is half brothers in pharaoh i mean moses why why have you come to embarrass yourself you would have spent your remaining days in the wilderness now you have come to test egypt and he said well i'm not going to talk so much he threw his rod his rod became a serpent and pharaoh laughed he said this is all you've got this is egypt moses this is not the wilderness janus jambas bring your road let this man know we have unraveled the realm of the spirit that far i can imagine god watching say keep ah rejoice not over me my enemy there is still more in god all you've seen is not all he has god has mysterious arsenals of deliverance and i'm telling you you don't dare him to release them because there is something god can do that both you and the enemy will keep there will no longer be war both of you will stand in awe and say now who is this one the king of the universe honestly speaking there are not many people who have seen the wonder working power of god we have seen principles walk but we have not seen the wonder working power of god you see principles lead to predictable outcomes it's still a dimension of god's power that sponsors them but the wonder walking power of god there were miracles that were performed on people and jesus begged them and said please don't talk they were too grateful to keep quiet and i believe in the name of jesus standing in faith with the apostle over this house that someone listening in the name of jesus i'm speaking to you by the grace and by the mercy of god that between now and even tomorrow morning in the name that is above all names you will not only receive wonders you will return a wonder yourself [Music] exodus chapter 3 and verse 20 [Music] the wonder of god as an instrument of deliverance pharaoh does not let people go because they want to go there is there is a dimension of the outstretched arm of god that compels darkness to release you listen to me now by the grace of god i know that we love the lord but i think there is something that has been a burden for me sir many believers do not know how determined satan is now the bible does not tell us to study satan but he tells us to study his strategies i can tell you one one of the traits of satan is his doggedness and his resilience just because god said to let you go just because god said for the door of your destiny to be open don't you think satan left jesus for a while he reinvented himself and came back through peter reinvented himself and came back to judas [Music] satan is that determined so the idea and the narrative that just because you have access to the tools of redemption the name the blood etc automatically means your destiny will open up that kind of thinking itself is an attack are we together now yes sir there is an engaging true understanding there is a dimension where you will have to call on the power of god to be made manifest for that chain for that door that would not let you go to let you go i know one thing about the realm of the spirit it only answers to power it only answers to a dimension of the supernatural there is no ministry that will grow just by sincere desire it will take the outstretched arm of god warding off the gates of hell it will take the power of god for a business to grow it will take the power of god for your influence to rise and to be sustained this i know [Music] many believers presume that just because they are well intentioned and they are sincere it means that the devil would not attack them no i came to plant an aggression in you because we are going to pray this is just an introduction there are things that there are things that you must shake tonight and say enough is enough you see let me tell you it is within your power to be angry and to be determined a holy anger to say in the name of jesus this door must open in the name of jesus i press forward [Music] exodus chapter 3 and verse 20. i will stretch out my hand and i will smite egypt with all my wonders not some [Music] this is what it takes for egypt to let you go not some egypt is that stubborn pera scuba la cartosiata [Music] please believe what i teach you egypt is that stubborn it will take the full weight of god's arsenals all my wonders please give us that scripture [Music] which i will do in the midst thereof after that joshua and finally he will let you go after that old businessman that means there is a quality in satan god is revealing that he can be tired he can be wary to the degree to which you resist the devil there is an assurance that he will flee so if he does not flee it means the resistance is not strong and determined enough [Applause] [Music] i will visit you with my wonders and afterwards he will let you go tonight is just an introduction we're going to pray i truly came with a burden in my heart sharing the burden of your man of god to see that we not just come up with intelligent exceptions of scripture and then return back with our lives with no results no no pilar scuba diving it is the reason why society continues to look at the church as a nuisance to civilization there is a dimension of the power of god they are yet to see that will cause our world to once again sing the songs of miriam i will sing unto the lord she said for he has triumphed gloriously the horses and even the riders [Music] there are ministries there are lives there are destinies that have been tied down i came tonight with a clarion call enough is enough except you are still interested enough is enough there is there is there is a determination from the heart of the father that there is a dimension of god that must be captured in your life let me tell you this let me tell you this there are many of our loved ones who serve idols for years those idols have produced results that they will not easily let go now i'm not here to just talk about superstition but let's be sincere with ourselves [Music] this i don't save them from war this i don't save them from trouble now you come with a message a very intelligent message and say why don't you throw away everything they tried it for one year they were poor they were broke they suffered they said no way while you are trying to unravel what you are proposing to me let me remain loyal to what has worked for me men do not live what walks this is why there is a mix of tradition and christianity and it still remains in spite of our education and we have the infantry to tell people to leave sorcery and leave all of this and then we present a gospel that is not complete hey las cabrando ga supra has kidata we have the gods to tell people stop taking drugs and they die because of what we administer and we told them the lord sent us to them [Music] so you imagine their definition of such a god and such a king then we sing that since i was younger now i am old we say i have not seen the righteous forsaken know his seed beg for bread and something in you says are you not lying [Music] listen we must trust god to capture the fullness of his dimensions otherwise our children will ask us questions we will not be able to answer [Music] this is not a generation of blind loyalty there must be proof and a basis for their legions [Music] the fathers that handed down the gospel to us some of them walked in spectacular dimensions their campgrounds today remaining memorial that god came to our soil [Music] they interacted with angels not these arbitrary visions that have no proof [Music] some of them it was their encounter that butted certain dimensions of power when we read through scripture did a viper not bite the apostle and he did not he shook it off tayla peruskiada [Music] oh lord you are my god he says early will i seek you he says my heart longs for you to see your power and your glory as i have seen in the sanctuary time will fail me it says to talk of men who through faith subdued kingdoms wrought righteousness we are too scientific and too sociological and too intellectual for impact there has to be a dimension important that is higher than this realm i tell you we can save a nation in one day if we allow the power of god to be out threat it is difficult because we are not yielded enough [Music] joshua stands to command the sun son ah my goodness do you not read your bible did you stop reading it what's the wonder walking power these were not parables these were men who walked upon the earth the bible says whom the earth was not worthy of the apostle was teaching i don't know the content of such a lecture that someone fell and died outside and he took an excuse quickly went and raised her back took up and the lecture continued when an angel appeared to mary has surprised was not the angel it was a frequent occurrence it was the salutation that surprised her [Music] when the apostles were praying for those who were bound when they were praying and peter was released the bible says when he opened the door when they saw him they closed it back because they thought it was his angel wow [Music] how about the raven that came to feed the prophet at brook sheriff that was not a parable real manner came from heaven [Music] this is why you came to church tonight your business is too scientific to glorify jesus it's too calculated we can predict everything we know what will happen tomorrow show me the dimension that has made a customer come not just to buy things to say i have discerned that there is something about the workings of god in your life i believe in principles i believe in doctrine but i truly believe in signs and wonders [Music] [Music] i know you were careless over the rent issue but now you are in trouble is there no way out if i were god and i call you a child i will discipline you but i will not leave you to reproach for my name's sake so where is that dimension why do we look so helpless and yet we talk about a god we so benevolent it looks so difficult to see his hand come no people speak to us they make a mockery of our god and they go and sleep sound and they wake up sound and they say i said it i said it that your advocacy on stage is just acting my goodness did you not read of ananias and saphira the bible talked about men who lied against the holy ghost right there and then in the new testament there was a spirit of reverence that came upon the people [Music] we need to trust god to bring back his wonder working power so that one day we will not be preaching and someone will walk on stage and say i am an intellectual and i do not believe your god in the days of the generals one time when i think it was maria woodward eater she was teaching and then some lousy guys were there just talking and saying all kinds of things and well not the bible history says how that she just looked at them and said god judge you and the tongue of one protruded prayer warriors prayed prayed prayed and nothing happened and so they created a system of apology and they coordinated themselves with a few people and they came and said no we are really sorry we recognize that you are sent of god she merely slapped the tongue and it went back let me tell you this let me tell you this there are dimensions of the power of god that must be displayed in our territory it will no longer become an issue of religion it will become the issue of the maker and his creation that all on sundry people will run to church and say we are coming to encounter the god of heaven our evangelism is hard we beg people we pray and we plead we say accept jesus now and then the people say well in the book of matthew chapter 1 and baseless arguments begin there in history there were men and women who did not talk they only walked around cities as they walked around they deposited a dimension of god and as they left shops malls people began fire was burning everywhere this is called the revival house of glory helas ki bando bra katuski brihati ashida libre godu let our praying in tongues produce results in the name of jesus may we not become like the disciples there is i don't think there is any time in history we are a people of prayer but many believers are beginning to be frustrated because it seems like our watch study we are doing our best i hope you are not offended i came to stretch you a bit we are going to pray there is nothing more convincing than the power of a personal testimony i have i have experienced in myself ah it says the things we have seen the things we have heard the things even of the word of life that we have handled that is what we teach hallelujah yes a time came in my life [Music] i was tired of preaching i was tired of communicating without results i love the lord i still do i will all the days of my life but in all fairness i had the opportunity to pray for a few people on wheelchairs i had the opportunity to pray for a few cancer patients a few hiv patients and nothing happened you see not many people will be sincere with you nothing happened i call upon jesus i said i'm not one of the sons of skiva at least i'm sure that i love jesus i'm born again what in the world is this [Music] i would go to preach and return back and demons will oppress me sincerely [Music] i knew that something was wrong [Music] [Music] a lot of wonders is a warrior that arises because of his jealousy he does not arise until there is a reason to doubt his might when when a generation begins to forget him because it looks like there are many alternatives that look like him this is jealousy that compels him to arise and he does something in a manner and a fashion that reminds people again look at egypt look at babylon nebuchadnezzar build a statue 90 feet and that at the sound of all kinds of things they would bow god said no this is too much every once in a while men try to believe that they are god i don't mean one with god god so the the question comes again psalm 24 who really owns the earth who really owns territories and there will have to be a statement in the earth that the earth is the lord's and its fullness thereof four things there number one the earth number two the resources number three the mind control systems number four the inhabitants they all belong to him it all belongs to you oh it all belongs to you [Music] it'll be lost to you [Applause] hallelujah daniel chapter 6 please on verse 27. i really sense a strong anointing in this place now peruse kendam panda shalakusky avakosiya he delivereth and rescueth and he walked signs and wonders in heaven and in earth and by that formula he had delivered daniel from the power of the lions the formula he used to rescue daniel was not a suggestion it was not a discussion are we together now he used the formula of signs and wonders his outstretched arm that means that there are people following online there are others sitting and saying apostle how is god going to get my family out of this mess i know the answer it will not happen by human deliberations i tell you that there will need to be an introduction of the power the grace of god and it will happen in such a way and a manner that you will spend your life rejoicing and saying thank you thank you lord the way you did it is even more than the fact that you did it [Music] you are delivered daniel [Music] one spectacular manifestation of the wonder working power of god can bring any family can bring any individual are we together now come bring any organization it does not matter the situation look let me tell you the bible says the thing that was the thing that is is also the thing that was and the thing that shall be that there is nothing new under the sun everything we are facing someone had gone through it before if it's corporate debt if it's an issue of sickness someone might be sitting here right now with a medical report and whilst all of these teachings are going on you are happy and you are saying amen but something in you is saying prepare your house for you will die let me introduce you to isaiah 38 that there is a way the lives of men can be prolonged and death can be reversed this is true my concern is that people are already beginning to incorporate into their christian experience the fact that it looks like god is not mighty enough it's a subtle proposal that is coming from the pain of people and the the plethora of disappointments i prayed over this it wasn't answered well i give thanks in the midst of it i pray over this it wasn't answered well i give thanks i pray over this it is not answered when you have so many unanswered prayers it can do something to your conviction he said but i know whom i believed and i am persuaded that he is able [Music] able to do to keep [Music] in the name of jesus he will help us to reintroduce again to the nations of the earth the full council of god the god that still heals the god that still delivers the god that can still lift people overnight is true that god does not rush people but god gives speedo he does oh god gives speed that by this time tomorrow you can look at your former self and wonder there is he does not just do this thing listen he does these things to show dominion over time he also does these things to bring glory to his name how else will an arrogant creation glorify our god if it happens at the sequence of men i have released my faith as a person and i've said lord every dimension of possibility that can find expression through me to give you glory i am available every without restraint whatsoever if you will take raising the dead i am available if it will take healing the sick i'm available now we respect every miracle but i'm telling you there are miracles that are still subject to debates and arguments and all kinds of things there are miracles that the bible calls no table miracles when the madman in gadara was healed the impact of his transformation being in his right mind was so powerful he single-handedly brought a decapolis ten cities remember the woman at the well who had an encounter with jesus notice that these people never came back alone she she was too grateful there's no place where jesus instructed her to go and bring people this is what happens when people taste of the wonder walking power of god they become too grateful to keep quiet do you know what they don't just tell them god is alive they draw them to the place where the miracle happened [Music] i believe god please stretch your faith shake off the doubt and the fear can god make a way in the wilderness i'm reintroducing faith to you gentlemen hear me you are not the first to seek establishment do not allow the territory bully you you come in a name there is a name that defines your background there is a name that defines limitations this is the god that we serve i believe him with all my heart and we are going to pray i sense tonight that someone will have to walk out of his you you will wave that yesterday goodbye you will wave those chains goodbye that you will never forget this conference for the rest of your life now listen you may sit back wondering like you've always done can god really make a way i assure you i know what will happen to you already we will share the grace and your situation will remain but for those who will be angry and say lord i plunge into this we are tired of discussing issues we are tired of deliberations without result we declare that your wonder working power let it be introduced over this situation then you will see the mighty one arise [Music] he says the name of the lord is a strong tower the righteous can entice and they are safe the last one year has been about the most challenging in modern history as we know at least the last 50 60 years and so many people have lost money lost businesses sadly many have lost loved ones businesses are packed up even ministries are packed up and people are in a place now that is the exact environment that attracts the wonder working power of god no wonder the lord spoke to his choice servant to name this conference the god of wonders because you see um if you shine light in the day it may be ignored the bible says when you see darkness [Music] when you see darkness covering the earth and even gross darkness the people prepare is a signal that you should be ready because your light is about to shine as a result of it verse 3 isaiah 60 says gentiles will come you will no longer look for them gentiles will come to your light and even their arrogant kings like the queen of shiva that they will come to the brightness of your rising [Music] there is a dimension of god that we must pray that it is revealed in our lives you're a man and a woman of god here respectfully let me challenge you we must trust god to hold superior dimensions of his powers in these days because people this pandemic push people to do a lot of things people have resorted the rate at which people return back to idolatry return back to a lot of things and i'm not talking of idol worshipers i'm talking of sincere people who love god and that is the most human thing to do in the face of such a difficult situation as this so here is a chance again we have ah kaliba avatar a chance once again to introduce the god of wonders to say his creation the creator is still alive he is life himself but we must be able to demonstrate that reality [Music] i look forward to times when people become restless because there is no service they loiter around the house of god and say when will that dog be open because we have discerned by experience that every time we found ourselves here the mountains it looked like there was an invisible hand i don't know what happened but while apostle good heart was preaching to my shock suddenly someone was calling me on a sunday morning come for the job come for the job do they call employees on sunday morning but that's what happens god made it on sunday so that when you are threatened well as a staff there you will remember you would draw from the archives of how you got there [Music] listen don't waste your testimonies save them you will need to draw from them oh david when you kill the lion don't forget when you kill the bear don't forget because goliath is coming you will need to draw from the god of wonders and what he did yesterday for your deliverance the bible frowns at people who forget he said bless the lord oh my soul and forget not it's a tendency in men mama don't forget how the twins came don't forget that it was five years they told you you had no fallopian tube god said let the doctor finish because there's something i want to do and when the children came where they stayed is a mystery and a wonder and the day your son tells you will i ever make it you say come sit down let me tell you a story 30 years ago i was told i will never have you you see this is why many of our mothers have faith they may not speak in tongues but there is an archive of the wonder working power of god so when they say the child will not rise mama will go back and say i may not be educated i may not be this and that but there was a song i sung in 1975 i sung and i danced like a mad woman that brought me a miracle where is the god that did that yesterday listen don't waste your testimonies while you celebrate them archive them i assure you the last battle you fought is not the last you will fight in this your life this our walk of faith is a fight [Music] god is already ministering to someone we are going to pray [Music] why is my soul downcast where is the god that gave you the ministry can he not sustain it have you forgotten his outstretched arm have you forgotten how he delivered you from an accident what is a blood condition that the god of heaven cannot lift you in some of you were kidnapped literally and yet you are out what in the world makes you think god will allow you to die hungry if his jealousy kept you with no support [Music] the wonders of god are an instrument of deliverance don't forget this one of the ways that he delivers us from evil is to stretch his hand motivated by his love and his jealousy and i see that god is going to arise because there are certain families that the story the narrative the devil is already creating if god does not show up they will write something and say god is not powerful and for his name's sake he's about to arise and say not so not so you see any when you include god in any question the calculation changes failure plus god is the answer he gives [Music] weakness plus god is the answer he gives [Music] who is like him lion and the lamb seated on the throne [Music] mountains bow down and every ocean road to the king of kings is a question who is like him the lion and the lamb seated on the throne [Music] mountains bow down every ocean road to the lord of lords i will pray heart of night [Music] from the rising of the sun to the end of every day praise all the nations of the earth all the angels and the saints secrets listen let me tell you something i cried onto the lord apostles and i said lord please do not send me with only a message i don't even have an advantage based on my background if all i have to give is just a lecture and a message someone will be angry enough to kill me one day jesus was not only sent with a message from age 12 he already began to read but the bible tells us hey la super cutter that as he came out of the waters it says the heavens were opened and the holy ghost descended upon him in bodily form us in the dove the bible says that he was driven to the wilderness and when he fasted 40 days and 40 nights your bible says he returned in the power quebec and his fame went around it went about listen make up your mind that this christianity without power without results without a demonstration of the reality and the life and the power of jesus christ make up your mind that you will never pray for anybody who run away from you again because there is a diplomatic way of saying your prayer did not work and they don't want to embarrass you that you pray for one person and as you return back home you will see people waiting like they waited for the shadow of peter and say we have discerned that the hand of god is upon your lips that every time you speak your words are not empty like that of somewhere [Music] but for tonight there are people who the lord wants to bring out of situations that only god only god can take you out please take it hard for me guys someone sing for me nathaniel bastian song or lower bogora in one minute as a prophetic message that the god of wonders is showing up in this place to turn things around [Music] foreign listen just one prayer point i'd like you to cry a cry of desperation you're under an intense anointing tonight i'd like you to pray that which must live your life this night not tomorrow morning we have other sessions but there are other matters of the kingdom to deal with please lift your voice and cry in faith here at riha isa 2021 lift your voice in the name of jesus call on to the god of wonders and he will show up and walk mighty things in your life lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray the overflows make sure you are praying those following from whatever nation lift your voice and pray let that gentleman please help the gentleman under the anointing there lift your voice and pray please father turn my life around in the name of jesus arise oh great one show up for me silence the voice of the wicked once again may your people see you lifted in my life is someone praying bring your business before the lord bring your family before the lord bring the issue of concern before your maker sheila turn my life around in the name of jesus make a statement through my life make a statement through my life in the name of jesus ask the lord to turn your life to a living wonder in the name of jesus the bible says for everyone please help that woman so pray unto you that answers prayer shall everyone come all flesh come father visit my ministry sign once upon once again upon my ministry let it be clear that i was sent by god sign upon my business oh god sign up on my children arise as the god of wonders that you are please pray please pray don't waste the session don't be silent i release my faith for a testimony a demonstration of your wonder working power by your outstretched arm deliver me from financial crisis deliver me from sickness deliver me from the jaws of death it says when you pray say deliver us from evil hallelujah hallelujah please listen to me let me encourage you respectfully joining faith with your man of god and his wife please do not miss the remaining sessions of this conference whatever sacrifice you will make make that sacrifice with your heart opened are we together i really sense in my spirit that there are people that god wants to visit very definitely in this conference now let me say this i'm about to pray for you as much as possible let's let's honor the covet rules there's so much we can only so much we can do but then whether you are an usher or not please if anyone is under the anointing close to you please do well be your brother's keeper it won't stop you from receiving are we together but there are situations that must change tonight i have five minutes but that five minutes will not be wasted i came in the spirit and the power of elijah there are some of you who are crying because whilst you are here right now listening to me you are saying can god make a way apostle i've done my best have exhausted myself listen to me please do not allow the spirit of fear i love i love the the song that the thing was worshipped him or the guest the guest the music minister very powerful casting that fear don't get used to pain don't get used to defeat shake off your fear and your doubt give god a chance tonight you've given many things that are less than him a chance give him a chance tonight a chance to once again surprise you a chance again to once relieved to once again relieve this truth the bible says let god be true and every man a liar i'm telling you it does not take time if your faith can connect god will surprise you tonight it is true [Music] when we pray for people please understand this it is not some display of anointing from a man of god the issues of destiny are more serious than that it is the lord stretching his hands are we together that man on white my friend lift your hands take that grace now i'm seen and there is something that looks like and like an arrow on that man it ends this night tomorrow you will stand here and testify the doors that will open please help him listen you see when you're in an atmosphere like this i want you to be discerning be discerning know that it does not take time let your heart be open forget about the vessel in his friends as human and discern discerned by the spirit that this could be the answer to my fasting and prayer this could be the moment that god has embarked for my visitation believe me when i tell you there is enough grace in this place tonight to roll that reproach god did not send us we are not we are not he said when i came to you i did not come with the excellency of speech but in the demonstration of power that your faith will not be founded upon sophia the wisdom of men hallelujah just give me a few minutes i have like five or so minutes no situation will be wasted here now i want to pray for people here you don't have to come out and even those under the anointing we may not have usually is the culture to bring them out but just for us to observe the covet rules you just help them where they are but i want to pray for people here the lord is revealing to me that there are people that doors have just refused to open over please hear me and release your faith because something is about to happen they've done you've done your best it just looks like this door's closed whether in life and ministry and that door would not open if god be god then i stretch my hands right now in the name that is above all names for everyone here represented that the door to your destiny the door to your lifting the door to your influence there's someone right at the back right at the back i'm seeing fire come upon that person right at the back in the name of jesus christ i declare that don't be open now be open now be open now i want to pray i'm seeing fire come on people now listen don't just fall down and stand up discern that what is happening to you is a release i told you the wonders of god come as instruments of deliverance deliverance does not just mean rolling it means separating you with the obstacle that impedes your progress and advancement are we together i want to pray someone is going to run literally like they are chasing you run out now please help the person hold the person so he doesn't enjoy himself this this is this is an apostolic ministry this is what i'm seeing by the spirit the hand of god is coming a few minutes will not keep you long it's not something you can resist this this is the ministry of the spirit here we're dealing with the ministry of the spirit help them please alice please help that person now in the name of jesus christ i'm seeing the number 21 and i'm seeing change change that means listen oppression is a dangerous thing because when you are oppressed the only thing that moves forward in your life is your age nothing else moves forward you are moving forward age-wise but nothing is moving i'm seeing 25 people i wish if there's a way they can bring them and they can arrange them without compromising on covet rules that please because god wants to do something here thank you sir in the name of jesus christ lift your hands please father i'm declaring my god right now let the sword of your spirit upon these 25 people from my left and my right at the count of three in the name of jesus shout that name jesus please bring them here one two three bring them please bring them here we will shout hallelujah we will shout praise the lord please bring them out [Music] i stretch my hands help that gentleman please please whether or not you're an usher just let me have them out in the name of jesus i'm seeing it come on people's feet it is a mighty deliverance that is coming on people that's please quickly just just bring them out very quickly you call it the god of wonders that oppressions will stop now i want to pray for there are people here you are standing here but prophetically you are representing families there are families that god wants to set free now in the name of jesus the hand of god is coming upon you families bring them i stretch my hands by the god of heaven every family here represented inside outside following online every oppression that stops the praise of god from being heard from your family and your vicinity in the name of jesus i declare let it be broken now let it be broken now let it be broken now let it be broken now let it be broken now let it be broken now let it be broken now please bring them hallelujah who is david i'm hearing a name david you have a business so that we we we may not i have to work with that time david i'm hearing a name david who is that david you're an elderly man you're not a young boy is there someone like that oh sir your name is david sir you're in business what do you do sir [Music] okay are you you're an architect or okay no but you have to do with structures structures this is what i'm seeing so i want to pray for you please don't be embarrassed i'm looking at you i'm seeing my house oh you've been to my house i'm seeing you in my house oh dear i'm sorry i hope you're not embarrassed i want to pray for you someone will shout now under the anointing loud to the hearing of everyone please bring that person here there is a strong anointing so i want to pray for you [Music] what is agbo is this mic working what is agbo please help us apostles i apologize what is agbo aqua is the town where the government [Music] where the governor's central bank comes from there is a miracle that is coming for you from that place i'm saying it in the open pray listen let me tell you this i know that people have abused the prophetic let me i have to say this disclaimer people have misused it but please don't you mix the sacrifice of other innocent people who have spent time praying the price i think i need to say that because every time we see supernatural things you see madam you are surprised and you are asking my god what is this this man your wife you i'm hearing what you are saying now madam this woman yo is this your wife yes this woman she's surprised and i'm hearing her pray and say god i know that this man preaches but i've not seen that he's in a prophetic dimension like this and god is saying to speak to you to know that he's hearing you and i'm stretching hands on you because that same grace is coming on you now you will never be the same again can i tell you there are people who fear god sincerely and are paid the price by the spirit we have not wasted the grace given to us i'm saying this with all due respect because sometimes you know we just downplay people and think everyone no no this is a ministry with integrity here are we together and so that when you are blessed tomorrow morning when you are coming as you are seeing this ministration god is telling you someone who you know would have been here this night now it is now up to you to show love to drag that person and say suspend this business you have been struggling around come and get something that will change your life hallelujah praise the name of the lord sir in the name of jesus can i pray for you sir i stretch my hands right now in the name of jesus that anointing comes upon you that grace for favor right now oppression goes now in the name of jesus it will never return to you again by the spirit of the living god there is someone here the spirit i don't know if you are in ministry but i'm seeing a strong prophetic grace you're a woman female now in the name of jesus i'm seeing that unction come on you please i want to bring that person out there is a i have a real dimension of the prophetic this is a grace that has been following you for a long time and there is a dimension of that prophetic grace bring them out the wailing women god is past opic thank god you are here there is a dimension there are wailing women that god is lifting in this place i'm speaking by the spirit of grace here at roger here at riha i see in the name of jesus we release that grace the god of wonders is moving in the midst of his people turning situations around in the name of jesus please touch that guy who is near the the ac my friend look at me the lord has answered your prayer mark the third week of march the third week of march the lord is saying i should tell you the third week of march will be a strange month of lifting for you the third week of march hallelujah you were to go to canada i think october or november but something happened you could not go until now you have not gone who is that person oh dear oh wow we will shout hallelujah we will shout praise the lord hallelujah i'm seeing a family here truth is you're a blessed family but there is a land issue there is a major i don't mean one a major land issue i don't know if it's that you're having it with um the the authorities who is that because if god does not step in for you i'm seeing them collect that land that property who is that person don't be ashamed where people you are wearing black you are wearing black like a black you are a lady this is is there someone like that oh there [Music] my dear you believe in jesus let me speak like the apostles this is that look at me my dear shout jesus as loud as you can in the name of jesus i stretch my hands towards you i command favor favor that overturns favor that overturns receive that grace now both of you in the name of jesus christ may the good hand of god come upon you this is the woman i'm talking about calm madam you're a member of this church you came from please victor if you're busy let someone help us do the holding please where's she coming from please don't come out at random make sure you know i'm saying why you're in this city yes i live in objectives okay what's the issue [Music] because what i'm seeing hold on where is your husband i'm seeing you walking in the spirit i see you walk alone and i'm saying that that land is not even your own that land belongs to your husband whose land is it and now they want to take that land away from you and truly if i don't pray for you it's even already finished they will even take it away but listen i'm saying it in the open here that if god be god this woman you see standing a miracle is going to happen this week that will surprise you you will return back to this hallowed altar and you will testify by the spirit of grace i stand in faith with apostle good heart and we release grace upon you may the god of wonders visit you right now in the mighty name of jesus christ [Music] you do jewelries that's your business jewelries who is that person i'm saying jewelries i want to pray for you we have to close please i am i am challenging you this is more than just the conference of a church this is a visitation to this city please listen to me make up your mind that tomorrow morning tomorrow evening you see there's no need running around wasting time in a profitless labor when god can give you an encounter by investing a few hours of quality dedicated encounter are we together now please i want you to make a covenant with god this night that you're going to draw somebody not just anybody you know people who really need the hand of god why do you go and people defraud you collect money to work out things when you can come and god can give you a visitation i don't say it with any attitude of sarcasm but i'm saying god is giving us an opportunity to be extensions extensions you're a businessman here you are from abia state who is that you are from abia state no no no i don't mean you're interested in business you are actively you are a businessman you are from abia state [Music] you are a tall gentleman it's like is it that he's a walker in this church or something like that this is what i'm seeing who is that what do you do media i have to pray for you you used to do well but something happened just went down completely it's an attack on you you see that um i'm not going to say everything here but you say messi can speak let me just leave it on that you understand what i'm saying yes [Music] sir please come what do you do i don't know why god is visiting business people this line what do you do sir i'm seeing there is god is connecting you with a company a korean company please look at me sir you will start doing supplies i'm seeing you like a i don't know if he's a distributor of something of high technology items listen you see the challenge with many business people is that when they come to church and god helps them they now look at men of god as if we are out to collect money no you see that god puts us to not only prophesy but to back you up so that whilst you are rising you remember that you are being protected the same grace that introduces you to dimensions has been mandated to defend you there but there is this narrative people sell around that makes it look like men of maybe there may be people doing it but just for you to know that there are people who fear god sincerely you you believe what i'm saying sir listen to me except god is not god by september september the dimension of wealth that is coming to you your prayer now should be grace to be consistent with spiritual things while you rise because money can disrupt in the name of jesus christ [Music] i release my faith with apostle good heart and in the name of jesus we release grace on you supernatural grace on you ma i want to pray for you are you based here you're in ministry man i'm sitting a walk in canada this is what i'm seeing i i hope i'm not embarrassing you i'm sincerely sorry i'm seeing a walk there is a walk no no i'm not saying she should answer i'm just saying that there is a walk that i'm seeing so the prayer you have been praying god has answered it is the will of god it's not it's not it's the will of god [Music] there is a dimension of work the surprising thing is that i'm praying for this woman but the person who fall under the anointing is in the crowd bring that person because the same thing god is doing in her god is doing in that person just allow me do my crazy things few minutes i'm off your stage in the name of jesus christ there's someone a lady the hand of god will come on you you see the thing about the anointing is that once the anointing is living your hunger can draw it to you even though it was not an issue that related to you praise the lord madam i pray for you the woman of god is laying hands on you i release my faith also and i declare that every hindrance gives way in the name of jesus you are here with your medical rep please come with it this is i just saw someone in a vision you are here you you have your medical report let me just pray we may not be able to take all the time to pray for the sick but you are here you brought it with you please i want to just pray quickly for that person so that we'll wrap up [Music] we have to pray [Music] one of one of the end time weapons of evil destruction apostles is cancer we have to pray and stamp that spirit that is just sweeping across families and the devil is using it to bring a lot of pain are we together now please what someone here you you brought your medical who is that person please god does not want us to end this service without a visitation for you [Music] who is that i'm seeing a couple here you've been trusting god for the fruit of the womb where are you look look at what you know look at what is happening to her look at this she's not even being prayed for look at this this is the wonder walking power of jesus because that report is an evil report this is a spirit it's not sickness it's an oppression [Music] please where's that couple don't be embarrassed you will return with the fruit of the womb is it's not a suggestion you believe what i'm telling you you see before you believe a man you go and find out please make sure you are married make sure you are married make sure you are married we are christians please make sure you are married in the name of jesus christ [Music] if someone praying pray in the spirit in one minute no no don't kneel please if couples trusting god please come stand here quickly let's if you are here husband and wife please still maintain social distance [Music] be sure that you will come and stand on this hallowed altar and let the world know that here at riha i see this is the fruit of the manifestation of the god of wonders all these ones that i've prayed for in the name of jesus i decree and declare by the power of the holy spirit that which you have come desiring and praying for those under the anointing in the name of jesus you go back with several several deliverances several miracles you will stand on this altar and you will testify in the name of jesus christ you can return back to your seat if you can those of you standing here want to pray for you [Music] i've seen the god of wonders what miracles for me those with gifts and talents spoke prophetically the mantles of elijah paul and timothy i want to see that power i command that spirit out of her now in the name of jesus out of her now every spirit that is responsible for buriness of all sorts he must go now please be patient i want to pray for you hold on one of you here is standing for someone not yourself who is that come where is where's the family huh where they are or your family is at home you are standing for someone your my daughter your daughter [Music] for marriage for fruit of the womb [Music] her because i'm saying what does she have on her truth how do you know she cannot breathe surgery yes you have been booked for surgery when april yes i'm seeing that there's supposed to be surgery you believe in the power of jesus what's her name so we so wait what does that mean come this is what i call a sign and a wonder you see signs and wonders are supernatural manifestations with messages attached to them why will god pick out his way as a demonstration of the life of god how old is she three years three years you believe in the power of god you are you are a member of this church where are you from [Music] i have to pray please don't feel embarrassed there are at least four or five times i've seen this thing whenever i'm preaching [Music] do you know anything about that thing what is it it's like something that's they say my cousin died too your cousin died two weeks ago and they said that's what killed him he was like typhoid but it was like he was eating his stomach till he died i have to pray for you because i'm seeing that same thing coming on you thank god for a conference like this my brother we're not prophets of doom if god identifies your situation the reality of redemption speaks over you immediately do you understand where people of science and wonders what were people of doctrine too shout jesus as loud as you can out of him now wherefore the bible says god had so highly exalted him and given him a name the bible declares and that that name is above every other aim sir in the name of jesus we pray for us away so when we speak over your life may your name answer for the bible says whatever adam called it that was the name thereof i release my faith with apostle good heart in the name of jesus and we declare zoe be healed now we bring you the life and the power of this kingdom we so boast about in the name of jesus christ be healed in jesus name my media man in the name of jesus christ you see the prophetic has always been the tool of restoration the bible says they are taken for a pray and non-see at restore i stand releasing my faith with the man of god and we declare according to the word of the lord it's a master we have toiled all night but i speak to you from tonight in the presence of everyone we give life to your media outfit in the name of jesus we give it visibility in the name of jesus i prophesied joe 42 and verse 10 the grace that brought back the fortunes of job because this is what happened to you i decree and declare let it come to you right now sir you are standing here for fruit of the womb but the lord what do you do [Music] you church office i want to pray for you i just saw a book open over your head and the lord is saying the book of remembrance is open over you the lord is saying for your faithfulness this is what i'm hearing you have been a faithful man i don't know him from anywhere but in the name of jesus the servant of god is laying hands on you and i'm releasing my faith with you leave the issue of child first god wants to to reward you to make a spectacle with your life i stretch my hands in the name of jesus and i decree and declare by the god of all grace that from tonight releasing my faith with apostle good heart number one may your life change in a way that will marvel and surprise you take that grace right now in the name of jesus christ now for all of you standing here in the name of jesus i agree with you that every plague of darkness khalees koprandaka sas according to the time of life listen this thing is a grace it's not something if it's there is there if it's not there it's not there it's as simple as that i stretch my hands and i prophesy according to the time of life in the name that is above all names return with your children return with your children i speak to you prophetically remember not the former things nor consider the things of old for in this season the lord is doing a new thing in the name of jesus christ the lord is doing a new thing the lord is doing a new thing sir i don't know who this man is but i am seeing you running on a horse the lord is shifting you the the same thing i saw on this man i'm sitting on you too a book is open over you are you a member of this church you see what god is doing i'm there is there is something god is doing it's like god is is moving to specific people to also show the faithfulness of service the same thing i saw on this man i'm seeing on you can i pray for you sir i stretch my hands upon you in the name of jesus may grace come on you the grace that makes for speed in the name of jesus christ you will run like elijah you will overtake the chariots of ahab even down to israel in the name of jesus for all of you who are here i declare and declare by the spirit of grace return with your miracle children in the name of jesus return with your miracle children in the name of jesus return with your miracle children madame please lift your hands where you are this woman wearing i don't know what color that is is that blue yes lift your hands you are saying lord please let this service not be over without them calling me i stretch my hands the lord hears please come please come [Music] come [Music] look at me you're pregnant i have to pray for you in the name of jesus christ they will not tell you there is something in your stomach [Music] they will not tell you that you have something that is growing in your stomach i rebuke it now in the name of jesus christ i'm saying it by the please don't be afraid this is god visiting you in the name of jesus i don't care what it is i stand by the grace of god and i declare that it flushes out of your body right now [Applause] number two the lord is restoring your dreams you used to have dreams you will see things before they happen but something happened and everything just left in the name of jesus i declare by the spirit of god it is over right now in the mighty name of jesus christ we have to wrap up tonight i stand again releasing my faith with god's servant and his dear wife apostle good heart and we speak over everyone whose hand is lifted in the name of jesus tonight even before tomorrow morning experience the deliverance of the god of wonders in the name of jesus long-standing issues by the spirit of god be resolved tonight many of you will receive strange calls miracle calls in the name of jesus supernatural ideas manifestations of the spirit renewals of an an recognition of fire and passion for spiritual things in the name of jesus christ i bless you with the blessings of heaven and i pray that your life will not cease to be a compendium of testimonies be blessed and remain blessed in jesus name i pray god bless you mmm oh god of joshua that rise upon the wings of the week our eyes our eyes i use prayer as a system of authorization this bad luck upon my life must come this yolk must be broken foreign foreign hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah save time in the name of jesus [Music] shout it in the name of jesus tonight [Music] i stand on behalf of myself and my family and i declare that every altar that is speaking against my destiny i tear it down tonight lift your voice and pray to god i came down foreign [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah please pay yourselves two too find find a partner and hold the hand be serious please if the person by your side is not serious leave me alone why business tonight find a partner and hold their hands up in the name of jesus say it again in the name of jesus [Applause] every legal access i have given for these altars to speak against me knowingly and unknowingly tonight i invoke the blood let the blood speak lift your voice and begin to pray every legal access every legal access every legal access i have given any order for darkness shall be delivered hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hold the hands of someone else look for another partner hold the hands of someone else serve time in the name of jesus say it again in the name of jesus altars of poverty altars of delay altars of failure i speak to you secretary in the name of jesus i tear you down release my destiny release my destiny although some prophets also i speak against you i speak against you i curse you by the god of heaven by the god of heaven hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] we're really praying tonight i'm seeing blood dripping on people god is bringing so many miracles in people we're still praying please was he praying was he praying scatter barrier i see altars on fire we are still praying we are making real contact with the realm of the spirit saga hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] say in the name of jesus [Applause] altars that are territorial in nature fighting my destiny because of where i'm coming from i prophesy tonight your hold is broken over my life lift your voice and pray altas associated charities associated with territories i come against you by the god of heaven i come pray pray i commend you hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah please help those under the anointing hallelujah listen there are some of you your prayers were answered since many years but it looks like it has not manifested because every time he's reaching you an altar lifts up we're going to call it back are you ready to pray save time in the name of jesus [Applause] every delayed blessing that should have happened in my life and was delayed because of these altars tonight by prophecy i call you back to my life lift your voice and pray lift your voice and pray and watch the god of goddess authorize the god of heaven and what restoration happen in your blessing respond relationships response finances response response ministries foreign hallelujah hallelujah you are going to call the name of your family members listen i don't care how many call it listen you are going to call them one by one and say i stand as an altar and i bring you out of this dungeon lift your voice and pray call them call them call them mention them by name call them i bring you out of this place call them declare it hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah say in the name of jesus be serious say it again in the name of jesus i speak to the east i speak to the west i speak to the north i speak to the south everywhere my favor is [Applause] in the name of jesus i command it to my life now lift your voice and pray you don't have to travel call it everywhere it is i call it [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah listen hallelujah i want you to pray listen i want you to pray and talk to god tell him lord i'm part of this apostolic family the alter you have erected him must speak for me i want my life to show it from today lift your voice and pray pray with understanding and watch what happens to you pray with understanding pray with understanding understanding i declared so hallelujah hallelujah many of you may not realize what is happening to you please i don't want you to idolize this teaching no it's not about religiosity it's about proper understanding and application so it's not just coming to lie down here that no no no no no the altar is a revelation we are going to pray right now and activate back our prayer lives listen because many of us said the only time you pray is when you are together with people satan started attacking you he gave himself a five five-year plan to attack your prayer life he will never attack it at once he can give himself a five-year plan and be destroying you say in the name of jesus i decree and declare that the spirit of prayer and supplication the grace to pray i receive it right now lift your voice and begin to pray fire fresh fire on my altar fresh place to pray fresh grace to fast fresh grace to intercede fresh grace for warfare i command everyday alive around my life come back to life come back to life hallelujah hallelujah one last prayer point and i will pray for you [Music] there are many of us the spirit of god started revealing things to you because you were meeting with him every day but something happened no more visitation of the secret place and that potter closed over your life no access to illumination you used to be you used to have projects that you and god are on you can literally say we are on a faith project but now there's nothing like that your life has become still empowering some of you is when you started ministry this this so-called thing called ministry that's what destroyed you we're going to pray prayer of restoration and the fire will fall upon you i'd like you to pray in the name of jesus say it again in the name of jesus say holy spirit i ask that you manifest yourself once again in my life holy spirit i cry for intimacy i'm fresh with you lift your voice and begin to pray intimacy spirit of the living god do not be far from me again pray pray let it not be that you're just a stranger we were closer than this and something happened fellowship that i once had with you fellowship that nothing in this world hallelujah hallelujah please lift your hands shall i go i tell you there will be there will be testimonies upon testimonies [Music] i pray for you now i'm praying for you in the name that is above all means everyone hearing me and standing here whether inside or outside you have prayed if there is any altar as i speak now that is speaking against your life at the count of three i command your sculptors to catch fire right now please get ready the power of god will come unto you one two three i command those orders now we've gotten we have nothing to be broken broken be broken listen [Applause] lift your hands i'm challenging all tests of failure listen just i'm praying for you don't pray just listen to me because i'm seeing people here failure it has nothing to do with academics it makes you fail in everything i stretch my hands may that fire anyone cheer who is a victim that altar is speaking i stand by the road of a higher priesthood and i judge those others now i judge those altars now i judge those altars now i judge those altars now by fire i judge those altars now [Music] there are altars that cause men to see things and never handle it you see a job they tell you it's yours quarter to reception everything changes i don't know who belongs to that category but in the name of jesus anyone who has been evicted of total failure and disappointment right now in the name of jesus that fire comes upon you in the name of jesus that fire comes upon you in the name of jesus i help them help them please don't tell deliverance in the name of jesus christ [Music] put down your hands ladies keep your hands lifted i will tell you why i'm praying for you there are many ladies let me tell you many people don't know why things don't work especially for ladies it's not because you are ladies and it's not because you are bad is because many ladies are spiritually ignorant of what they represent in the realm of the spirit a lady is not just another human being who is not a man no it's more than that a lady is the chiefest point of entrance even among men that's why she has a womb the only lady a lady is a gate in the realm of the spirit it's not just a human being keep your hands lifted [Music] that's why demons look for them that's why spirits look for them that's why altars speak against them it may not be caused by you but i'm praying for you keep your hands lifted you may not understand what is happening lord jesus i'm praying now that any one of our sisters here whose family and destiny is under siege anyone who made a covenant with the earth for your destiny anyone who passed through fire to make a covenant with your destiny in the name that is above all names i declare and declare upon every lady now be free in the name of jesus be free in the name of jesus from those yolks those yolks that cause fibroids those yolks that cause fibroids those dogs that cause love around your body god's love god's bloodiness i got hit by the god of heaven i am trusted by the god of heaven [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah i'm seeing 11 ladies the lord is opening my eyes listen now i'm seeing rings on all their 10 fingers and this is a very serious demonic case and the lord wants to set them free now you will not know it is not something you know one of you used to see it physically you see rings on your hands in the name of jesus 11 people ladies especially i'm praying now some are inside someone outside doesn't matter where you are the lord is asking me to stretch my hands lord i pray whoever came into this meeting whether online offline and belongs to that category in the name of jesus as i'm praying now i command i'm praying now the fire will fall on certain people 11 in all i see lord let it be right now i break that marriage i break that spiritual marriage i break that spiritual marriage my god my god my god my god i break that spiritual marriage there's one of them you should have married but this is what stops everybody that comes around you i command it broken right now i command it broken right now i command it broken right now i command it broken right now [Applause] hallelujah our time is gone the god is asking me to minister to someone here somebody comes to you in the night physically i'm not talking of vision physically you feel somebody lying down around your bed sometimes sleeping with you you are feeling it this is not guess work this is something you know is happening wherever that person is right now in jesus name i stretch my hands there is no escape in the name of jesus whether inside or outside you are in this category now i command judgment judgment on any strange spirit judgment on any stranger judgment on any stranger in the name of jesus christ hallelujah praise the lord please just just be patient with me i'm hearing in my spirit yoruba people the robot people there is there is something a deliverance that god is bringing now to your robot people you know how god acts as i'm speaking now [Applause] everyone associated with that territory i place the word of god now in the name of jesus let that sword of deliverance i command that double edged sword to locate everyone from the southwestern part now who is in need of territorial deliverance i command it now inside and outside in the name of jesus no escape no escape for any power of darkness [Applause] [Music] every mark of this favor that is on anyone's life here you watch what happens to your life from this meeting anyone carrying any mark of this favor where men should bless you something about you becomes an irritation [Music] i command that mark to be raised from your life now i command that mark to be raised from your life now i command that mark to be erased from your life now i command that math to be raised from your life now [Applause] i command that mark to be raised from your life now i beg you just follow through with me if you believe that i hear god and if you believe you are walking by the spirit i like you to pray hallelujah limitation i know a brother listen listen i know a brother that for many years this gentleman was so gifted but i'm telling you nothing was working in his life please hear me this is a true story very gifted but things were tied down hallelujah he did everything did everything that that he knew to do but when god made him know that these things are limitations he took a quality time of his life challenging it and brothers and sisters when he prevailed those were open it was as if the blessings have left heaven but to now come to this realm [Music] daniel remain in prayer please hear me anything that kills your prayer life has stopped you from your breakthrough it's not the issue of uncalling to the minister of prayer or not forget that nonsense that the devil brings men ought always luke 18 1 he speak this parable if you are alive you don't pray because of fear you pray because it's a spiritual transaction it makes things possible in this realm [Music] hallelujah we're going to pray one more time and you're going to say lord one more time this issue of limitation in my life and my family hallelujah listen listen mention the aspect when you are facing limitation don't feel embarrassed mention them and say lord let your fire come upon it lift your voice and pray [Music] coin on your pray pray your way to breakthrough we lift up a new sense of prayer [Music] we lift up an instance of prayer we lift up a new sense of prayer we lift up an instance of prayer change lives break limits financial limits support satan intellectual limits marital limits job limits we break it support operator we break limitations business limitations ministry limitation limitations of potentials hallelujah every time limits are broken the lord will bring a man to hold your hands and create the opportunity for the next level of your life are you hearing what i'm saying [Music] bishop who said there are days and there are certain days may this night be the certainty listen your next level is in the hands of a certain man the bible says they wanted to kill joseph but a certain man came and they said you wanted to buy him if not because of that certain man they would have killed you are you following me now the bible talks about a man who was crippled he could not carry himself certain men no names they lifted him and opened the sea oh god whoever is that certain man that must appear my destiny i come i compel them to come lift your voice and pray speak your voice destiny help us financially help us spiritual helpers men of influence men of us to our next dimension please pray pray pray pray lord we call them for hallelujah when jesus died kemi the prophet prophesied that his body will not seek corruption but he was hanging on that cross there was no place to bury him and a certain man came called joseph of arimathea an influential man if he was poor and broke the king would not hear him the bible says a poor man's wisdom is despised you are going to pray concerning your finances does it make sense to you to pray you are going to pray and say lord whoever must appear to change my financial destiny i received your ministry come on now pray come on now pray supported people time and chance happens to them all time and time [Music] [Music] we have blessed our ministry we impress your ministry man of influence kings destiny helpers spiritual helpers financial helpers academic helpers men of influence men who can talk to kings pray hallelujah please leave your neighbor joseph would have died in the prison although anointed there are many people here your anointing will remain dormant until god sent a man to see it announce it and let the world celebrate it john the baptist announce jesus's are you ministry what i'm saying there are many of us we have great ideas great businesses but there needs to be a certain man who will let the world know that great things are happening here please hear what i'm saying there are many of you your your academic qualification is bigger than where you are you have done your best when you have done all you need to do you need another man who is not you are you hearing what i'm saying certain man certain man it was the one presser that told the king he said i know my wrongs this day there is a man who there is a man many of us have sharpened our spiritual potentials you have suffered your leadership potentials it's not pride you know that it's time to break forth but the distance between you and the next level is that certain man lift up your hands oh god where is this certain man let him come into my life come and pray one more time hey it takes one month to change your business one month to change your ministry one man one man [Music] hallelujah listen to me there are many of you here with great business ideas hallelujah all you need is capital you have done everything you should do you need somebody to believe in you enough hallelujah listen truly the race is not to the swift and the battle is not to destroy one man can announce what god is doing in your life and bring to your life men who have been designed to honor it i shared that scripture to none of the widows in israel was the prophet said god sent that to the one who could see his difference many of you have been in a place you have potentials for the throne but something is tying you down because you are hanging around people who cannot see what god is doing is god speaking to someone here there are many of our parents with their qualifications they should never have to beg even if the cost of living on earth is one million per day they should not be begging but they need one man to announce them one man to recommend them please take seriously what i'm saying because this is somebody's prayer request oh lord if somebody can believe in my business enough to pump even if it's just hundred thousand yeah are you getting what i'm saying there are many of us in ministry here we are great people this ministry you see today we enjoy mysterious recommendations while i was coming somebody was trying to call me again and again from the uk and he was saying man of god don't ask me how i got to find out about you and have your number he said when a man is in trouble he will look for help anyhow are you getting my point while you are sitting down to sleep somebody is waking others to talk about you but you must activate it it doesn't happen by magic are you getting what i'm saying there are many professors and doctors being underutilized because there is a system that cannot honor what they carry there are many of you who graduated with excellent results if you added masters [Applause] and the king sent for joseph somebody must send for you to leave the level and i prophesy whoever should send for you in the name that is above all names listen listen [Music] there is a man of god a popular man of god [Music] i will not mention names the man had the gift of god like whatever but nothing could announce that grace are you hearing what i'm saying people needed his anointing and his gift but nobody could announce it and then something happened one day he entered a taxi true story when he entered a taxi the holy spirit told him saw a seed of 30 000 to the driver and he didn't have much and he told the driver tick and he saw that seat ah the driver looked at him and said what will i give you he said nothing says sir can i collect your number and he connected his number please listen to me this is a true story when he collected his number the guy dropped he said talk may god bless you he was feeling bad he did not know that that was his moment of faith listen the very next person that will enter that car listen they were part of the regional organizers of redeemed the convention in uk are you getting in one of the regions and then the man was talking as a kite who are looking for a man of god to complete the ministers were bringing and we need men of integrity you know and the driver said sir there was a man that gave me his number this guy is a true man of god and that was it i'm serious they called him and they said sorry we are from this region of redeem i tell you they brought that man after that ministration there were so many men of god that he never would have been able to see as you guys see my point they all called him and said we'd like you to comment and minister mike murdoch met a young man who was very gifted gifted but there was nothing working in his life and my mother looked at him and came and he said god told me to bless you he wrote 17 letters to different ministries and said this is an anointed man please open doors for him and the guy got 17 invitations everybody it does not take time to change your story what looks like a mountain is in the pocket of another person i'll be hearing what i'm saying are you tired of praying are you tired of praying because we must call them for i don't want to waste your time let me just share it i don't know if you share this testimony did you share your testimony everyone i'm not sure you shared this testimony maybe at an appointed time but let me say a bit of it what ambassador [Music] unilever this come he just came back today we met together at the airport in abuja and then we came back together by the grace of god are you getting my point i'm by the ministry of just one great man prophet hallelujah he has been selected as the ambassador of unilever nigeria i listen listen listen the race is not to the swift they just came back from their training in lagos and we even bumped i was waiting for my luggage and i just saw him and they had told me he called me lagos and he said he was around we never met how god can change a man's story my father worked for more than 10 or 15 years as assistant director of virginia there was no man to lick him his genius were rising and they they just trampled this man and it so happened that one man who used to be his genius he when when we went for crusade in 2006 six yes he was the one who interpreted for me and he was also the one who interpreted foreign when he came to jos he was that man on account of the kindness he went and said one or two things about my father and when they went to my father's um cv and all of that they said where has this man been they said immediately he should leave josh and report to lagos he has been there for three years now many of us are praying lord take me to the next level i'm telling you the secret you need a man hear me there are things you cannot do for yourself you may be anointed but your grace will remain here until a man can announce you may have a great business a multi-million and billion dollar business but it takes one month to believe in you and announce you are you getting my point [Music] i know one of my friends he was my classmate very intelligent and brilliant guy this guy finished before that is education there was nobody to speak for him and this guy kept struggling for years nobody to speak for him and one day i prayed i said oh lord god help this guy this guy has paid the price look when i say i i think i will classify him as a genius and i'm not telling a lie but i know other people before they even finish service the road has been made plain you need someone in your life please pray and say oh god send this man that can believe in me and announce what you have invested in my life please pray send a man to change my music ministry oh god send a man send a money to my family say lord by the instrument of the prophetic i called fort dead that have been destined to take me to the next level to take my family make sure you are praying capo saute paca lord prophetically pray [Music] those who will open doors of jobs thoughts of marriages thoughts of ministry thoughts of anointings thoughts of favor thoughts of lifting laws of success thoughts of increase thoughts of breakthrough make sure you are praying pray with all your heart your family story can change you have been praying and fasting could this be the message could this be the message pray say lord whether in lagos the united states the caribbean by the prophetic power of the spirit let there be a connection orchestrating meetings let there be a meeting pray pray god wants to take you from this level to another it's a year of supernatural exploits exploited by the spirit your story can change activate defining moments activate breakthrough in your life come up prophesied they're both shorter cannibals i call them they are coming into my life from the north the east the south i pray for e and i destiny help us are coming we receive them we receive them we receive them we receive them hallelujah let me give you one little story look at me [Music] when professor mahdi was the vice chancellor of maduro balo university many of you did not meet him there was a gentleman who did very well but he did not get admission hallelujah and the guy just went for reasons he could not explain he went and sat down near the senate in the night and professor maddy had the culture of walking into students hostels walking around just to see what is going on and when he walked he saw the gentleman and he called him he said why are you sitting down here he said sir look at my wife results look at everything but my catchment area is not there and they didn't give me admission he said you are such a brilliant boy do you know what he told him he said go home and pack your load and come back when he came back that printed his admission letter this is true it's a confirmed story [Music] hallelujah i know about a student who had been victimized for years till he was in 300 level whatever it is that happened either his name or his matriculation number clashed and what this guy was seeing was not his real cgpa this guy would work so hard but when the exams come out it would not be and then one day someone just came in and for whatever reason the person decided to start crosstalking things the next thing they put on the noticeboard that they wanted to see him when they called him they said he should go and bring his results and his courses that he registered do you know true life story when this guy was maybe around 1.7 something by the time they corrected everything he was supposed to be into one in all sincerity my cousin my cousin was a student in this school my cousin was a student in this school he wrote a major exam that he got a and when the result came out they gave him f this guy didn't know he knew that he had he had read but he said sometimes even when you have the evidence you don't have access to the king there are many of us that have evidences that would wipe our night time but that access to the king hallelujah and one day god raised a visiting prophet just came and he just complained and showed him everything the man took on the case by himself until they rectified it [Music] look at me for a moment what do you expect god to do in your life and your family [Music] is in the hands of someone is in the hands of someone that breakthrough is in the hands of someone a house to complete for your loved ones to go to school let me tell you no matter what it is expand your mind tonight there are men who are careers of miracles they don't even know there are some of you that your loved ones need some jobs they have been suffering you know that they want to change where they are working or they don't even have a job they are praying they are applying cv after cv if it is destiny help us they will accelerate your path you will join protocols we are going to pray say lord i receive discernment to see these people when they come into my life lift up your voice and pray it takes discernment [Music] it takes discernment apostolo it takes discernment say lord let me discern they may not be my tribe they may not be my friends they may be the enemies of our family for lord prayers to deserve when you are about to use them to change our story [Music] [Applause] hallelujah final prayer point now you're going to pray and speak over your life and tell yourself you are breaking through and breaking foot on the left and right don't keep quiet please don't be quiet prophesy i break through from the left the right the east in the name of jesus by the spirit of prayer i contend against every power of darkness come and pray play against every satanic force pray against every power of darkness that wants to attempt to abort your breakthrough god wants you to smile god wants you to smile god wants you to smile he wants to encourage you he wants your life to be fruitful satan get lost be lifted all you get let the family of coinonia receive breakthroughs i prophesied breakthroughs breakthroughs breakthrough financial breakthrough marital breakthrough family breakthrough academic breakthrough spiritual breakthrough breakthrough in your job let your family members smile i provoke it from the realm of the spirit i provoke it from the heavens i activate the angelic i activate the angelic let angels begin to move to every family that angels begin to move over your academic angels move over your finances and just move over your family and just move i activate the operation of angels content with the powers in the heavens and release breakthroughs for god's people let the angelic contend with the powers that delay that stop people from entering their prophetic breakthroughs i release breakthroughs i release breakthroughs i release breakthrough i speak it in your life i send an anointing into your life a breaker anointing a breakthrough anointing i send it into your life i send it into your academics i send it into your family i send it into your finances those you do not know i cause them to arise and help you i cause them to arise and help you hallelujah hallelujah lift your hands everybody everywhere your gift is needed i command them to begin to talk about you in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i activate breakthrough for you in the name of jesus everywhere your gift is needed whoever needs your gift in nigeria i stand as a servant of god i command a connection in the realm of the spirit beginning from tonight tonight tonight tonight tonight in the name of jesus hallelujah i pray for every one of your family members looking for a job my god and my king tonight let testimonies rise from this message no matter how long tonight let someone talk to somebody talk to somebody and talk to somebody and connects them for breakthrough in the name of jesus for your family members i command help us those who will connect them to projects and contracts and opportunities yes they don't merit it but by the power of destiny helpers i connect them to the breakthrough for the next level in the name of jesus when you have cried academically i connect you to help us professors who will help you administers who will help you administer who will help you members in the senate who will help you whether for accommodation whether for your result whether for missing script whether for your widget whatever it is in the name of jesus as the senate and the faculty board members meet over your results and your performance may a strange man enter that meeting and not forget for you in the name of jesus [Music] anywhere they want to turn down your family members or turn down anything let a strange man come we don't want to know the name let a strange call come let a strange connection come i prophesied i release it to you in the name of jesus i release testimonies testimonies testimonies from this breakthrough experience beginning from tonight i command calls from destiny help us calls from destiny help us calls from destiny help us connections with destiny help us they will travel and come and meet you you will meet them on the street they will come to your homes in the name of jesus you will see them in your dreams god will connect you for every one of your family members that is supposed to be married and they are not married the husbands or the wives they are not in space they are here on earth lord we pray tonight as a family by the power that is in the name of the resurrected christ i pray let help us lead partners to their mates in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus receive it in the name of jesus we command supernatural marital connections in the name of jesus in the name of jesus we bind every devil we bind every power that attempts to cause delay we set them free from every curse and every yoke of bondage be released in the name of jesus [Music] the ministry of destiny help us all through this week i want you to pray [Applause] cry out and say lord bring them i believe you will share fearful testimonies in this place as a result tonight i have shown you a very mighty secret don't forget it too soon hold it every time you are praying over something the answer is in the hands of another person stop beating about the push every man and every authority can answer when god calls yours is just to pray that god will connect you praise the lord [Music] mercy is a weapon and you are about to use it now and he showed me joshua the high priest standing before the lord and the accuser came before him attempting to real accusations and he said is this not a reed that i have taken out of fire and he said the lord rebukes you listen the mercy of god is a weapon you can use it and say satan satan i know you are supposed to destroy me but what about this i present to you the mercy of god i present to you the blood of the eternal covenant i present to you the advocacy of jesus at the right hand of the father standing and speaking i present to you the sinless blood i present to you calvary foreign [Music] tonight you are going to use it as a weapon over the devorah i know i have not been a titan you are authorized to destroy me but see the blood when i see the blood when i see the blood when i see the blood you should be destroyed but the blood will speak hear me you live the wayward life and all kinds of things happen and the earth cries against you but when i see the blood when i see the blood you were involved in all kinds of blood covenants and fraternities in ignorance but now that you are in christ when i see the blood lift up your voice and plead the floor why is what makes mercy what they break foreign foreign foreign hallelujah hear me the bible says blotting out [Music] every handwriting there are handwritings there are records kept in the realm of the spirit that testify that you should not live long there are records in the realm of the spirit that testify that you should not be blessed there are records in the realm of the spirit that testify that you should not have any child again the devil says you wasted all your children and all of them have gone there is a record in the realm of the spirit that says you have misused all the opportunities that you were given but tonight please the blood it can blot it out come on now oh foreign foreign [Music] what you pray hear me a cause causeless shall not stand a course causeless so if the blood of jesus takes away the legal access the effect must lead me to open your mouth and declare every pattern because you are being blood bloated you are little patterns is foreign listen listen listen listen [Applause] when you activate this you will find out that no longer will there be an accusation to say all you once in where in the world you committed 19 abortions and blood is speaking and that's why your life is not moving it should not move but now that you have evoked mercy it makes the cost cost less that means it should not come again are we together you stole money help them please and all of that you destroyed another person's destiny but but now that you are in christ what of the blood he showed me joshua the high priest please take seriously this is what i did for my own life for let me tell you [Music] for we rise to our access to mistress in the kingdom i want to pray for you but we're going to pray one more prayer point hear me and say i begin a new order a new order dissociated from the past and generated from which [Music] foreign standing by one more time i like you to pair yourselves into three find someone who is serious anybody who is not praying leave me alone pair yourselves into three three three and you are going to for the next two or three minutes i'd like you to blast in tom's non-stop this month of july we're declaring war over the grace of darkness lift your voice and pray that a threefold call cannot be easily broken up like a priest foreign the church must open lord my destiny must be revived my spiritual life must be revived my finances my family arise from god of heaven my ministry is time to break forth on the left on the right is is hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah are going to pray you are still holding the hand of the person father enough is enough what kept my father kept my mother lord i come by the message of god he must break in my life lift your voice and cry leave your voice and care lord enough is enough enough failure enough of poverty and not preparing my loved ones something else to problem struggling ministry enough of struggling my spiritual life this place my is of your destiny i am is you [Music] hello yes you ready we is as we have drawn over all the words yes unlike you in one minute you are going to pray just two prayer points i like you to lift up your voice and declare that in the name of jesus i'm walking in the experience of the victory the victory that the blood of jesus the victim that the blood of jesus the victory that the death of jesus the victory of his triumphant resurrection never will it become a prophetic reality it is becoming my experience victory over generation of consciences seek over your advantages lord over the world hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i know that i've not i've not fought it the next time we're doing deliverance and i'll be teaching you on all of the elements but one of the mysteries that produce truthful deliverance is the mystery of the blood are we together it's one of the three weaknesses the bible says and there are three witnesses that bear [Music] three that bear witness in heaven the father the word and the spirit it says that there are three weaknesses this is where the problem is the earth it says the spirit the water and the blood are we together the bible guarantees us that the blood of jesus speaketh the blood of jesus speaking that means you can cause the blood to advocate the blood of jesus is an advocate there is the advocacy ministry of the blood the same way cain killed abel abel the man had died but abel the blood was speaking and he cried and god himself had to say no something is happening although the man had died but the blood is still speaking speaking i'd like you to engage the floor and say in the name of jesus i declare that i'm a partaker of the ministry of the blood i invoke the advocacy of the blood open your mouth and speak open your mouth and speak over every pattern over every curse over every yoke stay with us and when i see the blood i will pass over and when i see the floor upon your life upon your family when i see the laws upon every ordinance against you i will pass over when i see the blood upon the pronouncement in your family i will pass over mr voice and invoke the blood we declare that the blood speaks we declare the mystery of god's mercy the blood speaks we declare the priesthood of jesus that is after the order of melchizedek and the aeronautic prison higher than the priesthood of noah we declare in the name of jesus christ the blood speaks the blood speaks over the ordinance of our father the blood speaks hallelujah [Music] but your deliverance is is now i want you to find a corner my brother my sister take your life seriously in the next five minutes instrumentalists just charge the atmosphere for us blast in tongues and refuse upon mount saga in that day that the burden shall be taken from off your shoulder and the yoke from our neck and it shall be destroyed please pray pray please pray if you are tired hold the hands of somebody that can agree with your the victory of christ the work of jesus on the cross cannot be invaded the substitutionary sacrifice of the son of the living god cannot be saved that body shall be taken from my shoulder that look from my neck and noticing us in the name of jesus foreign pray for your family pray for your wife pray for your husband pray for your children arise from god this is better this is better pray pray it's time to move forward it's time to move forward it's time to break grounds in the spirit spirit it's time for the anointing of your destiny to come it's time for the ministry to open it's time for your finances to come it's time for prophecy to find the expression hello hallelujah we are going to pray this prayer is a serious prayer as we pray sisters i want you to lay your hands on your womb as we are praying brothers just plain tongue i'd like you to declare that no sin of any entity that is not of god will find i will not give back to any stranger no less no matter the ordinances of the father no matter the enchantments of the ancients i come by a new order and i declare my womb will produce that feel of the woman that will bruise the head of the suffering i call 5 i caught 5 points across every devil is hallelujah hallelujah we are going to pray brothers i like you to pray the spirit that keeps men in one place you don't move forward you don't move backward you stay no productivity every gentleman here open your mouth and blast your tongue father in the heavens this is better foreign so hallelujah listen demons came into being when the spirit assist assisted men so your victory comes into play when the spirit assists you it says i am the god of peter i have seen the oppression that lebanon has done the victory will not just happen forget about the physical things in the realm of the spirit you are going to cry for divine assistance i fulfill the ministry of angels over every aspect of my life little voice has prayed prayer i cannot ministry speech i cannot ministry speak my brothers and sisters are they not ministry spirits sent to minister for them that be the heirs of salvation i called for assistance from heaven oh god of joshua the helper of men the leader of man the helper of man the angels on assignment angel on assignment judging the weekend delivering the prophecy of god concerning my life hey hallelujah we're going to pray every attribute of the flesh that gives access to any spirit in my life by the mystery of the blood i declare that that noise is closed forever lift your voice and pray come on lift your voice and pray so so so [Music] i tell you i feel fire in this place listen everything god has shown you either as a revelation from his word or as a revelation from the realm of the spirit you're going to declare jacob did not just see the spotted cups and left them in the realm of the spirit they had to come and interact the world must become flesh i'd like you to lick your voice and cry shackles [Music] every dimension the prophetic the apostolic prosperity increase be delivered that god has shown me lord you showed me quickly i declare i declare i declare is my final expression pray so hallelujah hallelujah now this prayer we are going to pray listen carefully whether you're an usher or not please if anyone is under the anointing or manifesting around you just help them are we together the very serious prayer we're going to pray now you are going to pray that if by any means there is any spirit entity in my life or around me it's time for you to come out it's time for you to go listen as you pray this prayer many strange things will start happening to you don't worry about it you just focus on this prayer and pray with all your heart and watch what happens say in the name of jesus faith in the name of jesus i decree and declare by the authority of the lord jesus christ that any spirit spirit entity finding expression in my mind in my body around my life hear the word of the lord i cast you out of my life now leave your voice and pray pray fire pray for yourself i cast every spirit i cast every devil i cast every spirit my mind my body around my life around boynonia in the name of jesus around my family if you are married also pray for your family pray for your children i pass every devil right in the name of jesus there is no place for you in my mind there is no place for you in my life i come against ordinances oh this is no pretense oh god please as i speak [Music] i want you to believe it i want you to receive it while i pray the lord told me if it does not happen is because you did not speak it things will change right now as i speak [Music] the angels of the lord will begin to move to the areas that i'm speaking all i need you to do is to shout and believe in him and when you need to [Music] hallelujah every terminal disease [Music] represented in the life of anybody here or any family by the fire of the holy ghost right now it leaves your life and your family forever receive it [Music] infirmities are going infirmities are going going going going answer go ss change to a [Music] every blood disease go go go every blood disease go now go now my clean headache go now go now fibroid go now go now perfect answer be gone right now because right now [Music] hiv one and two in anybody or family secretary i command you die now [Music] every infection in ladies and guys right now by the fire of the holy ghost be healed now every eye problem begun now deafness in the ears go now any of your family members who is bedridden whether for stroke i'm seeing stroke and partial paralysis right now in the name of jesus i command them to arise from that bed [Music] every plague of death over any family he said and when i see the blood i will pass i pray any devil that i said you will not sit and i said your family members will not see you i cross that devil in the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah any kind of delay in this place marital delay [Music] or any kind of delay at the count of three knocks and causes of delay become one two three go go go go go go go go go go [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah dummy damn it any altar of darkness hear me i don't care where it's coming from that is speaking against your life or the well-being of your family right now that altar wherever it is it will catch fire now that's fire now it will catch fire now shake it had fire at fire now every other second every altar catch god now every altar against anybody that's fired [Music] hallelujah listen whoever has been marked for this favor that they say things cannot work for you or your family members i remove that embargo of this favor now now now now now whatever the devil has stolen from your family whatever the devil has stolen in your life i stand as a servant of god this one is going to hit many people there are many families that need restoration i will restore at the count of three we're hurrying up we're out of time father let the wind and the angel of restoration move across this place one two three [Music] let's go [Music] every yoke of academic failure whether why yeah whether trump some of you have not been able to enter the institution right now i see fire there are many of you it's an embargo of darkness you will feel like something jumping out of your head right now i command yours of academic failure believe that now believe now in the name of jesus some of you have struggled jeremy some of you are christians but you have struggled with habits masturbation pornography is not like you are bad you have been trying and trying to stop it's eating your life whether for you or for your loved ones right now i pray that embargo of darkness [Music] sin shall not happen and i pray whatever spirit that sponsors that kind of life leaves you now now anyone here looking for a job all your family members they've tried they've applied everywhere my bible says promotion comes neither from the east nor the south not the west i pray right now let an anointing that will cross your personally helpless and that of your family members to locate you may that anointing shoot you now break it break it i permanent miracle jobs miracle jobs miracle jobs in the name of jesus [Music] those of us who are in business or your family members are in business i pray right now in the name that is above all names the bible says it shall be like a tree that is planted by the streams of water which yield its food in season and whose sleep does not wither whatever it does prosperous i pray right now i command every business here grow in the name of jesus grow in the name of jesus expand in the name of jesus increase in the name of jesus hallelujah now hear me whatever trouble is in your family some of you your family is at the brink of divorce some of you your father is not taking care of you i don't care family problems god is receiving them now every family problem because god among this miraculous service for families every problem satan is hiding behind the corner and joining the heads of people at the count of three be released one two three families be free families be released i command peace i command prosperity i command love every foul spirit responsible for the situation in families be lifted now in the name of jesus [Music] i pray those who have been destined to help you and take you to the next level of your life right now wherever they are destiny help us i call you into the life of god's people wine press us and break us show food come forth and he went to the tomb of lazarus and lazarus was dead four days and he called him forth right now whatever is dead in your life and your family i stand under this unction of god and i pray whatever is dead i command it right now let that which is dead hear the voice of the lord comfort now come forth now whatever is dead comfort now hallelujah i release breakthrough into your life receive it all kinds of breakthroughs all kinds of breakthroughs you are well favored i pray for your spiritual life some of you your spiritual lives are zero no word life no prayer life tonight let a fire that not even you can quench fire prayer fire world fire take it take it receive it in the name of jesus hunger for the things of the spirit a hunger to study the world bless to be obedient receive it in the name of jesus hallelujah tell me the bible says because thou has loved righteousness and hated wickedness therefore god even thy god as anointed you with an oil of gladness and the bible says that oil puts you above your fellows i pray for you wherever you go from today let there be an anointing you cannot explain that will distinguish you very distinguish you help of the crowd let it distinguish you receive it in the name of jesus any member of your family that is not born again i pray by the permission of the spirit of god let the angels of god look for them and bring them into the faith now no matter how hard they are we call them born again now we establish it in the name of jesus christ hallelujah [Music] father i asked finally that everyone following online everyone following here inside and in any of the overflows everything that has made men mock god in your life i am agreeing with you from the depth of my heart i give you the next 13 days surprise them surprise them with the enviable results to come from your life your accusers surprise everyone who knew you in the name of jesus [Music] foreign
Channel: SBiC Connect
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Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, AJS, Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2020, About Apostle Joshua Selman, Apostle Joshua Selman 2021, Apostle Joshua Selman's New Sermons, Apostle Joshua Selman Powerful Sermon 2021, Koinonia Global, Koinonia Abuja, Koinonia Zaria, Commanding Results, Joshua Selman, Selman, Nimmak, Apostle, joshua, Selman's Videos, Online Sermons
Id: qMDz3Jq7uTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 33sec (13233 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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