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[Music] let's lift our hands waving to Jesus Lord we thank you for tonight boy that's messy because ever true ever fateful lift your voice inside outside let us bless the name of the Lord the king of kings we all know you we worship we worship you we worship shabak the Lord sing songs of worship to him but an incense of rock of worship rise from [Applause] the umbrellas collaborative scanner Bokashi to the go la la flesche we bow in worship [Music] that's your name be said our keiki live [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] and my yeah whoa [Applause] let my pain [Music] you Jesus you believe dead [Applause] I [Applause] Jesus you Jesus [Applause] ah [Music] [Applause] father tonight we ask in the name of Jesus that you be lifted high we ask tonight but your glory will fill this place and we ask the night that you be enthroned in our lives I pray that you bless your people scattered all around this place across different nations of the world different parts of this nation bless lift a quip build let there be healings let there be deliverances I pray O God that your people who experience the fullness of your power in the name of Jesus Christ amen and amen god bless you you're very welcome please be seated I want to see one minute to just appreciate all those following us online they may not be able to see us but they can hear clap thank you thank you so much let's honor them thanks to the power of technology hallelujah praise the Lord [Music] tonight I want your spirit to be very sensitive I want to is a prayer meeting we're going to pray tonight but I want to share with you a few things that I consider will truly truly empower us you know I i sat back and I was thinking today just thinking of the [Music] the topics the teachings that God has brought from this place to the body of Christ especially to us here different aspects of the life of the kingdom from prayer to excellence to success to spirituality to warfare to finances to family life the Lord has been lavish granting us access to deep secrets the mysteries of the kingdom I was teaching the school of ministry students are now I taught them something that I think is good for us to know I said every true apostolic ministry must be able to communicate a dimension of the revelation of God to a generation in every dispensation there is a dimension of the dealings of God that he apportions for that generation to know about him and it is part of the apostolic ministry to be able to capture that dimension of the understanding of God that he has a portion for a people and to be able to accurately teach God's people so that they having that understanding will come into that experience praise the Lord and honestly God has been faithful to us granting us access every time I see it back and I listen to the testimonies I look at the lives of so many people here and looking at the things that God has done what God is doing I get text messages every day from people across several parts of this nation around the world just communicating they are gratitude for what the teachings the meetings have done and for me I am deeply deeply humbled and tonight he will show us that part again never be tired of learning the mysteries of the kingdom the mysteries of the kingdom are the secrets of God the mysteries of the kingdom are how men rise that's how men become powerful in this system Alleluia Paul said I went up by revelation not by desire I went up by revelation so when you access the truths of the kingdom they have a way of making you powerful it is God's design that in every territory scattered across the earth there will be men and women who have paid the price to be His image bearers in reality that at every given point of our lives and our environment that he must find an invoice somebody that can allow the multi-facetted possibilities of God to find expression within a given territory the kingdom only comes when God is able to find sufficient men who have aligned themselves sufficiently to his purposes to knowledge and obedience when you can find a man who has made that price of alignment then you see the beauty of the power and the glory of God displayed within a territory the revelation of God that is seen in a territory is not all that God is it is the limitation that the aligned vessels are provided he will have to walk with the vessels that are available at any given time are we together now so God can step into a place like Syria and never be able to manifest his healing dimension never be able to manifest himself as a deliverer that does not mean he cannot heal it doesn't mean he cannot deliver but the level of alignment it takes for a vessel to allow him release that possibility he cannot find it so you have to make do with what is available but happy and blessed is any man who pays the price of alignment to be able to be an effective host of God's glory allowing every dimension of God that He desires to find the expression to find expression and this personal is the theme for my life that there will be not in God seeks to do in a territory that he would not be able to do just because I am not aligned enough and so we continue to press daily we press through knowledge we press through desire we take advantage of His grace and Messi is like a ladder we keep climbing and we are being transformed within enlarge our capacities are we experience that expansion in the spirit and were able to host more of him then you find out that your life becomes an unfortunate of a sign and a wonder the reality of that immortal dimension of the workings of God in your life starts becoming glaring it becomes clear to people that this is not a normal human being and they are not lying because divinity is swallowing you up gradually and you are beginning to manifest possibilities of someone who is obviously under the influence of a spirit like you see someone manifesting on that they are 19 ordinarily you don't have the capacity to move in that kind of speed when you see someone manifest in your usual strength you know that that is another agency through him every time you align in the spirit you help to advance the purposes of God let me tell you something God is searching for men he still is searching for men never should be wallowing that deception that because there are many churches there are many programs happening it means that God is finding me people no alignment is not something that is a costly exercise is it costly sacrifice alignment is one of the hardest things for a believer to do because it will require pruning it will require death it will require discipline it will require commitment it will cost you your tears it will cost you your appetites but the end thereof is glory so the Bible says that I reckon that the sufferings of this present time right Romans 8 and verse 18 I reckon I come to terms with the fact that the sufferings the constraints of this present time you are on your way to becoming something there is a revelation in the heart of the Father that you should become and he says only your way to becoming that thing there will be constraints you will cry it will cost you are we together now obedience is costly very costly enjoy to constrain you and when that happens is that's why I reckon that the sufferings of this present time he gives you hope this Eze is not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in you when you watch a woman pregnant the constraints she may have to spit when she doesn't have to speak she may have to go through all kinds of constraints but give her nine months in that condition the moment she gives birth to a child she becomes an object of celebration people come around to look at the miracle of another life through a woman that's how people will gather around your life one day and wonder the level of alignment it would take to manifest the kind of anointing and glory that you're manifesting listen let me tell you something spending time in the presence of God has value in every wise it has monetary value it has influence value it has time Redemption value there is no time spent in the presence of God that is a waste away with that religious proposition that people bring that when you're waiting God's presence you are busy people stay in God's presence and they are looking at their watches as though they have something to do most of the things we seek can only be found in his presence only be found in his presence it pays to wait and while we waited pays to hear him because for every time he speaks he redeems your future for every time he speaks he grants you access to rise that ladder of power that ladder of grease Alleluia is as Grace and peace be multiplied through the knowledge not just to your desire grace unction we want power we want to see the glory of God the effulgence of his person only a lesser-known cereal student will attend lectures for 4 weeks and say I'm tired no you continue why because there is a goal you know that one day you aim for something and so like a man who wants to win the Olympic you press you press there are times that you will have to go for the lectures in the ring but you overlook the inconveniences of the moment I will together I want you to pray in one minute and cry and say Lord I'm here again [Music] continue the training continue the dealing make me wiser make me better let me encounter another dimension of your anointing another dimension of your glory spirit of the Living God I have come tonight to align myself the more this is the school of the Spirit I have come make me powerful open my eyes activate my senses in the spirit play something upon my life that my generation will live to celebrate let me not pass as an ordinary person let it deposit of eternity be upon me do something in my life that will cost me it would it will last me my lifetime I have opted to eat of the bread of the Spirit this is Bethel the place where the Spirit of God will grant you fresh manna fresh manna fresh manna it's all the profit it for the journey is fine you will meet that mystery you will need that revelation the fierceness of life will not allow you to land in the face of battle you will need to be prepared the fierceness of life will not allow you to be searching for mysteries when the trouble comes you must be equipped so that before it comes you know what to apply that you have capacity to read the writing's on the wall and know what to do and what to say is that Jesus himself knew what to do [Music] Samrat a scallop Randi give a lot of zeroes Alleluia please sit down listen it is costly to start looking for answers when the trouble comes you see sometimes the trouble has the capacity of destroying you and will not give you a chance to learn what law to overcome you prepare for battle before battle you don't prepare for battle - in battle I went together don't wait until they tell you your wife cannot give birth and then you now run and try to find the mysteries that can be able to navigate another pattern cause your wife to keep it don't wait until they drive you from walk and then you now say what is the mystery of favor again no you are too late surround yourself with mysteries like Cheerios so that when the devil fires is arrow before it gets to you a revelation you have in store will arise the the shield listen that shield is a defense whether you are sleeping or awake you have a bad dream you are not even praying in Scripture just fight us from your dream Ram you shall keep his angels charge over me don't react to things when they come I will together now don't wait until the day they tell you all something happened and you are now panicking no God is equipping us with the mysteries that will prepare us so that nothing surprises you someone comes and Mitchell says we're in trouble and you say what happened Rael washed our house you say glory be to God don't worry there is a system in the spirit where we can remedy for that constraint listen your confidence in life is based on the mysteries of the kingdom that you are equipped with is a product of ignorance you will always be afraid when you perceive that you are not in control of a situation this is the reason for fear you never fear anything you have control over ignorance gives the devil control over every aspect of our lives so we don't know whether we are going to live or die we say we don't know whether we'll be rich or poor we don't know whether we'll be successful or failures we don't know whether people who favor us or not God cannot keep you to work in this system surrounded by such confusion and ignorance and then tell you to not hear know the antidote to fear is knowledge knowledge so that when your uncle looks at you and says I can help you again I'm sorry you know how is their uncle thank you thank you for what you have done so far because you have a mystery that every good and perfect gift comes from above it only comes to men not from men so if one man is not available heaven is still available and you can find another man that revelation alone settles you so you are not jumping around and saying what can we do that's a foolish or stupid way of speaking it's like going to a filling station all swell comes from the ground not the filling station so if the filling station packs up we know that they are still well in Nigeria all you need to do is look for another filling station are we together now may God grant us knowledge see the Bible says wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability once you find out that your life is a product of shear and panic it's not because you are young or old it's not because we're a civil servant or a businessman it's not because you are living in the north or south is because you have not sustained the understanding that gives you confidence nobody is born with confidence is a resultant effect of something joy is a product of something that you know she is a product of something that you know or something that you don't know Alleluia please sit down [Music] I have such passion to see us grow in the spirit so we don't just deceive ourselves and say I'm a spiritual man a spiritual man is not it's not something ambiguous there are exact standards that can measure spirituality spirituality is not something that one man hides in a pocket and say I am spiritual no there are clear spiritual standards if they have been met you are spiritual if they have not been met you are not spiritual as simple as that Alleluia [Music] that's why we label to make sure that the atmosphere is set week in week out because we know that someone's destiny is dependent on what is shared here someone's life is dependent on what is shared here this is an issue of life and death it's not just an issue of a voluntary thing no it says they are life to those who find them that means those who don't find them can't die I will together now life is spiritual that's why the Bible says everything listen it says everything that is done in the house of God must be done from a standpoint of spiritual mindedness this is not my teaching but I just felt a need to do that everything in the house of God must be consecrated and it must be done under the influence of the anointing otherwise it will add to drop a dies in the atmosphere and not allow God's presence find expression if you are clean in the house of God you must clean on that the anointing to contribute to making the atmosphere set you can say I am NOT a member of prayer department I am just a keyboardist this thing this gentleman is playing is not just music if his personal secret place his personal altar has a problem the sound that will come out from there will obstruct what God is doing in your spirit he will be playing the same thing and wonder why is not edifying you because he's playing his secret place amplifying it to people it's not playing music a gentleman holding a camera like this and it's not doing it spiritual you will be surprised at what dimension of interruption sort canal 'ti can provide in the spirit and stop the anointing of the Spirit he can do his work but if it is not done spiritually the protocol people standing if they are just standing like employed you see that's why you are a pastor here let me teach you a big secret file new spirituality modern talent and kids talent and pigs are secondary to spirituality nobody should serve in the house of God just because it's talented no your talent is inconsequential as far as your spirituality is concerned talent only becomes useful when you are dealing with spiritual people so we have our churches and our groups and ministries full of very very gifted people but all kinds of spiritual obstructions you see someone who hold a mic beautiful voice but you can't tell why your spirit is resisting what is coming from him you love the song but something about the voice there is no physical reason why your spirit should not receive it something about an atmosphere that she or she is carrying or not carrying is responsible for that that's why we pray that's why we wait in his presence it's not just to increase kill it so that we can come with the atmosphere of heaven and everything that is communicated to you even if it is something you have had before it comes with a fresh anointing it cognitive fresh atmosphere and it can cause transformation you are not in ministry if you cannot host the presence of God no any Church anybody that cannot host the presence of God in their meetings capture the presence of God is a cinema is a complete waste of time so everything must be done under the anointing we have trained the workers and we still encourage them all the time be spiritual as an OSHA you are not just holding people normally anointing you are not just killing seeds you are spiritual I will together now someone's destiny is dependent on the spirituality of your service not just your service the spirituality of it someone's destiny is dependent on the spirituality of my teaching my preaching not just the dispensing of gifts but the spirituality of it thus what can bring the transformation and bring the miracles I just thought that is good that we remind ourselves it's not so much about skill it's not so much about action but the fire the passion the presence that glory that box of what we do that's what produces the results [Music] tonight I want to teach very briefly on the altar of Prayer pay attention I'm going to share something with you that will bless your life the altar of Prayer I want us to understand the mystery of altars [Music] horse beat from the heavens handy her will see or speak from the heavens and the earth will hear my altar is calling you boga my altar is called Oh God my altar is gone take my brain Oh God take my brain [Music] listen the body of Christ is full of a lot of ignorance when it comes to the issue of Prayer when it comes to the issue of warfare when it comes to the issue of the interaction between the realm of the Spirit and the at RAM there is cross ignorance in the body of Christ as to the mysteries that are responsible for these operations that's what I've been seeking to do to teach us and help us understand how men can contact the realm of the Spirit because man by design is the only entity that on legal grounds has the authorization to make contact with the RAM of the Spirit and make contact with the physical RAM at will every other entity needs a system of authorization I will together now alters most people do not know what alters are and for most people when you hear all time you just think oh it's just this ignorant prayer ministries around that are just looking for a way you will die like a chicken when you are ignorant of the mystery of altars there is no great man who does not understand this whether he admits it openly or not is a different thing but let me tell you there is no man doing business in this kingdom or in the secular world who does not understand the mystery of orders pay attention to what you will learn and you will see trial in in in ways that will shock you [Music] and Olga is a system of authorization I want to share a few things with you about altars and alte is a system of authorization an order is not just a monument it is his system of authorization an altar is a platform write it down where the RAM of the spirit makes contact with the physical RAM on legal grounds an altar is a platform where the realm of the spirit makes contact with the physical RAM on legal grounds I'm taking our time for us to write this because I want also understand it I said an authorized system of authorization and then an authorized a platform where on legal grounds the realm of the Spirit is allowed to make contact with the physical realm there are other illegal routes there are other illegitimate platforms but the legitimate platform where the realm of the Spirit can find expression in this realm is an altar because according to the law of territory a spirit or an entity cannot enter another entity and not a territory without the configuration to suit that territory for instance a spirit should not be in the 8th without a body does against the law of territory if you must function in the edram as a territory you must have a body I will together now so every spirit including God is at the mercy of a body or an altar to find expression in territory the fast death recorded in the Bible happened on account of altars two men brothers went to offer sacrifices and all of them created platforms that was where before the Old Testament Adam had access to mysteries and he taught his children how to invoke the presence of God and it's not the way it is today there and then you will know whether what you did work or not and the Bible says a bell did something and can beat something too and all of a sudden the sacrifice of a bell axe ended the heavens I were together now and then for Cain nothing happened and then Kim killed his brother and blood spilled upon the earth and he thought it was over but the Bible told us that discussion continued in the realm of the Spirit something about that activity called the presence of God and God said Cain there is a discussion going on in heaven but this discussion is between me and blood so what is going on yeah my my brothers keepers I don't tell lies there is a witness standing in heaven here that blood a symbol of an altar is granted me authorization to probe you and because of that I'm going to cause you George menze still happen even after a bell died listen very carefully to what I'm teaching you supernatural system of authorisation and alter let me give you one more definition is where covenants are activated and maintained an ultra is the platform where covenants are both activated and maintained a covenant cannot walk without an altar it is an altar that is life to a covenant it's impossible for altars to walk covenants to walk without an altar and authorize like the battery that powers this gadget for instance the potentials of this gadget is only seen when you slot in the battery that's what an altar is it gives life to a covenant now write this down please all tasks can be physical monuments all tasks can be institutions and altars can be people altars can be physical monuments like we had in the Old Testament they would erect stones altars can be institutions like the jerusalem temple that was built by Solomon he said O God if anybody faces this temple and prays how come to that Messing's prayer not because of the rightness of the prayer but a covenant that was enacted here and an altar was raised to that effect the reason why salvation the covenant of salvation can walk is because there is an altar that was erected not just in the earth in heaven the book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus a high priest carried his blow to the most holy place in heaven and put it upon an altar that is still speaking today that is the basis upon which whoever calls upon the name of the Lord whether in you are sleeping whether you are awake it kicks that reality you will be saved because there is an altar that eternally secures that [Music] there are many platforms that God has created to allow spirit entities to find expression in the a tram to come and assist men to command empowerment but if we do not understand those platforms then we'll not be able to take advantage of it and one of it is what I'm talking about tonight an altar of Prayer as a system of authorization an altar of Prayer as a mystery that on leg of ground authorizes the realm of the Spirit to influence the activities of men gain the earth realm please write this down the most accurate measure of the health of your spiritual life is your prayer life the most accurate measure of the health of your spiritual life is your prayer life not Bible study Nosa the most accurate measure of how healthy your spiritual life is is your prayer life no matter what else is working in your life if your prayer life is dead then you are not spiritual [Music] I will together anyone can preach anyone can teach but not everyone can free never forget this very easy to preach very easy to teach what is his sacrifice to pray any and everyone can preach any and everyone can teach but not everyone can pray because price is sacrifice is a mystery [Music] let me tell you something God is so meticulous about the revelation of altas that he rules the wall sitting on an altar the very throne room is like his shrine surrounded with mysteries the epicenter of the throne room is the very throne that he sits upon that throne you see is an altar is what makes him the Ancient of Days he sits up on that altar and manipulates things according to his pre determinate counsel doesn't have to walk around heaven to find out who is rebellious there is a system that has been designed to ensure order and altar [Music] anyone who will walk in true Dominion must function from the standpoint of an altar everyone who seeks to walk in true Dominion most function from the standpoint of an order tonight were particularly looking at the altar of Prayer the minister of pray is one that is largely hated by many either because of the spiritual energy that it involves or because of the sacrifice and the discipline that is involved in the ministry of prayer but scattered around speech oh all through the Bible as pictures that and college believers who pray and he makes them understand that their lives and their victories dependent on it in Luke chapter 18 verse 1 the Bible says he speak this parable to the end that means the goal of this parable was to teach many lesson and the lesson is that men ought always to pray and not to faint always always notice the Constantia activity men ought always to pray and not to fit in Matthew chapter 21 when you read from verse 13 the Bible says Jesus entered the temple and he saw people buying and selling and doing all kinds of things in a temple and he was angry and in verse 13 chapter 21 his scattered everywhere and said my house shall be called a house of prayer my house shall be called a house of prayer is impossible to be a man of prayer and ignore the word but is possible to be a man of the world and it know prayer when the devil wants to deceive you he makes you look like you have an option to choose between pray underworld and then he in doctrine Xu and Curry's takes advantage of your passion for knowledge and keeps you to be cold and dry and lukewarm and all of a sudden you begin to subscriptions like a philosopher and there is no power no grace no efficiency every great ministry starts from the altar of prayer any ministry that does not start as a prayer ministry will not last is impossible the Ministry of Jesus started as a prayer ministry the moment he was filling the Holy Spirit he was driven of the Spirit 40 days and 40 nights traveling in prayer and the Bible says he returned in the power of the Spirit all of a sudden his fame began to spread Devils will fly around and say no no no no no you have come to destroy us before our time the ministry of prayer [Music] in James chapter 5 +16 please give it to us James chapter 5 verse 16 I want you to understand this tonight is an admonishment and then we're going to pray James 5:16 it says confess your faults one another and pray for one another that he may be healed then it says the effectual prayer of a righteous man it says availeth much availeth much amplified says it is dynamic in its working it can produce results and we're going to examine this result that the prayer of a believer is not just an empty talk it's not just an exercise in futility it's not just a religious system to feel spiritual that every time men pray there is an effect now theologically speaking the classic scripture that is used to represent the activity of altars is Genesis chapter 28 were not turning there for time support many of us know it I'm just giving you a little theological background um Abraham had passed across a region and the Bible says that he set up an altar there and many years later Jacob his son I will get a noun and son in the flesh now a generation now was passing that place and the night time came and he felt Luke let me just lie down and sleep and the Bible says he put stones together and laid down to sleep he did him pray for an encounter he did him beg for an encounter the moment he slept the Bible says his eyes were opened and he saw strange activities happening the angels ascending descending it was like a a portal a ladder another top of it was God himself and he was surprised when he woke up he said wow this is a portal this is the kid of I saw something that happened a portal and all that the Lord was in this place and I knew not now watch this is because Jacob slept there and recorded his experience that we know that that place had an effect do you know that whether or not Jacob slept there you can be passing peacefully and for whatever reason cross across that place and something happens to you all of a sudden you find out that the sickness just disappeared you didn't pray now you are wondering what happened you don't know it was Jacob's experience that helped us to understand that there was such a thing the same way Elijah when he was about to leave he knew that there was an exact portal that can take meant physically he went beyond the Jordan and he said Elijah as I'm about to leave and right before his eyes he saw chariots when Jesus was about to levitate to go to heaven he knew exactly where to stand when he they watched him and he began to rise there are physical portals in the egg that open up to the realm of the Spirit not visions physical places a man can stand here today and have encounters whether I the prophetic or not which is understand this many people understand this I wish I had time to teach on altars because I will teach you that one of the natural ways of establishing an altar is consistency of a practice within a region it opens up and all the consistency of practice within a region that that atmosphere is spiritually acclimatized the moment you practice something consistently you attract the spirit dimension of that thing to come and find out what is going on so if I keep killing people in a particular region I don't need to invite any spirit I create a portal the more a spirit comes in partnership with me that becomes an ultra that's why in many regions many campuses they have different region somehow prayer mountains somehow we used to have years ago in the campus there somewhere they called long tail is caught that was a physical solid portal that's where you see people carry their rechargeable and their socks for mosquitoes and go there and lie down and say Oh God if you don't help me I'm dead and by the next morning there is a miracle you find people just mind their business standing and start shaking because activities over many years there were people making use of that ground and it became sanctified angelic activities became so much there it was it was like how you do home cell because there are visitations and many members are within a region you dedicate a place and say look all of you within this region you can freely find expression here consistency can open up the Potter [Music] suppress caliber indecision [Music] are you learning something tonight [Music] that's how many of our parents made our homes certain portals every time they continued doing certain things and they did not know when they invited the spirit dimensions you see let me tell you consistency attracts the realm of the spirit consistent acts those who practice other religions you know how they invoke spirits and chant means the same word repeat that over a long period of time how do they celebrate traditional festivals in many villages the people keep dancing doing the same thing for hours and then it becomes like a supercharged at a point the spirit component of that activity has come I'd like you to say Lord open my eyes eight open my eyes open my eyes [Music] there is a law in the dealings of God with men and it says whatever you yield yourself to it says you will become a slave of that thing have a view of you are we together if I practice or begins consistently I have yield that my members who obedience I become a slave to obedience I will together now you see watch this if I steal this handkerchief watch this if I steal this handkerchief out of my volition is not enough to bring the spirit of theft in my life no if I do it again and I do it again that I don't know I'm invoking a mystery by my consistency a time will come the spirit that operates on men will say I'm being invited within a territory it will look for the territory where the physical dimension of what is bringing it is the same way if I begin to pray I may not feel comfortable but as I'm praying I'm invoking a dimension of the operation of the spirit of the spirit of prayer and supplication a day will come in that place that dimension will be revealed in me supernatural are you learning something [Music] because you see not all altars were consciously built but they are still orders so it is when I say all tasks that are destroying you it doesn't mean you have to go to your village and we lay your uncle and say if you don't tell us what you have done we'll beat you know he may be innocent this is where the prophetic ministry must be guided because every time we talk of alte they think it must be traceable to a real experience know the mysteries that you do consistently are building altars and they eventually become invitations for spirits whether the Spirit of God or any kind of demon spirit [Music] have you had an experience I'm not saying you should do it but you've seen it in ministries where somebody can come no church service just enter the church and come and lie down on the altar a roll maybe for a child and go back and have triplets now question was anybody preaching but because the the power and the presence of God has found expression upon that ground for a long time you have invited you have imported dimension where the service is at work or not that portal remains open all that it takes is your faith once your faith me and does that atmosphere it happens to you samwell was an altar he didn't have an altar he was an altar you never came here somewhere and went back to see know a young man camera some well as could make a prophesy morning till night that's an altar when Saul went a met Sam well they were looking for the donkey as soon as they saw somewhere they knew their lives were going to be altered I told you altars and not just physical monuments you can be an altar and that's one of the things that prayer does you don't do the monument your life becomes a activation of Seth you listen the beauty of prayer is not just for you to continue talking for the rest of your life but that you get to a state of consistency where even in your silence listen you have become an altar spiritual activities can be happening around you so that our us a living altar I activate possibilities just by walking you come around me and something happens to you I didn't directly pray for you you didn't even know you had that problem but an atmosphere that I was carrying implicated you [Music] [Music] why is Priya important why do we have to build an altar of Prayer three reasons very quickly number one prayer is God authorised system of communion and fellowship with him write it down prayer is God's authorized system of communion and fellowship with him the Bible is very clear that the communion of the Spirit the fellowship of the spirit what we call Koinonia must be at work in the life of anyone to do business with God and that system of Koinonia through prayer prayer is one of God's authorized system not the only authorized system but one of the major authorizes them for Communion and fellowship Luke chapter 6 let's take a few scriptures very quickly Luke chapter 6 and verse 12 please give it to us Luke chapter 6 and verse 12 then we look at Matthew 26 verse 36 and down to 39 is actually to 44 to stop at 39 quickly Luke chapter 6 verse 12 look up everyone please it says and it came to pass those days speaking about Jesus now that he went out into a mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God communion Jesus was not just praying prayer requests like we do during miracle service remember he was God he still is God but you went to spend time all-night communion communion give us Matthew Matthew 26 and verse 36 Matthew 26 verse 36 then connect Jesus with them listen this was his passion was about to start then commit Jesus with them on to a place called gethsemane and settled to the disciples seats yet while I go and pray andhe unless watch what the Bible calls prayer and he took from him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy 38 then he said unto them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death tarry here and watch with me please continue quickly and he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying saying this sounds like a communication a conversation my father if it be possible let this cup pass of me when you read down to verse 44 he prayed the same thing three times prayer is God authorized system of communion not just a platform for petitions prayer is how powers transfer to men is an authorized system of communion is your spiritual system of intimacy and intercourse in the place of Prayer that's where the exchange happens between Definity jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit but never manifested the power of the Holy Ghost after prayer the Bible says he returned not full of the Spirit but in the power of the Spirit in Luke 17 don't turn Dear John 17 sorry Jesus himself began to communicate with the father as usual and he says father the hour has come watch communion to prayer the hour has come glorify thy son that thy son will bring glory to you and then he began to converse look at all the platforms till today listen till today how Jesus advocates for believers in heaven is still to prayer the Bible says he seated at the right hand of the Father and he makes intercession for the sins why will you intercede when you are already seated by the right hand it's his system it's not about proximity is a system of communion and communication [Music] if you are not a man of prayer you are not a woman of Prayer you can be sure that the reality of communion and fellowship with the Holy Ghost that reality you see let me tell you something if you are not open to prayer you will never understand what we are saying you would think is just am I'm not just talking of corporate prayer corporate price grid but you must have the secret place that's where he comes to meet with you that's when he tells you things he cannot tell any other person the reason why you don't hear God is because you are not used to his voice in the secret place he has not trained you to hear him so you hear everything and you call it him I was counseling a couple some I think I don't know if it was last week and the mother was outside and the father came in with the daughters maybe they're in here listening to me and they held a little baby as soon as the baby shouted from outside the mother identified the voice and came to check what was happening with the baby and I said Koinonia that's intimacy because there is a union that baby is talking from the same mother their interaction the mother did not train herself to hear the voice she was implicated by that Koinonia so anywhere there were many people families with their children but when she had her old he said my sheep hear my voice my sheep hear my voice meaning if you cannot ask hear his voice find out whether you are his sheep or not don't assume you are his sheep assumption is constant in the school of intimacy you must verify that there is contact between you and God there are pastors that don't pray so they get angry they think the manifestation of the power of God is magic there are dimensions impartation will not give you you must dig your well by yourself you must create an altar a system you must gain mastery in the realm of the Spirit you must be used to the spiritual communication that has been it's like a tailor-made system of God reaching you God must know how to reach you on Sirius informations God must know how to reach you on trivial informations you must train your organs of interaction with the RAM of the Spirit that place of training is the secret place I will never trade anything for my time with him that's where men are built that's where there is an exchange see let me tell you holding a mic and teaching is not difficult holding a mic and preaching is not difficult but communicating life that one is a derivative of your order that's why we sleep in church that's why our churches are full of dry balls from the preacher to those listening all dry bones people stand and talk they say something that you bless why you wonder why doesn't bless you because there is no altar they are standing on assisted by the realm of the Spirit number two quickly why do we need the altar of prayer prayer creates a legal platform for God prayer creates a llegar platform for God angels and the spirit realm to gain entrance and access pria creates a legal platform much the world Lego it has to be leg out the RAM of the spirit is a legal realm the dealings of God with men are on leg out grounds that's why God could not just pronouncement justified the system had to be followed to the latter prayer creates a leg a platform for God angels and the spirit realm to gain entrance or access and intervene in the affairs of men and offer assistance to men which ever you want right a platform for entrance legally I know that many of you are surprised why should God Almighty need the cooperation of a man to step into the room he limited himself in the creation of man let me show you two scriptures that I think will bless you Sam's 1:15 verse 16 the popular scripture in the body of Christ Sam's 1:15 and verse 16 then give us is equal to 82 from verse 32 31 Sam's 1 1 5 verse 116 can we read together 1 to read the heaven even the heavens or the bhishan say the heaven of heavens are the Lord's read on but the earth as a territory has it given to where watch this let me give you a little explanation if if a Jimmy has a house I were together and he decides to rent that house to me now it is true that it is still his house but does he have a right to just enter anytime it no give him if he comes to that house although it is your house but there is a leg of transaction that happened between me and you so even as the landlord you will still knock and I have a right to tell you you are disturbing my privacy and you will still go so God is still the Lord of all creation but he carved out a domain of his kingdom apportioned it to man and it became scripturally incorrect for God to come to the end without a man permitting him that's why the holy spirit had to move Michael liberal to come and ask for permission from Mary before Jesus entered her womb Mary could not just see I would no no no no it was a discussion this is what you want to do kind of won't be available that what was the permission be it unto me I authorize you how shall these things we don't worry about the dynamics your womb butchers don't be surprised when you find out your stomach is just protruding be it on to me and he had to go to Joseph and say Joseph you are about to see something strange in your wife now I know that is going to shock you but please please please don't drive her there is a mystery she's carrying and Joseph calm down look at how God had to go to the relevant people to ask for permission permission one by one while he was doing that he was pretty nopon another prophetess to keep rain Britain on Simeon in the temple to keep rain John the Baptist who baptized and ordained Jesus his father wanted to play with Redemption he thought he was just playing with his sacrifice an angel appears to him and says mister man your wife is going to have a child the name is John and he may talk what kind of nonsense and heaven said no no no look this guy would disallow shot his mouth he's a priest meaning it there is a grace for him to operate in that priestly office shut his mouth show that you will not say anything because words are padlocks on our keys it can disallow and allow reality so it's a shortest mouth if this guy wants to spoil this thing we're doing and the shortest mouth not of wickedness as his strategy to make sure John arrives so that Jesus would be commissioned when John was born they said what shall we name him the wife said John they say no we've not had this name then they went to the dopefather now mister man what was the last thing way you spoke with the angel what did you hear and he wrote on the book John is not a prayer and his mouth open God said now you can see anything you want to see you have authorized heaven not watch this look how hard it is for God to find expression in the end he must go around that's why I taught you about the gift of men God cannot be the author of death knowing how hard it is to find a man and find expression through him for 430 years God was busy preparing the man who will be a deliverer not if he promised Abraham captivity for 400 years but even God became limited for 30 extra years until Moses was trained are you blessed [Music] John the Baptist found himself in the wilderness the requirement to ordain Jesus he ate locusts and wild honey had sheep camel you know clothes and all of that and he came out and started baptizing but times Jesus Christ and that was all and Jesus answers listen every time it looks like darkness is prevailing over your life it is not that God is limited it is because you have not understood that until heaven is authorised God can do nothing about it the heaven of heavens belong to the Lord the earth has he given to the sons of men Elijah annuities that everything under the heavens was within the jurisdiction of men and he didn't go to beg God he went and said I lock up because this cloud that brings rain is under the heavens so I lock it up and I put the key in my pocket listen to what he said there would not be rain except at my ward but the Bible James Apostle James had a revelation of what he did is I don't think he just spoke drama he went and locked himself from pre-dentistry he was a man of light passion but he allowed [Music] Ezekiel chapter 22 verse 30 and 31 please quickly many of us have not been assisted by the spirit realm simply because we do not know that we have a role we have a role to creating the portal that grants us access to assistance and I searched for a man among them listen who is talking here God to His Prophet why will God be looking for men with over how many people are at that time in the earth and is still applicable towards today I sought for a man among them that should make up what a hedge a gap they have fire later something they evoke a mystery that will force me now to polish them but in my kindness I am searching for a man who can make me change my mind but I'm not finding any therefore don't blame me when your family remains poor it's not that I want Satan to prevail there is something that happened in your family that lifted an aunt out Parvati and God keeps watching it ravaged you for decades and God is saying I'm searching for a man who will rise up as an altar and cause me to act otherwise I was until I learned this I was surprised how God would just allow evil to happen like that and many people say ah poor God can't you arise he said where you pray ask me that my kingdom should come but what kind of thing is not ask me authorize me Matthew 6 he was teaching them the Beatitudes when you pray but of the content of your authorization should be that the kingdom come is that as I hear you say before my dear so we like to please leave it there [Music] I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and stand in the gap before me for what not just one individual for the land that I should not destroy it but I found none so let's see what would happen in thirty one [Music] Pharaoh shall see them and shall be comforted overall his multitude even Pharaoh and his army slain by the sword saith the Lord Ezekiel twenty-two you are giving us a wrong scripture here [Music] that's what I gave you right Ezekiel 22:30 31 please correct it unless have it quickly media [Music] are we there please helps help whoever is working we need some level of accuracy the scripture I'm looking for the scripture that therefore have I poured out that is what we just read therefore have I poured out my word indignation upon them I have consumed them with the fire of my wrath they are own way a baby compared upon their heads in other words it looks like I'm the one punishing them for the cost it they cost it that is the darkness in your family regardless of what people are saying oh god my name is John we are still dying can God ascend don't look at me as a wicked person I well I'm I'm pathetic there is a lack of system operating this operation and somebody must arise and becoming all and all that activates something different and then you will now see my kindness listen God is not the one ruling this earth with the nonsense that is happening there are manipulations that are sending strange incense and we're receiving assistance is from strange spirits that are Antichrist and they are helping to destroy the world but you must find the people that's why men is serious business many of us at unassisted many pastors at unassisted the realm of the Spirit is available to assist but until we call until we call brain tongues for one minute and say lord I call you I call you into my life and into my situation I don't assume you are aware I authorize you a bruschetta bruschetta calibre Oh sassy brioche Amanda crested Abba Tasha bruschetta Valley at our Lord if you don't step in something will go wrong in my life my family's in trouble for 30 years nobody has risen in my lineage something is wrong suppress catechol Oh Sicilia Takata every year someone is dying there there are prophetic words over my family I authorize you I authorize you suppress cat opossum arias a kotoba Sheila and graduates no one is employed that is no one Murray all the men in the family are fed by all the women I authorize you I authorize you shabba koto Subic I'm like a toccata suppress Catawba Raja everyone in my family feels when a miracle is about to come I'm not a mystery kissing [Music] jacopo brass condom Alicante Rosa everyone in my family must have a child out of wedlock in Harbor to my grandmother enable to my mother now the devil was he to happen to me in the castle hallelujah let's sit down listen let me tell you I studied my life I studied my lineage I studied my family and I saw things that I knew we're not funny I knew that those things were activations and if I were to answer the call of God upon my life and prevail something was happened an altar gives life to a covenant I saw things happening around my life happening around my family let me tell you what most of us do we identify what is wrong then we hope that a man of God will solve it for us yes when you need a higher 19 does it differently but many of us just complete norton is working in my life my father graduates my mother graduate 10 of us in our family graduate nothing is working it will continue like that because there is something making God look like a wicked person [Music] I sought for a man in your family it's not that he cannot convert everybody to become a Christian as such women who will raise an altar of righteousness that will allow me to do wonders wanting to deliver the nation of Israel from Egypt imagine how the heart of God bled when you saw the soldiers of Pharaoh weep in God's covenant people man who is the man that I was sent in Ezekiel 37 Ezekiel stood before the dry bones I thought God who say bones come back to life is that easy kill you know this law of territory I can't speak I need to just happen so I will tell you I will speak from heaven to you then you speak now in the end I prophesied as I was commanded when God spoke the bone did not move when his prophesied as he commanded all of a sudden there was his sound Oh God spoke to me in a vision eyes I had that dream and God that is over and you get up and just mad you are joking it will never be over it was over in the realm of the Spirit what you do with that encounters to stand up put that word and say I let you sleep I agree with you not my prayer my dancing and my rejoicing is my agreement that's why we have many dreams I never come to pass you see ten of attempts in the realm of the Spirit uses zero in the physical you see a job in the realm of the spirits you see the motion in the physical God told you his intention in the realm of the spirit your challengers aborted it in the physical take seriously what I'm saying the same way you see that somebody is about to be sick or to be destroyed in your family and you get up and just keep quiet and then the day something devastating happens here I saw this thing that's a pain in the heart of God because you kept moving around your whole house by his feet searching for wars a lot enough to communicate to him that this is a plot from darkness when God did anything in the nation of Israel and did not tell the prophets they were angry read your Bible they said God hid this thing from me [Music] number three [Music] what is the third [Music] purpose of the altar of prayer the altar of prayer is God authorizes them for enforcing Dominion God authorizes them for enforcing Dominion and compliance God gave man dominion over creation it will take man exercise in it and prayer is the authorized platform for enforcing Dominion the Bible says we do not yet see all things under his feet so although God has said you will rise up as an international man of God but you will watch your life crumble to nonsense because before your arrival another author had been raised and so it will take you enforce in Dominion I may come from this family but I officially divorce myself from every nonsense that happened No the same where someone is born of a malunion and all of a sudden the child start enjoying the benefits even before being aware that is the implication are we together now a woman may be for instance having a particular biological disease maybe a hepatitis or something and give birth to an innocent child and they say that child also has hepatitis did a child ask for it no genetic condition is the same way what stopped your father stopped your mother you laughed at them and coddle them is still waiting for you because until it is destroyed Lisa let me tell you something about alters for as long as an authorizer is a life the Covenant will keep walking [Music] does the concept of priesthood priesthood is a system to keep altars alive so that covenants will remain in force so that certain dimensions will continue to operate there are many things that will not obey you until you force them to there are many things in your life your destiny will not open up just because you think you should have a good life that's it Jodie's a costly joke you will not get a job just because you got first class you will not be promoted just because you think you are do nothing is fair in this life everything that happens to you is what you force to happen to knowledge apostle life is so unfair to us in the family I sympathize with you but this is the wickedness in the world that we live in listen if you want to take your portion in this life you are going to take it by enforcing compliance your church will not grow just because you think you're a nice pastor being nice is not the seed for results the ability to exercise Dominion I will together it takes prayer there are many people who don't pray they just get up and please come you just see someone on and is a pastor pray for me and your decoys on the line and you know that you have not sustained power with God no altar of Prayer and you just believe you just lay your hand and you lay your hand in the name of Jesus the Bible says yes it said yes the Bible said but it takes your life to activate that reality the Bible says they shall lay hands on the sick God said it I believe it is settles if you a joker play big Joker no it doesn't settle it no it doesn't settle it there is a dynamic to manifestation let's not mock ourselves and you try to pray for this person and all of a sudden number one he is not healed number two it backfires on you are we together now all of a sudden you find out that the same thing you try to pray for him for the tragedies and calamities in his life you brought yourself to dig neurons and the whole thing backfired on you [Music] we are walking in an environment that is surrounded with altars they give you a job and you enter the company you are not the CEO you are walking there you don't know what spiritual backings have been involved over that environment until you create your own climate you will be a victim of the default climate there are people who fraternize with the devil I will employ people to work for me but they will never rise above me so if the man goes down everybody who brought down to still keep him above them because it's a covenant now you got a job fresh from the University of blood is hot everybody dances around church you carry your certificate and all of a sudden you are earning 300,000 but you cannot bring out 10000 you are not a drunkard you don't push you women you don't know what happened and note that swallows of that thing that's what I'm telling you what has happened to many of our parents so we think the solution is promotion or God promote me then your seller is not four hundred thousand the effect is still the same but a woman who went to a man of God and is joining a little prayer group in I did Norah's is Ryan acara somewhere in the junction and with that a karashi train seven children in school is not a carriage she was assisted by the rim of the sweet dosa you don't train children with with Reiner karate you can come and meet that woman and beg her for a loan of hundred thousand and she will love you them coming she will enter the room and bring it out yet you claim that you are doing a white-collar job and the altar fights you listen please pay attention to what I'm telling you whenever you prevail in the realm of the Spirit and altar prevail believe what I'm telling you [Music] Sariah has an Ulta the effects of the all times area is predictable you see it in the civilization of the people you see it in what happens to people the maximizations that people never rise to certain dimensions you came to Zarya and just thought is all about going to church you know you create your climate you create your climbing that's why I said yes do I walk do I walk to a valley that has the shadow of death I fear no evil because I carry another planet thy rod and thy staff they comfort me so you are in a place where people cannot live up to 40 years you know you are aware in your village you see people dying like chickens but you come with another order you understand that the altar of prayer is also an altar that can contend with everything and you are enjoying long life you are enjoying grace the person who married Elias in your family was 45 I will together and you look you know you get married then you won't spend five or ten years to have your first heart if you sit down keep watching it and don't cry for assistance and though for compliance it will never work i watch people and my heart bleeds and their perception of God which is based on their consistent sufferings they conclude that God is not a message for God but it's a software my that to the altar of Prayer you can nullify certain activities legal ordinances that have been erected to speak you will be trimming to believe there's not in speaking against you now no sir you have lived too long to have created one by mistake you have lived too long on X if you are up to one years old welcome to the reality of this life there has to be something speaking the Bible says the sin of disobedience is like what witchcraft witchcraft what is the operation of witchcraft [Music] so we all want to rise is a year of triumph and there is you think that the whole thing is your grandfather or grandmother and the day you hear that they are dead you rejoice the priesthood died but the altar is still alive you see that and the altar is fine and good doing well that's why you find out the solution is not just to kill people around the solution is through spiritual intelligence to lift up a spiritual fortification that vetoes everything brothers and sisters you will need heaven on earth all of a sudden they will want you you've been in some farah for three years while you are returning as if you're in the UK you can fly to UK with that altar it will wait for you at Heathrow Airport as soon as you are landing you have done all the doors close people who never knew you still manipulated by that altar to walk against you and you thought is just something in Nigeria and at the end of it you come back after five years looking like a thief where have you been you came are you sure yes why are you like this you know the way life is people smuggled away and pass through rivers and deserts all to go to Germany and UK whereas they think does the cleaner pasture the greener pastures are all tyrannous that's that's that's peak until Jesus came there was a universal Auto speaking against man vengeance vengeance but when Jesus came he established another altar that spoke better promises better things [Music] I cannot leave walking and living my life to chunks and hoping that things will be all right I know things do not be alright if they will be alright you must create it you must create it so I enforce compliance will the devil leave you because he thinks God anointed you no no Satan is not that cheap you're going to content that's why you say put on the whole comma put on the whole comma there is a devil somewhere that will destroy your life destroy your ministry destroy your business destroy your destiny you get married to a very lovely wife you love her with all your heart the ads part of you will you'll note yourself you say yes the moment you married everybody brought their altars in holy matrimony now you are nice people this order was designed to scatter the finances of whoever I stand with you and all of a sudden a good woman but you find out that your entire life starts going down and if you meet a prophet who is not sounding scripture you will tell you your wife is the reason for your failure based on prophetic insight he has seen that there is an altar associated with her it's not a life that is responsible for that downfall the individual may be the nicest person in the world but the altar will not change please hear what I'm teaching you and there are men no matter what happens if they marry maximum three years the white Mustang and all of a sudden from the tape that dear lady got married he may be a pastor I pursue profit how many men of God have altars fighting them they look around and they claim nothing is happening and they assume that because they took on the call for ministry God is too generous to allow them is a joke Nosa and this man gets married to this dear lady and all of a sudden she starts seeing mysterious sicknesses she never had heart palpitations to feel impressed and she says my husband I don't know what is wrong I'm at since we got married I said are you trying to say I'm a witch look at what the altars are causing them two of them go for counseling and they meet a man of God with sincere but knowing spiritual intelligence and it says look is how marriage is I just take it easy pray together and it doesn't mean what is saying and they say okay they hold your wife in front of me they now hope themselves hold my hand darling they go back home the altar say welcome back by evening that man has slapped I came remember he promised in the presence of the pass or not to do it again but the altars brothers and sisters that's why God puts meetings like this because you can be sitting down now not knowing the deliverance that is happening you just feel something left me I don't know what happened and you go back and you dub you have blown somebody out of anger you find out that that force that comes upon you when you are angry that can make you insult anybody's no longer there because there is an altar this ministry you see is an altar we don't have a nota this is easy design or time that's why you can talk against it in your secret places not going down nobodies are because of autistics all of a sudden a man of God will teach them how to raise altars and they will raise a lot of Prayer and come and say look we are not bad people the devil is confusing us yet you a good woman and a good person with the non-negotiable to come from and all of a sudden day one shake a paw Plaskett ayah now watch what is happening they are holding their hands and praying after that day they just feel good but nothing really happens I told you consistency is how spirits are attracted they to shape Rakata said that the man doesn't want to pray but she says honey remember we're on a project here you know what we have left at home let's do this thing after one week two weeks somebody's not having it dream somewhere after one week a spirit must appear to somebody somewhere and try to warn somebody and effect it's being created in the realm of the Spirit it's not a sign of weakness you can sit upon hot fire and audacity system it can't be for too long listen to me that's what is happening to some of you now it was after your seven days of prayer you had these strings dream you up never hug you touch is a sign that you are losing it's a sign of victory something is happening in the realm of the Spirit all of a sudden you went to sleep on your soil vision of your mother when she was young your father when he was young the Spirit of God is trying to show you something follow him but that's when the spirit of slumber comes God keeps saying for one month wake up by two o'clock there's something I'm doing in your life after two weeks you don't wake up again you see how we cheat ourselves and you don't know that you are on the part of deliverance [Applause] you Ray you rain I don't you you you you I don't you you you yay hello Hey you I promise with you listen to what I'm teaching you tonight many of you as soon as you go back you will see the dream you will have this night the devil he eats what you are hearing because this is the edge load mystery that has kept people in your family and to get that what is like they are not educated a pastor you are blessing people you never rise yourself do you know why because your victory is back to your altar not just your service your altar I created an author that is independent of Koinonia and I said no devil will come and destroy me no no watch this please come again the two weeks were pretty sharp episode Oh Bosh let Blake go to shop I will pray we are praying while fasting something starts happening one day there will be a breaking point in the realm of the Spirit in that prayer where two hours a day will come it to become a vigil not by not because you like it there will be you will break open a portal in the realm of the Spirit and do our sprayer will become prey until morning and your child will come at me twice a day I saw a man in white and I saw the man doing something on your head spiritual activities are happening in the family all of a sudden you start seeing doors opening you love your wife like never before that they will tell you the secret is to marry another one no sir you marry another one daughter I still the same there are pastors the altars that frights them and in facets of their military something happens people start living they have raised so many people but I've not being raised by themselves Oh I've seen it fight people I've seen it fight people I know this author has fought me for years you go to sleep a strange woman appears to you and sleeps between the three you get up and say sorry I don't know what is happening someone is about to marry you here comes a stranger again what is bringing the stranger have you ever asked you did not get to another house he still looked for you and comes Carrboro tusita they are about to promote you in the office all of a sudden your physical document is obvious physical document how many students seated here does the mystery behind the result receive the ugly results that you are seeing you not God Allah sees here but does a mission behind the demonic things you see on that board you are not that toy you write your exams and goba the altars continue writing things continue writing things I know what I'm saying listen to me you share people coming here with 4 point they were not born that way they are tapped into a higher covenant you see them surprised by their own results they know it's not your efforts that's why people join such a ministries join certain men of God see people partner with certain anointings this is the mystery of partnership when you partner with an anointing you access the covenant the covenant not the promise the covenant [Music] there are parents to pay the moment you are 50 years artritis you get up one morning father cannot walk mother cannot work the entire pension is spent on it is not sickness is a programming and all dies accurate with digital precision regardless of your knowledge it will walk it will walk I have seen it destroy families I have seen it destroy ministries that's why certain ministries remain small no matter how unknown today an anointed man with fight on his head but he will not cross certain boundaries once they reach 200 something must happen wrong news will spread around a scandal Moscow what is true or not have you not seen students they are lost our final exams they will go on in spirit with them moving them carry something to the exam hall they don't want to but is an altar you are too weak to fight it you will promise that you would not take it and you take it as soon as you are sitting they just catch you and they said your entire six seven years Council brothers and sisters an altar there are families that as a family they're victims of abuse everybody mother father brothers all the daughters will eventually meet a man of God somewhere and all the man of God would do is to destroy them it will happen they're scattered in every place but their experiences at the same you will see them and like them but at the end of it you must live there with pain they think is that the ministry is but what the issue is about [Music] there are authors you keep air two men they must die they must die something must kill them no matter how healthy they are they must die brothers and sisters I have seen this evil it exists tonight we are going to pray our together when it's not I'm not going to give you a prayer point when it's not to play well when you pray tonight you are a 2d rekt many of you are so pretty tonight you will see what will begin to happen to you I want us to live to be fire in this place tonight I say Lord this demon that molest me my sleep I can't be pretending that it's not J again these animals that come to me my sleep no I started a business well why didn't I start to take in something evil was little white great Oh [Music] Hey said it out gosh shakuntalakiya why would walk take on my children on our lives not rice so what the wings of the way my life our lives tonight I said way up a system of this course was fun though upon my life was home must be brought showed us come on black-and-white gosh [Music] Dunbar Sophia Honoria [Music] alleluia alleluia serfdom in the name of Jesus shouted send the name of Jesus tonight I stand on behalf of myself and my family and I declare that every altar that is speaking against my destiny I tape down tonight lift your voice a break shaaka but for us I hang out don't delay Enis [Music] I take down I tell you [Applause] I said ow I tell you now in a lamb Oh cheer up my god like a terrible hallelujah hallelujah please pay yourselves to to find find a partner and hold a heart this serious please if the person by your side is not serious living below was with serious business tonight find a partner and holder hearts shabak atoll Ibaka ember Tengiz Katara's Colaba Correa de Bosch self time in the name of Jesus trade again in the name of Jesus every legal access I have given for this old us to speak against me knowingly and unknowingly tonight I invoke the blood let the blood speak lift your voice and begin to pray every legal access they come out Oh or tortilla even the local cops Nilay charming some of us got I can see it little sugar our template because sort of us shall I go hallelujah hallelujah hold the hands of someone else look for another partner hold the hands of someone else save time in the name of Jesus say it again in the name of Jesus Altice of poverty alters of delay alters of failure I speak to you Chiquita Katya in the name of Jesus I tear you down release my destiny release my testing also for what don't delay or not I caught you by the cutoff ever thank God I will Alleluia [Music] [Applause] wearily praying tonight I'm seen blood dripping on people God is bringing so many miracles in people was he praying please quasi pray Salah Pattaya was the Prince katha Berryessa I see altars on fire were supreme who are making real contact to the remoter spirit saga basket uh Brenda chaotic ocean body opposed hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah say in the name of Jesus all paths that are territorial in nature fighting my destiny because of where I'm coming from i prophesy tonight your hold is broken over my life lift your voice and pray all cus associated intelligence territories Michael Mukasey I don't know heaven I I thought ahead hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah please help those under the anointing hallelujah listen there are some of you your prey us we're on such scenes many yes but it look like it has not manifested because every time is reaching you an altar lift so we are going to call it back are you ready to pray self time in the name of Jesus every delayed blessing [Applause] that should have happened in my life and was delayed because of this alters tonight by prophecy I call you my life alright heaven what restoration come on break everything I wish halleluyah halleluyah you are going to call the name of your family members listen I don't care how many colleagues listen you are going to call them one by one and say I stand as an altar and I bring you out of this dungeon lift your voice and pray call them on them call Oh somebody's you [Music] they are not fighting you right it you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah say in the name of Jesus be serious said again in the name of Jesus I speak to the eat I speak to the West I speak to the north I speak to the South everywhere my favor is in the name of Jesus I command it to my life now lift your voice and pray [Music] trouble call it ugly wait for surrender leggo I call it hallelujah I want you to pray listen I want you to pray and talk to God tell him Lord I'm part of this apostolic family they'll all tie you up erected here must speak for me I want my life to show it from today lift your voice and pray pray with understanding and watch what happens to you pray with understanding on the standing Oh I hallelujah hallelujah many of you may not realize what is happening to you please I don't want you to idolize this teaching no it's not about religiosity it's about proper understanding an application so it's not just coming to lie down here no no no no no no the author is a revelation we're going to pray right now and activate back our prayer lives listen because many of us said the only 10 who pray is when you are together with people Satan started attacking you he gave himself a five-year plan to attack your prayer life he will never attack it at once you can give himself a 5 year and be destroying you say in the name of Jesus I decree undeclared [Music] that the spirit of prayer and supplication the place to pray I receive it right now little voice and begin to pray fire fresh fire on my order [Music] as you play - fine Nazi press play for what I'm gone and we like what watch July [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah one last prayer point and I will pray for you there are many of us the Spirit of God started revealing things to you because you were meeting with him every day but something happened no more visitation of the secret place and that Potter closed over your life no access to the illumination you used to be you used to have projects that you aren't good on you can literally say we are only fit project but now there's nothing like that your life has become stale and balan some of you is when you started ministry this is so cool thing called ministry that's what this for you we're going to pray pray of restoration and the fire will fall upon you are likely to present the name of Jesus say it again in the name of Jesus say Holy Spirit I ask that you manifest yourself once again in my life Holy Spirit I cry for intimacy afresh with you lift your voice and begin to pray intimacy spirit of the Living God do not be far from me again pray pray let it not be that you're just a stranger we were closer than this and something happened all right respondus grandpa fellowship but I was on fellowship hallelujah please lift your hands Sharla cozia kata I tell you there will be still be testimonies upon testimonies [Music] I pray for you now I pray for you in the name that is above all names everyone sharing me I'm standing here whether inside or outside you are prey if there is any odor as I speak now that is speaking against your life at the count of three I command or scold us to catch fire right now please get ready to power come on Bree I called up now okay i commandos halters be broken we broken lizard lift your hands I'm challenging all tasks of failure listen just I'm praying for you don't pray just listen to me because I'm seeing people here failure it has nothing to do with academics it makes you feel in everything I stretch my hands may that fire anyone here who is a victim that all ties became I stand by the road of a higher priesthood and I judge those orders now I judge those orders now I just now I join us now I touched on water now [Music] there are authors that cause men to sittings and never handle it you seek a job they tell you it's yours what are to reception everything changes I don't know who belongs to that category but in the name of Jesus da da da la rocca no scope rocket Amalia taco Jie inside and outside foreign online anyone was being a victim of total failure and disappointment right now in the name of Jesus that fire culture what in the name of Jesus that fire comes open in the name of Jesus deliver us have them help them please don't tell the difference in the name of Jesus Christ [Music] what are your hands ladies keep your hands lifted I'll tell you there are many ladies let me tell you many people don't know why things don't work especially for ladies it's not because you are ladies and it's not cause well that is because many ladies are spiritually ignorant of what they represent in the realm of the Spirit and that is not just another human being who is not a man no it's more than that a lady is the chief has point of entrance even among men that's why she has a warm the only lady a lady is a gate in the rev of the spirit is not just a human being keep your hands lifted that's why demons look for them that's why spirits look for them that's why altars speak against them it may not be caused by you but I am grateful you keep your hands lifted you may not understand what is happening Lord Jesus and pray now that any one of our sisters here whose family and destiny is under siege capilla de menthe la cascada briscola do she create akka and the crane anyone who made a covenant with the edge for your destiny anyone who passed through fire to make a covenant with your destiny in the name that is above all names I decree and declare upon every lady now be free in the name of Jesus jigs are that caused by fraud or jobs that cost fibroid jobs that God loves a lot of money look don't worry man I hello by the God of heaven [Music] hallelujah I'm seeing 11 ladies the Lord is opening my eyes listen now I'm seeing readings on all the attention gasps and this is a very serious demonic case and the Lord wants to set them free now you will not know it it's not something you know one of you used to see it physically see rings on your hands in the name of Jesus 11 people made this especially I'm praying now some are inside some are outside doesn't matter where you are the Lord is asking me to stretch my hands lord I pray whoever came into this meeting whether online offline and belongs to that category in the name of Jesus as I'm praying now I command I'm praying now the fire will fall on certain people 11 in all I see Lord let it be right now I break that marriage I break that spiritual marriage I break that spiritual marriage my God my God my God my God I break that spiritual marriage satisfy second ADA when I toss to see Maria Tosh that's one of them you should have married what this was taught everybody that comes around you I command it Brooklyn right now I command it broken right now I command it broken right now I command it broken right now Alleluia a time is gone the blood is asking me to minister to someone here somebody comes to you in the night physically I'm not talking on vision physically you feel somebody lying down around your bed sometimes sleeping with you you are feeling it this is not guess what this is something you know is happening wherever that person is right now in Jesus name I stretch my hands there is no escape in the name of Jesus where that means either outside you are in this category now I command judgment judgment on any strange spirit judgmental any stranger judgmental any stranger in the name of Jesus Christ press a lot I don't know but who around in oh please just be patient with me I'm hearing in my spirit Europa people the robot people there is there is something it deliverance that God is bringing now to your robot people you know how God adds as I'm speaking now everyone associated with our territory I place the Word of God now in the name of Jesus that are sort of the difference I command a top editor to look at everyone from the southwestern party now who is in need of territoriality difference I commanded now inside and outside in the name of she was not escape no escape for any power of darkness Oh [Music] No [Music] every mark of this fever that is on anyone's life here you watch what happens to your life from this meeting anyone carrying any mark of this favor we're men should bless you something about you becomes an irritation Nebraska topography Scioscia shipwreck Azusa Karaganda la cosa frosty Adonis I commanded Marc to be erased from your life now [Applause] ah I commanded Matt to be raised from your life now I command that much to be raised from your life now I command that Matt to be raised from your life now I command that much to be raised from your life now I'm watching what is happening from the Spirit we have not the physical realm when you see me keep praying is because God is doing something I command that much to be raised from your life now I say it again I command that in mysterious Matt to be erased from your life right now [Applause] [Music] anyone here who has any member of your family that has refused to give betting they have tried and tried and the devil would just not let them have a child I done she would not take in completely or she would take in and then mysteriously lose the child or the man would not be able to get her pregnant I don't care what situation but please even if you are not the one standing for them I'm praying this dance is no barrier I stretch my hands now and I decree by the altar of prayer we authorize angelic assistance to those people right now we authorize angelic assistance right now tell me it was an angel that came to assist Mary to get pregnant he showed up and said I was sent your own is to just agree and she said Piton to me and she got pregnant I declare declare that any manifestation an encounter that they need to go through to have their child I command it to happen now in the name of Jesus let me pray finally for your finances I [Music] believe in gospel and power there is no trial when everything around your life is not working I want to speak because some of you are Titus some of you as soon as some of you bless or not God's house was simply because of certain systems that manifestation can happen as laziness that manifestation can happen as disfavor everywhere in the name of Jesus I decree on the claim no body he is too young to prosper don't listen to that nonsense nobody's here I'm not talking of business I'm not talking of a job I'm talking of this system in the spirit where God will live to in a way that will make you afraid i decree and declare now as I'm pray for you I'm also praying for families because there are families that need help as a matter of emergency I pray that the demons sitting on the financial destiny of anyone here sitting on the financial destiny of any family i claret out of the way right now I pray it out of the way right now I pray it out of the way right now I create out of the way right now in the name of Jesus right listen listen I've shared with you my encounter I've seen that spirit that they call my moon I've seen I've said it here some years ago when I was free and all of a sudden my ceiling disappeared and all of a sudden I saw a giant creature like him as tall as a mango tree standing looking like a like like like a dinosaur sea creature with a tail and the tail was are not a living thing on its own it could detach from that creature and move and the eyes were as big as a human head to read his eyes and he was looking at me and he said so you think you can bring God's people into blessings and that was the end of the encounter that was it was that day I knew that wealthy spiritual it's not about what you do is about what is backing you you can do everything people there must be a spirit assisting me I called for the Ministry of the Holy Spirit over your finances and I come an extraordinary result from today I command strange results from today I command strange papers from today I command strange results from today strength encounters with destiny help us in the name of Jesus Christ I want you to wave your hands to Jesus the Bible says to pray with Thanksgiving tell him thank you thank you this is part of a fruitful prayer you don't round up a prayer with amen you round up with prayer with genuine Thanksgiving lord I thank you I know it is done I receive it because you are faithful this is a confidence that we have that when we ask anything according to his will he rattles is our confidence Alleluia now keep your hands please look at me I want to encourage everyone as much as God grants you praise I want you to use this week make sure that no day passes without you creating time blasting tones at least an hour at least an hour no if you think you don't have the strength find somebody who goddess Greece at least an hour choose this you are sure you can common our prayer Department is there praying you don't have to be a part of the member of the prayer Department join them because it is season where we are breaking things through breaking things through the realm of the Spirit every day take our time I would recommend night times for you because most people are walking or as students you may not have the luxury of time to get up in the morning or afternoon but you can maximize night times one hour out of 24 at least were not kidding I want you to cultivate that oppose me carry that consciousness that the my prayer is creating an altar and that I am an altar myself I refuse to allow the devil play games with your destiny in the name of Jesus Christ now keep standing everyone I want to make an altar call now very quickly there are people here probably you came here for the first time tonight please let me have our tension inside and outside and there are people here who the devil has been playing around with your destiny for many years and when you came for this meeting tonight you as the Word of God was coming the Lord was speaking to you that we need to start afresh again there are such people here right now I want to give you an opportunity to hand your life over to Jesus or others who you were once a serious believe about something happen around your life very quickly we have just two minutes for this wherever you are inside or outside there must be somebody hunting is life to Jesus make your way right now I want to pray for you let's appreciate them as they come don't wait for anybody to come you are the first message somebody's coming clap for them inside outside if you are outside make your way in quickly god bless you god bless you young and old keep coming if you're outside please rush on coming rush on coming clear the way for them those coming from outside hurry up please hurry up quickly quickly quickly it's not something that should take forever for you to think about you should know immediately you can all make your way to Jesus the Bible says the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run er took it and they are safe keep coming keep coming koinonias celebrate them let's encourage them as they cope allelujah I want to appreciate you for the boldness to come and make a declaration to Jesus listen this is not just a poem you are reciting I wanted to mean it from the depth of your heart because it will start a new dimension of living for you lift your right hand high to the heavens let the devil see it and say after me Lord Jesus say it again say Lord Jesus tonight I have heard your word I believe in you I ask you to forgive my sins I ask you to cleanse me with your precious blood I believe you died for me I believe you rose again for me I receive eternal life into my spirit and I declare that from tonight I am a child of God I keep rising and I never go back again the power of sin the power of Satan the power of the flesh is broken over my life forever in the name of Jesus keep your hands lifted father I stretch my hands to this dear ones and I pray O God that you seal this decision with the presence of your spirit let tonight be an encounter that remain forever in their lives I declared our sins forgiven and O God I decree and declare that from today they begin afresh and anew walk with the holy spirit in the name of Jesus Christ amen and amen a big congratulations to you now I want you to quickly follow the lady waving our hands all of you together in concert just walk this way follow the lady waving our hands and don't take you outside and attend to you very very briefly very quickly please everyone quickly quickly make way for them make way for them we believe you have been blessed by this message I additional information you can visit us on Facebook on dummy W slash final year Internet's off International alcohols Antigua - telecom flash koinonia understand I can also download our messages on WWF roster from [Music] International to the audience right right Oh all Oh Oh Oh
Channel: SBiC Connect
Views: 292,670
Rating: 4.7948484 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle Joshua Selman Nimmak's Videos, Koinonia Videos, SBiC Connect, THE ALTAR OF PRAYER APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN NIMMAK
Id: oOjqV8K0WLI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 55sec (8755 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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