Instinct - Part 6

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I design your limp to make you humble to make you thankful to make you grateful are there any limpers in the house every time you want to get puffed up I want you to just remember what it cost you to get out of that cage and when others are highminded and self-righteous I just want you to promise me that you'll lay on your face before me and thank me for delivering you out of your cage I left your lip as a reminder that if it had not been for the Lord that was on your side you would have Havey you would have been swallen up this is the [Music] part hello brothers and sisters I'm excited and delighted to have this opportunity I am on a mandate by the Holy Spirit to get this word Instinct into your spirit and into your life I'm going to share some of the Concepts there more in the book than what I have time to share on television but just begin to wet your appetite into a deeper more practical understanding of how you live your life do you not understand that God's plan for your life did not start when you got saved it did not start when you got spirit filled he told Jeremiah before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee and I ordained you God prewired you your instincts are Clues into where you ought to be most Christians spend all of their lives never really knowing what they were really created to do other than to be saved and to love the Lord and to clap your hands and praise I got all of that but how do I move my life along so that I get to the end of my life and say like the Apostle Paul I have finished my course not yours not the churches my course what I was created to do I'm going to give you some glimps and some highlights and invite you to come on this journey with me as you unload your inborn instinct let us be clear here that when this is over verse 30 Jacob called the name of the place panal for I have seen God face to face and my life is preserved verse 31 and as he passed over pinu the sun rose upon him when you get past this the Sun is going to rise upon you the Sun is going to rise upon you the Sun is going to rise upon you when you get over this hurdle gosh I'm trying to teach but I feel so prophetic I can't hardly stand it I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know I don't know who this is I I don't know whether you're on the internet I don't know whether you're streaming in but the Lord said when you get over this hurdle the Sun is going to shine upon you I I don't know what your hurdle is but he says if I tell you you will know who you are whatever that hurdle is that you're trying to get over right now to be free I prophesy to you right where I stand that when you come over the top of the mountain the Sun is going to be shining on your [Applause] face [Music] [Applause] and I want you to understand that you will limp back you will limp you will limp back the limp is not Des to you but the limp is designed to remind you how much Freedom [Applause] cost the limp is a Telltale sign that you didn't get here without struggle you didn't get here without pain and I will let you run with the rest of the Lions but when you run you going to be [Music] limping and I meant for you to limp this is not the devil I meant for you to limp I design your limp to make you humble to make you thankful to make you grateful it are there any limpers in the house every time you want to get puffed up I want you to just remember what it cost you to get out of that cage and when others are high-m minded and self-righteous I just want you to promise me that you'll lay on your face before me and thank me for delivering you out of your cage I left your lip as a reminder that if it had not been for the Lord that was on your side you would have have most shy you would have been swallow up oh God God oh God there the that I wish I had a limping servant in the house somebody who limp their way into your blessings and Lim your way into owning your house and lip your way into holding your family together and Limp your way into your promotion and Lim your way into business and you can't ever get high-minded because you know that it was just yesterday you were stuck back in the cage [Applause] Lord I Thank you thank you thank you Lord I Thank you thank you thank you Lord I Thank you all the days of my life oh Lord I Thank you thank you thank you Lord I Thank you thank you thank you I just thank you all the days of my life oh Lord [Music] I Lord I thank you you know just because you have good instincts doesn't mean that you can't make bad decisions uh many times you will make mistakes and you will fail but it is also your instincts to give you the inclination to get back up again I believe that Samson knew that he wasn't finished even though his eyes had been put out he seemingly lost his strength he had no visions of grandeur all of his notoriety with gone and he was grinding at the meal and yet the Bible says his hair begin to grow just because you made a bad mistake just because you gone bankrupt just because you've been in prison just because you violated some Covenant that you should have kept I'm not justifying what you did wrong but thank God God does give sucking chances and if you will follow your instincts and not allow people to bury you when God has just planted you then you can get back up again the difference between burial and planting they both go in the same dirt but one comes back up again you don't have to tell your business but tell your neighbor I limp to get here I limped I limped I limp my way into this place I'm in right now I limp my way into that house that that my first house we got we limped into it we sacrificed to get into it we we couldn't even put Furniture in it but I I I I I y'all don't hear what I'm saying limping is a part of the process limping is a part of the process he humbles you in the process he brings you to your knees in the process he's going to make you need him in the process that's that's why I was leaning on you cuz cuz I need you in the process see I I was fighting you Jacob was fighting it and now the very God he's fighting he's now leaning on saying I need you cuz my my hip is out of Joy I don't I'm not made like other folks are made and I got to lean like other folks wouldn't have to lean help me through the process tell three people and say help me through the process I'm coming I'm I'm a all the limping soldiers help me through the process help me through the process can I teach this this morning my third point my third point and I'm almost finished is learning you're going to learn your way take my Yol upon you and learn of me I have to I have to learn how to hunt now I have to learn I'm used to being fed now I got to learn how to hunt do I chase do I bite do I Roar and then jump I don't know I have to learn and and you know what in order to learn the wow I have to unlearn the [Applause] cage I'm telling you you listen write this down your captivity is a learned behavior your captivity is a learned behavior if you learn how to make do in the cage you can learn how to hunt in the wild still to come on The Potter's touch it's going to take all of your energy to step into your opportunity you can't waste one cup of gas on your history because you going to need a full tank God who am I preaching to watch this watch this I see when you get in when you get into a new environment you have to learn your new environment don't come into the new environment as a teacher come in as a student you were a teacher when you were on the first floor but when the elevator took you to the second floor now you have to become a student because you are on the next level look at your neighbor say you are on the next level discover the freedom of who you're meant to be greatness lies within following your instinct if you got the Instinct if you got the inclination how do you expect somebody to Value it enough to invest in it to enough to get behind it enough if you won't expose what you got you got to believe in what he put down inside of [Applause] you that's in that man sitting next to you that's in that woman right behind you that's in your sister to the left you may not see my lips moving but my soul is saying there's a lion roaring in [Applause] me order Instinct today on CD or dvd when you call or visit the year's most highly anticipated event is here the wait is over Woman Thou Art loose 2014 I just love being here it's excited the speakers are awesome the lineup is incredible there's something you walk away with that you can't take from a DVD things are happening lives are changing being able to cut the cord of things that you've had in your past this is the life changing event of the year and I'm so glad I I did come here definitely a movement register today for woman that AR lose 2014 I am putting too much energy in supporting A system that I'm not going to stay in did I say something this morning do you hear the words that are coming out of my mouth this morning I have put too much energy into learning to survive in a system I'm not stand in this stuff why am I acting like I'm going to live over here when I'm called over there if I'm going to learn something I'm going to learn how to hunt in the wild rather than to eat in captivity if I didn't say anything else this morning if I turn around and walk right out of that door I have given you enough right now for a [Applause] jailbreak the the thing about learning is that we we're constantly learning we're constant I you know can I just talk to you for a minute I'm I'm going to teach you in a minute but I I was uh I was thinking the other day the things I'm teaching you are things that I learned on one level but do you not know I'm having to use them again on the next level do you not know the Lord spoke to me the other day and he said stretch your neck up see on one level what is your ceiling when you get to the next level it becomes your floor did you get [Applause] that yeah did you get that everybody didn't get that but that was good I know you got that your what was your ceiling becomes your floor and now you're learning it all over again on the next level woo what you talking about Deon penson I stretch my neck up I said wait a minute what am I doing eating this grass sustaining myself with my neck I'm about to break my neck trying to get come on up here where you supposed see this word this word is you you you have to learn how to work and operate in the new environment I I I pulled a quote uh out of my book The Ground moves under our feet whether we feel it or not the ground moves under our feet whether we feel it or not things are change whether you feel it or not while you're contemplating the world is moving while you fitting to the world is changing fitting to while you're contemplating the possibilities the world is moving up under our feet and we don't even feel it you can't deliberate about this cage not if you have a chance for the while you don't want to keep your energies in your history when you need listen you please please it's going to take all of your energy to step into your opportunity you can't waste not one cup of gas on your history because you going to need a full tank God who am I preaching to watch this watch this I see when you get in when you get into a new environment you have to learn your new environment don't come into the new environment as a teacher come in as a student you were a teacher when you were on the first floor but when the elevator took you to the second floor now you have to become a student because you are on the next level look at your neighbor say you are on the next level I I pull Ezekiel 3 because I wanted you to look at something that Ezekiel did I thought was really cool the ground was moving up under his feet he thought he knew more than he knew and he wasn't ready for the opportunity that God had gave him and Ezekiel 3:14 says so the spirit lifted me up and took me away and I went in bitterness In the Heat of my spirit but the hand of the Lord was upon me he said the spirit Lifted Me Up it took me to a new place and I was angry as I went I was angry as I went but the spirit of the Lord he said I went in the heat of my spirit but the hand of the Lord was strong upon me I the hand of the Lord was on me and I but I went in the heat of my spirit I I was lifted I was blessed and I was angry I was lifted I was blessed but I was angry I thought I was going over there to straighten them out I was going to get them together I was going to get them told first thing I want you to know you can be lifted you can be blessed and still be secretly angry [Applause] the hand of the Lord was upon him but he went in the heat of his Spirit God was blessing him but he still had unresolved issues and anger and he thought I'm going to go over there I'm going into the next Dimension and I'm going to let them have it you're going to straighten them out watch this then I came to them of the cap ity of tabib that dwelt by the rivers of shabar and I sat I get to sit with y'all I sat where they sat wow I sat where they said for seven days he sat there speechless right you're right the literal word is astonished when you get in a new place shut your [Applause] mouth you cannot bring your caged ways into the wild opportunity that you now sit in oh God can I go a little deeper can I go a little deeper I'm I'm going to give you a couple of points God gave me this for somebody I don't know who it's for number one while you sit in this new place you have to understand that you are a in a new land okay in a new land never come into a new place leading without taking the time to learn the terrain of the new territory following God will take you away from the turf you knew following God will take you away from the turf you knew you can't be an expert over here you just got here it is here that you see why faith is the prerequisite indeed we do not need faith for what we know or what we've mastered oh I love this line faith is for the place where sight fails us oh God oh God faith is for the place where sight fails us God I'm going to say that again Faith Fai is for the place for the place where sight fails us sight it is here like Blind Men move to New Apartments it is here like Blind Men move to a new apartment we walk by faith and not by sight uhuh picture it now a blind man in a new apartment mm what problems would that create think about it a blind man survives by knowing his parameters absolutely now you've moved him into a new apartment and he can't see so he has to learn how to function in the new environment faith is for the place where sight fails us we often do not know immediately we often do not immediately feel the sense of rejoicing because when our faith takes us to a new place we grope in the dark indeed I can't feel happy about the new apartment even though I sign the lease wow being in a new place doesn't feel good because I grope in the dark yes sir till I learn the new place yes indeed than okay you get that I do let's go deeper deep second thing it requires is a new language every new place has new rules yes spoken and unspoken yes the rules they tell you about the rules they don't tell you about there is in every corporation a language and Rule of how things get done that are never mentioned in the employees manual so just because you're read up on something doesn't make you an expert you have to sit there s days with your mouth shut learning how to get things done I'm helping somebody I don't know who it is hey I've got more to share with you and I know some of you are saying to yourself I'm too old I'm too late I'm I'm too deeply entrenched in my circumstance to activate no no no no no no no Caleb did it when he was an old man Abraham was still discovering himself up into his senior years you are never too late to corrup direct your navigation and move into your purpose and Destiny I'll be back for more in just a moment discover the freedom of who you're meant to be greatness lies within following your instinct if you got the Instinct if you got the inclination how do you expect somebody to value at it enough to invest in it to enough to get behind it enough if you won't expose what you got you got to believe in what he put down inside of you that's in that man sitting next to you that's in that woman right behind you that's in your sister to the left you may not see my lips moving but my soul is saying there's a lion roaring in [Applause] me order Instinct today on CD or dvd when you call or visit defeat is not an option not on your watch it's time to fight for the family for every one of you who's wondering do I have what it takes for this season in my life fight back let TD Jakes equip you to win the war for your house and build a legacy of faith when you help us bless others with your gift of any size we would like to give you I Dare You On CD when you complete each other you take advantage of the differences in your position come on tell me when it turn tell me when it turn okay see I don't have to see it if she sees it I don't have to know it if she knows it for your gift of $70 or more we will give you the fight for the Family series on DVD but when your gift is $125 or more also receive these unique Faith inspiring bookends in prayer cards just call or visit today your eye may be black and your teeth may be busted but you look the devil in his eye and you say baby I'm still here the fight is on the year's most highly anticipated event is here the wait is over we're about to rock it out woman th art lose 2014 but speakers Bishop TD Jakes is Serita Jakes Christine Kane Dr Jasmine skolar Dr claudet Copeland Sarah Jakes fast van moody this is going to be epic the weight is it's over Woman Thou Art loose 2014 in Atlanta Georgia October 2nd through 4th register today get up close with tdj Ministries at connect with us anywhere at any time if you haven't been hanging out with us on social media you've been missing it I'm there for you ministering sharing the word of God encouraging you and sometimes answering you yes it's me personally come on over to social media hang out with me I've got something for you that will really bless your life talk to us on Facebook tweet us on Twitter follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel connect with us today I've got to close it's been a real joy to have the opportunity to to think with you to talk with you to share with you uh not so much preach at you I think that there are some things that you need to sit down and reason out and as you reason them out you unlock resources that are available to you that you haven't even tapped into and many of us other people see more in us than we see in ourselves God what are we missing you need to check out the miracle of you and what God the Father placed down inside of you and how it is on a Time release capsule for such a time as this take this word in ingest it and use it for God's glory and do it instinctively this is the part touch yeah
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 146,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5ZNWy5XqcLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 01 2014
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