Installing Proxmox and Truenas

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hey guys percolator in this video we're going to be provisioning the hardware that we talked about in the last video first we're going to start with setting up vintoy on a flash drive and downloading all the images that we'll need then we will be walking through a basic install of true Nas and setting up our Network and our pools for drafts after we finish up with true Nas we're going to move on to setting up proxbox and set up the local storage as well as the network for proxbox off camera I'm going to set all two more box nodes in the exact same way then we're going to set up the proxbox cluster the cluster as well as the two extra nodes are not required to follow along this tutorial they're just things that I use in my personal setup I wanted to go over the hardware requirements as I did not in the previous video the hardware requirements for proxbox are listed on screen as well as available at the minimum requirements are for evaluation are down here this is testing only and it's not really recommended for fully using machine these are the recommended requirements and once again sometimes are a bit overdone and for what we're doing you don't need to have all of this exactly you do need to have this Top Line This is that your CPU Sports virtualization uh we're gonna go over Ram in a minute fast redundant storage uh with ssds is the best yes however for this you only really have to have one drive and it can be your boot drive and your VM storage for what we're doing this is not recommended for production however for learning it's completely fine one large SSD would be great uh two ssds should be better and you know a small SSD into large ssds would be perfect uh or one large one small SSD and two large hard drives and that's also perfect you just need to make sure that knowing your storage is back we're backed by a hardware ready controller because they don't really work with ZFS that well you can look into the details of why they don't work with ZFS on your own however you just kind of don't want to use the hardware RAID controller unless it's an I.T mode redundant gigabit Nix is great and 10 gigs great but neither one of these are required a one gig Nick should be fine for what we're gonna be doing he passed through however does require bt--d or AMD these are needed if you're going to be doing pcie passthrough we're not gonna be covering that in these videos however I may in the future the next requirement we're going to be looking at is memory two gigs of memory for proxmox ve services are required this is just for the hypervisor in order to get it to run you can run it off of one gig but it's recommended to have two gigs just for proxbox and I wouldn't really go below this what we're going to be doing we're going to be using six gigs for AVM you could probably drop it down to four but in this case I'd recommend running out with six so a minimum of eight gigs is required for to follow this tutorial six you might be able to get away with so try it if you want to the last requirement we're going to be looking at is the number of CPU cores number of CPU cores can vary based off of the hardware and architecture of the CPU that you're using for this case I'm going to be two and two for the CPU that I'm using this is because I want two cores just for proxbox so I can run all of its updates and do everything it needs to do and two cores for the VM that we're going to be using that's way it can do all of this compute that it needs to there's no hard rule for how much how many CPUs you need to give to a VM it's kind of based off a workload and based off of the architecture of the CPU you kind of need to do your own research based off of what the requirements of the software that you're going to be running are for what we're getting away with it's going to be two and two some people can go away with one core for proxbox and put all the other cores towards VMS and you can over provision course but that's beyond the scope of this video own to the requirements for True Nas these are available on as well as on the screen for True Nash you need at least a dual core 64-bit CPU 64-bits required as well as for proxbox 8 gigs of RAM 16 gigs is recommended eight gigs should be found for what we're doing since we're only going to be using as a storage server and we're not even storing installing any VMS the VMS requirement that proxbox has also applies to stream scale if you're going to be using it to as a hypervisor um this is because for each High browser you do need more RAM 16 gigs SSD boot is recommended you can use a spinning rest disc for this if you have to um though it is not recommended because it makes your boots times pretty long two identically size this this is a requirement using ZFS without identical size just is not something that I don't even know if it works and if there is a workaround I don't know if I would do it Network Port this is required do you need Network for your network attached storage and hardwood raid is not required hardware raid is not only not required but is recommended not to have a hardware raid you do not want to use with CFS um as it says on this webpage where it has all the scale Hardware guide um it strongly discouraged to use a spinner or USB stick USB stick is very discouraged I would highly recommend not using a USB stick to boot it a spinner is going to be slow but it's not the worst thing in the world it works it's just not great next we're going to be setting up bintoy you can do this on Windows pretty simply in their sense of videos out there I wanted to show how to do it on Arch links just in case anybody needs that um so and to install it you need some kind of a UR package manager or to grab it from the EUR it's ventily Dash bin um I'm gonna go ahead and grab it here and you can just go ahead and install it like you would any other Aur package uh it builds it takes a second or I think this yeah it's been so it doesn't build but after you have this installed you do need to run it as sudo um and it is just ventoy GUI um you can run this in other ways and it will select you a USB drive you can refresh if you don't see it there and then you just hit install uh okay uh the device it'll make sure that all of your data is okay to be deleted off of that drive you hit yes and then it the slow progress bar and it erases everything on the drive and installs it intoy once it's done it'll say in toy has been you know success essentially and then you can see the version of in toy you have on the drive now in order to move things to ventoy you need some kind of file manager and it'll just show up in here all of your isos can go here now let's go grab the isos the isos or images can be found at and for come to the website navigate downloads and press download it's pretty simple once it you hear it's downloaded it'll show up in your downloads whether you're on Firefox or Chrome s scale we have a similar situation navigate go to get true Nas download true net scale once you're here scroll down and it'll ask you sign up for the newsletter you can do this if you would like or you can hit no thanks I already have the newsletter sign up for that if you would like it'll then pop up a download button if you press it and it'll say download stable or download rc1 I would highly recommend using stable versions instead of release candidates at least while you're learning uh Ubuntu we're gonna be using this as our VM and for Ubuntu you just go navigate to go to downloads and get Ubuntu Server now you can choose to use the LTS version or the uh when the releases every nine months it's up to you um we're gonna be using the LTS version so I would recommend grabbing that if you'd like to follow along directly once you have your images or isos downloaded you would like to go ahead and open up a file manager and just move these isos over to uh bintoy vintoy should show up add another name bintoy and once you're there you can just move them over this is the knife in toy once these are on here whenever we go to provision our machine these should just show up as options and it shouldn't be too big of a deal to boot these um we're going to be getting in that in a moment once you have all your images moved over to ventoy you want to go ahead and plug it into the computer that you're going to boot press the power button and once you press the power button you want to spam whatever key uh is for your boot menu in my case this is f11 so I'm spamming f11 wallet boots once your boot menu pops up you want to look for whatever device seems like it would be your flash drive in my case I know it is the third one down ufi fat USB disk 3.0 3.00 yours may be named something else and we're going to be using UEFI to boot in our situation go ahead and press enter on that and it'll pop up in toy once you're into the ventoy menu you want to select whatever ISO you're trying to boot now this works if you want to boot Ubuntu or any other ISO but in our case we're going to be booting true Nas scale because this is going to be our Nas press enter in order to select the installation and then once you're here you want to hit start through Nasco installation this may take a few seconds but eventually you will be booting into the configuration all right once you're here you want to select the install Dash upgrade option and you want to select the device that you're going to be booting so in my case I'm going to be using nbme 0 in 1 as my boot device you press space in order to select it and press enter in order to confirm that as your choice in this menu I'm going to be selecting fresh install fresh install will remove everything on your boot and you can select install a new boot environment or format the boot device in my case I am formatting the boot device this screen says all of your warnings telling you that uh you need to have it installed on SATA Force SAS or nvme or whatever and that USB sticks are very much discouraged and that it will erase all of your data on the drive that you've selected uh and it asks you if you'd like to proceed yes you would this screen is a bit controversial for some people um I made an entire video about how this caused some issues for me you can select root and you don't have pretty much any issues however it's not recommended this is not recommended mostly for businesses uh you can select this if you're okay with running everything as root but in my case I prefer to run everything as admin and just give the permissions to admin that it needs um so I'm going to select OK here you'll enter your password and you are going to need to know this password for whenever you sign in so don't just set it to something really stupid that's something that you remember uh press enter and it will ask you if you'd like to create a swap partition in my case yes I am starting a sort position I see no reason not to considering my boot risk is much larger than I need and selecting it as a boot disk is completely fine of course putting swap on the boot disk for me is completely fine this may take a few minutes for it to install once it is successfully installed you'll get this message as a pop-up the true Nest installation was succeeded and you'll press enter uh and you'll go down to reboot system you'll remove the drive and press reboot once you've pressed the drive and hit reboot it will start to reboot the system and you shouldn't have to press anything to go into your boot menu you may but in my case it should just boot to transcale um after 10 seconds it'll automatically go on or you can press enter here and it will go ahead this might take a few minutes to boot to own the first boot because it has to generate some keys and do a few other things once you're booted you should be met with this screen the web interface could not be accessed please check your network configuration should not pop up it should just give you an IP address in my case because I'm using a bond or a link aggregation I have this issue pop up so in my case I'm going to go to configure networks interface press one I'm going to press n for new then we're going to do select type the type that we're going to do is not a bridge we're going to go down to link aggregation press spacebar then once we have that selected we're going to go down here to name name we're going to name it Bond zero since it is going to be a bonded link uh press tab go down to okay you can use arrows or tab to navigate description we're going to skip ipv4 the ACP we're going to skip by IPv6 Auto we're going to skip Alias this is where the IP address will go so it will be um slash 24 in our case uh this can be whatever you need to be set to or you can set up the ACP it's up to you uh we're gonna press ok then we're going to to lag protocol the lag protocol we're going to be using is lacp um lag ports we're going to select both of our NYX both uh of these we're going to go down to each make sure they're selected with space and then go down to OK press enter once this is done we should be good the rest of the information it should get from my switch automatically we should be able to press save we should see that we have an alias there press a to apply them once they are applied we should be able to press P to set them as persistent once they are persistent we should be able to press quick to get out of this and then we should be able to either reboot the system so in this case we're gonna go ahead and reboot you press Y and then enter once it's rebooted we should have our IP address now now as you can see we have our web user interface and it is available at the IP address listed up here um so we're going to go ahead and switch over to the other scene and we're going to go ahead and bring up Firefox so I can show you that it is working and as you can see we get the true Nas UI and from here we will log in as admin and we show another password that we set up earlier and then as you can see we are set up in true Nas yeah now that we have true Nash fail set up we're going to go ahead and check for updates and in our case uh or at least in my case things are going to fail now the reason why this is is a network setting we're going to go to network we're going to go down here to Global configurations and we're going to go ahead and set my name server is the name server that we are pointing it towards and we're gonna go ahead and set our default gateway as the same thing in my case 192.168.0. one you will need to know your network information in order to set all of this up uh once we have that done you can also rename it so if you don't want to be called the hostname to be DHCP you can set it some I mean to uh truenas you can name it something else here uh we're gonna go ahead and do that because I named my things after Transformer so we're going to be calling it dark screen so we're going to press save and once that's saved um we should be able to do the updates unless there is one more thing that we have to do yeah so now we have updates we can refresh and if we were have updates it would be in here there's another setting that we do need to play with under system settings I believe it's under General once you're in here you need to go to settings and then you need to select your time zone for me it would be New York so you can just backspace this out start type the thing and click it and then I will hit save and now I am on the correct time zone over here in settings you can also set it so that we can force uh HTTP through https and in my case I am going to go ahead and do that we're gonna go ahead and press OK confirm and that will restart web services um so this should whenever we refresh not work anymore um now we will have to go to this IP address but we're gonna have to go to http s colon slash slash and then go to Advanced accept the risk and now we are able to log back into our journets the next thing we'll go ahead and set up is our data sets and our storage so under storage we have no pools so we're gonna go ahead and create a pool now in here you won't have where it says tank 0 and tank one um you'll just have the names of your drives in my case I've already had ZFS up on these traps before and that's why it was going to show that I am going to be naming these tank 0 and tank one again so tank zero and in my case since I know what it is due to these I'm going to go ahead and move these over you can also import the pools but since I don't care about any of the data I'm just not going to worry about any of that we're gonna go ahead and move these over using this arrow and after we've selected the ones we want to move over we're going to select mirror in my case in order to set know how to set up all of this um it's kind of up to you to learn how you want your drives to be set up that's kind of beyond the scope of this video once you have these set up you hit create confirm create pool it will create the pool this may take a few seconds uh depending on the size of the drives I believe sometimes it can take up to a few minutes normally it's pretty quick for me normally it's 30 40 seconds something like that once you have your pool set up you'll be met with this screen um the other one we're going to go ahead and import just so you can see how that works um we're going to import tank one and we're going to hit the import button up here it says import you go to it you select what pool you'd like to import in my case tank one is our only option there may be multiples if you have multiple old pools then you just press import this can take a few minutes just like the other thing in this case it was instant since there was pretty much nothing on this this as you can see is has some health issues and this one has some health issues due to some felt smarts they use some old drives they I don't have them to store really any data I just have them there to experiment with they are dying and I'm literally using them just to learn and do dumb things with so that is why this is bad yes and if you're gonna use this for data don't use these for data but in my case these are just some tests this that are spinning well enough that I can do very dumb things with and not worry about messing up my two nice straps um these two drives up here are listeners or Reds they're pretty new these two are Western Digital gold I got off of a friend so uh they have a lot of hours on them and I believe they were using Enterprise for a couple of years so they're not very good drives and I've never really trusted them with any data that's most of what we need to do with true Nas as of now uh later on in the tutorial we're going to be setting up data sets as well as shares and permissions for these shares but for now this is all we really need and that's about it for True Nas at the moment now we're going to start with proxbox uh we're going to be booting into profiles just the way that we did in the true Nas we're going to plug in the USB go to the boot menu as we are here go down to the boot menu in our case and then we're going to be selecting uh the USB drive then we should boot into ventoy once we go to intoventory we're going to select proxbox uh boot into normal mode once we're here we can hit install proxbox V there's also a console version and if you are using an Nvidia card I'd recommend looking into the no mode set driver and learn how to uh boot with no mode set sometimes in video cards will cause an issue muting proxbox as well as other operating systems where you need to set a parameter called No mode set and then it makes booting a lot easier once you're booted into this menu you can read through the EULA and press agree I agree you do need a mouse for this installation so if you do need if you don't if you don't have a mouse you can use the console installation uh in here we're gonna go to options and in our case or in my case I'm going to be using ZFS for eight zero which means we're not going to have any actual backups I'm just using raid as a way of doing snapshots in case I decide to use them or ZFS is 08 to get snapshots in case I need to use them uh in here leave a shift 12 compression own check some own copies one all that should be fine and select whatever Drive you're gonna be installed in this Zone in my case I have three drives in the system I have the USB um the drive that our VMS are going to go into in our boot Drive our boot Drive is the one I'm going to select I'm just going to press OK once we have that selected we're going to press next um then it'll ask you your country or your time zone in my case I'm going to do time zone New York and United States country and US English next password this password is how you'll be logging in as root um make sure you type your password correctly and that should know it because just like true Nas you're going to need to use it in the future uh here you can put an email if you would like you don't have to put an email I believe you should hit next it will give you an invalid so in my case I'm going to be entering my email address and then pressing next um then here you'll have your hostname in my case I name all these extra Transformers as I said previously so my host name is going to be Megatron if I can type in the IP address that we're going to assign this to is going to be uh and we're gonna go next uh it'll give you a summary of everything you're about to do uh tell you all the information that you you have here you'll just press install and at the end of this install it should reboot automatically once it is rebooted you should be met with this screen that was not the first boot of this machine because I had a few issues with recording um however your first boot may take a little bit longer um once you're to the screen you can go to this IP address in order to check on your uh proxbox install and we're gonna go ahead and check that in our web browser uh you would just navigate to the IP address which is let me check it again is 192.168.14 so we would just go to here .0 .14 and then we would press enter um and that should take us to our uh thing oh I have to enter the you have to enter the um the port as well so the port is eight zero zero six then it should take you to your thing so if you have that issue that was the problem I had just now and hit the acceptance continue and you'll be brought to proxbox I have an extension called uh Dark Raider so all of my stuff is dark mode yours would be a bright white if you do not have that extension uh and then you have proxbox installed now from here I'm gonna install two more proxbox nodes and after I have those two uh more nodes with proxbox on them I'm going to show you how to Cluster them together as well as out of storage and a few other tweaks that we need to do um in order to get proxbox running in the way in which I prefer all right now that I've got the other two proxbox nodes installed we're going to go ahead and update our repositories for this node uh the other two I've already done uh just to make sure I'm doing everything correctly um that's why there's some some issues there um but to make sure that I did everything correctly because some things have changed since the last time I've done this uh you go down to the repository menu and we want to go to add uh once we're in here we go to the no subscription we click add and now we have no subscription now it'll say you get updates before that we did not get updates It also says we have them enable but no active subscription and we have Seth but there's no active subscription so if we were to update now we were going to update so we would refresh we would get the updates but we'd also get a couple of errors and it would say command failed I exit code 100. now the reason why we're getting this is because we still have the repositories for the paid subscriptions uh activated so all we do is we disabled SEF and then we disable the one for uh the updates for the Enterprise PVE Enterprise um once those are done we can hit reload and we go and go to updates hit refresh hit OK and now we should get no errors and as soon as this is over we should get task okay exit task okay hit upgrade it'll launch a new window and all you would do here is press uh y enter or just press enter your choice and then it will run the update uh this update sometimes can take a little while um I've already updated two of these machines and it took about three or four minutes to download everything uh and to get all the updates done um so yeah I'll be back whenever this update is done running all right once those updates are done you'll get to a screen says this it seems like you've seen like you've installed a kernel update sometimes uh please consider rebooting well if you ever get this message it is a good idea to go ahead and redo the machine I'll be back once that machine is rebooted all right now the machine has come back up uh we have all the updates we could refresh we should get a check and then I shouldn't have any more updates currently so we're good that's always a good idea to update machines soon as you install them that way you have you know you start from a good base kind of thing um from here we're gonna go ahead and work on clustering them together you have two options here uh if you're not going to Cluster you can go ahead and work on storage which we will in a bit if you're going to Cluster them you can go ahead and work on clustering so what we're going to do is we're gonna go up here to Data Center and we're going to do create cluster once we're going to create cluster we're going to name this one uh Decepticon HQ we're going to capitalize HQ and the D intercept cons um and then we're going to hit create once you have this created it will have a task okay uh hit the little exit button and you have join information now this joint information you just want to hit copy exit and then go over to your other nodes now these should be updated as well um I already updated these earlier so this one's good and this one should be good all right yeah so now they are you just go to Data Center um in sound wave I am going to Data Center we go to Cluster we go to join cluster we add in that and then you will need the root password of the other machine once you have that you hit and go into septic on HQ and you'll get a message this will stop the service and sometimes you will have to reload the page I'm gonna go ahead and do the other one while we wait uh we go to Data Center cluster one information paste in our joint information type in the root password of the uh remove machine of the pier and hit okay all right once this you give this a few seconds you can go ahead and reload the page and it'll give you your security warning again uh then you just hit accept the risk and continue you enter the password and the username that you have set up and now you should see all of your machines uh they do it for the other machine as well you should see all of your machines in one nice cluster now um yeah there you go now you can manage all these machines from one of them so now that we're on Megatron and we can close out those other two tabs we can manage all these machines now having them in a cluster does create an issue this issue is if you have only one node online say I take off ravenger and sound wave because they don't need to be owned they're just wasting power then whenever you have Megatron up you'll have an error where you're not able to log into it you're not able to access it and this is because it can't come up with a quorum but Quorum is quite a bit it's pretty complicated so we're not going to go into the details however the way in which that you fix it um we're going to go ahead and do and this fix is not something that I would necessarily recommend in a production environment this is once again only for a test environment so here I'm going to copy and paste a backup file so that's going to be backup uh it's not new but that is just going to be the backup we're going to use Nano and then go to ECC PVE the Ash chorusync and then once in here we're going to open it and we're going to look for the uh Megatron Megatron is going to be the node that we want to have on all the time and because of that we want to have it have more votes than everybody else and in this case we're going to give it three that means that even if somebody else is online it will have four which will be even but it should be it should be fine um three votes uh has tend to work in the past I haven't had any issues setting up three boats I have tested this a few times but once we have that done we just go and save it and then we go and exit once we've done that we can check to see if they were applied automatically by running uh system CTL status or sync um and we can see if that was applied automatically um I do not believe it was so in this case we're going to go ahead and do system CTL restart or sync and whenever course increase starts now we should have it set up so that it should have three votes uh if not a good old reboot will make sure that it does have the correct number of votes um let me go ahead and look at it now and uh yeah uh the way that we check this um I thought it showed it in here but I might just be missing it the other way that you can check this is going to summary or going to Data Center and going to summary I was incorrect it does not show it in summary it shows it under cluster and it'll show how many votes it has you cannot edit this in here so that's why you have to do it via the shell all right now we're gonna be setting on the storage on Megatron we're gonna be skipping out on setting up the storage on ravineer and Soundwave because they have much more complicated setups ravenger having a few Z pools that I need to import and sound wave being the same or having one z-poo I need to import Megatron on the other hand doesn't have anything I need to import and has clean drive in it and so um getting started in here if you need to you may need to go to disk and go to White disk and hit yes in order to wipe the disk to make sure you don't have anything on it in this case it did it really quickly because there's nothing on it already um after this we're going to be using ZFS you can also use lvms if you would prefer um but we're gonna be using ZFS in here you hit create CFS you select a drive and you give it a name because this thing is uh OneDrive and it's not going to be very redundant and there's not gonna be it's not gonna be very secure for storage we're gonna have paper zero to keep us you know to keep us a reminder that it's not something that we should really trust our data with um now that it's named paper zero you can name this whatever you want that's just the thing I'm going with uh you can go up here to Data Center and go to storage now paper zero if you go to edit we'll already have the nodes Megatron in here but there's an error that I have gotten in the past that I would like to show you if you don't have anything in there and you have okay and you have more than one node paper zero will show up on other nodes and I don't have this little question mark that says status unknown this is because it doesn't really know where the storage is and since it's not shared storage it can't really use it um so inside of the data center you want to check to make sure that you have your drives assigned to the right machine we're also going to set this to 64k uh this is because most workloads that we're going to be using are better at 64k block size instead of 8K 8K is great for databases and things like that but when it comes to General VM performance 64k is just a little bit better there's quite a few other optimizations you can do and you can go a little bit lower into ZFS to make some uh other optimizations that may make a video in the future but for right now this is as deep as we're going with it and this will work fine for what we're doing that's all for this video in the next video we're going to be showing you how to back up all of your VMS over to uh true Nas and we're also going to be starting our first VM just as a test so that we have something to back up to True Nas please leave a like comment subscribe um let me know how I'm doing on these videos and I'll catch you next time
Channel: Perkelator
Views: 6,465
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Id: b8nxKLDYPlo
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Length: 33min 26sec (2006 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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