Creating a VM in Proxmox & NFS backups to TrueNAS

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hey guys per today we're going to continue our series of Bing the home lab today we're going to be setting up our VMS and then backing them up to our true n server the first step that we need to do is upload the image to our proxmox server in order to do this you need to go to the node that you're going to be uploading it to and find what storage you would like to upload to in our case we're going to be loading local but there could be other places you could upload it if you have a place to upload isos own your proo server in our case we're going to be using local since we have L Storage on our local disc then we're going to go up to up Lo select the file in our case it's going to be abon 22204 hit open and in here you can also select a h hashing algorithm if you need to do that um this is for security purposes to make sure you know the image that you're uploading is the image that says it is if you don't need to do this you can skip it and you can also name the file here if you need to in our case we're just going to leave it 22.4 the full name and then we're going to hit upload this could take a few seconds or a few minutes depending on how fast connection you have to your proxmox server once that is finished you'll get a message saying task okay finished file import successfully um once you have this you can safely exit this and the file should be uploaded to the server next we're going to be trying to find the specs of the systems that way we can allocate the proper amount of cores and RAM to the machine that we can afford in order to do this we're going to go to the tab that says the name of our node in our case Megatron CLI Megatron and we're going to be looking at CPU usage and RAM usage the RAM usage says 4 gigs of r being used out of 31 gigs so it means we have a total of 31 gigs of RAM and we have six CPU cores as we can see here this is useful information and you can find it in here if you don't know already if you recently bought your Hardware or know quite a bit about your Hardware you can probably already know this information but if you don't this is a good place to find it in order to create a VM in prox boox we're going to go up to the button that says create VM in the top right corner after pressing this you'll get a popup saying create virtual machine we're going to be changing the VM ID to 200 this is an arbitrary VM ID and you can use these VM IDs to create some kind of a scheme in order to help you label and keep track of your VMS I'm going to be using 200 it can be anything you would like set of you can leave it at 100 if you would like it's all up to you for the name we're going to keep this simple we're just going to be calling this stalker you can name this also whatever you want just give it some kind of rememberable name for whatever you're doing with it then press next then we'll have be able to select the iso image the iso image we adjust uploaded is aboon 22204 if you have more there'll be a list in here saying different isos and different images that you have available after this we press next and it'll take us to system system shows our firmware bios machine graphics card uh scuzzy controller and a couple of other options in here we're going to be checking the box that says qmu agent this is for some this is something we're going to need later whenever we install the qm guest agent the BIOS can also be changed to ovmf if you need to for PCI pass through or at least that's what I believe most people use ovm if for uh but for what we're going to be doing today we're just going to be keeping as the default after pressing next you'll be presented with the disc screen this is where we'll configure the VM storage under the storage box we're going to select paper zero this is wherever you would like to store your vm's hard drive in our case it's paper zero yours maybe named something else depending on whichever you name your local storage you may also use local storage if you're just scaling it storing it on your boot drive under this size we're going to be setting this to 100 you can get away with less 32 should be fine 50 would be more recommended 100 is what I'm going to be using because I'd like room to expand in the future press next and you'll bees with the CPU screen on the CPU screen I'm going to be setting this to four course however you can probably get away with two that's what I was running on this machine beforehand however I would like for it to be a little bit more Snappy while doing a tutorial just to speed things up for you guys under type for certain operating systems you do need to set this to host and there's a couple of other ones that are used useful to set this to for certain applications but you don't really want to play with this unless you know what you're doing or unless you have a operating system that needs a specific type leaving on the default should work for most situations after pressing next you'll be presented with the memory screen on the memory screen for what we're going to be doing we're going to be setting this to 6144 this is 6 gigs of memory you can set this to more or a little bit less if you want to set it to four you can set it to four all you need to do is multiply 124 by whatever number and it will give you that many gigs of RAM and megabytes from here we press next and we're presented with the networking screen the network screen we're going to be leaving all this default and you can do some pretty complicated things in here but for what we're going to be doing the basic setup will be working will do do us just fine you can also tag VLS if you need to do that in here after pressing next you'll be on the confirmation screen on the confirmation screen you can also hit select or you can select the button that says start after creation this will automatically start your VM as soon as it is done being created but in this case I'm not going to be checking that just so I can show you where the VM pops up and what it looks like after it's created press finish and look at the left side of your screen over here under local network and where your storage is you'll see a popup that says the name of your machine once it's popped up it should be ready to go and you can press start in order to launch your VM now I'm going to show you how to get to your console on your VM if you're selected in this menu you would like to click on your VM go over to the middle column here where it says console click console and this should say guest not running if your guest isn't running or should show an image of what is showed on your guest machine in our case it's not running so we're going to go ahead and change that by hitting the start now button once the VM is started you'll be booted with the splash screen and then you'll be booting into the uh the VM so we're going to go ahead and install a BTU server in order to do this we're going to press enter own try or install a BO2 server once that is done it could take a few seconds in order for auntu server to load now that aun server has booted we're going to go ahead and start installing a boont first we're going to select our language which in my case is going to be English and on this screen we're going to go ahead and select update to the new installer you don't have to do this it's kind of up to you but in my case I would prefer to go ahead and update to the new installer after just a minute you'll be presented with your keyboard configuration all this looks good for what I need if you need to change your layout or your variant both of those are up there and in order to navigate you can't really use your mouse however you can use your arrow keys Tab and enter so I'm going to tab down to done press done or press enter and that will be fine this is going to pick what type of installation you would like aunu server Aon to server minimalize or search for third party drivers and my case we're just going to be selecting aunu server and pressing done it's already pre-selected so just press done the next screen that you'll be represented with is your network screen on the screen you can configure your network in my case we're going to be changing this from a DCP address to a static address by selecting es n18 this may be named differently for you after selecting it go to edit ipv4 select it and then select manual once selected manual go down to subnet type in the subnet that you would like to set this to in my case this will be sl24 then the address in my case I want to set this 192.168.0 do 30 the Gateway will be and the name server we're going to just be setting this to uh Google's DNS and then we're going to be pressing save once this is done we can go down to done and it'll take us to next screen on this screen you can configure proxy if you need to in my case I do not need to however if you do this is where you would set it after that we get the configure abun 2 archive mirrors now this is where you'll get get your mirrors and this is fine uh once this is already once this has all of your stuff and it says reading package list you should be fine to go ahead and press done this may take a few minutes in order to get done but yeah once you press done you'll be presented with the storage configuration and here we're just going to press done because we're doing this on a VM and we wanted to be able to use the whole dis you can set this up in other ways if you need to after that you get the storage configuration this is just confirming that everything is good and it gives you an overview of everything that you need to know as far as uh the storage and everything uh so in our case we're just going to go ahead and press done we're going to go down to confirm destruction and in this case since it's just a VM and it's on a drive that doesn't really exist we really don't care since this it can't really hurt anything in our case so we're just going to press continue now we're presented with the profile setup this is where you'll set up your profile account so in our case we're going to be setting this to percolator you can set this to whatever you would like for your name and the name of the server the name of the server since we go with everything's Transformers will be thunder tracker after that we'll be selecting my username which is also going to be percula and we're going to be choosing a password make sure you remember this password because you're going to need to use this in order to execute sudo commands and to log in later this offers you to set up or to upgrade to a Bo Pro um I do believe this cost money so in my case I'm not going to be doing that we're just going to go to continue this alers if you would like to set up SSH this is good if you need to go ahead and set up ssh in my case I'm going to go ahead and select it and go down to done because it's a lot easier to use that for the tutorial and easier to see than to use this console for the entire tutorial after that we'll be given the featured server snaps these are some server snaps in which you can go ahead and install that are already preconfigured by canonical I don't necessarily like these and you can set up Docker in this way but I definitely prefer just to grab the uh PPA from Docker in order to set that up so we're just going to go ahead and go down done without selecting anything and move on after that you'll be configured with installing kernel this is where the actual auntu installation is going to happen after a little while you'll be presented with a screen where boot once we're there I'll let you know what we're going to be doing now that we've been presented with the reboot screen we can go ahead and select reboot after selecting reboot you'll be presented with this failed error now in order to make this go away um we're going to go ahead and go to Hardware once in Hardware we're going to select the item that says cd- DVD drive id2 once this is selected we can go ahead and press remov and press yes this will prevent us from rebooting back into the boot for uh auntu after that's done we just press enter and we should be rebooting proxmox back into auntu once the reboot is finished you'll be presented with some of your keys if you need these you can get them in this way but there's better ways to get these than to copy and paste them from here now I'm going to be switching over to SSH this should be easier to see for you that's why I'm switching over and in order to ssh in this machine we're just going to SSH the name of the user at the IP address of the server after pressing enter you'll be asked if you would like about the fingerprint and our case we're going to be typing yes after that we're going to be presented to present the password for the user we're going to present it with the password after doing that we'll get the uh the login prpt telling us all the information that we need to know about our to install such as the system load the usage of- root um the IP address for the system the swap usage and all of these other things the first thing that we would like to do with our server is we would like to go ahead and update it now during the installation process it should have said something like go ahead and update or updating or something like that but in my experience that doesn't really apply all the updates so we're going to go ahead and do is we're going to go ahead and do pseudo apt install and and Pudo apt dist upgrade once you typed out this we're going to press enter enter the root password or the uh pseudo password excuse me press enter and once this pops up it'll ask if you would like to install these packages above in our case we're just going to press enter and it should go ahead and get and download and install all these updates which we need for the system after the update is run you will be prompted with a screen like this it says Dam or may be prompted with a screen like this saying Damon's using outdated libraries and it's just asking you which ones you would like to reload generally I just leave whatever's checked checked and whatever's non- checked not checked and then go down to uh okay by pressing Tab and pressing enter to say okay once that's done the update will go ahead and finish and we're going to be ready to move on to the next step the last thing that we're going to be doing is setting up our backups in order to do this we're going to go ahead and head over to tras we're going to head down to data sets we're going to select tank zero or whatever you named your original data set underneath your storage and we're going to go over here and press add data set once we've done this we're going to go and give it a name we're going to be naming it Ro MOX backup because I believe that's pretty descriptive of what it's going to be doing once we have that we're going to go down here and press save after we've pressed save we can look at the permissions and all that over here and make sure that it is in fact here after this we can just go over here to shares select Unix NFS shares go ahead and press add go ahead and make the little drop down Box by clicking these little arrows and select the path that we just created so in our so it'll be D mmt dtank slpr boox backup once we've done that we can go ahead and hit down here to networks and host if you would like everything in your network to have it you can just leave these blank if you want a specific subnet you can specifically say and then give it a sl24 and then everything within that sl24 would have access to it in my case we're going to be adding individual host so we're going to do 1 14 then we're going to add another one 15 and then we're going to add one the last one which is 1 after all these have been set here we can go down here to Advanced options this is very important make sure you go to map rout user select rout map root group and select will after we've done this so we can go to save and press save and it'll ask us if we'd like to enable a service here you can go and press enable service however I'm going to have an error this error I am not 100% sure where it's coming from um but I will show it on screen as soon as it pops up here it is and I'm not exactly sure what the issue is however there is a pretty simple workaround that you know it it after it is up it doesn't seem to have any issues so we're going to go and press close we're going to and exit this and you'll see it says stopped if we go over here to the three dots and click to turn on service it'll say running which means it is successfully up now the NFS share is up and that era pretty much goes away um from here we can head over to our proxmox nodes go to Data Center go to storage click add and we're going to go ahead and select NFS for the ID we're just going to be calling this something simple um let's go with runas and once we have that we can go ahead and put the IP address so 1 1921 68011 then we can click this if you click this and it just gives you a little line uh give it a second click off of it and click back and sometimes it'll populate sometimes this takes a second to populate this field um once you've selected the export you can go down here and select VZ dump backup file this is the backup files that prox boox makes and these are the things that we're going want to back up you can also put your dis images isos container templates containers and snippets on here however I'm only using one a connection so dis images are a bit slow ISO images I may make my own another NFS share in order to do that and for this one I just want it to be our backups the other two fields on the right side are enable and nodes enable enables the share and node says what share has access to this uh share so for instance if we wanted Soundwave and Megatron but we didn't want ravager to be able to back up to it we could select both of those in our case we're going to go ahead and press the x button because we want all and no restrictions there's also another tab backup retention backup retention says how long we can keep a backup for so if we want to uncheck this box it'll give us these options say if we want to keep the latest 10 backups we can just put 10 here and press add you can also edit this later but this will keep the latest 10 backups in our case we don't really want to do this we're going to go ahead and check the click the check box and we're going to keep all backups down here we also have maximum protected this is how many protected backups you can have minus one will set it to unlimited as as the tool TP says and otherwise you have five as default after this we can go back to the general tab or we can St back with pretention Tab and press add this will not currently work for me because I'm having to refilm this and I already have the share added here this is the share in which we added now that true n has been added we're going to go ahead and set up a backup and test out to make sure it's working so in order to do this we're going to head over to stalker and under console I am already logged in and I have made a file called this is a test file if we LS see it there and what we're going to be doing is we're going to uh create a Snapchat with this file then come back in here and delete it once that's deleted we're going to restore the file by restoring the snapshot so let's go ahead and do that how we'll do that is we need to go ahead and make the backup first so we head over to the backup tab once here we go ahead and click backup now and we're going to going to be just doing a snapshot and down here in notes you can set some other uh variables they're down here and I believe there are a couple of them others but I'm not 100% confident on that these are generally good enough for what I use them for so from here all we do is press backup and you'll get a pop-up box this may take a few minutes in order to back up once that is finished you can scroll down and it'll say task okay this means that the snapshot has been taken and we can go and exit this as you can see here's Snapchat now in order to make sure that this actually restores we're going to go ahead and head over to Docker and head to the console inside console we're going to go ahead and do remove this test file after that we can LS and as you can see that test file is not there from here we need to shut down this so that we can ReStore in order to do this if we go up here and press shut down and we press yes as you can see nothing happens and down here in the log you'll see a loading icon and it'll do that forever the reason being is because we do not have the guest utils installed on this VM the two ways we can fix this is to go ahead and install the guest utils which we'll be doing in a later video or we can shut the system down manually so we're just going to and shut this VM down and in order to do that all we need to do is type shut down tack H now after pressing enter the machine will button shut down once it's shut down we can go ahead and head back over to backups select the backup and press restore from here we can select what storage we'd like to restore to and we're going to select paper zero in our case we can limit the bandwidth if we need to uh we can set unique IDs say for instance a unique Mac address and we can hit restore after uh after it's been restored start after it's been restored excuse me we can also change the name of it set the memory set the sockets set the cores all of this is just override settings but for what we're doing we're just going to check the start after restore button now we're going to go ahead and hit hit restore and press yes the restore process may take a few minutes it kind of depends on how much data uh you need to restore or how large the VM is once that is finished you'll get another task okay and we can go and exit this window and head over to Docker when here we can go to console and it's still booting but once it's finished we can go ahead and log in once we're logged in we can go ahead and do an LS and as we can see this test file is now back because we have restored from the backup now that we've configured prox Mox and trass we have a good place to start our home lab from here you can spare them in on your own remember that this is a lab and not production so keep important viral somewhere else and somewhere safe in the next video we'll be continuing with this lab I will be installing Docker and painer onto our VM then we're going to be setting up py hole as it a great first project in your home lab any feedback is appreciated please like comment and subscribe let me know what I'm doing wrong and let me know what I'm doing right thank you very much for watching see you next time
Channel: Perkelator
Views: 4,063
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Id: VlqMVtuoPP8
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Length: 21min 4sec (1264 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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