Pro-Rib Panel Overlap

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this is a pro rep steel panel it's 38 inches wide from edge to edge 36 inch coverage from topper rim to topper rip and each rib is 9 inches on Center one side of the panel is an under lap and the other side is an overlap how do you distinguish between the under lap and the overlap the under lap has a drain channel the drain channel side of the panel has a lower hip on the rib okay so these are called the hips on the rib there's one on each side notice on the overlap side of the panel the hips are in exactly the same place in adjacent to the top of the rib but on the under lap side we have a lower drain channel or a lower hip this is also called an anti siphon channel so that when the panel is overlapped properly the water when it siphons up will just hit that air gap and run down the roof hate to properly install the panel's the overlap goes on top of the under lap and there you can see that we have our air gap in there now when you're running your steel you want to make sure when your fascinating it down that it doesn't get over seated or under seated now over seated would be if this panel was pulled too much this direction okay at that point what happens is if you're installing screws through the rib and not in the flat what will happen is you could have a chance of having a screw pierce the drain channel so you want to make sure that seated properly if it's under left or under seated that might be sitting more like that some issues there is you could have some leaking again as well it could cause oil canning if you're putting screws in the flat because the panelists tweaking a little bit different you want to make sure that this is in line with this and and it's very easy to get under laughter or burlap because most roofs are out of square and as you're squaring up the steel sometimes you're pushing and pulling on it and it goes as one way or the other way and it could be one way on the bottom and it could be another way on the top just as you work your steel and fasten it you want to make sure you always fasten the overlap first before you fasten each of the other ribs that way you have this locked in and it's going to drain properly
Channel: Midwest Manufacturing Marketing
Views: 365,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Menards, pro rib, Steel roofing
Id: Dz-S9GphRT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 47sec (167 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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