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what's up everybody today we're gonna put this pop into this road stepped on the wall measure how long we need the pipe to be we don't want sticking out too too far because then the waters won't come out of the pipe and drop too far and started routing the bank line cut it down to about 17 feet and we can always trim it on down these ABS pipes the double-wall have a small end with a rubber gasket that fits in to the other end which is the bell end the bail is slightly bigger than the small end making it easy for it to slide in and you can connect one pipe to another easily in case you need more than 20 feet of pipe in our case and in a lot of cases with a driveway you use a 20-foot section or less so what we want to do is cut the small end down to size we want the bell end on the side of the road where water is going to run in makes sense because it's bigger and it funnels water a little bit better [Music] now we're gonna go to 17 feet right there that there's where we're gonna go to so we use our that's brightly-colored take measure well the great things about these pipes is they're super strong another good thing about them is they're super easy to cut you can cut them with a wood saw a hacksaw but my personal favorite the chainsaw why is this my personal favorite because of the two amps they're fast and they're fun [Music] to the work area [Music] now boys and girls I will be the first one to say that if my life depended on my ability to dig a straight line across a road I'd be a dead man so that's where this cool little toy comes in to play you can get this at Ace Hardware Lowe's home improvement any construction supply store you get these spray-paint cans that are made to spray upside down they slide right into here just like that now when you pull the trigger it paints the reason that when you pull the trigger it doesn't just push the can out everyone's got this little wheel and to this little metal thing right there actually pushes that nose a little side to side so what I do thankfully I can walk in a straight line most of the time I'm aligned up where I want my culvert to go step to the side and I'm just gonna walk in a straight line where I want to be and I'm just gonna I could walk with a straight pull but that kind of waste paint so I'm just gonna kind of store it here and I'm gonna there you got good paint line look straight ahead of you don't look down at the ground and try to paint it just doesn't work out next step the slug that you got left over a couple of feet off the end of that pot it's easier than lugging around that whole piece of pipe what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna hop over on this side of the pot believe me now the reason this line is solid is because this is where I'm going to stick my teeth in and roll the ground out well keep that slug and I'll show you once I get there once you're done painting the opposite is true with these cans that are made to spray down turn it up pull your trigger see how there goes clear that clears the nozzle you can wipe it with a cloth put the cap on it and you'll be ready to use next time so now before we get into the machine let me just explain you can clearly see where water is washing down off this Bank but also water is running down the sides of the road and that's how we pick this location we can not and don't want to put the edge of that paper right on the edge of the road because eventually sometimes somebody's gonna get over a little too much and they're gonna crush that into the pipe that bail-in is really thin and it's weak so what we're first gonna do is take about a three-foot bucket width right here and we're gonna dig a bowl out it'll be a catchment area we'll be able to take that pop and move it in a little bit all the while water will be able to come down the road and go into that catchment area so don't be afraid to make it pretty wide [Music] [Music] [Music] this looks like it's a super deep hole for such a small pipe which we're putting in a 15 inch culvert pipe in the ideal situation on any roadway that you're gonna put a pipe in they'd like for you to have one foot of compacted fill over the pipe at least so if we go a little bit deeper it's fine you know what we can do once we get this thing all graded out wing taper the edges real nice if they want to they can put riprap in here which is about like this and that's pretty good size rock so my time you on the bottom of this with these you're gonna have not so deep as a whole and really they can use Riverstone anything that's about the size of a football for this little head wall to keep it from to help it from keep caving in and we're actually won't put that pipe right about here so this head wall here is gonna be able to taper down and not be straight off and be as likely to cave in where we're at right now ideal would be 27 inches where are we at now not 32 so that's not bad we don't need to go as deep with the rest of the trench we do need to keep in mind though that we're going to keep fall on the pipe which means as water runs in to the pipe it can actually fall through the pipe you don't want water standing up here and you don't want standing in the pipe necessarily so let's go ahead and excavate this trench out and there's nothing wrong with digging a little bit at a time and working up to it this is an excellent type of job if you're willing to start an excavation and grading because we could do this job with a four or five thousand pound excavator tiny something super cheap to rent but you can still make 12 you know anywhere really depending on the size your pop anywhere from 750 to 1500 bucks on a job like this so let's get this pop a little closer to being put in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] man I'll be the first to say here ever owned this property before that's a major cable TV or phone line issues cuz I'm Kim Wong two three three lines so far the homeowner tells me that none of them are active so we're in the clear a couple of safety things don't ever stick your head under your thumb like that I've got my bucket on the ground over here I would not want to have it suspended over me and be down this trench working because if the line blows out check valves don't work right you could be very dead very quick but here's another reason I kept my just cut off and just drop it in my trench take my level power great and we're almost actually perfectly level right now so that's acceptable I may try to go in cut a little bit more fall over this way but as long as we're level I'm okay with it but more than likely as OCD as I am I'll get a little picky and try to make this where it's got just a touch of fall on it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now let's check our lamp I won't say our lookin now this is just to get it kind of rough before I go and grab that I'm showing you this on this one of the pop cheeseburgers I'm showing you this on this size of a pipe that cause there will come a time when you're comfortable enough to start taking on bigger jobs and I'm not gonna be able to manhandle a 1,500 or 2,000 pound pile so it's best to get your trench pretty bland close before you get there so I'll just drag this along not really Teeter since it's kind of rough on the sides I worked back and forth kind of smooth my trenches again but the main thing is the travel portion of the road it's not as big of a deal if this end of your trench doesn't look that good and tell me where I'm position it's hard to do this nicely without you know bridging the trench with my machine first always and just digging it straight which I suppose I could show you guys that's a better show you guys come with the idea let's do it this is a beginner show so you guys may not be comfortable doing this if you're not it's okay just keep going away we were going initially I'll show you how to bridge this gap this is really all me the same thing and similar how we actually unload off the trailer you just use the band to help yourself flow to do this as safely as possible where you do not want to just put your blade down because that weight will collapse your trench so what I'm going to do is I'm going to lift the boom get my tracks down on the road then I'm gonna leave my blade down to help me also that's pretty good I feel safe and secure right here don't ever ever ever ever let somebody go under there cause it any time this could very well collapse seat belt now we're gonna make our movements slow and methodical [Music] guys I'm gonna be kind of looking at you inside I just this machine because it could collapse and I'm going take off like a banshee if it does you can see that we were able to get this trench really good and smooth there is one little pile here that I wasn't able to get but what I will do is once I get back on terra firma i'll be able to turn roll my bucket and just swing the radius of the bottom of the bucket along this trench and smooth it out and i'm confident that we'll be able to drop our full-length pop in and see just how good we did the way i'm going to get off of this trench number one step is i'm gonna push the bucket down onto the ground over there which i think you guys can probably see that okay it's on terra firma over there and what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna press down which is going to in effect lift this into the excavator up then the stick the part of the boom that connects directly to the bucket I'm gonna swing it out away from in at the same time I'm going to roll my tracks back and the machine will walk her right back up on to firm ground and get out of here I hope you people like these videos with your learning tape machine first to stick there first time you do that right now you're probably gonna be saying thank God I'm alive and I didn't break anything now we are at the step of breaking this little dam of dirt and we just take a quick inspection most people who are beginning in this they try to make it to perfect and it could take them all day to do this it does not have to be perfect especially when you're this deep into the ground now imagine if we were repenting a 36 inch pipe in how big the hole would look I'm gonna take the radius of the bucket that curved part I'm just gonna bust this dam out real quick okay I'm satisfied with this hey you can always just do a little bit of touch-up work you know to get it to where you're comfortable take your time have fun with this stuff we'll get invited to play in the dirt I'm gonna get the pop you have all these pops eventually when you're first start here probably gonna dress that Joker I'll email all that told you side pulls on strike you know or if you've got a swing your back it to you can do that thanks a lot I love to travel it up where your foot times we go between the higher is it's piping able to kind of grab it bonds valleys that's always easiest to place your pop up a little bit see for like where we're looking she's around there's Gotham in there really nice I'm happy with that we've got quite a bit more on this end then a foot of covers up there but the way it's laying out [Music] the next step is the easiest one oh yeah we got plenty of fall let's cover this joker up I am going to a time lapse but it's gonna be a little bit of a slower one so I'm gonna take good clean dirt and I'm gonna put something on top of the pipe to hold it in place but then I'm a starting material and putting it around the sides and once I got about that much say six inches over top of the pipe I'm gonna lightly start tamping it in you don't wanna press too hard because that machine will crush this pipe once we tamp that in will be able to finish covering it you'll see me track across it and then at the end I'll show you how we make it look pretty [Music] [Music] [Music] that one now do break these edges and let get kind of a taper to [Music] is try to get this side up here I'm just loosening the it's almost like linear region where today everyone just hard south who doesn't make sense to me anyway [Music] dragon here's anything sadly ethnic it's not really necessary [Music] right get started first jobs now more we know all it's an armlock and water to get into that little damaged carbons now location that's dumb raagh in their costly problems here and that my friends is how you basically install a culvert in a driveway [Music] [Applause]
Channel: DigginLife21
Views: 63,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: installing culvert pipe driveway, installing a small culvert pipe, driveway culvert, driveway culvert pipe, culvert pipe, installing a culvert, culvert install, Installing Culvert Pipe, culvert pipe installation, installing a culvert pipe, How to install a culvert pipe, gravel driveway, gravel driveway installation, gravel driveway edging, gravel driveway ideas, gravel driveway repair, culvert installation, plastic culvert pipe installation, excavator how to operate
Id: y3hdiqfuUPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 8sec (2288 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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