How To Do Land Clearing With Excavator For Beginners | DigginLife21

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what's up everybody welcome to the broadcast today is a wet day so we got rained out of the original a and b plans so luckily we got a call in today to go push a few small trees over so we are going to take orville the ford f750 hook up to the old econoline trailer and we are going to load up the excavator which doesn't have a bucket yet but it will have our three foot bucket on it because where we are going to be pushing these trees over is in preparation for an outbuilding or a shed so we may end up doing a little bit of grading work while we're there i want to be prepared with the right bucket and really i just don't use the two foot bucket much anymore for one reason it has this dumb little crush pins in it and when you're digging and you're if you get into rock or you're trying to pop a stump out it's bad to break those and i just haven't had time to put replace those little pins with grade eight bolts that'll be a project for another date so let's get hooked up to the trailer and load this excavator [Music] we are loaded hooked up let's head up to the job here we go all right let's see where i want to go in here [Music] i'm just gonna go straight up this bank i suppose let's see oh yeah that's getting firm red dirt let's see if i'm gonna slide no that's pretty firm keep on going baby let's go find some trees to fish down [Music] let's make our way through the woods here [Music] shut my dough hopefully you guys can see good [Music] gaining access to the property is always the first step [Music] hello i don't know if i'm gonna end up taking these sad ones out for them or what makes a quick little pass through the forest can't see the forest for the trees folks [Music] old dead rotten log [Music] i'm just skimming the ground with my blade just to lay all these little saplings over [Music] well find us a path through here in a minute [Music] this [Music] is where it's almost like a puzzle you gotta work your way through without tearing down trees that don't want to be poured down i bet i'll squeeze right through here [Music] i think we'll end up taking all these little saplings out so i'm gonna end up killing them anyway you gotta be careful when you're pulling trees back towards you like that they'll come right in the cab [Music] so just be ready for it more than more or less little pine saplings they don't have much of a root system you can just rake the ground with you tines and teeth times being those two pieces on my thumb [Music] you just kind of dress those piles as you go see that's all clearing is just pulling stuff out and piling it [Music] we're having some good land cleared up here in a minute [Music] another way we can do is just put this blade down real real close to the ground start plowing our way along [Music] and if you got a bulldozer big enough you can do full-size trees about like that [Music] now that they're laid that way i'll sweep from one side to the other line those trees up then you can grab them and then swing real quick and they'll pop right out [Music] there's a young couple we're working for up here so we're giving them a good deal friends of ours that's the route that i want to take out [Music] i'll put it back in a second [Music] and bring trouble on the top i just get in the way of everything [Music] let's take this stuff with us as we go [Music] rained pretty good all night last night so soaked in really good makes pulling trees a little bit easier because these are hardly trees [Music] so if i rake these away from me some good sized trees to take down here i'm gonna try to get me a good little drop zone cleared so i got a couple of bigger trees to get down [Music] [Music] did he [Music] [Music] keep my little pile nice and neat [Music] so in this case i have to get the saw to cut some of these up i want to keep this area fairly clean [Music] keep it cleaned up as it were [Music] [Music] i'll try to drop all those back through here [Music] see how clean that ground comes now that's gonna be a heavy load so i'm gonna have to kind of walk my way along [Music] here [Music] make us a good little drop zone shall we so i got two trunks right here connected into one bottom so i'm gonna probably have a little bit of difficulty fishing that one down well i thought i would [Music] i see the reason that i pulled that one first when i go to pull this tree's root ball up if i went to push it first it could have pulled up on this side of that trunk and caused that tree to fall in a way that could have went toward the house so not only do you have to focus on the trees you're fishing right now you gotta think about the trees that that tree is gonna hit and the trees that those are gonna hit always plant way way ahead if you can see we can just push this one over sideways maybe this escalator does not have a whole lot of sideways push so this tree is probably a little bit up to five yeah that's a heck of a route right there let me work this guy over and then i'll get you guys back in on it actually i believe i'll break this one leg off at a time you gotta watch that top make sure it don't break and come back towards you oh yeah this tree's rotten old maple i think that's what it is [Music] we'll have some room in a minute won't we now just a quick note i'm digging this dirt and i try to pile dirt right in front of me so once i push the tree and the stump out i can just use my blade right in front of me to push dirt right back into the hole just try to keep it as efficient as possible [Music] yeah that sucker it was that wasn't a healthy tree anyway was it [Music] let's see if we can get it going it's a wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle now i'm just going to kind of start working my way up under that stump which is pretty healthy see me ripping that though that's gonna rip up the side of that tree so i've got to watch and make sure that tree doesn't try to swing towards my house let's see if i just break him yeah that was a pretty unhealthy tree let me get this stump on out now there's part of the stump stuck there's another part [Music] it's even pushing away from us they're just that tree is hollow [Music] i'm gonna tell you the tree man itself may have been weak but the stump is [Music] oh solid little stump right there all that for that thing that's about typical though let's see for some more of that stuff oh yeah a little bit more [Music] oh yeah that bell's not going back here the only reason that i'm having to dig this one out is to make my drop zone clear it's aggravate and drop a tree or a bunch of trees into a spot that you can't get in and cut if you have to in which case more likely i'm not glad to cut but somebody will at some point [Music] [Music] so [Music] we're gonna have some room here in a minute [Music] [Music] [Music] hold this tree up into a couple of sections and it'll be easier to smash away a little pile right there too [Music] [Music] oh red dirt [Music] i'm just going to kind of fluff the ground trying to make it to where it doesn't hold water as bad [Music] now let's go after a little bit bigger trees [Music] [Music] you can't see it but i've got a tree in my grasp right there hello leaves now let's see if i just push this little white pine over here oh yeah [Music] see how easy that fell down it's because i didn't have any trees anywhere ahead of it to stop it now what we want to do is go up here break the top out it does not take a big machine to break a white pine see what i mean and you just push that top on up there and you can grab this section pull it and the stump and everything grab on ahead here [Music] that's a nice little uh organized high off [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i'm not getting it stacked up real real high but now see this pine right here is hung on this other tree so just in case i wanna or they decide they want me to push this pile on down i'm gonna i unhooked that tree from this side of that because once it's got weight on it it's gonna be a lot harder to push the whole pile if i don't keep it neat and tidy let's get us a couple more now right here in front of us we just got a handful of little guys we're gonna go ahead and pop them out [Music] i broke my rule right there i try to get on the left side here hook them and push them over and don't break the stump this is okay but if you do that when you come over here and you lay your stem down it doesn't lay on top of your bucket [Music] swing drop after we're close enough together and small enough you can just go ahead and grab a couple of them [Music] lay them down grab the whole pile [Music] and you're ready to tote it over to the big pile [Music] let's jump out here and assess the situation oh yeah i think i got room back here right there's a septic clean out the tank is in here what i want to do try to come out through here push that small white pine just down that way or between those two probably get home this one i want to take out i almost want to drop that one i definitely want this one this one that one on that one i'm gonna come through here push that one down into that drop zone drag it out then i can get behind this one push it that way drag it out that one that way and then that one just push it over i think i have a plan hopefully we don't get any of them home [Music] only hitting the trees with the machine on the way because i could knock them over and into the house they could go let's say [Music] let's see if we can just push and stump and everything out without breaking the tree off [Music] you've got to maintain control of them keep your pressure on that tree don't ever take your pressure off until it's well over 45 degrees or more than halfway to the ground now i'm grabbing the left side of that stump to start it now watch that tree move toward the left see that that if it was not hung up there could potentially swing that tree around if that stump is hung in tight enough so you want to make sure that stump is loose because if you drop that tree close to a building or say a like a house here you don't want to just grab it and yank on it because a big enough machine to spin that tree around and potentially hit something what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna bring him up to me i'm gonna walk out here closer to the end now i know about how tall that tree was if you're not sure just cut these now i'm just gonna pinch it and i'm watching that top as i pinch it see it swinging around and say i know i've worked around trees quite a bit and i can gauge this but if you're new you don't just snap that top because again if you're having to swing it toward the house you very well could sling it right into the side of it see if i can break this one more time now the more pressure it takes to break them the more they'll spring so just just be prepared for it i mean swing that around like that [Music] and just grab both stems here lift him up [Music] set it over here to the side now i'm going to run on over there and scoot this bundle down there with the the big brush pilot we already started and when you're clearing land this is just a good efficient little way to do it doesn't mean it's the best way or it's perfect i'm just telling you guys kind of the fundamentals [Music] now this is a 20 000 pound machine and you'll see i grabbed every bit of this tree at one time and just towed it with me stem and ain't from that tree but i'm gonna get it too [Music] tell everybody that's with you go as far as you can i said you got somebody running a dozer with a blade or root rake they could be pushing this stuff way down through there while you're pulling trees very efficient [Music] let's see now we're going to bring that one back up this way just make sure everybody knows that you do not want to put the full weight of this machine on a septic tank that is not good just going to roll video right here all i see this is all undisturbed ground right here until this is old leaf bedding and such [Music] so i can just drive on that without too much concern damage in the septic tank now you see this tree's got a nice little drop zone so what i'm going to do is position myself directly behind it now getting on that septic tank i'm kind of crab walking my way around in here so that's a good thing too about these hey squares where the boom will swing left or right you don't have to have the whole machine directly behind it let's see if we can just push on this white pine and get him down without getting um now while you're learning this stuff don't get into too big of a hurry yeah see that whole root ball's moving that's not giving up the good fight i have to do a little dig dig now if i just had all kinds of room i would be digging a difference instead of pulling directly away from that tree i'd be digging perpendicular to the way i'm digging right now break these top roots now see i broke these roots to weaken that side of the tree if i dug on the left side it would weaken the other side and it would tend to want the tree to pull right so let's reach a little higher on the tree this time and bite into it with our teeth now i glance from i'm looking at the top of the tree when i start pushing and i'll glance from the top of the tree back down toward the bottom because that bottom indicates that the root ball is turning loose and i can see the ground how it's pushing now once it starts going the way you want it to i'm going back out just a little bit since i didn't cut the roots on the far side of the tree they'll hold it from coming back too far as long as you don't let it come back to you too quick now in one smooth motion push that bucket straight out from you [Music] see i'm pulling left you can count on that because these roots right here we're still holding the tree [Music] and that is how i haul a tree and the next guy that was not a big tree you could handle a lot bigger tree with this excavator but the bigger the tree is in comparison to your machine the more you gotta work with the tree and the roots and everything just a bunch of useless information hopefully it'll help somebody let's see when we grab this root ball lift up the tree [Music] and just swing it out of our way a little bit you could grab it here but it puts too much you know you can squeeze that tree and move it at the same time and drive [Music] and away you'll go [Music] now we're gonna do the same thing i'm gonna leave all those little limbs attached except this one because it's gonna slap the cab i'm gonna go up here and break this top out these things probably break loose [Music] just to get them out of the way i'm crossing a ditch right here please see me lift the front of the machine up [Music] and i'll say i dropped this tree on the right side of this standing tree so it's going to be harder to [Music] break that top [Music] harder nothing possible i got moving away from that tree and squeeze [Music] pull this top back in toward us [Music] stuff it back here on the pile now if i was going to be hauling this all this away i would be having to take these trees down a little bit just a tad bit differently i can't break that whole trunk i don't think so what i'm going to do now is slowly work this tree towards me i twisted it right toward the wrong side of that tree see it's hanging on it [Music] so i'm just going to scoot it this way and i'll just push it from the stump in [Music] there's this little bank here get back on the grave that it was i was just squeezed by this big boy pull that whole tree over toward us [Music] without rolling the stump into us maybe possibly i could have broke that tree again but let's see if we can break it got that little i might as well use it prop it up [Music] wiggle him around maybe it'll break free that's all that straighter is pretty tough hold this thing up like a present nice little present [Music] instead of having to jump that ditch twice get behind this pine tree push it way up through there and then i do all my dragging from the other side that's my plan [Music] i think now this tree is gonna get hung up in that top i think maybe let's see if i can just push it without let's see what this root ball is gonna do i'm gonna watch that top make sure it don't break out coming back towards me yeah see it's gonna hang in that open that i might push it more to the left which means i'm gonna have to break these roots [Music] break these roots right here weaken this side of the tree and hopefully i'm just swinging see that right there you see that i don't know if you guys can see it but it's twisting that whole tree when i grabbed that route so that route was doing a lot of support if we can persuade it that way now yeah just about i'm just about persuaded i think i need to just get one more root broken here because it's there's a root somewhere around there holding him once you break those top running routes [Music] there's not a lot sporting that tree on that side let's see if he'll go now let me swing my boom get a little better directional push [Music] you guys can't see it unfortunately but that sucker is i'm gonna open up above it let's see if he'll come down now right in the drop zone now if that tree [Music] were bigger [Music] i would have went ahead and moved the previous tree out of the way because i would have to get in there with a chainsaw and i don't like having my legs between logs that are that close and cutting another trick because a shift of weight could be mad i can get that see if i can get another break going here [Music] easiest tree i think it's the easiest way to break in my area [Music] as far as trees that are in abundance [Music] that's pretty heavy right there for this mow machine now if you had like a 30 000 pound machine this would be a cakewalk you could have pushed and controlled every one of these trees [Music] that top's wanting to break again isn't it maybe i did that and i just don't remember it now [Music] short memory [Music] what's this push push push push [Music] all the pollen coming out of them [Music] [Music] well i might end up taking that little tree down i've already scuffed it and i think they might have been hoping that i can clear on back [Music] come here you dive turkey shake some dirt off [Music] another thing you can do is squeeze that root ball right like that and it'll help get that dirt to come loose let's go on up here [Music] that top of that thumb grab part of that pile i'm going to use my blade to help it along [Music] i'm just moving this pile down just as coach give them a little bit more room to position their shed when it comes in [Music] all right one more oak and then we'll see if there's anything else we want to take down going to go ahead and [Music] address this little bank here push our dirt into our hole leave it at piled high so i can track it in and we don't end up in the low spots i hope y'all are having a great day i'd say if you're in this business and you're watching this during the day you probably got rained out but you know that's the time of year it is do not let yourselves get complacent working around houses you can swing this boom into the house in a second i'll show you guys the difference in a little oak pushing it over and pushing the pine tree over good thing is oaks don't snap off as easy see that's a great thinking about it let's uh let's cut his roots loose and push him [Music] or if i just cut him loose with the tines just kind of saw him loose must have a tap root a very healthy one [Music] don't be afraid to tear the ground up when you guys are doing this work from the top focus on top of your tree getting it down you can always put your dirt back see if he'll just move nope i don't know where the route is though [Music] you bump that ground you can see the ground pull up a little bit more that is okay that is okay now let's go break this little oak cup all right [Music] [Music] [Music] all right now what i'm going to do is get this hole grated out [Music] there's this bird in [Music] [Music] [Music] get this traction packed and then i'll get back with you guys now that that's tracked [Music] i'm not going to make the mistake of pressing down right there to spin my tracks because again there is a septic tank there normally what all you all see get done today i would charge on like a uh one-day minimum whatever your one-day minimum charge is most of the time you give somebody a minimum charge then they'll just go ahead and once you work the full day that being said there's no reason that you can't do a half day charge just personally we get so many calls we lead out the half days typically if it's not plans [Music] making me a little pile here i'm going to take this little pile right over here i know they're probably not going to be working so the way those are laying i can sit on the other side of that pile and just transfer it by shuttle [Music] nope nothing as rotten as i thought it was you guys be sure to comment below if you like the commentary or if you prefer me just to run the machine and let you learn my observation most people like the commentary some people don't this last segment of the video i'll try not to take too much people who don't like it [Music] [Music] [Music] that's rotten [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] is so i just get that stuff out pull it back [Music] [Music] hello there he goes oh [Music] while we're watching let me just say hello to my friend john's little boy grant [Music] they say they watch us every evening unfortunately i had to cut back on my video and i've been thinking about you little buddy [Music] consolidate [Music] so [Music] oh i really want to get this one other sapling because it's going to grow to be a big tree and i'm afraid that it will be a problem for their house there you go put my blade down because that stuff's hanging in there [Music] so [Music] let me get the rest of these little bitty things up and i'll check back in now we got all of the bigger saplings and little trees down that's a pretty good little area cleared out the next agenda one of my favorites we're going to sweep the floor and use the teeth on the bucket and all i've got to do is start raking everything back toward me and i'm actually going to get into the dirt a little bit on this one to get any top running roads and just as much ground debris as i can [Music] leave them a nice smooth area from the get that little out building up on some blocks [Music] out [Music] let's knock it into a little bit more of a time-lapse mode this is pretty obvious what i'm gonna be doing [Music] [Music] [Music] last little bit so old pot right there last bits of rubbage here i did not have to get every bit of the roots on this one what they're going to do is do use concrete block or cinder block to set this building on so that one does not have to be absolutely perfect perfectly clean anyway you see over here the size of the pile of brush we ended up with just on this little bit of cleanup what i'm going to do is pull on over here push this pile over [Music] there probably goes way down in there and push this pile over to where it starts to pop so high off this move that dirt probably just [Music] put all the garbage over here somewhere and we'll go just smooth out the ground and call it [Music] you guys can kind of see what i'm doing here let me just get down on the blade a little bit more the best way to do this in my opinion once you set your blade that's digging into the dirt try to dig in deep enough where you can just push straight ahead without adjusting up and down and that way you can get your nice little smooth cut [Music] nice and easy just cut the rough that we've made [Music] let's make a blue minion trips back and forth back there is not really going to be used so i didn't have to dress it but this area to the left dressed out quite nicely let's go load this thing up and go find something else to work on [Music] [Music] you
Channel: DigginLife21
Views: 134,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: building gravel road, gravel driveway installation, gravel driveway maintenance, building gravel driveway, how to build a gravel drive, gravel driveway drainage, gravel driveway ideas, road building with mini excavator, road building construction, road building in mountains, gravel road construction, gravel road maintenance, gravel driveway installation process, gravel driveway drainage solutions, steep gravel driveway drainage solutions, how to fix gravel driveway drainage
Id: us8hqKzjZx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 55sec (3715 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 14 2021
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