HASHTAG UPDATES 2021 | How to use Instagram hashtags 2021 | Instagram hashtags 2021

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okay i'm gonna be really honest with you guys this video was not part of my content plan i've kind of thrown it in there purely because there's been so much news and information circulating online recently about hashtags and the main reason for this is because instagram has actually come out and shared some pretty conflicting advice about hashtags versus the advice what they've shared in the past and that's kind of nudged me to completely change or at least revisit my hashtag strategy and i know how much you guys loved this video where i talked about my hashtag strategy and i told you my entire process behind it so i felt like it was only right for me to create a new video where i'm sharing my updated strategy and i'm also just giving you the lowdown of the changes which are coming to hashtags what they mean for you and what you should be doing about it so that's what today's video is about if that sounds of interest to you please carry on watching okay so the first thing i want to talk about um is basically why i feel like you should change your hashtag strategy and why i'm changing my hashtag strategy and the main reason for this as i mentioned is because some new updates have come out and some information has been shared from instagram's creators account i'll put the link in my description in case you don't follow it already but they basically gave you some tips and tricks in regards to hashtags and it's different from what we've been told before right and there's a oh there's a siren outside there's always sirens when i'm filming i feel like there's never sirens when i'm not but then again why would i notice anyway these changes were coming about i believe are coming about for a very specific reason and that reason is search so if you've not watched this video already i recommend giving it a watch after this i basically break down what instagram search is what it means for you and how you can utilize it right it's kind of like a search 101 type video and it gives you a really great introduction but in a nutshell what instagram searches is basically the little magnifying glass icon that you should see on the bottom left-hand side of your screen everyone's instagram looks different nowadays so if it's not there for you then it's usually where your explore section usually is so if you head there i'll do a little screen recording and you'll see at the top it says search this is what instagram searches so you click on that you can type in different keywords and it's going to produce content for you now the reason why i'm talking about search in a video about hashtags is because instagram is spending a lot of effort improving their search functionality and what that means for hashtags is that hashtags are becoming less and less important previously hashtags were one of the main ways that you could get in front of a different broader audience right if you use the hashtag you would hopefully get placed in front of a whole audience of people who are interested in your types of content whilst that still exists and that's still the function of hashtags there are now other ways for you to get in front of your audience and instagram are trying to make it that search is the best way to get in front of that audience at least that's what i personally think that they're trying to do they're spending so much time and effort in search because they want that feature to be the best way for people to find new content and for you to reach new people so let's talk about what's changing in regards to hashtags and what is staying the same okay so let's start with the changes um i'm laughing because this the main change and the biggest change is that instagram are now recommending that you use between three to five hashtags per post now i don't even know where to start with this first of all that's quite an extreme difference to the amount of hashtags that they previously said so prior to this recent announcement they used to say use between 8 to 15 hashtags but they said that because they believed that when people used more than 15 hashtags they started using hashtags which were irrelevant so actually if you were using relevant hashtags which are related to your niche and which were well sized and you're using 30 of them you are still going to get a really great reach and you've still got a great chance of showing up under all 30 hashtags so that was my previous strategy i used to use between 20 to 30 on every single post and i did that because all of my hashtags were relevant they were checked they were niche and i knew that they were going to be effective for my account right whereas now they're saying use between three to five which is dramatically fewer it also makes me think any on the off chance that someone from instagram is watching this i have a genuine question right why are we able to use up to 30 hashtags if we should only use between three to five i just need someone to answer that question to me i've always just found i've always just found that baffling and and the only thing that i can assume and again if anyone's from instagram's watching this then please correct me the only thing i can assume is that you're again recommending using three to five hashtags because of the same reason you're recommending eight to fifteen which is that when people use too many hashtags they start using hashtags which are irrelevant so things like hashtag explorepage hashtag instagood ig daily i made that one out but i guarantee you that's a hashtag what has like millions of posts on it so i'm assuming again that that is the reason why they're recommending even fewer hashtags than before now the other change i do this because it's only a very small change that they've shared in this recent announcement is that they've said you should use a mix of hashtags between well-known and niche now previously the advice was to kind of focus on purely your niche hashtags whereas now they're saying actually use a good mix use some hashtags which may have you know over a million posts on it but don't use ones which are just vague and not related to you but then also use hashtags which might only have a couple hundred thousand posts under it so they're basically promoting more of a mix of size between hashtags and the reason why i said like new is because it's not massively new and that is something i've always recommended for my clients is that you use a mixture of hashtags between really really small ones and kind of medium sized ones so it's a small change because they never necessarily said that before it's just something that i said so another major change which is worth talking about and which i want to talk about in a bit more detail in a second is the actual purpose of hashtags so as i mentioned previously hashtags existed so that people could find content related to one specific thing also so that the creator can actually reach a new audience by using a hashtag now as i mentioned they're dialing up their focus on search so they're saying that actually your hashtags should be used as a way to help instagram index your account so by that what i mean is categorize your content if you're using certain hashtags to do with food recipes um healthy eating etc using those hashtags is signaling to instagram that you create content about food healthy eating etc so it's a similar way in which your keywords in your captions work if you use certain keywords in your captions the search function will pick up on those keywords and they will categorize or index your content so that they know what type of content you create so they know that you're an account which shares content about food and healthy eating they know that that post you just shared is about healthy eating which means that when their algorithm is deciding how to rank it and who to show it to they have a better idea of who is actually going to interact and engage with your content i really hope that makes sense because it can get a bit confusing but they're essentially saying that hashtags are no longer just a source for your reach but they're also a way to help categorize or index your content so what is staying the same um relevancy is still king i've been saying this for a while anyway that using a relevant hashtag is more important than just using a hashtag right you've got to use hashtags which are relevant to your account and that's actually where my previous video came in when i originally spoke about my hashtag strategy because if you did follow those steps then you'll actually have quite a substantial bank of hashtags which are super relevant to you and which are relevant to your audience right and what that means is that even if you're using fewer hashtags in your posts now you still have a huge bank of hashtags for you to pick and choose from so at least that whole video is not to waste there's still super there's still loads of value in it so that's good so if you've not watched that video yet i'll put a link in my description because i 100 recommend that you do the next thing which hasn't changed but i feel like not a lot of people kind of realized is that it's still not enough just to use a hashtag and to kind of assume that your content is going to appear under that hashtag there is an algorithm there is a system which is working behind the scenes to rank all of the content which has used the same hashtag as you so that's one of the reasons why a lot of people including myself recommend that you don't use hashtags which have billions of posts because the more posts under a hashtag the more people you are competing with to appear under that hashtag right so to appear under a hashtag instagram is actually looking at a couple different things it's looking at the quality of your content it's looking at how many people are engaging with your content it's looking at a bunch of different signals and once it does all that and it looks for all those signals for your content that's when it figures out okay how highly am i going to actually rank this person's content under this hashtag that they've used so that's still the same and that's always something worth noting because i get a lot of people saying to me my hashtags aren't working or you know i think i'm shadowbanned because i used this hashtag and then i checked it and my post wasn't there and actually a big reason why your post isn't there is because you're looking at the top posts under your hashtag and you have not made the cut unfortunately and you haven't been ranked at the top and that's why you can't see your post so that's worth noting and that has not changed if you've gotten this far in the video then i'm gonna take a wild guess and say that you're pretty serious about instagram growth now i have some good news and bad news and i'll start with the bad news first so the bad news is that it's gonna be really difficult for you to actually master instagram as a platform grow and experience all the amazing things you want to experience on the platform without fully understanding how it works and what i'm referring to when i say how it works is understanding the almighty algorithm and understanding how it actually operates now the good news is that i've decided to be super generous and i've decided to release a masterclass which is all about decoding the almighty algorithm in this masterclass i'm going to be sharing with you exactly how the instagram algorithm works and i've got this information through weeks and weeks of studying instagram's resources decoding the information what they've made available and actually presenting in a way which is really easy for you to understand and of course i give you tips and tricks on how to leverage the algorithm to grow your business grow your side hustle pursue your dream of content creation whatever it is so head to the link in description if you'd like to sign up as i mentioned it is free depending on when you're watching this video you'll either be invited to join a weightless or you'll be able to select a time slot straight away so that's my gift to you but let's get back into the main video so what do all these changes and updates mean for you and mean for your hashtag strategy the first thing that it means for you is that you need to start focusing more on search then you are focusing on hashtags clearly search is instagram's golden child and hashtags have become instagram's forgotten sibling like forgotten child they're clearly focusing on search being the best way for people to find relevant content and for you to get in front of a great audience so what i want you to do is to start paying attention to the keywords you are using in your captions and the keywords which exist in your bio because that is what's going to help you show up on search hashtags still have a role i just want you to kind of shift your focus a bit so that you are not spending all your time on hashtags and instead you are splitting your focus and you are giving enough of your time towards search so the second thing which it means for you or the second thing to bear in mind now is that hashtags still have a role but the role is slightly different to the role which you used to play so yes it can still help you get reach but more importantly it helps instagram index your content which feeds into my previous point about search now the thing to know here is that in order for instagram to read your hashtags and to use them as a way to index your content the hashtags need to be in your captions now i have heard so much different stuff about this i've trialled different ways recently i tried them in my comments and actually i felt like they were performing better but instagram have come out and said that regardless of kind of where you think they perform better in order for instagram to read them and to use them as a way to index your content they need to be in your captions so the golden question should you still be using hashtags and will i still be using hashtags and in short the answer is yes i will still be using hashtags and yes i think you should still use them too the main change here is that my relationship with hashtags are going to change i'm no longer putting so much focus and energy on my hashtags and i'm going to be a lot more loose with the amount of hashtags that i use every post so previously i always use between 25 to 30 whereas now i'm basically going to use however many i want whenever i want because i know that the key thing i should be focusing on is my keywords and search you may decide that actually hashtags aren't for you and actually there's a lot of you who might be like thank god because i've always hated hashtags so i'm never gonna use them now that is up to you the reason why i'll still use them is because they still serve a purpose and as far as i am concerned as long as hashtags are still helping me reach more people i will continue to use them so that is in a nutshell what i will be doing with the information that instagram has recently shared with us in regards to hashtags that is the end of today's video i really hope you found it useful if you did i recommend checking out this one it is all about how you can stand out on instagram amongst all of the noise thank you so much for watching i hope to see you in my next video
Channel: Jade Beason
Views: 42,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use instagram hashtags 2021, instagram hashtags 2021, how to use hashtags on instagram 2021, instagram hashtag strategy 2021, how to use hashtags on instagram post, instagram hashtags not working, best instagram hashtags, hashtag generator instagram, how to use hashtags on instagram to gain followers and likes, best hashtags app for instagram 2021, how to use hashtags, best hashtags for instagram 2021 for likes and followers, how to grow followers on instagram 2021
Id: sRlOdm4dqvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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