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i really am giving you all free information that this is some good stuff it's always jewelry the joy of people be trying to scam you all don't fall for it that's free game that is free game learned that the hard way taught myself a couple things you know [Music] what's poppin y'all it's your girl talitha welcome or welcome back to my youtube channel i've been doing like this whole series i guess you could say we'll call like the growth series how to pretty much just grow on social media i have had so much success just growing on social media within the past like 10 months wanted to share this information with you guys because i have so many friends so many of you who follow me who just want to know how i did it who want to do the same thing and i feel like because i am so successful and all my attempts to grow my page have worked it would be wrong with me to not help you guys because i was at a point where i wish someone would have helped me but you know god helped me and look at me now so if you guys like this video give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe down below i post videos every single week and i don't want you guys to miss out because it's a great time on this channel but without further ado let's get into it i have very very detailed notes on my phone i went through and literally planned this whole video out for you guys while i was um in the bathroom i do want to mention before starting this video i'm going to talk about the guide i'm making for you guys it'll be linked in the description box it is a five dollar guide that has literally everything in detail like not even just instagram it has youtube tick tock having um branding yourself as a business being your own boss like making money all of the information that you will need to be an influencer to grow your social media that guide is free well it's not free game is five dollar game okay so you're welcome if you guys are interested in like anything social media related even if you don't use it and you're just curious link in the description box i spent so much time on it for you guys making it perfect and i want you guys to check it out read it because you know she's love kid authors i started with about 2 000 followers in march of 2020 by the end of the year by the end of 2020 i had just hit 10 000. and literally it's march i'm at 22 000. so the growth is real the numbers are real the followers are real and i'm gonna tell you how i did it first things first with instagram we are going to talk about your feed so many people want to be an influencer but you can't even like be an influencer if you don't have an influencer feed and that sounds ridiculous but it's very true first things first no private accounts i don't know why people i thought this was common sense i guess it's not you can't grow your instagram page if you have a private account like there's been so many times i've seen someone's youtube channel or their tic talk and i go to their instagram and it's private i'm not gonna follow a private page because i have to wait for you to accept the request and then what if i don't like what you post you know i just cut it you will gain so much more followers if you have a private account private pages cut them they gotta go now i will say a lot of people tend to have their personal page and like their business page i feel like that works if your business is like an actual business like you sell something like clothes or makeup or hair that works i feel like if you're an influencer quote unquote your business is you if that makes sense like personal life and your business life they become one like they mesh together i feel like trying to keep them separate doesn't work it's not really helpful take me for example if i was talitha i have my regular like talitha jane page whatever and then i have a page associated with all the other stuff i do it in my head it doesn't work because i am what i do if that makes sense like it's not two separate people two separate occasions like it's just one thing hopefully that makes sense i don't know how better else to put that but i feel like having a personal page and a business page doesn't it's not really feasible unless your business is an actual product or service if that makes sense so yeah great good talk next i call these middle school posts so filtered posts anything that involves a filter no having pictures with the dog filter with like all these little stars and stuff i'm sorry but that's not marketable you want to post stuff that attracts a large amount of people jesus word this is a lot of information okay i don't know how bad enough to put that like having all these filters on your pages filters that alter your face i guess you would say so like like i mentioned the dog filters probably the best example things that have like floating stuff around your face that's cool for your story keep it on the story don't post in your feed honestly you do whatever you want you can do whatever you want don't even listen to me if you want to grow and become an influencer and have people actually take you seriously as an influencer you have to post things that make you look like an influencer cut it all them filters no and when i say filters i don't mean like editing your picture to have like an aesthetic but i mean actual filters if that makes sense tagging off of filters quality of your picture so i take most 90 of my pictures on my iphone literally on my phone unless it's like a professional modeling shoe or like a brand shoe or maybe i just wanted to you know get fancy and pull off the camera 99 of the pictures on my instagram are taken on this iphone or one of my family members iphones like it is literally a phone camera nothing special we're not trying to break the bank for instagram because it's it's instagram you know it's not it's not that serious i noticed i was able to get more pictures up and more pictures with better quality when i started taking them by myself i have a couple videos on my channel about taking my own instagram pictures but i think i want to post one that's like hella in-depth for you guys because most of them i just kind of graze over the topic but i will do that let me put that in my to-do list filler posts these are like those kind of pictures that people have when they want an aesthetic feed or like a feed that has like a color scheme i will insert pictures here so you guys can see what i'm talking about but these are not the best for people who want to be an influencer and like i said you can do whatever you want this is your instagram don't listen to me if you don't want to but if you want to market yourself brand yourself start making money on instagram start doing things that will finance you you gotta you can like i said do whatever you want but it's in my best interest and from my experience don't do that i honestly never saw the point of having a feed having like an aesthetic feed i just thought it was pointless and i feel like it's a picture like it don't gotta look that good you know if the post looks good on its own the feed as itself will look good collectively from my experience and from my knowledge it is not best to to post pictures like that i just don't think they're helpful i don't think they get you anywhere if anything they just confuse your followers and they don't know what's going on and i'll probably unfollow you so next we're going to talk about your niche or like what to post so i've mentioned this several times you've probably heard this before and like every video you've watched about how to grow your instagram so having a category or a niche is a better word but what do you do essentially ask yourself that question what do you do what do i post what can i offer and it helps to make a list of the things you're good at the things that excite you the things that you like to follow on instagram personally and what content you engage with and that way you'll know what you like so for me talitha i like fashion stuff i like hair stuff i like makeup stuff granted i don't do the most makeup because you know she she's a natural queen but personally my page is strictly fashion like you can see all my shoes right there i do clothing outfits accessories shoes like that's me you know you can do whatever you want so like if you are an artist and you draw or you paint and you post your artwork on instagram cool go for it if you are a dancer and you make dance videos or cover videos if you sing whatever you do do that and stick to that category like i've talked about this several times but having a category and sticking to it is best to build a following because people know you for that content they follow you for that content and people will keep following you for that content you want to keep it consistent in what you post and lastly consistency is one of like the best things in growing your instagram so when i first started growing i posted four times a week no discussion i made sure that all my posts were posts that i genuinely liked post that if i were not myself i would still like it i would still interact with it i would comment share whatever but posting consistently is the best way to grow because people see you they're like oh she has an active page i'ma follow her because she look good you want to keep your page as active as possible as consistent as possible and not just feed post but story posts as well keep your story updated i learned that um posting on your story every day actually does help like a lot even if it's something small like a selfie or like a you repost a post like a quote or something to your story posting on your story helps so i try to have at least three things up on my story at all times just because having people constantly on your page keeps your engagement up so next we're gonna talk about how to grow and there's a couple steps in here oh gosh i feel so professional using hashtags people will tell you hashtags don't do anything they do if you do them right once you find your niche this is why it's very important to figure out what you do you're going to want to find hashtags that fit what you do so like i said fashion using vague hashtags won't get you anywhere so hashtag fashion hashtag explore page hashtag ootd stop they're not doing anything for you like they're not helping you what you want to do is use small medium and large hashtags so small hashtags are from zero to 50 000 posts and instagram will tell you how many posts it has when you search up a hashtag so maybe let's see with an example like ootd monday outfit of the week monday right i don't know if this is a real hashtag this is just an example but ootd monday i would probably think that that's a small hashtag like i said i don't know this is just an example but search up a hashtag if it has zero to fifty thousand posts that's a small hashtag if it has fifty thousand to a million posts that's medium if it has a million and over those are large the large hashtags are kind of the ones that everyone uses like i said hashtag explore page hashtag fashion ootd those are the ones that everyone uses that won't help you it's so small and medium hashtags that really you know if you know you know and people find them they're more likely to interact with them because it's not overcrowded with people's posts in all my pictures i try to leave hashtags and how i hide them hide the hashtags so what i'll do is comment on my post like some emojis or like something i don't know something cute whatever and then i will reply to that comment with my hashtags and that way you can't really see them but they're still on the post also when it comes to hashtags putting them in your story is super super super helpful i just told my sister about this yesterday so say you have your list of hashtags put them on your story but you can shrink them down super super super small so no one can see them and then just push them off to the corner or something and granted you can't see them but they're still in that story so every time someone's on the explore page and they're looking at hashtag ootd monday for example your story post will be in the ootd monday story if that makes sense hopefully it does if not leave questions when i got y'all next this is probably the most beneficial thing i did to gain like organic followers when people real people actually started following me so i mentioned this in my previous video but go on someone's instagram page that you like so mine is diera love her to death so what you do go on her instagram page go to her most recent post it's important to go to the most recent picture because that's who her active followers are those are the people who keep up to date with her so go on her most recent post or their most recent post and go in their comments in their comments look at the people who commented on that post go to their page and hype them up okay spam their page don't be like spammy to the point where it's annoying leave genuine real compliments and those people will a thank you be follow you or see all the above like it's not you know it's not going to hurt you if anything they'll go to your page and like a few of your pictures and call it a day but engagement is engagement so whether they follow you or whether they just like a couple pictures and leave a comment you you get some engagement so it really don't matter this was super super super helpful when i first started growing my instagram because it allowed me to meet real people who do what i do who like what i like who will follow me back and engage with my pictures that's what you want when you're first starting off because you're not just going to get 10 000 random people to follow you you know you have to build it's like a like legos you know you gotta build them up interaction so instagram is stingy in its algorithm like instagram is not going to promote pages that don't use all of its features so when i say interaction i mean comment on everything you see leave a comment on every post on your timeline that's what i try to do again don't spam because instagram will block you but leave a comment like a picture share it to your story you have to use instagram's features in order for it to be like hey this person is real this person is active i will show their post to more of their followers again that goes with igtv and reels i don't have that many up and i kind of need to get better on that especially reels reels y'all i know people who've posted a real a day and have gained 10 000 followers in a week so using all of instagram's features just use them all like it won't hurt you i promise it will help your page grow okay shout out accounts so i got a dm about um like these promo pages and these shout out accounts you guys know what i'm talking about is it worth your money to buy a shout out from these people yes and no so i'll start with the no most times these shout out accounts have a geared audience so i'm going to use myself as an example this does not apply to everybody but this is what i've learned and why i wasted probably 300 on shout outs that didn't do anything if you see a page that you like and say they post fashion you know cool i post fashion let me buy a shout out it's not that simple so the page that i was looking at posted females with lighter skin than me their audience is geared towards people with lighter skin granted it's colors and it sounds derogatory and it sucks but it's true sorry that's the reality of it this page was posting a lot of light-skinned girls curly hair like big you know curly afros who were very pretty nothing against them at all but i don't look like that so it was not worth my money to get a shout out from them even if they have 20 000 likes on every post if they have 500 000 followers getting a shout out from them won't help me because i don't look like what their audience likes and there's nothing wrong with that but you got to do your research you got to find the pages that look like you that are geared towards your audience that can promote you in the same way that you would promote yourself and i started finding pages that were like us dark skins i think was one of them or like um outfits of society something like that and they post people who look like you who do what you do is definitely worth your money to get a shout out granted spend as much or as little as you can afford but do without what you will it's not always bad to buy shout outs from people but do your research and honestly there's no guarantee that a shout out will help your page grow and that's something i learned the hard way too like i mentioned the page could have 500 000 followers but it's no guarantee that their followers are going to follow you so just keep that in mind and don't waste your money like i said invest in yourself but learn when to stop spending and lastly with growth is using other social media to promote yourself so i grew a lot when i started using tik tok consistently and a lot of my tick tock followers followed me on instagram and a lot of you guys on youtube follow me on instagram as well so if you have one social media that has more followers so like for example my youtube has always been my most um followed social media until i started tick tock tick tock took over and from tick tock all those people not all of them but some of those people followed me on instagram so if you guys want to gain followers cross promoting is like one of the best ways to do it i post pretty much the same thing on all three of my social medias so it doesn't hurt to be like hey check out my youtube video or go follow me on instagram like promoting yourself on your pages will never hurt you so do it why you're losing followers a lot of people ask well i started posting consistently or i started posting influencery things and people unfollowed me that is because they are not used to seeing you post influence yourself they're not used to seeing you post consistently a lot of times it's the people with like three pictures on their page who post once a month and then after they post they lose followers it's because you're not active enough to keep the followers that you gained so for example say i follow someone who has like i said three pictures and i followed them six months ago if they post again six months later i don't remember who they are i don't know you i don't know what you're about more than likely i'm gonna go to your page and unfollow you a lot can change in six months let alone a month a week a few days that's why it's so important to post consistently because you're keeping the followers active so if you take away anything from this video be consistent like i swear by it and that's gonna help you a lot if you start losing followers honestly don't sweat it it all works out in the end because for every 10 followers i lost i gained 50. and now my instagram growth is to the point where the lost followers don't even equate to the growth like i don't even notice when i lose followers because i'm growing so much you know and that's a point where you want to get if you're losing followers honestly don't let it phase you don't trip because you will start to grow you'll start to gain followers and honestly it don't matter if they unfollowed you tell them bye say thanks for visiting it's been real the door's over there engagement this is the fun stuff so using your insights so i'm actually am i going to post right now i would do it right now but it's not time yet i'll show you guys exactly what i mean and i say it's not time yet so we're gonna go to my instagram you're gonna click this it says insights now as you can see this is like the breakdown of your overall instagram you're gonna go to audience and scroll down now where it says most active times like for example you can see i have the most people on instagram friday and saturday okay so this week i'm gonna make sure i post on friday and saturday because i have the most people on instagram on those two days if you go to hours today is monday i have a picture that i'm gonna post today i'm gonna post it around between three and six because as you can see i have 9000 to 9071 people on instagram my most active times so using your insights to your advantage will help you so much when i started doing this i noticed my posts were getting more likes and i started to gain more followers because you're catering to them and it sounds crazy it sounds like you're being extra but i promise you you gotta do what you gotta do using your insights to know when to post genius genius also don't ever post at that time so you can see mine is between three and six when i have the most people on instagram i'm not gonna post at six because right after six it declines to six thousand that's not gonna help me so i'm gonna wait until the middle of those two times which is about four thirty five ish that's when i'm gonna post my picture because my audience is still increasing until six o'clock you're welcome that's free game that is free game learned that the hard way taught myself a couple things you know you know using your insights super cool you're welcome also when it comes to engagement and insights um what i like to do and this also helps people get on your page right before you post my most recent post i will go in the comments and respond to people 20 or 30 minutes before i post a picture that way oh i thought i was gonna sneeze okay that way people are your followers are like hey delete this online talitha is responding to my comments she's you know liking my pictures interact with your audience before you post don't make it like i said super fake super spammy like like a million pictures and leave don't do that but leave genuine real compliments like it doesn't hurt to help someone it doesn't hurt to compliment so 20-30 minutes before i post i will go on instagram and look through my comments look through my likes and you know go show some love to those people because that will give them instagram notifications to come to my page and like my post and that's how you do it and after you post again spend 20 to 30 minutes commenting back liking other people's posts just interacting and that you know helps and it shows people that you're not just you're a real person you don't just post on instagram and dip like you know be real some people can't do that but um keep my mouth closed and lastly i call this the 10 rule i really am giving you all free information that this is some good stuff so 10 rule um this goes with anyone who asks about like is this brand real or should i follow this person it it works so so if a brand hits you up and they're like we want you to promote this jewelry i don't know it's always jewelry the joy of people be kind of scam y'all don't fall for it go to their page say they have 100 000 followers if they aren't getting 10 which is 10 000 it's probably a scam especially if they have like all these followers and they get four likes you shouldn't even have to ask if that's a scam it is in order to keep your page looking good you want to make sure that you're always at 10 so i'll give you guys a better example you have 100 followers cool you want to get 10 likes on that post one get one comment on that post that is what i live by and if it's not hitting that number use hashtags use your other social medias to promote your instagram and you will get there eventually but using that 10 role has just been so helpful and it keeps you motivated to work harder if you're not so do that last but not least making money i put making money last because you got to do all these other steps before you start making money i tried to do this video in order of what needs to happen in order to make money um what are they saying wow what was i saying oh my goodness oh getting paid to post so instagram at least to my knowledge does not pay you to post pictures i know youtube pays people to post videos tick tock you can get paid to post videos but maybe i'll find out the secret information later but as of today just posting on my regular instagram feed i do not make a single penny from instagram themselves absolutely nothing like i don't touch a dime from them so it is so important that you brand yourself and you put yourself in the position so that brands reach out to you and they're paying you to post so for example i did this necklace collaboration i told them i charged this for a post and they were like cool we'll send you this necklace and then after you post it we'll pay you pretty cool right that's why it's so important to set up your page as a business page and more details more specific starting the guide that i mentioned earlier but having your page to the point where people are like oh she's an influencer she does sponsorship she does brand deals i can contact this person this is why it's so important to have a business email just one consolidated place where you can keep all your business interactions that's not your personal email that's not your school email that's not your church email i don't know but one place where you can just keep everything here you feel me and mine is linked in my instagram bio as you can see it says email that's what you want you want to have that email present like she needs to be in attendance 24 7 because you want people to reach out to you and you want brands to know that hey this person is open to collaborations my famous example of why a business email is so important so person a person b person a has 100 000 followers no business email person b has 50 000 followers but a business email the brand is going to go to person b because i can contact person b person b has a phone number and an email i can reach out to them i'm not going to play detective trying to find person a's email why would i do that when there's one right here you feel me granted they have half the followers of person a but as a brand i'm not going to go through unnecessary trouble to contact this person that's doing too much and waiting for a response absolutely not having a business email in literally all of your social medias is so important especially instagram because people will click that and hey promote this that's what you want and lastly bio promotion so it's not enough just to have the email in your um instagram page but in your bio put dm or email for promotions or sponsorships like i said my instagram has it it's one thing to have an email people might just think it's a source of contact you know if you put in your bio that you want to promote or that you're open to promotions brands will reach out because they know that you're looking forward to you're looking forward to you're looking into promoting things and promoting businesses and stuff that was a lot of information um yeah cool good talk like i said this is how i've successfully grown on instagram in like the past 10-ish months what i did that worked for me and i've done a lot of research and i feel like as a black woman we have to work 10 times harder than a lot of other people and if i was able to see growth i promise you guys will too like i said the guide that i'm selling is in the description box it has so much more in-depth information everything i said in this video as well as information on tick tock and youtube and branding yourself marketing yourself making money on social media as a whole will be linked in the description box so go and check that out because it's so cool and like i i finally have a product that i'm selling for you guys and i'm just really excited about it everything is about patience it is about patience and consistency and dedication and if you guys really really really want to do this and you feel like it is a calling of yours it's something that you're passionate about you will grow i promise it just takes patience it takes consistency and you'll get there like you will get there there's been times where i wanted to just stop because i wasn't seeing growth i didn't feel like i was going anywhere and it was just trash and i was stressed out i felt like i was doing too much work for no gain at all but even looking back on like where you started i started with about 2 000 followers last year even in over the summer you know i have like 6 000. that's 4 000 new followers you know so it's not like you're not growing any growth is growth small gains are gained so take it you know with the gratuitous mindset and just keep going like i promise you it'll be worth it in the end if you guys like this video please give it a thumbs up and if i should continue this series let me know in the comments i can do tick tock next i can do youtube next because i know a thing or two okay i've been on my social media grind if you will but i love you guys thank you so much for watching and if you have any questions any comments anything like that dm me on instagram or leave them in the comments down below i will answer i love you all thank you so much for watching and i will see you next time you
Channel: Talitha Jane
Views: 380,939
Rating: 4.9639311 out of 5
Keywords: YoutubeBlack, Youtube Black, instagram growth secrets, instagram followers, instagram story ideas, instagram growth 2021, instagram girls, instagram growth, instagram guides, instagram followers hack, how to grow instagram followers, how to grow instagram account, how to grow instagram business account, how to grow instagra, followers 2021, how to grow ig followers, how to grow instagram page, gain instagram followers, how to gain followers on instagram, instagram tips
Id: aJUU0vH2n0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 18sec (1698 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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