Where to find packaging for your jewelry business

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hi guys and welcome back to my channel if this is your first time see my face my name is julia and i'm essentially just posting my business journey and sharing some tips i've learned throughout the past year and then i also have some lifestyle videos that i post now and again and if you are a returning subscriber welcome back i am so glad you made it so today's video is going to be a very requested one i'm going to be answering a lot of questions you guys may have when it comes to packaging because i know when i was starting out it was really hard and difficult to find reliable sources on where to get you know packaging that looks cute and when you do have a brand packaging is very important because it creates a lasting impression with customer and if your packaging is really nice and your branding is really nice it'll you know make people want to come and buy from you again because they had a really great unboxing experience and you know you really made them feel cared for so we're just going to jump right on in and i'm just going to give you guys some tips on where i found my packaging i'm not going to give you guys the exact vendors but i'm going to give you resources on how to find um vendors and websites and platforms you can use for packaging so the first thing i'm going to talk about is probably the easiest one which is going to be like your thank you cards and you know either like a care guide or like a business card so for me um where i get all this done is vistaprint so vistaprint is amazing the shipping and delivery is really great customer service is really great so i would really recommend them um so these are what i'm going to show you guys so these are what my thank you cards look like at the moment um if you watched my video that i posted a few months ago thank you cards look a little bit different i redesigned everything essentially so this is the front and then this is the back so basically what i did is i designed it on canva and then i put it into a 6x4 template um i think it was like a postcard 6x4 time plate on vistaprint and i just put in the quantity and i ordered it was really that simple and they're always really easy it's not complicated to use the website at all and then the same thing for the care guide i um designed it all on canva and then i just used vistaprint to um make my creation come to life essentially i know i will say you can actually order cards off of canva i've heard of people doing it i've seen it as well i've never tried it personally so i'm not really sure about the quality and like the shipping and all that so the only brand i would recommend or the company i would recommend is vistaprint because i've been using them from the beginning so this is how i get my thank you cards and my care guides done now the next thing i'm going to go into before we go into like the big stuff because i know you guys have a lot of questions um i'm going to talk about poly mailers and bubble mailers so for my brand i do use poly mailers if you watch my last video i basically put all my items into a polymer once it's finished so that it like no rain or anything can get it wet i get those from a local store close to me by my house um but i know you can get them off of amazon so you can get poly mailers off amazon and that's where i've actually gotten some before i found a little store for my house um so get them off of amazon and for bubble mailers i got them off of amazon as well um this is the easiest place i think it is for me to get the most for the money i spend so like instead of spending like 20 dollars for like 10 i can spend you know 30 and i can get more so all mailers are something i used in the beginning and it really worked for me then but now i've moved something different i will also say if there's a staples nearby you guys can also find um bubble mailers at staples i knew when like i my brand was kind of taking off and like packaging was an issue because like i didn't have enough packaging so i'd actually have to go to staples and like get the little mailers i wouldn't recommend it just because it is expensive in the long run so i would say ordering off amazon or ordering off of this next vendor i'm gonna tell you guys in a bit might be your best bet just so you have a bigger quantity of everything um so yeah if you are starting out small that might be a better option just to see what works best and then once you find something that works better for you then you can completely switch over and like get it in more quantities now the next thing i'm going to talk about is going to be my cleaning cloths so i basically in each order i give a cure guided thank you card and a cleaning cloth and no matter how many pieces you order everyone gets this item so it's essentially just like a little cloth like that and it has my logo on it right on the bottom and that's what it looks like um so i ordered i think a thousand and i have like four of these boxes now these along with everything else i'm going to be talking in this video was done all from alibaba.com so iowa.com is essentially just like an online platform for vendors and wholesalers to sell to small businesses or even bigger businesses so essentially all i did was i typed in the search bar what i was looking for so in this case for the cleaning class i was looking for cleaning costs so i typed in clean cloth or you can type in jewelry cloth and a bunch of different vendors will pop up i found a vendor that was in my price range or within my budget and i think that's another thing that's very important to consider is your budget you want to make sure you're writing down how much money you are willing to spend um that way you can actually negotiate with these vendors and you have a solid idea of what you're trying to do so i found a vendor and i designed the the logo and everything the format on canva so i downloaded a pdf and then i sent it to various vendors because i wanted to see which one would give me the best price for the cleaning cloth i found a vendor that was able to do it for within my budget so i went with them and the shipping actually wasn't too bad this came fairly quickly and maybe like a week and a half two weeks i would say from when i ordered it it came so i was pretty pleased with the shipping time and yeah that's how i found these so alibaba is where i got these cleaning cloths and now for the packaging that i like ship my jewelry in this is a question i get a lot a lot so i'm gonna be talking about the boxes these are my jewelry boxes look like and it has like this foam inside it has my logo on it and then i'm gonna be also talking about these which are my custom jewelry pouches i'm trying to use these more often but yeah we'll see i have a lot of boxes left so essentially for these items i got these all off of alibaba.com as well so for my boxes when i first decided to use them i basically came up with the sizing so i actually went on google and i typed in different sizes of boxes just to see which one i wanted to use and i decided to use this size and um i basically drew a little 3d mock-up of like where i wanted the placement to be how i wanted it to look and um i designed this little thing on canva and then i sent it to the vendors i was talking to so i went on alibaba and then i typed in um jewelry box you can write like jewelry sliding drawer box and i found a bunch of vendors and again this is where budget came into play i had a budget in mind so i automatically was ruling some vendors out because their minimum order quantity was too high and if you don't know what minimum order quantity is it's basically on each vendor list they'll have an moq which is basically the minimum amount of products you have to purchase from them hence moq i don't know why i just explained that twice but you guys get it so essentially some vendors will say okay well our minimum order quantity is 10 pieces but the price for those pieces might be more expensive it might be like a dollar for one box whereas if someone has an mlq of 100 pieces or a thousand the product price can drop down to maybe 50 cents 30 cents it just it ranges it really ranges so those are things you want to look out for that's why your budget is really important i will also say that when i was talking to vendors i recommend highly recommend that you don't just order because you can obviously like you could just order the product you don't have to talk to anybody but i recommend chatting with the vendors so i will send an inquiry and you know usually there's a time difference i have to wait a few hours or like a day and they'll get back to me and i will tell them what i want i'll tell them i want okay i want a hundred boxes with my logo on them um you know can you give me an estimate of the price and they'll be like yeah they can give you an estimate um and you can give them your pdf of like what you want on the box so you can go into canva or you can go into illustrator or whatever you use to design and you can tell you can create a design a mock-up and you can tell them well i want this design on like the front or i want the back to look like this and they can even make 3d mockups for you which is really really amazing and i think it helps bring your vision to life um and i'll also say make sure you're looking at reviews looking at reviews for anything you're buying off of not aliexpress off of alibaba is really important because sometimes the quality isn't as it seems and that was one thing i was really if you have i'm like i don't know what the quality is going to be like and i'm not going to order samples for a box like i was just no so i literally was just like i'm just going to buy like 100 and like if i'm going to pray it's good and like do my my proper research and this is why your research is really important because if you don't do research you can end up with really crappy products and really crappy packaging so basically i told my vendor you know what i wanted everything was cool and at this point i'm you know i'm i would suggest talking to different vendors and if the vendor is not really giving you what you want for your price because again we're staying within our budget do not be afraid to bargain um you can always you know tell them what your budget is and sometimes they will say yes we can do it sometimes they will say no i've had a lot of times where they say no but then i also have times where the certain vendors will literally knock off some money just because that's your first purchase and they'll you know confide in you in hopes that you will order with them again so that you can build that long lasting relationship so it's definitely important to communicate with your vendors um and essentially all i do was just tell them what i want and they make a little mock-up for me and once everything is good i literally just pay off of alibaba like their site and i just wait for a production to be finished and then they ship it over to me and shipping takes a while i would say three weeks two to three weeks for like these things to arrive to canada um at least for these ones that's how long it took um so that's basically how i do packaging and the same thing for the little baggies it's the same thing now the last thing i'm going to talk to you guys about for packaging is going to be custom boxes so these are i'm just going to grab them so these are the custom boxes i use for my business these are 6x4 i know a lot of people ask me so by four inches it's the same size as my thank you card literally the same size as my thank you card um and these i decided to get because prior to this i was using boxes i would get from amazon so amazon is a really good place for faction i will say that especially if you live in an area that's very i don't want to say desolate but like if you live in an area that doesn't have a lot of like resources like maybe you don't have like staples or you don't have you know packaging supply stores i would say amazon is your best bet however um the product cost like the simple product cost for boxing amazon was too high for me so i went on alibaba and i was just like you know doing a little research and i was like how much i wonder how much it will cost me for the custom box and it actually turned out that the unit cost for like one box was way cheaper than buying it off amazon and i found that like and in my head i'm like wow if it's cheaper for like a custom box i might as well just get the custom box so it will it did cost me a bit more up front but in the long run it was a lot more affordable like for unit cost so essentially what i did was i went on alibaba.com and it's literally the same thing as the box i just messaged a bunch of vendors and i told them what i wanted now everything you see here i designed it all on canva so i sent the vendors multiple pdfs and i told them where i wanted each picture to go or each designed to go so i said i want this design or like pdf one to go on like the front or pdf2 to go on the bottom and the vendor i had they were very flexible with customization they didn't really have a limit of like how much design you could put on it so i was really happy about that and it turned out really really nice um again making sure you are looking at reviews i made sure i looked at reviews i looked at the minimum order quantity and that the price like the unit cost was like in my budget and then i also asked them for various work because i wanted to see like what the um boxes looked like because like obviously their site is just like you know a commercial picture and it's not as clear to see so you can ask them for pictures as well as videos and majority of the time they will say yes because obviously they're trying to get a sale um and the one thing i will say about this um or at least the vendor i use is the shipping was way too long um the shipping i ordered these in january in hopes of having them for february because they said shipping would be like you know a couple weeks but it came in march which was really sad um and i think it's through the fact of like covet and then this came from on fright so like it was shipped on a boat so like shipping was really really long so i'll just say like if you are planning on getting packaging from like alibaba um and it's getting shipped by fright either upgrade your packaging or order it in advance so that you are not going to run out of packaging um and yeah um another thing is also they got the color wrong the color was a little off it's supposed to be darker than this i didn't like it at first it was kind of growing on me but um they actually were able to knock off some money off the price so i didn't have to spend the full amount of money on these boxes because they didn't really do it exactly how i like so just make sure everything is up to your standards if you don't like something tell them um because you don't want to have a product that you're not satisfied with but yeah that's basically where i get all my packaging from i do think in the future i'm probably going to go with like a darker box i don't know let me know what you guys think because i feel like i don't know i was thinking of doing the black box but i'm not sure we're gonna see but yeah that's essentially where i get all of my packaging from um i know i had a video i think i had a video before talking about my packaging but obviously like my brand's evolved so like there's different things now in my brand and this is what i've been using for the past couple months now um so yeah i hope this helps you guys when it comes to like finding packaging and as well even like poly mailers and bubble mailers you guys you can find that all on alibaba and you can find them in a lot bigger quantities so if you don't want to buy like if you need more than like 50 if you need more than like 100 i would say go on alibaba because they are basically wholesalers and you can get all that at the fraction of the cost it's just the shipping times you might want to um keep account of so yeah that's basically going to be the end of the video i hope you guys enjoyed it as always if you have questions or you know any comments just leave them down below and i'll have all of my website information as well as a discount code you guys can use and i'll see you guys in the next one bye guys
Channel: Julia A
Views: 8,342
Rating: 4.9810877 out of 5
Id: B5QIlmHLDcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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