10 Five Minute Hacks To Grow Your Instagram FAST

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what's up guys Damian keys here welcome back to the channel so today is a big one so get your pen and paper because today we are looking at 10 5-minute hacks to grow your Instagram we've all been there we want to grow our Instagram we want to get more numbers we want to get more engagement we want to get more people seeing what we're doing but for some reason this algorithm just won't go away and therefore when we post we still see the same old numbers and probably a lot of inconsistency sometimes you post them and you go this is pretty good and sometimes you post something and go why did that not do very well well today we are going to start the mammoth journey of growing your Instagram and also if you're bored of people saying things like you've got to make more engaging content yeah I know I've got to make more engaging content the problem is I don't have the talent of Peter McKinnon to be able to make photos or videos that are going to go viral and take over the world so therefore what can I do outside of the talent and also I'm a busy guy so what can I do quickly you know five minutes here and there throughout the day to grow my Instagram followers okay so understand how we can do this quickly and efficiently we also have to understand where the Instagram algorithm is right now and the answer is very very simple Instagram wants you to do one thing it wants you to keep people on Instagram as long as possible literally that's it Instagram just says if I can keep you on Instagram for as long as possible I win so therefore if you can help me with that by keeping people on Instagram for longer then you win and I will reward you so therefore this idea of playing the algorithm is more about just keep people on Instagram for longer so the hacks revolve around that tip number one the audio or video DM responds after a while when people start sending messages and you're sending messages back your life becomes a stream of just messages to people I've got my emails I've got my Facebook I've got Instagram everything's DM then I've got to be in the comments it's just relentless a and again but instead of sitting there typing getting those sore thumb ease what about a nice quick to the point all your video message okay so first date grab your phone bring up your Instagram go into your DMS find the person that you want a DM straight back and then very simply all you're going to do is hold down the microphone and just talk your message into it a bit like this dude thank you so much for buying that book let me know what you think I'd really appreciate your thoughts on it and also loving your playing I think it's absolute sick so just keep smashing it boom so that's at what five ten seconds seeing it through a lot more messages but there's something else as well which is people appreciate that a lot more all of a sudden they're hearing your voice they're seeing your face just makes it a little bit more personal and they're more likely to a appreciate you respond and at that point what are you doing you are keeping them on Instagram you're doing the one thing that Instagram wants you to do you're keeping people on Instagram whether it's in the DMS whether it's in the comments or whether it's scrolling you're doing your bit tip number two is carousels now the reason why carousels are so important goes back to that very first thing of keeping people on Instagram for that few seconds longer if all of a sudden they see a picture and it says there's two or three or four or five more pictures within that carousel what are they gonna do they're gonna think about swiping so you're giving them the option of staying on Instagram and more importantly staying on your Instagram for that little bit longer but there's also another great thing with carousels which is the next day it will show the second picture within the carousel so if someone might have missed it or possibly you scroll straight past it this the next day 24 hours later Instagram says you might have missed the fact that it was a carousel let me read you your memory and therefore it puts the second picture in front of people so you get two bites at the cherry from one post great so grab your phone bring up your Instagram upload all the pictures you want in your carousel and add your text now the great thing about carousel is it's a really perfect way of telling us too so let's say for example you go and do a gig alright maybe not at the moment but you go and do a gig you can now document the entire day of the gig from when you're leaving and travelling to the gig to the venue that you're playing to the soundcheck that you're doing to backstage to being on stage to the post gig antics even to getting home you put the whole thing and tell one story through ten different pics which just makes things more interesting but it keeps people on your Instagram which is the absolute key to this video so you've got your Instagram you uploaded everything in order you've put in your text from there off we go I'm gonna add in brightens quite important so I'm adding where I am which is Brighton in the UK and from there I'm gonna hit share and all of a sudden we've got a post after that you can check at your post all of the information is now in there so you've got your carousel which should be in order so this carousel has got nine pictures in it everything's in there bish bash Bosh nice and simple jobs a good tip number three is just to get a little bit more traction on what you are about to post or possibly have just posted so you're about to post something where you've just posted something the next thing to do is to go onto your last post the previous post that you put on there I want you to go into your comments hopefully you have actually put a bunch of comments in there before but this time what I want you to do is I want you to start Harting people's comments so yes you were replied to them but what you're doing now is you're just reminding them that you are there as you can see what I'm doing now is I'm literally just going through things and I'm just adding a nice little heart because what that will do is two things number one it will remind them of you but more importantly more likely the picture that you've just put or about to put up will now be in front of them hopefully first so it just means that reciprocal rip reciprocation is there it just means you're more likely to actually get a little bit more traction with your picture or your video that you've just posted nice and simple tactic but my give you that extra 10% number for the mini win for the notification bow now we all know that the notification bell is absolutely key but it's very very difficult to get lots of people to hit that notification bell so they get another pop-up on their phone so getting people to follow you is one thing getting them to follow you and make sure that they're actually getting that notification bell to be reminded difficult so you've got to incentivize them so how about this once a week you are going to run a competition which just says the first three people to comment on my picture will get a shout out or the first person to comment on my picture will get a shout out but you have to hit that notification bell otherwise you don't get that shout out this shout out could be anything from a shout out to a bit merch through to you doing something special or value for them but what you're doing is you're giving that timer so effectively they need to be reminded otherwise they are not going to be there so you hit the notification bell and you have a comment on my picture and at that point the first one two or three people will get a prize what you're doing is you're bringing people back into Instagram and who likes that Instagram 10 number 5 is an engagement hack now we all know that we need to get into the comments all we need to get into the DMS but it's very time-consuming also you're probably aware by now that as soon as you post a picture it goes up a little bit with the old momentum but then it starts coming down that first 30 to 60 minutes after posting something absolutely crucial for you to be commenting and engaging with people so that as many people see it as possible because Instagram is always watching and taking in that data then after that the next few hours is still crucial not quite as crucial the first 24 hours is really important that the first 48 hours is still important then after that it starts to lose all momentum so basically every half an hour that goes past after you've posted your your Instagram feed it's just a little bit more a little bit less mentum as is growing so it's really really important that you are in the DMS problem is is that takes a lot of time who's got 24 or 48 hours to just keep going backwards and forwards going another comment another comment another comments gonna take over your life but I do have a little hack a little cheat that hopefully will help you save some time okay so this is a text replacement hack so bring up your phone go into settings hit general from general you hit keyboard for keyboard you then hit text replacement now in text replacement this means you can now add chunks of text message which might take you a minute or two minutes to actually type out but you can add a shortcut so as you can see I've got a couple of things in here so things like thank you so much I really appreciate that keep me posted for example now I'm still reading your comments I'm still engaging it's just that it takes me ages to type the same thing again and again so this is just a shortcut this means I can I can type T X instead of thank you so much I really appreciate that keep me posted so you can just hit that that plus button and you can type the phrase in that you want to put so let's say you put in I hope you are safe and well and not struggling to oops you too much with the current situation keep smashing it bingo X for example now what I've got there is a long piece of text which took me a time to type that out that might take me 30 seconds to a minute I don't wanna be doing that 20 times so I might just say shortcut okay well I'm going to shortcut this tx4 cuz I know I've got other T X's so TX 4 thanks for save that that is now in my phone now from there I go into a brick my Instagram if I want to reply to will Gracie underscore songwriter a click reply at which point I put tx4 and as you can see from my phone all of a sudden the whole thing just goes in I don't have to type the whole thing out what an absolute legendary time-saver that is number six on the how to get people to stay on Instagram for as long as possible hacks which is a terrible title so we've called it 5-minute hacks is asking a question when you make a statement on your Instagram post or on your Instagram story and you say this is me or this is us or this is what I have done you are saying here is a statement to which people go okay and they move along if you ask them a question all of a sudden you are opening the door and allowing people to take part so then there's much more likelihood of them commenting so instead of saying I am in Brighton I could say I'm in Brighton who's been to Brighton and where should I go to eat or what's the best venues in Brighton or what bands have come out of Brighton and the people who know who've been there go oh I know this I want I want to take part I want to be a part of this and all of a sudden they're more likely to jump in and start answering that question getting engagement putting stuff in the comments more importantly staying on Instagram and you've done that very very stimmt simply by instead of putting your hand in the face and saying stop that's a statement you're saying give me more come and take part in this game to which most people will say I'd like to take part in that game tip number seven is storytelling people say a picture tells a thousand words yeah it absolutely does but why can't you tell that thousand words or if this is a five-minute hack how many words can you type out in five minutes when you are posting to Instagram why because people are more likely to read text if it is actually there so therefore you are doing the Golden Rule you're keeping people on your Instagram as long as possible so rather than putting a picture and then saying it's quite obvious what it is why describe the surroundings describe the story which for example if it's you on stage rather than just saying this is us at that venue when we played that gig you can start and saying Genoa we went to that venue we arrived at five o'clock it was raining outside but we loved all our stuff in very excited to play this venue this venues hosted bands like this and this and this it's a really prestigious venue we waited we got on stage the crowd were going crazy we had the best time then after that we met some of you backstage thank you so much for everyone who came down etc etc etc what are you doing you're buying time you're buying precious seconds to keep people on your Instagram so if it's not a story it might just be the story of that picture so for example with the carousel that I posted a few minutes ago then I have actually put in the text I've explained what is visually there in the actual pictures why because people will want to read it some people won't some people will scroll straight past but what about the people who will read it that I can keep on Instagram for that few seconds longer so for that five minutes when you're posting something think about what you can post in the description make it that couple of extra seconds to keep people there be creative tell stories tell stories about what's in the picture and more importantly look after that Instagram algorithm tip number eight is the hashtags especially in the stories now we're all aware that hashtags are quite important to help you show up to people who aren't already following you on Instagram so what we're going to do is we are going to put some hashtags in but there's another little hack because hashtags a bit messy so firstly I'm gonna put in my picture for my story and I'm gonna put in a little title with a question asking the question who's practicing today question mark now at that point that is gonna go there maybe I wasn't a little bit more good at the top that's good then after that I'm gonna bring some hashtags so let's say hashtag musicians life will have that one oh lifestyle let's go musicians life let's have hashtag music marketing music marketing we'll have that one bang and maybe underneath that we'll have we'll have music marketing tips for example there we go we've got those things in problem is is as you can see looks messy wherever I put them just looks a little bit it just looks a bit try hard doesn't it looks like I'm just trying to get people to follow me and find me so what I'm gonna do then is I'm gonna go up to the little emojis button and I'm gonna put in a little emoji what's better than a some squirrel playing guitar now what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna put my squirrel right over the top of this so all of a sudden look at that bish bash Bosh no one's there seeing it maybe like I'm even being that bit lower nobody's now seeing it I've got my squirrel who was playing his guitar look at that brilliant someone's practising who's practicing today I'm practicing today off it goes smashed it Tim in the nine tagging in your area if you want to stop hearing people saying you've got to make more engaging content then genius is in the attention to detail and those details are ways that people can find you and ways that people will stay on your profile one of those things is tagging the city or the area that you are in when you are posting and that can be in stories as well as in your feed because someone goes searching for it you might pop up so therefore take advantage of these opportunities that Instagram are laying out for you very very simple you just hit that the tag button of the city that you're in and offer and tip number 10 is running a poll when was the last time you ran a poll you can run polls every single day people love it because again they get to stay involved and keep them on Instagram that bit longer and how simple is it it's as simple as this firstly we're going to take a little picture and then we're going to add in that poll so from there we're gonna go on to poll and the question is are you practicing dot dot dot more or less oops it's for my audience you practicing more or less from there I'm just asking people to come and take part in this I'm getting them to engage as soon as they engage Instagram goes oh yeah you can YouTube mean engaging again I will show your posts to that person the next time they post so therefore you're getting in front of them the next time you're thinking forward you're thinking about the next post that you're going to be doing literally as simple as that so go forth and grow your Instagram community it really can be as simple as that if you've got five minutes to spare pick one or two of those things and start to implement them start to get people to stay on Instagram a little bit longer and stay on your Instagram a little bit longer and you will start to see results so guys thank you so much for watching I don't know if you noticed but in that carousel I talked about a new exclusive community that I've put together which I'm so excited about it is a chance for me to actually engage more and work with you on your music every single week I put new courses into the group and on top of that I'm doing a couple of Facebook lives every single week so I can talk to you figure out your problems and we can talk about your strategies your music and what you need to do next so if you want to know more about that then check out my website Damian keys calm Ford / exclusive - community the link is in the description below but thanks for watching do me a favor like subscribe be a part of this community because we're doing this all the time and I'm so proud of what we are building so guys stay safe and I'll see you tomorrow
Channel: Damian Keyes
Views: 529,794
Rating: 4.9244714 out of 5
Keywords: damian keyes, damo keyes, 10 Five Minute Hacks To Grow Your Instagram FAST, Instagram Hacks, Instagram for musicians, grow your instagram, how to release a single, grow social media, music marketing 2020, music marketing strategies, instagram growth 2020, instagram productivity hacks, instagram growth strategy 2020, instagram growth tips, instagram growth tools, instagram hacks for followers, release music 2020, music marketing instagram
Id: 0ex8XsGqqK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 38sec (1178 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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