Inside Out 2 is More Mature But Less Impactful

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hey y'all just got out of inside out too and I have thoughts it's good real good which kind of makes me mad as this movie is still in theaters and I don't have any legal foe to break down what it does so well so we're just going to do a quick spoiler-free review minus one quick spoiler section where I break down just the loose thread that if they had locked this down this film for me could have been one of Pixar's best hello I'm anxiety where can I put my stuff inside out is the story of Pixar finally completing its brand evolution of giving feelings to every nonhuman thing imaginable till they ran out of options and gave feelings to feelings we follow a young girl named Riley and we witness the inner workings of her mind controlled by her five main emotions Joy sadness anger fear and disgust the original Inside Out was an instant classic that I never got around to rewatching but when I do it hits every single time inside out too isn't that good no [Music] now I say this with some caveats as I don't want to compare these films too much even though I know I will but for those who are wondering I think the original is an all round better film with a stronger overall message and more powerful emotional scenes two comes close and when judge on its own merits I do think it's Sublime but this sequel has no Bing Bong there's no scene that's going to just emotionally gut you that said I think too more than makes up for not being Peak by being fantastic tackling more mature ideas more emotions being arguably funnier than the original and having a biblically accurate panic attack the true sign of any great cartoon oh God here it comes the big one Che You Inside Out 2 is a delight that really does a great job of take you through the terrifying transition point that is being a teenager going from middle school to high school and having all your plans pulled out from under you the events of the story takes place over 3 days and you can see how the setting could feel like her whole world is falling apart and reacting poorly because anxiety Riley's life is more complex now it requires more sophisticated emotions than all of you you just aren't what she needs anymore Joy Riley's emotions are the Stars this time around and I can say that properly because this time disgust anger and fear aren't just essentially Side characters like they were in the original this film feels like it has a true Ensemble rather than just being an Odd Couple road trip I'm hly shocked this film was able to juggle so many characters as well as it did and to have the main other three do as well as they do they don't get elevated same character Heights as say sadness and joy is still the de facto main character but we finally have what feels like the squad rather than just the main two and the other guys which is lowkey crazy when you think about just how many new emotions they've introduced that said for how well paced this film is it's only an hour 30ish and it feels super brief but I would have liked to have gotten more time with all the emotions keyword being like though I think for what this story was going for it used everyone pretty perfectly giving them just enough to do to make them feel involved with there not being a single character that feels like they were getting the short end of the stick the main emotions are all great but to run through the new ones embarrassment is cute and has an interesting little mini Arc in the film an Wei is hilarious L ever veering into the cringe I was afraid we were going to get Nostalgia is a recurring gag so don't hope for too much Envy is fun and adorable though lowkey she's also the only emotion doesn't fully click with me as embodying the thing they're supposed to represent like thinking I think Envy is meant to be a more childish and Earnest form of the emotion wanting to be like others but not that sharper or more Petty version we typically see when we see depictions of Envy in media which honestly most cases of Envy can just be renamed jealousy and change nothing else I think the idea for Envy works but in practice she kind of feels like anxiety's number two more than anything else I still enjoy her as a character she's a fun addition but that's the thing that hit me as I walked out is that every other emotion is the perfect crystallization of what they're supposed to represent well NBI to S thing oh okay yeah that's what they're doing here outside of her designated oh B envious moments I noticed it it's a small thing but to move on to the true star of this film anxiety voiced by Maya Hawk this little sock puppet looking thing was the highlight of this film for me from how it betrayed just the good intentions of anxiety but the awful consequences of letting it go unchecked in a NeverEnding spiral where happiness is always around the corner but we need to be worried right now so hold on it is just a great interpretation of the emotion with the animation selling every manic action of this Fray nerve as she's doing what she thinks is best for Riley but there be consequences if you've ever had issues with anxiety in the past this movie is going to hit deep and hard even if you're not a kid but have those core memories of worrying about what to do with cringe following which yeah there are multiple moments in this film where I had to take a moment just to go o as the secondhand embarrassment was getting me bad it's very well placed and doesn't go on too long to make me want to go running for the hills which is good because I'm very weak to this but it's there and it burns also again this movie is hilarious I long to be a hero but Darkness haunts my past this movie is bits on bits with pretty much all of them Landing even if you didn't have or experience the exact thing they're referencing you had or have something just like it so it'll still get a belly laugh out of you or you'll be giving side eye to your friends the visuals of this film are an obvious step up from the original there's less crazy locations I expected but when they commit to an idea they go all in also one minor thing I liked about this film more than the original is that Riley herself feels more like her own person than she previously did in the original while telling a more in my opinion compelling story I think Riley herself kind of felt like a thing the emotions were interacting with rather than her own person we're here it truly feels like Riley is having her own adventure vure her own story with everything that's happening with the emotions being a manifestation of her feelings and just what she's going through the emotions aren't just plugging things into a machine that goes HeyWire this is all metaphorical which is a take I do like as it really builds to a really good ending as it all comes to go with Riley getting her conclusion alongside the emotions as yeah this ending it's good people cried I wasn't one of them as I'm allergic to sacran but if you're not so poisoned you will probably ball as this ending really brings a everything home in a great way Reef I don't think they did everything they could have for what they're going for it works it hits and I would easily recommend inside out too I feel like there's only two things in this whole film that they could have touched up to make the things flow a little bit better but overall it's good borderline great and you all should go check it out and give Pixar all the money as yeah they are going through it right now I'm going to go into spoilers but to give you the vague outline of my two nitpicks before you go in there's a moment early to msh on that feels like it happens way too early in the story and too unprompted for the character it's happening too it gave me a moment that I usually enjoy in all other mediums the writers really wanted to have this moment but couldn't really find a great place to put it so we were left with it just feeling okay with the other thing being bigger and boils down to the story having a great setup a great conclusion but it's kind of missing the middle part or inciting incident to really show just how the beginning created the problem and why it really needs to be dealt with in the way that it is if you know you might know and I'll tell you about in a second but first I need you guys to like share and subscribe go watch the movie it's really good it's more than worth the money and it might just help you better understand yourself okay quick spoilers all right this is it people let's move let's go go go go okay so my only two NS for this film both relate to Joy she pretty much has the classic Optimus staps that all the ungrateful whiners for not realizing just how much they put on her and how hard it is to keep having a positive outlook with these odds and this much negativity all being put on her these are moments that I always love as being the heart of the team is always the worst job on the team as it's all the responsibility in an unfair standard of keeping people's spirits up while they're also getting mad at you for it that's said I do think this came way too early in the film Joy wasn't that broken up yet the situation was bad but they were basically just lost so it was L Joy finally snapping and more like a pity party that she definitely deserved to have but the story hadn't quite earned it yet it led to a good bonding moment with the rest of the team so I gave it a pass anger speech was incredibly sweet and swept all the other emotions under the rug as they uh pretty much just stood there the other thing that had me scratching my head just a little bit is how the story handles Joy's conclusion of how the emotions shouldn't control Riley or shaper into who they think she needs to be this to me was the right conclusion this feels like the thing that the story was building to this feels like the right answer to what the story set up but outside of that initial setup and the ending while fitting for the story this being the big realization for Joy didn't fully click for me it was like oh this is a sweet lesson that she learned but didn't really feel like she needed to learn this as unlike with joy balling up sadness Joy's regime as the leader of Riley punting negative emotions out to the back of her mind never really materializes any real negative consequences so while she ends up saying a lesson that I agree with I think is very pertinent to anxiety I don't think the story did enough to show why this Behavior was bad when it was done by our lovable benign dictator I caught on early that Joy's actions could have negative consequences only for them to not ever truly show up so the Miss opportunity to me is that I think the story needed to connect the dots on how Joy unintentionally created Riley's mindset may have manifested an anxiety or the very least put her into overdrive as it does feel like the story was setting something like this up Joy's attempts at raising Riley's self-esteem to make her the Riley that she can be it felt like Joy was unknowingly setting up all of her beliefs to be based on her achievements when we see the parts that make up Riley's sense of self the I'm a good person the things that are listed are like good grades her parents being proud of her with the last marry Joy puts in saying I'm a winner so the idea that this put into my head is that by focusing on all the achievements while punting all the mistakes to the back of the mind I thought it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to play into the idea that Riley was having all of her sense of self tied to winning and was therefore ill equipped to deal with failure and loss so when she started to lose her friends or messing up at hockey we could then see anxiety getting set to turbo mode and go out of control like we see that'd be a good sense of cause and effect where Joy unintentionally set this up and then that really brings home her final lesson at the end instead anxiety just kind of shows up because puberty throws out the rest of the emotions almost immediately with joy just kind of dealing with the events as they come up rather than just building to this one moment of realization I think the pieces are all there and take as a whole I think the story really works but when we isolate Joys Arc from the rest of everything else it does feel like we're missing the middle instead we're just left with a beginning and end the finale Nails it but the one thing it doesn't do enough of is just show the downsides of this behavior in the past which I think is something that they kind of have to do when Joy saying that she and anxiety made the same mistake it's not deal Breer but it does feel like the one thing that left Joy's whole section of the story just floating around where if they had locked this in Inside Out 2 could have had a shot at riving the first when as it is it's just a worthy successor I'm definitely going to see this movie a second time in theaters which is something that I rarely do so y'all should definitely go check it out but that's where I'm at with Inside Out 2 The Good the thing they could have just done one more pass at and at the end of the day I still really liked it side note if I had a nickel for every time a phantom accidentally shipped a minor with a girl who was over 16 based on nothing but a trailer I'd have two nickels which isn't much but it's weird that it's happened twice in the last 2 years
Channel: Sarcastic Chorus
Views: 255,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixar, insideout, disney
Id: 4svuB4xed-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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