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ready you're watching ski dad TV turns like this are extremely achievable and it's my goal to describe accurately and specifically how to make these turns without talking about the buildup of all the drills and stuff you need to do to get to this level let's talk about what's going on at this level so that you have something to shoot for and have a the right kind of approach in your mind on your way to these terms and so what I've done here is is I've broken the turn down into these specific freeze frames and we're going to see the freeze frames here and the red dots represent position on the hill and the black dots represent the pressure going to the outside ski I got a whole another video on that you should go check it out now what we're going to talk about now is what to do at each position and where the pressure should be going and where your intention is going to be able to make these turns when you get to this point so let's start at the first Freeze Frame so here we are at apex of the turn we we start at Apex okay when I'm in Apex I am trying to go that way I am trying to go over there and where I'm going is I'm targeting where the switch point is going to be in the next turn and that switch point is going to be all the way across the hill over here so I'm at Apex I am trying to go there okay okay now I'm coming down the hill I'm going a little further across the hill the load is inre inreasing I'm still trying to aim there still coming across the hill more all right still directing my energy my intention my momentum everything I'm trying to do is getting to that point I'm balancing against the outside ski trying to go across the hill moving forward okay now I'm un waiting now I'm un waiting even more and when I get through these points okay as I decrease the way of my outside ski I'm really just trying to let that momentum that I've generated or that I've built through that completion phase of the turn and I'm trying to ride that momentum to that point okay and so my pressure my intention as I'm going this way becomes less and less until you get to this point and I'm barely trying to go anywhere and this is what I call floating I am less than body weight pressure right here and I am just trying to float and keep going where I've aimed here's my transition now I'm going to start switching to go the other way okay now I've switched edges I'm still at less and body weight pressure right here but here's the key to the whole thing I no longer trying to go out at all I've completely redirected my energy my intention towards the next switch point of the next turn okay so it's a little bit but I'm rotating my feet I'm using rotary moves and I'm already thinking at this point about coming back the other way now my ski is starting to engage in the snow you can see my body weights come this way and I'm even more trying to go that way now I'm starting to get load on the ski the ski has now come down now it's close to being in the fall line there's the angle of the ski right there and that now I'm trying to push off of that ski and go boom towards the next switch point here I am pretty much Apex and I'm really loading against that outside ski that's in the fall line and I'm trying to go here coming across the hill a little more now load is increasing so I'm having to try harder to brace against the outside ski okay even more boom and that load is ever increasing to this last freeze frame here and I'm still the whole time I've just been trying to get to here from all the way up that switch point the goal has been here there's no skiing out to the outside that's not part of how making these turns at all and when I see people trying to do that that's when you get the people that are posted up long outside leg and just riding a ski around versus pulling radius and shredding arcs so now we ski out boom and now here we're going to go down the rest of the way and that's what I'm doing this whole way down the hill is at the switch point okay here's the switch okay R I'm already trying to come over here right here I'm I'm aiming somewhere in here trying to come that way and that way when the skis load boom I'm braced against it and I'm riding across the hill here it comes boom there's a switch I'm trying to get to right in here somewhere yep there's my aim right there so that is the intention that's the move I'm trying to make there is a great representation of this and I believe it was Ava torin's dad who came up with this and he called it the wall when I come out I imagine there's a wall here with a hook at the end and when I'm coming across the hill I'm trying to get my feet and my skis to hit this wall on this big flat part where it's flat and going down the hill lay my skis there and then carve out of it okay I see a lot of c-shaped turns people are drawing trying to teach okay here's the c-shaped turn and they're talking about oh going out this way and driving to the outside and maybe on the flats okay maybe somewhere else on the hill but if you're on a steep hill like this one this is a steep blue in moderate conditions ignore this get rid of this in your skiing especially if you're trying to build up to these turns and just think of it like this vertical wall hook coming out the bottom okay when you can do this then you can start trying to build in and get that top of the turn looking like a c okay you can add that later but on your way to these turns don't worry about the C's cut that part off think of it as a wall come through this way that's how you're going to be able to achieve this kind of skiing sooner in development and be ripping harder sooner better the way you've always wanted to so there it is there's my secret there's my tip that's how everybody can go out and improve the quickest in my opinion thanks for watching ski dad TV don't forget to tip your ski instructor and as always keep shredding out [Music] there thank you for watching ski dad TV please like comment And subscribe and if you got more value than that out of it then please donate directly to the Channel with the links below we really appreciate it
Channel: Ski Dad TV
Views: 84,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skidadtv, curv, ski tecnik, skiing, ski tecnic
Id: IRH6W6KWmz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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