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[Music] this is Japan's craziest apartment hands  down I usually like to jump right inside but you   have to see this building from the outside to  truly appreciate it at scale because this here   that is the entire building that's the whole  thing it is five floors of triangular goodness   it's essentially like living in a Toblerone bar  and just for a little bit of perspective here is   the width of the building's Edge contrasted  against against me it is quite a sight to   see let's head inside and take a peak because  it's not just a triangle from the outside and   it has a handful of small problems aside from  the shape that make it a massive challenge to   live in. the area is Beautiful by the way it's  at this five-point Crossing in the NERIMA area   of Tokyo but our first major challenge today  is going to be this stairwell aside from the   lack of vertical clearance and proper width  to be able to get through here the stairs   themselves are actually incredibly narrow and  shallow and I've got to hold on to this Center   pole basically the entire time I'm going up  just for safety and amazingly every single   unit here is occupied except for the one that  we're checking out today I have been waiting   a year for this and a real estate friend of  mine who runs a YouTube channel of his own,   I'll link it! hooked me up with  the keys today so huge gratitude wow okay so there's just about enough space  to take off my shoes there it opens into a   kitchen area and I have questions about the  shower area here mostly on account of this   door height but let's take a peek so the door  doesn't open I close the okay close the door   and I basically take up the entire space that's  actually not a bad shower space it's pretty much   got everything that you need it's it's got a  shower right here and it's got a bath that I'm   really wondering if I would even fit in okay  so curiosity is getting the better of me and   I have to know if I would fit in the bath and  that is actually not a bad bath I could do that   do you think you could? The Hermit I stayed  within the mountains had a smaller bath than   this then he had an entire house to himself  and as an added bonus you've got a window! and no matter how small your place is a bath with  a window is always nice and there's a little...   can you call this a kitchen space barely enough  space to stand here but you have a tiny sink   with no counter a single induction heater this  little fridge here if you're lucky might just   be big enough to fit a single iPhone... it fits!  we'll talk about this magical little device in a   second but the room itself does not look like  this it doesn't look like this either or this   or even this and punching the lens in only  makes it smaller and worse the only way to   really understand this place is to look at it from  above can touch both sides I have seen pictures   of this place but nothing compares to seeing  this in person in just how tiny this room is   for perspective if I were to be in here wearing  my backpack or if there were a sofa there would   barely be enough space to fit one maybe maybe  two more people let's you know what are the   measurements now the floor plan for this says that  you're getting over 11 square m but I'm wondering   how much space do you really have? [Music] front  to back side to side the widest space that you're   getting in any direction is just over 2 and 1/2 M  but it makes me wonder where I would put anything   where would you put anything since we're in Japan  for example instead of a bed you'd most likely be   using a futon and then you would store it in this  closet here but do you really even need the closet   or do you feel it's just taking valuable space  in the apartment it does have a hanging rack so   you could hang clothes on it and whatnot but  it is rather large and this place also has a   lot of the other minor amenities that you would  need on this side of the room you have a hookup   for TV reception but if you want to plug it in  the plug for some reason is on the other side   of the room and the room gives you a total of  two whole plugs so you could plug two things in   if you want to and there's a hookup for telephone  and internet here that should never be touched so   we're just we're going to put that back and  we'll we'll pretend that we'll pretend that   that's fine and as pretty as it looks none of the  brick here is real these are sponge bricks from   the dollar store and if you look real carefully  this is actually brick wallpaper mind you also do   have an in-window air conditioner this style of  air conditioner is fairly rare in Japan they're   usually mounted up top and this here is a hookup  for fiber optics so you've got all the internet   you would need mind you in Japan Wi-Fi modules are  everywhere the biggest problem with this place so   far is just the noise it's actually taken me a  really long time to shoot this because this is   one of the main streets of this area and it is  just filled with bikes and trucks and garbage   trucks and stuff going through it all hours this  is probably so far the single noisiest apartment   that I've had the opportunity to experience  in Japan mind you some people just aren't that   bothered by the noise especially considering the  fact that the rent here is unbelievably cheap at   only about 40,000 Yen per month I also love how  both of the windows and balconies have these the   I can't fit through this window have these little  cover thing I don't I don't know what it's for   it's not actually covered by anything but it's  wonderful and since we're on the outside edge   of Tokyo a lot of the buildings out here are much  lower and the view is quite nice at least it is   today and these here look like you'd be able to  hang poles on them for your laundry but you I'm   very I'm very stuck but you may have also noticed  that there's no toilet ins inside the apartment I   was actually warned by the way not to approach any  of the residents of this building we'll cover that   in a second and I also wanted to show you this  which is apparently a portable washing machine   which can wash up to one t-shirt or three pairs  of socks maybe four if you're lucky didn't even   know stuff like that existed learning every day  the toilet is actually out here we've actually   got to go to the front door put your shoes back  on and then your toilet is going to be right here   now luckily each floor or unit does have their own  toilet space it is not a shared toilet situation but here's what it looks like now  the door itself doesn't even open   all the way and this this is your toilet space that is basically the entire that you you have a  little sink on top but standing up inside may be   a challenge for some people and let's watch the  claustrophobics freak out when we close the door   that's that is the entire toilet space and with  limited ventilation it does get very hot in here   it's not the kind of place that you would want to  be in the depths of Summer but as for let's let me   get out of here it is really warm but as for those  warnings that I got... now I've only ever gotten   a warning like this once one time before and it  was when I shot a video about a $100 apartment   here in Tokyo and I was recommended just not to  approach the residents because they may not be   friendly welcoming or even want to talk and here  I wasn't really given a reason they're like it's   probably a good idea if you just don't approach  the residence mind you this building itself is   actually fairly well known the sign is kind of  blocked right now but it's called the SANKAKU   or triangle it's literally called The Triangle  Building so my assumption was that they've just   gotten too much media attention because it is a  fairly well-known building but when I asked they   were like no that that that's not why you just  probably shouldn't I'm so curious what what do   you think it could be why should I not approach  the residents? all right I actually just made   my way up to the fifth floor and the door here is  off of its hinges and it seems like the apartment   inside has been completely abandoned I think  I'm going to use a 360 and get a bit of a peak that is wild and it's a little bit unfortunate  because this seems to be the only unit that   actually has a balcony as well that's that  thing is that is trashed that's that's too   bad but would you live here would you live in  this tiny triangle apartment weirdly shaped   people always ask me if I would and my first  apartment in Japan was way smaller than all   this I also did not have a kitchen I spent most  of my time out of the house anyway and I didn't   really own anything since it was my first year in  Japan so yes I would 100% live here but what about   you I was leaving and look back and if you take  a look at the plot of land that it's on they've   taken this really narrow plot of land and just  squeezed a ton of real estate right into this   tiny little space! like they even have their own  parking space Japan you always always impress me   with how you utilize your land that that's  that's amazing okay going down these stairs   feels 10 times more dangerous than going up  this this does not feel safe oh I nailed my   head going in oh did the same thing like six  times on the stairs oh my God it got really   hot in here while I was shooting that and I wasn't  expecting it and I'm just need the air conditioner now
Channel: Tokyo Lens
Views: 7,528,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Vlog, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Vlog, Japan Vlog, Norm Nakamura, Norm Tokyo Lens, Japanese, apartment, tiniest apartment, tiny apartment tokyo lens, tiny apartment Japan, tiny apartment tokyo, tiny apartment, small apartment, micro apartment, small apartment japan, japan's smallest apartment, japan's tiniest apartment, weird apartment, worst apartment, japans worst apartment, small apartment tour, weird, weird japan, triangle apartment, narrow apartment, apartment tour
Id: R4oQDnHlrR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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