I Tried Japan's WEIRDEST TINY Sleep Pods

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this is Japan's weirdest sleeping pod it's  vertical and today we're gonna check it out and   actually quick warning if you are claustrophobic  just go watch this video it's wide open spaces   nature very refreshing and believe it or not these  are in a cafe like right in the middle of a cafe   also these have the most adorable name ever it  is TACHI-NE-COFFEE-NAP literally translates to   standing sleep coffee nap well you know half  of it was in English there was coffee involved   in this nap and I believe food but let's take a  peek inside and see how it works and here okay   we're gonna step up inside I hit my head I'm  also very curious as to how the standing wall   sleeping thing works I'm willing to try anything  once or I guess today twice since I want to try   both pods that one is Pitch Black inside this  one seems like it probably isn't let's take a   peek through all the features I have a feeling  that once that door closes I'm not moving a lot   seems like we have a lighting system there we  go and I or we can change the color there's   a breakdown for how we should sleep there is a  fan in here the seat and arm rest are adjustable   for some reason there's a footlight looks like  there's a CO2 detector in here a set of plugs   and an air purifier so again in the winter  you can hang a jacket and you can charge your   phone you think that's pretty much everything  anything else I guess we'll discover while   we're inside but the staff is here to I guess  help me get set up now because I put this down thank you thanks okay it's actually quieter here than I thought  it would be so this is what it looks like to   be in this spot here if I move this we even  have a little lock for the door here if we   want it right right out of the gate though it  does feel a little bit clostrophobic but I've   never even stayed at a capsule Hotel here in  Japan I should probably fix that never stayed   in one so I have nothing to compare it to I  downloaded the catalog for this though and   they are apparently very well built featuring  HEPA filter air purification systems and a lot   of other really fancy features but taking a look  at it from the inside it looks handmade the entire   thing look I wonder how much these things cost I  wonder if I'm actually gonna be able to get any   sleep in this thing I personally find comfort in  small spaces like this I love tiny spaces which   is why I'm always doing videos on Tiny Apartments  but I can hear everything in the cafe and I feel   like my natural survival instincts are going to  be on full alert and I won't be able to get any   rest but I'll try I'll try for 10 minutes  if I can't fall asleep we'll move on and   try the next POD at least that one's dark  just need to find the the right position no maybe that's way too high I I feel  like there's a certain amount of skill   required to find the right find the right  comfortable sleeping position in this thing [Music] okay you know what it's I tried for a  solid 15 minutes I've booked a 30 minute block   in this and without the fan which they couldn't  get working in this one it gets really hot in here   so I'm actually low-key looking forward to kind  of getting out let's let's see if we can do this interesting start to say the least I'm looking  forward to checking this one out but they've got   coffee for me quick coffee break let me cool  down just a little it got really really hot   in there and then we're gonna jump right into  the next one thank you very much they brought   me a sandwich too it's actually really good food  was great and this this is my next sleep pod it   is so much darker in here gonna grab one  of these here and in we go wish me luck lock that and this one this one  is so much more it feels so much   smaller and claustrophobic but  I think if I try hard enough I   can kind of look out the window here hi  okay what how is it with the lights off the the view in here is already considerably  different let me move this thing and give you   a peek at what I see from this angle this  is my view here the dark walls make it feel   considerably smaller than last one but I do have a  little window and there's not only a fan here but   also there's a built-in sprinkler system I don't  think the other one had those double checking and   no no it didn't aside from the light switch  here there's also a switch for the footlight   and for the fan that fan makes such a big  difference between it being cooler darker and   so much quieter in here I think I might actually  be able to sleep in this one this entire Cafe is   based around coffee and napping coffee naps it's  literally a whole thing feel free to look it up   not sponsored by the way Japan does love a good  nap though everything from public to trains even   Office Buildings you will see people napping  all over the place in fact they have an entire   separate section of the cafe with rooms just  dedicated to taking coffee naps this is the space   right here there are two types one with super  comfy napping chairs and one with a little napping   sofa and they have blankets also they've added  a little touch here that I really like [Music]   you've got these little speakers  playing bird sounds and white noise   okay enough bird noises back to the sleep pod I  wonder if I can get this fan working this time There's an actual the fan itself what I think  we're gonna try to sleep in here this this might be it I feel like it  works best if I'm not as vertical like   if I'm a little more crunched up if I  if I feel like I'm sitting a bit more   the fans help a lot too okay  let's let's give it a shot still way too high now now the red lights from this  display shine right in my face   they need a cover for this but I will just put  my phone in front of it like that and there we go whoa okay just I felt this thing shake for  a second in retrospect it was probably just   a big truck going by because we're right on  the Main Street of Harajuku in Tokyo but it   made me think that this is not the kind  of place if you want to be if there was   an earthquake I don't know maybe it'll be  fine but my comfort level definitely went   down and since my heart is racing now we're  likely not getting any sleep but I still like   it I do like it in here do you mind I think it  was a coffee but I'm one of those people that   whether you consider it lucky or unlucky is  completely unaffected by caffeine first thing   in the morning right before bed zero zero impact  and I think that knock means that my time is up that was actually a lot of fun I really like it  didn't sleep well at all but I kind of liken it to   Camping yeah if you've ever gone camping you sleep  terribly that first night but after that it's not   and look how futuristic and cool they look I I  kind of want one in my studio I have the perfect   space for it in the corner right over here but you  would not believe what these things cost what is   your guess my original guess was somewhere around  two maybe three thousand dollars I was guessing 5   000 on the upper end of the absolute most but the  actual cost of one of these things is around 3   million Japanese 3 million Japanese Yen with the  current exchange rate that's something like 20   000 American dollars far above what I was  expecting especially considering how handmade   they look inside they're built by this company  called giraffe nap very suitable Name by the   way and if their catalog is to be believed I'm  guessing you wouldn't need the air purifier and   the fan in there because those things should  be built in at that price point and working I   would hope at the very least and the ones that  are in the nesCafe Cafe are only a temporary   installment in fact by the time I get this video  out they'll be gone but is that something that you   think that you'd be able to do could you sleep  vertically I'm not a vertical sleeper I failed   100 cannot do it but I've got to know what other  people think please let me know down below also   lately I have put together quite the collection  of old red that is upside down old retro Nintendo   gear I got the Nintendo power glove and an inbox  Virtual Boy still haven't tested it don't know   if it works kind of feel like that should be  a video here let me know if you want to see it   but thank you so much for hanging out today  and you know I will see you again real soon [Music] still think I need some kind of  sleep pod for the studio though
Channel: Tokyo Lens
Views: 776,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Tokyo, Vlog, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Vlog, Japan Vlog, Norm Nakamura, Norm Tokyo Lens, Japanese, sleep pod, public sleep pod, sleep capsule, sleep capsule hotel, japan sleep, japan capsule hotel, japan public sleep, sleep cafe, sleep cafe tokyo, sleep cafe Japan, Japanese sleep pod, Japanese capsule, japan travel, travel japan, sleep in Japan, Japan hotel, weird hotel
Id: 3xYBiR87Rkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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