Inside Emma Watson's Prada Backpack | In The Bag | Vogue

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oh I'm so Zen do I have to finish the rest of the interview hi I'm Emma Watson and I'm headed to London this is what's in my bag so here's what's in my backpack first of all this is mine and my brother's Jin and um you know you never know when you're going to need just a quick straight gloss gin in this case I'm ready oh this one of my favorite things about product is that she does this like incredible tiny tiny mini mini mini bag that you can put inside the bag and this is what I have with me when I'm at the airport it's just got my passport in it I really love the color of my passport case it's bright blue so I cannot lose this I also recently had my friend Taylor put inside the marker so I really can't lose it oh of Rose Mist you know just a bit of a refresh at the sweaty Airport I Tred to be good about wearing sunscreen oh I can't airpods why it's so painful you can never find the other airpod I really just like the old school plug-in ones my friend introduced me to these recently Zam um I travel all the time and I try not to get sick you literally put this up your nose and it stops you from getting sick even if it's a placebo it's working on me I've been wearing this for forever it's disgusting now but this is from the body shop it's a lip stain cheek stain hand wipes Altoids no never know need to have good breath makeup bag oh this is so cute I found this Freckle pen recently which I absolutely love and use in the winter when my freckles kind of go away and I want to bring out ones on my nose was I cam this is Jane idale I've been using this lip pencil for years and years and years it's in my favorite color which is called spice this amazing sponge isn't that great the thing I probably really can't live without is these Body Shop stains and I think they actually might have stopped doing them so I had to buy a bunch of them on eBay because I'm so obsessed with them there's a brand called lunar and Aster and they do this under eye brightness situation I think probably if I only put these on my face I can get away with with very little I've been wearing tubular mascara for years I love them because they come off with hot water so when I shower I don't have to use a makeup remover or anything like that and it's kind of more gentle on your eyes when I go to an airport maybe it's the conditioning of being aware I might get photographed or there might be Paparazzi there but I do try and put myself a little bit together for the airport but when I get on the airplane I'll usually I'll usually take stuff off and I will try and moisturize and drink water oh I love this lip balm this is amazing it has SPF 15 in it and tea tree so I think I tell myself that it's going to stop me from getting sick as well bit of a theme coming on here okay this cannot live without this is my sleep Master mask this means I can sleep anywhere you can basically put me on the floor in one of these and I will be able to sleep I wear them on trains airplanes in bed it's like a hug for your face and it covers your ears and you can't hear quite so much and all of my family wear them now all my friends wear them now it's it's a it's a cult oh wait and then I do this hang on so you have the Sleep Master mask on here's the trick do this and then the noise cancelling headphones oh yeah and it's like I can't I'm just out of space out of time I can't hear anything I can't see anything so I'm fing back to London for Vogue World which means it'll be an 8 hour flight and that means really material I actually like reading physical books the most but I've relented recently and got myself a Kindle which I decided to decorate I really like cats but I also have physical books because I can't not do that this is TS Elliot it's the love song of Jay Alfred Prock but actually this copy has an inscription in it from Steve chosi who I did the Tu being Wallflower with and it's so sweet the note that he wrote so I have to read it he gave this to me for my graduation and he said for Emma on her graduation these words by TS Elliot are forever so is your passion for learning for living for literature I couldn't be happier for or proud of you for this accomplishment you inspire me every day please enjoy this limited edition for an unlimited life you are my dear Sam infinite Steve chabowski I mean that he's just the nicest man in the world in descriptions and books is my favorite thing I've really been enjoying this a lot as you can see it's a little bit um battered but refillable water bottle I love this one um it was given to me by a friend who I worked on the HEI campaign our 10 year anniversary is next year this is a special one for me this makes me look like a crazy person I'm kind of okay with it lots of thoughts feelings emotions it makes me look very emo I really am a bit emo this is my ritual this is my daily every single day I write in this and I write three things from the day before that were fun or joyful three things that happened that were kind either that I did for someone else or they did for me and then I write three things that I thought I did well from the day before or that I liked about myself if I had to choose one thing that I went on the plane with with my passport it would probably be this because doing this is has been really important other The Smiths and diary this one is actually just for for genuinely organizing my week and my my to-do lists so this week home to London and I have actually a couple of rest days and then Vogue World which is exciting oh Pockets let's go let's see what's in these front pockets this is okay so yeah when I fly a lot I try and use these no sprays this one is made from oregano oil and it's actually really intense you know you do it and you're like wo oh my tarot cards this is fun a friend gifted me a deck I think it's so much fun I I love the ritual of it I try and pull one every day when I do my journaling this is actually the original Tarot deck it's a classic but I have a few different ones should we do it now wow this on camera I am usually freaked out by how accurate the cards I pull from this deck are so let's see what I get I'm giving it a shuffle now that's interesting as I was shuffling there's one card that's upturned which makes me feel like that's the one I should pick oh interesting okay so I pulled the world card well actually it was chosen for me by the deck the world represents an ending to a cycle of Life a pause in life before the next big cycle beginning it is an indicator of a major and inexorable change of tectonic breadth so it stands for achievement fulfillment possibilities and potentially successful conclusions I have been sewing a lot of seeds over the the last four or five years you can't always be in the reaping stage or the Harvest stage in life life has seasons for me the card speaks about a kind of ripeness things coming to fruition exciting okay this is my PR of fragrance I'll often travel with one of these instead of a big bottle and I'll also carry around for when I'm sleeping I'll bring like lavender or I'll bring different essential oils as well deck of cards you never know when you're going to get stranded somewhere oh a really crusty hairbrush these are my things okay got to head to the airport need to somehow fit all of this back inside the bag biggest item is definitely Jin um so that's going to go in first that is all 700 items I am ready to go to London thanks for joining me for what's in my bag
Channel: Vogue
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Keywords: emma watson 2023, emma watson england, emma watson funny interview, emma watson gin, emma watson hermione, emma watson in the bag, emma watson interview, emma watson prada, emma watson vogue interview, emma watson vogue world, hermione actress, in the bag with emma watson, prada backpack, prada bag, vogue, vogue world emma watson, vogue-world-2023, vogueworld
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 50sec (470 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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