Margot Robbie: In The Bag | Episode 49 | British Vogue

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[Music] hi british vogue i'm margot robbie and i'm going to show you what's in my bag my bag is a chanel backpack so i think that would say i'm interested in fashion but i'm also quite pragmatic i'm on the run i've got lots going on okay i have my phone a ridiculous picture of my husband on it i have my diary i write everything down i'm a very analog person so diary and pencil i have notebook and pen i mean it's psychotic how many lists i write so i have a lot of to-do lists again everything hand written she's got some sunnies they're not a fancy brand to be honest i think they're from urban outfitters my wallet i have car keys i can fit a lot of things in my handbag so this may take a while i'm sorry i'm not making it look very pretty i have a face mask obviously with a chain for a while there i just kept dropping it on the ground and that's not very hygienic little perfume travel size one half a packet of gum she might have something out [Music] no compact mirror obviously hand sanitizer i hope everyone does at the moment little face spritz this is an esop one also i love the quarterly one although i have to say deceivingly similar shape and size to my hand sanitizer and i have made that mistake lippy my bag is heaviest when i am getting on a plane and i have grand aspirations of reading 15 scripts and seven books and clearing out my inbox and then i don't do any of that i end up drinking like half a bottle of chardonnay and watching 15 movies straight but i never get my work done tinted lip balm that's bee's one this is the panthem it's like an antiseptic cream technically for baby's nappies and stuff but i use it as lip balm and it's really good i have a hand moisturizer and i am like a packet of kleenex short now of turning into my mum i almost always have a deck of cards in my bag play cards a lot and it's just kind of more fun than sitting on your phone so these i got in panama we were there shooting for some of the suicide squad film [Music] some matches and i don't actually smoke there's no need for me to carry around matches i think i was lighting a candle and i chopped it in my bag i always have this idea that someday someone's gonna be like oh does anyone have a light and i can be like yeah sure and it'll be really cool but it's yet to happen a little hair clip because now that i have bangs i need to do that all the time to keep them down and i have oh i'm a massive loser and i carry tea bags around with me because i like a very particular brand of tea dilma and i love america but hard to get a good cup of tea in america sometimes if i was going to a desert island i would take i mean i feel like a machete would be the most helpful thing on a desert island but i left that in my other purse are the matches i'd take the matches fire would be helpful last but not least i have a little crystal i think it's citron my friend gave it to me i think it's for i think she said creativity and focus and confidence or something like that that's everything i think that's everything let me check yeah that's everything i mean it's quite a lot of stuff for a bag of this size thank you for watching now you know what is in my bag [Music]
Channel: British Vogue
Views: 2,799,764
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Keywords: british vogue, cne-uk, in the bag, inside margot robbie bag, margot robbie, margot robbie actress, margot robbie bag, margot robbie british vogue, margot robbie facts, margot robbie fashion, margot robbie handbag, margot robbie harley quinn, margot robbie in the bag, margot robbie interview, margot robbie style, margot robbie vogue, margot robbie vogue bag, margot robbie vogue interview, what's in my bag
Id: PP496qqtgg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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