Keira Knightley : Inside my beauty bag | Bazaar UK

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hello I'm Kira Knightley and I'm here with Harper's Bazaar and we are going to go through my beauty bag the best piece of beauty advice that I've ever been given is less is more my approach to Beauty has changed over time I definitely wear a lot less makeup I really enjoyed a lot of makeup when I was younger um and probably less on the kind of Cream side you know but now I sort of really see like a lovely bath with some lovely smelling salts and a really nice like a face mask or something I see that as like a really gorgeous thing to do with a good scented candle and like it's a real moment of like relaxation and calm and I I really enjoy that okay we're gonna go through my beauty bag um right first thing that I've got in here very important it is hershisons almost everything cream which is my favorite thing ever it's for hair um I'm not very good with my own hair I can't style it but this actually does what it says on the tin and you can put it in wet or you can put it in dry and it judges that's going to be my main word and the go-to for for my beauty bag the judge this definitely gives you a silky bit it gives you a bit of body it gives you a bit of everything so that's number one tip that's actually my only tip for hair there we go right next one this A friend gave me it says tone and lift I'm 37 so I need some toning and some lifting so you get to do this look and it comes in a nice bag got its own thing and it does this you ready and it's all cold and it goes like Oh and I feel like I'm sculpting my face and you know that bit where you feel kind of maybe your face is slightly falling you know gravity is catching up and you just go like oh it's back up again see it's magic so that's very nice oh this is luxurious it's my cream it's Sicily this is the face cream of Dreams restorative facial cream with shea butter they also do one with cucumber that is really nice I'd say good Christmas present it's nearly done which is making me very very sad but that's my go-to cream my approach to Beauty has changed since becoming a mother I think I enjoy it a lot more the idea of an expensive cream that smells lovely and feels lovely as a total luxury I really appreciate it as the luxury it is I think as far as makeup goes I probably do a lot less but again so I'm looking for stuff that'll give me like I'm going to use the word sure again a quick judge because that's all I've got time for but I like a good cream okay this is a magic thing basically this is the thing that every single screen actress has this is the Derma color and it's from cryolan Korea land how do you pronounce that Korea land maybe these are all of my skin tones and this is the cover-up this is what you need I mean to cover any blemish I use my fingers you should really have a a brush or something but that's what you need this is a very good one this is Lisa eldridge's what is it elevated glow or elevated glow so you can kind of put a little bit here and a little bit here and it gives you that kind of dewy sort of morning like lovely look um and it's also awfully nice on the skin so it's a bit like kind of putting a moisturizer on as well where is it this guy now this is medium light it's liberte it's sort of like having a moisturizer or like an oil and a foundation in one so you can still see the skin through it but it just gives you that kind of cover that makes you again I think dewy like you know it kind of makes you look like you've got a bit of a glow so I like that oh this is a good one top tip if you're literally just chucking something in your handbag and you're not putting a lot in it's called Le Smoky what you do is you just paste it looks a pencil and you kind of put a little bit on your eye and then you smudge it in with your fingers I'm really into doing everything with my fingers so this it just gives you a lovely kind of very quick sort of slightly metallic Goldy Brown effort they also do them in Gold they do them in lighter colors I would highly recommend that I hope that my daughters interpret the notion of beauty as a fun way to express themselves in a way that they can feel great about themselves and they can experiment at the moment they really enjoy stealing my eye pencils and normally for some reason children always want to put them like a mustache but they really enjoy it I don't enjoy it so much if it's a really good eye pencil that suddenly they've just shoved all over their face but I think enjoyment in makeup and beauty is really important eyebrow pencil I mean it's got to be the one and only Anastasia from Beverly Hills If You're Gonna Go eyebrows then she's your woman I like just a tiny bit and it's only I only use it at night never during the day really less is more with this so you just want to kind of fill it in a little tiny bit mine go a bit short I could give it a little tiny length but only just but it gives it a nice definition so I really like that one lips okay lips I mean who better than Charlotte Tilbury for lips I'm not a red girl it goes all over my teeth I can never remember to reapply so I always go kind of natural Shades what's this one glowing gem but I think she does really good natural just a little a little pop I also always use a bit on my cheeks as well I don't know that you're meant to but I find that that's quite a good one for kind of doing a little bit of both I think the sad thing about my beauty is that I pretty much learned from a very young age what looked good on me and I don't know that I've ever sort of changed it that much so I go a dark smokey eye and like a quite a natural mouth and that's my thing and it just suits my face and I'm happy with it like the red lipstick probably I learned very quickly that I was not a person that could deal with red lipstick because it ended up all over my face so I've I've stuck with with that and just gone with like a more a nude lip the two really stupidly expensive things in here are the Sicily face cream and then we've got the lip up it's literally like gold dust it's the creme de la mer lip balm I've tried every lip balm going it's outrageous I don't have much left it's like a bit of treasure and it is the best lip balm that I have ever found it gives like this nice silky like gorgeousness I don't like it when it gets kind of sticky and there is nothing sticky about this little guy so that is the one that is my my treasured possession when do I feel most beautiful um when I've got a hair and makeup team sorting me out it's a really hard question I think probably again I'm gonna go for this amazing bath with candles all around and gorgeous smelling things and nice creams and you know and relaxation is I think where I've come to you with her with beauty when I'm feeling relaxed and calm that feels beautiful thank you so much for watching what's inside my beauty bag [Music]
Channel: Harper's Bazaar UK
Views: 711,936
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Keywords: harpers bazaar, bazaar, keira knightley, keira knightley beauty bag, keira knightley skincare, keira knightley make-up, keira knightley skincare tutorial, keira knightley interview, keira knightley bazaar uk, keira knightley inside my beauty bag
Id: Jf_mKStuuQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 20 2023
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