Inside Elon Musk's Famous $50,000 Tiny Home

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I think Elon's tiny homes have as much of a chance as fixing housing as his hyperloop has of fixing transportation.

As much of a chance as his underground tunnels have of fixing urban transportation.

As much of a chance as his automated taxis have of providing a sustainable income for people who buy it.

As much of a chance as he has of starting a mars colony.

As much of a chance as his space transport program has of getting people halfway across the world on rockets for under 100$.

As much of a chance as his self driving car has of replacing human drivers.

As much of a chance as his batteries have of revolutionizing battery technology.

As much of a chance as his electric trucks have of taking over the trucking business.

As much of a chance as his robots have of doing whatever the fuck his dumb dancing robots are supposed to do.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hemlockscroll πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anything like this will only ever have limited practical use cases. You still need the spot of land to place this on so 50 grand isn't getting you a home. There probably are locations where this makes sense but it will certainly not be enough to solve all housing problems.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DropsyJolt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

They're literally just mobile homes but smaller lol, it's nothing revolutionary

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ScumfrickZillionaire πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

trust me guys this eco-friendly elon musk project will actually work guys it definitely won't be a huge waste of money and ressources it definitely will solve all the problems it claims to combat it definitely won't just be some cool gadget for the uber-wealthy, it's definitely better than just building taller apartment blocks or create denser living environments just taking a bad idea that clearly doesn't work well and slapping the elon musk name on it is the best option trust me bros

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ILOVESANPELLEGRINO πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

When people say "housing problems", they're usually talking about real estate. I don't think changing how houses are built really helps in any way.

The product sounds fine, but it's not that revolutionary compared to pre-built ready to ship houses.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/terablast πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Most of Elon's ideas prioritize "cool factor" way over practicality.

We don't need massive networks of tunnels under cities to fix traffic, we just need some fucking public transport. That doesn't get you VC bucks and pump his stock prices though.

Instead of "tiny houses" how about we stick a bunch of those together so that they can use the same utilities in the same walls to save cost? They'd also be more efficient with climate control. Oh wait, that's just a fucking apartment.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SmashterChoda πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

The problem is I can't buy tiny land

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ok_Bridge7686 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

Probably not.

Also, red flag, they talk a lot of fluff about the convenience and low cost but I didn’t hear any details about important stuff like structural integrity, lifespan of the unit, how well it holds up in bad weather, how much sound the walls can block, etc

I’m just imagining this thing getting carried away in a tornado and dropped on another house, or a bad snow storm piling up wet snow on that flat roof until it collapses

Just build apartment buildings with nicer apartments. Elon is always trying to make it look like he created some kind of innovative solution when it’s really just a shittier version of a solution that already exists with better marketing.

Imagine if he applied his marketing abilities to stuff that actually works.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ScottBradley4_99 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies

People who are all crazy about tiny homes seem to forget about the OG tiny home village. The trailer park

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PsyGuy22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 16 2022 πŸ—«︎ replies
- So this home right here takes less than one hour to build. Let me explain how this works. Our homes have always been built like this. It takes months to build your average home. And during that time, all your materials are exposed to the elements, rain, snow, heat. The life of your home starts ticking as soon as the first boards are laid out. But that's not the case with Boxabl. Paolo Tiramani and his Boxabl team are here to revolutionize the way we've built homes. Located in Las Vegas, Nevada, Boxabl can build and assemble an entire home in a matter of hours. Today, I managed to design a modular home that is less than $50,000 and small enough to be shipped anywhere in the world. Boxabl is not only a faster solution to your housing needs, but also is affordable and portable. And today we're gonna find out how. - So Boxabl is a design company. So everything we do has to be beautiful at the end of the day. So that goes down to a completely tiny, tiny granular level, and even big spaces like this, we want to have a beautiful collaborative space for our staff. We actually have a packed up Boxabl behind us, right here, which is quite nice. You know, we're very, very grateful to our customers. You know, tens of thousands of folks have expressed interest in Boxabl. A hundred thousands pre-orders. I mean, it's absolutely a staggering sort of once in a lifetime event. I think that the beginning of the Boxabl company. So to express our appreciation and to answer all the intense interest in the company we've actually set up the entrance like a Jurassic Park or a Disney ride. And we have behind us here the factory tour where the doors automatically open. It's just like Disney world. And we put them in the car. We put them in, in PPE, the personal protective equipment and we give them a tour. - Amazing, let's get started. - Let's go. - [Enes] So this is where the factory starts. - Absolutely, what we're seeing here is factory one. - [Enes] I mean, this is amazing. Tell me the square footage here, the volume of this factory is insane. - [Paolo] Here we have 172,000 square feet. It is an eighth of a mile long, it's four acres under a roof. So because we're in a factory and we're not out in a field like everybody else, with bits of wood and hammers and nails, we can use very, very large equipment and we don't have to use traditional processes. And I would say it starts over here with the CNC cutting. CNC cutting means it's just a computer, cutting panels. - Almost like fabricating the raw materials for the lamination, right? - Yes. I think if you think of two analogies that the Boxabl when it comes together is a big jigsaw puzzle. - Yeah - With everything cut by a machine, so everything is perfect. And then the Boxabl's themselves the way they go together is a Legos. And what can't you build with Legos? You can build everything. So we'll make these empty building boxes in about three sizes. And then we configure them. Configuration just means, what do we put inside? - Gotcha. - We turn it into a living room, a bedroom. So it's incredibly modular. And that allows us to do extraordinarily high volume production and lower the cost and raise the quality. - You briefly mentioned some of the materials used, which is steel and concrete but you guys also use a lot of high density foam as in a really unique way, part of the structure. And at the same time, the key element that provides ton of efficiency to these units, right? - Exactly, so if you see behind us this is actually where the process starts, where we actually assemble the panels. So we are steel, concrete and insulation material compressed together with about a 250,000 pounds of pressure. - Wow - And you can imagine if you want to stay hot, you're living in a thermos. And if you want to stay cool, you're living in an igloo cooler. That's the best way to think of Boxabl in terms of its thermal efficiency. - [Enes] And I think that provides a tremendous value because no matter which part of the country you live in, you're dealing with some sort of a harsh climate at some point of the year, whether it's snow, whether it's heat, having that kind of a foam structure really allows these units to be efficient. Can we cover these? Because I actually don't know what they are. - [Paolo] So these are actually forklift pockets. So you know, a forklift allows us to go in or our customers to go in, pick the house up up to two stories. It saves a tremendous amount of money instead of a crane. So this is actually buried in the floor of each Boxabl building shell that we build. - Amazing! - So really quite a breakthrough. - That way, as you're lifting up the house assembly you're not damaging your sub floors and all that. - Exactly, in fact there's a tremendous amount of steel in the Casita. If we look to your left here, we see these giant I-beams. Imagine this Casita, which is only 20 foot by 20 foot, and we have a total of six of these huge steel I-beams in each casita. And if I can bring you around here, so you know, who would build a home like this? - That's beyond overkill. - Beyond overkill. - Beyond overkill in such a positive way. Because even though the area hinge assembly they eventually become your lateral part of your structure. - So yeah, we get multiple uses out of them. First of all, we are overkill. We want to raise the standard of building structure. - You guys keep pride in that. - We absolutely do. Secondly, if we have a house with folding panels easier said than done, this is how we do it. - [Enes] Amazing, and honestly, I think this design in how you guys put these hinges together is truly one of the most unique aspects of this brand. - Yes, absolutely. - And to me it makes perfect sense because these hinges solve so many different problems, transportation, strengths, practicality and allowing you guys to keep these homes at a small footprint till they're assembled, basically. - Yeah, exactly. And the other thing is, they're unpacked but we want to make sure that if our customer wants to pack and unpack hundreds of times, these will unpack and unpack hundreds of times. So it really changes the way folks think about their home. They can take it with them. - Now I need you to tell us a little bit about your wall panels, because to explain to everyone, they're not just assembled walls. The materials chosen here, the interior, instead of drywall they have a different cladding. Can you tell us a little bit about that? - Yeah, absolutely. So the steel and concrete is what we were talking about here. And you can see we have the steel on the outside, the concrete and then on the interior is something it's like a ceramic concrete panel that we use instead of drywall. Drywall is nasty, it's crumbly. It's not built for transportation. - It's molds. - Exactly, And this has a zero fire rating. And the way we construct these things, we can see that the hinge beam that we saw earlier on is now actually buried into the infrastructure of the ceiling panel. And because the machine is cutting the roof you can see all the holes are cut, things like that for the lights. - Amazing. Tell me your current timeline process. how quick you guys can produce one of these homes and where you guys wanna see Boxabl in terms of the future growth? - So we do in fact, very high ambitions for Boxabl. It has been engineered from the ground floor to be made in a factory with production. Having said that we've been in the factory only five weeks. And I think that it took maybe three weeks to make the first one. It's now taking probably, we're making two houses a week now. Now we're going to six houses a week next week. And when we're in full production, we will be able to put out a house every 90 minutes from this facility. And I think once we're fully dialed in with factory two, I'm thinking around 15 minutes, a quarter of an hour to build a complete home. Absolutely staggering. - That's fascinating. I mean, wrap your head around for a second. In 15 minutes, they can produce a home that is overkill for any kind of environment, super efficient, foldable and can be transported to anywhere pretty much around the world if you want to. When I had the chance to talk to some of your team members, they mentioned that in the future the goal is you're gonna be able to go to Boxabl website, pick the layouts you want, pick the finishes you want. - Yep - Literally digitally see the end product that you're ordering. Don't have to talk to anyone. You can just press order and Boxabl builds it for you exactly to your spec, to the perfection. Then you just get the delivery, which would be honestly really fascinating to see. Now I wanna talk about cost. Obviously you guys are really trying to make these homes affordable. Casita is an important model, starts around $49,000 and change. But I know you guys have plans to expand the modular units. I believe there's a unit for 20 feet by 20 feet. Then there's another unit for 20 feet by 40 feet. Tell us a little bit about that. - Absolutely, think about those big Legos again, 20-20, 20-30 and 20-40. And you'll be able to build almost anything with those three sizes and you'll be able to stack them connect them, we believe up to five stories, high, three currently, and you can cantilever them, connect them, so you get free decks on one side free porches on the other. Really it's endless - Amazing. - So what we have here is actually a prototype. And so we put it out here, but this essentially fairly close to production. But still it gives the idea of how it unpacks and we'll see it unpack now. (drilling sounds) - So I'm assuming those are the braces that kind of holds it together. Again, key factor here, eight and a half foot. You can actually put this on a trailer transport it wherever you want. Super fascinating. And it's hard to believe that within this assembly they have a full sized kitchen and bathroom assembled in this form. - That's right. - That's right. It's eight and a half foot wide. So that means it can ship all around the world with no permits, no flag cars, no nothing. Put it on a trailer and you go. - That's amazing. - [Paolo] And I think that when the public starts receiving these this is going to be a beautiful moment, you know? - Coolest unboxing. - Yeah - Absolutely, and who would've thought something as basic mechanics like a hinge can really help you guys build something truly one of a kind. And I'm just seeing how the whole assembly comes together. Even your flat roof just basically unfolds. - Exactly. - And those hinges are both playing a huge role with the engineering of it. It gives structural support and it literally makes this dream basically possible. - Exactly. - So when people assemble these modular homes on their own sites, do they hire their own crew? You guys actually provide the team that assembles these homes. Tell us a little bit about that. - Yeah, absolutely. So for the unpacking itself and the delivery, so Boxabl will deliver the product. And what we're doing is obviously this is just an empty- - It's an example. - An empty shell. We are now just starting Boxabl university where we will have certified installers all over the country. So a potential homeowner will be able to just go online put in their zip code, choose a couple of certified installers, interview them, pick the one they like. And that contractor is going to know a Boxabl, will be able to unpack it for them. And it's a beautiful thing, because it's a stressful thing for somebody to buy a home. - Yep. - If they're having it unpacked and installed by one of our certified installers, that certified installer has to behave himself and do a fantastic job. So it's a sort of a tri-factor. - It's regulated by you guys. - Absolutely - Amazing - And that allows us to blanket the whole country really very, very quickly. Welcome to the Boxabl Casita. And I'll give you the quick tour. First of all, you'll notice nine and a half foot ceilings. Absolutely staggering ceiling height. And to unpack from the box that it packs down to is pretty staggering. A luxury home has nine foot ceilings as you know, and taller. And then the other thing you'll notice are these great eight foot tall windows and three foot wide doors. So there's nothing small about the Casita. Just because you're living in a modest space. - [Enes] This does not in any way, feel small at all. It's nicely laid out, the furniture you have here. They're not like the smallest micro furniture either. And this model, I know not old models comes this way but has these accordion sliding glass doors, right? - Yeah, exactly. This was just for a prototype that we did. We typically have with the Casita the two large windows here and here, but you can see irrespective it would be flooded with light. And then the design of the Casita, I think our architects did really a job for the ages. I mean, I think this is a classic design forever. It's basically into quadrants. And we came in actually through what would be the back door. Imagine 400 square feet, you've got a front door and a back door. It's very nice. - It's very nice. - And so the back of the house is the bedroom. And over here to my left, we have a full size queen bed. You mentioned there's nothing undersized. Exactly right. Everything is full size inside the Casita. So it is very nice queen size bed and behind you an absolutely full size- - Spacious bathroom. - Bathroom. - I mean, you have a water closet, same floors goes in here. You have a nice vanity with a sink and a lot of countertop space, LED lit mirrors. We're used to touring homes. So I'm just picking up all these details. Even you have your barn door design sliding glass door assembly for your walk-in shower. one single unit. And you mentioned in the factory, these are non drywall. - No, exactly. So this is the ceramic concrete panels and it's incredibly tough and incredibly strong and then the front of the house, so again, this is just a sample prototype, but this would be a front door. - Got it. So folks would enter in here, and then again, those quadrants. So we had the back of the house is the sleeping, bathroom quadrant. And then the front of the house is the living room. And I guess the snacking. - It's almost like you have four basically corners. - Yes - And each serves a purpose. - Yes, exactly. So even, you know, nice size couch for the size of the unit, fireplace, we have a TV - That turns on each side, so you can watch it from your bed or here. - Yeah, exactly. And then the kitchen, really, everybody loves their kitchen. We have, as you can see, you know, full size appliances and remember, this is all included. Giant Z wave countertop to spread out while you're cooking. And even this really nice- - Little dining area. - Breakfast bar, you know, with a little whimsy you know, LED lamp, but it just brings the scale down to when it's cozier and then full wash and dryer over here combination is all included. And you know the lights LED, very low energy, dimmable and then the heating and cooling are these mini splits. We don't use the HVAC because we don't like the ducting and the mold and the sneezing. So this is basically automotive style air conditioning, it's spectacularly efficient. - Everybody in Europe uses them. They work great. - Yeah - Very nice. I mean, in some of the finishes that are here, are designed or picked in a way with considering cost in mind. Obviously I know you guys work really hard to get that number under $50,000. So tell us a little bit about that. - Yeah, absolutely. So design and cost are paramount. So we want to hit a broad audience, so that means neutral colors. I'm not actually a big fan of any color. I just like black, white, and gray myself. So we stay very neutral with our colors and we stay very neutral with the design. So for example, these design of kitchen cabinets, if you put modern knickknacks around and furniture, it looks modern. If you put traditional furniture, it looks so traditional. - Traditional - And so we sort of strike the middle of the road and then, but yeah, really very high quality appliances. And the reason we can get very high quality is the volume. You know, we can leverage that volume with our suppliers, they're happy- - Get the cost down. - Get the cost down, pass it along to the customer and deliver, you know, high quality product. - Everybody wins. - As the way we build homes changes, Boxabl is making a huge impact on the way people see the future of housing. And I for one, can't wait to see how far their vision goes. All right, everyone, that's it for the tour. what an amazing day. And I'm so glad we got a chance to tour this phenomenal facility. What Boxabl is doing here is truly inspiring. And I hope in the future we can tour their new facilities as well. And as always, you can find more information about them down in the description of this video. Lastly, if you enjoyed the tour, just make sure to give us a like, subscribe to our channel and we'll see you guys next week. (soothing music)
Channel: Enes Plus
Views: 12,690,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxabl, tiny home, boxabl tiny home, boxabl casita, elon musk house, elon musk tiny home, prefabricated home, pre-fabric home, house factory, tiny home factory, small house, construction factory, tiny house tour, factory tour, 50k house, cheap house, affordable house, construction site, boxabl factory, modular home, container home, foldable house, portable house, prefab home, prefab, micro home, micro home tour, container house, contianer home, container tour, modular
Id: 8JMrfSFQdpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2022
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