Is the Boxabl Casita ACTUALLY Affordable?

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in my boxable casita video where i talked all about the new 375 square foot manufactured home that is set to cost only 250 a month i had a lot of people in the comments that were asking about all of the additional costs associated with buying a manufactured home tell me the truth because 250 a month sounds way too good to be true in the city where i live in portland oregon i have not seen a single home not even a manufactured home cost that little per month so it's only natural to wonder what's the catch in this video i'm going to walk you through all of the other things that you might need to pay for if you want to buy a boxable casita or really any other manufactured home and by the end of it we'll be able to determine if the casita is actually objectively affordable or not [Music] hey guys welcome back to the channel if you're new here my name is irina i am a licensed real estate agent in the state of oregon and here on my channel we talk all about the latest news in the world of real estate the workforce and the economy at large and why all of that information is relevant to you i do also love sharing vlogs and behind the scenes of my life as a real estate agent i have a whole playlist dedicated to that on my channel so if any of that sounds interesting to you definitely make sure to subscribe and turn on your bell notifications so that you never miss another video i also wanted to say just a huge huge thank you for 1 000 subscribers i am so grateful you guys don't even know i actually started this channel it will be my one year anniversary on january 28th my youtube birthday if you will and it was a huge goal of mine to reach a thousand subscribers before that one year point and you guys have helped me get there thank you so much i promise there's going to be a lot of awesome and interesting content coming in 2022 i'm so grateful that you guys are all here and i'm just really excited to build this community further now without any further ado let's get into all of the additional costs that you might need to prepare for if you want to purchase a manufactured home like the boxable casita is it actually 250 a month or will it end up costing you more than that the first cost that you have to prepare for is land you cannot buy a boxable casita if you have no land to put it on the most perfect scenario is if you're purchasing the boxable casita as an adu or an additional dwelling unit so that means that you already live on a parcel of land you already have a primary dwelling a main house and you're just buying the boxable casita as an additional dwelling unit to put either a behind your main house or in front of it that's exactly what me and my husband are doing so we kind of i guess you could say lucked out in the land department because we don't have to go out and buy a whole new parcel of land if however you do not have a parcel of land yet and you're planning on buying one just specifically for this manufactured home that you want to buy the cost can really vary depending on which city and state you live in location plays a huge huge role obviously you know places like california are going to have much more expensive land parcels than other states in the united states even in portland where i live the lots are quite expensive the most affordable one that i could find when i was looking specifically for this video sits at around fifty five thousand dollars but really the majority of homes i saw from between ninety thousand to a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for a parcel of land and it can easily go above 150 000 as well of course it depends on the size of the lot too so if you don't have a parcel of land that is a big big cost that you would have to prepare for in order to actually be able to place your boxable casita on a piece of land then of course there is the cost of shipping boxable's warehouse is located in las vegas nevada and on their website they stated that their shipping cost would be somewhere between three dollars and ten dollars per mile if we take an approximate cost estimation of five dollars per mile then for my address specifically here in portland oregon the shipping cost would be four thousand eight hundred and twenty one dollars and five cents now obviously if you live in nevada or just near las vegas then the shipping cost would be much much more affordable for you and if you live internationally the shipping cost could be astronomical so again it depends on where you live but for me it would be just about 4 800 building permits is another really important factor that you have to take into consideration some cities don't charge as much for their permits as others here in the city of portland our building permits can be so so expensive because we are going to be placing the boxable casita on our land as an adu we talked to the city and the cost for us would be about 12 000 to pull a building permit which is so much money it's like almost aggravating how much money that is if you live in a different city it could be more expensive or more affordable but that's around what it would be for me and my husband to place a boxable casita on our parcel of land now of course we also have to take utilities into consideration i got so many comments asking about utilities on the boxable casita video where i kind of go more in depth about the house itself and how i ordered it and i talked about cost a little bit and a lot of people were curious about the cost of utilities now just to put it out there right in the beginning i cannot give you an exact number because it just is so different depending on your location the contractors in your local area but i can give you kind of a ballpark estimate your location and proximity to public utility connections is also going to play a huge role in how much utilities are going to cost for you if you buy a parcel of rural land you're somewhere out in the woods your utility cost is going to be a lot higher than if you live on a residential street in the city so let's take these utilities just one by one for water it could be anywhere from a few hundred dollars to five thousand dollars to get water on your land if again you live somewhere out in the woods and you don't have access to public water then you would need to drill a well which also the cost depends on how deep you want the well to be but it can be anywhere from two to twenty five thousand dollars now for sewer or a septic system again if your parcel of land is close enough to the city sewer all you would have to do is pay for that connection to be made from the city sewer to where your house is going to be but if you are on a parcel of rural land you are going to need a septic system which depending on the system itself and how advanced it is it could be anywhere between three and twenty thousand dollars now as for power if you are purchasing the boxable casita as an adu and you already have a primary home on your lot you might be able to pull power from your main home to the boxable casita which would save you a lot of money because you wouldn't be starting from scratch but if the main house doesn't have enough power or if there isn't a main house at all to begin with an additional pull will be required the important cost determining factor is the distance from the nearest power pole to where your house is so again coming back to the conversation about if you are living in the city close enough to a power pole it's not going to cost you as much as it's going to cost you if you are like a mile away from the nearest power pole in the woods the electric company might provide a certain amount of distance or wiring for free and then beyond that point you would have to start paying but that really varies from company to company so if you really know that you want to get started on this project what i would do is call local electrical companies and ask what their rates are and what kind of a distance they provide for free this cost can be a few hundred dollars or even several thousand dollars again depending on your location and that proximity from the power pole to your house it also really depends on what electrical companies charge in your particular area all in all a cost of between 10 to 30 000 for utilities is to be expected if you have no utilities on your land if you are buying the casita or a manufactured home as an adu and you already have utilities present on your lot it could be a lot cheaper than that then there is the cost of foundation because remember the boxable casita does sit on an actual fixed foundation it's not like a mobile home where it's portable and you can move it around foundation can cost between six to twenty thousand dollars and again that depends on the type of foundation that you decide to go with and the prices that contractors are charging in your particular area boxable does have pictures on their website of what kind of foundation types are compatible with a casita now all of these additional costs can sound so daunting especially if you don't have land yet but on boxable's website they do say that you can wrap a lot of these additional costs into your 30-year mortgage so all in all with a lot of these you know utilities taken into consideration the cost of foundation just all of the things that we talked about your monthly payment could actually end up being between 250 and 500 a month depending on the cost of all of those other factors that we talked about i honestly find it really encouraging that you can just wrap a lot of these costs in with your mortgage and still have a pretty dang affordable mortgage because paying for all of these things upfront can just be such a financial burden you know foundation utilities all of these other things if you're paying in full right at the start you are going to be spending a lot of money and not a lot of people can swing that so being able to wrap that into your mortgage will hopefully be able to help a lot of folks out so is the boxable casita actually affordable in my personal opinion i will say a resounding yes yes yes yes yes i do think that this is a very affordable housing solution or alternative to traditional housing especially in an area like portland where i live in more expensive cities and states this is definitely a much more affordable option when compared to some of the other listings that are out there the traditional homes that are being sold i totally understand if you're like in a different state where housing is already pretty affordable and you know you're looking at this price tag and you're thinking i can get something in my city for a way cheaper than that and i can get a larger home i got some of those comments on the boxable casita video as well and i get it it really depends on your location and what kind of homes you have available where you live but in my opinion just from my perspective where i live this is definitely a very affordable housing solution again you guys thank you so so much for watching for being here i appreciate every single one of you if you want to see more of my life behind the scenes definitely make sure to follow me over on instagram my username is arenad i absolutely love interacting with you guys on there and of course you know that i am a real estate agent here in the state of oregon if you have any real estate needs whether that's buying selling or investing in properties all of my contact information is in the description box down below i would absolutely love to hear from you and help you achieve your home goals other than that i will see you next week for a brand new video bye [Music]
Channel: Irina Dee
Views: 713,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boxabl casita house, boxabl casita, casita, boxabl, boxable homes, boxabl house, elon musk tiny house, elon musk tiny house texas, 50000 tiny house, affordable housing, foldable house, purchasing a manufactured home, manufactured home pros and cons, mobile homes, manufactured homes, manufactured home, mobile home, home tour, prefab home, modular homes,, elon musk house, elon musk 50k house, elon musk 50000 house, boxabl factory update 2021, boxabl factory, housing
Id: 3plLxp_7Jlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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