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we're here to absolutely crush the cost of housing definitely on the path to be the largest housing company in the world I love covering space SpaceX in Tesla and test major industry disruptors Tesla is making electric vehicles sexy they're producing on a massive scale and of course SpaceX is working on a fully reusable rocket Starship and we're really excited for that but what about the Housing Industry well a few months ago I covered boxable for the first time after hearing that Elon Musk was the first recipient of their prototype Casita it was the first order Elon what we can talk about that now obviously we were under NDA and you know we were concerned that one of his satellites would send down a laser beam and destroy the factory if we talked outside of the NBA now this Casita is located down in Boca Chica at Starbase but boxable is still growing they have over 160 000 names on a wait list and they recently showcased their brand new two-story Prototype at the international Builder Show in Las Vegas follow terram Lonnie and his son Galliano tiramani are aiming to disrupt the Housing Industry building homes on an assembly line homes that you can set up in less than an hour and these foldable homes are shipped for an extremely low cost they've hit that magic number to ship at the lowest possible cost of eight and a half feet wide because wide loads are simply not scalable because of how expensive they are to get around the country so I hope that you enjoyed this update and a tour inside of this beautiful two-story single-family home hey guys so I am here at the international Builder Show in Las Vegas this is the Casita that you've seen in two of my videos when I toured boxable but you've never seen boxable like this this is definitely not a tiny home here is a two-story version of a single family home with boxable what we did here was we took some of our Casino modules Wheat Stack connected them together to kind of expand people's understanding of what boxable is of course a lot of people know SS Tiny House Company to see the company but that's not the the main vision for the company the main vision is a building system that can build most building types for residential use on the planet at a dramatically lower cost and and faster speed than anyone's being able to do before I'm really impressed with it I'm Charmed amazing Innovation much better in person than on the videos I have to say that there's much more impressive you take an auto manufacturing type line and make housing from it no one no one is no one is doing it to the scale of box well has the vision for and is currently doing right now we're just previewing a prototype here which is a wait for it three bed two and a half bath two-story boxable with a massive deck seriously and I was just inside of there and it feels big but you told me the square footage it's not that crazy that's right it's about right about a thousand square feet 1100 square feet and it just comes down to efficient uh space planning sight lines not a lot of lost core space and functionality just basic human factors 101. so it is set up in there but we can't use it for safety reasons during the show but I want to show you the deck and I was told by Paulo that the stair well will be similar to this or the actual uh two-story that they that they have here now it is still in development so we don't have a firm price yet but this will give you an idea of having just this very spacious deck here which attaches to your beautiful private bedroom so let's check that out we're home hundreds of people stopped by to tour the new boxable prototype and I wanted to interview a few people about what they think of this design Avery is currently in school for interior architecture and she was really impressed by the use of space and efficiency that the boxable model has everything's there it's just like you you use you worked well with the space that you had and like it fit it flew together and so there's a lot of like different custom Cabinetry and just like good use of space who do you think is the best client for this digital Nomad people that want a secondary place somewhere away from their main home or as an Adu behind their home adult children that may want to stay on their property with other family members we're hearing that a lot recently in the nkba market that people are wanting to get larger properties and put all the family homes on one property I also ran into Carrie tarnow he has a YouTube channel that specializes in manufactured homes he's been following boxable for quite some time and he really enjoyed seeing this new design so my channel is I've got a background in off-site construction I used to sell manufactured homes I started my channel just to talk about some of the stuff that I was doing and then it kind of turned into talking about what's available for the consumer so I give I basically just tell people what's available who's doing what I really like what they've got here so I've been falling boxable for a couple years now and a big fan of the Casita so it's nice to see a three-bedroom two-bathroom that I think will appeal to our families as opposed to couples and singles the biggest thing that I see that they're doing um it's just different that's the big thing and then the other thing is the way they ship so when I was selling manufactured homes I would ship a home on say 900 kilometers or 600 miles or so and it would cost me thousands and thousands of dollars so by having something that ships eight feet wide they've got a trailer out back here and you can see it it just simplifies it it's going to make it more cost effective and I think they're going to be able to get these things more places easy so one of the great things about boxable is they have a pretty active Facebook group and some comments where what do you notice that's new about the two-story boxable well here they have Tatton a Tesla powerwall as well as a Tesla charger I've never seen this sort of setup so obviously they are encouraging uh Tesla owners to get their own boxable we also have a spiraled staircase and an interview going on right now with Fox 5 so uh official Las Vegas news crews are out here to cover this but you can see the spiral staircase there in the background that is also new we love to get into Solomon as it develops more not quite there yet for us in terms of energy density but we love the Tesla power wall so we bolted one on yeah let's check it out yeah yeah so it's just completely standard Tesla power wall fully functional charger so you can pull up your your Tesla we actually tried to get a sort of electric sport bike it wouldn't have plugged in of course but it would look it would look wickedly cool parked outside but we didn't do that and a Tesla would have been too big the boxable product is basically giant Legos so if you think of the Legos with the nodules where everything Stacks together at certain intervals and that's really one of the main principles behind boxable so that windows and doors and the chase ways for electrical all line up from box to box that's all been sort of programmed in at the genetic level from the get-go and we can start to see it here where things actually line up right down to the granular level that this guy is actually plumbed in on the grid we call it on the grid so the windows Centerline store send lines everything is on a grid just like Legos there are so many uses for a boxable whether you want your own Casita as a tiny home maybe you want a single family home that's affordable but one of the major developments being planned with boxable is for Workforce housing in fact there are two developments in Arizona right now that should have residents on the property very soon as a homebuilder what we've recognized and most home builders have recognized is the lack of the ability to build enough homes fast enough and so we had a unique opportunity about a year where we approached we had to do a very large scale development in a very short amount of time and traditionally we cannot build homes like this as fast as we can set a boxable up and so we had to kind of think it's a pun we've been using for so long even basketballs we had to think outside of the box which led us to box bowl over the past year we've been working with boxbool to take a modular product and design a modular community that we can rinse wash and repeat across the country we've been we have been receiving units we have two active projects that are ongoing in Arizona working through the parameters to make sure that we are aligned with with the state and uh we're excited to get this ball rolling finally in the very near future people will be living in them how big are these communities and who how are you deciding who gets to live there one is for a private client so it's for their Workforce um and that's that's a little over a few hundred and then the other project is uh in our own area in northern Arizona and that is 119 units and that's open to the public so we have an Instagram page we just started you can find us at the Pronghorn group and then we'll be sharing information with the boxable team to release to release to the masses when you think about traditional modular homes or factory Built Homes is one of the biggest costs is actually Logistics uh getting it to where it needs to go and so what box will has done that's really phenomenal is made it easier where everyone ever even if you wanted to have your own truck and have a lowboy you can you can haul it yourself right so for us the biggest thing was how can we do things efficiently to get people a place to live because every area is losing people left and right because they can't afford to live where they're working so our our job our mission is to is to solve a people's problems with with housing um so the use of this is incredible how many units do you have on order just increase that number numbers by every day is increasing hundreds first was to get to get the responses we set a model unit up for our client and we had everyone that lived in that area come by and write down their own personal thoughts of what these units are traditionally speaking when people hear of 375 livable square feet they think it's really small however the response we've gotten with people that are going into the units because of how tall the ceilings are and how well thought out the layout is they feel a lot larger than they are and so everyone that's gone in is they are just ecstatic with what it is one of the biggest challenges is we as we take go across the countries is understanding the story that needs to be told so that the local jurisdiction State jurisdictions understand the product is being brought in because truth be told there's nothing like this in the world and so understanding the processes not just inside the factory but outside the factory what the costs are inside the factory where the costs are outside of the factory is critical to make this this path forward and you know truth be told we're the only ones outside of the factor that is as uh has actually taken receipt of units and and set them up ourselves so we're really excited and we can't wait to start rolling these communities out we moved in for uh 15 months ago we turned on the factory the first product I think literally took two months to make as you can imagine it was just starting up the production line 14 months later we'd made 300 homes from a standing start obviously we're rolling uh quickly now and accelerating into the thousands of homes and we started with 170 000 square feet which is pretty big by most people's standards we've just picked up another 130 so we're at 300 and breaking news I think we're signing Factory three in a couple of days but don't blame me if we don't so we should be around 400 000 square feet how many boxes can we make out of that I'll give it really broad range of I would say between probably five and eight thousand homes so that will tide us over until we get to boxilla which is our name for our first giant Factory and that will be either in Texas or North Las Vegas so we're talking uh to both States um I think there may be a third one but I'm really good to focus on those two and we'll see what happens and that that factory will be our first Regional Factory and it should be somewhere between two and six million square feet which is pretty huge still not the size of Giga Austin no we would love to have you in Texas yeah so we'll be going out there from some top secret uh meetings we have a couple three really cool things lined up and we'll be bringing in our engineering team and some of our senior execs to have some discussions and we'll see where it goes we love we love Texas we love the freedom of Texas we love the freedom of Nevada and uh we'll see we'll see what happens well we're going to see a lot of people you know touring the the home here a lot of people wonder how how much this would go for can you give us an idea oh yeah put me on the spotlight don't you so we know that we're currently standing the Casita for 60 000 and that's 120 by 20 foot module uh this guy is three 320 by 20 foot modules just simply with different interior uh configurations so we can extrapolate a number from that and I would say that a casita just by itself has everything in it right so it has both the kitchen and a bathroom so the other two modules don't have kitchens in them they just have slightly larger bathrooms so you can you can get away but we haven't released a number and as we can continue to ramp our costs are drifting lower and lower and we get a pretty good leverage with our suppliers currently um for those for the for the volume that we buy but we will be you know literally 50 100xing that and it will go tremendously rich with suppliers will be onboarding and vertically integrating certain processes like the insulation material for example and we have a plan as the costs continue uh to drift down and it's my ambition I believe it will come to fruition that people will not believe in a few years the cost and what the cost of our product and the quality of the product I think it will be really unbelievable to most people we're learning today how to build a boxable technology we've never been done before and we're applying mass production or really mostly Automotive principles to the production line uh but we're figuring it out it's a house right nobody's got a house like this and everything at every level is made in a non-traditional and we believe a superior away or we wouldn't do it frankly so you know we get equipment in we don't deal with any Legacy issues piece of equipment doesn't work out the door sell it on the secondary Market get new equipment in so we're getting to the Finish Line just as quickly as we can and what is the finish line look like it's the highest quality the lowest cost as quickly as possible our plan is to make a home every 60 Seconds which sounds nuts until you realize it's four hours yeah we're four hours right now I think by Q5 almost there yeah we're almost there we're only three hours and uh you know 59 minutes off so it's not terrible is it but by the end of the year we will be we will be around in the 20 to 40 minute range and uh it depends on the number of stations you have so right now we have a dozen stations a dozen stations where the Boston wall gets moved along and gets built our full production will be at about 180 stations for just the Casita so that's how we do it that's how we do it literally divide and conquer there there might be some parallels I know like with Tesla in the beginning you know the interest was in Roadster and I you know there's a lot of interest in Casita but your vision is so much bigger than this is to kind of touch on that well yeah we absolutely hate comparisons with Tesla right so no thank you too kind yeah I think um I think there's some analogies there absolutely I think that they started well they started with a retrofit of a Lotus probably even better if they just started from scratch frankly but they got there from there they got there from there and for us it's a little bit different We have basically three sizes of building shell we have the little square one the rectangular one and the one in between uh just like just like Legos so as a point of entry we just make the little square one right now so it's a limited size we will eventually have three sizes of building shell but it is just the smallest one and it's only one configuration configuration means what do we stick in it and right now now we stick just the Casita in it and you know today I'll do a previewing uh just a look a peek into the future but today we're just configuring for that Casita and it's just like that little sports car that they the testimate uh back in the day and we are now we were now planning to scale into the other much larger configurations boxable really takes off when instead of a 20-foot box we make a 40 foot box a 40 foot box that's 20 foot wide with a nine and a half foot ceiling connects that cantilever I mean what can't you build with that we don't want to build everything we just want to build most things most of the time and we are absolutely engineered to get there from here so really it's a very it's a very exciting phase for the company yeah let's go let's take a walk around so top level down this is an adorable little three bedroom two and a half bath two-story home from boxable it's a preview we're figuring out the engineering and lots and lots of details with an absolutely massive 400 square foot deck and let's take a walk around and see how we've done it and how we've maximized uh space and use the space planning to best effect so so we come in and behind me we see uh very nice living room right next to this pretty awesome circular stair so a circular stair typically is not the best idea uh for for a home but when a home is a thousand square feet it's a really fantastic solution six foot wide you really can run up and down no problem and then right in here this gentleman can show it off actually no I can't open that door sir and uh and uh it's pretty nice okay they're not fans of half baths but we'll show it off so yeah we don't speak English so how about super cute uh beautiful stair and um really nice and one of the things about the stairs that's really interesting is this just seems very sort of magical to me which is a big round hole one of the things I realized about circular stairs is they normally go onto a landing whereas this just goes into a round hole in the ceiling and there's something I think really sweet about that and then behind me yeah you can see the space planning the living room to my left your right and the dining table and look at this absolutely huge 88 inch television that's really really super smart human factors and space Planning by our engineers and we said where are we going to put the TV and everybody gets a big TV these days these are like 1500 bucks right so you can sit on this couch and that is the perfect distance to cuddle up with your significant other and watch and watch a movie it's very nice um and then the stuff that you're used to from boxable giant Z-Wave counter um we actually will be producing these in courts now uh four inches of quartz this is just laminate but it's it's really beautiful and we've gone to when we started we wanted to thread the needle in terms of styling so that you could go more traditional more contemporary with the furniture you put in and we've realized our customers don't want that our customers want the possible way so we just follow their hearts and we have plain cabinets and less is more how simple can we make something so these are now gloss front cabinets and very nice indeed and of course you know as usual massive fridge especially if you're feeding a family and if we go through here we can take a look at something I think is very very special so I'll just stage it this is another box 20 by 20 and it's configured as a flex one or two bedroom so this is going to be an insanely popular addition to folks who currently have a casita that can turn their Studio into a one two three or even a four bedroom home pretty awesome so you can sort of pay as you go so let's take a look foreign two bedrooms two walk-in uh closets uh behind me and the Jack and Jill bathroom that we can cruise through and we set this up as you know quote I suppose the boys bedroom and we're going to we've been we haven't found a bed that looks like the boxable logo so we're gonna we're gonna incubate uh two children in here I suppose and it's cute and then behind here and uh as you can see we've called the children trust triceratopsinolosaurus and they even get a little desk and uh yeah it's a great little bedroom and it's mirrored on the other side I'm going to scoot around behind you and just yeah I'll go ahead into the Jack and Jill and even an even strapping large gentleman like like this this gentleman fit very comfortably in here as you can see and of course we have um thank you we have eight foot shower as usual standard standard uh boxable goodies right massive eight foot shower tri-folding doors which our Engineers came up with really beautiful and of course you know if you've got boys and girls in a two-bedroom let's give them all sinks because boys and us but boys are nasty and messy frankly the girls are all perfect talk talking about the girl let's have a little walk in through here so in here I'll just walk all the way back here so you can see the whole thing uh this is just a beautiful girl's bedroom one of the things we wanted to do there's nothing half sized about boxables check the ceiling height check the windows and even in these smaller kids bedrooms this is a full-size queen bed uh in this in this uh in this unit which we're pretty pleased with these are just organizers that we picked we'll be designing our own so we'll have significantly more organization and uh and yeah just a beautiful beautiful queen size bed for your princess the other nice thing about this is this divider wall we're calling Wonderwall it would look quite different in production to look much higher end than just a plain white wall so you can put this in or take it out if you take it out you have a fantastic Master Suite so this is why it's a flex one two bedroom so if you take that out you've got two walk-in closets two sinks Jack and Jill for you and your significant other or if you don't want to use it as a bedroom you can use it as a home office for a playroom whatever whatever you want still with the terrific bathroom okay so you asked about the master suite the master suite is killer and through the magic of a video I'm going to magically teleport wow what just happened so we just got off to the top of the stairs I'm about to show you something that we're very very proud of our Engineers are very very proud of right next to this Picasso breaking news it's not real okay here we are so our engineers and designers really proud of this space look at this giant king-sized bed uh beautiful round window not normally a good idea to put a window behind the bed but this one is high up it's past the headboard very very romantic and you can see the Casita closet behind me is just morphed so everything we do is is with thoughts to the Future and scalability so this is actually the regular Casita closet and we just add an extension to have an absolutely massive closet and in production this will be lit up so and this would ship separately and and goes together very very quickly and then behind me over here facing the bed what do you get beautiful beautiful uh five foot fireplace huge uh I don't know what this is maybe a 78 inch television something like that this is really a place that you can relax in and then right through here something that will be I guess I'm not familiar is the same fantastic shower the same twin sinks and a toilet for the homeowners they will not need that sticker If I had a trade show believe me we really need that sticker and then with this configuration behind me you know one of the great values of voxable is when you connect stack and cantilever you can get um you know almost a free deck or a free porch on one side free deck on the other and then here we come out onto really you know for a thousand square foot home and you get a 400 square foot deck it's pretty remarkable and these are again prototypes on the decking these will be made in one piece that connect together as platforms uh very very fast very inexpensive to put this beautiful decking system on the ground and the railing will be something like this it'll be contemporary probably a wire and post railing and pretty much great place to uh hang out under the umbrella maybe have a cocktail great what is I mean I know that it's what day one right cocktails no IBS uh what do you mean what oh this is day one of the show yeah yeah yeah so the response been like so far I know it's like oh so yeah so what day one of the show we opened up but it's one o'clock right now or something I don't even know so that's about four hours ago the response to IBS for us is always crazy uh so we will have uh thousands to thousands of people come through here and we're off to a great start even though so we're in the back corner here when the outside Pavilion but people find us and I think it's a big draw for for the outside Village to have us here and one of the nice things we're doing this year is all of our Factory staff are coming here in tranches so we're having everybody revolve around so for example a person who does payroll person who does HR do they really know what's happening at boxable uh beyond what they hear other folks talking about maybe not so here we can get everybody pointing the same way so tell us about this beautiful two-story thank you it is quite beautiful um so what we did here was we took some of our Casita modules we stacked connected them together to kind of expand people's understanding of what boxable is of course a lot of people know SS Tiny House Company to see the company but that's not the the main vision for the company the main vision is a building system that can build most building types for residential use on the planet at a dramatically lower cost and and faster speed than anyone's been able to do before so uh you know we have three boxes here uh you know kind of Central Area two two downstairs bedrooms and one main upstairs bedroom and it's it's great inside um tell us about the pro progress with Factory two yeah so I think last time you came out uh we checked it out we did get the keys so we're officially I think uh moving in right now so we're kind of transitioning in there uh shifting everything around uh we're thinking of it really is an expansion of the first factory luckily we're able to get a building that's right next door and so what's going to happen over the next six months is we'll move in there we've got about 15 million dollars in new equipment upgrades and then we're transitioning into a next generation of the product so uh what we're producing right now is just everything we started with the the original design the original equipment luckily we picked all that stuff and it worked right away but now we've had a year of learning and we're going to take everything we learned and apply it into all these updates so huge progress it is coming uh you know increased manufacturability of the product the speed to produce it the structural ratings um you know huge reduction in labor costs material costs so like across the board we're pushing the envelope on all fronts to to get to where we want to be I interviewed someone with the Pronghorn group about that Workforce housing are there any other kind of groups that you're working with right now similar yeah so you know we were lucky enough to get the initial order from the Department of Defense United States military were able to scale up and deliver that in full and then we came across a pronghorn group for this Workforce housing at the copper mine in Arizona so we're currently shipping units there uh beyond that we have a hundred unit order from Dr Horton so hopefully we'll we'll do something with them next uh in the background we're still pursuing the state modular approvals that will allow us to just open it up to the general public so unfortunately that's taken way longer than I would have liked and it drives me crazy but we're almost there uh you know there's a lot of regulatory issues with housing there's a lot of kind of old school stuff going on Old School mentalities fractured laws and and different rules all around pounds from every level you know local state federal so it's kind of a nightmare but we're working through it and we think that eventually boxable can become this like Universal well-known standard that can help shortcut you know those regulatory processes for the builders right you must be sick of getting the question when can I get one of these and then also maybe how much is this one yeah so you know I I noticed now in the in the comments in social media a lot of people are like mad that they can't get one and you know on one side you know I wish I could I could deliver them faster but on the other side it's not a bad problem for the company to have you know massive crazy demand for the for the product we're making and it all helps it all helps make the case for you know bigger scale more factories and we certainly are planning right now in the backgrounds uh a really really big Factory that will actually be able to meet that demand so hopefully we'll get that locked and loaded and we'll be able to you know announce that foreign [Music]
Channel: Ellie in Space
Views: 312,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spacex, elon musk, starship, spacex news, space news, space journalism, Boxabl, Tiny home, Tiny house, Boxabl casita, Tiny homes, Prefab homes, Factory homes, Las Vegas, Boxabl 2 story, New Boxabl, Boxabl elon musk, Boxabl prototype, Boxabl homes, Boxabl investing, Single family home, Housing crisis, Workforce housing, Affordable housing
Id: KrahQlLAz44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 58sec (1918 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 03 2023
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