Insert Love Here! A Love That Never Fails | Danny Silk

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thank you y'all are making me cry it's all right it's pretty normal crying Thank You Gail that's that's the see the antique ride I could cry this is the first time that's ever happened that someone took a offering before this vision that I have and I not everyone knows this but Danny and I used to work in group homes and foster care for years five or six years Danny has a Masters in Social Work and I have lots of brothers six of them but several of them have been in and out of prison in and out of jail we have drug and alcohol problems in our family and I absolutely love an overcomer story and I love the idea of I once was but now I am I once was darkness and now I am light and a lot of the organizations that work with people that are really busted up our orphaned organizations they're really hard on churches because they have a lot of needs and a lot of times the people that are helping and ministering to those that are broken are often just out of brokenness or still in brokenness themselves so I want to strengthen the people that are helping the people that's my vision so I have friends that have rehabs and they have we have given love and purpose materials to them for years we have orphanages in Romania and Mexico that we've we send Brittany down there to teach parenting and all of that and then I have a friend actually who I don't know how many felonies 47 felonies and she got out of prison and she is a force to be reckoned with and she gathers there's I think there's something like 13,000 women in prison in Texas alone and that's not even that's small compared to the men's prisons but she takes all the loving on purpose material she meets with the the chaplains and the wardens because that's what you have to do you have to find someone that's already in their ministering and says she'll reach meet with 26 chaplains all at once and tell her testimony and then she has this this way in so I'm gonna partner with all those people so thank you again and I appreciate in Danny and I love this house we feel like family hair we we travel all over the place and we rarely stay in the house with anybody because you just don't get a break sometimes so I think I could we could count on one hand how many places we actually stay with people and we always stay with Gail and and now and so we love them we love you Emily and say gee and Anthony and all those peeps so why is this on here oh I can play a video I already took it off it's alright us girls we like accessories I thought you might want to see the silk family cuz we talked about them so much that's this is our clan and if you boiled my life down to one little puddle and of what I might care about this is it right here and if you're not loving at home if you're not giving your best at the place with the people that know you best then you probably should just sit down and be quiet and keep keep working on home because this is what really matters Jesus loved God gave His life and he loves family and family in church and family at home that was his creation and so this is our family unit so Britney and banner on the side there with her there are three kids we have a 14 year old granddaughter which I don't know I don't like that that means something about me we became grandparents at 43 years old so Delaney's 14 and a DS 10 and Lincoln is 7 and then Taylor's next to Danny if you looked up the word millennial in the dictionary Taylor's picture would be right right there he is our Rolling Stone and then Levi is on the end with his wife they've been married a year and a half that's Karen that's it I missed them so I just thought I'd show you a picture so I can see ya what what's up there really is the redeeming power of God because if you don't know already Danny and I our story is that we got we got married got saved and got married but between his mom and dad and my mom and dad and stepdad who raised me there's 15 marriages they've all been married three times and so we got saved and you know we didn't have that Shaba moment like oh you got saved and then somebody just Heidi Baker you like shava and all of a sudden you're you're all better you got all the skills you need just Shaba don't you wish it would happen like that that's not what happens so Danny and I had 10 years I say 10 he says 12 really hard years I thought we got started getting better about 10 years in but he says swell so what's rolling into our lives was chaos and destruction and the redeeming power of Jesus I told you this morning you know you have a an event in your life and you have an experience and then you tell your story and this is our legacy that we all love each other that we all care about each other that we're bringing the kingdom and we're taking what we what we took what God gave us and we grabbed it as we were took it seriously and we said our story's going to be that what was handed to me I'm not passing on someone has to say enough someone has to say Gail said this morning not on my watch right and I'm gonna stand in the middle in the gap between what was and what is and I'm gonna bring something else so I don't know what your story is but you get to write the end of it amen I'm going to talk to you about about a really common scripture and and you're gonna it's gonna feel very familiar to you to you but how do you have IKEA here you don't have IKEA oh this is sad cuz everyone should have IKEA you can order it all the guys are glad there's no I can't [Music] so what you do is you go to Ikea and you've probably seen it but you think you walk through and there's all these rooms right and they give you a piece of paper and a pencil with no eraser on it which should be a sign should be assigned to you right there that there's no eraser so you get this paper and you walk through and you see all these put together rooms oh this living room I love that oh here's a kitchen I'll put together oh I love how they put this bunk beds in this room and all this and you're writing down on this little piece of paper you're writing down you know this is this is the bin it's in this is the Isle it's in and you don't even really know what you're writing down you just writing down these random numbers then you get down to the warehouse and there's all these boxes you pile these boxes on your cart you pay for them and you go home and you have purchased the biggest chore of your life right cuz all they give you is an allen wrench so at the end of putting together this dresser your your thumb is bleeding and all they give you is this piece of paper with pictures on it because it's all Scandinavian and you can't read it so there's a picture and it says you take this part and you insert it here and that's what I'm going to talk to you tonight and I'm gonna talk to you about situations where you get to insert love into somebody else's life and you actually change their life forever it's not a simple thing this love it's powerful you know love is what drew Jesus up out of the grave the love drew him up out of the grave so that's the kind of power that you have when you insert that love into somebody else's life amen now there's a video here's a picture of Kim Seng and I was gonna show that I was gonna play this song that you've all heard maybe her seeing how he loves it was a song written by John Mark McMillan and she sang it at a G the very first Jesus Culture caught a conference somebody pirated it like you know videoed it or whatever and posted it up on on the internet and had to ask them to take it down so that Jesus culture could put it back up there so you could trace it to them and at this point I actually checked today it's been viewed twenty-one million times because there's a certain kind of love that Kim's singing about that just draws you in when I remember when I got saved I was this busted-up 21 year old girl doing drugs I was promiscuous I was just out of control in my life I mean right I would go to the gym and work out I've never but we had a spa in the gym and I would hold my breath and sink to the bottom and the bubbles would just drowned out all my pain and I would just think I don't know what to do with my life like I could see my brothers I could see all the trauma I could see all the crisis all around me and I'm ever going to church and I went went in and bill Johnson's the pastor so I'm 21 years old and Bill been your passing pastoring a little church and weaverville and they started talking about the love of God and I thought is it possible is this news that you're talking about really true and I remember sitting with bill after church and I said to him so God knows all that I've been doing all the damage that I've been doing to my life up to this point he knows all that and he still wants me to come in and he said absolutely and I thought could this really be true because when you hear about the love of God it changes your life right Amen this is a very familiar scripture I'm gonna read it out of the passion translation if I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don't love I'm nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate if I speak God's Word with power revealing all his mysteries and making everything plain as day and if I have faith that says to a mountain jump it jumps but I I don't love I'm nothing if I give everything I own to the poor and even go to the stake to be burned as a martyr but I don't love I've gotten nowhere so no matter what I say what I believe and what I do I'm bankrupt without love love never gives up love cares more for others than for self love doesn't want what it doesn't have love doesn't strut doesn't have a swelled head doesn't force itself on others it isn't me first it doesn't fly off the handle I need to read that one a few times it doesn't fly off the handle doesn't keep score the sins of others it doesn't rebel we know there's grovel takes pleasure in the flowering of truth puts up with anything Truscott always always looks for the best never looks back but keeps going to the end love never dies inspired speech will be over someday praying in tongues will end understanding will reach its limit we know only a portion of the truth and what we say about God is always incomplete but when the complete arrives our incomplete is canceled love never fails it really is God's great exchange rate you know Danny and I travel the last two years over 200 days a year gone gone from my house my kids my grandkids my bed people say you travel all over what's your favorite place home home it's my favorite place and we take our money our u.s. dollar and we go to these little booths when we get to another country and we tweak we changed our American dollar for whatever currency that we are there for and sometimes it's good because the u.s. dollar is strong and sometimes it's not so good it just just just depends on the time that we're in but God's exchange rate is beauty for Ashes he takes what was bad what was messed up what was hard and he exchanges it into something beautiful that is absolutely how he does it I was on my way here and I was standing in the Sacramento Airport and I was wearing this pendant and this lady I've never met standing next to me in line she said oh can I look at your pendant which is rare for someone to in nowadays you're going to reach across and touch something that's attached to my body you know she was harmless so I was I was I was safe and she picked up my pendant and she said oh it's kind of like a rose with the diamond and I said that's right and I said when I was 1 year 1 years old my parents divorced and I was separated from my dad from that point on in my life and I used to go into my mom's room and I would get in her jewelry box and I would get her wedding ring out for to my dad and I would put it on all the time I'm the only girl so I kept I just knew this ring was going to be mine I'm the only girl I deserve it and plus I'm the baby of the family so all things should come to me so I would try this ring on and I would say can I have this ring can I have this ring and she of course did not want me to have it it was a painful thing for her a memory that she did not want me to be carrying around but when I turned 18 years old my mom took that ring down into a jeweler melted it put it in a new form and gave it to me for my 18th birthday this is what God does he takes something that was in the wrong form and he melts it down and he gives it back so beautifully so I know that I'm sitting in this room full of Christians maybe you're kind of you're the group that doesn't have any problems but there's every kind of problem in here is the truth there's every kind of problem possible in this room but God's exchange-rate beauty for Ashes is what makes that problem not so scary anymore because no matter the timing on it he's going to turn it into something good because that's what he does over and over and over once you look at your neighbor and say my life is a really great story your life is a really great story it's his story his redeeming power and and you shouldn't ever be ashamed of what your story is maybe your story is I got saved when I was three baptized when I was four and I'd serve the Lord my whole entire life that's what I want my kids to say I want my kids to have that testimony and that's a wonderful testimony but no matter what your testimony is it's his story and it's beautiful it's absolutely beautiful you're you know the problems that you have in your life and the things that you overcame those that's the pile that you build in your life you just keep piling up the things that he has conquered and then you crawl on top of this pile and you look at your future from the top of the testimony of the Lord these are the things you stand on to make your life better to make your kid's life better your testimony is his testimony always thank the father who has enabled you to share the inheritance that belongs to God's holy people who live in the light for he has rescued us say that he has rescued us from the one who rules in the kingdom of darkness and he has brought us into the kingdom of his dear son he has rescued us we're rescued amen I love the story of Rahab partly because I have questions for God I have questions about why there's rattlesnakes spiders I think the best snake is a dead snake sorry if you're an animal lover and you love snakes and reptiles at our house we have chickens so if the chickens find a snake it's over for that snake sorry I should go to no animals were hurt while I was preaching about about snakes so Rahab story really is we read about her in Joshua and they you know they say hey go Joshua since two spies and they go and they view the land so they're there they're trying to find out what's going on the first place they go is Rahab's house now Rahab is a prostitute so I'm not sure why that was their first stop maybe they had she had the best lemon meringue pie in the town so they went to Rahab's house and then they lie the King goes to her and the King says hey have you seen these spies and he went to her first so you're like why does the king go to Rahab's house I had questions for God when I get there I I have questions so the King goes and says hey may have have you seen these guys she lies to him she hides the spies right she's like let's make a deal let's all hide you and then you saved my family so she is a lying prostitute this is her story I didn't make it up it's in the Bible you can read it she's a lying prostitute and the next time you read about her she's in the lineage of Christ in Matthew I have questions so if you think you got a tough life you're probably not a lying prostitute don't don't raise your hand if you are I don't you could tell me later you could tell me later if that's your testimony but God is good it doesn't matter it's my point right I'm gonna tell you a story Danny always tell stories and and has these little voices and he he talks about things that I say and he has these funny little voices and I think I don't sound like that my face doesn't look like that right it's just being married to a preacher you just gotta put up with it but I have the microphone tonight this is what I was thinking this is actually a really great story one day Danny was in the kitchen making a sandwich and Britney came home from youth group and she kind of bounced past Danny in the kitchen and she said you know what daddy you're the first man I ever fell in love with he kept going and Danny's choking on his sandwich you know it's a big job you dad's what you have to do but you're the ones to do it and no one's gonna love your daughter like you and so Danny was just like oh my goodness and the reason why this was such an amazing story really is because just a short time before this if you've read loving our kids on purpose you've you've heard this story that one day I don't know what happened Brittany seemed like a normal teenager she's she was cruising along she's 16 years old she's she's a good girl she's she's feisty I don't know where she gets that probably from Danny but she came out kind of telling me what's up there's four years between her and her brother because I was like whoa I don't know if I can do this you know parenting stuff and and she was always kind of feisty and one day I don't know what happened she might have tipped over too far or something but her brain's fell out they're just they were gone and so she says I'm gonna go meet a friend and she she took off with her car and Danny had to go to work up in Weaverville which is about an hour away and he was in no cell phone land right so I can't reach him on the cell phone and so a couple of hours go by and I don't even think anything of it I don't have a car cuz Danny has one she has the other car and then a few more hours goodbye and I think well I haven't heard from her in a long time which is which is odd for a girl that has this odd cell phone to not call me so I call her a bunch of time she's not answering I called the friend's house that she's going to and they answer and I said hey is Brittney there they said you know for some reason she never showed up so as a mom you know have that sick feeling moms and dads like oh that's not the answer I was looking for so she has been gone now for about five hours right so I can't find her I'm calling everyone I know that has a phone I'm calling every house I know to call were we had just moved to Redding we were the new family life pastors at Bethel Church and so I'm calling can't reach her so finally I remember conversation that she had with her cousin about a week before so I call her cousin and I very sweetly say Jake I can't find Brittney and I know you know where she is and if you don't tell me I'm gonna kill you I love you I didn't I didn't even throw that in and like just tell me tell me right now and he blurts out Brittney met a guy on the Internet in a chatroom and she went to meet him in a park today I thought my day was bad already I was sick I thought there's a hundred parks in Redding a city of a hundred thousand people I don't even know what to do I can't reach Danny I'm I'm crying I'm praying the my boys look at me they're just oh my gosh there they sit on the floor Indian style and turn into Lou Engel they're like Jesus Jesus where's Brittany Jesus help Mom and Dad I don't even know what's going on help so I don't know what to do you know and I call Chris Valentin he's my first phone call and I said Chris Brittany spent missing four hours I don't know where she is I she met this guy she's in the park somewhere blah blah blah he was okay what what's she driving what's the license-plate number I'm like I don't I don't know it's a white car that's what I know it's a white car and she's gone that's what I know I can't think straight so he gets off the phone he cut he looks at Cathy and he says this is really bad this is really bad like lord help me so he gets in his car with with Cathy and they drive around they leave their house and they drive right to her now Britney's been gone for almost eight hours and she had she was in that Park and had left and came back so there's a gun this young man she was with and I you know I had so many pictures in my head you know when you don't know you fill in the blank really poorly I feel I'm filling in the blank really poorly here and I'm picturing her in the trunk of a car I'm just I'm there's nobody there to stop me that yeah I'm just falling in a black hole ah and Chris what goes up and says something to this young man none of us know what he said it's kind of like Jesus riding in the sand we'll never know what it was but we know it was powerful because this young man you know turned around got in this car and Cathy called me and said I have Brittany I'm like oh my gosh well in the meantime Danny had come home and he walks into a war zone I mean I the boys are turned into Louie Engel and I'm I'm crying and sobbing and I'm looking trying to find the her license-plate number in a box somewhere and I think we'd been in Redding two weeks and so Kathy says I got her I said would you drive her home because I I thought she her brains are not functioning don't let don't put her in the car let her drive home herself and that's how scared I was I thought who is this girl she's never acted like this they pull up Brittany comes in in the house and she's mad at us I tell you kids are hard when they're little just enjoy it just enjoy it clean those diapers stay up all night no problem so she's mad at us and I had to go out in the garage and get some duct tape for my mouth cuz I was I had been dripping with adrenaline for hours right I am just I'm going to take her life and put it in this little box and stick it in my back pocket and I'm not sure if you will ever leave the house until you're 35 you know I'm having these thoughts Danny's just kind of like whoa what is happening so we sit down and she says I don't want to be a Christian anymore I'm a Christian because you're a Christian all my friends are Christians go to Christian school that book is just a book of stories to me I thought we're having a bad day already know that was we are losing it and we are the new family life pastors this is perfect it's it's funny now it is funny now so Danny we listen to her and she's very upset and carrying on and I'm trying to just be quiet and Danny gets up out of his chair and he literally crawled across the room he sits at her feet he puts his hand on her leg and he says honey it's my job and my honor really to get you and your mom and your brothers across the finish line and if something I'm doing for a living is causing you stress then I'm done tomorrow I'll quit my job I can go to work anywhere if this is if this life we chose is too hard and too much pressure for you we're done of course she didn't have an answer for that she just could not believe that's what he was doing she was quiet and so the next day is Sunday glory so we go to church she she stayed home and about halfway through worship Danny was just crying and he got in the car and drove home and sat on the couch with her and it it took to fast forward this picture is her and Ben it took her three months really to turnaround and it was we called in all the resources we had you know it's good for your kids to have other adults in their life it's good when Britain Ben got married we had all the youth pastors and young adult leaders stand up in the room because we wanted to thank them for the job that they do taking care of our kids and being there for our kids and we called in every Special Forces team we could call in to help her and she was in worship one day and there's a love that draws you in in worship and she took off out of church and went over to the prayer chapel and had an encounter with heaven and she came back in and she's said she was sorry but she repented that day and of course we've never looked back from there she turned it around but Danny when he when he saw her in stress he got up crawled across the room in certain love into her life and changed her life forever so we have these moments we have these choices and we need to just realize I need to get a vision for beyond the point I'm in right now I need to look past the pain I'm in right now and I'm choosing what to do with you right now because of the future I see for you in the future I see your vision for you in the future are you okay with my stories I took I have to I got all my papers all mixed up up here hold on a second all right I got it so I'm gonna tell you some stories one of them is about my friend Heidi rolls I don't know if you remember Heidi but she was born on the 4th of July which was perfect for her she was a firecracker so I were I was volunteering in the school ministry we're the family life pastors Brittany Sloane up her life I go to work on Monday morning in school ministry I'm just volunteering and I tell Heidi and my friend Mark Brooks who were the supervisors at the time and I said this is what happened over the weekend and I was stressed out it was really a it was hard it's hard whenever your your kid is not doing what you want them to do at the moment you feel like somehow this is traceable to me like I we have you know we've we've jeopardized the mission you know we've messed up and I was feeling that way and so I tell Heidi this whole story about Brittany how she's gone missing and all these things and Heidi listens to me and she goes huh I was thinking that I need someone to pick my kids up from school and drive them home and get dinner started and get their homework started and I wonder if Brittany wants a job I said did you hear what I just told you about I'm not even sure Brittany got all her brains back in her head yet she was no I I think I think that I would love for her to work for me and so I watched Heidi reach across the room and insert love into my life into Brittany's life and when she was one of the adults that helped turn Brittany around we have these moments with people and we have to be aware we have to be listening to the spirit it's not what I expected from her I expected I don't know what I expected to you know who knows you're in a church setting there's all kinds of weird things that happen in church like you you've disqualified yourself you should probably be working in the school of ministry sherry maybe you need to take this season off in your life that's not what she did she said let me help you let me help you you if you guys heard of this guy right here so when we moved to Redding Dani had been the pastor in Weaverville and he hadn't preached at Bethel yet and Danny likes to preach with movieclips and funny videos and they're really because they're anesthetic for surgery he's trying he's making us laugh because he's performing surgery right there yeah so he you know he loves to to use media and all that so bill says hey Danny you want to preach on Sunday night and Danny's like yeah that'd be great so first time up too bad at Bethel Church first time ever it's the big leagues right and praise Jesus there was no Bethel TV that day right and bill was out of town Chris was there and wives your husband's ever left for work and you you weren't up yet and then you see them later in the day and you see what they're wearing you're like whoa hey I don't know that's not that outfit I don't know like stripes and plaid not a good plan it was one of those moments for me Danny never has to run any of his sermons past me we would never live like that but it would have been good if he told me that the movieclips he was going to use because there was only a couple of a cuss words in them [Laughter] who's got the microphone tonight baby [Applause] so I'm sitting on the front row and there's no Bethel TV which is great because I've actually been at Bethel and Danny will be preaching and he'll say something funny or great you can see Bethel camera go to share you think Danny's funny it's like this big arm that swoops around I've had people from other countries say to me text me I like the shoes you're wearing today I'm like okay that's just a little creepy like stop it up like kids get off your phones look at dad laughs so he's up there and he's showing these movie clips and he got this one movie clip and it had a bad word and most of the words were in the Bible just just the how they were placed weren't so great in the sentence but so I am like well I should back up first thing else I'm gonna show a movie clip and this lady from the back of the row says we don't watch movies at our house and she shoes her children out of the sanctuary like evil so so that was a little shocking it's probably good she left actually she leaves she comes back in she Chris is sitting there Chris's you know Chris is on his computer which I don't think Chris could type back then but he's just like looking down at his computer and she's talking to him and the first movie plays and there's customers and I was like oh my gosh Britney's rubbing my back it's okay mom it's gonna be okay oh yeah I'm sweating we get past that then he it was a really great message I don't know what it was ballad at this point in my life and then another movie clip came and it had some more customers in it and some blood and gore or whatever I don't remember we made it so we get through and so it's Monday morning everybody's at work at Bethel and Chris goes you were the topic at the board meeting this week Danny's like I bet I was you know and then bill comes in town and it's staff meeting so it's probably like Wednesday or Thursday and Bill says hey Danny do you want to preach on Sunday night Danny goes well did you hear about last Sunday night bill said yes I did and do you want to preach on Sunday night reach across the room insert love Danny gets up there he's you know after worship he's getting ready to preach on Sunday night and he goes hey last Sunday I showed a couple of movie clips they had a couple of inappropriate things in there and I'm really sorry about that would you forgive me and this little voice from the back of the room says we love you pastor Danny just like that just like that there were some other options that could have happened right there it could have been you know what I gave you an opportunity and you blew it this happens in church all the time this happens with people all the time you need to sit down obviously you need to just get our culture for awhile Danny you need to just you know run your sermons by me I want you from now on Danny I want you to give your sermons to Dan fairly to look at to see if there is any cuss words in your sermons I don't know see we're laughing cuz it's funny but the truth is if someone had said to Danny here's a little shame here's a little problem that you created that's that's affected the rest of us and I just want you to take a seat where would the Danny silk be today if the first time he's up to bat and he makes a mistake and doesn't get to clean up his mess he has to sit down for a while he has to he has to ride this out where would the Danny silk wheel of the my famous my favorite preacher on the planet where would he be if bill hadn't had that approach with him you see how powerful love is if actually it's like this weapon of the kingdom it's powerful it changes lives and we just carry it around the last story I'm gonna tell is about my son Taylor he is very funny boy so he was in junior high and he had a girlfriend so when you have a girlfriend in junior high it means you see him at school right you talk on the phone and you get dropped off at the movies or whatever and he had this girlfriend and so Danny's out of town because weird things happen when your husband's out of town all the things that shouldn't happen happen when they're gone the hot water heater breaks the dishwasher blows up and the phone rings so back then we had a phone on the on the counter and I had a caller ID right so the phone would ring and you could see who was colleague so Taylor runs over there I'm sitting there it's in the evening he sees the phone whose number it is he picks it up and he's like hello he's in the kitchen and I hear him say oh yes yes sir no my dad's not home my mom's here yes sir okay and he brings the phone to me and he's like I'm never calling her I've never talked to her again for the rest of my life I hate her now you know he's like I was like what is happening I just knew this was not gonna be my favorite phone call so I'm like Hello he's like he was - hello mrs. silk I said yes and Taylor's riving like a snake in the kitchen he's just like wow it's like wow what is happening right now he goes well I was really hoping to talk to mr. silk tonight I said me too I was really hoping you would talk to mr. silk are you sure you can't let's just put a pin in it let's just wait nope he says well are you aware that your son and my daughter are talking for 30 minutes on the phone and I got a little snarky I had my little momma bear being gone and I said wife never timed them just I'm just being real with you telling you the good the bad and Radley right he said well is that okay with you that they talked on the phone for 30 minutes I said well you sound really upset and so you know Taylor continues to just flip around the kitchen and I said well he goes why I just didn't know if you were okay with that because I'm not okay that they're talking on the phone for 30 minutes I said well you know as my son been disrespectful because I have a credibly respectful young man and if he's done something that's disrespectful to you or your family then I would really love for him to clean up that mess and he said no he hasn't done anything I said okay I said so how can I help you what do you need what do you need tonight heals well my oldest daughter got pregnant in the backseat of a car when she's a senior in high school and I'm just so scared that we're gonna go through this pain again with boyfriends see we don't ever know what's happening on the other side of a person we don't know we see this this person in front of us that's mad or sad or having something and they're they're affecting us but we get to look past what is happening and say what do you need right now I remember talking to this lady in in England one time and she's like my son is so disrespectful and he has a mohawk and gauges and his ears and piercings and he's smoking pot and he's you know I said well what's your connection like with your son tears I said you know the pot the mohawk the tattoos sneaking out of the house those are really important things but right now your biggest problem is your connection with your son so remember that little boy that you loved the little boy you protected the little boy that you did anything for before he had tattoos or a mohawk or all the things that are sort of outward behaviors that are causing you pain so those things don't matter what matters is your heart connection can you go find that little boy can you go find that person that you loved and cared for and protected and show him how show him your heart and how you you're affected by his behavior that's the biggest problem see we never know you know what's going on behind the face of another person and we get the opportunity to wield the sword of love and cut through all of it and change their life forever I don't care if it's I've done this wrong 100 times hundreds hundreds of times but tomorrow's a new day it doesn't matter if it's the Starbucks lady it doesn't matter if our son it doesn't matter if it's the school teacher it doesn't matter what the problem is look past the problem and work on that relationship aren't you all glad that Peters in the Bible so glad Peters in the bio I just feel better about me when I read about Peter Peter's famous for lots of things this list really is God called him the Fisher of men upon this rock I'm gonna build my church he tells them you're gonna betray me he's like no I'm not and Jesus is like yeah you're gonna be famous for it you're gonna be famous for betraying me everybody gotta talk about it for all the ages he has guard duty and falls asleep okay I mean you had one job he cuts some guy's ear off he is yeah guard duty and Christ is like I'm gonna go take a nap so I'm tired and you gotta guard me and Peter falls asleep I remember traveling with the Jesus Culture Band and I would I would have to take I'm in charge of their events so I'm taking you know 19 people with 75 bags of luggage right guitars you know pedal boy you got it right here with me Chuck and all the strollers and car seats we got babies we got all this and we have to go to Brazil this is this is my job we're gonna go to Brazil we're gonna change planes six times we're gonna go through customs we're gonna all of it I this is my job and and the bass player comes into the air Airport and says I forgot my bass like you had one job when you have one job have you seen my job what I have to do you got one job right this is Peter you have guard duty you have one job and he blows it he denies Christ three times once to a little girl right he's afraid of a little girl that's in his legacy as well Jesus is crucified just goes in the tomb he's just been through the worst thing ever in his life it's in the tomb goes to hell gets the keys comes back up comes out of the grave and he says go tell the disciples that I'm alive and go find Peter now weird I'm teasing and talking about Peter but where would Peter's life had been if Jesus didn't say do you love me do you love me do you love me we're all the the stories we hear about all the things that Peter does after after Christ leaves and goes to heaven all the all the things that we read about where would Peter have been if Jesus hadn't pointed his love at Peter and restored him we talked about repentance reconciliation and restoration this weekend Jesus's love brings us all the way to restoration it doesn't matter what you've done it doesn't matter your life it doesn't matter the mistakes that you made with Christ in your life there's total restoration possible amen I love this scripture in acts but Peter taking his stand with you with the eleven I'm just that piece right there but Peter taking his stand with the eleven what would that have read if Christ hadn't restored him with this love it wouldn't even be in there he wouldn't have a place with the eleven he'd have no place at all if Christ hadn't went and looked for him but Peter taking his stand with the eleven raised his voice and declared to them men of Judea and all you who live in Jerusalem let this be known to you and give heed to my words for these men not drunk as you suppose but it's only the third hour of the day but this is what was spoken of through the Prophet Joel and it shall be in the last days God said that I will pour forth of my spirit on all mankind and all your sons and your daughters shall prophesy and your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams and we read about Peter and it often says and then Peter stretched out his hands and signs and wonders follow that's Peters legacy now I'll apologize for telling stories about him later when I get to heaven we're not supposed to talk to dead people's what I heard you had to be here this weekend look we have this incredible opportunity to love people with the love of God that is so powerful I know this is a simple message and we've been goofing around and telling stories but it is a powerful tool that we get to use starting probably tonight that someone will come yeah you can thank you I'm wrapping up actually would you come in whoever the worship team can come I thought this guy is prophetic he knows that that's my last slide he's just afraid I'm a trip why don't you stand up I mean as I as I tell these stories I know that there's people out there that that they wish they had gotten that treatment see there's people out here that all of us have these situations that maybe someone handled wrong and they hurt us and it took us a long time to recover I have my stories too I have that that event that experienced that happened to me but I want us to to consider forgiving that person tonight because that's how you change the end of your story is with forgiveness that's you know my granddaughter watched the Lion King and she didn't like the part where it with fossa died and I'm sorry if you haven't seen the Lion King but it's been out for a really long time spoiler and we watched The Lion King she said I didn't like that part me me that part where Mufasa died and I said well well what why didn't you like it she was I didn't like that everyone was sad for a long time she was if I was there I would have stood in the gap and I would have said to the wilderbeest stop in the name of Jesus she's gonna change the end of the movie that's what we get to do we get to change the end of the movie we get to change the end of our story but it starts with forgiveness and reconciliation and restoration that comes with Christ he he made that happen for us we need it and we need to give it away so I'm just gonna ask you to close your eyes tonight and I'm gonna ask you to maybe think of that time in your life that you got hurt that someone someone should have inserted love and they didn't do it and you had pain and it's affected you for a really really long time [Music] maybe you were the one that hurts someone else we all make mistakes but I want to ask you tonight to forgive yourself [Music] I'm gonna I'm praying right now Jesus that you would show us the situations in our lives that we've been carrying this hurt because someone didn't insert love and we just want to release that person right now in Jesus name I just released them say that I just released them from the pain they caused me and I pray right now for that person just pray for their life pray God you redeem the end of their story redeem the end of their story time [Music] and for us that have been hurt by someone else or that we've hurt someone we didn't choose love I pray for opportunities to clean up that mess I pray that the phone will ring tomorrow and it's this person that said hey we haven't talked in a long time and you know that you hurt them I pray you have opportunity right then to go you know what before we catch up let me just say remember that time I hurt you I'm really sorry about that and I want restoration for our relationship and I want the end of my story to change I'm not saying that people don't have consequences for behavior because that's not that's not what I'm saying that's not true but I carry my heart toward other people and I am praying right now for people to take responsibility in times that they've been victimized and changed the end of their story we get victimized but we don't have to be victims we don't have to live like a victim and if you've been living like a victim responsible for nothing blaming other people for your life I would ask you to I just break that off of you right now I just I just ask you to just recognize it see it and call it out like I refuse to be a victim because I was victimized I refuse to live my life as a victim because somebody else hurt me some situation I wasn't response I wasn't in control of and I refuse to be a victim I refuse to roll out for the rest of my life what was handed to me I get to change my story if you want prayer tonight for those situations if you want to someone to partner with you in prayer I just ask that you would come forward tonight you can just come up and Alan you can come help me with with this [Music] there's situations that you were hurt situations that you hurt others and you want prayer tonight just coming forward [Music]
Channel: New Life City
Views: 856
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Keywords: Christianity, Charismatic Church, Spirit and Word, Albuquerque, New Mexico
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 30sec (3630 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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